• Published 30th Aug 2014
  • 1,214 Views, 61 Comments

City Scape - TigerSwirl448

Rainbow Dash has to clear Twilight Sparkle’s name of a crime she didn't commit and save Cloudsdale from terrorists that want to control the city. Inspired by Mirror's Edge.

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Chapter 5: Rumor Page

Chapter 5
Rumor Page

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Twilight was trying hard to keep her anger and annoyance in check as she sat on a bench waiting for the princesses to finish talking to all the guests at the party. Twilight turned to notice a blonde security guard standing to her side and continued to watch her until the guard turned to her and quirked an eyebrow. Twilight slowly looked another direction with a sigh.

"May I?" A voice asked nicely. Twilight blinked then looked up to see a woman she didn't recognize. She was a tall woman, maybe in her mid-twenties. Her hair was dark blonde with orange streaks. Twilight noticed her curious brown eyes behind a pair of metal framed glasses.

Twilight nodded scooting over. "Sure."

"Thank you." The woman said politely as she took a seat with a sigh. Twilight looked her over to notice she was dressed in a shirt with a dark denim jacket with brown slacks and nice shoes. It looked like her attire was a mixture of a tomboyish high school student and college professor. The woman smiled holding out her hand.

"Spell Check, from The Times, Manehattan branch." The woman said smiling. Twilight blinked then took her hand and gave it a firm shake.

"Twilight Sparkle." She said smiling.

"I knew you looked familiar." Spell Check said grinning. "Princess Celestia personal protégé eh?" Twilight blushed as Spell Check laughed. "Sorry about that." Spell Check said smiling turning to see everyone focusing on the princesses.

"I get that type of vibe a lot." Twilight said with a glare seeing the reporter frown.

"I was just trying to strike up a conversation, Madam Sparkle." Spell Check said formally. "I didn't mean to make you upset. I remember a lot of people talking about you and the rumors."

Twilight blushed harshly glaring at her.

"Like I said." Spell Check said with a smirk. "They're just rumors."

"Rumors can hurt." Twilight said turning away.

"I know the feeling." Spell Check said with a touch of hurt. "If you don't mind me, may I ask you a couple of questions?"

Twilight blinked then turned to the princesses. "Why don't you want to talk to them?" Spell Check turned to the crowd then turned back to Twilight with a smirk holding out her phone with the voice memos app turned on.

"Because the GSF won't let me." Spell Check whispered. Twilight blinked confused as the woman pulled out a notepad from her jacket pocket with questions on them.

"I suppose I can answer them." Twilight said nodding.

"Perfect. Number one, why are you here with the princesses?"

Twilight blinked. "I came with the princesses because I'm here for the Equestrian council."

"For what?" Spell Check asked interested.

"The Equestrian council is concerned with things going on here in Cloudsdale, from the strange crime rate reports, pollution, and the sudden rise in population moving to the rooftops."

Spell Check blinked at this thinking. "Really? That is interesting for me as well. Um question two," Spell Check looked up to notice the blonde and green eyed security guard was watching the guests and not looking at them.

"What are your first reactions arriving here in the city?"

Twilight began to think, remembering what happened since their arrival. "Well ... it was strange and confusing. The um,”

“The 'GSF'?" Spell Check asked getting a nod from Twilight.

"Right them, they had us under very heavy guard and won't allow us to go anywhere except for the Plaza where the princesses were expected to be. They didn't even allow us to go to our hotel suite to freshen up."

Spell Check nodded. "Question-"

"Excuse, me what are these for?" Twilight asked interrupting the reporter.

"Oh," Spell Check said with worry then looked up noticing the tall blonde security officer glare at her. "Well um... do you notice things different here?" Spell Check asked quickly getting nervous.

"Meaning?" Twilight asked.

"Well you know. Like the security guards keeping you off the stage?" Spell Check whispered looking over at the guard. Twilight blinked and turned to the security guard to see her quirked brow. She walked over reaching to her belt.

