• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 4,798 Views, 354 Comments

Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria. - Powerdrainer

In their quest to earn their Cutie Marks, and maybe find an answer for the strange events that have occurred, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo soon learn they've taken on more than they can handle. Question is, can they keep this a secret?

  • ...

Winter Is Coming

This chapter is edited by Slayerseba, Clayton the Hunter, and Clawder.

Winter is Coming.


Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Erlea were sitting closely pressed together, looking at the massive wolf with trepidation as Fenris sat down a slight distance away.

'Not far away enough for us to react, should he do something,' Erlea thought, wings fluttering in nervousness.

Looking to both of her sides, she could see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looking warily at the massive wolf. Although, on second glance, Sweetie Belle also seemed to be somewhat disoriented; nauseated even, as she shook her head and took deep, calming breaths.

Fenris took a long, loud sniff of the air which drew Erlea’s attention back to the wolf, taking notice as he regarded Sweetie Belle with wariness. It confused her, but not enough to question it. Besides, there were more important things to deal with.

"Speak," Fenris barked.

Flinching as if hit in the face, Erlea took a quick breath before answering.

"My kind is dying, victim of poisonous emotions. Only a sparse few, myself included, were spared from this illness; but most are dying… or have already died," she took a deep, shuddering breath; eyes closed, unwilling to give in to the emotions trying to take hold over her. "We've sought every likely place in our world for a cure, but none have been found. At least, until I encountered these two," —Apple Bloom gave a nervous wave with her hoof— "claiming that maybe a cure could be found in this ghost world."

"Ghost Zone," Sweetie Belle corrected with a squeak, having regained some composure.

"Yeah, whatever," Erlea shot back, irritated over the interruption. "Anyhow, we met with this frost giant Elder, who told us you had a cure and then gave us this weird map that somehow brought us here."

Erlea fell silent after she had told the stripped down version of the situation she was in, looking at the wolf with fearful, but demanding eyes.

"I hold no cure of any kind," Fenris rumbled with a booming voice, eyes narrowing slightly as he bent down towards them, "Nor did I ever hear of such a cure as you are seeking."

"But- but tha Elder-" Apple Bloom tried to protest, but her voice died down as Fenris turned to look at her, fear rooting her on the spot.

"Ugh… I don't feel so-" Sweetie Belle slurred, before dropping to the ground, unconscious.

"Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom cried in alarm, rushing to her friend, "Sweetie Belle, what’s wrong?" she asked, voice thick with worry as she placed a hoof on her friend's back, feeling the unicorn tremble severely.

"What is going on?" Erlea demanded, stepping closer to the unconscious pony and poking her in the side with a hoof.

But when she touched her, there was a shock, as if she was struck by lightning; and Erlea pulled back her hoof with a cry and a hiss.

"What was that? what’s goin’ on?" Apple Bloom cried, afraid.

"She's… foul," Erlea shot back, shuddering as a sick sensation came over her.

"Huh!? Wha’s that even mean?" Apple Bloom shouted.

Fenris, intrigued and concerned by this sudden development, stepped closer to the unconscious pony, nostrils flaring.

"She has taken in too much fear," he said slowly. "Gorging on it without pause, allowing it to build up without any time for it to digest."

"Eh? What are ya talkin’ bout?" Apple Bloom almost yelled, "That doesn't make a lick a sense."

Erlea's eyes suddenly widened, slowly stepping closer to Sweetie Belle.

"It can't be, can it?" she muttered, her horn starting to glow.

"What are ya doin’?" Apple Bloom demanded to know.

"Quiet," Erlea hissed, slowly moving her horn from left to right and back, scanning Sweetie Belle. A sharp gasp escaped her a moment later.

"You see it too?" Fenris growled, exhaling loudly.

"Bu- but it can't be. Ponies are unable to consume emotions like this."

"What are ya’ll talkin’ about," Apple Bloom shouted, "Cain't ya just help her?"

"Help her!? I don't even know what she is," Erlea argued back with slight hysteria.

"Well, we cain't just do nothin’," Apple Bloom shot back, fearing for her friend's well being.

"Move," Fenris barked, forcefully shoving Apple Bloom aside, "You're only making things worse."

"Wha-?" Apple Bloom squeaked, but a harsh glare from the wolf cut her off.

Looking down at the unconscious, twitching filly, Fenris bent down until he was practically on top of her; inhaling deeply, before spitting something foul to the side.

"She is unaware?" he asked the two fillies standing behind him, not looking back.

"Unaware ah what?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Unaware that she has been feeding on negative emotions," Erlea answered, frowning deeply at the impossibility of it all, "Like a changeling… but, not like a changeling."

Fenris slowly stood back up. "There is a severe build up of fear. It is sucked up by her like a sponge. Too much for her to deal with."

"Bu-... How’s that even possible?" Apple Bloom muttered. "Sweetie Belle ain’t ah changelin, she’s ah pony."

"And a… spirit," Erlea muttered, not liking to admit to that fact.

"But that doesn't explain why-"

"Silence!" Fenris barked, eyes glowing. "Figure out why this is happening later. Right now, though…" he trailed off slightly, unsheathing his claws.

"WHATTAR YA DOIN’!?" Apple Bloom cried in alarm. Sweetie Belle shuddered horribly in response.

"The same thing that both saved and damned me," he growled, then, before either Apple Bloom or Erlea could act, plunged his claw into Sweetie Belle.

A loud scream rose up from the lifeless rock


Scootaloo had just managed to climb and 'fly' her way out of the Far Frozen, and set hoof in the Ghost Zone once more; trading the snow and ice for barren rock and dirt.

A sudden shudder ran up her spine and she stopped to look out into the distance, eyes unfocused. Then she snapped back into it and shook her head to focus.

"What was that?" she wondered, taking a moment to ponder over this question, then deciding it was probably not important.

Looking around for a moment, unsure where she was supposed to go, she took a random direction and just went for it, muttering to herself all the while over how the Elder was wrong about Bellflower.

For a while, she just walked without direction, jumping behind a rock to hide herself whenever some kind of apparition would fly by.

After a short walk over the barren rock she had stepped on after leaving the Far Frozen, she found herself at the edge of the land. Looking down into the dark green abyss below, she kicked down a stray rock, watching it fall and fall until she was no longer able to see it.

Swallowing her nervousness, she looked up and into the distance, seeing another landmass too far away to jump. Looking at her wings for a moment, flexing them as she did, she looked back at the land, giving a single, resolute nod.

She took several steps back, braced herself, then took a running start; yelling as she stepped off the edge, jumping as far and as high as she could.

Legs stretched out and wings buzzing like a hummingbird, Scootaloo soared majestically through the air… for a whole three seconds. The second she jumped off the land and had put some distance between it and herself, gravity suddenly dropped away. Now, with her wings buzzing like crazy, but no gravity to orientate herself with, Scootaloo suddenly found herself tumbling uncontrollably through the air; flailing her legs in response, worsening her situation while she yelled incoherently and overshot the landmass she was aiming for.

"Whooaahhh… Somepony, help!" she shouted, her world a twisting blur.

A hand reached out for her.

"You called for help?" a strict, but friendly sounding voice asked, and Scootaloo felt someone grab her by the barrel, halting her uncontrolled spinning. If only her eyes would do the same.

"Th- guh… Thanks," she wheezed, eyes rotating in their sockets, making it impossible for her to focus on, let alone see who had helped her. Of course, remembering exactly where she was, and still feeling the clear impression of a hand on her back, she suddenly stiffened. And, as her vision slowly cleared, she found herself staring right into the red glowing eyes of a human… ghost.

Her pupils shrunk as she realized he was still holding onto her, making it impossible to escape. And although she knew not all ghosts were bad, she didn't know this ghost, or what he was planning on doing next.

"Are you alright?" the adult male asked, smiling kindly, which put Scootaloo a bit at ease.

"Ehh… I guess… Thanks."

"Oh, it's no problem," the ghost answered, "But might I know what a young mortal such as yourself is doing in a place like this?"

She took a few second before answering, using that time to give the ghost a once over.

He had blue skin, as far as she could tell, as the only part of his body uncovered was his face. He had a large, lightning bolt scar running down the left side of his face, bisecting his eye. He wore a large, dark purple cape, which extended into a hood which covered his head. Underneath it, he wore a purple suit several shades lighter than his cape. He had a broad chest and shoulders, which were disproportionate to his surprisingly thin midsection. Although the relatively large clock embedded in his chest distracted from really noticing such difference in proportions; and it was because of this strange, mechanized part of his body she almost failed to notice the staff he carried with him.

"I, ehh… I'm looking for something," she answered, still staring.

The ghost chuckled. "Well, we have a lot of something here in the Ghost Zone. Maybe you could be more specific?"

Scootaloo blinked, realizing she was staring at the ticking clock in the ghost's chest and tore her gaze away.

"I'm, uhh… I'm looking for my… parents" she squeaked the last word in a barely audible whisper.

"I'm sorry," the ghost answered understandingly, apparently having heard what she said despite Scootaloo's attempt to be quieter in voice than Fluttershy. "It is never easy to lose someone close to you," he told her, blinked, then realized he was still holding onto the filly. "My apologies, allow me to put you down first." And true to his word, he flew down to the land mass Scootaloo had overshot.

"Thanks, uhhh…"

"My name is Clockwork," he introduced himself with a curt nod.

"I'm Scootaloo," Scootaloo said.

"Now, Scootaloo. Why is it you're looking for your parents out here of all places?"

"I, uhh…" she kicked away some dirt. Taking a deep breath, she tried again, looking at her hooves. "You see, there are these, uh… ghost hunters back where I'm from—" Clockwork found himself tense up, then relaxed before Scootaloo noticed "And, well, maybe, possibly, not saying I did, but let's say I did take this weird device thingy from out of their room. And let's say that with this device I was able to hear my parents talk to me. So, not saying I have this device or anything, but I thought, seeing my parents are… You know, maybe they're here."

Clockwork frowned slightly. 'If only you knew the truth, child. I could tell you everything right here, right now,' he shook those thoughts away. 'Now is not the time,' and he returned his attention to Scootaloo.

"A device that allows you to hear the voices of ghosts?" he repeated, making sure to put a curious tone to his voice, "That seems rather… unnecessary. After all, we're talking with each other just fine, aren't we?"

Scootaloo raised a hoof and began to argue, but found herself without words. Slowly closing her mouth and putting down her hoof, she sighed out.

"True," then she recalled what happened the first time she showed the strange device to her friends and what it did when Sweetie Belle spoke. "But it did react to my friend, even though she was sitting next to me and talking. This device repeated everything she said… and added some weird threat or something after it."

"It reacted to your friend?"

Scootaloo tensed up, then sighed out begrudgingly, frowning. "Something like that," she muttered darkly, remembering again they had come over to the Ghost Zone without her. Even worse, they took a changeling with them instead of her, "You know what, it's not important."

"It sounds important to me," Clockwork replied calmly.

"It's nothing. Forget it," Scootaloo shot back, not feeling like talking about it.

"Very well," Clockwork replied.

Scootaloo harrumphed, looking around for a while as she tried to figure out where to go next.

"You don't happen to be lost, are you?" Clockwork asked, trying again to start a conversation.

"No," Scootaloo denied strongly. "I just don't know where to go."

