• Published 10th Feb 2014
  • 882 Views, 5 Comments

Sweetie Belle and the Lionhead - Antojo Pony

Sweetie Belle receives a pendant containing the spirit of an ancient king for her birthday.

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Original Version

Moonlight glimmered over the empty marketplace. There was not a sign of life, or clatter, nor activity of any kind. It was early in the morning. Many of the early risers were still asleep. All the shops and stands were close until a couple of hours. All of them, except one curio shop.

Magnum, a white stallion with a mustache, was panting when he entered the shop. He was wearing a straw hat and a Hawaiian shirt. His cutie mark consisted of three footballs. “Oh good, at least there’s one shop still open at this hour,” he sighed in relief.

He observed the shelves and with contained numerous trinkets and artifacts. He stopped in front of what looked like the skull. “I hope that isn’t real,” he gasped.

“I believe it is so, It belonged to zebra in fact,” came a voice from behind.

The white stallion gave a jump in surprise and turned to face the mysterious speaker. It was an elderly gray pony. He was wearing a funny hat and his mane was tie in ridiculous ponytail. “May I help you?” the shopkeeper asked.

“Oh yes. I’m looking for a gift for my dear little girl. It’s her birthday tomorrow, but I’ve forgot to buy her a gift. I’m in a hurry right now since the early train departs to Ponyville in half an hour. But all the other shops are closed right now…” his voice dropped as he peered behind the grey pony and saw the amulet. It was a silver amulet, quite simple in design. In the center it had a delicate engraving of what was either a lion or dragon. “How much for that necklace?” he asked.

“That is not a necklace,” said the shopkeeper. “It’s more of pendant— but that is beside the point right now. This amulet contains a mysterious power that no pony fully comprehends. They say that its previous bearers began hearing voices and all went mad. For that reason I insist you that it is not for sale.”

“Oh that’s just rubbish,” retorted the white stallion. “I offer you thirty bits for it.”

“Are you out of your mind?! Why would I sell an artifact with such powerful and potentially dangerous properties such as this one?” said the shopkeeper in a serious tone. “Besides, I ask for at least one hundred bits.”

“Fine then, I’ll raise my offer to fifty bits,” said the white stallion.

“I won’t sell it for less than ninety “


The shopkeeper gave a deep sight. “Fine I accept your offer; I can’t keep it for longer anyways. Apparently I’m under suspicion of selling powerful dark artifacts to anypony. One incident with a dark amulet and the guard comes knocking into your shop.”

“I’m sure that’s interesting and all, but what about the necklace?” asked the white stallion as he started to get impatient.

“Throw in five extra bits and I’ll have it gift wrapped,” said the shopkeeper.

“That seems fair enough,” said the white stallion as he pulled out a large money bag and started counting the coins within.

“My warning still stands though; this amulet contains properties that we cannot understand. Are you willing to take the risks involved?” asked the shopkeeper sternly.

“Yes, yes. Now here you go,” said the white stallion as he passed the coins to the shopkeeper.

“I only have one important question to ask you,” said the shopkeeper.


“Would you prefer wrapping paper with the kittens or the rainbows?”

Sweetie Belle and the Lionhead
By: Antojo Pony

Sugarcube Corner was bursting more activity than usual. Today it was decorated with streamers, balloons, and various decorations that were all necessities for a proper Pinkie Pie party. In center of the bakery and occasional party hall, was large table with a stack of presents. Most of them were open since it was time for the opening of the gifts.

Sweetie Belle was a happy filly. Pinkie Pie had yet again managed to throw an extraordinary birthday party. She was almost finished unwrapping a large gift with rainbow wrapping paper. She opened the box and was met with a burst of confetti that ruffled her mane as the crowed that the party cheered.

“I wonder who this is from,” she said slyly as she had a guess of who the present was from. She peeked inside and saw… a poster. It was a poster of local weather mare, Rainbow Dash.

“Do you like it? I told I would get you the most awesomest present ever!” shouted Scootaloo with a huge grin that would rival that of Pinkie Pie’s. “I even managed to get it autographed by Rainbow Dash herself!”

“Yes, I—uh love it,” said Sweetie Belle with a false smile. “It’s uh—one of the most awesomest presents I’ve ever got.”

“Well I’m glad you like!” Scootaloo exclaimed with excitement, pleased that Sweetie liked her gift.

Sweetie Belle however turned to small package that was wrapped in a hideous wrapping paper with kittens on it. Paying no attention to the offending wrapping paper, Sweetie Belle picked up the small packaged and unwrapped it. Inside was a silver pendant. Needless to say, it looked extremely tacky. It had a simple design that looked like it could have been made by any amateur silversmith. She glanced at the engravings and could not determine if it was either a lion or a dragon.

