• Published 26th Jun 2014
  • 553 Views, 9 Comments

Dare to Dream - Boxo-pony

"Hi, my name is Dusty Tumble and I'm a Earth Pony. My dream is to become a Wonderbolt."

  • ...

Taking Flight

Ever since I was a colt, I dreamt about becoming a Wonderbolt.

Ever since I can remember, I wanted to fly just like the Wonderbolt. Actually I believe it was when I was a colt viewing one of their performances in Chanterlot. The feeling to do such amazing and daring acrobats was something I wanted to do myself.
After the show, I was thrilled to tell my parents what I wanted to do when I grow up. Their reaction were 'laughter'.
At the time, I didn't understand them and gave them a questionable look. Guess I was quite the donk at the time to not understand.

In my childhood, I was taught that if you have a passion or special talent for something then you will get your Cutiemark. Practically, a Cutiemark is your life.

I know what I wanted for my Cutiemark, to be daring just like the Wonderbolts.

One day at my school, there was a lesson about what we want to do when we grow up, pretty much a career lesson. Each of my classmates excitedly took a turn in telling the whole class in what they want to be or do when they grow up. When it was my turn, I told the whole class I wanted to become a Wonderbolt. No pony said a thing until laughter struck the room. Heck, even the teacher seem to giggled a bit.

I didn't understand, I'm sure if I try hard enough, I was capable enough to do it. I boasted at the class and to prove it to them, I attempted to jump off the school roof and fly.

It wasn't until I was in hospital with a broken hoof that I learned the harsh truth.


My name is Dusty Tumble, I'm a Earth pony with a dark chestnut mane and a light sandy brown coat. My life is set when I gain my Cutiemark of a tumble weed. Yeah, a tumble weed, oh Celestia I hated it.

I'm in my stallion hood and what I do for a living is transfering cargo from Appleloosa to Chanterlot. Most of the cargo just tend to be a variety of apples and hay. Of course, I don't do this by myself since it be quite difficult to transfer apples and hay from Appleloosa to Canterlot!
There is a trade system where a group of ponies pass the cargo from one to another in different areas from Appleloosa to Canterlot.

Nothing much happened in my life. I work, I eat, I sleep and I work again. A boring continuous cycle that I were to repeat every day. Well it's not like I can move jobs that easily.
I have a decent paying job but oh Luna is it B-O-R-I-N-G!
I'm getting off subject again, I always did wanted to have a better career but nothing suited me. Music, art, drama, cooking, writing, you name it!
But, there have always been a thing I longed for ever since I was a colt. To fly.

Yeah it's a childish fantasy from my colthood which is practically impossible considering I'm a Earth pony, but...

I dont know why, but I just get an exciting feeling when I see a Pegasus soar through the sky. Oh how I wanted to soar through the clouds and visit Cloudsdale.
Instead, I'm trotting through the dusty desert carrying a hay load of apples at the speed of a tumbleweed. I guess that why ponies say I suit my name me of being fast as a tumbleweed who always have dust in his hoofs.

Dusty Tumble...I guess a pony life is destined to a certain path in life.


How much worse can this get? Not only no pony showed up at their stations today but now I have to carry the burden of every pony cargo all the way to Canterlot. I better get a raise for this.

Why couldn't the suppliers use a train instead to deliver cargo instead?
But then again, I supposes it gives ponies like me a job so I shouldn't complain.

After hours of trotting, I reached the entrance of Canterlot. Now that I looked at the magnificent city, I haven't been here for a long time. Last time I been here was when my Ma and Pa took me here when I was a colt. My family lived in the countryside near Ponyville, I still see them a month or two for a visit.

Suddenly, I felt a hoof that tapped my side which snapped me back to reality. Upon looking, I saw a stallion with a light scruffy beard in front of me looking at me impatiently. I reached in my carrier bag to get the entrance papers for my delivery. The stallion examined the papers and gave me a nod. I dropped the cargo by the side of the path and made my way home.

As I began to make a walk out of the city, I noticed a poster with some familiar figures on it. There was the Wonderbolts in their glory as a big huge text above them say;

"See the extraordinary Wonderbolts as they perform amazing and daring acrobatics in Canterlot centre! This afternoon! Free entry!"

Before I knew it, I was running off to Chanterlot centre. I feel such like a giddy school filly.

As I arrived at Canterlot centre with great pace, there were a huge amount of ponies gathered up. There were banners, flags, podiums and a whole bunch of ponies in the centre. There were hardly any seats, so most ponies including I just stood up. After some waiting and a whole bunch of ponies trying to find some place to sit with their family's and friends.

Suddenly, everypony heard a large whoosh noise above our heads. The entire crowd looked up to the sky to see flashes of blue blurs soaring through the sky at great speed.

It was the Wonderbolts, soon the entire crowd went "wooah", "ahhh" and "ooo" as the Wonderbolts flowed with the wind.