"I see," Clockwork mused, suppressing a slight chuckle.

For a while nothing was said while Scootaloo looked around with stubborn denial written all over her face, trying to figure out where she should go. At the same time, Clockwork slowly lowered himself to hover calmly next to the young filly; having morphed back into his child self.

"So," he said with a much younger voice, "Where do you go now?"

"GHAAAA!" Scootaloo yelled, falling backwards, "Wha- What happened to you!?" she cried, pointing a hoof at the suddenly young ghost.

"Oh, this? I merely regressed in age."


"I became young again," he replied, a bit more flatly than he would have liked.

"Wha- But, how?"

"It's… a long story," he told her, "But it is related to my abilities as a Timekeeper.”

"What's a Timekeeper?" Scootaloo asked, genuinely interested.

"I watch over, maintain, and protect time itself."

"YOU CAN CONTROL TIME!?" Scootaloo shouted energetically.

"I didn't say that," Clockwork chuckled. "But yes."

"That's so awesome!" she crowed. "Does that mean you can also travel through time?"

"Indeed it does," Clockwork confirmed, and he transformed into his elderly form. "Ah, and there we go again," he mused, looking at his wrinkled hand for a moment.

"That's sooo weird. Awesome, but weird."

"You do get used to it after a while," he replied, then slowly flew up again. "But moving back to my question. Where do you go now?"

"I, uhh… I don't know," Scootaloo admitted begrudgingly, yet gears were slowly turning in her mind.

"Well, do you know where it is you came from? It is hardly safe for any mortal in the Ghost Zone, so it would be better if you returned to your home."

"Say, mister," she started slowly, still debating whether or not this plan was a good idea or not. She then remembered again why she was there and, more importantly, what the Elder had told her a little while ago. A new surge of anger came over her and with it resolute determination. "Could you send me back in time?!"

Clockwork was silent for a moment, showing both shock and surprise. Internally, however, he was smiling deviously.

'Just as planned.'

"And why would you want to do such a thing?" he asked, concern filling his voice.

"To stop my parents from leaving," Scootaloo answered firmly.

Clockwork looked down on the filly with a studious gaze. 'Sometimes children need to be taught the hard way.'

"I think something can be arranged. Please, follow me to the Hall of Time, and I'll send you on your way."

"You will!?" Scootaloo shouted in disbelief, then a winning smile grew on her face as she hurried after the age regressed to his adult form, ghost.

'Don't worry mom, dad. I'll save you!... And she will not replace you ever again!'


A loud scream echoed off the lifeless rock, turning into an anguished wail the longer it went on.

Sweetie Belle, lying on the ground with Fenris' claw dug deep in her side, was the source of the scream.

The moment Fenris' claw sunk into her, she had snapped out of unconsciousness, awoken by a terrible pain. Yet it wasn't the claw that caused her distress. In fact, if it wasn't for the explicit other thing she could feel, she wouldn't have felt anything.

There was no blood, no wounds in her flesh, and even the fur on her body remained untouched as Fenris' claw was surrounded by a green glow where it cut into her. What she did feel, however, was a horrible sensation of something being cut, ripped, and torn off of her.

Fenris pulled back his claw, taking with him a thick haze of darkness; clinging to his claw and flowing out of the green glowing 'puncture wounds' his claw had left behind and were slowly closing.

The moment the 'wounds' had closed up, Sweetie Belle promptly passed out again. Fenris growled bitterly as he flung the dark haze off his claw, then got rid of it all with a swing of green glowing claws.

"Wh- What was that?" Apple Bloom squeaked frightened, looking at her friend, then at the last remaining, dissipating haze of darkness.

"Fear has build up in her. Too much for her to deal with all at once. I cut out some of it," Fenris answered with a low rumble.

"You cut fear out of her?" Erlea gasped. "How?"

Fenris looked down at the unconscious pony, his paw clenching slightly as he recalled how he gained this ability.

"Unimportant," he barked. "I listened to what you wanted to say, and do not have this cure you seek. Now, take your friend and leave."

"No!" Erlea yelled back defiantly, stomping a hoof on the ground. "You have a cure for my kind—" Fenris retorted with a growl, but before he could get another sound in Erlea cut him off; a fire burning in her eyes "—And don't give me this crap about not knowing what I'm talking about. I just saw you use it on her!" She all but yelled, pointing a hoof towards Sweetie Belle. "You cut out this buildup of fear, then you can do the same with hate!"

The last of her voice echoed away and now the group found themselves grabbed by a tense silence. Apple Bloom, having slowly edged her way over to her friend again, slowly shifted her gaze between Erlea and Fenris as the changeling and wolf were looking at one another with hardened, unblinking eyes.

"Hate?" Fenris finally spoke, his voice subdued.

"Yes, hate!" Erlea stated.

Fenris sighed out loudly, closing his eyes while turning away; a paw grasping at his chest.

"So, is this how fate has seen it to punish me?" he spoke quietly, looking off in the distance.

"What was that?" Erlea demanded, feeling a smidge of confidence from the wolf's display of submission; being the first to look away.

Fenris returned his gaze back to the tiny insectoid. "A question that will go without answer," he replied, lowering his paw back to his side. "But another question that must be asked shall be answered. How did your kind get infected with hate?"

This took Erlea by surprise, and she faltered a bit before she answered: "It is a long story…" Then her eyes hardened again, "Why, what is it to you?"

"Depending on the answer, I might see fit to help you, or to cut you down," he replied lowly, bending down towards Erlea, reminding her exactly who it was that ruled this barren land.

Trembling slightly, Erlea nodded and began telling the story of how her mother, and her kin sought to, and succeeded to take over the ponies' capital city, and to drain everypony there from their love to feed upon.


A freezing wind blew through the air, chilling the warm air as a massive herd of Saldēti Zirgi ran through the sky. Their silent gallop went unheard as they progressed to the barren lands locally known as the badlands, moving towards those who had called out to them.

The air around them grew colder and colder still, and the path they had traveled was marked by ice and snow. Even the foliage far below on the ground was unable to escape the sudden blast of arctic air, leaving the trees, flowers and other plants all frozen solid; some of the leaves and flower petals breaking apart.

Yet the greens of the grass and plant life was thinning the further they moved, until they crossed some invisible boundary, and the only sign of any life were the husks of long-dead trees somehow still managing to remain standing in the sun dried, cracked ground.

All of this froze over in a flash as the creatures of ice flew past, never stopping.

They were called.

They would answer.


"... And that is how my kind became poisoned with hate," Erlea finished, head hanging down while she bitterly spat out the conclusion of her tale. All the while, Fenris listened with seeming indifference; his face completely neutral.

Apple Bloom however, having heard some of it when Erlea yelled at her and Sweetie Belle back in the clubhouse, and after experiencing quite a bit of the invasion herself as well, still couldn't help but look at the clearly angry and depressed changeling with sorrow; maybe even a bit of guilt.

With a slurred groan, Sweetie Belle began to stir. First a few leg twitches, then she slowly lifted her head; blinking blearily and uncoordinatedly, clearly confused.

"Wha- what happened?" she mumbled.

"Ya passed out," Apple Bloom answered, "Somethin’ about havin’ consumed too much fear."

"Whu?" Sweetie Belle mumbled unintelligibly.

"Leave her be for now," Fenris rumbled. "Allow her to regain her senses before adding another burden upon her."

This did make sense to Apple Bloom, and she didn't say anything else as Sweetie Belle slowly stumbled back on her hooves. Yet the surprisingly caring tone of Fenris’ voice caught her interest, and she gave the wolf a studious look, frowning slightly.

"What?" the wolf barked upon seeing this, the caring tone he had shown gone.

"Nothin’," Apple Bloom answered quickly, looking away.

Huffing in irritation, Fenris turned back to Erlea, who stood still, waiting for a reply.

"So," she said boldly. "Are you going to help?"

Fenris returned his attention to her, not saying anything as he thought for a moment.

"No," he finally answered.

"WHAT!?" Erlea yelled with shock and anger, fangs baring. "Now you listen to me, you oversized mutt. You have something my kind needs and you will help us NOW!" Sparks were shooting from her horn in response to her anger and her eyes shone with a faint glow, as her entire stance shifted to that of a predator, ready to pounce on a prey. Something Fenris did not take kindly to.

"YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!?" he roared, pouncing on the changeling; knocking her on her back and leaving her helpless. She stared up at the giant wolf with fear, but unwilling to give in, for she was so close to finding a possible solution to her kind's sickness.

"YES!" she shouted back with as much force as she could muster, forcing her body to remain still despite the severe shivers coursing through her. "AND I'M NOT BACKING DOWN FROM YOU, OR ANYONE ELSE. AND IF YOU ARE UNWILLING TO HELP, YOU MIGHT AS WELL KILL ME NOW SEEING HOW YOU'RE CONDEMNING ALL THE OTHERS TO THE SAME FATE!" Tears were now forming in her eyes, yet she refused to look away, her anger and despair burning into Fenris.

For a split second, Fenris saw himself in the young insectoid. Remembering the corruption of the Kadzite that had spread over his world like an infection and his unwillingness to back down against such a threat, only succumbing to the hate, blinded by it until it consumed him, too. To kill, or be killed, but doing everything in his power to stop this 'disease' until he couldn't even tell the difference between right and wrong. Except, she wished to die. A wish no one should want said out loud because of him; his decision.

He slowly backed away from Erlea, allowing her to return to her hooves. Which she did, slowly. Never letting him out of her sight.

"What's going on?" Sweetie Belle asked with a slight slur, not understanding what was happening. No one answered, though.

"Death is not something one should wish for," Fenris spoke up with a surprisingly soft voice. "Especially one so young."

"Then help us!" Erlea demanded, but Fenris shook his head.

"The fate that has befallen your kin is truly tragic, but I can't help you. Too much blood already stains my claws. Besides, I wouldn't be able to cure your kin. I'm only able to cut out a small portion of negativity, but nothing more."

"Then why won't you do that!?" Erlea shouted. "Something is better than nothing at all."

"It wouldn't cure them, only prolong their suffering."

"You don't know that!"

Fenris grimaced as doubt gnawed at him, then he forced it down, eyes hardening and jaw set.

"Why’re ya doin’ that?" Apple Bloom asked, looking at Fenris with a puzzled frown. "Lookin’ all guilty and such, then pretend not ta care."

"Really, guys. What's going on?" Sweetie Belle asked again, and went unanswered once more as Apple Bloom kept staring intently at Fenris.

Fenris stared right back at her with a neutral expression, not saying a thing.

"Yep, just like that," Apple Bloom noted.

"What are you getting at?" Erlea asked, sounding somewhat irritated at her.

"I think he does want to help, but won’t admit to it," Apple Bloom answered after only a small pause. "Just like he helped Sweetie Belle when she collapsed-"

"Seriously, what the hay is going on!?" Sweetie Belle demanded urgently.

"-but actin’ all uncarin’ afterwards," Apple Bloom continued as if she wasn't interrupted.

Fenris growled at her in answer, showing teeth. Yet despite this, Apple Bloom remained calm; looking up at him without flinching.

"It hardly seems like he want's to help," Sweetie Belle squeaked.

"Nah," Apple Bloom shook her head, "He's just all bark and no bite."

Having heard enough, Fenris lunged at Apple Bloom, swinging a massive claw at her.

