• Published 10th Feb 2014
  • 12,226 Views, 1,119 Comments

Absolution - ed2481

An Absol's life is full of pain and the tragedy of others but for one, Cres, that pain is much closer to heart. After a year and a day spent praying atop Mt. Coronet Cres is finally given the chance to obtain his long sought after Absolution.

  • ...

Chapter 7

"That’s... just gross,” Rainbow Dash said, a noxious shade of green coloring her cheeks.

Down below her was the only thing that was yielded from her scouting trip. A charred corpse of a manticore. The rainbow pegasus was still flying in the air, yet the smell of its boiled flesh wafted into her nostrils, causing her to gag harshly and she nearly lost the remains of her breakfast.

Dash didn’t dare to take a second look and began to swiftly sail away with two flaps of her wings. She coursed to the edge of the forest and violently shook her head while snorting very forcely, trying to get rid of the wretched stench clinching the roof of her nose. After doing a good minute of cleaning out her nose, she wiggled it slightly while taking in a deep breath of fresh air.

“Well... I better tell the others,” she muttered as she picked up her speed and glanced down to search for her friends. It didn’t take her long to locate them, they were standing around inside of a rather large clearing.

“Good news?” Twilight Sparkle called as she caught sight of Rainbow Dash approaching.

“Kind of,” the light blue pegasus replied as she landed in front of them. “I think I’ve see one of his... ‘victims’.”

“Oh no... what was it?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

“A manticore... who he burned to death... I think,” Dash replied slowly, barely keeping herself from gagging at the memory.

“He managed to kill a manticore?!” Twilight asked in alarm. “This is bad... usually it takes a pack of Timberwolves to do that!”

A deep frown crossed Applejack’s face. “He keeps on getting more dangerous by the second.”

“I can’t believe that Cres would do such a thing,” Fluttershy said softly. “Do... you think it could’ve been a dragon instead of him?”

“I doubt there would be much of a manticore if a dragon used its fire breath on it,” Dash said. “That and there weren’t any other scorch marks on the trees, or anything else that would hint it was a dragon.”

“Oh...” the other pegasus said softly. “Maybe he had a good reason?” she added hopefully.

“Yeah, probably building up his strength,” Applejack said, her frown still present on her face. “Something to toughen him up so he’ll be ready for... whatever he has planning.”

“Well then we just have to stop him before he can do any more damage,” Twilight said with a swift nod. “Luckily, I can track him.”

“How?” Dash asked.

“Well, if you’d waited for me to finish telling you the plan before flying out of my house, then you’d know,” Twilight told her archly as her horn began to glow. “You see, because they’re used by ambassadors the amulets have a built in locator spell that I can track.”

“Oh...” the pegasus said a bit dumbfounded with a blank stare. “Well... you could’ve tried to tell me that beforehoof,” she said in mild protest.

“You didn’t give me the chance,” Twilight said, giving her a deadpan look.

“Then you should’ve stopped me,” Dash retorted.

“Can we stop arguing please?” Fluttershy asked quietly. “We need to make sure that Cres isn’t hurt!”

“So what if he is?” Applejack stated. “If he is, it will just make our job a lot easier.”

“But if he’s too badly hurt then he could die!” Fluttershy exclaimed fearfully. “Haven’t enough animals died already?”

“If I remember correctly, Cres was the cause of all those deaths,” Applejack said flatly. “So if he does die, I really don’t see the problem in that.”

Fluttershy stared at her, a mixture of horror and disgust in her eyes. Applejack looked right back, an unsympathetic look clearly crossing her face. Before things could escalate further Twilight stepped between the two.

“Alright girls, we should keep moving. Cres isn’t going to find himself.”

“Yeah... let’s get going,” Applejack said, looking away from Fluttershy.

“I... I can’t believe it... I’m... I’m so angry with them... even though... I-” I cut myself off and pawed angrily at the ground.

“It’s okay, Cres... I’m sure they had good reasons,” Belle told me as she walked up to me with a small, uncertain, smile. “We’ll... just have to make do living in the forest for a while.”

