• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 2,336 Views, 28 Comments

And Then... My Life Changed - frutineo

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Chapter 8: Home Town.

Chapter 8: Home Town.

Spike was a little cranky waking up at 5am when you are merely a ten year old baby dragon can do that to you, though he could not complain.

He had woken when a letter from Princess Celestia arrived. At first he had thought it was for his caretaker/adoptive mother/boss, but since she was in Canterlot with the rest of her friends, that could not be.

The letter was addressed to him with a specific set of orders from Princess Celestia for him to make mayor Mare and to gather all of the villagers of Ponyville in front of the arrival deck of the train station.

There were no other instructions other than to tell the driver to turn off the engines once the Friendship Express arrived and tell Twilight to wait for Princess Luna's arrival.

There were a lot of questions that needed an answer and as the train was nearing the station with Twilight, and by Celestia’s flowing mane, she would answer.

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I closed the blinds to all of the windows before reaching the station. I didn’t wanted Ponies freaking out at my sight and all the while all I could think was a way to escape.

“Foraneo, stop freaking out!” Trixie told me in an unusually calm manner.

“Why should I stop freaking out Trixie? The whole town is out there and you want me to calm down?”

“Twilight already told you that everything will be all right.”

“She ‘hopes’ Trixie. But you are right, I should calm down…The back of the train is how many carts long again?” I asked

“You run away and I will personally turn your clothes into dust!” Twi threatened.

“How are you going to do that?”

“Magic.” She stated with an air of security that will put most car salesmen to shame.

“… FINE! I won’t run but I won’t go out until you have explained everything.” I told her. It was then that I noticed something. “Hey why has the train stopped?”

It was then that a little purple lizard appeared from the entrance of the cart. “Twilight, I came to…” His eyes looked at me and his expression transformed from one of annoyance to one of pure rage.

“YOU!” he yelled at me and he took a deep breath.

I was confused and my body refused to move. The moment he took a breath I knew that he, being a dragon, was about to unleash his fire on me and I also knew that if I moved my friends would end up enveloped in his flame.

I opened my arms and closed my eyes ready to take the full force of the flame as he released it. The flame never arrived. I looked up and saw a purple half-bubble stopping the green fire that the infant dragon breathed.

When he stopped Twi ran in front of him. “SPIKE STOP! What do you think you’re doing?”

“THAT’S what I was about to ask YOU. I remember how you described the monster that killed those diamond dogs and I remember full well how scared it left you all. Why are you defending it?”

“Spike I’m sorry… I should have sent you a letter explaining everything.”

The little Dragon crossed his arms. “Yeah, you should have. But now that we are here, would you care to do so? At least before I decide to deep fry it for scaring you for life?”

“Don’t call him ‘it’ like that Spike. HE is Luis Corte or Foraneo, and he is our new friend.”

“FRIEND?! How is that possible Twilight?”

“It’s a long story, but I promise you that I will tell it to you later, but for now; What is it that you wanted to tell me?”

“I don’t like it when you leave me in the dark about things like this, but if you insist… Princess Celestia sent me a letter this morning telling me to gather everypony in Ponyville at the station.”

“She also told me that you should wait for Princess Luna to appear and make an announcement before you get out. I did not know why but I suppose that HE is the reason.”

“That explains the crowd. Ok Spike, I think it best if you go outside and wait for Princess Luna to arrive”

The little dragon walked up to the door but he stopped; he turned around to look at me and huff in disgust before walking out.

After he had taken his leave I relaxed, dropped to my knees and released the unknowingly held. Twilight turned around to look at me. “Foraneo, I am so sorry for this. Are you all right?”

I looked at her. “So he is the famous ‘Spike’ I presume, you also said that I had an attitude problem.”

“Please don’t judge him like that. He was only trying to protect me”

“For as much as I would like to agree with you, he almost killed me and that huge flame would have enveloped the car and all of our friends in it” I said slightly… ok completely annoyed.

“But you are right. Who knows what I would have done if I was in his place. *Sigh* Whatever.”

“Thanks for understanding.”

I grunted in response. “I wonder how long until Princess Luna arrives.”

A set of trumpets were heard. “Now my dear villagers I present you, Princess Luna of Equestria!”

My hand decided to greet my face at that moment. “I walked into that one didn’t I?”

“Shhh! She’s going to speak!”

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Princess Luna walked up to the stand where she would give her speech looking confident and in control. Not counting the disaster of the last Nightmare Night.

“Dear citizens of Ponyville!” Princess Luna started. “You may wonder what I am doing here during my sister’s day to talk to you.”

