• Published 15th Feb 2014
  • 4,552 Views, 69 Comments

Guardian - BronyG

Spike and Twilight have always had a strong connection, but neither of them realize how deeply their fates are connected. Spike will embrace his true destiny after an alteration at his 17th birthday

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Chapter 2 - Deep thoughts and Ominous fears

Author's Note:

Hey, yeah I did done did it. Chapter two for you! Sorry it took so long, had a bit of a writers block period, but hopefully chapter three will go along faster. That is where things will really start to get interesting.... but please this is always a continuing work in progress, so feel free to proof read and let me know any mistakes, and let me know what you think and how I can improve. I hope you all enjoy and I look forward to continuing the story :)

Proofread by SpikeSupreme13
Thanks man for all that you do!

“AH HA HA HA! Oh, you should have seen the looks on all of your faces. It was priceless!”

“DISCORD!” Twilight screamed at the Draconequus, “You promised you would behave tonight!” Beside the god chaos scaring the living daylights out of the guests, he had also interrupted her and Spike just before they were about to… “Oh my” Twilight blushed, “Was Spike really about to k-kiss me?” Her eyes looked up at Spike dreamily, with a light blush on her cheeks.

“Well I would have kept to my word if this party wasn't such a Boooore!” Discord groaned. “I mean come on Twilight, I know that you’re no Pinkie but for Celestia’s sake, this is the boy’s 17th Birthday. There needs to be games! There needs to be drinks! There needs to be sexy mares dancing on…”

“Discord, it’s fine, really” Spike interrupted, laughing a little at the combined look of embarrassment and rage that was now on Twilight’s face. Over the years, Spike had eventually gotten over his fear of the Draconequus and the two surprisingly had become good friends. Most likely due to that fact that they shared a commonality; they were the odd men out.

After his journey on the great dragon migration, Spike had given up any and all hope of ever reconnecting with his species. They were just too wild, too brutish, and too cruel. And despite the loving friends he was surrounded by, there was always a part of him that felt completely alone.

Spike guessed that Discord was in a similar predicament, because it wasn't long before they were able to find solace in each other’s loneliness. Much of what Spike had learned about dragons came from Discord’s unusual, yet vast knowledge; how to control greed without hindering his natural growth, how to control fire, even, when the time was right, how to fly. In return, Spike taught Discord how to behave tolerably around other ponies, as well as putting up with his tricks from time to time.

Discord descended to the ground receiving many an angry glare from the surrounding ponies. He ignored them and walked up to Spike saying, “Oh pooh, Spike. You just don’t want to hurt princess grumpy-pants’ feelings” This brought about another scowl from the Alicorn, Discord replied by snaking his forked tongue out at her. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a party to save”. Discord snapped his fingers, and then everything was enveloped in a blinding white light. When spike opened his eyes, the entire venue was transformed.

The once formal atmosphere had been entirely changed to emulate a nightclub. Discord had completely outdone himself. The room was darkened so that the beams of multicolored strobe lights were clearly visible. The entire ballroom was cleared to make way for an enormous dance floor, and in all four corners of the room there were three bars and a DJ station. Each bar served a different item. The first was for cider, the second for food, and third was for, “Is that cotton candy?” Spike thought to himself.

Discord appeared in what Spike assumed was supposed to be the modern attire. His hair was stylishly ruffled and a pair of golden Aviators was perched on his snout. He wore a burgundy, white and black piebald hoodie that read Equestrian Eagle across the front in wonky letters, and a black V-neck underneath. Stroking his chin, Discord seemed to be contemplating whether or not the atmosphere matched the celebration.

“Eh, too new age” Discord croaked, and then proceeded to snap his fingers. The room was again enveloped in the chaos maker’s white light as he felt the room begin to rise in temperature. Significantly!

Feliz Cumpleaños!” a small group of ponies sang out. The entire room somehow seemed to be transformed into a desert. Then the mariachi band played forth a jovial serenade.

“Too hot” Discord stated, wearing a black poncho and extremely large brimmed sombrero.

Snapping his fingers, Spike felt the heat cool somewhat as a ukulele began to be strummed. The room remained indoors this time, as palm trees and angry looking tiki faces screamed Luau. Discord was dancing the hula with a group of mares wearing a coconut bra and grass skirt.

“To tropic” Discord laughed as he spun one of the mares around. Discord snapped his fingers again, “MAZEL TOV!”

