• Published 14th Feb 2014
  • 2,450 Views, 28 Comments

Love is in Bloom - spideremblembrony

Princess Cadence recieves a letter that tells of Shining Armor being in the hospital. Will she see her loved one again?

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Love is in Bloom

He was supposed to be there by now. He hadn’t made contact of any kind. She hadn’t heard anything from his trip or his group. Could something have happened? Cadance prayed with all her heart as she sat in her chambers. The chamber, even with its bright pink surroundings, seemed to have a melancholy feel in the air. She wondered if it was just her own stress, but the room seemed a little darker than normal.

She lit up another candle, hoping that it would distract her mind, even for a moment. As she looked into the new flame that had been created, her heart started to sink as her mind couldn’t keep focused on it for long. Her thoughts went back to her Shining Armor. She could almost hear his voice and see his face. It almost brought comfort to her, but she knew it wasn’t real.

Her stomach started to twist in a knot as the moments turned into minutes. The night seemed to drag slowly as Cadance would eye the clock, only to discover a minute or two had passed. Her heart started to ache as minutes turned to hours. She finally trotted out of her chamber.

She wandered throughout the castle, asking every pony she met if they had seen her Shining Armor. However, no pony seemed to know what was taking her husband so long. With every pony she met, her heart began to sink deeper into her stomach. After several long minutes of patrolling the castle walls, she began to lose hope. She returned back to her chambers, only to be stopped by one of the guards.

“Your highness,” the guard said. Cadance examined him. He was panting, as if he had made his way to her with great haste. He dug through his pouch and revealed a letter. He presented it before her as Cadance’s magic lifted it from his hooves and placed it before her.

She almost opened the letter, but there was a slight hesitation. She wondered who could be delivering a message at this hour. Her body started to shiver as dread started to sweep over her.

What if this has to do with Shining Armor? What if something bad has happened?

She took a deep breath, attempting to push her uncertainty aside. It did help, even if it was a little. She opened the letter and carefully examined it. As she read the words inscribed, her mind traveled back to a simpler time. The day she became the happiest mare in all of Equestria.


Cadance sat at the large meadow just outside Canterlot Castle. The shadow of a large tree covered her and the stallion next to her. The soft wind was blowing in her hair. She could only think of the him. He gave her a smile, and she returned it before she realized she had. They had met years ago, but only recently had they been spending a large amount of their free time together. After his long stressful days of training to be part of Canterlot’s military and her training with Celestia to be a princess, they would meet in the same meadow.

They loved that meadow. It was peaceful, quiet and they got to be alone whenever they wanted or needed to be. Shining Armor leaned up and kissed her on the cheek. “Have I told you lately that you are beautiful?”

Cadance gave a giggle. His voice always seemed to have that effect on her. That and his light hearted sense of humor. “Not in the last five minutes,” she finally replied.

Shining wrapped his foreleg around her. “Then I don’t tell you enough. So I’ll say it again. You are beautiful.”

Cadance leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. She couldn’t have been happier with the company before her. She hadn’t been this happy in a long time. She found herself unable to stop thinking about him for several weeks. When her mind wasn’t focusing on her work, it would be consumed by the next time her eyes would meet with his. She longed for the next moment when his hooves would wrap around her and hold her tight. The next time she would feel her whole body fill with energy, excitement, laughter, love, hope, and friendship, simply by being in his presence.

She was so distracted by her thoughts; she hadn’t noticed a small diamond ring hovering before her. Her mind went completely blank as she saw the ring before her. Or did it swirl into a storm of confusion? She didn’t know. She couldn’t tell the difference of anything anymore. All she could see was the ring before her and the stallion presenting it to her. She turned towards him, his foreleg was still wrapped around her, but his once white face was almost red.

He gave her a smile and spoke, “Cadance… I’ve loved you for a long time.” He looked to the ground. “To be honest, I can’t stop thinking about you. For weeks, I’ve wanted to do this, but I... just haven’t found a way to tell you in a way you deserve.”

Cadance’s mind could still not comprehend what was transpiring around her. She felt like Shining Armor had just told her gibberish. Why did she feel this way? She felt like an absolute fool. She could talk to him like anypony else, but when that ring appeared, she somehow lost all courage to speak. She remained silent as she continued to eye the ring.