“It is my belief that you have been informed of the events that took place in the western mountain range a few days ago where the Elements of Harmony were attacked by a group of rouge Diamond Dogs who sought to end their lives.”

“The Elements would have perished had it not been for a strange creature that had cometh to protect them. He calls himself a ‘Human’ and claims to be from another world and now finds himself stranded in our own.”

“My sister and I have personally seen that he means no harm to ponykind and he seeks a way back home. Since my sister, Princess Celestia, and I have no knowledge on how to take him back to his world, it was decided during the day council that he would remain in Ponyville under the care of the Elements of Harmony.”

“We ask you with all our might to make him feel welcomed in your community.”

“Without further ado. We present you the human: Foraneo!”

Princess Luna pointed the door of the train that remained unopened.

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“Aren’t you going to step outside Foraneo?”

I was far too afraid to move, sweating profusely from my arm pits and forehead. “If I could move Trixie I would but…”

Once again vertigo consumed me as Twi levitated me out of the train.

“No wait Twi don’t…” Too late she floated me out the train exposing me to the townsponies.

She undid her magic slowly so I could stand facing the villagers. There were hundreds of ponies; mostly mares and a few dozen foals that were staring at me, so did I in return.

Princess Luna broke the silence. “Now that you have seen, him I would like our guest to take the stand and greet you all.” She stepped aside I just looked at her, then at the crowd and I said the first thing that came to my mind.

“Bah weep grana weep ninny bon..” Maybe I should have put more effort into it… a LOT more effort.

“THE HORROR!” A mare screamed in the far back crushing my mood.

The yell created a rouse between the villagers. As I was losing hope of having a nice and quiet stay in this world, Princess Luna took a step in front using what I came to know was the ‘Royal Canterlot Voice’.

“CALM DOWN DEAR SUBJECTS!” all of the villagers calmed down finally and started to pay attention to the Princess. “How can you act like this to the hero that saved the life of this country’s most outstanding citizens? Somepony who faced the certainty of death in order to protect the life of creatures he knew nothing about?”

“May I also remind you that you are acting like you did on Nightmare Night? Do you really want that to happen again?”

All of the ponies looked down in shame and the Mayor neared me. “In the name of Ponyville; I apologize for our behavior.”

I smiled at her. “No need to, I just hope we can get along.” I gave her my hand in signal of friendship. “You can call me Foraneo.”

She gave me her hoof. “Mayor Mare at your service.”

“Likewise Mayor, I think it would be better if you call off this meeting. I am feeling a little tired and I am sure if somepony wants to ask me something I will be here for quite some time.”

“I concur Mr. Foraneo”

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It took little for the crowd to disperse. I found myself walking through town with my friends when I saw a three with windows in the distance with an all too familiar dragon child in front of it.

“Looks like this is where we part… at least for now.”

“Sure Twi, see you later.” Once she left I realized something. “Now I need a place to go to wash my clothes.”

“You can come with me to my Boutique darling.”

I looked up to Rarity in surprise. “So you are a tailor?”

“Seamstress darling, the term is seamstress, and I am at your service.”

“Thanks Rarity.”

“I think I need to go as well, I need to work on the weather schedule for the next few weeks."

"An ah hafta get back to the farm, see you tonight!"

"See you later RD, AJ."

As they left, I marveled at how nice and quiet this town was.

Pinke interrupted my thoughts. "*GASP* I almost forgot!" She zipped away in a very familiar fashion just to return with an incredibly colorful wagon.

Rarity disappeared without a sound though I didn’t notice because I had only one thing in my mind; “What are you going to do Pinkie?”

“I am going to sing you 3 your ‘Welcome to Ponyville!’ song!”

“Wait, sing us a song? Wait a second then…” She nodded so I pulled out my cellphone and set the video camera on. “Continue.”

Pinkie pushed a button

Her song was so upbeat and cheerful I was smiling all the way through it.

“Pinkie that was great!”

“Wait, there’s more?”

“More song?”

“Nope!” It was then that the little oven in the wagon dinged baking a bunch of streamers, then the pipes in the back shot something gooey up in the air. I hid my cellphone in my pocket just as the gooey thing hit me and my friends.

Pinkie smiled from below the unknown substance. “Oh so sorry! I must have put the cake batter in the stream cannon and the streamers in the oven… AGAIN!”

Wait she said cake batter? I wanted to confirm so I licked my lips and wouldn’t you know it? It was sweet. “Yummy!” I said with my best are you kidding me? Face.

“Hihihi, sorry!”

Rarity appeared from who-knows-where and I noticed her lack of cake batter suit. “You could’ve warned us Rarity.”

"And ruin Pinkie's surprise? I would never do that darling."