Spike’s head began to swim as Discord’s snapping progressively became faster and faster, offering a multitude of venues from all over Equestria. “See anything you like yet old chap?”

Looking back at Twilight, any irritation that she had held for the Draconequus’s interruption had transformed into complete dismay. He could see it in her eyes, she returned his gaze, apparently holding back her tears she beamed a watery smile toward her friend. “Spike, if you want a different venue, it’s alright with me. I know that my party planning skills are nowhere near as good as Pinkie’s and I want this day to be special for you. You’re not going to hurt my feelings” she said with an almost inaudible tremble in her voice, almost.

Spike knew she was lying for his sake. She had spent so much time getting all of this ready just for him, even with the ridiculously busy schedule he personally knew she had to deal with on a daily basis. Spike began to turn back toward the Draconequus but caught something in his peripheral vision; a single tear fell from Twilight’s eye. Spike felt his heart drop with the tear, “She must feel so worthless right now, all of her hard work and every time Discord snaps his fingers, he effortlessly outshines her. I should know what it is like to be unappreciated…” His subconscious briefly drifted toward the memories of his servitude to the white unicorn. Finally making up his mind called out to the chaos maker, “Discord”

“Yes Spike?” Discord floated down garbed in a kilt and holding a bagpipe, “Make up your mind?”

“I have. I want you to return this room to exactly the way it was before” Spike said to him, not unkindly, but with a sternness in his voice.

Twilight’s head snapped up. Had he really just said that? Here he was being offered the dream party, yet he still wanted the venue that she put together? Twilight’s heart began to warm as she witnessed the kindness her assistant was showing towards her. “Maybe it’s more than just kindness…”

Spike had always been like this, self-sacrificing, willing to put his own happiness aside for the sake of his friends. This was probably the characteristic Twilight liked most about him. However because of his nature, Spike could, and had been taken advantage of, even by some of their closest friends…

“Ah, ho ho ho. You have got to be joking Spike. That venue was absolutely horrible, even you were about to die from boredom. Now really, tell me what you want, for tonight, your wish is my command” The Draconequus made a low sweeping bow, causing the back of his kilt to lift high enough to show his nethers. Two stallions were unfortunate enough to catch a glimpse and, immediately turning green, ran off toward the nearest area to purge themselves of their memory and the contents of their stomach.

“Spike, this is about what you want, don’t do this for my sake” Twilight said behind him.

Without hesitation Spike replied “Very well then, my wish remains the same”

Discord gave a deadpan stare at Spike, “You’re serious?” all mirth completely lacking in his voice.

“Deathly” Spike replied, a little irritation becoming evident.

Discord let out a disappointed sigh and groaned “Very well”. Snapping his fingers, the room returned to the elegant ball it was before the chaos maker had made his entrance. “But at least allow me to choose the music”

Spike could see that next to the Canterlot Royal Orchestra was the world renowned DJ, Vinyl Scratch had materialized. “Alright Everypony, who is ready to get their funk on?”

A small cheer emanated from the group as the white unicorn began to fill the room with some of the hippest and most dance enducing songs known to ponydom. All the while receiving a death stare from her grey roommate.

“I guess it’s a fair deal” Spike smiled up at the Draconequus

Discord disrobed from the kilt and discarded the bagpipe unceremoniously. He teleported right next to Spike, leaning an elbow on his shoulder. Turning his head around a full 180^o, similarly to Owliscious, the Draconequus addressed Twilight. “You don’t mind if I borrow him for a bit? I promise I’ll have him back by the next slow dance” an evil grin escaped his lips as he guided Spike away from the blushing and stammering Alicorn.

Using his lion paw to turn his head in the right direction, he directed his conversation toward the dragon. “Soooooo, you gonna tell your old pal what went on during that dance, I only appeared just before you two were about to lock lips but…”

Spike turned beet red, “Oh my goddess! Was I really about to kiss Twilight? What was that all about? Am I… falling for her now?”

That’s what I would like to know!”

Spike nearly jumped out of his scales and let out a frightened yelp as the Discord’s voice echoed inside his head.

“How many times do I have to tell you? Stay out of my head!” Spike glared at the smirking Draconequus.

“Oh, but it is so much fun to see what goes on in that mind of yours. You have the strangest thoughts you know, like that one time that you were day dreaming about Rarity being covered from horn to hoof in…”

“And that is right where I am going to stop you pal!” Spike halted in his tracks, positioning himself in front of his teasing friend, looking directly into his eyes. “I really don’t like it when anypony else is able to read my thoughts, I feel like my privacy is being invaded”

“Well it’s not my fault you make it so easy” Discord huffed, sticking his nose into the air.