“Well does my little pumpkin like her new necklace?” asked Magnum.

“Um, yes dad, it’s—beautiful,” Sweetie Belle responded nervously. She loved her dad and knew that he meant well, but when it came to jewelry and other fashions, his tastes were... unique. In other words he had a knack for finding tacky things, the tackier the better.

Groaningly, Sweetie put on the necklace to the applause of the party guests. For a brief moment she felt a slight chill breeze over her. Before she could think any further, Pinkie Pie announced that it was time to crack open the piñatas.

Sweetie Belle ran with the other children to join the festivities. For the slightest moment, however, she was sure she heard a mysterious voice whisper, “It’s been a while… but I have returned…”

When she entered the room that night she was exhausted. Pinkie Pie had managed once again to throw one of the best birthday parties ever. She climbed on to her bed and collapsed. Soon Sweetie Belle drifted away toward the realm of dreams. Yet the pendant that she was still wearing was still awake, and while she was asleep, the pendant emitted a glow throughout the night.


Sweetie Belle awoke the annoying buzzing of her alarm clock. She stretched her hoof to try and turn it off but lost her balance and fell off her bend and hit the floor.

“I hate Mondays,” she grumbled as she stood up on her four legs. That’s when noticed that her room seemed different. It was cleaner than usual. Sweetie was sure that last night her room was messier and there were toys scattered here and there. But at that moment everything was put away to where it belonged. It was when she went to her bookshelf and saw that the books where actually organized that she confirmed her suspicion that somepony had indeed cleaned her room. Not that it was a problem, the fewer chores the better.

‘Must have been mom, or maybe she let Twilight in from the look of the books.’ she thought to herself as she went the bathroom for her morning rituals. After a quick breakfast and headed off to school, not noticing that she was still wearing the pendant.

The school week started with Miss Cheerilee beginning a new unit on earth sciences and announced that that each student was to present an individual report on the topic of their choice relating to what they were learning. When the recess bell rang, the cutie mark crusaders gathered in the playground.

“So what'cha think ‘about those science projects that Miss Cheerilee gave us?” asked Apple Bloom.

“I don’t get it, what so interesting about a bunch of rocks?” Scootaloo responded. “It’s sooo boring.”

“Maybe, but we still gotta do a science project and show it to da’ class on Friday.” said Apple Bloom. “What do ya’ think Sweetie Belle?”

“Well, I dunno. I mean doing a report on a bunch of rocks does sound boring,” Sweetie Belle responded.

“Exactly, why couldn't we have a way cooler subject? Something awesome instead of dumb old rocks,” muttered Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle answered, “Well you see Scootaloo…“while she was speaking her pendent gave a slight glow. “… Earth science consists of a wide spectrum of subjects. Petrology is not a stupid subject and is in fact quite a respected branch of geology. I assure you that the subjects of seismology or maybe even volcanology might entertain your minuscule attention span.” After that outburst, the pendant stopped glowing; thought it went unnoticed by the crusaders.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were staring at Sweetie Belle with an open look of surprise. “Uh, Sweetie Belle, have ya’ been reading the dictionary again?” asked Apple Bloom in a serious tone.

“No,” Sweetie Belle said quickly. In truth she had no idea on what had happened. It was if there was a strange presence that overcame her and spoke for her. “Hey look, there starting a new game of jump rope, let’s go!” she said in a hope to change the subject.

To her relief it worked as Scootaloo shouted, “Race you there!”


Fortunately the rest of the day went by without any further incidents. When the final bell rang, Sweetie Belle rushed out of school house in a speed that would have made Pinkie Pie proud. She quickly ran up the stairs to her roomed and locked the door. Something was going on but she didn’t know what. She looked around her room to see if she could find any clue on what was going on. She scattered toys and books all over her room in search of a clue or anything. After tearing her room apart, she collapsed on her bed giving up since she had no idea what she was supposed to look for anyways.

“Oh come on! I just cleaned up this mess last night!” exclaimed an irritated voice that sounded distant yet near at the same time.

Sweetie Belle jumped from her bed and glanced frantically around her room for any sight of whoever was talking. That was when her sight stopped at the mirror and saw her reflection. She noticed that she was still wearing that tacky pendant that her father gave her… and it was glowing.

“About time you noticed me,” said the pendant.

Sweetie Belle opened her mouth but before she could let out a shriek the pendant glowed red and now sound came out her mouth.