"What is she doing?" Twilight asked with worry. Spell Check quickly stuffed her cell phone and notepad into her jacket pockets.

"I'm afraid this is my time to leave." Spell Check said pulling her hand out of her pocket and took Twilight's hand shaking it hard. Twilight blinked feeling something scratchy in her hand as Spell Check gave her a wink and a smirk.

"It was an honor to meet you personally Madam Sparkle. I suggest to not trust anyone during your stay."

Twilight blinked looking at her to see the warning in Spell Check's brown eyes. “Excuse me?” She asked with surprise.

"Hey!" The security guard called out as Spell Check stood up. Some people turned hearing the security guard's call.

"Applejack!" Spell Check exclaimed smiling while backing away. "It is Applejack, right? I got some questions to ask you actually." Spell Check said looking at her watch. "Oh and look at the time, I'm afraid that my time here is done."

Applejack pulled out her baton causing Twilight to gasp with shock. Several other patrons turn to notice the guard confronting the reporter.

Spell Check held up her hands. "I'm no threat!" She called out holding her hands up as Applejack confronted her. Twilight noticed how Applejack raised the baton getting ready to beat the reporter. Twilight ran for her grabbing her wrist to stop the guard. Applejack glared coldly at the woman as they struggled.

"What are you doing?!" Twilight cried out as Spell Check decided to take this moment to leave. With a two finger salute she shoved back a couple then ran out the glass doors. Applejack turned behind her to see three guards running over to her aid.

"Get her!" Applejack hollered pointing out the door as the three security guards ran after the reporter. Applejack glared at Twilight and shoved her away. Twilight fell into the bench rubbing her hide quarters from the hard landing as Applejack went after the guards.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Cadence asked rushing over to her. Twilight blinked a few times still shocked by the shove. She had never been touched by security or royal guards before. It was very unsettling to the young woman. She looked down on the bench to find the crumbled up paper wad laying where it was dropped.

"Um yeah, I'm fine." Twilight said quickly.

"Are you sure?" Cadence asked with worry. Twilight nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine." Twilight repeated smiling at the princess then turned away to where the strange reporter ran off to. Twilight turned back to Cadence with a thought. "Cadence, you've been in Manehattan right?"

Cadence nodded. "Yes, I went there many times for schooling, why do you ask?"

Twilight remembered the name of the paper Spell Check worked for. "Have you heard about The Times in Manehattan?"

Cadence nodded. "Oh yes, they're an anti- big government type of paper. It's popular for hundreds of those that are against controlling governments. Kind of negative in most aspects. I didn’t much care for them."

Twilight blinked thinking. "That woman ... she said she's a reporter for the Manehattan Times."

Cadence shrugged her shoulders. "Well there are many reporters from all over that were able to come here for the summit."

"I guess." Twilight whispered. Cadence patted Twilight's leg with a smile.

"I'm going to go back and mingle. We'll be leaving soon." Twilight nodded as Cadence stood back up and rejoined the crowd of high society families and reporters. Twilight was left alone as she looked at the wad of paper on the bench then picked it up. She swallowed remembering that Spell Check gave this to her via handshake. It was discreet so this must be something important. Twilight looked around to make sure she wasn’t being looked at or watched. Once the coast was mainly clear she began to carefully unwad the paper wad. She revealed the small paper and noticed that a note written in capital letters.


Twilight blinked feeling her insides freeze up at the warning. She looked up to notice the security guards came back but Spell Check was not with them. She must have been able to escape. The anger clearly visible on Applejack's face made Twilight smirk. She didn’t want the guards to arrest the first friendly face she met in this city. Spell Check seemed like someone she would have loved to talk to if she was in Canterlot. But for some odd reason, the look in Spell Check’s eyes when Applejack turned to her was that of fear and fast thinking. Spell Check had done this many times before and trying to warn Twilight of something.