“What are you talking about? What do you mean I make it so easy?” Spike looked confusedly at Discord.

“What I mean is you don’t even put up a fight! You just let me walk right into your mind like I own the place. I would have expected a barrier if not an alarm at the least that would let you know your mind was being invaded…”

“Wait, so what you’re telling me is that I can prevent magic users, even you from getting into my head?”

“Isn’t that what I have been saying all along? Geez, no wonder Twilight is the brains between you two love birds”

“We are not love birds, we are just friends” Spike hissed between his teeth, a small plume of smoke rising from his nostrils.

“Ouch, friend zoning Princess grouchy, that’s got to burn”. Discord accentuated his statement by causing a plush version of Twilight to burst into flames.

Spike rolled his eyes, “Getting back on topic, how do I do it? Is it a form of magic, or an incantation I have to recite?”

Discord levitated into the air, staring down at Spike, “Not at all my dear boy, it’s actually more of a discipline that you acquire. Let’s see, how can I put this in a way that your walnut of a brain can understand” Discord moved to the left as a green stream of fire sizzled by where his body once floated.

Discord looked down at the dragon and chuckled lightly to himself. Being the spirit of Disharmony, he had to vent his chaotic anxieties somehow. By some unspoken agreement, Spike had become that outlet, probably due to his care free and jovial nature, Discord could joke around without driving the dragon mad. “But it is such fun to see him lose his temper

“Well, as I was saying, try to imagine this. Your mind is a chest, filled with memories, thoughts, emotions, and knowledge. Now, how do you typically keep prying eyes and hooves out of valuable chests?” Discord asked, waiting for the dragon’s response.

“Well, typically with locks” Spike replied, not understanding what Discord was getting at.

“Precisely! Oh thank Celestia’s Beard; there is hope for you yet!” Discord threw is arms into the air dramatically as a triumphant chorus sang out behind him, Spike simply dead panned at the Draconequus. Discord remained in this position even after the chorus had stopped singing. Nothing was said between them for a while as Spike began to lose patience. Sighing he asked “So what does any of this have to do with protecting my mind?”

Discord descended slightly, assuming a floating Zen position. “Well, essentially, you have to create a lock for your mind, a series of numbers, a specific image, or even a riddle that only you know the answer to. The lock is mentally manifested through years of practice, but once you get the hang of it, you can guard even the deepest of your secrets”

Spike looked up stupefied at the Draconequus, “Can you teach me how to do it?” he asked excitedly.

Discord smiled down approvingly at Spike, “My boy, I thought you’d never ask”

Twilight looked on as Discord walked off with Spike, still trying to come out of the stupor the Draconequus put her in. Just as she began to relax, a welcome voice called out from the crowd, “Twily!”

Coming to, Twilight turned around and beamed up at the white stallion she knew and loved.

They embraced, and lightly laughed with joy at seeing one another. Being the prince of the Crystal Empire, as well as her own royal duties, Twilight and Spike rarely had the chance to find any real time to spend Shining Armor. They were both ecstatic to discover that he was more than happy to come to the celebration, unfortunately unaccompanied by his wife. Cadence had to remain in the Crystal Empire to maintain order, much to all of their disappointment.

Shining Armor looked Twilight up and down lovingly then noted “Wow, you seem to be growing taller! My tittle of BBBFF might have to be changed to LBBBFF”

Twilight looked quizzically at him, “LBBBFF?”

“Little big brother best friend forever”

They both laughed hard at his joke, “Yeah, but not as much as Spike has” Twilight replied while still chuckling.

“Really?” Shining looked surprised at her, “How much bigger?”

“You’re going to have to talk to him and see for yourself” she teased, then turned around to call for him, but was unable to locate the large purple dragon in the crowd. She was about to begin searching for him when she hear another pair of hoof steps come behind her. Turning around she beamed up at her mentor and friend Princess Celestia. Shining Armor bowed as she passed smiling humbly while Twilight Ran up and embraced the goddess.

“Princess Celestia, I so glad you were able to make it!”

“So am I dear Twilight, you and Spike are like family after all” Looking up at the stage, she smirked at the DJ station. “I can take it that Discord has already arrived ahead of me?” she giggled lightly.

Twilight let out a frustrated sigh, “Yeah. No offence princess, but I just don’t get what you see in him. He is not at all attractive, lacks any and all maturity, and thrives on the discomfort of others” she complained, blushing a little at their most recent conversation.

