• Published 26th Mar 2012
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And Pitiless As The Sun - BuffaloBrony

Princess Celestia reacts to a nightmare of an attack on Ponyville, and the death of Twilight Sparkle

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Chapter 2 - Twilight's Last Gleam

The morning sun was slowly burning away the smoke, but enough lingered to make the world hazy and uncertain.

Celestia and Luna flew behind the Royal Guard pegasus, beyond the edge of town. Rarity galloped along below them, her wounds healed by a quick spell from Celestia as they departed the library. As Celestia flew, she grimly noted places where debris had been flung with tremendous force, often lethal to an Everfree monster. Here and there she could also see the gruesome remains of her little ponies in the rubble. Her heart ached for each of her ponies lost.

Celestia realized with unease that the Guardspony was not hurrying to their destination. She shied away from that thought.

On her approach, Celestia could see a huge ring of flash-incinerated husks and skeletons, the bodies of creatures from the Everfree surrounding a field of scorched earth and ash. The devastation stretched for dozens of yards, all the way to the edge of the Everfree Forest. Three Royal Guards in their shining golden armor stood on a small island of grass in the center of the ring, standing vigil. Scorched lavender fur waved softly with the green grass in an early morning breeze.

Celestia dropped to her knees next to Twilight Sparkle’s corpse, unable to say a word.


Celestia knew that Luna and Rarity were speaking, but couldn’t listen. All she could see through her tears was the brutalized body of her faithful student. Deep gashes along Twilight’s flanks and shallow claw marks all over her body showed the times Twilight’s teleports hadn’t been quite fast enough. Still, a small smile of satisfaction was eternally frozen onto Twilight’s face, the smile of a mare who knew her work was complete.

Celestia could feel the echoes of magic and death lingering in the hot air around her.

“The patterns are clear, sister,” said Luna, in a voice thick with emotion. “Thy student led as many of the creatures as she could to this place, far away from the town. Twilight Sparkle gathered them ‘round herself so to slay them to the very last, with all her might.”

“Twilight said she was just going to lead them away,” Rarity cried. “She said she would come back…”

“Thy friend had no choice.” Luna’s voice softened. “Thine eyes will tell thee the tale. Twilight was sorely wounded, exhausted, and alone. Merely escaping would not suffice to end the threat to Ponyville.”

“But how could Twilight do all of…” Rarity gestured at the destruction, “this... if she was so exhausted?”

Princess Celestia looked away from Twilight’s body, to Rarity’s hurt and confused expression. Does she really not know how powerful her friend was?

“Twilight Sparkle was perhaps the most powerful magician I have ever known.” Celestia spoke in a gentle whisper, a voice filled with both sadness and pride. “In some ways, her powers rivaled even those of my sister and I. Even as a filly, Twilight had enough raw power to cast nearly any spell known-”

“That can’t be right.” Rarity interrupted. “Twilight once told me that she had a tremendously hard time learning magic as a filly. Almost to the point of failing magic kindergarten.”

Celestia paused, knowing that Rarity’s rudeness was due to emotional distress. A vision danced in the back of Celestia’s mind of a tiny purple filly with her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth stood in a room, struggling to cast a spell.

“Any hardships Twilight had learning magic were not a lack of power, but a lack of control,” Celestia said. “Her difficulties actually stemmed from her raw power. It flowed like the ocean itself, and most of the spells she attempted to use were only designed to handle the barest trickle.”

Rarity still had a bewildered expression on her face.

“Rarity, please understand. The only way Twilight Sparkle survived using her magic at all was by channeling only the smallest amounts through the tightest controls possible.

“I have read many reports of the Ursa Minor affair, including the letter-” Celestia’s voice caught a moment, as the memory brought up a feeling of pride in her student that was swallowed by a crushing pang of grief.

Celestia shook her head and continued softly. “Twilight cast a tremendous Willow Whisper spell, while levitating a water tank the size of a small building, while also milking a herd of cows. Then – while still holding those spells, she CAUGHT the Ursa Minor as it was falling, and proceeded to levitate them all for several miles, sight unseen, into a cave. All this while casting yet another spell to find the correct cave.