"*grumble* Thanks to that, WE are going to need a shower." I said licking my fingers.

"You are coming with me dear Foraneo, though I don't know about Arcane and Trixie."

"Trixie can come with me. If she wants to of course."

"Thanks for the offer Fluttershy, I think I’ll take it."

"What about me?"

"You can come with me Arcany."

"If there is no problem of course."

"Why would there be a problem, silly filly?"

"That means we part ways here, see you later then."

"See you Foraneo."

"See ya."

After waving them goodbye, I walked Rarity to her boutique. "Is that your store?"

"Yes it is. Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is chic, unique and magnifique!"


"Thank you darling. We should enter from the back door, that way you can get rid of your clothes."

I did as told and got myself down to my underwear while Rarity brought a bucket of water to wash myself with.


"Please, call me Foraneo."

"Yes Foraneo, as I was saying how many pieces of this... underwear and socks do you happen to have?"

"2 pairs of boxers and one pair of socks, why?"

"I was thinking that maybe I could make you a few sets of clothes for you to use. Since, and let's be sincere here, you might be staying for quite some time."

*sigh* Rarity is right I don’t know how long I will be staying or if I will even be going back home at all. "How much would it be to have a dozen of both, 7 pants like the one I have and a dozen short sleeved shirts?”

Rarity looked thoughtful for a moment. “I will gladly give you the first for free but for that many… I shall give you a discount for everything. I think 50 bits shall do.”

“50 bits? My suit from Hoity Toity was over 200 bits! How do you plan to stay in business like that?”

“Oh, I knew that suit of yours had something special nevertheless the reason is that Hoity Toity is a high class tailor and sales pony. I sometimes send dresses to him so he can resale them but yes he will mark up the prices since he’s located in a shop in Canterlot.”

“That explains everything… how much would it have been if it was full price?”

“150 bits taking into account work hours and materials used.”

“Now I don’t want that discount, I want to pay full price”

“Nonsense! I won’t take all of your money.”

“I don’t want you to go bankrupt because of me.”

“I won’t take more than 50 bits and that is final. You’ve got to take care of the money Princess Celestia gave you.”

“I will be fine; I will be living with Twilight and the only expense I will have to do will be for my food.”

“You saved my life and that is your final price!”

Our exchange went like that for about 15 minutes until we agreed on 75 bits, after setting the price we managed to get my measurements. We made small talk and she explained to me why Ponies use leather.

“I am not so sure about my history knowledge but I think it was around 700 or so years that Cows became as sentient as the other races. It was agreed that the gryphons and dragons would stop their attempts at eating them.”

“Anyways, gryphons had always had used for leather and after some debate, it was decided that cows will give pieces of themselves when they want and not only will they be compensated, we the ponies and the zebras would aid in their recovery.”

“Let me tell you, the potions that the Zebra’s make are miraculous!”

“That actually sounds convenient… and not as sickly as I thought it would be. Although, it is very unnerving to know that you use leather."

"I felt the same way when I was younger and I still do. I rarely use it in my designs."

I nodded to her in understanding as she was making finishing touches to my new set of pants.

"Tell me Foraneo what would you prefer to see on your pants, rubies or saphires? I was thinking rubies to contrast with the blue of the pants"

… Wait, what? “One second there Rarity, rubies?”

“While of course Darling, how else would you to stand out?”

“I hate to tell you this but, how do you think I would look like if I got a job here and appeared using rubies in my pants?”

“Well it does seem a bit much. *sigh* How about I leave the jewels aside and only charge for the use of the drapes? That way the original price cuts down to 100 bits.”

“Ok, but you need to explain me how it is that jewels are so cheap then.”

“Well if you insist.” Rarity said giving me my pants. “As for your question, gems are quite easy to find, more so with my gem locating spell.”

“You have a spell to locate gems? That is so cool!”

“Thanks Foraneo.” Rarity put a hoof on the side of her head.

“Anything wrong?”

“No Foraneo, I am just a little tired with waking up at such beastly hour and all.”

“I am feeling a little tired as well… how about we take a nap?”

“Sounds lovely! Come with me please.”


“I need to give you a room of course and the only one available right now is my sister’s room.”

“You have a sister? What’s her name?”

“Her name is Sweetie Belle, I hope you get to meet her later.”

“I bet she is as pretty as her elder sister.”

Rarity flushed a little. “Are you perchance trying to woo me?”

I smiled at her. “I am just being honest, besides I wouldn’t like to break your or anyone’s heart if the council does allow me to get back home.”

“Either way thanks for your compliment Foraneo. This is the room I am at the end of the hallway. I will wake you up in a couple of hours.”

“See you then Rarity.”