Twilight noticed more was written on the note. "YOU WANT A FRIEND? YOU CAN MEET ME AT THE COFFEE BEAN CAFE."

Twilight swallowed then noticed the last line that was written. "DESTORY THIS NOTE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!" Twilight crumbled up the note just as Applejack walked up to her. Twilight stuffed the wad into her skirt pocket as Applejack stopped before her.

"What did she tell you?" Applejack snarled. Twilight kept an innocent face shaking her head.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Don't play dumb. That reporter, what did she tell you?" Applejack snapped glaring at her.

Twilight shrugged shaking her head. "Nothing." Her eyes widen seeing the baton being pulled out again. Twilight was ready to yell out but another voice spoke up before she did.

"Smith!" Applejack stiffened and turned to see a white headed woman walking over dressed in a black suit jacket with black slacks and black polished boots. Twilight stared at the woman to see her amber eyes and very pale skin. She looked like she was in her upper twenties to early thirties, but she acted older than her current age. Applejack immediately stood at attention with her baton to her side as the woman gave her a look.

"What were you about to do with that baton?" The woman asked sweetly indicating Twilight. Applejack gulped as she pressed the side button causing the baton to slide back into a short rod as she quickly stuff it back into her belt then placed her hands behind her back.

"Just asking questions, Commander Griffin." Applejack answered. The woman nodded patting Applejack on her shoulder causing the blonde to stiffen with worry.

"Return to your post." She ordered looking into Applejack’s eyes. Applejack swallowed seeing the threatening gaze. Applejack has seen that gaze hundreds of times in this job and she knew she didn’t need to see that gaze by one of the most powerful and dangerous women in the city.

"Yes, Commander." Applejack whispered. The woman released Applejack’s shoulder to allow her to turn on her heel and walk over to her spot from before and stood there with her hands behind her back and looking out the window. The woman smiled looking down at Twilight.

"I do apologize for her rude behavior. Miss Smith is known to have an attitude." Twilight shook her head.

"She’s just doing her job." Twilight said quickly trying to keep calm from her scare. The woman smiled nodding her head.

"She sure is." The woman said turning to see Applejack actually giving her a glare. Applejack lessened her glare with fear as the commander gave her a smile. Applejack gulped and turned away quickly as she continued her vigil of the guests. The woman turned back to Twilight with a kind smile.

"Ahem, allow me to introduce myself." She said holding out her hand. Twilight stood up and took her hand giving it a shake. "I'm Commander Gilda Griffin. I'm in charge of the security here for the Summit." Twilight smiled shaking her hand.

"I'm Twi-"

"I know who you are." Gilda said sweetly interrupting, pulling her hand away to place it behind her back. "I've heard much about your exploits in Canterlot. Very amazing."

Twilight blushed a touch by the praise. "Oh, thank you." Gilda nodded.

"Perhaps you would like a drink?" Gilda offered indicating the table farther away that is filled with snacks and drinks.

"Oh um, no thank you." Twilight politely declined as she indicated the bench. "I'm perfectly fine here and I was told my Princess Cadenza that we'll be returning to the hotel soon."

Gilda cleared her throat and stuck her offered hand behind her back clenching her hand into a tight fist. "Oh yes of course, you and your company have had a long journey."

Twilight nodded. "Yes, it was a long trip."

Gilda nodded. "Well I'll be seeing you soon Miss Sparkle. Have a good evening." Gilda bowed her head then turned and walked into the crowd leaving Twilight alone by the bench. Twilight gulped as she wiped her hand on her skirt feeling a touch fearful and not knowing why. Was it the fact that that woman knew who Twilight was? Twilight gulped with worry. It was a bit unnerving that someone she didn't know before says that she knew her. Twilight reached into her pocket to pull out the note paper to read the warning again.

Maybe there is something going on in this secluded city. And maybe that reporter might answer her numerous questions.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Spell Check stepped off the subway train fixing her jacket after her run. She had a close call since Applejack must have picked the three fastest runners in the city since they practically caught up with her.