Sweetie Belle shrieked out, while Erlea tensed in shock and horror. Apple Bloom, however, kept staring at the wolf with determination, unmoving.

Long seconds ticked by as Fenris stood panting heavily, frozen in his stance, arm still outstretched.

Erlea gave a faint gasp and Sweetie Belle hesitantly cracked open an eye to see what had become of her friend.

Apple Bloom, sitting perfectly still, looked Fenris dead in the eyes; never glancing at the razor sharp claw which had stopped a hair's width from her head.

"See," Apple Bloom said with a broken voice, failing to hide her own fear completely. Yet she didn't allow this to stop herself from pushing on. "He didn't hurt me."

Both Sweetie Belle and Erlea looked at the daring pony with wide eyes; as well as absolute terror by Sweetie Belle, who was sitting almost directly next to her.

Fenris, also taken aback, took a deep breath; looking at Apple Bloom with a new perspective.

"You do not fear me?" He asked, sounding surprised, shocked, disbelieving.

"Not sah much as ya fear yaself," Apple Bloom said back, voice still wavering a bit.

"Fear… myself," Fenris muttered, sounding conflicted.

Slowly, deliberately, he pulled back his claw; resheathing it, never taking his eyes off the little pony.

"Mmhmm," Apple Bloom nodded, her ribbon bouncing in response. "That's why ya don’t wanna to help, ain't ya? You're afraid."

"What do you mean?" Erlea asked, genuinely curious.

"He says he don't want ta help, but he just helped Sweetie Belle. He says we should leave, even attacks us ta do so, but never puts through, ‘cause he don't really want ta hurt us. He just wants us ta leave cause he's afraid. Not of us, but himself."

"He doesn't seem afraid," Sweetie Belle murmured, warily glancing at Fenris.

"I'm not sensing any fear coming from him either," Erlea argued.

"He just manages to hide it well," Apple Bloom countered, giving Fenris a critical once over. "Like, really well. But Ah can tell."


The three fillies looked up in surprise at the Wolf, seeing him look down at Apple Bloom.

"How can you tell?" He asked, voice subdued.

"How?" Apple Bloom repeated, thinking about it for a moment. "Mah big sistah," she answered firmly, giving a single nod.

"Applejack?" Sweetie Belle said, confused.

"Yeah," Apple Bloom confirmed.

"But she's been afraid of plenty of things," Sweetie Belle argued.

"Yup. But she's also too stubborn ta admit it. Her pride does that," Apple Bloom explained, grinning coyly. "Doesn't help she's tha Element of Honesty. Makes it hard ta lie about it. But still, she does manage ta hide it well. Not well enough for me ta not recognize it when Ah see it. Both with her, and with ya," she answered Fenris. "Ya’re afraid and too stubborn ta admit it."

"I guess that does make sense," Sweetie Belle murmured.

Fenris slightly tilted his head, his posture relaxing marginally as he took a moment to study the young pony. He then released a long, heavy sigh; eyes downcast.

"You are right in that I am afraid," he admitted with a low voice. “But it isn't stubbornness that makes me unwilling to help," he added vaguely.

"Why would you be afraid of yourself?" Erlea asked somewhat condescending.

Fenris glanced her way, eyes boring into the young changeling who quickly retreated back into herself. Then Fenris sighed out.

"I suppose this is fate," he murmured. "You shared your story. It would only be fair if I did the same," he told Erlea.

"Your story?" Apple Bloom asked, feeling as if they were on the cusp of something big.

"Sit," Fenris barked, "and listen. Maybe then you will understand."


The timberwolves ran into their Alpha's cave, having returned with haste after discovering their brethren guarding the portal were frozen solid. The ice giants had also shown to hold knowledge about the entities responsible for this, as well as the imbalance they sensed.

Something had come through, of this they were certain. And it showed just how incompetent these ice giants were, having allowed yet another incident to occur.

Balance had to be maintained, and if the giants wouldn't see to it, then they themselves will.

"Alfa, ni alportu novaĵojn." The wolves barked as they entered his lair.
"Alpha, we bring news."

"Parolu," he barked.

"Nia brethren—" they began, bringing forth the still frozen remains of the two wolves who guarded the portal "—Estis atakitaj. Io venis tra la portalo kaj eniris tiun mondon."
"Our brethren were attacked. Something came through the portal and entered this world."

The Alpha snarled, which rapidly grew into a bestial roar, as his anger rose.

"Kolektu la pack!" He commanded, "Ni ne staras mallaboreme plu. Ili havis sian ŝancon, sed nun similas ke ili ne povas fidi subteni la ekvilibron."
"Gather the pack! We will not stand by idly any longer. They had their chance, but now it seems they cannot be trusted maintaining the balance."

"Jes, Alfa," they barked, leaving to carry out the order, leaving the large, imposing wooden wolf to his rising ire.
"Yes, Alpha,"

The Alpha tightened his paw with such force, the wood started to creak and splinter.

For too long they had been plagued by that curse, placed upon them by an unknown entity wielding a book.

For too long had they been starving, unable to eat.

For too long had they craved even a single drop of water, yet unable to drink any even though it was found all around them in abundance.

For too long they wished for it to end.

For too long they had been unable to die.

It was a bitter, harsh irony they didn't even realize the full extent of until after the first several centuries.

Before, they were bloodthirsty creatures, bound together by a shared insanity, driven to the same goal. Eternity. Immortality. To break the cycle of their very existence.

Well, they've got it and it proved to be the last thing they wanted.

Old, far too old, dying souls trapped in bodies of death and decay. Unable to pass on. Unable for their bodies to wither and die. Each branch that would snap, each twig that would bend out of shape, they would all grow back. A curse they couldn't escape, held in place by the very world they resided on; the forest they 'lived' in.

A curse, they hoped, could be lifted if they carried out the task forced on them: Maintain the balance you once sought to upset.

This task, this goal, it was what drove them all. No longer did they sought Immortality. Now all they craved was salvation. Salvation from eternity.

They would protect the balance of this world and they would hunt down all who dared to upset it.

Yes, the giants would pay for their transgression.

The portal. The ponies traversing through it. The whelp that reeked of death. And now this. No, his patience was at its end; had been for a long time now. They would no longer stand by idly and allow this transgression to continue. They would end it all and no one would be able to stop them.

Not even Fenrir himself.


Loud, panicked gasps escaped Wind Chill as he made his way to the exit of the Far Frozen; having not yet found a trace of the youngsters who he accompanied back to his village, nor did he find out where Scootaloo had gone to, despite her being as close by as she was.

Wind Chill stopped to look around, his eyes scanning the almost entirely white surroundings, wondering just how he managed to lose sight of someone brightly orange in a place like this.

"By the ancestors," he murmured, finally looking up and towards the border of his frozen home, "I had hoped to stop you before you could head out to certain danger," he said to no one. "Ancients, what should I do? I can't just leave her to venture out alone in the Zone, but I have a duty to protect young Apple Bloom. And if the elder spoke true, then she and her friends are in far greater danger than Scootaloo."

He quickly ascended the steep cliff-wall by use of his claws and impressive strength, wasting no time at all.

Stepping out of the frozen realm and into the warmer region of the Ghost Zone, Wind Chill once again scanned his surroundings in hopes of spotting Scootaloo.

Unable to find her, and knowing time was of the essence, he forcibly turned towards where he knew he had to go: The Dark Zone.

"Forgive me, young one. All I can do is promise to come look for you after saving your friends," he muttered a shamed apology as he ran away, hoping that despite the odds she would remain unharmed.


"Wooow," Scootaloo awed as she stepped inside of the massive chamber; watching in amazement at a massive pendulum as it swung slowly from side to side, the sound of her hooves clopping on the ancient stone oddly muted. "What is this place?" She asked, slowly shifting her gaze, seeing the many arched doorways leading to places unknown.

"This is the Hall of Time," Clockwork answered. "Here, I, and my associates work together to safeguard, and maintain time."

"There are others?" Scootaloo asked excitedly.

"Yes," Clockwork answered vaguely. "But they are currently occupied and cannot be disturbed."

"Oh, okay," Scootaloo answered dejectedly, but only for a moment as she perked up mere seconds later as she focused on her goal. "So, how do I, eh, we travel back in time?" She asked, almost demandingly.

"Right this way," Clockwork replied and smoothly glided away, leading Scootaloo through one of the many arched doorways, and into a room with a large swirling green vortex in its center.

"What's that!?" Scootaloo yelped with excitement, the green glow glinting in her eyes.

"This—" Clockwork said as he slowly circled around the vortex "—is a viewing portal. It allows me to see anywhere in time. The past, present, or future. It even allows me to see things that could have been. And, if used correctly, it also allows one passage into the moment of time shown in the vortex."

"That is soooo awesome," Scootaloo awed, eyes wide with excitement.

Clockwork chuckled, "It is, isn't it?"

"How does it work?"

"Allow me to show you," Clockwork replied and brought up his staff.

A pulse of energy came from the rod, and the vortex shuddered as if struck. Wilder and wilder it moved, but only around the edges as the center seemed to slow down; smoothing out. Then an image appeared, and Scootaloo gasped out as she found herself watching herself. Her younger, four year old self.

"Th- That's me," she uttered, dumbfounded.

"So it is," Clockwork confirmed.

"This is just too weird," Scootaloo murmured, prodding at the edges of the viewing portal with a hoof; passing cleanly through it.

"It can be confusing, seeing your own past in such a way," Clockwork said reassuringly, slowly moving towards Scootaloo. "But, just seeing it is not what you want, isn't it?"

"I, uhh-" Scootaloo shook her head as she tore her gaze away from her past self. "No," she confirmed. "You said you could send me back there—" she pointed with a hoof "—so I could stop my parents from going away."

"I did say I could send you back, yes," Clockwork nodded. "And I'm not one to lie," he added with a half lie. "Please, wait here for a moment," he told her, and flew off somewhere.

As indicated, only a moment passed before he returned, carrying with him a strange looking medallion.

"Here, you must wear this," he instructed as he gave the medallion to the orange filly.

"What's it for?" Scootaloo asked, puzzled.

"It will allow you to move through time without being rejected," Clockwork explained.

"What does that mean?"

"Without this medallion, you cannot travel back to the time you wish to visit. Although there are several ways one might go back, time always finds out and returns those out of place back to where they originate from. As long as you wear this, time does not notice you and you are able to move freely. Remove the medallion and you will find yourself back where you started."

"So… Don't take it off then?" Scootaloo sought clarification, unable to fully wrap her mind around Clockwork's explanation.

"Yes," Clockwork answered somewhat flatly, and Scootaloo slipped the medallion around her neck.

"So, now what?" She asked, excitement noticeable.

"Now, we step through," Clockwork told her, and vanished in the maelstrom of the viewing portal.

Scootaloo, eyes wide, swallowed loudly. Then, with a leap of faith, she followed after the helpful ghost.


The sounds of numerous objects falling over, breaking and clattering on the ground flowed out of the hut found deep within the Everfree Forest. A low, defeated groan followed moments thereafter.

Inside sat Zecora, surrounded by a battlefield of broken and damaged furniture, masks, jars, flasks, and an overturned cauldron; spilling its contents all over the floor in a large, sticky puddle.