“Cadance? Will you marry me?” Shining’s voice whispered in her ear.

Cadance’s mind began to whirl out of control. She didn’t know what to say to respond. Her heart started to pound against her chest, almost as if it was going to burst out of her chest. She found it hard to breathe, like a stone was pressing against her. Then after a moment, it all went blank.

And a simple answer came from her mouth. “Yes.” She turned towards him and a smile appeared on her face that seemed to shine like the sun. “Yes! I will marry you!” She restrained herself from leaping in the air like a happy filly, but she knew it wouldn’t last long. She hadn’t imagined herself to be this happy. And yet, it was real and it came in the form of her Shining Armor.


Only a moment later, she was out of the castle and taking to the hospital. Cadance rushed to the hospital as fast as her wings could carry her. The events described to the letter consumed her mind. An accident? Shining Armor was injured? It looked serious?! Her heart beat like a drum as she read those words.

She didn’t hear the guards trying to keep up with her. She didn’t hear them insisting she wait for a carriage. She didn’t even hear the wind blowing passed her ears. Her mind kept returning to his voice, saying how beautiful she was, or how he said wanted to spend everyday with her.

As she placed herself in front of the hospital, she rushed inside and was met by the nurse. The nurse asked Cadance to follow her, almost as if she knew exactly who she was here to see. No surprise. She was the princess of the Crystal Empire. Her face was easily recognized by everypony. She followed the nurse. The nurse began to explain what had happened and what kind of trauma Shining Armor had been through.

Despite her best efforts, Cadance couldn’t hear a word the nurse said. Every time she tried, she was always distracted by the sounds of her own memories. Shining Armor would whisper something in her ear, causing her heart to sink. Not because they weren’t the best memories she had, but because she was afraid they would be her only memories of him.

Finally, they arrived to Shining Armor’s room. As soon as she walked in, her heart broke. All she could see was her husband lying in the bed, silent and still. Cadance rushed over to his side and grasped his hoof in her’s. She placed it on her face, as her tears rushed down her face uncontrollably. The mere sight of his body, so still and lifeless, made her heart feel like it had been stabbed repeatedly.

She scanned down his body. Just barely out of the blanket, was white bandage wrapped around his torso. Part of her wished that she had listened to what the nurse said. She might have said what had happened to him. Another part of her was glad that she didn’t. Maybe it was worse than her imagination could conjure. Maybe her mind was more merciless. She couldn’t make up her mind.

She gently placed her hoof upon his forehead and started to whisper to him. “Shining?” She wasn’t sure if he could hear her. Perhaps, the nurse said he could. Maybe she didn’t. She couldn’t remember. Regardless, she felt she had to speak. She was terrified. “You’re going to be okay, you hear?” She couldn’t tell if she was lying or not. She wanted with all her heart to be telling the truth, but was she just saying what she wanted to hear?

“Remember what we talked about,” she said, her sobs breaking her speech. She started to think about the days before their wedding, before that monster locked her away. They had talked about how they wanted a getaway home in a large field on the edge of Canterlot, just like the one where he proposed to her. Those plans had, of course, changed when she became the ruler of the Crystal Empire.

However, they found a hillside not far from the castle. It was open, green and beautiful. When the sun hit it just right, they found the beauty absolutely captivating. The winds were gentle and soothing and the birds would sing their sweet songs without care. They knew it would be the perfect place to escape the palace and for them to just be together. They talked about the strong colts they were going to have and the beautiful fillies they were going to see. They talked about how they wanted to see the excited young faces of their children as they went to their first days of school, earned their cutie marks, and grew into fine young stallions and mares.

The doctor finally trotted in. He looked as if he had disturbing news to tell her. Cadance looked up at his face, desperate to fight back the tears that threatened to swarm her cheeks. He made his way to the Shining’s bedside. “Your highness…” He paused as if he was uncertain how to start.

“Just tell me,” Cadance snapped as tears burst from her eyes, soaking her cheeks. She immediately regretted her actions, but she couldn’t help herself. The words and the tone slipped out of her mouth before she realized they had formed.

The doctor bit his lip as he seemed to gather the courage to speak. “The accident caused damage to his right lung.”