“I guess I’ll be taking those lessons Flash offered.” Spell Check muttered as she walked to the left towards a closed off area through a door. Once through she sighed checking to see the camera on the wall where it always sat, right under her square locker. She smirked as she pulled out her locker key and unlocked the lock and reached into the locker to pull out a pair of sneakers and some dark denim pants. Checking to make sure she was alone she took off her nice shoes and stuffed them into a plastic bag and back into the locker. She slipped off her nice slacks and folded them nicely and placed them on the bench. She quickly pulled on her denim pants then sat on the bench to pull on her sneakers. She sighed looking around again then rubbed her face.

"That was too close girl." She whispered to herself. She stood up and reached back into her locker for a disposable cell phone and placed the shoes and slacks into the locker and closed it. She locked the lock and headed out, opened her phone and checked her messages.

Once she was far enough away from a camera and the microphones, she pressed the number one button and placed the phone to her ear waiting. After the second ring the phone picked up.

"Time News, Manehattan, Lyra speaking." The young voice answered.

"Yo Lyra." Spell Check said grinning. "Long time no talk."

"Spelling?! You're back from the dead?!"

"Who said I was dead?" Spell Check asked taking the back door to the underground tracks and maintenance tunnels to hide her signal from the Griffs. "Can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear. Where are you?"

"Underground. The Griffs are keeping up security. How's life?" Spelling asked taking a seat on a pipe next to the wall to get comfortable. She heard the girl groan loudly.

"It's boring here without you!" Lyra complained. "I still think you and the boss had a fling. He's nuts without you here to put him in his place."

Spelling chuckled shaking her head. "Oh come on, I thought I told Carrot Top to tell you guys that me and Note had no fling! We were best buds in college.” Lyra was laughing on the other end.

“Well you’re talking to me now. Not the others in the day shift.”

Spelling shook her head smiling. “Besides, One Note can handle without me around for another year or two. And Lyra my preference is with women." Spelling said with a smirk. She laughed hearing the sound of spitting. Lyra must have been drinking soda or coffee while Spelling was talking.

"Shut up!” Lyra gasped. “You never dated, not even with a woman. You were southern born!"

Spelling rolled her eyes shaking her head. "Just because I was raised in the south doesn’t mean I don’t have a liking to them.” Spelling chuckled. “What if I am dating a woman?" Spelling taunted

"Shut up!" Lyra exclaimed excitedly. "You are actually dating someone? Where is that “I have no time for dating” attitude gone? Who is the bitch that got you to actually love someone, you got to tell!"

"I can't." Spelling said grinning. "It's too risky. It's risky calling you and talking anyway." Lyra growled audibly.

“I hate it when you’re right. Come on Spelling, you got to give me the details! Is she tall, short, meek, strong?”

“Shut up you.” Spelling joked as Lyra chuckled. Spelling frowned. "Did you get my encrypted emails?" After her question she heard Lyra tapping on her keyboard.

"Oh yeah, seven of them right?"

"Yeah, seven."

"We have Time Turner taking care of the encryption. He claimed you two went to college together and you didn't take coding classes."

Spelling chuckled. "It's called IPhone games Lyra. They have apps for coding."

"Ah ... and I thought you were magically talented." Lyra joked.

Spelling rolled her eyes again. "Seriously read those as soon as possible and send them out. I discovered some stuff."

Lyra hummed. "Just be careful out there, Spelling. We're getting worried about you."

Spelling chuckled. "No need to worry your little strings on me. I'm doing fine and I'll be talking to the Madam Twilight Sparkle." Lyra gasped.

"Shut up! For reals?" She asked with shock. “We tried having an interview with her but she’s always too busy or she refuses all together. How do you do it anyway?