“They threw you out because of me,” I told her, venom and anguish in my voice. “If I hadn’t done it... then you’d still be happy and safe with Jessica... now you’re out here and it’s all my fault.”

“Don’t blame yourself for their fear, Cres,” she told me softly. “They’re just... taking a precaution, that’s all. I’m sure they’ll let us bac-”

“Do you really think so?” I demanded, anger leaching into my voice as I bared my teeth. “I killed my master, Belle! I burned down his house! I... they’ll never let us back in...” I turned my gaze back towards the ground. “Well... they’ll never let me back in... maybe if I leave and you stay they’ll le-”

“Don’t say that, Cres,” Belle interjected. “It was an accident... I’m sure they’ll figure that out and they will forgive you. Just... give it time.”

“Yeah; right,” I said coldly. “Belle... I just... I don’t know... should you be around me right now? I... I killed my master... I don’t... I don’t want to hurt you, too,” I continued, my voice softening. “I... I don’t think I could take it... I’m... ‘this’ close to-”

“Cres, don’t you dare think of taking your own life,” Belle told me strictly with hardened eyes.

I stared into her blue eyes and I found that tears had come uncalled to my face and were pouring down my cheeks as I stared into the pine needles beneath us. “Belle... how can I think of any-any-thing else? I... I killed Henry... I... I I got you thrown out of town... I don’t deserve to keep living... why should I?”

“Because... if you take your life... you won’t solve anything Cres... only create new problems,” Belle answered softly as she walked closer to me.

“Who would miss me?” I asked. “I’m just an Absol... a walking disaster.”

“I would,” she stated slow and sincerely. “I would be... heartbroken... if you ever took your life.”

I raised my head up to look at her, a set of her own tears rolling down her cheeks. “I...” I stopped myself to lean over and gently (and carefully) nuzzle her softly. “You... you’re right... I’m sorry... I’m just an... idiot...”

“It’s okay,” she replied as she return the nuzzle. “I’m used to it.”

I stared at her for a moment before a small smile appeared on my face and I let out my first laugh since... it had happened. “I... I love you Belle,” I whispered softly.

“And I love you too, Cres,” she replied back with a small smile.

My paw moved up to wipe a tear away from my eye and I sniffled softly. “How do you deal with me?” I asked her, not quite sure what I meant myself.

“Practice... bit by bit every day,” she replied with a light chuckle.

A real laugh emerged from my throat and I leaned against her for support... it wasn’t all that funny but I couldn’t help it. Belle simply joined in softly and soon we were a pair of laughing goons secluded beneath the boughs of the pine tree.

She was there for me and maybe... that was enough.

My eyelids snapped open, my heart hammering in my chest.

“It... was only a dream,” I muttered to myself as my eyes looked around the dim hut for the Bli-Zecora.

She was nowhere to be seen at the moment and my stomach was growling iritibly. It was then that I noticed my stomach felt like less of an organ and more like a shrieking ball of pain. I let a low growl slip from between my teeth and looked down at it.

“Shut up,” I commanded.


It was not a very good listener. Never had been.

I closed my eyes and let out a groan and actually succeeded. My body froze for a moment, preparing for pain. However much to my surprise, my body felt... much better other than my aforementioned stomach. Sure, it ached, but other then that... it felt like I’d simply spent a long day training with He- a long day of training.

My eyes peered down at my body and saw that the bandages had been removed, the fur had been shaved away to reveal light blue skin. On the bright side, the skin was flawless and unmarred.

“Well, she did say that she had potions,” I mused to myself with a small chuckle. “Now, time to find something to eat.” My mouth watered at the sentence and it took all of my mental discipline not to drool as the thought of a Tauros split in half with its... anyways, I was hungry.