I entered the room and it wasn’t as pink as I thought it would be and as soon as I saw the bed I said. “To hell with it.” and tucked myself inside it.

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“There is something very wrong here.”

I had woken up in a bench located at my university and everything seemed like before I left except for one small thing… All of my friends were here, ALL OF THEM.

My friends from college where talking ever so calmly with my new friends from Equestria, though 2 pairs stood out from the rest. My best friend from High school “Lauro” was talking with Rarity while drawings of suits and clothing were floating around them and “Levi”, whom I befriended recently, was hitting on Fluttershy AND Rainbow Dash.

“This is not possible!”

A very familiar pair of light blue eyes appeared before me. “Of course it is silly! You know this is a dream.”

“AAH! Pinkie!”

“That’s me!”

“That’s not what I… you said dream?”

"Well DUH! How else do you explain us being here?"

"If this is a dream then how are you talking to me like this?"

"That's easy. I was so drowzy earlier I decided on taking a power nap. And while I was dreaming that Gummy (that's my pet alligator) and I were saving Princess Celestia from a rabid horde of ant-ponies I slipped and landed in here.“

I face-palmed "Of course you did." this was getting ridiculous.

"Maybe for you, but it’s normal for me"

Wait did she just…

"Read your thoughts?"

My palm met my face once again. "I want to wake up now…"

"Don’t worry, you will soon!”

I looked at her. “How can you even know that?”

She did not have to answer that as a shaking pulled me from my dreams.

After opening my eyes with a grunt I opened my eyes and I saw a blurred giant marshmallow shaking me. “Foraneo darling, please wake up!” Nope sorry it was just Rarity.

“Hey Rarity, what gives?”

“So sorry Foraneo, it’s just that we have slept for 3 hours and we have to get you some more clothes.”

“Let me just get myself cleaned up please.”

“Of course Foraneo, there are some towels in the shower and once you are done I will be downstairs.”


One good shower and a few hours of measurements later, I got myself some more clothing and Rarity said she would have the rest in the next few days.

At about 8 P.M., Rarity said that we had to get back at Twilight’s Library. Right at the entrance, we found Arcane who was wearing a form fitting and somewhat sexy set of armor that showed her… Cutie Mark (damn that sounds so girly) and Trixie.

“Hey Trixie. Arcane you’re looking nice.”

“Why hadn’t you worn that fabulous armor before? And why are you wearing it now?”

“Please, you are going to make me blush, about my armor… It’s my personal one when I am off castle patrol duty.”

“You definitively look better like this, maybe you should be out of the castle from now on.”

“No thanks, I actually like working near my boyfriend.”

“Aw, and here I wanted to ask you on a date.”

“Are you serious?”

“I was joking.”

“You sounded quite serious there.”

“One of my many faults, either way… don’t you think it is a little too quiet?”

Arcane and Trixie looked at the library that was completely dark on the inside. “Let’s get inside either way.”

As we reached the entrance we heard a little rustling when suddenly the lights turned on showing most of the adult ponies from town who yelled at the same time. “SURPRISE!”

Pinkie appeared hanging upside down from the… air? “Hey, welcome to your ‘Welcome to Ponyville and Equestria!’ Party were you surprised? Wereyou?Wereyou?Wereyou?”

I saw her body turn and land safely, then her head straightened over her body. “I am definitely surprised…”

She bounced off to the middle of the library yelling. “YIPEEE!!!” and I just stared at her as she bounced away.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose once again muttering. “This place is going to be the end of my sanity!”

And so the party began full swing, there was a DJ, cakes, punch and lots of friendly ponies that made the evening pass by quickly. Before I knew it, I had already passed out from exhaustion.

It was indeed a great night.

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Somewhere in the depths of the Everfree Forest, a group of dark clothed Ponies were gathering around a small fire chanting obscure spells in tongues all but forgotten when a big, white-coated Earth pony Stallion approached in a rush.

“You better have a good reason for stopping our ritual Marble Frame!”

“Sir Shadow Rune, I bring favorable news!”

“Speak up then.”

Marble Frame retold the details of Ponyville’s town meeting along other details. “Because of the incident, the Equestrian army has moved to the western borderlands and they have left the town unprotected. This way we may be able to do the revival!”

Shadow Rune tapped his chin with his hoof smiling pleasantly at the information he had just been given. “Marble Frame, you will be rewarded for your efforts.” He turned to the rest of his companions. “Bring forth all of our assets from hiding, we strike Ponyville in a week’s time.”

Shadow Rune turned to the general direction of the little town. “Soon our queen will rise once more to take her rightful place as ruler of this land.” he whispered. “Very soon.”