"It’s called being relatable Lyra. I just spoke with her quickly and nicely. Works better than pushing a microphone up someone’s mouth.” Spelling joked. “But in all seriousness, I did have a talk with her and I have a feeling we’ll be chatting soon. She's here with the princesses for the summit. If your texts have any indication, Madam Sparkle will be going to dangerous places." Spelling said seriously. "I have to tell her to get out of the city."

Lyra was silent for a moment then sighed. "Spelling, there's something else. And One Note wants you to look these things up."

Spelling nodded as she reached for her notepad and her pen. "What are my next objectives?"

"Note told me to tell you that there have been rumors circulating on the internet about Cloudsdale. One being a secret group of messengers that call themselves the Couriers. They're the only people that dress in the color of blue and lead by a rainbow headed girl. Some sort of statement against the laws."

Spelling blinked writing quick notes. "Hmm, I've heard of them. Griffs call them terrorists or aiding the terrorists by sending classified information to and from the places. The rainbow headed girl I have seen once or twice. I might be able to ask my contact about her, ‘cause I think he mentioned a thing or two about her, also he owes me a favor. Anything else?"

"Yeah number two, there is still talk about the Security Equals Safety campaign on the internet, especially the Titan Walls."

"Titan Walls?" Spelling asked intrigued. "What are they?"

"They're just walls. Walls being built with no one’s knowledge or consent. Some even say that the government it making walls to keep people from going to one place to another."

Spelling hummed thinking. "Hmm, interesting. I'll look into it."

"Okay, um number three. People of interest have been disappearing in the last three years. Strange abductions. But when a missing person's report is up for some odd reason the police won't pursue it."

Spelling looked shocked by that. "You're kidding."

"Nope, that one is one of the big ones."

"What's another?"

Lyra was silent for a moment.


"I was going to wait to make sure I got the rumor right on this chat room. But supposedly this one is the scariest story of all. Have you seen the horror movie Rainbow Factory?"

Spelling blinked. "Where your fears and horrors come true. That Rainbow Factory?"

"Yeah that one."

Spelling groaned. "Dude that's like the stupidest movie ever."

"Which version?"

Spelling blinked. "Huh?"

"There's more than one version you know."

Spelling sighed thinking. "Umm, it was five years ago. I was senior in college."

"Oh that's version three. It was horrible!" Lyra shuddered.

Spelling chuckled. “Of course, I’m talking to the kid that watched horror movies since she was a toddler."

“Guilty as charged.” Lyra joked. Spelling chuckled along, she cleared her throat when a silly thought popped up in her mind.

“Let me guess, there's a factory killing people to make rainbows?" Spelling joked. Surely there is no such thing, after all it’s just a sci-fi horror story it’s not an actual place … is it?

"No seriously, the chats say that there is a secret factory called the Rainbow Factory where some Griffs are guarding a huge secret. And I doubt it's making rainbows."

Spelling rolled her eyes as she wrote Rainbow Factory Myth and circled it.

"Alright I'll check that too. Look I got to go, I've been on the line longer than I should."

Lyra sighed in disappointment. "Can't wait to hear from you again, Spelling. It's been too long. And we're very worried about you."

Spelling stood up sticking her hand into her pocket. "I miss you all too. Once I get what I need I'll send it via email as always and spread the word. Equestria has to know what's really going on here."

"Right-o boss girl. Good luck."

Spelling hung up the phone hearing the snap as she sighed. She gulped looking at her notes to see what she'll have to look up next. She snorted seeing Rainbow Factory written in her hand writing and chuckled shaking her head. She turned and began humming the theme song in her head as she walked out of the tunnel then through the door back into the station.

Spelling returned to the locker room and placed her secret phone into her locker then grabbed her Cloudsdale cell phone and headed out the room to follow the rest of the night crowd out of the subway tunnels into the center of the city.

While everyone else called for cabs, Spelling started walking straight for the middle district. It took her about an hour of walking to reach the middle district. She continued walking until she reached the inner city apartment suburbs. She walked to one of the hundreds of apartment complexes and duplexes in the city and reached into her pocket to pull out a key. She reached the red painted door and unlocked the door. She opened the door an entered into the apartment looking around to smell the remnants of grilled cheese sandwiches.