“Do you have any idea how much raw magical power and control doing all that takes? Even I would strain to do all that simultaneously. And yet mere moments later, Twilight was able to cast yet more spells. She wasn’t exhausted or out of magic at all. Do you know why?

“No.” Rarity’s voice was quiet, her eyes wide.

“It was because for once, Twilight didn’t have to hold back her power. She wasn’t trying to control pouring an ocean of power through a straw. For once, she needed to merely guide the spells themselves.” Princess Celestia looked around at the surrounding devastation, still feeling the spell fading around her.

“What Twilight did here was simplicity itself,” Celestia continued. For possibly only the second time in her adult life, she merely dropped her carefully-constructed controls and fully released her magic.”

Tiny sparks whirled from the little lavender filly’s horn, as her face screwed tight with concentration. Suddenly the room lit up with a cheery white light. The filly squealed with delight as Celestia looked on proudly.

“She cast one of the first cantrips I ever taught her. A simple Gleam spell to produce a burst of light.”

But I wasn’t here this time.

Celestia’s wrenching sobs tore away any other words she was going to say.


Celestia lay on the ground next to Twilight, wracked with grief and guilt. Rarity sobbed quietly next to her. Princess Luna stood on the other side of Twilight’s body, looking toward the Everfree Forest with an inscrutable expression.

Celestia’s guilty thoughts tumbled in her head.

If I’d been awake to read her scroll when it first arrived, I could have stopped the attack.

So foalish to wait for my guards. Alone I could have been here in time to save her.

Why did I ever let Twilight stay in Ponyville, so close to the Everfree and all the monsters within it?

If I’d never taught her Gleam, she’d still be alive.

A squad of Royal Guardsponies stood unwavering, surrounding the mourners in a ring at edge of the island of green, their backs to Twilight’s body and the princesses. They stood in respectful silence, guarding the Princess’s privacy in her moment of sorrow. Celestia could faintly see sweat trickling under their armor from the heat still radiating from the incinerated ground.

Most of the Royal Guardsponies had known Twilight well. When Twilight had first become her student, Celestia had heard the muttered grumblings of the Royal Guards at having to “babysit” such a young filly. But soon the studious little filly had won their hearts with her innocent charm and courtesy – traits rarely found in the halls of Canterlot.

The Royal Guards had watched Twilight grow into a mare they respected. They all knew the story of Twilight Sparkle facing the dreaded Nightmare Moon in single combat in the heart of the ancient Pony Sisters castle, eventually freeing Princess Luna from her curse. Over meals in the mess hall, they had shared the stories of little Twilight charging a hydra to protect her friends, and facing down dragons at their own caves. Celestia had even overheard wry whispers that next time something bad happened in Canterlot, the Royal Guards should hide behind Twilight.

There would be no hiding now. Those wry jokes tasted as bitter as the ashes blowing around them. Celestia could feel the grief and anger roiling off of the Guards surrounding her. They were soldiers and they were trained to fight threats to Equestria. Yet it was a little librarian that had died here to save the entire village.

Their enchanted armor hid their faces, but the way they stood, the way they held themselves – Celestia knew they were all hurting. Their pain reflected her own.

I killed her. I killed their friend Twilight Sparkle. I was her teacher, her mentor, her Princess. I’m supposed to be her protector. My mistakes put her here to die.

Celestia heard an armored pegasus race overhead, pulling into a hover before the Princesses.

“Your Majesties, we have found more survivors. The occupants of Sugarcube Corner and several surrounding buildings were found sheltering in what Miss Pinkie Pie referred to as her ‘Party Cannon Testing Lab.’”

Celestia wanted to smile at the news. She so desperately wanted to shout with joy that the Element of Laughter was still alive. But she couldn’t feel Laughter. She barely raised her head. The moment stretched as the messenger pegasus waited for a response.

Princess Luna finally spoke quietly. “Sister. Thy grief must wait. Thy subjects need thee now, more than ever.”

Celestia remained silent as her thoughts whirled through her head like startled sparrows.

How could I have left them unprotected?

Why didn’t I order a permanent garrison to be established in town?

I didn’t protect Twilight. I wasn’t here.

Princess Luna sighed. Her Royal Canterlot voice echoed through the destruction as she gave instructions to the Royal Guards.