Cadance felt that she had been stabbed in the lung as well. Her breath left her body, leaving her dazed for a moment. Her lungs felt as if they had been vacuumed clean of air. She was trapped without air for only a second, but it might as well have been eternity to her.

The doctor’s voice brought her back from her thoughts. “We removed the glass from the base of his spine, but the surgery was extremely difficult for him.”

Cadance wanted to ask what happened, but felt that she couldn’t. All she that concerned her was to save him. Would he survive? Would she be able to feel his hooves wrap around her? Would she be able to feel his lips on her cheeks? That was all that mattered. She looked up to the doctor, her face now drenched with tears.

“Will he…?” Cadance tried to finish, but her sobs prevented her. She tried to speak the words on her tongue, but every time she did, they were silenced by her cries.

The doctor seemed to pick up on her struggle. “These next few hours will tell us more.” He lowered his head as he made his way beside her.

Cadance placed her head onto the bed, her tears soaking the sheets. “What can I do?” she asked. She wasn’t sure if she was asking the doctor or some higher authority. She just wanted an answer. It didn’t matter who it came from. All she wanted was somepony to comfort her, to tell her it was going to be okay, and to tell her that Shining Armor was going to make it.

“The best thing for him right now is to let him rest,” the doctor replied.

Cadance wished the doctor would lie to her, even a little. Every part of her wanted the doctor to smile and say that Shining Armor was going to be just fine. Even if it was a lie, it would have given her hope.

Cadance slowly picked herself up and wiped the tears from her eyes. The doctor escorted her out of Shining’s room as the door closed behind her.


Cadance sat in the waiting hall only a few yards from Shining’s room, yet, every time she looked down the hall, it seemed like it was a hundred miles away. Maybe more. She found herself agonizing every second of the hours, waiting for a word on Shining Armor. She had been offered something to eat, but she didn’t respond. Her stomach had been roaring at her for several minutes, but she didn’t notice. She was completely ignorant of what was happening to her and the world around her.

All that consumed her thoughts was her beloved. Shining Armor would have placed his hoof on her shoulder and made some wise-crack about how a beautiful mare shouldn’t be crying unless she’s happy. Her mouth almost curled into a smile, but no matter how she just wanted to, her heart wouldn’t allow it. It hurt too much.

She looked down at the table below her, hoping for a magazine to distract her thoughts, even a second would have been a blessing. She picked up the magazine and started to flip through it, but no matter how many pages she passed, no matter what caught her eye, nothing stopped her from thinking about Shining Armor. He would always raise his eyebrow at her reading fashion magazines and the latest news on famous ponies. She would always insist that she wasn’t reading them. Not that he believed her. He knew her too well. She started to wonder why she would even read them. Almost as if she had forgotten why.

She started to think about it, trying to remember. Was it to distract her from the issues of ruling the Crystal Empire for a short time? Was it because she found the stories of ponies making a fool of themselves entertaining? She wasn’t sure which one it was anymore.

After flipping through the first magazine on the table, with nothing to deter her mind, she picked up the next one. Again, like the one before it, nothing sidetracked her mind. As she flipped through the pages, she found herself thinking of the day after their wedding. All they could do was hold each other that night as they sat silently in their chambers. Not a word was exchanged that night. All they could do is hold each other as they tried to erase the memories of the shape shifting queen that almost destroyed everything they had been through. They sat in the dark together as the silence overtook them. But they didn’t seem to mind. She just wanted to be next to him.

She was so consumed by her thoughts that she didn’t notice her finishing the magazine until she tried to flip the next page, but there was none. She threw the magazine on the table, almost picking up another one. However, she knew that it was futile. She couldn’t get her mind off him.

She looked back to the hallway, hoping the doctor would appear to tell her the news, but there was no doctor coming towards her. Only nurses moving from room to room. A thought crept into her mind as she turned away, He’s going to die.

Her heart started to hurt as the mere thought came into her mind. Her tears, which had stopped flowing, were soaking her cheeks once more. She wanted the thought to be a lie. She wanted to believe that Shining Armor would make it. That he would be alright. But she felt so powerless. She felt as if everything was out of her hooves. That only a miracle would save his life.

