• Published 18th Feb 2014
  • 5,796 Views, 137 Comments

Working On Leaving The Living - Regidar

Celestia is very sick, and wants Twilight by her side.

  • ...

In Heaven, Everything's Alright

The room was cold, despite the flames burning steadily in the fireplace. Princess Celestia lay sprawled across several lavish pillows, her breathing heavy and unsteady. Her head was set on a purple silk pillow, and she stared into the crackling flames.

She groaned, moving her head to the side, and stared across the room. Her throne sat facing the elaborate doors of the room, where it served no purpose other than to collect dust. She hadn’t been in that seat for quite some time...

Slowly, she breathed outwards, and closed her eyes.

“Hello? Princess?” came a concerned voice from behind those great big doors. Celestia smiled softly at hearing this voice; this was a voice that comforted her endlessly, one that eased her aching mind.

“Come in, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Her voice was nothing more than a croak, a faded remnant of what it once was. “Please, by all means... come on in.”

The door opened with a loud creak, and the sounds of very light hoofbeats could be heard pattering towards the Princess. Opening her eyes, she gazed upon Twilight’s face.

She wasn’t crying, but she had been; puffy red eyes and tearstained cheeks betrayed this. Twilight looked as though she had aged a thousand years since they saw each other last, her mane messy and loose, her face weathered. She bit her lip as she looked down at the princess, a fake smile plastered on her face sloppily.

“Hello, Princess Celestia,” Twilight said, kneeling before her once-teacher.

Celestia chuckled, which devolved into a sickly cough not a moment afterwards. “Oh, Twilight; I think it has been long enough to say that we are equals. None of the kneeling or ‘Princess’ business any longer, please. Just Celestia.”

“But it’s your title! What’s proper to call you! Princess, I don’t think I co—” Twilight began, but she stopped herself halfway through her sentence. “Of course, Celestia.”

Celestia began to smile, but was soon interrupted by a violent shiver. “Oh... it’s very cold.”

Twilight’s eyes widened in urgency. “Oh dear, Pr—Celestia! I’ll get you whatever you need to feel warm, alright? I can get you a hot water bottle, another blanket or three, I’ll stoke the fire, and some tea. I could even find a tonic for Applejack’s sister, Apple Bloom, to make up for you. Did you know she’s an alchemist now? Studying under Zecora, herself, one of the best zebra shamans I’ve ever met; she’s quite—”

“Twilight,” Celestia interrupted, grinning. “You’re doing that thing I love so much.”

Twilight stopped rambling, and turned to Celestia. “Oh, what is it, Celestia? I’ll keep doing whatever it is, I swear!”

Celestia giggled quietly. “Being so concerned to a fault, my most faithful student. Going off on brilliant little tangents, even if they’re not exactly related.”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. After a moment of repeating this, she gave her Princess a bemused smile. “Well... I’m glad you enjoy it Princess. Anything I can get you? The tea? Blankets? More tinder for the fire?”

“The tea sounds lovely, Twilight,” Princess Celestia said, her soft smile ever-present. “Pennyroyal, if you don’t mind.”

Twilight sped away, her wings flapping quickly to aid her quickness. Celestia’s smile faded slightly as she saw several frazzled feathers fall from her behind her former student. Twilight returned not five minutes later, a tea kettle sitting on a trey with two cups on saucers next to it.

“I’ve read that Pennyroyal is remarkably deadly,” Twilight said, pouring out one of the cups for Celestia. “Especially to the Equine genus. May I ask why you drink it so often?”

Celestia chuckled. “Being an alicorn has its advantages, Twilight Sparkle. Besides, at this point, I think it hardly matters...”

Twilight bit her lower lip, eyes wet. “Don’t say that, Princess... we’ll get you cured, I promise. There’s nothing time and research can’t do.”

Celestia laughed, but once again, it became a series of hacking coughs. “That’s the thing, my dear Twilight; time’s not something we’ve got. Time goes on for a long time, and then...” She blinked hard.

“It runs out.”

