• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 1,145 Views, 30 Comments

Equestrian Robot Combat - QuilliamPenn

Vinyl Scratch finds herself in a highly popular game known as "Equestrian Robot Combat" a virtual reality game so realistic that the player feels, hears, sees and smells everything around them just as if they were actually there.

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Vinyl VS The Farmers (Part 2)

Vinyl VS The Farmers (Part 2)

“So, I guess we should go find the rest of our team then, huh?” Vinyl said with a sigh, pushing up onto both feet and giving ‘CarrotFarmer’s’ mangled corpse a half-hearted kick, before turning to look at Fluttershy.

“Yes, I think that would be best. Not to be rude, but we probably won’t last too long on our own…” Fluttershy replied with a sheepish chuckle, tapping her mechanical fingers against her thigh as she spoke.

“Preaching to the choir, my friend…” Vinyl said; holding her tongue so as not to hurt the feelings of her big yellow friend, as she clunked by and gave her a pat on the shoulder before starting to make her way down the road, and away from the scene of their recent battle.

“Maybe we should get to higher ground?” Fluttershy suggested, moving up next to Vinyl as the pair began to make their way down the street; her clawed, mechanical feet crunching against the asphalt as she walked.

Vinyl paused for a moment, turning and looking back at her companion with a robotic whirr, then silently turning her gaze upwards, to the building rooftops high above and to the buildings themselves, they were tall and stood proud over the city, gleaming in the sunlight due to being covered in mainly glass. They were most likely in some sort of business district; as there were very few shops within sight, not only that, but every building looked like it topped out somewhere around twenty stories or so, that meant climbing them wouldn’t exactly be a task that would be quiet or easy…

“Maybe we could circle back, there were smaller buildings back near spawn, we could always climb up on top of there and make our way up onto these, get a better vantage point?” Vinyl asked; resting her cannon on her shoulder and turning to look at Fluttershy.

“Oh, that could work, that way we can maybe spot Rainbow Dash easier, then we can-“

The rest of Fluttershy’s words were drowned out by an earth-shaking, teeth-rattling explosion. It was deep, heavy, like whatever had caused it had a lot of firepower behind it; and there was only a 50% chance of that being good for Vinyl and her team…

Both ponies turned to look a few blocks down the street; the direction they had intended to head in, and found that there was now a very large, thick plume of smoke floating out into the intersection, it covered the street and made it impossible to see any farther than that street.

“What in the-“

This time it was Vinyl who was cut off, just as a missile flew across the intersection currently billowing smoke, and impacted on the building across the street, exploding in a shower of glass, concrete and metal.

Fluttershy let out a squeal of fear, and Vinyl brought her weapon to the ready, preparing herself for what was most likely, an inevitable conflict with whatever was throwing missiles around like a foal with a Nerf gun.

With silent determination, she eyed the thick smoke, expecting to see a band of heavily armed enemies, ready to tear her limb from mechanical limb and then scatter her across the street; an outcome she would rather avoid.

Just then, out of the smoke; and the fire that had recently started burning, came a small, very fast moving, blue figure. It was a racer-class, and the words ‘10SecondsFlat’ hovered over its head in flaming letters.

It was Rainbow Dash.

“RUN!” Dash cried, sprinting down the street, and flailing her mechanical arms like crazy as she did so.

“We should…probably does what she says.” Fluttershy let out, her voice barely even a startled whisper.

As if to confirm this suggestion, out of the smoke, behind Rainbow Dash, came the massive form of a Heavy-class mech; followed by what appeared to be two Warrior-Class mechs.

The heavy-class was colored bright red with an image of a green apple painted on the chest and tan outlining its shoulder plates and visor, in its massive hands it held a four-barreled rocket launcher. Two of the rockets had been spent; as evident by the fact that two of the four barrels had white smoke trailing out of them.

The words ‘Big Apple’ floated above its head in burning red letters, accompanied by a level indicator of ‘8’ floating next to it.
Behind the heavy-class mech, the two warrior-classes held a brisk pace, doing their best to keep up as they all barreled after Rainbow Dash.

The first warrior-class was painted a dull orange, with a light green outlining the visor and shoulders; an image of an orange was painted on its chest. In its hands it held a long, black rifle, with some sort of scope mounted on top, not quite a sniper rifle, but not quite an assault rifle either. Whatever it was, Vinyl was sure she didn’t want to become target practice for it.

The words ‘Oranges>Apples’ hovered over its head in flaming letters, next to the words, floated the level indicator of ‘8’.

The second warrior-class, was colored a sandy-tan color, with light orange outlining the visor and shoulders, an image of a bright red apple was painted onto the chest. It its hands, the warrior-class held an energy cannon; similar to Vinyl’s, only longer looking and somewhat akin to a shotgun.

The words ‘DesertApple’ hovered above its head in flaming letters, accompanied by a level indicator of ‘9’.

And at the front of the pack, Rainbow Dash’s small, mechanical form, running for her life. Why exactly she hadn’t been able to get away from the larger mechs, Vinyl wasn’t sure, what she was sure of, however, was that all three of the enemy robots were heavily armed, looked completely unhurt, and were headed straight towards she and Fluttershy.

“I’m…going to find a place to hide…” Fluttershy whimpered, seconds before turning tail and clunking off to hide in an alleyway to the right of the intersection she and Vinyl previously stood in.

