• Published 17th Feb 2014
  • 35,339 Views, 1,840 Comments

Headless, not Heartless - Thadius0

Most people wouldn't think dressing up as an optional boss would land them in Equestria. Most people would be right. Most people aren't me. Most people still have their bloody head!

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Side Chapter 3 - Laying some Common Groundwork

Author's Note:

This chapter was written by Mimic Kairatta.






“Mph.... Stop it.”

The young earth pony rubbed his green eyes with his hoof. The hair of his yellow mane and tail were sticking out in different directions. He tried to remember the events of last night with little to no success. Instead, he gets a headache for his troubles.

A Mars Djinni had woken up earlier and was lazing about while waiting for Common Grounds to stop sleeping. After it got bored, it simply poked his snout repeatedly.

“Alright alright, I'm up!” He lifts his head, then covers his eyes from the blinding light of the sun. “Curse you, Celestia.... making the sun so bright.”

The red and yellow ball of fuzz hops onto his body. “You should really consider drinking a lot less before going to bed.”

"Uuuurg... my head."

Said pony's blurry gaze goes over to the Djinni. "What did I do last night?"

"You were dancing and hopping round like a hyperactive rabbit."

"Oh...." He pauses, recalling a few details of last night from the response. "Did I least look good while doing it?"

"Um.... not really."

He buries his head in the pillow and moans.

"Come on, you're gonna get anything done on the sofa" The Mars Djinni says, nudging him off the couch. He stubbornly stays put.

"Of course I can."

"... like what?"

"Wait out my hangover."

The Djinni looks at him with a knowing smirk. "Your hangover may pass with time, but your work won't."

Common Grounds got up from the couch, head throbbing from last night. After achieving a victory in the name of law and order, as well as being promoted to judge, the defense attorney known as Common Ground celebrated by having a party at the bar and knock down a few drinks a few drinks. This resulted in some.... questionable actions. Ones that he was sure weren't suppose to happen. Though he was sure that despite a few misgivings and somepony arguing with someone, the party was a blast. He just wasn't thrilled with the results afterward.

He heads into the kitchen to get something to eat. The Djinni follows close behind. He check the cupboards for anything he can use. "So what's there to eat?"

"Well, we do have some of those flowers and vegetables from that killer plant a few days ago. They should be eatable."

"What about the carrots?"

"I think there's still a few left over..."

He went to the ice box and scarfed down a few carrots.

"Does this town have a baker yet?" He washed down with some juice straight from the jug.

The red creature shrugs. "I haven't the slightest idea. We got bartenders, adventurers, and a healer. I haven't heard anything about a baker."

"Uuuurg!” He face plants on the table. ”What I wouldn't give for some bread to make a good daisy sandwich."

"Then why not make your own?"

"I have as much cooking skill as you have with water. I mean for crying out loud, I BURNT hard-boiled eggs!"

The Djinni gives the pony a questionable glance. "How do you burn eggs while they boil?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out."

The two leave the house after eating their breakfast, Common's Djinni on his back eats a snack snack. A lot has happened in the time he spent in this growing community. He grew to love it, despite the rough first week living together in a ruined castle. He did not like the idea of being used as a chew toy by a manticore while trying to sleep. So when the town was set up, he was glad to have some place to stay. Though to have a place of his own took a bit of work on his own.

When the town was made and starting flourishing, it was obvious the town needed a system in place. A set of rules to abide by as well as a way to keep records of businesses and occupations. Something to help deal with what is legal and illegal. In other words; a local government to organize everything.

At the moment, the town of Newvale don't have the means nor time to elect a viable Mayor. At the moment, Dullahan is working as the de facto Leader of the town. A method that is working as a good starting point, but lacks a stable structure should he go missing or is incapacitated for an extended period.

This is where Common Ground comes in. He was tasked to create a system which would make the town more self-sustaining with it's laws and get an economy working. Since getting a mayor isn't going to be viable for the time being, the pony decides to work around some ideas which would work with what is currently established. It also helped to bounce around ideas with other fellow ponies, griffins, and.... manticore. He still can't get over the idea of something like that as a town resident.

Common waves hello to Pyre as they pass by. “Seems things are going well for the town.”

The mars Djinni shrugs, munching on a carrot. “Seems like it. Not sure how long it will last though.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, the town is established physically. However, there are issues starting to pop up such as what the basic laws are or who owns what. I mean there's a general idea of it, but there's not much in terms of organization.”

“Isn't Dullahan doing something about it?”

“He's trying, but he's only one... ghost, armor... thing. He can't write down what's happening and keep a record of it.” It rubbed it's small chin. “Though I don't think he can pick up a pen with those large hands of his.”

“His hands are pretty big... useful too. Would make things easier to hold.”

“I think we're getting off topic.”

“Right right,” He taps his hoof on his chin. “Well.... since we need someone who can interpret the law to make a system, that would leave the job to us.”

They walk into the courthouse.

The courthouse worked well as a place to settle agreements and lay down verdicts, but it's only used sparingly due to the lack of crimes being committed. Though it's now being converted as a joint-administrator's building. It's here that records will be kept and laws approved.

Bouncing ideas with Silver Cross and a few others, he determined that, in the interest of fairness, as well as to keep to the town's ideals, a Meritocracy system should be in place. One where one would hold power according to their own skills. Merits that are tested and reviewed. A chief officer has authority of the city guard, an administrator to handle businesses, and so forth. Should they abuse their position, the people have the right to annex the pony's position and replace with one with skills that can handle it. This can be done via a judicial system in which two parties make an argument as to why they should keep their job or not.

He also adds that Dullahan, as founder, has the right to void decisions or laws within reason. Speaking of laws, they need to set those up. However, there is one thing that needs to be done before any laws can be passed. That's to “legally” establish the town and send a deceleration to any higher authority of said establishment.

If agreed and signed, will be used as a declaration and binding parchment to all who read it. As it will be made, rewritten, and sent to the princess herself to show her the injustice she has made as well as the towns independence. An official letter stating the outrage and unanimous voice of those she turned away from.

"So how do we go about doing this?"

"It's simple really." He takes up a quill and ink. "We write the first draft."

"Sounds like it's gonna take a while...."

"We're gonna need to do a few drafts and get everyone on board with this." He smiles. "Once it's completed though, it will be sent to the princess. It will announce our independence from her unjust rule. To let her know that we will not stand by while crimes go unpunished. For her to ignore the lower class for the sake of those of higher power. To send a message to all victims that there is a place to call home and find justice."

He looks to the side. "Where no innocent will go to jail for the sake of another's greed...."

He lifts his quill and places it on the paper, using his passion for justice and righteous fury to fuel his muse and scribble his thoughts onto the paper. He wrote down every injustice Celestia has done or let happen under her rule. Facts given to him from personal experience and those he talked to around town. The first thing he wrote was something he believed applied quite well, given the circumstances of this town.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all beings are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...." He pauses, reading that line over. "Hm, a bit wordy. Don't you think?"

"Well it is a first draft. Lets keep it and see what the others think about it."

"Sounds reasonable enough. Perhaps I can get some advice from Dullahan. "

"Wouldn't you prefer asking Fluffy for help?" The Djinni chuckles.

"Oh shut up and get me more ink."