Twilight blinked hard as well, but tears fell from her eyes where they did not from Celestia’s. “No, Princess, don’t say that, we can get you more, I promise.”

“My hourglass is out of sand, Twilight.”

“You can flip hourglasses over.”

Celestia stared up at the younger princess, and sighed. “Twilight, there’s an end that need to happen to everything, I promise you this. Books need endings, you know this. Without one, there’s just... no sense of completeness.”

Twilight opened her mouth to rebut her princess, but Celestia raised a weary hoof to shush her. “I’m very tired, Twilight... and I’m so sorry that this has to happen now, but when it comes calling, it’s very rude to refuse the invitation.”

Twilight swallowed a lump in her throat, and her wings shuffled, more feathers drifting down from them. Celestia watched as they drifted weightlessly to the floor, tumbling through the air as they did so.

“How many feathers have you lost over me, Twilight?”

Tears flowed fresh from Twilight’s eyes. “I’m so s-sorry, Princess...”

Celestia did not correct her that time, and instead beckoned Twilight closer with a twitch of her hoof. “Come here, Twilight.”

Twilight complied, walking slowly and carefully to her Princess. Celestia straightened up, so that instead of fully laying down, she held a close to sitting posture, her soft smile once again on her lips. Carefully, she slowly lifted a hoof, and draped it over her former student, pulling her closer to the bigger alicorn’s quivering body. A large white wing unfurled, and rested around Twilight’s body.

“This isn’t easy for me either, Twilight,” she whispered. “But life’s never about taking the easy path, especially when it’s ending.”

Twilight sobbed, her whole body shaking. Celestia felt the vibrations of her student, and held her ever closer, her head resting on top of the princess below her.

“There’s a lot to be done, you know,” Celestia told her. “Once I pass on. You’ll need to tell the public, help Luna adjust to her new spot as...” Celestia trailed off, looking up, and opening her eyes. For a moment, she could not breath, and it had little to do with the condition within her. She gazed at the door, the door where she had, as a filly, been so proud to enter when her parents had let her. Her crown, atop her head, suddenly felt heavier than it ever had.

“To her new spot as the head Princess of Equestria,” she finished, looking down at Twilight, whose head was still buried right below the crook of her wing. Twilight’s sobs were smaller, and less frequent. Celestia rubbed her hoof along her once-student’s back, and closed her eyes.

“I’m gonna be the best Princess Equestria’s ever had!”

“No fair, how come Tia gets to be Princess?”


“You’ll both be princess, don’t you worry! Equestria’s a big place, it’s going to need two strong, brilliant leaders such as yourself to work properly!”

Celestia cringed, a tear falling from her eye, making a lonely journey down her cheek to land in Twilight’s mane. Twilight didn’t notice, or if she did, showed no sign of doing so.

“Twilight...” Celestia breathed. “Twilight, I’m also going to need you help my sister look after Equestria... it’s a big place.”

Twilight made no sound.

“Twilight,” Celestia said, inhaling deeply, and composing herself. “Twilight, please look at me.”

No response.

“Twilight,” Celestia said, much more stern now. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, look at your Princess.”

Twilight pulled her face up, and looked at Celestia. Celestia smiled.

“You did it again,” she said. “I’m not your Princess anymore.”

Twilight smiled, and hiccuped, tears still trailing down her face.

“Listen, Twilight,” Princess Celestia told her. “You’ve got to be brave. I’m not asking you not to feel anything, to pretend to be happy for me, or to be strong. Be as sad, emotional, or weak as you want. I just need you to have the courage that this country needs; I need you to pull together, you and your friends, my sister, everypony. Work together, as a team, and make this country a better place than I ever could.”

“That’s not possible, Celestia,” Twilight whispered, her voice cracking slightly. “You’ve been the best teacher and leader possible.”

Celestia smiled, and shook her head. “Oh no, Twilight... if you could see some of the things I’m responsible for... let’s just say that what I’ve done to my sister speaks enough about my character without adding the other ninety-nine percent of my follies.”