The source of this absolute devastation, the small, green, glowing pup which was barking happily as it lay on what remained of Zecora's bed; chewing on the wooden spoon the mare had used to stir her latest concoction.

"That is it, I give up. Even a feral hydra is less destructive than this pup," the mare droned, exhausted.

The pup's eyes perked up, soon followed by his head as he looked around with large eyes; sniffing the air.

Zecora froze, not even daring to breath as the pup slowly jumped off her bed.

For several long seconds, the pup stood still, ears twitching every now and then. Then his head snapped towards the door, and a faint growl escaped him. This worried Zecora immensely.

Some time passed in silence, save for the few erratic growls the pup gave. Then, to Zecora's surprise and relief, the pup ran through the door, leaving her alone.

She held her breath, making sure the clearly demonic dog had left before she even dared to twitch.

"Is it over, is it done?" she wondered, only to be frightened by a bark coming from behind her. Turning around with a yelp, Zecora found herself face to face with the pup.

Before she could even think about reacting, however, the pup reared up and gave her a long, slobbering lick all over the muzzle before phasing through the door once more. "No, this isn't something easily won," she finished with dismay, slobber dripping down on the floor.


Deep down, in the heart of the Hive, Chrysalis was slipping in and out of consciousness. The strain on both her body and mind having drained what little strength she had left.

Her body was extremely thin and her wings had lost their gleam; now dull and brittle while her eyes had sunken low.

She was now too weak to do anything more than taking the faintest of breaths and trying to listen in on the hive mind, which had become extremely difficult.

The strain on her mind suddenly increased and if she had been capable of it, Chrysalis would have cried out in shock.

There was a new entity within the mind. An entity just as intricate and expanding as their own. Yet it was completely alien at the same time.

Chrysalis tried, the creator knew she did. But she could no longer focus her mind. No longer was she able to even acknowledge her own thoughts as she slipped away once again; unconsciousness claiming her once more.

The alien entity, however, was completely aware of what happened. And it was with a loud whiny that the Saldēti Zirgi increased their pace, the land beneath them freezing as a massive snowfront followed closely behind them.

They were called.

They would answer.


"So ya cut out this corruption ta save your brothers, tha rest of your kind, even your entire world. But in doing so, killin’ yahself as well?" Apple Bloom gasped. "No wonder ya're afraid of yahself. Ah would be too."

"That's horrible," said Sweetie Belle. "Being taken over by a corruption like that," then something clicked. "Hey, didn't something like that happen to Princess Luna, too?"

"What are you talking about?" Fenris demanded with a bark, a nervous edge to his voice.

"Princess Luna," Sweetie Belle answered. "She is one of our princesses."

"Yeah," Apple Bloom nodded enthusiastically. "She is tha pony who controls tha moon and stars."

"The moon," Fenris repeated slowly with a lowered voice; beginning to feel uneasy.

"Mmhmm," Apple Bloom nodded. "And her sistah, princess Celestia controls tha sun… Kinda like ya and your brothers," she added in murmur, a hoof pressed against her chin.

"Hey, yeah," Sweetie Belle agreed, pausing a moment to think about the strange similarities.

"So, ya see. Princess Luna became jealous of her sistah 'cause everypony always played an worked during tha day, but slept when she brought forth tha night," Apple Bloom continued. "Eventually, her jealousy changed her, corrupted her. Calling herself Nightmare Moon an such," she explained, missing the noticeable flinch from Erlea, or the narrowing of Fenris' eyes.

"Yeah, she was really scary when she came back from the moon," Sweetie Belle said, thinking back. "But now she is really nice."

"Mmhmm," Apple Bloom agreed with a nod.

"You mean to tell me that one of your leaders, one who embodies the moon, corrupted and changed?" Fenris asked with noticeable demand.

"Eh, yeah," Apple Bloom replied.

"What kind of change occurred?"

"Well, her fur turned all black," Sweetie Belle answered. "And she got those really scary fangs."

"An her eyes became all slitted," Apple Bloom added. "An she wanted ta bring eternal night, too."

Fenris was quiet for some time, then his attention snapped back to the two ponies, "When did this change occur… And how is it she is… nice now?"

"Well, it happened some over a thousand years ago," Apple Bloom pondered, thinking back to what her sister had said after she returned home that night.

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle agreed. "And princess Celestia then banished her to the moon."

"But she came back, an then, Ah dunno, took princess Celestia away or somethin'… What did she do with tha princess?" Apple Bloom asked Sweetie Belle, who shrugged in answer.

"I don't know," she said, then turned back to Fenris. "But our sisters, Rarity and Applejack, and their friends Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle went after Nightmare Moon and confronted her in the ancient castle of the Royal Sisters."

"There they found tha Elements of Harmony," Apple Bloom said excitedly. "An with its awesome power they blasted tha corruption right out tha princess Luna."

"They removed the corruption?" Fenris asked, unable to hide his amazement. Both fillies nodded enthusiastically.

For a moment Fenris looked away, amazed. Fear, however, quickly replaced it as the full ramifications of what these children had said clicked into focus.

Fur becoming black. Fangs. Eternal night…

He knew he removed his corruption. Cut it out with his own claws. But he never knew what became of this parasite of his own making after they severed. Now, though, he feared he finally learned the answer.

"It found a new host," he murmured, a feeling of intense shame crashing down on him.

"GHAAA!" Erlea suddenly cried out, holding her head in her hooves as she collapsed to the ground.

""ERLEA!"" Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle cried out as they rushed to the downed changeling. Fenris, however, merely glanced down at her, a deeply troubled frown etched on his face.

"Erlea, what's wrong?!" Apple Bloom cried out.

"The voices. The hive," Erlea said with a struggle, writhing on the ground, eyes pressed shut in pain.

"What's happening to her?" Sweetie Belle asked urgently.

"How should Ah know?" Apple Bloom shouted back.

"Well, we have to do something!" Sweetie Belle argued, both fillies 'dancing' around Erlea, unsure what to do.

"GHAA!" Erlea cried out again, "The Hive, everyling… Ghnn. They're under attack."

""WHAT!?"" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle cried out, shocked.

"But, how do you know that?" Sweetie Belle wanted to know, not understanding.

"Her mind is linked with the others of her kind," Fenris spoke up, slowly moving closer to the trio; a pensive frown etching his features.

"Well, then we need ta help them," Apple Bloom said urgently. "If what Erlea said is true, an they are already weakened by this illness then they will need all tha help they can get."

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle shouted her agreement, "I might not know what the hay is going on, and I still have many questions myself. But if Erlea's friends are in trouble, then we have to do something."

Despite the cries for help and fear crippling her, Erlea still looked up at the two ponies through lidded eyes, unable to believe what she was hearing.

"I agree," Fenris rumbled, then he looked up and towards where the trio had came from. "And from her reaction, I don't think there is much time to lose." He then looked back down at the three fillies. "You came here for a cure, one I'm not sure I can provide. But I can't shake off the feeling of responsibility for what happened to your princess. I will aid you in any way I can," he told them, lowering to all fours. "Grab your belongings—" he mentioned to the Infi-map "—and get on. It will be safe for you three with me."

All three fillies looked up at the wolf with absolute surprise, yet it only lasted a few seconds for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

"You've got it," Sweetie Belle said as she hurried to retrieve the map, while Apple Bloom scooped up Erlea and used her natural earth pony strength to lift the stunned changeling onto Fenris' back.
Then she climbing up herself, followed a moment later by Sweetie Belle.

"Hold on!" Fenris barked, and took a running start with frightening speed before jumping clear off his barren land.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both had to grab hold of Fenris' black fur so they wouldn't fall off, yet Erlea herself was still shaken from the sudden and crippling cry coming over the hive mind, and was unable to do much more than lie there as numerous voices all overlapped into unintelligible shouting.

Not wanting her to fall off, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both held onto her with one hoof, while holding on tightly themselves with the other as Fenris jumped from one mass of land to the other with mind boggling speed; never stopping nor paying any heed to whatever ghost they crossed. Until one of these ghosts, a massive white blur, called out Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's names. Unleashing a bestial roar seconds later as it gave pursuit.

"Wait, was that Wind Chill?" Apple Bloom shouted, trying to look back without upsetting her balance and falling off.

"I'm not sure… I guess?" Sweetie Belle replied, hesitantly.

"Hey, Fenris!" Apple Bloom shouted. "Can you slow down for a bit?"

Fenris gave her a sideways glance, huffed, then did as he was asked; making sure the large, white furred ghost these ponies seemed to know was in his peripheral, knowing all too well the meaning behind the challenging roar.

"RELEASE THE YOUNG ONES AT ONCE!" Wind Chill bellowed as he caught up, fangs baring, ready to attack.

"WAIT!" Apple Bloom shouted. "He ain't hurting us or anything. He's helping!"

Wind Chill faltered for a moment, completely taken by surprise, falling behind once again.

"What!?" he uttered after a moment, having caught up for a second time.

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle shouted back at him. "Erlea's friends are in trouble, and he's taking us back so we can help."

Wind Chill could only stare in bewilderment, unable to comprehend what he was just told. Of all the possibilities he thought of; everything the youngsters could encounter, everything that could happen to them, this was not one of those things. Never in his wildest imagination would he suspect them to be sent into the Dark Zone by the Elder, nor for them to remain unharmed. Even more shocking, he recognized the ghost they were now riding on, and the implications figuratively chilled him to the bone.

Fenrir, the dark wolf.

"By the ancestors," he murmured as his eyes locked with those of Fenrir, a chill going down his spine, [/size=14]"Just what are these children capable of?"

"Heart, courage and kindness," the wolf barked in answer, having heard him. "They can see the good, whereas others can only see the bad… or the worse." He then took a whiff of the air and adjusted his path, following after the fillies' scent.

Wind Chill was silent, looking at the wolf with distrust.

"Don't worry, Wind Chill," Apple Bloom called out to him. "He ain't a bad guy."

"If that's true, then what happened to your friend?" He asked, looking at Erlea.

"Her mind is linked with the rest of her kind," Sweetie Bell replied. "And I guess they're all calling for help."

"Whatever it is," Apple Bloom picked up, "It clearly hurt her."

"So now we're hurrying back to help them."

"You… ponies don't… make… any….. sense," Erlea grunted softly, slowly growing accustomed to the distorted cries assaulting her mind. "You don't even know what is going on."

"Doesn't matter," Apple Bloom replied confidently. "We'll find out when we get there."

"Where exactly is 'there'?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

".... Eehhh," Apple Bloom uttered, then showed an awkward smile.

"Idiots," Erlea muttered, clenching her eyes shut and breathing deeply. "Go to the Badlands, the Hive is hidden there," she revealed, taking a huge risk. She just hoped that these strange ponies would owe up to their words… Somehow.

"The Badlands!?" Apple Bloom gasped, "But nothing lives there."

"Just like we want you to think," Erela droned. That way, no one will accidentally stumble upon us."

"I guess that makes sense," Sweetie Belle said.

"Okay, Fenris! Let's get out of here, and to the Badlands!"

"Fenris?" Wind Chill repeated, confused, but didn't receive any reply as the wolf picked up speed; heading towards the Far Frozen.


Loud, aggressive growling and barking filled the ancient room as the timberwolves circled around the portal; the Alpha standing before it while declaring a challenge which required no translation.