Celestia looked off distantly in the crowd, a small and loving smile gracing her lips. “He may seem to be out of control, but he can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him. He was so looking forward to arriving here; you do realize that Spike is like a little brother to him”

“Yeah, but I am just afraid that he may be a bad influence on Spike” Twilight replied softly

Celestia giggled omnipotently “You have not need fear of that dear Twilight. In fact, I believe it to be Spike who is the influence between the two of them”

Twilight beamed, it was true that Spike's hard working attitude, humor, and generous nature could be contagious. “I’m sorry for my doubts about him, it’s just that I still haven’t quite been able to associate the term ‘friend’ to him yet” she confessed.

“Twilight, I know that you still harbor feelings of anger and mistrust towards Discord, but you have to see him for who he is today. He may seem juvenile and malicious, but it’s his way of saying that he cares for you”

Twilight looked doubtfully at her mentor, but decided to drop the matter for the present. “Well even if you are in the company of the Lord of Chaos, it is still good to see you here”, she said giving her mentor another compassionate hug.

Twilight then noticed Shining Armor waiting patiently for her off to the side. After excusing herself from the princess, she joined her brother and the two of them went off in search of Spike.

Watching the two ponies walk off, Celestia felt the familiar touch of a lion paw on her left shoulder. Smiling mischievously, she turned her head to the right to catch the Draconequus. A look of confusion replaced the smirk, as she continued to look from left to right and even making a small circle trying to locate the owner of the paw. Finally she looked up as she heard cheeky laughter.

“That’s not playing fair” Celestia whined

“My dear, with me, you should know that I never play fair” Discord descended from his superior position and landed on all fours in front of her. He leaned in and rubbed his snout against hers causing her to scrunch her nose and tightly close her eyes grinning.

“So, were you able to talk with Spike?” Celestia asked, separating their contact.

“Why yes, as a matter of fact, I tried to convince him to change the venue but he was sooooooo concerned about Princess Prissy’s feelings that he persuaded me to leave things the way there were… mostly” He smirked at the last word while observing an animated tiki mask scamper along in the back ground chasing a Pegasus filly.

“Was that all, it seemed you were gone longer than that?” Celestia inquired.

This time, a more serious expression could be seen on the Draconequss’s face “No, I also… shared some of my knowledge with him”

“What did you teach him this time?” Celestia looked sceptically at the Draconequus.

“Oh, nothing much, simply cerebral manifestation and telepathic defense” the Draconequus spoke quickly and in a lower tone

“WHAT?” Celestia yelled at him, “I told you not to teach him anything concerning his mind. One it’s his birthday, and two you and I both know that he still requires prerequisite training before he could even attempt to accomplish such a high level of mental discipline, you know that…”

“He’s already mastered it” Discord interrupted her flatly.

“He, what?” Celestia looked disbelievingly at him.

“I was able to work with him for a short time, but to my surprise, he was able to barricade me from his mind. Who would have thought that Dragons are such skilled riddlers?” Discord asked rhetorically

Celestia could only look at him with a dumbfounded expression. “He was able to keep even you out?”

“Yes” the Draconequus beamed at the Alicorn

“But that still doesn’t excuse you from risking his mind like that; he could have accidentally locked his own consciousness in there. Then no pony would have been able to set him free!” Celestia scolded, her anger starting to reemerge.

“If the boy was not capable of the task, I would not have offered to teach him” the Draconequus replied heatedly, turning his back to her.

All of a sudden, it dawned on Celestia, “You had another Nightmare didn’t you?”

Discord rotated his body back toward her but his eyes only make contact with the ground, sadness and fear clearly visible in them. By his appearance, Celestia did not need a verbal affirmation. Extending her wings to hold him close to her, she whispered, “What happened this time?”

Spike roamed around, a proud and ecstatic grin on his face. He had done it, now nopony, or Draconequus, would ever be able to invade his mind again. This assurance brought a sense of what spike believed to be inner peace inside of him. The peace was interrupted when a thunderous rumble coursed through his gut. Spike put a claw to his stomach, giggling lightly to himself “Now I know why Twilight asked me to make her so many snacks when she was studying, who knew that concentrating so hard could be so energy consuming?”

