• Published 11th Feb 2014
  • 1,795 Views, 12 Comments

Trixie's Lamentation - JXWheeler

Whatever happened to the showmare after she got defeated in the magic duel?

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Trixie's Revelation

Author's Note:

This was just a little feels moment I threw together.

What? You didn't actually think I left did you?

If anypony wants to use this as a setting for a new story, then you have my permission.

Just remember to credit this story in yours for the inspiration that helped make it!

Broken, alone, and humiliated, these words describe the former showmare who was now nothing more than a depressed wreck of what she used to be. Trixie Lulamoon could be seen laying down next to a pond, silently crying to herself as she looked up towards the moon in the sky, "When Trixie first came to Ponyville, Trixie just wanted everypony to like her... Trixie thought that if she could impress them with her magic show Trixie could finally make some friends..." She sniffed before nearly breaking down again, "Trixie thought that if Trixie made up a story or two they'd all like her... Trixie didn't want to be challenged... but Twilight Sparkle and her friends did it anyway... why couldn't they just let Trixie be herself?" She angrily pounded on the ground with her hoof, fighting back tears that threatened to come out, "Trixie did not want to accept their challenge... but Trixie had no choice, Trixie was being called out in her own show... Trixie had to accept..." She looked into the water and saw an image of herself, still wearing her grandfather's cape and hat that he made for her.

"Trixie was made a fool of in the end, and Trixie's career was all but over..." Her tears never stopped as she kept on wailing, this going on for a few more minutes. Eventually she wiped her tears and looked up at the moon, "Everywhere Trixie went... the incident at Ponyville followed. All those rotten fruits and vegetables hurt when it hits you in the head." She then instinctively rubbed her head from where the rotten tomato had hit her a few hours ago, "Why did they have to challenge Trixie? Do they not know it's common for a showmare to tell fibs about adventures they have been in? It is a showmare's job to keep the audience entertained!"

"Trixie was so angry... Trixie just wanted nothing more than to get back at Twilight for ruining me... ever since that day Trixie has had nothing but ridicule and insults thrown at her... Trixie wanted to show her that Trixie was more powerful, and that Trixie deserved to have friends as well..." Her mouth slowly contorted into that of a snarl as she remembered the horrible events that led up to this point, "That is why Trixie bought the Alicorn Amulet, Trixie wanted to show Twilight how it felt to be abandoned and alone. Trixie wanted to give her a taste of her own actions!"

She splashed her hoof in the water, causing the image of herself to become the image of Starswirl the Bearded, "Grandpa... Trixie is sorry... Trixie could not be the magician you wanted her to be. You used that eternal youth spell on Trixie... but Trixie could not be as great as you..." Her eyes slowly started to well up with tears, on the verge of crying again, "But even though Trixie a failure... Trixie is still the Great and Powerful Trixie... right?" She then closed her eyes and started to cry again, letting out all the pent up rage, emotion, and sadness that she had kept concealed over the years. One could only take so much of Trixie's lifestyle before they break. Making little profit from her shows, always facing ridicule and insult at every town she went, even before Ponyville. Even her living space, which was her own cart, was hardly big enough to be a suitable living environment.

It was at that point Trixie felt a hoof touch her shoulder, causing her to jump back in fright. When she noticed Princess Luna smiling at her, the sadness she felt quickly turned into confusion. She remained silent as Luna started to speak, "Trixie Lulamoon, we know what it feels like to have nopony appreciate the hard work thou hath put in, doing what thou do." Luna looked down at Trixie with a small frown, "Thou can not let it consume thee though, as it had consumed us. If thou truly want to have friends and be accepted, go back to Ponyville and seek out Twilight Sparkle. We are sure she would be more than happy to be thy friend."

Trixie's eyes widened in shock, "But... after all Trixie did to her, and her friends, why would she ever want to be friends with me?" She then shook her head, "No... she wouldn't accept me, not after all that happened... there is just no way!" She then buried her head in her hooves as she tried to keep herself from crying in front of the princess, "Trixie has failed her grandpa... Trixie could not live up to his name... Trixie doesn't deserve friends!"

Luna simply giggled lightly before speaking again, "Because she holds the magic of friendship within her heart, we know that she will accept thee with little to no hesitation." She closed her eyes and made her horn shoot a beam of energy towards Trixie, causing her hat and cape to appear on her body once again, "Please Beatrix, go back to Ponyville and seek her out. You will see she is a very forgiving and very understanding pony." Princess Luna then gave Trixie a gentle nudge, causing the showmare to look up.

Trixie slowly wiped her eyes with her hoof and smiled, "Are you sure she will? Just like that?"

Princess Luna nodded her head, "Yes, we are sure. Do not worry thyself, we would not have come here if it was not true."

Thank you your highness... thank you." She happily bowed down before Luna who smiled in response, "Trixie shall go to Ponyville now and do as you said. Thank you so much!" After saying this, she ran out of the forest, and towards the town called Ponyville.

Luna could not help but smile as she wiped a tear from her eye, "Your very welcome, my little pony." After she said this, she flew off into the night sky.

Comments ( 12 )

Rrecognition of

You have Trixie as Starswirl's granddaughter? That's new. A like and a fav for the concept and idea.

D'aww. Sad, but hopeful and sweet. I like it. And yes, Luna would sympathize.

3932140 On a less serious note, you might enjoy this historical record.

3932140 Im pretty sure someone must have made that concept at one point. Thanks though!

3930224 Now that is creative!

3932289 That... that is bucking awesome!

3932588 People have come up with the concept of Trixie being a descendant of Starswirl. As far as I know, no one has actually had Trixie as Starswirl's actual granddaughter that had an eternal youth spell cast on her.
I wonder if Celestia actually knows Trixie. I'm sure she knew Starswirl, so it wouldn't be a stretch.

3932617 Sounds like a good fanfic can be made from this!

3932629 Trixie as an immortal wandering magician? Like Gandalf, but cuter and a pony. Possibly the whole 'arrogant showoff' is just a facade, and the whole Ursa incident was just a setup to help Twilight accept her own magic gift. She's basically playing the rival because Twilight needs to keep her skills sharp. And she's probably played the same role with dozens upon dozens of gifted unicorns throughout history, but this one is special...

3932832 But if that were to be true. Then this story would be obliterated because it counters her making a facade and such just to help Twilight.

3932939 Oh, I have to disagree. The events of differing stories don't have to affect each other. What happens in one story means little for another, unless you want it to.

Really, I was just tossing out one idea I had. Bit of brainstorming, if you will. It wouldn't have to have anything with this story.

3933053 Well in that case then go for it. If this story helped with the idea then credit it and make the readers proud with your story!

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