Spelling closed the door silently behind her. She checked her plastic wrist watch, "Ten on the clock. She's probably asleep." She whispered to herself as she locked the door behind her. She pulled off her denim jacket and set it over the sofa arm and walked over to the small kitchen and flipped the light on to see. Once the yellow light came on she was able to see around her and looked around. She looked down at the dish washer to see it was left open with a drying skillet sitting on the door. Spelling bent over grabbing the handle then grabbed the bunched up dish towel and wiped the pan dry and opened a bottom cupboard and placed the pan inside, on the shelf.

Spelling closed the dishwasher door and folded the dish towel and set it nicely by the sink. Spelling looked into the microwave above the stove and saw her dinner that was left for her. She took the plate and closed the microwave door carefully to avoid waking up her roommate.

Spelling walked over to the refrigerator and smiled finding a jar of pickle spears, grabbing the jar and closed the door behind her. She opened the jar and pull out two pickle spears smelling the vinegary liquid and smiled. She loves having pickle spears with grilled cheese sandwiches.

As she put the jar away she closed the fridge then heard a sound behind her. Spelling turned with a start seeing the young woman standing behind her in a night shirt and sweats.

"Damnit, Coco!" Spelling whispered. "Didn't I tell you not to sneak up on me at night?" She scolded as she placed her hand over her chest feeling her heart pounding a mile a minute.

The short teal haired woman blushed. "I'm sorry." She said in a quiet tone. "I didn't mean to startle you." She said blushing. Spelling sighed feeling shame.

"Sorry, I just had an eventful day is all," Spelling said blushing herself. "You made sandwiches?" She asked quickly.

"I did." Coco answered walking slowly over to her. Spelling smiled.

"What time?"

"Before nine. I made your favorite." Spelling blinked then turned to realize that along with cheddar cheese there was pepper jack cheese with ham. Spelling smiled turning to her seeing her smile.

"Thanks." Spelling whispered smiling. Coco walked over and wrapped her arms around Spelling in a tight embrace.

"You haven't answered my calls and my texts and I was worried about you!"

Spelling blinked, feeling a shameful blush on her face. "You know my line of work,"

"I don't care!" Coco argued. “You could have sent something to let me know you were alright. I saw you on the news and I got worried thinking they got you."

"What do you mean?" Spelling asked pushing her back to look her in the eye. "I'm the sneakiest reporter in Manehattan. No one can catch me."

Coco gave her a glare. Spelling frowned. "Look baby girl, things are going to be fine. I promise."

"Don't baby girl me," Coco snapped turning away to hide her blushing face.

Spelling walked over leaning on the counter looking at her. "Why would you think I would be taken?"

Coco sighed. "A coworker I knew ... he spoke against the government so much then one day he left to get us coffee and three hours later we found out he disappeared. We told the police but they said nothing."

Spelling blinked remembering one of the rumors Lyra told her to check out. So that rumor of disappearing townspeople was true and Coco knew of someone who was one of those that disappeared.

"What do people say at your workplace?" Spelling asked interested. Coco looked at her to see Spelling's serious gaze.

"Um, not much. Suri became very vocal on us after Trend disappeared. But some of them say that he was taken to ... some place horrible."

"Like where?" Spelling asked.

Coco shook her head. "I don't know. Rarity, my partner at work, told me to just continue my work and not to think about it."

Spelling sighed nodding as she turned to her sandwich and took big bite and hummed with delight. Coco can sure make a sandwich. Spelling tuned to Coco to see her watching her.

"Hmm?" Spelling hummed grabbing a paper towel and wiped her mouth.

"When can we go out together again?" Coco asked sadly. Spelling turned away.