"By the Ancestors, what do we do?" Avalanche asked nervously as he and Snow Front backed away a bit, ice clubs in hand and at the ready. "This large a number, just the two of us would easily be overwhelmed."

"They haven't attacked yet, brother. This might merely be a display of strength in response to what has recently happened."

"Regardless, Frostbite needs to be warned," Avalanche replied, eyes locked on the dimensional hole and the wolves on the other side.

"Are you sure you'll be able to deal with the situation on your own?"

"For now, if nothing changes," Avalanche answered, tightening his hold over his club. "Go, warn Frostbite and the others. And do make haste."

Nodding, Snow Front turned and shot off; moving for the village with all the speed he could call upon.

Glancing behind him, Avalanche steeled his nerves. He then returned his attention to the wolves, their barking and growling increased.

"Ancestors, may you watch over me. And if the call for violence must be answered, guide my hand in the fight to come."


"There! Over there!" Apple Bloom cried out as she pointed her hoof towards the icy entrance of the Far Frozen; shouting in fright a moment later as she lost her balance, only to be pulled back in place by Erlea, who had regained most of her composure by now.

"Ugh, back into the cold… at least I'm still wearing that saddle you've borrowed me," she muttered, annoyed, wishing she hadn't lost her scarf and hat when they were forcefully pulled along by the Infi-map.

"Don't worry," Apple Bloom reassured. "We won't be there for long."

Fenris, making true to her words, entered the cavernous entrance in a blur. Noticing the sudden drop, but going too fast to slow down in time, he instead used it to his advantage.

Jumping to the far wall, he twisted around until his paws touched the frozen surface. Using his powerful legs, he then launched himself, and the fillies with him, down to the compact snow and ice floor below.

All three fillies screamed as they plummeted, but Fenris readjusted his angle and landed with a heavy thud; his muscular legs absorbing the blow. Wind Chill dropped down next to him, an angry scowl aimed at the wolf.

"You mustn't be so careless with the young ones," he scolded, not making much of an impression on Fenris who, instead, wasted little time and surged back into motion.

Wind Chill huffed out in irritation, glaring at the wolf in distrust as he followed after Fenris.

One after another they exited the icy cave, and entered the frozen land stretching out before them. The both of them came to a sudden, but gradual stop, showing clear signs of unease.

"What's wrong?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Wh-hy did we s-st-st-achoo!" Erlea sneezed, rubbing her hooves for warmth.

"Something is wrong," Wind Chill answered, eyes narrowed as he scanned the area. "I can sense a disturbance."

"Yeah…" Sweetie Belle murmured, almost trancelike, a shiver traveling down her spine.

"Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom nudged her friend, snapping the unicorn out of it after a moment's delay.

Shaking her head, Sweetie Belle looked at her friend, confused and worried. "I don't know… Something doesn't feel right."

Fenris looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Doesn't feel right? Whadda you mean?"

"I don-"

"Less talking, and more getting the Horsefly out of here!" Erlea complained.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at her in confusion over the strange swear word, but they had to agree that now was not the best place and time to figure Sweetie Belle's strange feelings out.

"Right," both fillies nodded, then Apple Bloom pointed a hoof towards where the portal was. "The way home is over there."

"I'm afraid it won't be as easy as you think it to be, young Apple Bloom," Wind Chill replied grimly, looking towards the distance portal; his height allowing to see much further.

"Ehh… Is something wrong?" Sweetie Belle asked, worried.

Fenris drew in a deep breath, holding it for a while. "Fateful events such as this often cause trouble," he exhaled slowly, the scent of the timberwolves lingering on his senses. "I already had my suspicions, but now I can no longer believe you finding and convincing me to help was mere coincidence." He turned his head to look at the trio riding his back. "You three should get off," he told them, then looked back into the distance. "This confrontation is not meant for you."

Looking at one another in nervousness over the warning words and troubled tone of voice, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Erlea slowly slid down Fenris' back, and dropped into the snow; joined by some quiet swearing by Erlea, who didn't have the strength to use her wings and stay aloft above the bone chilling layer of white.

"What's going on?" Apple Bloom asked, looking at Fenris with large eyes.

"I have yet to discover that myself," Fenris murmured, then moved for the distant portal; not knowing what to expect.

"You stay here," Wind Chill told them with grim determination. "You should stay as far away from this as possible."

"Bu-" Apple Bloom began to protest, but was cut off by the giant.

"Listen to me, Apple Bloom. It is my duty to protect you, as well as your friends. Allowing you to go anywhere near this would be the exact opposite. So, please. Do as I ask of you and stay here. I will come get you when it is safe."

Apple Bloom looked up at Wind Chill, considering arguing for them to go with him. But as she looked into his glowing eyes, she knew he wouldn't back down.

"Fine," she replied with a sigh, sitting down in the snow; sending a shiver up her spine.

"Thank you," Wind Chill replied.

Not wasting another moment, he quickly set off after Fenris, leaving the three fillies near the tunnel which led out of the Far Frozen.

"I wonder what that's all about?" Sweetie Belle asked after a short moment of silence.

"How would Ah know?" Apple Bloom replied, and the two of them turned to Erlea, only to find she was no longer with them.

Looking around, they spotted the changeling slowly moving after Fenris and Wind Chill; using the large tracks they've made in the snow to keep herself from sinking away in the layer of white.

"Hey, where are you going?" Apple Bloom called out after her.

"Back to the Hive!" Erlea shot back, flinching numerous times from the cold. "I've got no time to waste here with you. You want to sit here and do nothing? Fine, but don't expect me to do the same."

"Who said we were going to sit here and do nothing?" Sweetie Belle asked, hovering next to Erlea, her hind legs transformed into an intangible tail.

Erlea flinched as she was taken by surprise by the logic defying pony, but was able to mask it as a reaction to the cold numbing her hooves. Not looking at her, she stubbornly continued on her way, while Sweetie Belle continued to hover beside her, and Apple Bloom plowed through the snow behind her.

"Yeah,” Apple Bloom agreed, quickly catching up.

"You did just agree to stay here," Erlea pointed out flatly, still staring dead ahead, not slowing down one bit.

"Well, Ah'm also supposed ta be back at tha orchard. But here Ah am," she countered with a cheeky grin.

"Besides, we said we would help you—" Sweetie Belle grabbed Erlea around the barrel and lifted her up above the snow "—and that is exactly what we're going to do."

"Yeah,” Apple Bloom agreed. "Now, let's go and see what this is all about." And with that, she sped off. Jumping from one massive print to the next with energetic jumps, while Sweetie Belle followed after her, holding firmly onto Erlea.


Several minutes ago.

The Alpha growled as he stood before the portal.

They knew to where it led. A sensation they recognized even if they had never experienced it.

The realm of the dead. The place they were banished from by the curse that bound them to the forest they had called home for all those centuries. A curse placed upon them by him. The entity that forced this doomed existence upon them, as well as the warning to do as he commanded, and the threat of repercussions if they didn't.

But now, he wondered just how much of that was true.

They stayed in the forest, only venturing out if their involuntary task demanded it. But then, this portal opened; creatures not belonging there coming through; a pony with powers and abilities not hers by birth appearing; the Dark One.

Truly, they had failed at their task. They had failed, because he had allowed this to continue for so long.

Not any more.

Still, there was one thing that gave him pause: Nothing had happened to them.

There were no repercussions to their failure, other than the anger they felt themselves.

And now, standing before the unnatural hole in reality, the Alpha flexed his wooden claws and stepped through; defiance and hate burned in his eyes as he left the world he was bound to, and entered the realm he was banished from.

He stood still for several long seconds, waiting, expecting something to happen; anything. But nothing did, and he knew now the full extent of the lies they were led to believe for so long.

Lies they would no longer obey.

"Atako!" he barked.

With terrifying growls and barks, the wolves crossed over.

"Nun ni devas krei vian propran ekvilibron!" The Alpha growled through teeth.
"Now we shall create our own balance!"

Of course they wouldn't go unhindered; as Snow Front had warned the village and he, Frostbite, the Elder, and many other giants stood in wait; preparing for anything with claws and clubs of ice at the ready.

Stepping forward, the gem in her staff aglow, the Elder shone its light over all present.

"I can understand you are angry," she said, voice neutral. "But you should not have come here."

"And allow this transgression to continue?" The Alpha snarled, then huffed. "No matter, we're done playing to the rules and wishes of others. Now we-" he proclaimed loudly, only to be cut off by a loud, spine chilling howl.

The Alpha's eyes widened, mirrored by the rest of the wolves as recognition dawned upon them. And, as everyone gathered turned to the source of the sound, for less than a split second, the Alpha saw him. The creature that cursed him and his pack, hovering above a solitary hill. Then he was gone, and all their attention was claimed by the massive, black, scar-covered wolf slowly, deliberately stepping into their midst.

"So, fate has seen it fit for us to face each other again," Fenris spoke in a low rumble, his massive muscles flexing as he stood up to his full height; only two-thirds the size of a frost giant, but still towering over the Alpha.

The wolves could only stare in shock and silence at the catalyst of their damnation.

There were consequences, and they were looking at him now.


A couple minutes ago, and slightly to the right.

A portal opened just above the snow, and two individuals came through. One, a small, orange pegasus, the other an age shifting ghost.

Scootaloo looked around with a saddened gaze, not yet recognizing where they were.

"Where are we?" She asked, a clearly noticeable tone of sadness in her voice.

"The Far Frozen, near the village of the frost giants," Clockwork replied, scanning the area himself. "I thought it best to drop you off here," he gave a nod towards a trio of fillies to their right, moving away from them. "Your friends are over there. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about."

"I, ehh… Yeah," Scootaloo muttered, looking down. Then, as if a switch was flipped, she looked up, sadness seemingly gone, replaced by steeled resolve. "Yeah, I do."

"Then go, child," Clockwork told her. "There is no better time than the present."

Nodding, Scootaloo quickly ran after her friends, using her wings to the best of her ability to keep from sinking too deep in the snow while Clockwork looked after her with a small, sad smile.

"It’s these kinds of lessons that are always the hardest. Both on the heart and the mind. But, in the end, you'll become stronger because of it, Scootaloo. I'm certain that your parents would say so, too." He sighed out after that, gingerly tracing his fingertips over the scar on his face, and he turned his attention to the unfolding conflict just behind a distant hill.

Nodding to himself, he flew towards the hill, following it up until he hovered some feet above it, looking at the mass gathered further below; his eyes locking with the Alpha timberwolf.

He turned invisible a moment later, having done what needed to be done.


"Hey, you guys! Wait up!" Scootaloo called out after her friends, who came to a sudden stop upon hearing her; looking back with confusion showing on their faces, as well as annoyance from Erlea over yet another unwanted interruption

"Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle said, confused. "What are you doing here? ...Wait, how did you even get here?"

"Yeah, Ah thought ya were grounded," Apple Bloom commented.

"You mean like you are?" the orange pegasus replied flatly, cocking an eyebrow.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle glanced at each other. ""Touché,"" they said in tandem.

"Oh, will you just hurry up already!" Erlea shouted. "I'm moving faster on my own like this."

"Right," Sweetie Belle replied apologetic, resuming her flight towards the portal.

"What's going on?" Scootaloo asked, quickly following after Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.