“Hush!” said the pendant. “Don’t go screaming out loud, you attract too much attention. Besides I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You don’t?” asked Sweetie Belle with confusion. “So what do you want?”

There was a silent pause for a moment before the pendant glowed again and answered. “You know it’s been a while since anypony asked me what I wanted. Most of them saw me as some kind amulet of power, a tool to use, and I helped them. Some of the more mad ones actually thought they could actually take over the word. But in the end it was their stubbornness and pride that led to their eventual downfall. Not that stops any others from trying, I don’t blame though, and I do understand the appeal of having power.”

“So you want to take over the world?” Sweetie Belle asked the pendant.

Nah, been there done that. I mean the first three hundred years were fun but then things started getting boring. If I hadn’t been overthrown I would have probably given up the throne around my five hundred year in power,” the pendant said calmly. “I actually never expected them to be that powerful.”

“Do you mean the princesses?” asked Sweetie Belle.

No. My time was way before Celestia and Luna.” said the pendant. “I was defeated by a most ancient and powerful race.”

“Who?” she asked the amulet with great curiosity.

The diamond dogs,” muttered the pendant.

Sweetie Belle burst out laughing, “Really? You were defeated by the diamond dogs? My sis told me that they aren’t too bright and she easily had them under her hoof.”

Well laugh all you want,” said the pendant with irritation. “But I must tell you that the ancestors of the diamond dogs were a force to reckon with. They possessed powerful magic and knowledge that is yet to be rivaled. I must confess that find some pleasure in knowing that the course of evolution has not been kind to their descendants.”

At that moment there was a knocking at Sweetie’s door as a voice said “Sweetie it’s dinner time.”

“That was my mom, I can’t wait to introduce them to you!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle with excitement.

I wouldn’t recommend that,” said the pendant. “In fact I would suggest that you don’t speak to me in public or in front of others. Right now you are the only one that can hear me.”

“Oh.” Sweetie Belle said in disappointment. Then her eyes spread wide open in sudden realization, “How rude of me. I’ve never asked you for your name.”

There was another pause before the pendant responded, “You know, it’s also been a long while since anypony asked me about my name. I will not tell you my full name. But you can call me Leon.”

“Okay then Leon, nice to meet you. But why won’t you tell me your full name? Is it forbidden to speak of if or taboo?”

“No, it’s mostly because the language my name is in has been long dead. And I don’t want you to go butcher my name. But right now did not your mother call you down for dinner?”

“Can you eat Leon?” Sweetie Belle asked the pendant.

“No, but I am bonded to owner of my pendant. Which means I can taste everything that you eat if I wanted to,” said Leon.’

“Bonded?” the filly asked as she descended the stairs.

Well you see, before the diamond dog’s ancestors defeated me, a fragment of my being was sealed into this pendant. It didn’t turnout as expected it was expected. So now I’m trapped inside of this pendant. Whenever someone puts on this pendant, I am released from that prison. Then I bond with the owner of the pendant and I can feel the same things they feel. And that’s what happened with you, when you’re sad or happy I can feel it. But enough of that, we can discuss about it later.”

Sweetie Belle entered the dining room and found a bowl of fruit salad waiting for her. The pendant glowed for a few seconds then spoke. “What is that red fruit with the pale flesh? Don’t speak, just think the answer out loud and I can here you.”

‘You can read my mind?’ Sweetie’s thoughts asked with an inquisitive tone.

No I cannot read your mind, I can only hear the thoughts you allow me to hear. That’s why asked you to think them out loud. But back to my question, what is that red fruit with the pale flesh? I’ve never seen it before.’

‘Oh, that’s a peach.’

Sweetie Belle took ate a slice of peach and soon heard Leon’s burst out, ‘By the elders, this fruit must be the nectar of the gods!’


Sweetie Belle was in top of the world. Everywhere she went, ponies bowed their heads in reverence of her accomplishment. She entered the golden gates of her mansion as was about to host one of the greatest parties ever. Maybe she could have Cheese Sandwich plan the party. This had to be the biggest party ever. It had to be. It was in celebration of a momentous occasion. After many trials and efforts the impossible had been accomplished.

Sweetie Bell had finally gotten her cutie mark.

As she entered the front doors of the mansion a trumpet rang as the servants lined up in an aisle as they cheered in celebration.

“What is your order madam?” asked an elderly stallion with a fine and curly mustache.

“Bring me a mirror I want to know what my cutie mark looks like,” Sweetie Belle ordered

The butler gave a courteous bow and departed. Sweetie Belle ascended up the grand stairs of the lavish room. It was spotless, palsied, and beautifully decorated. She immersed herself admiring the statues and portraits that filled the hallway.