Without further delay, I rolled sideways off of my bed of pine boughs (now that I thought of it; I couldn’t believe how considerate it was that Zecora had gone out of her way to pick up some of my favored bedding) and rose to my paws. The room spun wildly for a moment and I shuffled to the side uncertain upon the paws I had assumed were trustworthy, until I once more found my balance.

Maybe I’m not at 100% yet, I thought to myself before taking a quick glance around the hut.

Aside from the strange masks and the like, it was a very basic hut as far as they go. To be honest, I’d seen the inside of rock walls with more comfortable amenities... yet there was something undeniably charming about it. I closed my eyes for a moment and then walked through the door to emerge in a small clearing.

It was what I had come to associate with being the average clearing in the Everfree Forest, though I could see that there were small nearly imperceptible intruder defenses set up around it. However, before I could focus too greatly on that, my nose caught the sight of meat; Water-type Pokémon to be precise. My eyes widened as the aroma wafted into my nose and this time I could not help the small droplet of drool that leaked from between my lips.

To say that my head snapped in the direction of the food and then I leapt at it in a frenzy would have been... well, a little exaggerated. Yes, there was some leaping and I may have been a bit unaware of my actions, I will adamantly defend that when Zecora’s gentle laughter reached my ears hat I had seen her before I began devouring my third Water-type.

“It seems that you are quite hungry, though if you keep up this rate I will begin to worry about you becoming unfit,” Zecora said, the third Water-type halfway down my throat. I chewed a little more and then finished the Water-type (it tasted a bit like Remoraid except for maybe a little less salty). Whatever the case, it was delicious.

“I... will try that,” I said as a small blush colored my blue cheeks. “Thank you for the Water-types.”

“We call them fish here,” she told me with a gentle chuckle. “But Water-types work just as well so long as they feel good in there,” she added pointing towards my stomach with a hoof. I grinned.

“True, very true Zecora,” I said with a nod before quickly devouring another of them, she’d only brought five. “Would you like the last one?” I added out of politeness, it is only an unworthy predator who does not offer to share his meal with the one who brought him it.

Zecora shook her head. “No I think not, I doubt it would agree with me as it does with you, it will twist my stomach into a knot,” she replied.

“Very well,” I replied before leaning down and gulping up the last ‘fish’. “Thank you again, for both the ‘fish’ and for healing me.”

“After what you did so selflessly, I could not help respond casually,” she told me, a small smile on her face as she began to walk into the hut, I followed along behind her.

“All the same... I thank you. In truth, I do not deserve your kindness, nor that of anyone,” I told her, the words tasting acidic on my tongue.

“What could make you say such a thing, truly I find your assumption lacking somewhat,” she told me as she looked back at me sharply.

“Yeah... well, you don’t really know me,” I replied dourly as I stared at the floor. “And you probably don’t want to.”

“While it is true that I do not know you,” she began as she pulled a small chair out from somewhere in the hut and walked back outside before setting it down in front of her hut. “That does not mean I do not wish to.”

I gently raised an eyebrow before I sat down on my rear in the soft grass. “Well... alright... I guess the first thing you should know is that I’m... from another, world...”

“I don’t believe it!” Twilight exclaimed, her horn still glowing brightly.

“Neither can I,” Applejack added in a low muttered.

“Maybe Cres is just talking with her or resting at her house,” Fluttershy said in a soft voice as they began to near Zecora’s house.

“I don’t know... Cres often seems a bit too ‘friendly’ for just a idle chat,” Rainbow Dash commented. “Just ask that manticore back there,” she added, barely hiding a shudder.

“Zecora is our friend, girls, we need to focus on rescuing her!” Twilight commanded as she flapped her wings to make her move just a bit faster. Applejack followed the alicorn’s advancement and broke into a gallop.

“Screw that, not fast enough!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, flapping her wings swiftly and taking off, zooming ahead of the others.

There he was, the monster was was poised and ready to pounce on her, his mouth open. Dash had time to take in that much before she slammed into the white beast and sent him crashing to the ground.