I stared at the spectacular act before my eyes and couldn't help but go "ooo" myself. It was so astonishing, breathtaking, sensational, remarkable...and I wanted to do it as well.


Upon watching the show to the end, I felt a part of me awaking. I haven't felt like that in ages, it's almost as a lost part of me just awoken.
It remind of a old pony saying that when you feel awaken, your true nature is coming out.

I looked up to the skies as my mind slowly drifted to space.
As the crowd began to disperse, I stood by as a question popped in my mind.
Is it possible to achieve my dream?

I don't now how long I stared into space but when I snapped back to reality I saw some ponies looking at me with questionable look. Oh I hope I weren't making a weird face expression!
I quickly hopped away into a open clearing as if nothing happened.

But still, can I ever achieve such a dream?
I stopped in my tracks.
Who am I kidding?
I mean, it's impossible! A Earth pony cannot fly!

That's reality.

I began to walk away with my head low.
It feels like all of the colours were drained out of me.

As I slowly made my way out of Canterlot, I began getting into deep thoughts.
Is there any point? I mean, what point is there in chasing a uncatchable dream?
I'm still naive if I still think this way. Not to mention, I'm way out of the Wonderbolts league...

Sometimes I do wonder about a pony life. I mean, their Cutiemarks. Is it true that we get what we want in life?
Do we have to live what destiny gave us?
At times, I even doubt Celestia wisdom.

My head hurts just trying to think about this. I need something else to focus on.

As I raised my head, I saw a library. I suppose I can kill off some time here I guess.

"The golden oak." I thought as I saw the sign.

I opened the door to the library to see a quiet room stacked with shelves stacked with books. A Unicorn stood by who I'm assuming is the librarian.

I randomly took a book from the non-fiction shelve and plopped myself down on a near by table.

After a few minutes in, the story seem to be centred around a Unicorn named Spiral Whitish (hence the title) and his daily life which are like adventures to him.

It's was a fun casual story to read and soon enough my head been dug into that book for an hour at least. At least I'm focusing on something then the subject of flying.

Whilst midway through the book though, it came a situation where the character, Whitish was eager to fly like his Pegasus friend but of course couldn't because of being a Unicorn. Instead of giving up that ideal, he began studying advance illusion spells.

Eventually, Whitish can casts spells which can form newly made objects or body parts. Obviously he used that knowledge to casts Pegasus wings on his back. Don't know if that classified him as a Alicorn or a mad scientist.

In the end, his friends convinced him to turn back to a Unicorn because he turned into a show off snob. I reached the last page of the book, disappointed but the book has inspired me.

As I closed the book, I stared at the cover as an idea bulb appeared above my head. I squealed in delight.

"Shhhh!" Hushed the Liberian from a distant. I gave a apologetic look.

I will make my own wings. Perhaps dreams can come true...

But isn't the character a Unicorn in the book? He can casts spells, not me. Not to mention there are no know spells for casting real wings that last forever.

I slammed my head against the book in disappointed.

"Shhhhh!" Hushed the Liberian again. I lifted my head up as I blankly stared at the Liberian.

Still, I'm not gonna give up that ideal. If I can't casts a pair of wings, I will make my own set of wings!

It's not like I'm gonna turn into a mad scientists or show off snob anytime soon. Right?


I don't know how long I been in my home for, perhaps four days, five days or maybe a week?

Eventually I will need to go out to get some food or go to work. But, I am so determined to do this!

I been studying into the Pegasus anatomy and wings to see if a functioning pair of hoof made wings would be capable on a Earth pony. In a way, it be like a wing suit attached around the pony body.

I may have sacrificed my sleep, but each minute that go by help me get closer to my goal.

The design of the suit is based around the Wonderbolts skin suit with its blue colour scheme and yellow strike of lighting painted on the wings. The suit attaches it self around the body with straps from the mid-body to the legs.

I came to a quick break to admire a poster of Celestia and Luna standing before three figures with the moon and sun raised. A Unicorn, Pegasi and a Earth Pony. I took in the glorious image as it represents Equestria and what a Pony is.

I wouldn't call it perfect, but as long as it works, it works. Yet...

As I was adjusting the wings, a thought occurred to me.

How can I test this? I mean, if it doesn't work, then I be plummeting to my death. The suit need a great amount of speed and height to actually glide through the air.

A test run could kill me.

That thought alone made me stopped in my work and made me looked blankly at the suit.

I simply placed down the suit and walked to a near by coach. As I slopped myself down, I looked blankly at the ceiling.

I sighed in confusion.

Again, I run into another blockade to my dream. I need to think this over.

Is my life worth to be put into the line for a silly dream?


I'm so nervous yet so excited!

I'm literally squealing in excitement. I get to go meet the Wonderbolts!