There was a buzzing noise. Sweetie Belle turned around and saw the butler walking towards her with a fancy mirror his mouth. As he approached her, the buzzing sound grew louder.

“What is that sound” she asked the butler.

“I believe that is the sound for you to wake up,” said the butler as he dropped the mirror.

“What?” asked Sweetie Belle as she covered her ears in an effort to filter out the buzzing sound that was now ringing in her ears louder than before.



Sweetie Belle fell off her bed into the floor while the infernal buzzing of her alarm clock assaulted her ears. “Ouch,” she grumbled as rose and turned off the alarm. “Huh, must be Tuesday.”

‘About time you woke up, that thing has been going off for five minutes. It was getting on my nerves.’

‘You didn’t have to wake me up like that!’

‘Well how else was I supposed to wake you up? That alarm thing was obviously not working.’

‘I dunno. But there was a better way than that.’

‘Maybe but that was the quickest way to get that infernal buzzing to stop.’

‘Why didn’t you turn it off then?’

‘As you can see I don’t have any hooves or a body…’

“Then how did you CLEAN UP MY ROOM LAST NIGHT!?” Sweetie shouted the last words out loud in irritation. But Leon did not answer.

Sweetie Belle grumpily left her room to prepare for the day. After her morning rituals she left off towards the schoolhouse. Class that day was for the most part normal and went by uninterrupted (there was a brief crisis when they ran out of red construction paper).

“So do ya’ have on what to do for the science project?” Apple Bloom asked her friends once the bell rang for recess.

“Nope,” Scootaloo replied.

“Me neither.” Sweetie Bell sighed.

“Well we gotta come up with something quick. We have to present it in front of the class in four days.” Apple Bloom said as she waved her hooves. “AJ doesn’t want me to bring home another bad grade, especially after what happened with our history day project.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders shivered as remembered that day. They agreed to never to speak of it again. The rest of the class seemed to be doing the same, thought some residents of Ponyville were confused on why their child returned home early that day covered in tree sap.

“Maybe Twilight has any ideas,” suggested Sweetie Belle.

“We don’t have Twilight Time today,” retorted Scootaloo. “She’s probably busy with other things or something.”

“But she lives in library, a public library. You know that one place where anypony can go to check out a book?” said Sweetie Belle. “Maybe she has a book that can help us.”

They agreed to visit the town librarian after school. When the bell rang at the end of class, they rushed through the front door and zoomed through town. Ponies turned their heads to see the familiar blur of the crusaders pass them. It was a common sight and the natives of Ponyville had long since built tolerance for the unusual. The sight of the crusaders on one of their misadventures was the least of their concerns.

Scootaloo was building momentum as she focused on the road ahead. Then she saw it. In front of her there was a plank that was making a makeshift ramp. Without a second thought, she gained speed and spread her wings. With a great swoosh the scooter took off in the air as she enjoyed the breeze brushing through her mane.

Her precious few seconds of ecstasy was brought short when she heard the screams of her fellow crusaders. The wagon that was attached to her scooter had come off. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were flung into the air and landed with a thud onto the ground.

“Ouch! Scootaloo, can you be more careful next time?” Sweetie Belle grumbled, “That’s the third time you’ve done that this month.”


Twilight was at the brink of another mental breakdown, apparently something about being late on a very important report that could affect the foundations of Equestria. She was stuck in a trance and wouldn’t break from it, regardless of Spike’s reassurances that the report wasn’t due for another two weeks and that postponing the standardization of pen tips sizes wouldn’t cause the demise of Equestria. Overall, their visit to the library didn’t end well. They had to do their research somewhere else.

“Are you sure about this?” Sweetie Belle asked Leon.

‘Sure I am. I know what we’re doing.’ The amulet responded.

They were standing in a large dirt field outside of Ponyville. After that incident at the library, the crusaders parted ways. Sweetie Belle headed towards the tunnels of the diamond dogs. The field was covered with holes and mounds of dirt, yet the field looked empty of any activity. It seemed that the diamond dogs had abandoned this spot.

‘They’re not here, that as shame.’ Leon muttered as Sweetie Belle trotted past a dirt mound. As they passed by one of the dirt mounds, It gave a slight moved that went unnoticed by Sweetie Belle. ‘Or maybe they're just hiding, do you still have that dog whistle?’

Sweetie Belle nodded as she reached into her saddle bag and pulled out a dog whistle that she had borrowed from Fluttershy. She blew into the whistle but no sound came out. ‘Maybe it’s broken,’ she thought to herself as she blew harder into the whistle. Again nothing happened.