“Have the citizenry brought to the library. Thy physics shall first heal the worst injured, so that they may be safely flown to Canterlot. All that are well, move hence as swiftly as you are able. Our will is that all ponies be found and removed to safety by nightfall.”

The pegasus saluted and took off again. Luna caught Celestia’s attention with a small cough.

“Sister, I understand thy grief,” Luna said gently. “I measured Twilight Sparkle as a friend as well. I shall handle things for now.” She nodded toward Rarity. “But be mindful, others grieve as well.”

Celestia looked at Rarity, whose coat was filthy with ash, dried blood, and tears. Celestia folded a wing over Rarity, pulling her close. Nuzzling, Rarity nestled her face into Celestia’s warm embrace.

Time passed. Guardsponies flew up with reports. Luna answered questions and gave orders. Celestia just sat there with Rarity under her wing, one thought repeating endlessly in her mind.

It’s my fault. I killed Twilight Sparkle.


Celestia was jolted from her reverie by the shout of a pegasus reporting to Luna.

“Your Majesty! Knight Captain Dancer reports that forward scouts have found movement in the Everfree Forest. His best scout has reported the number as a ‘buck-ton,’ if that is any indication. The Knight Captain requests deployment instructions.”

Celestia knew the orders to give. She had been a warrior long before she became a princess. She had led armies in battle and fought wars to their victorious conclusions over the course of millennia.

This area is effectively indefensible. Other than the corpses of the dead – this area has been scoured nearly flat. There’s no cover, and no terrain to use defensively. The Royal Guards are good and brave, but without fixed defenses to anchor them, they will be killed. Fighting monsters here is a death sentence for my little ponies. Twilight already proved that.

Celestia couldn’t get her tongue to say the words. She didn’t want to say the words. She simply wanted to mourn the loss of her Faithful Student.

“Retrieve Twilight Sparkle’s body for burial,” Luna boomed. “We shall set up a defense line using the wreckage in town-”

“No.” Celestia was surprised at the flat and harsh voice – especially when she recognized it as her own.

“Sister. We cannot stay here if thine enemies are approaching,” Luna said gently. “I admired Twilight Sparkle as much as any, but I cannot allow more blood to be spilt here-”

“NO!” Celestia’s Royal Canterlot voice thundered across the waste. Ash flew into the air with the reverberation. The surrounding Guards winced and shuffled at the noise as Celestia stood, proud and fierce. “LEAVE TWILIGHT SPARKLE BE!”

“Sister, please! If any more creatures come, we shall be hard pressed to-”


Luna shivered at the words, but shouted back with defiance. “I know thou loved thy student, but Twilight Sparkle is dead! She died HERE to protect thy other ponies. Leaving more of thy subjects to die here for thy mule-headed sorrow dishonors her sacrifice!”

The roars of the two Princesses faded into silence as they glared at each other.

Rarity’s quiet voice broke the silence. “Princess Celestia, please. Let me take care of Twilight. She was my friend, and I know she would never want to come between you and your sister like this.”

A rogue breeze swirled ash as Celestia absorbed the words. Royal Guards squads raced across the field, deploying into a makeshift skirmish line between the Princesses and the Everfree Forest, just in case.

“The Knight Captain sends his regards,” yet another messenger Pegasus called, landing beside the Princesses. “We’ve spotted a small group of monsters exiting the Everfree just north of here. Several hydrae escorting an unusually large manticore. The group has stopped along the forest edge and appears to be requesting a parlay. What are your orders?”

Celestia looked to Luna and then Rarity, fear and hope etched on their faces.

Fighting monsters here is a death sentence for my little ponies. Twilight already proved that.

Celestia relented with a sigh. “We will need a diplomatic escort when we meet this parlay. Twelve should do. Make it an equal mix of unicorns and pegasi. We’ll also need a small detachment to escort Rarity and…” Celestia’s voice caught. “And Twilight’s remains back to the library. Everyone else is to expedite rescue and evacuation efforts. We need all non-combatants out of the area as soon as possible. Absolutely no one is to engage in any fighting unless they are attacked or I give the order.”

Celestia turned away to hide the sudden surge of anger she felt at the looks of relief that flickered across the faces of everypony present.