"It's a long story," Apple Bloom answered, "But tha short version is: Erlea's friends and family are in trouble. Like really, really in trouble. Well, even more in trouble than when we came here tryin’ ta find a way ta fix tha first problem, when somethin’ else happened. So, Ah guess they are in double trouble." The apple filly shook her head to focus "Short story shorter, we're going ta help Erlea with whatever tha Hay is going on back at her home."

"Wait, her home?!" Scootaloo balked. "You mean the changeling home?"

"That's what Ah said," Apple Bloom nodded, then jumped over an icy rock. "Also, how did ya get here?" Apple Bloom asked, almost as an afterthought.

"I want to know, too," Sweetie Belle piped up, glancing behind her.

"It's also a long story," Scootaloo told them.

"And the short version?" Sweetie Belle presses on.

"Let's just say that I've seen life from a different perspective," she answered, leaving her friends confused.

"We'll get back to ya on that one," Apple Bloom told her. " Right now, we've got more important things to deal with."

"Right," Scootaloo nodded, thinking back to all Clockwork had shown. Then another realization dwelled on her. Something that demanded an answer. "And what about the changelings back at the orchard?"

Apple Bloom nearly tripped while Sweetie Belle almost dropped Erlea.

"How do ya know about Abella and Devora?" Apple Bloom demanded.

"Forget that!" Sweetie Belle piped up, worried. "Did they also collapse like Erlea did?"

"Most likely. And, knowing them, they are also returning to the Hive as fast as they can."

"They are!?" Apple Bloom cried, alarmed.

"Of course they would," Erlea snapped.

"But if they aren't there pretending to be Sweetie Belle and Ah, Big Mac, Applejack, and Granny Smith will find out we're gone!"

"So you want them to cover your back while our home, family, and friends are in danger!?" Erlea lashed out, venom in her voice.

Apple Bloom flinched back, falling behind just a bit as Erlea's word struck deep.

"So they'll ground us more," Scootaloo spoke up. "Big deal. Helping out a friend is more important."

Again, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at their friend with absolute confusion. A look mirrored by Erlea as well.

Noticing this, Scootaloo merely shrugged it off. "It's a long story," she said. "Now, where do we need to go?"

"Back ta tha portal," Apple Bloom answered. "Although it won't be as easy as that."

"Why not?"

"Because of that!" Sweetie Belle gasped out in shock and trepidation, finally able to see what troubled Wind Chill and Fenris after she (and Erlea) rounded a snow dune obscuring the portal from sight.

"Oh," was all both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were able to say.

Frost giants were engaged in fierce battle against timberwolves, with Fenris in their midst. Yet the giants seemed to be more on the defensive, while most of the timberwolves focused their hits on Fenris.

"Well, that ain't good," Apple Bloom noted dryly.

"What the hay is going on?" Scootaloo said.

"I've been asking that same question several times myself as well," Sweetie Belle replied, slightly miffed. "... I'm still waiting for an answer."

"Who cares," Erlea grumbled, arms crossed. "Let's just get out of here."

"We'll need to go through them to get to the portal," Sweetie Belle noted, worried as she bit her lower lip.

"Couldn't you turn invisible, or something?" Erlea reminded her.

"Oh yeah, I totally can do that," Sweetie Belle replied energetically.

"But what about us?" Scootaloo asked, "Can you make us invisible while flying? If not, the snow will give us away."

"Shoot, didn't think of that," Sweetie Belle huffed. "I'm not sure I can… Besides…" she said, then fell silent as she looked back at the chaos further on.

"Just, what?" Apple Bloom asked her.

"... I don't know. There is just… There is this weird feeling I got. It doesn't feel right."

Erlea frowned in irritation, yet her eyes glanced up at the hovering unicorn; using her senses to reach out.

"Fear," she said monotonously.

"Huh?" Sweetie Belle looked down at the changeling. Apple Bloom gasped.

"Ya're feeding on their fear, ain't ya?!" Apple Bloom almost cried out, looking at her friend in worry.

"I, whu?"

"You feed on fear," Erlea sighed out. "Gorging on it, actually. No wonder you took in too much before, if this is how you go on about it."

"Wait… What?!"

"What are you talking about?" Scootaloo wanted to know, clearly lost, much like Sweetie Belle.

"It's a long-" Apple Bloom replied, but was cut off by a very irritated Erlea.


"Right, sorry," Apple Bloom replied meekly.

"Okay, ehh. Just hold on to me, I guess," Sweetie Belle told them, unsure, lowering herself enough for her friends to touch her as she first transformed and then turned all of them invisible.

"Well, this will keep us from being seen," Scootaloo commented, “But what about flying over there?"

"Just. Hold. On!" Sweetie Belle grunted as she channeled her energy, pushing it further than she had done before, spreading out her glowing aura to encompass all four of them.

Slowly but surely, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo could feel the frozen ground drop away as they were gradually pulled up in the air.

"This. Is. So. Awesome!" Scootaloo squealed.

"Ya're really getting better at this spirit thang, Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom cheered her friend on.

Erlea, not saying a word, couldn't help but feel impressed as well.

"Stop. Talking." Sweetie Belle grunted, "Need. To. Focus."

""Sorry,"" Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both replied simultaneously.

Grunting from the strain, Sweetie Belle slowly began moving towards the distant portal; feeling a strange nauseating feeling build up in the pit of her stomach the closer she came to the chaotic battle. Something Erlea couldn't help but notice.

'Like a changeling… but, not like a changeling.'

The sound of roaring, barking and howling grew louder and louder, and all fillies, sans Sweetie Belle (who had her eyes almost shut in concentration and strain) watched as the frost giants used large clubs of ice to swat down any of the timberwolves coming too close, while also bringing large ice shields up to bear to fend of any attack the wolves attempted on them.

Yet the giants as well as the timberwolves seemed more focused on Fenris, who was on the defensive as timberwolves aggressively circled around him, while he himself was engaged in a face off with the Alpha.

'Huh,' Erlea thought, eyeing the timberwolves. 'They're the ones who are afraid.'

Sweetie Belle grunted, straining herself, and Erlea could feel herself slip slightly as Sweetie Belle's strength was failing.

"Wait… Dont let g-" she began, only to be cut off as Sweetie Belle turned back to her mortal self; invisibility failing, and dropping out of the sky.

All four fillies screamed out as they plummeted.

The Elder, not being fooled by Sweetie Belle's invisibility thanks to her sight, found herself standing where she shouldn't, and quickly stepped to the side as the four bodies dropped in the snow one at a time, leaving surprisingly accurate pony and changeling shaped holes.

The chaotic clash froze to a standstill over this new, unexpected turn of events, leaving all parties standing in confusion as they watched the four fillies slowly pull themselves out of their frosty burrows.

"Well, shoot," Apple Bloom muttered. "That didn't go as planned."

"I- I- I- I hat- te-te you-u-u," Erlea managed through clattering teeth.

"Oh, shove it," Scootaloo groaned, falling back down as the snow gave way, forcing her to climb back up again. This time with a heap of snow covering her head.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" Frostbite roared out. "Why are the young ones here!?" He demanded, quickly finding Wind Chill, who looked at the four with shock and horror plastered on his face.

"Why are you here?" Wind Chill asked with worry. "Didn't I tell you to stay back?" Yet he was not granted an answer as the Alpha's growling reaction cut in.

"What new trickery is this?!" The rest of the timberwolves reacted with increased aggression.

Fenris growled lowly as he looked down on the Alpha, fingers flexing, triggering another hostile reaction from the timberwolves.

'More fear,' Erlea realized, eyes shifting towards Sweetie Belle who seemed to be struggling.

"Please, don't make any hasty decisions," the Elder tried to reason, already knowing the outcome regardless. In fact, she was counting on it.

"Wind Chill! Explain how you allowed the young ones to put themselves in such danger!" Frostbite roared.

Any reply Wind Chill gave was cut short as one of his fellow frost giants roared threateningly, slamming her club in the snow, dangerously close to one of the snapping wolves.

The wolf backed off with a yelp.

"Make it stop," Sweetie Belle squeaked, eyes clenched shut and breathing heavily.

"Don't think you are able to walk away unscaved," the Alpha barked at Fenris, "You will pay for what you have done to us!"

Fenris stood impassively, yet leering at the wolf before him, trying to deduce the fate that befell him after their last encounter. His seeming disinterest only angered the Alpha more and more, as well as something else. Something he ignored with all his being.

"Fear," Fenris snorted. "That's all there is. Overwhelming fear."

"Please, make it stop," Sweetie Belle pressed her hooves against her head, clearly in pain.

"Sweetie Belle, is everything alright?" Apple Bloom asked, worried.

"What the HAY is going on!?" Scootaloo demanded to know, looking at the mess they found themselves in, as well at her friend with worry.

'Fear,' Erlea thought with rising anxiety as she looked at Sweetie Belle, feeling something building. 'Worry, anxiety, concern, anger… hate. All negative emotions. She's… She's feeding on them all.'

"Young ones, please leave this place at once. It is not safe for you here," Wind Chill told them urgently, clearly worried and afraid for their well being.

"You dare to call me afraid!?" The Alpha barked, deeply offended and enraged, "I'll show you the true meaning of fear. KADZITE, ATTACK!"

With a chorus of barks and howls the timberwolves lunged at Fenris and the frost giants, no longer holding back as the Frost giants responded in kind. Roaring to the fullest of their ability, the giants charged ahead, meeting the timberwolves head-on.

Clubs swung, shields raised, claws swiped, and jaws bit. Splinters flew through the air, along with chunks of ice, tufts of white fur, and even globs of green glowing ectoplasmic blood as both groups clashed.

At the same time, Fenris found himself being attacked from multiple angles as the Alpha, as well as five other wolves jumped on him, biting down into his flesh, hanging on to him to drag him down.

Fenris growled through grating teeth, dropping back to all fours and shook himself, flinging off three of the six wolves. The remaining three wolves, including the Alpha, bit down harder, drawing green glowing blood, while using their claws to cut deep gashes into his already deeply scarred body.

Fenris howled in pain, allowing it to fuel his anger as he grabbed one of the wolves with one of his massive paws, squeezing down on its wooden body until it broke apart in splinters.

The Alpha released his hold over Fenris, only to jump up and land on the black wolf's back, biting down on the nape of his neck while sinking his claws into his shoulders.

Once more, Fenris howled out in pain as several more wolves jumped him while his defense was down.

"Just. Stop. It!" Sweetie Belle grunted, almost a growl. Erlea found herself backing off from her, fear evident on her face. Fear, she knew, which would only increase whatever it was that was building within the ivory unicorn.

Frostbite roared as he dashed towards one of his fallen comrades, acting like a beast possessed as he swatted away the two wolves who had pinned down his bond sister.

"Child, is everything alright?" Wind Chill asked, concerned, finally noticing the distressed and pained look Sweetie Belle showed.

"Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom repeated, gently nudging her friend in the side.

"I really don't think we should stay here!" Scootaloo said in a high pitch, which quickly turned into a scream as the timberwolf she saw approaching jumped for her, maw wide open.


Sweetie Belle screamed, a strange echo to her voice. A pressure wave blasted off her, slamming into everyone there, knocking them back while Sweetie Belle's eyes were glowing heavily. A glow which was mirrored in the eyes of everyone, including her friends and Erlea, with the only exception being the Elder who looked at the filly as she tapped into her dormant power; while Sweetie Belle herself slowly shifted her gaze around, seeing everyone standing in trance with large eyes, fully aglow with spectral light.