"Um, I got some new things to check out. But I promise you," Spelling said taking Coco's chin to steer her face towards hers. "When I get an hour of free time, I'll spend it with you."

Coco looked skeptical but sighed nodding her head. "You always kept your promises."

Spelling smiled leaning forward to give her a quick kiss on her cheek. "Anything for you." Spelling pulled away to take another bite from her sandwich. "I'll be in bed later. You go on and get some sleep. I’ll be in there shortly."

Coco nodded with a sad look in her eyes as she walked back to the bed room leaving Spelling alone in the kitchenette. Spelling turned watching the short woman leave and couldn't help but feel rotten.

"I wish things are simpler, Coco." Spelling whispered in defeat. "Oh how I wish."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Twilight sighed opening the door to her the bedroom that would be hers during her stay with the princesses. Twilight groaned turning around and fell back into her queen sized bed with her hands over her face with a groan. So much had happened in the last six hours. Getting off the train, then being shoved into a limo and driven to a place they didn't plan on going right away. Then after that being forced out of the limo and being forced to go to a party she didn't want to go to.

Twilight hadn’t felt like this since she was first going to Celestia’s school. Since then she earned her place at the school and earned the chance to be Celestia’s student. But being here was so different. It seems that Cloudsdale was only wanting to see the princesses, not their plus one. And this made Twilight frustrated enough to want to cry. She never felt so lonely on the sidelines before.

She heard a light knocking on her door. Twilight peeked through her fingers to see Luna walk into the room. Twilight sighed covering her eyes again. Luna smiled a touch as she walked over and sat down next to her. Twilight felt the movement of the bed next to her and groaned.

“Tia is taking a shower. She said she wants to clean up.” Luna said looking down at the young woman. “She wanted me to check on you.”

Twilight sighed, not saying anything. Luna reached over and placed her hand over Twilight’s forehead stroking her head.

“Cadence told us what you were going through. We were not pleased” Luna said with a snort. “Such hooligans treating you like that. You are just as important as us!”

Twilight chuckled as she removed her hands seeing Luna wink at her. “See there’s the little Sparkle we love.” Twilight blushed at the old childish act Luna always used when Twilight was upset. It always seemed to work. Twilight removed her hands setting them over her stomach to see Luna watching her with a smile.

“How are you doing?” Luna asked gently.

Twilight shrugged. “I don’t know.” Twilight whispered shaking her head. “I don’t know what to think about this place.”

Luna shook her head. “Neither do I. The moment I saw those 'guards' I know something was off. They act like we are ambassadors from a hostile country.”

Twilight nodded. “It does. This place doesn’t feel like Equestria. It’s like no one knows who I am.” Luna smirked by that seeing Twilight blush. “What?” Twilight asked.

“I swear Tia gives you too much fluff.” Luna joked with a sigh. “If you were my student, I wouldn’t let you be in such high and mighty places.”

Twilight sat up glaring at her. "Hey!"

"No seriously, Tia gives you too much reins and takes you to too many fancy parties. Perhaps this can be a learning experience for you."

Twilight blinked at this then she remembered. "Right, I still have a job to do." Twilight whispered silently. She looked to Luna to see her nod.

"The princess summit is tomorrow morning. While the three of us are going to be attending the summit, you'll be sent to the Griffin Security Forces headquarters to speak to their council." Luna said standing up to walk over to the window.

"Wait," Twilight said in surprise. "You mean the security holds the council? Not the actual city council?"

Luna shook her head with a heavy scowl on her face. "Right. I'm not so sure myself."

Twilight sighed with worry. "What's going to happen?"

“Hmm?" Luna hummed looking to her. Twilight stood up and walked over to her looking out the large window to see the city lights.

"What's going to happen after the Princess Summit?"

Luna shook her head. "I don't know Twilight, but I have a bad feeling that every one of us will change after this event."

Twilight gulped then reached into her pocket to feel the wad of paper Spell Check gave her. She gulped wondering what to do or say. Should she tell Luna or Celestia about what the reporter told her?