I mean, waiting in line to meet them seem boring but when you get to meet your role models personally, then it be worth the wait!

I never got to meet them as a colt since I was way too nervous to even step close to them.

But now, I have finally mustered up the courage to go speak to them personally!

I but a brief hiatus in my wing suit since I still can't figure out how to test it out. But I'm still bringing the almost finished product with me to show to the Wonderbolts.

I can't wait!


I don't know how long I been laying on my coach for, nor do I intend to get up soon.

It feel like my world has shattered around me. Nothing but broken glass surrounds me as my mind is filled with gloomy negative thoughts.

The meeting with the Wonderbolts...
Did not go as expected.

When I got to talked to them, I explained to them about my enthusiasm for flying and introduced them the hoof made wing suit.


That was their reaction.

Not ha ha funny, just mean spirited laughter.

This was just like before with my classmates and now my role modals. It feel like a needle injecting itself through my heart.

I ran out of there with the suit. I hear them saying something else but I don't care. I don't even care anymore!


Perhaps they still have a point. All of them.

I don't hate them. I only hate myself for being born a Earth Pony.

This dream I have, maybe, it really is pointless to go after a uncatchable dream.

Earth ponies fly? Its unnatural. Unicorns create magic, Pegasi are the controller of the weather and Earth Ponies are the strengths of the land, that's the order of life.

After all, during my growth, I told myself its just a little kiddie dream. For a Earth pony at least.

I guess my Cutiemark is right. No matter how hard I try, I have to accept my fate, my life, myself.

I can't change who I am...



I looked silently at the poster of Celestia and Luna. Earth Ponies are shown tending the land. Unicorns are glowing with magic. Pegasi are soaring through the clouds.

I noticed something small written on the poster. I looked at a small text at the bottom of the page saying,


At one last flash of hope, a brief memory of me being a little colt appeared. Admiring the stunning display of the Wonderbolts in action.

"It's unfair..." I silently whispered.


I remembered a long time ago being taught what a Cutiemark is.
It is your special talent in life. A Cutiemark represent who you are.
Yet, do other ponies ever come to stopped and think, is it fate? Is it our destiny to become what our Cutiemark tells us?
Do we do what we can do?
Because I certainly know I don't.
I don't to be no boring dusty Earth pony for the rest of my life. I want to fly. Fly like a Wonderbolt.
Why should I limit myself for who I was born as.
So sometimes, we just got to take flight. Even if we don't have the wings or horn.
So even for just a bit,
Just a tiny bit,
It be worth just to experience the thrill of that dream we have.
Even if it will greatly cost us.

I stood over the edge of a large mountain cliff near Canterlot woods.
Some ponies call it 'The Edge where dreams rises and fell'.
I can see why they call it, as I witness the moon slowly fell only to be replaced by the stunning sunrise.
Quite a spectacular view.
I took a deep breath.
I fiddled with my wing suit which is attached around my body with the wings spread out. I placed on my googles over my eyes as the sun shrines off it.
I looked again at the rising sun only to feel no fear or regret.

We can all dream. Even if its a daring dream.

As I began a quick run up along the cliff, I jumped.

Instantly, I felt the air pushing against my face as well as the feeling of the warm sun shrining against me. For a few brief seconds, I took in the sight of Equestria beneath me as I flowed past like a thrown piece of folded paper.

It's funny how Pegasus see this type of view everyday or so while for me this is truly sensational!

The wings began to shuddered as well as my body slowly feeling heavier.

I closed my eyes.

I didn't care what would happen to me. For once in a long time,

I felt alive!

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoy my little one shot idea~

Thanks to SolarBeam for pre reading and helping me find some mistakes of mine~ ^^

Btw, quick note, I haven't set a timeline for this story so it could take place anytime in the FIM universe.

Comments ( 9 )

Liked and favourited! :pinkiehappy:


~Planyx N

Thank you very much!! :twilightsmile:
I'm really glad you enjoyed it~


You are very welcome! :eeyup:

Very nice story. I like everything about it. Having that said there were a few errors. It's spelled 'Canterlot' and 'role model'. In the sentence, 'But aren't the character a Unicorn in the book?' should be 'isn't' and finally, it should be 'As I was adjusting the wings,...' Fine story otherwise. :pinkiesmile:

Thank you very much! :pinkiehappy:
I'm glad you liked the story~
Also thanks for the error check, I fix it right away! ^^

this was a great story! You should write more little one shots!:pinkiehappy:

Centre = British. You guys are the exception to Mark Twain's comment "foreigners always spell better than they pronounce"

Still, I'm a bit surprised that he didn't get a job working ground crew for the Wonderbolts.

A bit worried that this will end like the Monty Python sketch where it shows someone gliding along. Then, they crash & the camera angle shifts to show he wasn't gliding but falling off a cliff

Comment posted by SWEETOLEBOB18 deleted Apr 5th, 2020
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