As he made his way to one of the buffet tables, his eyes widened at what he saw. Twilight may have had a bad taste in party planning, but her catering instincts were killer. From rubies, to diamonds, to amethyst, there was a spread of every kind of jewel known in Equestria. Spike rapidly approached the table and was about to dive into the delectable stones when he heard a small gasp, he looked down from where the sound emanated and saw a young unicorn filly, looking up at the gems excitedly. Spike’s heart melted as the magenta filly with curly cyan hair eyed the jewels with absolute wonder. Returning to the table, he selected a pink sapphire that was in the shape of a heart.

He then bent down to eye level with her, and smiled saying “Would you like a gem?”

At first she was slightly scared by Spike's intimidating presence, but when she saw the gem he held out to her in his claw, she lit up brighter than Celestia’s sun. She timidly grabbed the gem and was about to run off when she looked back at the kind smile that was on Spike’s face. Losing some of her timidity, she went back and hugged his forearm, saying “Thank you mistew dwagon”
He patted her lightly on the head and she ran off giggling, excited to show her mother the treasure she was gifted.

That reaction always brought warmth to his cold blooded heart, pure and innocent happiness. The warm fuzzies were pushed aside when a painful gurgling groaned as to remind him of his original purpose

“Yeah, yeah, I was just getting to that”

Spike had already shoveled a few claw-fulls of topaz into his maw when his ears picked up an eerily familiar group of gigglers. With his cheeks full and gem dust covering his bottom lip, he almost spit the contents of his mouth out when he turned around and visually identified his followers. Swallowing hard, he backed himself against the table as the throng of mares blocked him from escape on all sides.

“That had to be the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I never knew dragons could be so generous and tenderhearted” the same sky blue unicorn from earlier doted at him.

“You would make an amazing father someday!” Another one blushed from behind her.

“And an even better boyfriend” A third mare, an emerald earth pony with lime and lemon streaked hair said as she placed a confident hoof on Spike’s chest.

That’s it; I have to lose them, for GOOD this time!”

“Well gee, t-thanks ladies!” He stammered, trying to find a means of escape. This was virtually impossible however due to the semicircle of adoring bachelorettes and the table of gems behind him, there was no way for him to-

Wait, the gems!”

Leaning back farther, Spike was able to place both of his claws onto the edge of the table and held tightly. Just as the mares were about to pounce on him (or at least that’s what it looked like they were going to do), he pretended to lose his balance and fell down, taking the table with him. The gems dispersed in every direction giving him the perfect cover. This time, his scales would be able to hide him from his stalkers. The mares backed away from the spillage as he had anticipated and he carefully slithered away with the scattering gems as the ladies tried to recompose themselves. Once he saw the confused looks on their faces from a safe distance, he knew that he had fooled them. But he didn’t hesitate to put some more distance between him and his pursuers.

Rainbow Dash finished putting the last of the decorations in place, just as Rarity, Apple Jack and Pinkie finished the confections in the kitchen. Floating to the floor she stepped back to admire her work. The decorations were no easy task, but Rainbow was proud of how it had come out. From the ceiling hung purple and green streamers and a large banner reading “Happy Birthday Spike” was stretched across the length of the back wall of the abode. Party games were scattered around the room as well as a table with Punch and an ever increasing assortment of deserts coming from the kitchen.

Fluttershy sped in through the door, breathing heavily. “So sorry I’m late every pony!” I was caught up in some wind and, oh, you’re already done?”

“You bet sugar cube, but it was a pretty quick job to do so don’t feel too bad” Apple jack said as she placed the last pie on the table.

“Oh, but I feel so useless, I might as well not be at the party if I didn’t do anything to help” She was about to leave when a shimmer of blue magic caught her tail.

“Nonsense darling!” Rarity chided from the kitchen door using her magic to hold her timid friend in place. “As Apple Jack said, it wasn’t that much to do. And besides, Spike would be heartbroken if you were the only one to not be here”

Fluttershy turned around and faced her friends with a look of understanding on her face “I suppose you are right, but are you sure that it wasn’t too much trouble?”

“Cross our hearts and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eyes!” Pinkie recited beside Rarity.

Fluttershy smiled as she walked into the room, closing the door behind her. “I really am sorry, it’s just that Angel was so very anxious before I left. I finally had to sing him to sleep in order for me to even think about leaving”

“Ya sure do let that little critter run your life sometimes Fluttershy” Applejack said while approaching the yellow Pegasus.

“Well typically I don’t anymore. It’s just that he seemed really against my coming here tonight”.

“Well one never can truly understand what goes on in an animal’s mind, even you darling” Rarity spoke across the room while refolding the napkins with her magic.