Twilight stared up at Celestia, and the two looked into each other’s eyes for a moment, before Celestia spoke again.

“Twilight, do you know how many students I’ve had?”

Twilight shook her head. “I know you’ve had many, of course; sometimes more than one at a time. I don’t think I could accurately pinpoint how many you’ve had though, of course. That’d be impossible.”

“The tangents, Twilight,” Celestia said with a chuckle-cough. “Never stop them, I beg of you.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course, Prin—Celestia.”

“But yes, the students,” Celestia went on. “I’ve had many, but none quite like you. So many of them are gone now, but many more are still alive, somewhere out there, and they have not come to me. You’re not the only one who as given a notice of my upcoming departure.”

Twilight nodded again.

“And I can say, without a doubt, that I was right in calling you my most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia said, her smile widening. “Because you were here until the very end.”

Twilight’s bottom lip quivered. “Oh, Celestia...” She dragged her mentor into a deep hug, no more tears coming from her eyes.

Princess Celestia laughed softly, embracing her student once more. “Oh, I’m going to miss this, Twilight. So much. I’ve loved this more than anything.”

“What exactly, Celestia?”


Celestia closed her eyes, her shaky breathing slowly growing quieter and quieter.

Twilight held onto her Princess, the tears that had been refused her just moment early pouring out over her cheeks as the two held onto each other for the last time.

Comments ( 137 )

Love you more than everything
Loved it more than anything
Loved everything more than anything~

I just realized it's a shit ton of groups made with you in mind!:twilightoops:

That last word Celestia spoke is where I failed at holding it together.
God, the feals!

3966404 muh emotion

3966548 :heart:

3966529 yeah
is weird

:pinkiesad2: No words need to be said.

And so Celestia entered her eternal sleep,
And Equestria's civilians all did weep,
For the Princess who they did adore,
For now she was gone, she was no more.

Celestia awakened in an afterlife dream,
Her soul ventured into the Life stream,
And into the unknown did the alicorn fly,
She turned her head, said her final 'Good-bye'.

A tear she shed for those left behind,
Such happy memories still in her mind,
One day they'd be together again, she knew,
And so, with a smile,
To the other side, the alicorn flew.

- UniqueSKD

A poem for a fantastic writer named Regidar who wrote this fucking amazing story of feels.

God, you fucking rock, Regidar...

3966711 >that feel
twas beautiful :pinkiesad2:

3966643 just how I like it :twilightsmile:

3966763 Yes, but my poem didn't do enough justice for a story that was perfection in a nutshell. Personally, I feel I insulted your writing with my shoddy mess of lyrics.

Also, I believe this is how exactly things would play out if Celestia was nearing her end. You captured the scene beautifully. If someone doesn't make an animation based on this, they're fuck-tards.

You deserve every single last view and praise for this.

Now, excuse me while I go hunt a homeless person down and take his heart. You drained mine of all its feels, and I need another one in case you or one of my Followers writes a story with as much feeling as this one.

(grabs combat knife and heads out)

*Pulls up shirt and points to hole in chest*

You see this?!? YOU SEE THIS?!?!?!


Stories with this theme have been done before. Celestia's dying, Twilight's sad, what have you. But rarely in those stories is Celestia trying to kill herself, and even more rarely is suicide pulled off in a story without going too far down into grimdark-ville. You hit it out of the park on this one.

Now I will go sit on my back porch and think about things for a while... :pinkiesmile:
Nice one.

3966831 I'm sorry :fluttershysad:

3966834 >there's one thing you can't lose
>it's that feel


A life well-lived, she laid her head,
Upon a pillow of feathery down,
Death felt warm, not cold, to the alicorn,
Her lips curved into a smile

Surrounded was she by those she loved,
And even here on her death-bed, loved still,
They wept great floods as they began to mourn,
But Celestia continued to smile

She spoke words of wisdom to each of them,
Raised their spirits high one last time,
She gulped down her final breath of life,
And she left the world, but with a smile.

- UniqueSKD


3966865 heheh, thanks.