"And so a siren discovers her potential," the Elder spoke solemnly, tightening the grip on her staff as a wave of light shone from it, basking everyone in its light, snapping them out of their trance-like state while Sweetie Belle slumped down into the snow.

An eerie silence settled down over the battlefield, punctuated by the howl of the frozen wind as everyone looked first at themselves, then around to figure out what had just happened.

"Elder?" Frostbite turned to her, "What just happened?"

Looking down at the filly lying in the snow, the Elder spoke: "She did."


"Ughh… what happened?" Sweetie Belle asked, groaning as she pushed herself back up and out of the snowy hole; shaking her head to clear the strange, fuzzy tingling she felt in her horn, going all the way down into her skull where it tapped into her brain.

"Why don't you tell me?" she heard the Elder ask, and Sweetie Belle blinked as she looked up; surprised to see not only the Elder, but just about everyone else as well staring at her with surprise, confusion, shock, or downright fear. "What is it you think that happened?"

"Why is everyone looking at me like that?" Sweetie Belle asked, slinking down her hole to hide away from all the eyes locked onto her.

"I'm sure that you already know the answer, deep down," the Elder pressed on, looking intently at the young pony. Sweetie Belle, however, could only look up in confusion.

"I do?" She asked, blinked and then frowned. "But I didn't do anything… except telling them to stop. Then..." She promptly fell silent, first frowning, then her eyes widened as the calling of another memory drew her attention.

"Then you saw everyone did as you said," the Elder finished the unspoken part.

"But… how?"

"Because of what you are, child," the Elder replied sagely.

"A… spirit?"

"In essence, yes. But being a spirit is merely the form of your spectral self. Deep down, your core being is that of a siren."

"A SIREN!?" Sweetie Belle shrieked out, falling back into her hole.

"But, that's impossible," Apple Bloom shouted her disbelief. "Wind Chill said Sirens were foul, evil creatures. Sweetie Belle ain't that."

"Oh, did he now?" The Elder said with a hint of disappointment, glancing back at the mentioned giant who shifted nervously on the spot. "Being a siren doesn't make one evil," she explained. "But due to their inherent need for negative emotions, they often find themselves drawn to more nefarious ways than most others. Which would also explain your adverse reaction to such a buildup of negativity. Your good-hearted nature clashes with this opposite," she blinked as she fell silent for a moment. "Something that seems to be a recurring factor with you; with your magic being at odds with your spectral energy as well."

"Bu- but what does that mean… For me, I mean?" Sweetie Belle squeaked, frightened.

"For now, not much. This burst of power you have shown also drained most of this negative build-up. This will allow you the time needed to learn to control your presenting abilities."

"But, how?" Sweetie Belle asked, not sure she wanted to.

"Again, you already know the answer to that question. Isn't that right, Apple Bloom?" She asked, and the earth pony filly gasped out.

"Erlea!" she exclaimed. "She can control minds too. Ain't that what Sweetie Belle did, too?"

"Indeed it is," the Elder confirmed with a slow nod. "Which means your task of helping her is all the more urgent."

"Yea- hey! Where did she go?" Apple Bloom shouted as she realized Erlea was no longer with them.

"She left shortly after I freed all your minds. In quite a hurry too, that one, " the Elder told them, standing back up to full height. "Which, considering the circumstances her kind is dealing with, that is not much of a surprise."

"Then we must go as well!" Apple Bloom said confidently.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo agreed, having been silent until now.

"But… can she really help… with this?" Sweetie Belle asked, unsure.

"Of course she can!" Apple Bloom answered, reaching down to grab and then pull her friend out of her snowy hole. "But first we need ta help her, like we promised."

Sweetie Belle looked at her friend with doubt. Closing her eyes and breathing in deeply before slowly exhaling, her breath coming out in a long stream of condensation in the frigid air, she looked at her friend again, giving a single, determined nod.

"Hey, Fenris," Apple Bloom called out. "Ya comi-" only to be silenced when the Alpha roared his frustration.

"Enough of this nonsense," he fumed, "We've allowed this transgression to continue for far too long. And now you are in league with the Dark One as well. I knew you couldn't be trusted," he flexed his wooden claws. "Repercussions or not, none of you shall be allowed to pass through the hole," he threatened, backed up by the rest of his pack as they blocked the path through the portal.

Fenris growled warningly, many of the wounds inflicted on him during the short but intense skirmish already healing.

The frost giants all raised their weapons and shields, baring fangs in response to the wolves' hostility.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked around nervously, not seeing an easy way out of this mess.

"You know, I prefer the path of nonviolence and diplomacy when dealing with troublesome adversaries," the Elder calmly stated as she gracefully stepped forwards, closing the distance between herself and the Alpha. "But you," she looked intently at the Alpha with glowing eyes. "You are just too full of yourself." And in a sudden blur of motion, she slammed the broad top part of her staff on the Alpha's head. "Especially considering the crimes you and your pack committed," she finished as the Alpha slumped down into the snow. The timberwolves all released howls and bark of fury as they lunged for the Elder.

The Elder didn't flinch, however, as she firmly planted her staff in the snow; a vibrant red glow bursting from the gem infused in the ice which made up the staff, halting all the timberwolves in their tracks.

"Now, watch the truth of your own hypocrisy!" She declared, and all the wolves fell down in the snow, unconscious. "Children," she glanced at the three fillies. "Go and help your friend. Fenris," she stared intently at the black wolf, no further words needed as he gave a slight nod. "Wind Chill," she concluded as she aimed her attention towards her bond brother. "Aid them in whatever way you can."

"Elder… But, what is the meaning of all this?"

"Now is not the time for answers," she replied. "Now, go. Many lives are at stake."

"You heard her, let's go!" Scootaloo declared, and shot off to the best of her abilities; still hindered by the difficult to thread snow.

"Count me in!" Apple Bloom replied in answer, quick to follow.

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle said after a slight moment of hesitation.

Fenris, too, followed after them, glancing at the Elder with equal measures of wariness and respect, then stepped through the portal and set paw in the mortal realm for the first time since his demise.

Wind Chill lagged behind, not liking his questions going unanswered. But, eventually, he joined the fillies and Fenris in the mortal realm; his honor bond impossible to ignore.

"Elder," Frostbite stepped forwards as Wind Chill left them. "By the Ancestors, what happened? Is young Sweetie Belle truly what you claim her to be; a siren?"

"She is," she confirmed. "And so much more." She sighed out as she turned to look at the village leader. "She is still young, inexperienced, and not used to the rapid changes her life is going through. Yet she made the choice to embark on the journey. A choice which will not only shape herself, but those around her, and even her world, as well as the humans'. Yet with each choice there are consequences. This goes doubly for one who embodies choice."

"You don't mean…?"

"I do. Sweetie Belle is the forced Embodiment of choice. And as is the case with all of us Embodiments, she holds great power. But at the price of an equal, negative trait to balance the scale. She holds the trait of choice, but also the ability to take this away from others."

"By controlling their minds and taking away any free thoughts and ideas," Frostbite realized, shocked.

"Exactly. Which is why she must be trained in the use of this ability, lest she loses control like this again… or worse, succumbs to the underlying desire to use it."

"But what if she can't control this ability?"

"For everyone’s sake, we must hope she does."

Frostbite was silent for several long seconds, worry clearly visible on his rough face. "Elder, I do dread to ask. But why was the fallen here, too?"

"To restore an imbalance, and accept his own failings," she told him, then returned her attention back to the wolves. "For now, though, we should return them to the other side as well. Hopefully, when they wake, they have learned a thing or two."

"I…" Frostbite sighed out. "Very well," and he motioned for his fellow giants to help move the wooden wolves. "And what about you?" he asked the Elder.

"I? I need to go see an old acquaintance," she replied. "There are some questions even I can't see the answers to. Answers, I know, he has," and without another word, the Elder made way for the cave through which one could enter and exit the Far Frozen.


"So, where do we go to?" Scootaloo asked after she, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Fenris, and Wind Chill had stepped out of the ancient castle, and found themselves standing in the late mid-day sun. Its light providing a warmth which took Fenris by surprise, while it also blinded him the moment he stepped outside and looked up in wonder, and amazement.

Apple Bloom, patting him on the leg, unable to reach much higher, looked at her friend with a frown.

"I dunno. Erlea did sah they lived in tha Badlands, but tha place is almost a day travel from here."

"Not to mention, it's huge," Sweetie Belle commented.

"Well, there has to be some way to figure out where to go to?" Scootaloo asked, looking pensively.

"There is," Fenris rumbled, shaking his head and clearing his vision. "Your friend's scent is still thick in the air. It won't be an issue tracking her down."

"And we might still be able to catch up with her if we hurry," Wind Chill interjected, looking at the black wolf with distrust. Noticing this, Fenris releases an annoyed bark, telling the giant to back off, which did nothing to ease Wind Chill's worries and made him leer at the wolf all the more noticeable.

Forcing himself to ignore the persistent stare, Fenris dropped down to all fours. "Climb on," he told the three fillies. "We'll be able to move faster this way."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle did as he told them without question, but Scootaloo hesitated a bit, not sure what the story was with the giant wolf her friends seemed to know.

Wind Chill, too, looked at the two fillies as they took place on Fenris' back; noticable disdain showing on his face.

"Come on, Scootaloo. Climb on," Apple Bloom told her friend, patting a spot behind her, making Fenris roll his back as he glanced at her over his shoulder. "Sorry," Apple Bloom replied apologetically, smiling sheepishly.

Blinking, then shrugging, Scootaloo did as was told and joined her friends, taking her spot behind Apple Bloom who herself was seated behind Sweetie Belle.

"Ya better hang on," Apple Bloom told her pegasi friend as Fenris stuck his nose up to get a lock on Erlea's scent. " 'Cause he's even faster than he looks."

No sooner had she said that and Fenris lowered his head, his target found. He shot off in a surprising burst of speed which made the fillies cry out isn surprise, and a whoop of joy from Scootaloo directly after.

Wind Chill quickly gave chase, growling under his breath from Fenris sudden departure. However, his annoyance soon shifted to irritation towards himself as his bipedal frame made it an near impossible task to keep up with the much faster wolf now that he was running without restraint.

Trees flashed by in a blur as Fenris aimed towards the source of the scent trail with slightly narrowed eyes. Had his situation been any different, however, he would have stopped to take a moment to revel in this forest beauty; fill his dead lungs with the myriad of smells and just listen to the voice of the forest. A place which reminded him of the still wild forests back where he came from.

But finding the time to revel in past notions was something he didn't have, nor did he allow himself such luxuries and, instead he weaved past any trees blocking his path with ease; showing that, deep down, despite his former role and sin, he was first, and foremost, a wolf. A creature of the forest. Something Wind Chill clearly wasn't, as, in his struggling attempt to keep up, numerous branches swatted his face, and tree roots continued their seemingly deliberate attempt to trip him. Yet despite his growing number of blunders, as well as leaves and twigs sticking out of his fur in just about every place, he refused to allow the distance between himself, and the young ones to grow too large, no matter what obstacle in his path.