Luna sighed interrupting her train of thought. “Tomorrow is going to be a big day, you should get some sleep.” Twilight nodded as Luna walked to the door. Luna stopped and turned to her with a sisterly look of concern. “If you want to go back to Canterlot, all you have to do is say the word.”

Twilight shook her head. “No, no, I want to stay and do the mission the Equestrian council wants me to do.” Luna nodded.

“Right of course. Once you have an objective you do it without delay.” Luna sighed. “Well good night then.”

“Good night.” Twilight whispered as Luna closed the door behind her leaving the young woman alone in her room. After a moment of thinking Twilight turned and began to get ready for bed. She took off took off her skirt and reached into her suitcase to pull out a pair of pajama pants and a pajama top. After quickly undressing she pulled on her PJs and went to her bed where she would be sleeping for the next month.

After turning off the lamp she tried to get to sleep. After an hour, Twilight opened her eyes with a groan. She flipped over to her left side trying to get comfortable but her eyes refuse to close. She gulped then sighed. She sat up reaching for a light switch next to her bed to flip on the lamp.

Twilight got out of bed and walked to her suitcases and looked through them until she found the books she packed. Twilight stared at the hard cover books for a long moment then sighed in defeat. She picked up the first book which Celestia said was Luna's favorite.

"Fallout Equestria," Twilight said out loud looking at the title then at the cover depicting a young woman dressed in some armored jumpsuit with a giant watch computer on her wrist and with a revolver in her hand. Twilight flipped the book over to see the description of the story with a picture of bobble-head with the word Magic on the base. Twilight shook her head tossing the book to the side.

She picked up a second book. A shorter book with a picture of a ship in the stars. There was a man dressed as a Victorian sailor with a charming smirk on his face. Around his arm was a young woman dressed in a blue dress.

"Treasured Moon and Stars," Twilight whispered as she read the description on the back seeing a pretty purple stone glowing under the description. Twilight snorted.

"Dumb romance." She tossed the book away. "Who has any time for that anymore?" She thought bitterly. Twilight was never a fan of romance. She never really had time for boys or girls, she just never had the free time to even think about it. And growing up in a dorm hall filled with dramatic girls that coo or cry over their boyfriends made her think that she didn’t need the drama to distract her.

The third book was a lot shorter. It was super skinny but it has the same author as the Treasured Moon and Stars book.

"Hmm, Treasured Sweetheart." Twilight whispered as she flipped it over for the description. After a moment she shrugged standing up. "It's short," She said thoughtfully reading the description of the story.

"But it's a romance? Do I really want to read this?" Twilight asked herself turning back to her suitcase to see another book with a cover art of a woman sitting on a bench with a frown of worry on her face. There was a line cut down the middle in the back ground showing one side full of soldiers saluting, the other side shows a woman in dark hair looking over her shoulder at the blonde headed woman looking sad.

"The Life and Times of a Winning Woman." Twilight whispered with a frown. She didn't much care for the cover art. She shrugged then went back to her bed. Propping up the pillows behind her against the wall as she looked over the book in her hands again. "It's probably only seven chapters by the length." Twilight sighed as she opened the book finding the prologue page and began to read.

Author's Note:

Here is Chapter 5 for your viewing enjoyment. Big thanks to Xhoral1865 for the editing job.

So we get to see some new characters in this story. One being Commander Gilda Griffin, Coco Pommel, and a OC. Her name is Spell Check and she's my OC. I finally put her into a story that sure took me long enough! For those of you that might be against OCs, let me just quickly say that Spelling's role is a secondary one and only used to help move the story along and to reveal the background while we are focusing on Twilight, Rainbow, and the Couriers.

Anyway, the next chapter is slowly being written. I'm just in a bored mood this week and considering I'll be having a festive weekend, the next chapter might come out later than planned.

Oh and I've added some more Fan fic Easter Eggs! :raritywink: Later guys!