Fluttershy was about to refute the fashionista’s previous claim but decided she did not want to get into an argument.

“Well, Fluttershy is here right? So now all we have to do is wait for Twilight and Spike to get back, does anypony know what time the party ends?” Rainbow Dash said while hovering in the middle of the room.

“Well the invitation says that the event would end somewhere between one and two in the morning, which means that we have about another two to three hours before they get back, perhaps even longer if there is a delay” Rarity responded while levetating the purple invitation in front of her eyes.

“Ugh! Two or more hours! I don’t think I could wait that long, maybe if I had a Daring Do book or something then maybe…”

“Ooh, ooh, OOH! We could play some games while we wait for them. That would be a super duper way to pass the time!” Pinkie Pie chimed.

“Great idea sugar cube” the cowgirl replied. “What ya’ll reckon we should play?”

“How about truth or dare” Rainbow grinned slyly. Off to the side the farmer and the fashionista looked at each other with a worried look in their eyes.

“Are you sure that’s such a good idea?” Rarity began, “I mean, Fluttershy may not be too comfortable playing such a… social game” she said as an excuse to her own discomfort with the game.

“I don’t mind Rarity, I’ve never played before so it might be alot of fun” The Pegasus beamed softly.

“Then it’s settled!” The pink earth pony declared. Grabbing all of her friends, she deposited the four equines and herself in a circle next to the fire place. “So who wants to start?”

“I will” the cyan Pegasus grinned evilly. “Apple Jack, truth or dare?”


Rainbow had anticipated this response from the cowgirl and chuckled as she issued the challenge. “I dare you to preen Fluttershy’s feathers”

“WHAT!?!?!” both Apple Jack and Fluttershy screamed.

“That’s the dare, no exceptions!” Rainbow Dash smirked crossing her hooves.

Apple Jack timidly looked back at Fluttershy. The now beet red Pegasus was trembling slightly as she tried to compose a coherent sentence.

“T-t-t-that’s not v-very, f-f-f-fair Rainbow” she started to bring her tail in front of her as a blanket of protection. “That’s t-technically a d-d-dare for the t-two of us”

“Agreed!” Rarity spoke up, “As seeing that Rainbow Dash’s dare was a double dare, I move that she retract her challenge and forfeit her turn. All those in favor…”

“Aye!” both Apple Jack and Fluttershy responded immediately.

“Aye,” the unicorn said composedly.

“Well that settles it, three to two” The farm pony interjected.

“You guys are no fun” Rainbow Dash pouted.

“Alright, I guess it means that it’s my turn” Apple Jack said after a slight pause. “Pinkie Pie, truth or dare?”

“Dare, dare, dare!” the excitable pink pony proclaimed.

Apple Jack thought for a minute then she smiled. “I dare you to not move a muscle for an entire minute”

The pink pony looked petrified, “You fiend!” she whispered, but she tucked her hind legs to chest, securing them with her fore legs and held her breath.

“One apple fritter, two apple fritters, three apple fritters…” the orange pony counted off

Rarity smiled, then looked off into the distance, her mind elsewhere. Like Rainbow Dash, Rarity was looking forward to the time of Spike and Twilight’s arrival. Up until the last two years Spike had always pursued her, doing favors to win her heart. She did not realize how much she missed the help and attention until Twilight’s responsibilities had dragged the little drake away from her. A lot of thing went unsaid two years ago, her appreciation, his feelings for her, and her now conflicting feelings for him…

“Rarity, truth or dare?” the Pinkie asked, sounding somewhat winded.

“Pardon?” the unicorn asked after being snapped back to reality.

“I said and I quote” the pink pony cleared her voice, “‘Rarity, truth or dare?’”.

Rarity smiled then replied “Truth darling”

“What were you just thinking about that caused you to look all” Pinkie recreated the dreamy and excited look that was just on her face a second ago.

Rarity blushed, “Oh, w-well you see darling, my mind was on… other things”. She rubbed that back of her neck and giggled awkwardly.

“What kind of things?” the Apple Jack asked probingly

“I bet it was about a staaaaaaliooooon!” Pinkie teased while nudging the unicorn lightly in the side

“I suppose you could say that” the fashionista sighed.

Fluttershy let out a light gasp, “Oh, do tell us Rarity, is it somepony we know?”

“Sorry girls, but you only asked why I thinking, not who I was thinking about” Rarity replied, “Besides if I told you who, it would make it all the more difficult whether or not to accept or deny his love…”