“I think it’s broken,” said Sweetie Belle.

‘Oh it’s working just fine’ Leon said with a hint of mischief. He noticed that each time Sweetie Bell blew the dog whistle, the nearby dirt mounts vibrated. ‘I think you should play the whistle longer than before.’

Sweetie Belle complied and blew into the dog whistle a third time.

“Gah! We heard you the first time!” shouted a disgruntled voice. Three raggedy dressed diamond dogs came rushing out the dirt mounts clutching their ears. One was a tall and grey, the shortest of the group was a light brown, and the last one was a big beefy slate grey dog.

“Stop with the whistle, what do you want pony?” asked the short brown diamond dog.

‘Sweetie Belle, repeat what I have to say,’ the pendant whispered.

Sweetie Belle cleared her throat and spoke the words being given by Leon, “Greetings diamond dogs! I have come here with a proposition for you.”

“A propa-what now?” asked the tall slate diamond dog.

“A proposition, you know, a deal. Anyways, I’m here with a deal that we both can agree upon,” Sweetie Belle recited. “You dogs do love gems don’t you?”

“Yes of course! We’re diamond dogs! Now what do you want pony?” the grey diamond dog asked.

“Oh not much really, I know how to find all the gems you ever want. I just want to make a deal with you fine dogs. I find gems, you dig gems…” she said as she pointed with her hoof for emphasis, “…then we split gems fifty-fifty. So what do you say?”

The other two diamond dogs turned to large grey one then to Sweetie Belle seemingly in deep thought. At last the grey dog interrupted the silence, “I have a better idea; you find gems, you dig gems, and we keep all the gems.”

The other dogs gave a growl as they surrounded Sweetie Belle. Each of them was brandishing their crooked yellow teeth in an effort to make themselves appear more menacing. Unfortunate it revolted Sweetie Belle more her intimidated her, “Eww, when was the last time you dogs ever brushed your teeth.”

“Be quiet little pony!” growled the short brown mutt. “You should have not stopped here, this is Diamond Dog country. And do you know what we do to those that walk in our lands without our permission? We make them dig for us. “

“That’s enough Spot!” barked the grey diamond dog. Spot, the short brown dog, ducked his head and moved out of sight. “We don’t take slaves, well not since whiny pony. It’s was dying out in our tribe anyway. So little pony, what do you want?”

“I already told you, I want to make a deal with you,” Sweetie Belle repeated, “I find gems, you guys dig, and then we split gems.”

The diamond dogs huddled together in conversation before turning to Sweetie Belle and fell to the floor with laughter. “Ohthatss funny! This little pony thinks that she can find gems better than diamond dogs. I bet she not good as big whiny unicorn!” roared the grey dog with smirk.

The pendent glowed as a dark violet as Sweetie’s horn began to lit up. With ease Sweetie Belle snapped a branch off a nearby tree and began to draw X’s over spots that were filled with gems. “There,” She said, “I sure that if you dig at those spots you’ll find of lot of gems.”

The brutish slate dog began tearing at the earth with his massive paws. Within seconds he managed to make a hole larger than Sweetie Belle. A few minutes later he came tunneling out of the ground with a large pile of sparkling gems of many hues clutched tightly within in bulky arms. “Little one knows where gems are,” he said.

“Well that’s good enough for me, little one has a deal. My name is Rover by the way,” said the tall grey dog. “That big dumb one over there is Fido.”

“My name’s Sweetie Belle,” she said as the amulet shimmered and began drawing marks for the dogs to dig. “So how we get those gems?”


The next day Magnum awoke to the clanging and clattering noise that was coming from outside his house. When he opened his eyes was greeted with one of the strangest sights. Outside there were diamond dogs, at least twenty, each of them was hauling a large wagons filled with gemstones of all sizes, colors, and shapes.

“All right Ruddy bring that cart over here,” said Sweetie Belle.

Mangum saw that at the edge of the yard was Sweetie Belle standing on the top of podium with a megaphone in her hooves. She was giving out orders to the diamond dogs that were scattered throughout the lawn.

“Sure thing boss,” replied Ruddy with a quick salute and hauled the cart to where he was instructed.

Magnum closed the front door of his house and went to the kitchen. “Must be the lack of morning coffee that’s all” he muttered as he placed a pot over the stove. He didn’t know what was going on, but to be honest he preferred it that way.

Comments ( 5 )

WOO! Great story you have here, maybe it could be as. Good as Evil Belle. Cuz you have a loooot of potential here!

Keep ooon writin'!


Sweetie Belle receives a pendant form


For great justice!

keep up the good work

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