She shook her head violently, trying to repress the thought. She picked up another magazine to try to keep herself from thinking about it. She didn’t know why she was trying. It hadn’t worked before. She wondered what would be so different about this time. But she didn’t have anypony. She was all alone. Yes, Twilight Sparkle was on her way, but until she arrived, Cadance was alone. She curled up in the chair, shaking as tears continued to fall to the floor.

She started to think about the first time she had met him. She had arrived at Canterlot to foal sit a young Twilight Sparkle. She was quite the intelligent little filly. Cadance was often impressed with how much Twilight knew at such a young age. At the same time, she often felt sorry for her. She didn’t have many friends. Just her and Shining Armor.

She had just finished foal sitting for Twilight’s parents. She remembered leaving, waving good-bye to Twilight until their next get together. However, as she moved forward, her body came into contact with somepony. She turned around to see a stallion before her. She blushed as she apologized. He shook his head and insisted that it was his fault.

Twilight then darted past her and embraced her older brother, Shining Armor. Twilight couldn’t wait to introduce her brother to her new foal sitter. Cadance was at first a little embarrassed, but over time, as the visits continued, she found a fondness of Shining, which eventually turned into a friendship.

Even when he volunteered for the Canterlot Military, it changed nothing. They saw each other as often as they could. True, it was more difficult, but they found a way. They promised no matter how difficult the challenges in life would be, they promised they would find a way.

Now, at the most difficult part of her life, she found it impossible. There was no way. He was going to die and she was going to be alone. Her tears started to fall even faster now as she lowered her head and accepted defeat. Shining Armor was out of reach and there was nothing she could do.

She stood up, wiping the tears from her eyes, only for them to be replaced a moment later. She knew she had nothing to lose by spending his final moments with her right there. As she moved to the hallway, she tried to fight the tears back. She wanted to smile for his last moments. Even if he couldn’t see her, she wanted to be strong, for him.

She approached the room. As her horn glowed to open the door, the door opened from the other side. The doctor appeared from the door. He moved forward, but stopped suddenly when he noticed Cadance standing there. Cadance felt that time stood still as she eyed the doctor. There was a pause in the air as Cadance’s mind spun out of control, trying to conjure a response. But nothing came all she could do was stand there and wait for the doctor to speak.

The doctor smiled. “He’s passed the worst of it.”

Cadance felt that her ears failed her. She almost didn’t catch a word that the doctor said. It was as if his mouth was moving, but there was no sound. And yet, the smile on his face spoke for him. Why would he be smiling? Cadance thought. The answer then hit her like a boulder. All her efforts to fight back the tears in her eyes failed her. She took a deep breath as the sides of her mouth began to curve upwards.

“He’s still weak from the surgery, but with a lot rest, we think he’ll make a full recovery.”

Cadance felt her legs start to weaken and a moment later, she toppled to the floor with a loud sob. The doctor made his way to her, giving her a moment to let the news sink in. Cadance couldn’t tell what was happening anymore. She didn’t even realize she was on the ground. All her thoughts were replaced by a ray of hope that shined brighter than the sun itself. She tried to fight back the tears in her eyes, but it was futile. Nothing could stop them.

She finally tilted her head up to the doctor , who was smiling. “He’s awake now, if you want to see him.”

Cadance couldn’t speak to show her approval, but fortunately, her head nodded just enough that the doctor seemed to understand. The doctor aided her to her feet. After giving her a moment to collect herself, the doctor escorted her into the room.

Her eyes went straight to the bedside and here he was, lying on the bed. His eyes directed straight for the entrance to his room. He gave a smile as his eyes beheld her. “Hey, doc. Who’s this beauty you found?”

Cadance tried to laugh, but her sobs stopped her as she made her way to his bedside. She gently wrapped her hooves around him. She sobbed as she felt his hoof wrapped around her. Her body tingled as he touched her skin. She feared that she would never feel his gentle touch again and here, in this room, her prayers had been answered.

“You didn’t think I would leave you behind, did you?” Shining asked.

Cadance smiled as she raised her head to face him. “You don’t get off that easy.” Despite her attempts at humor, her tears still continued to swarm her face. She wanted to make light of it. Pretend it wasn’t a big deal. But how could she? She couldn’t hold in the words she wanted to say. “I thought I lost you,” she finally stated.