Faster and faster they seemed to go and Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all pressed themselves flat on Fenris' back so they wouldn't fall off. Yet, as they clung on to the big, black wolf, all three of them looked on in silent awe and amazement as they moved faster than they had ever done before. Something which both exhilarated and irritated Scootaloo.

In what seemed like no time at all, Fenris broke free from the Forest, stepping out in the unobstructed light of the sun as it dropped near the horizon, painting the sky with red, orange and yellow.

This time, Fenris did slow down a notch as he looked at the magnificent display with wonder and sorrow, silently wondering about the fate of his brothers.

The loud huffing and panting of Wind Chill as he finally managed to catch up snapped him out of it, and Fenris huffed in annoyance.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked around for a bit to get a sense of where they were, seeing Fenris had exited the forest someplace other than the edge near Ponyville, and none of them recognized the area they were now.

"Hey!" Sweetie Belle suddenly piped up, jumping up to her hooves as she pointed into the distance. "There she is."

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo popped up behind her, both looking towards where their friend was pointing.

Out in the distance, with a shadow stretching far behind her due to the continuously lowering angle of the sun, was Erlea; running away from them with as much speed as she could.

"Why is she running if she can fly?" Scootaloo wondered.

"Maybe she doesn't have enough energy?" Apple Bloom thought aloud.

"That's not important right now," Sweetie Belle reminded them as she jumped off of Fenris' back, transforming in her spirit half and flew off before she hit the ground.

"Hey, wait up!" She called out towards Erlea, who froze upon hearing her, glanced back, then ran away even faster.

Not fast enough, as she soon discovered as Sweetie Belle quickly caught up and blocked her path.

"Stay away from me!" Erlea hissed, her tongue snaking out in response, making Sweetie Belle rear back to put some distance between herself and the flailing organ.

"Why? Weren't we supposed to help?" The hovering spirit asked, confused.

"Help! You? All you ponies seem to be able to do is cause one problem after the other," Erlea screeched. "And you!" —she pointed a trembling, accusing hoof at Sweetie Belle— "I don't know what you are, but I don't want you to get anywhere near the Hive."

"Hey, that's not fair," Apple Bloom called out in offense as she and Scootaloo, riding on Fenris' back, drew near, having heard what Erlea had said. "We're just trying to help. It ain't our fault things just keep happening."

"Yeah," Scootaloo agreed. "It just happens."

"It just happens?" Erlea repeated with clear disbelief and sarcasm. "Are all of you ponies insane? Do you honestly think that any of this—" she motioned to Sweetie Belle, still hovering above the ground and hind legs turned into an intangible tail, then Fenris and finally Wind Chill "—or any of that impossible insanity in that ghost world is normal? That it just happens to anyone?" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle glanced at one another. "NO!" Erlea screeched, answering for them. "None of this is normal. You aren't normal. And I don't want any of you near the Hive," she hissed, tongue flailing once more.

"You done yet?" Sweetie Belle asked, voice flat, as was her stare as she looked down at the black filly.


"We know it ain't normal," Apple Bloom answered matter of factly. "Doesn't mean it didn't just happen."

"Besides, with all the crazy things that have happened in and around Ponyville the last several years, ghosts and spirits aren't all that weird."

"Yeah," Apple Bloom nodded her agreement.

"Time travel, however, is a whole different story," Scootaloo added, scratching the top of her head and messing up her mane even more than its usual wind blown mess.

"Ye- wait, what?" Sweetie Belle faltered, she, Erlea, and Apple Bloom looking at the orange pegasus, bewildered.

"It's a long story," Scootaloo answered, shrugging.

"Insane! All of you are insane!" Erlea shouted, feeling like pulling out her mane.

"Nah, we ain't," Apple Bloom countered. "Screwy is, though."

"I thought she was just crazy? You know, barking and such," said Scootaloo.

"She's doing better, though," Sweetie Belle told them. "... I think," she then shrugged.

"Do you even listen to yourselves?!" Erlea shouted, bringing the attention back to herself.

"Of course we do. And to you as well," Sweetie Belle answered. "And you said you needed help, and we promised to help you."

"And that is exactly what we're going to do. Crazy or not."

"Oh, it's crazy," Scootaloo replied nonchalantly. "There really isn't any other way of calling it, but crazy."

"You ponies just won't stop!" Erlea complained. "Why?"

"It's how we do things," all three of them answered simultaneously, same minded.

"So, mind showing us where we need to go?" Apple Bloom answered, showing a winning smile.

Erlea looked at the yellow earth pony, then the pegasus before slowly shifting her gaze to Sweetie Belle, still hovering next to her. Then she finally settled her gaze on Wind Chill and Fenris.

'How is it that with all the crazy creatures in this world, I end up with the craziest of them all?'

A sudden cry over the hivemind made her gasp and snap her head towards the source of the distress.

"No!" she cried out in alarm, running towards the call for help, all things forgotten.

"No?" Apple Bloom repeated, somewhat offended as they watched Erlea hurry away.

"Was it something we said?" Scootaloo wondered.

"I don't think she was talking to us," Sweetie Belle murmured, shaking her head to get rid of the sudden dizzying sensation that rushed over her just a moment ago. "... Something really frightened her."

"It did? … How do ya know?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I… I don't know?" Sweetie Belle admitted, looking down with a frown as she tried to figure it all out herself, but finding no answers.

"Is it because you're a siren, like the Elder said?" Scootaloo suggested, all of them turning to look at Wind Chill for answers.

"It is possible that, now your true nature has surfaced, you are more susceptible to the emotional state of others; able to derive their true feelings merely by being close to them," he answered with a heavy frown. "Although my knowledge on such matters is limited at best."

"Oh," Sweetie Belle sighed.

"We'll figure it out," Apple Bloom said confidently. "For now, though, we've got some changelings who need helpin'!"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo cheered.

Sighing again, then nodding, Sweetie Belle willed her frown away; replacing it with a somewhat forced smile.

"Then we better get going."

"Now you're talking!" said Apple Bloom. "Let's go!"

Fenris, who had been quietly observing and sensing all that happened around him, slowly turned towards where Erlea had ran off to, a noticeable tension in his movement.

"It will not be as easy as you three make it out to be," he said with a rumbling voice. "There is something else. Something dangerous, and very old."

"The Saldēti Zirgi," Wind Chill gasped out, only now noticing the chilling sensation associated with these creatures. "No, it can't be."

"You mean those salad things they said went through the portal?" Apple Bloom asked with worry.

"Wait, some kind of ghost salad is causing trouble?" Scootaloo asked, more than a little confused.

"Saldēti Zirgi" Sweetie Belle corrected. "And I don't think they are a salad of any kind," she told them, feeling a bone chilling shiver go down her spine as she, too, sensed something as well. A sudden and bright flash of golden light bursting from her horn followed moments later.

"Wait, what was that?" she asked, dropping to the ground as she looked up at her horn in worry.

"Didn't that happen a few times before?" Apple Bloom said.

"Perhaps it is your ghost sense," Wind Chill suggested, stepping towards the filly. "A warning signal whenever spectral entities you're not aware of are nearby."

"It is?" Sweetie Belle asked, lightly prodding her horn, then sighed out as her hoof dropped down. "These spirit powers become more and more confusing with each day." She sighed again, loudly, then shook her head and jumped back on her hooves. "I'll figure that out later. Right now, we're wasting time. Erlea needs our help, and we promised to help her."

"Yeah, and when we make a promise, we keep it, " Apple Bloom replied encouragingly.

"Well, most of the time," Scootaloo added, which earned her the flat stares of her friends. "What?" She shrugged. "It's true."

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom both looked at one another, then shrugged themselves, having to admit that much.

"Okay, Crusaders. Wind Chill, Fenris. There are some changelings that need our help, and with Celestia as our witness, we're going to help them!" Apple Bloom exclaimed loud and proud, standing tall and strong on Fenris' back, pointing a hoof towards the horizon where Erlea had run off to.

"You three do realize we could have been there already?" Fenris asked flatly, even somewhat irritated.

Apple Bloom's hoof dropped down, and she, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all looked at Fenris, then each other.

"""Oh, right.""" They all said, smiling sheepishly.

"Well, let's go then, Ah guess." Apple Bloom said with clear embarrassment.

Rolling his eyes, Fenris surged into motion, followed a moment later by Wind Chill, who didn't have as much trouble keeping up now they were no longer in the forest, and Sweetie Belle who flew alongside the large wolf.


It didn't take them long to catch back up with Erlea. Mostly because they found the young changeling standing completely motionless, staring with wide eyes at the distant landscape as it glistened in the last light of the setting sun; the light refracting off the mirroring surface of the snow and ice, stretching out for as far as they could see.

"What happened here?" Apple Bloom asked wearily, slowly jumping off of Fenris' back and moving to Erlea's side. "Did tha weather team make ah mistake?"

"No weather team I know of works here," Scootaloo answered, stepping next to Apple Bloom.

"But, then, what happened here?" Sweetie Belle questioned, dropping to the ground on Erlea's free side.

"It was the Saldēti Zirgi," Wind Chill answered with grim realization. "This clearly is their doing."

"And what exactly are these things?" Erlea asked mutely, yet with noticeable venom in her voice.

Wind Chill looked down at her, sighed, then looked back up towards the frozen landscape.

"They are ancient creatures, ancestors of the equines found on the human world called horses," Wind Chill answered, causing Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to gasp out as they spun to look up at the giant. Erlea, however, remained completely still. "These entities once lived during a time when snow and ice dominated their world, and where it was a struggle to just survive. Because of this, the Saldēti Zirgi developed a strong herding instinct. Safety and strength in numbers. This became even stronger upon their demise as the cold claimed them. Their souls, although simple in mind, continue to roam the frozen plains, seeking out others of their kind to protect, but doing terrible damage merely through their presence as the arctic grasp that claimed them also became part of them; spreading snow and ice wherever they went."

"You mean something like Windigoes?" Sweetie Belle belle piped up.

"Windigoes?" Wind Chill questioned.

"Mmhmm," Sweetie Belle nodded. "Long ago, back when the three different pony races were divided, a terrible blizzard claimed the land, growing worse and worse with each passing day, forcing the ponies to leave their homes to find a new place to live. But the snow and ice followed them wherever they went."

"It turned out it were the Windigoes that caused the blizzard," Scootaloo continued. "They were drawn to the hate and distrust between the separate tribes, freezing the land and making it impossible for them to grow food, or anything."

"Only after things seemed worst did three ponies of tha different tribes become friends. And through their friendship they were able ta banish the Windigoes," Apple Bloom finished.

Wind Chill blinked, confused.

"That sounds… unlikely," he told them. "Saldēti Zirgi aren't drawn to negative emotion, nor are they scared by any positive. If these Windigoes are the same creatures as the Saldēti Zirgi, then something else must have happened during your ancestors' time. This, however, is not the time to figure such things out. The Saldēti Zirgi are here. That much is certain, and the longer they remain, the more damage they will cause. We must act quick, before it is too late. Especially considering the condition Erlea claims her kind to be in, and their poor resistance against cold," Wind Chill told them with rumbling voice as he started to march for the frozen land, stepping over the four fillies as he went.

"You better brace yourselves, young ones. The Saldēti Zirgi are here. And with them, winter has come."

Author's Note:

Yes, I went there.

No, I do not have any regrets.

Next chapter will reveal what happened with Scootaloo.