• Published 2nd May 2014
  • 1,388 Views, 24 Comments

If You Give a Dash a Cookie - Eyvind

Pinkie Pie's newest creation is the best thing Dash has ever tasted. But can too much of a good thing be bad for you?

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Chapter 1

"Come on Pinkie, tell me what I'm doing here!" Rainbow Dash called as she sat at one of the many tables inside Sugar Cube Corner, bored out of her mind. Pinkie Pie, who had invited her over for a "surprise", poked her head out of the kitchen just long enough to reply.

"You know I can't tell you that, silly! That's why they call it a surprise!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as her friend disappeared once more. She could still hear Pinkie muttering to herself in the other room. "Hmm, what would they call it then? A russirpe? A pirsuser?"

Dash found herself chuckling despite her boredom. Pinkie Pie was always good for a laugh. That was probably why she had just gone along with her when she mentioned a surprise at Sugar Cube Corner. At first she had assumed that Pinkie had just invented another reason to throw a party for her. Not that she minded, of course. She always appreciated it when other ponies showed their appreciation of her.

But there was no party to be found.

Instead, Dash sat and waited while a different kind of surprise was being prepared for her. She admitted to herself that she was rather curious about the surprise, but her ever-present need for movement quickly overshadowed that curiosity.

Just as Rainbow Dash was about to fly into the kitchen to tell Pinkie to hurry up, she emerged with a wide smile, skipping along with a silver platter balancing precariously atop her head. Resting on the platter were about one dozen cookies, all freshly baked and looking absolutely delicious.

"Oh, wow Pinkie. Those look... so... good..." Dash's mouth began to water as the heavenly aroma reached her nose. "What are they?"

"They're cookies, silly filly!" Pinkie said with a giggle.

"I meant, what kind of cookie?" Dash didn't even take the time to roll her eyes, all her thoughts focusing on the freshly baked goods.

"Hmm, that's a good question" Pinkie replied, somehow managing to tilt her head in thought without dropping the platter. "I still have to come up with a name for them."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Rainbow asked, taking her eyes off of the cookies long enough to look pinkie in the eye.

Pinkie knelt and let the platter slide off of her head and onto the table in front of Dash. She then placed her hooves on Dash's shoulders and looked deep into her eyes, brow furrowed in concentration.

"I present you, Rainbow Danger Dash, with the highest, most important, most prestigious, most delicious position that is within my power to grant."

Rainbow swallowed nervously, slightly disturbed by Pinkie's sudden seriousness.

"Official Taste Tester!" Pinkie shouted, leaping with excitement while confetti seemingly materialized out of thin air around her.

Rainbow blinked slowly in confusion. "So... you just want me to eat these cookies... and then tell you how they taste?"

"Well duh! I just made these today with a super special, super secret ingredient! I needed somepony to taste them and tell me if they're yummy-licious, and I thought 'Rainbow Dash definitely knows when something is yummy-licious!'"

Rainbow needed no further persuasion as she quickly grabbed the nearest cookie to her and ate it with a single bite. The immediate explosion of flavor caused her cheeks to go numb from pure ecstasy and her wings to flare open so suddenly that pinkie was nearly sent flying.

The taste was unlike anything she had ever tasted before. It was sweet, but it was a unique sweetness that was unlike any treat or dessert she could think of. It also had a subtle spice to it that was impossible to place, yet reminded her of her happiest foalhood memories and her mother's cooking. as the taste began to fade from her mouth, so too did the feelings of happiness and fulfillment. Rainbow Dash suddenly found herself desperate to recapture those feelings.

Before Pinkie could even blink, Rainbow Dash scooped the entire platter into her hooves and stuffed every last cookie into her mouth at once, a feat that surprised even the physics-ignoring mare.

"Wow Dashie, I guess they really were yummy-licious!"

Rainbow appeared not to have heard her as she was currently absorbed in the task of licking every last crumb from her hooves.

"Say" lick "Pinkie" lick "You think you could" lick "Make some more?" lick.

"Sure thing, Dashie!" Pinkie said with a bounce as she started hopping back towards the kitchen. "Maybe I can even try some this time!"

Pinkie disappeared into the back once more, humming merrily, completely oblivious of the fact that Rainbow Dash continued to lick her hooves, even after the last crumbs were long gone, desperate to get just the faintest glimmer of that glorious taste upon her tongue once more.

~ ~ ~

"Spike!" Twilight called out from her dimly lit laboratory in the basement of the Ponyville Library. She was currently reading the most recent list of potions that they had stored there, and was quite concerned about what she had found.

The green and purple draconian assistant came running down the stairs a moment later.

"Yes, Twili-- Ah!" He tripped in the semi-darkness and stumbled the last few steps, landing on his face at the base of the stairs. The unicorn was too absorbed in the thick tome before her to notice his plight.

"Spike, when was the last time we cataloged our potions?"

"Huh? Uh... Just last month, I think" he mumbled from his position on the floor.

"That's what I thought" Twilight said as she turned away from the book to look at the shelves along the wall stocked with every potion imaginable. "Then why does it say that we have this potion when we clearly don't." She pointed with her hoof to a single empty spot on the shelf.

Spike lifted himself up and dusted himself off before walking over to the tome that Twilight had been reading.

"Hmm... 'The Perfect Potion. When used in small doses, creates the illusion of perfection in any endeavor. Warning: Overexposure may cause mind alteration.' Huh. Well it seems harmless enough."

"Spike, potions are extremely dangerous when used by untrained ponies. What if one of the CMC took it to help them find their cutie marks? Or what if somepony broke in and stole it to make themselves more powerful? We have to find this potion!"

"Alright, alright, we'll find the potion. Uh, just how are we going to do that, though?"

"We'll start by re-cataloging our whole stock to make sure it wasn't just misplaced."

Spike looked at the shelves of potions of every shape and size that reached all the way to the ceiling.

"I was afraid you'd say that."