Shining seemed to pick up on this. For his next response was soft and gentle. “I thought I’d lost you too.”

There was a moment of silence between the two. Cadance just wanted this moment to last forever. She wanted time just to stop as they held each other for all of eternity.

The doctor put his hoof on Cadance’s shoulder, bringing her back to reality. “Your highness, he may have passed the worse, but he still needs his rest.”

An overwhelming fear came within Cadance’s stomach as the doctor’s words reached her ears. She knew he needed rest, but she was afraid to leave. She was scared that if she walked out of this room, Shining would disappear. That she would be alone. However, all Shining Armor had to do was smile.

“I’ll be fine. I promise.”

Somehow, someway, that was all that was needed to quell her fear. She couldn’t have felt happier in her life to hear him speak those words. and to hear them in her ears. She gently leaned forward, kissing him on the cheek. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”

Shining smiled. “Then I have something to look forward too.”

Cadance gave a slight giggle. It was the first time the whole night she had laughed. She didn’t know why, but he just had that effect on her. He could always find a way to make her smile or laugh. She picked herself up and followed the doctor as they made their way to the hall. For the first time since the letter, her mind was finally at ease, knowing that her love would be there her. Forever and always.

Comments ( 27 )

That was such a sad sweet story. I approve

Oh the FEELS :fluttercry:! Very touching story, I'm glad Shining was better in the end :pinkiesmile: I hope to see a sequel to this divine story mah Fran. Like and faced, :pinkiehappy:

3945384 I approve of your approval. :pinkiehappy:

3945789 I did think about going the other route, but I thought that we get enough stories where the characters die, so I thought, let's have a happy ending this time. :pinkiehappy:

The only thing that ever made me like this was Mr.Rogers. Actually, Mr.Rogers makes me super warm inside, but this made me very happy. Still, quite amazing that I'd compare anything that isn't my family to Mr.Rogers in terms of happiness. The man was a saint. The modern day Jesus. Amazing


Anyway, great fic.

3951846 I'm glad it had that effect on you and I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

Damn straight...
You have seen Mr.Rogers Neighborhood, right?

Oh yeah, almost forgot... FAVE MODE!!! ENGAGE!!!

3956612 A long time ago. When I was very young. He was very enjoyable. Did you know he did a crossover with Arthur? :pinkiehappy:

Anyway, i must tell you a story about him.
Two guys (assholes) stole his car. He told the police, and sure enough, within 48 hours of his report, the car(with a full tank of gas) was returned with a note saying:
If we had known it was yours, we wouldn't have taken it.

3960966 Here's the link to the episode.

I did not hear about that. It's amazing the effect one person can have on so many lives.

Dayyum. Oh, did i tell you what he did after finding out about the thieves? He tracked them down then INVITED THEM TO DINNER.

3966713 Now that is a wonderful man


3963414 And Arthur had Neil Gaiman too

My favorite writer was on Arthur :rainbowderp:............................. Bizarre, but epic :ajsmug:

3973470 Don't forget about Yo Yo Ma.

I don't think I've seen this episode before. Watching... Watching... Enjoying ... Enjoying... Is this sad?

3974973 Arthur is for everyone :ajsmug: Also we're both men, I assume, who enjoy a show aimed at little girls. There is no shame here

3975082 Educational shows FTW! :pinkiehappy: (And yes, I am a gentleman. Though I use that term loosely.)

Hmmm... a little over the top with the emotions, but it works.

Nice read. I think the over-the-topness worked considering what was happening and you maintined the feelings well. Plus, its nice to read some Shining Armour and Cadence, those stories are rather hard to find..

4077656 Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

4077656 I wanted to make this story something special, because most of what I had been reading at the time was somepony dying. I wanted to step away from that, but at the same time, play with your expectations a bit.

4183305 Thank you for your words. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I've noticed that with Spike and Shining Armor. They usually get killed off simply for an emotional outburst. I wanted to hint that I might go that way and play with the audiences expectations a bit. :pinkiehappy:

It has to be so emotional? I love it it really made me burst into tears, And the good thing is he is alive! By he I obviously mean Shining :D

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