I stared up at the rainbow maned ‘pegasus’ with a mixture of surprise and annoyance. Just when my morning was going so well, I thought with a mental frown before I rolled over, depositing my weight on top of her and casually placing a clawed paw on her .

HEY, GET OFF OF ME!” she yelled, punching futilely against my furry chest. Fortunately her lack of leverage robbed her blows of any weight.

“Stop it,” I growled, baring my teeth a little. It may have been a little harsh, but in my defense, my ribs still rather hurt from the manticore's paw so I wasn’t thrilled to have some loud pegasus smashing into them. Unfortunately my growl didn’t seem to do much to her other then make her struggle harder.

If you don’t get off me, I’m going to buck you so hard you won’t feel-

I couldn’t understand what she was saying, but it sounded belligerent. So, I move my paw up to her throat and pressed down a little harder.

“I said, stop it,” I growled harshly. However she only looked back in defiance and determination.

“Rainbow Dash, stop being so very brash,” Zecora suddenly said from beside us. I glanced away from the pegasus, still keeping my paw on her throat. Zecora was standing there, frowning at the pegasus. “Cres was just telling me a story, though it seems now we will have to wait until after we have cleared up this mess.”

Rainbow Dash looked at the zebra and blinked a bit blankly. “You mean he’s not holding you hostage or anything?

“What is she saying?” I asked Zecora.

“She believed you were holding me hostage, which is false, though I appreciate her concern for me,” she answered.

You can talk to him?” Dash asked, sounding a bit surprised by that fact.

“Quite well in fact, he is a very kind creature and that is no act,” Zecora said simply.

But he-

“Has done nothing but protect my life from harm, there is no cause for alarm,” Zecora said, cutting her off strictly.

While I was distracted by that, I felt a small tickle on my side. I looked at it and saw a purple aura dissipating off of me. I frowned; it felt kind of like a Psybeam. Then I looked up to see Twilight standing there along with Applejack and Fluttershy. The look on the unicorn’s face was that of someone who’d just run into a brick wall unexpectedly.

I... don’t get it! That should’ve worked!” Twilight exclaimed.

Get off of her you mangy varmint,” Applejack said with a harsh tone and narrowed eyes.

“Didn’t I already ask you to stay away from me?” I asked the orange ‘pony’ with an annoyed frown. “I made my point very clear,” I added with a smooth slash of my blade through the air.

“Cres, get off of Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said sternly. “You’re being a bad kitty!”

“She attacked me without provocation,” I stated coldly as I glanced down at the pegasus. “Were it not for Zecora, I would have already slit her throat and been done with it.”

“You would have slit her throat?” Fluttershy asked with wide eyes. Rainbow Dash’s eyes also widened, but Applejacks eyes only got narrower.

If you dare do that, I’ll buck you all the way to Tartarus and continue until you’re in the deepest, blackest hole there is,” she stated while her hooves prodded the ground.

“I have no idea what you’re saying, but you’re welcome to try whatever threat you just made,” I told the orange pony with a snarl as I removed my body weight from on top of Rainbow Dash and turned to bare my teeth at Applejack.

What’s he saying?” Twilight asked Fluttershy.

“That he doesn’t know what she said... but she’s more then welcome to try whatever threat she just made,” Fluttershy said quietly.

Applejack tilted her head down as her front hoof readied itself. “Oh I think I will, you-!

“Enough!” Zecora exclaimed, finally having enough of the pointless conflict as she walked between myself and my antagonists. “Stay your hoof Applejack, there is no reason to be seek out a path so rough.” I glanced over at her and she met my gaze, slowly shaking her head.

So rough?” Applejack asked sounding incredulous. “He attempted to set me on fire, slashed a wound across my back, and now saying he was going to slit one of my friends’ throats.” She stated, her voice fuming with anger. “I’ll say that’s more than enough to get so ‘rough’ with this little vermin.

“Yet was it not you who attempted to trap him in a pit after telling him that his way of life was not correct and treating him like a dangerous pet?” Zecora asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Well what do you expect when he say he was going to hunt so close to Ponyville? I can’t just let that happen.” Applejack declared.