3966863 Yeah. If you're gonna take a tired concept out, might as well paint it a different color. :heart:

Even in her last moments, Princess Celestia retains her grace. Even though their dearest Princess of the Sun is dead and gone, her memory will carry on through the ages. They'll never forget her beauty, her wisdom, or the unending love she had for her citizens. She will live on, if not in body, then in the hearts of everypony in Equestria. Goodbye, dearest Celestia, and may your rest be peaceful.

Beautiful work, by the way. Just the right amount of feels; not overwrought, but not underplayed, either.

:raritydespair:Why would you do this to my feelings?

There was a blog you made a little while back. It talked about how you felt like you were a "novelty," and that people on this site didn't take you seriously.

After this... I think you've sufficiently proven yourself wrong. And if anyone didn't take you seriously before, then they sure as hell should start.

Nicely done.

“The tea sounds lovely, Twilight,” Princess Celestia said, her soft smile ever-present. “Pennyroyal, if you don’t mind.”

This actually made me choke. No kidding. Fantastically done, with a new take on a tired concept to boot!

3966935 and though you're broken and defeated
your weary widow marches on :heart:
thank you :twilightsmile:

3966948 I did what I had to

3966971 you have no idea how much that means to me
thank you :pinkiesad2:

3966987 choke from laughter, or... :unsuresweetie:

3966992 >that feel
thank you :heart:

"And tought you are dead and gone, believe me, your memory will carry on...
We'll carry on"

Regidar, welcome to spot #8 of my all-time favorites. This is the only story in the top ten that's a one-shot.

This was a wonderfully sad piece, and even though i didn't tear up, a slash was still rended unto my chest, slicing my heart in two. In other words: 'That feel, bro.'

It takes a long time, but God dies too.

Is the Title a Pixies reference?

3967050 >those Black Parade feels

3967188 hehe, glad I could worm my way there :heart:

3967262 quite.

3967416 Modest Mouse :rainbowwild:

THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL THE FEELS, MAN!


You see, it's fics like this that make me piss blood.


A Modest Mouse title reference, and a Nevermind name-drop to boot.

You have done well on this day. I would post a Cobain gif, but I'm fairly sure you have seen them all.

That last line hurt my feels.

3967825 you see, the name of the chapter is In Heaven Everything's Alright which is the chorus to In Heaven (The Lady In The Radiator Song) from the David Lynch movie Eraserhead which the Pixies would cover live. Surfer Rosa by the Pixies was Kurt Cobain's favorite album.

I still love Modest Mouse, though.

Comment posted by akarock deleted Feb 19th, 2014

REGIDAAAAAAR, you made me feel! Too much feel, too much feel! :raritydespair:

when does this story take place? when twilight's 800 years old? just curious
btw, this is an awesome and emotional story, thank you 4 writing this, i really liked it:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:


Dammit Regidar. You made me feel again.

Great job!

You'll be the last to die. :pinkiecrazy:

I really hope there is a Sequel to this. Every life has a beginning and it's inevitable end, it would seem an Alicorn's life is not as immortal as most if not all of those ponies thought it to be. :fluttercry: *Insert RE3 Credit Theme Here*

3968509 Actually, only a few years past current show date (S4), Apple Bloom and Zecora are both still alive.

3968554 I personally feel like I'd only fuck up this story with a sequel

either of you are free to write one, though.

3968362 >eraserhead
>modest mouse
>knowing cobain's favorite music
can I marry you

3967825 where did I place the Nevermind name drop?

3966914 That's the best way to handle one.


Also, I believe this is how exactly things would play out if Celestia was nearing her end. You captured the scene beautifully. If someone doesn't make an animation based on this, they're fuck-tards.

Animation takes time and skill
and money
and time
and skill
fuck that stuff
it'd be super cool if that did happen though

i... i....


*cuddles second-best son*

3970146 *cuddles best mom* DON'T TELL MY MOM I SAID THAT

It's okay, Dancer

we'll be with you until the very end as well :pinkiesad2:

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