“Creatures of the Everfree hunt close to Ponyville and you have not ever hunted them so maliciously for their features,” the zebra stated simply.

That’s because they normally get the hint to stay in the Everfree after Fluttershy talks to them,” the earth pony remarked. “Yet he just throws it out like it doesn’t matter to him, and that could be problematic.

“Why would he heed your words, he is not a creature of this world and thus his rights are not those for you to deny,” Zecora replied.

What do you mean ‘not a creature of this world’? Is Cres an alien? As in, from outer space?” Twilight asked. I turned to look at her with a slightly raised eyebrow before looking back at Zecora.

“What did she say?” I asked her.

“Twilight asked whether you were an alien who descended from beyond the skylight,” she told me.

“Well... I didn’t so much ‘descend’ so much as rise out of a pool...” I said with a frown.

“What do you mean Cres?” Fluttershy asked before looking at Zecora. “And how are you understanding him?”

“She’s using a potion,” I answered for her. “And I was brought to this world on a quest for Absolution by Giratina.”

“You were brought here?” Fluttershy asked. “Who’s Giratina?”

“A Legendary Pokémon who possesses the ability to travel from realm to realm,” I answered. “He was... kind enough to transport me here.”

“A ‘Legendary Pokémon’? What does that mean?” Fluttershy inquired curiously.

“It is a Pokémon who is so strong that the world itself shakes when they appear,” I answered. “In this case... a giant ghostly dragon who wears a mask of solid gold.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “That sounds scary.”

Whatever the case on where he’s from or that, what makes his ‘rules’ better than ours?” Applejack asked, with an annoy shake of her head. “If he’s from some other place, what gives him the right to just dismiss our rules for predators?

“Would you rather keep an intelligent creature in Everfree if they do not wish to remain in the wood?” Zecora asked her.

If they’re not going to cooperate, yes,” Applejack replied firmly.

Zecora closed her eyes for a moment before holding up a hoof. “I will return momentarily, please avoid doing anything to each other outside of eying one another warily.” With that, the zebra turned and walked into her hut. Applejack locked her eyes on my red ones and I bared my teeth slightly while readying my blade should I need it.

Rainbow Dash was up and was hovering in the air, looking a bit confused, but it also looked like she would aid Applejack if anything went down.

Twilight and Fluttershy just stood there, Fluttershy with a concerned look (the one that I had begun to expect of her) and Twilight with a look that reminded me shockingly of Belle when she discovered something new.

Thankfully, Zecora returned before anything could develop, a pack of green potions balanced on her back.

“Drink and you will be able to understand each other without the need to force each other to the brink,” she said before looking at me. “As for you my friendly Absol, I expect to hear the rest of your story later as to why you seek your absolution.”

I gave her a bow. “You have my word,” I replied before she walked over to the ponies and they each took a potion and drank it, with the obvious exception of Fluttershy.

Applejack was the first to speak. “Alright you mangy vermin, just why in Tartarus I shouldn’t buck you there myself.”

“Because I would claw my way out and kill you,” I stated flatly. “Because I will not allow anyone to prevent me from finding my absolution.”

“And killing critters within our borders is your way to find it?” she asked sternly.

"I must eat,” I said flatly. “And there is food here. You are not a predator and thus have no right to claim territory. I do not eat owned ‘animals’ nor those who are clearly of higher intelligence like yourselves. Even humans do not claim the entire wood for their own,” I told her with narrowed eyes.

“Well, you’re wrong,” Applejack said firmly. “Out here in Equestria there’s a system, and you can’t just ignore it so willy-nilly. And if you’re not going to cooperate, then you’re a threat, nothing else.”

“Then I’m a threat,” I told her. “And for your continued antagonism of me, so are you.” I lowered my head slightly and bared my fangs, readying myself for battle. Applejack eyes narrowed at me and right hoof prodded into the ground, accepting my challenge.

“Then bring it on... you little vermin,” she said.