“Yeah…” Vinyl deadpanned, finding herself a little more than intimidated as she brought her cannon up to her shoulder and pointed it in the direction of ‘BigApple’, the heavy-class mech. She took a deep breath and aimed it straight for the knee; praying that her target would remain focused on Rainbow Dash, long enough for her to take a shot.

A second later, a large, blue, orb of energy flew out of the barrel-end of the rifle, and straight towards ‘BigApple’; crackling and sparking as it flew through the air.

BigApple couldn’t react in time and the orb hit him directly in the knee. Metal burned and wires sparked as the hot sphere of energy burned through the armor plating, though while it wasn’t enough to totally incapacitate the leg, it was enough to trip the heavy-class robot up…and send it toppling over rather spectacularly.

BigApple let out a cry of surprise as the force of the energy blast sent him toppling over to the right, as he fell; his arm swung up and sent DesertApple flying forwards. The heavy-class then crashed into one of the many glass buildings lining either side of the street.

Chunks of concrete and countless shards of glass went flying as the large robot slammed into it, the ground shook and the sound of the building itself being damaged filled the air, DesertApple; upon returning to the ground faceplate-first, slid a few feet, sending sparks flying as he did and then finally came to a screeching halt on the sidewalk.

Vinyl couldn’t help but smile at her work, watching as Rainbow Dash made her way over and collapsed on the street, groaning as she clutched at her left thigh; which Vinyl now realized was coughing smoke and sparking rapidly, the reason she hadn’t been able to escape from her assailants.

“T-thanks…” Dash wheezed, pushing herself up into a sitting position as she spoke.

“Don’t go thanking me yet…” Vinyl moaned worriedly, turning her attention back out to their enemy.

“Uncle Orange!” DesertApple roared as he shakily pushed himself up off the ground; his mechanical form clunking against the concrete as he did so. “Turn ‘em to scrap!”

As it turned out, Vinyl had only managed to hinder two of the three robots that had been chasing Rainbow Dash, the one known as ‘Oranges>Apples’ had managed to come out of the ordeal, completely unscathed and very annoyed.

“With pleasure!” Oranges>Apples; now known as ‘Uncle Orange’, said in reply, raising his rifle and pointing it straight in Vinyl’s direction, then without any further hesitation, he opened fire.

Vinyl yelped and sidestepped over to the nearest building corner with heavy, mechanical thumps; charging up her cannon as she did so and then blind-firing a trio of blue energy in the direction of her foe, before practically throwing herself into cover.

She landed with an unpleasant crunch, quickly pushing herself up and pressing her back against the corner-building as she did; shattering a bit of glass in the process and sending it plinking onto the ground and off her metal hull.

“Ha! Uncultured swine, you missed, rather badly at that!” Came a voice; Vinyl could only assume it was this ‘Uncle Orange’ character.

“Did he just call me…?” Vinyl gritted her teeth, half surprised and half offended at the rather…unorthodox, insult. She let out a defiant huff and peeked out from behind the edge of the building.

Uncle Orange, apparently, had been expecting this and was already aiming straight at the corner of the building, so the second Vinyl had shown her metal-clad form, a group of bullets were sent to greet her, courtesy of Uncle Orange himself.

Vinyl yelped and stumbled back as four rounds impacted on the building, sending glass flying out onto the sidewalk and street. Unfortunately for her, two of these rounds managed to punch through the building and hit Vinyl in the shoulder; sending the DJ stumbling backwards and even further out of cover.

Vinyl growled and did her best to turn the stumble into a roll; the result of which ended up producing a sort of controlled tumble, as she rolled across the street and stepped uneasily over onto the sidewalk; unable to control the momentum behind her as she collided with the building across from where she had been hiding.

As she desperately tried to recover, Vinyl brought her cannon up with one hand and pointed it in the general direction of her foe, only to be met with another group of 30mm rounds straight into her chest and be knocked backwards as she watch her chest armor percentage drop from 100% to 64% as five rounds buried themselves into her armor. She stooped over and did her best to remain standing, those shots had carried a staggering amount of force behind them and she was honestly a bit dazed from the ordeal.
“I must say I expected a bit more of a fight from you, I’ve gotten more resistance from mere foals…” Uncle Orange mocked, bringing his rifle down to aim at the ground as he began to clunk over to Vinyl with heavy mechanical footsteps.

Vinyl let out a defiant growl as she finally regained her composure, straightening up and locking her eyes on Uncle Orange; intending to loose a few orbs of raw energy into his stomach, only to find her cannon had taken a bullet, so instead of charging up when she pulled the trigger, it simply spewed out a bit of blue liquid, shuddered and then coughed out a bit of smoke.


“How unfortunate…” Uncle Orange crooned as he closed the distance between them. “For you.”

Vinyl couldn’t do much to resist as she was dealt a powerful, mechanical kick to the stomach that sent her flying backwards and down onto the sidewalk; her stomach armor dropping down to 85% from the heavy blow.

The next thing Vinyl knew, the barrel of Uncle Orange’s gun was pressed against her visor-plate, making it easy to see straight down it and into the black abyss that was the end of the gun.

“It’s unfortunate that I’m not supposed to kill you…” He said with a slight groan of disappointment as he loomed over her. “Our leader wants prisoners for whatever reason, something about making a point, or winning some sort of competition…I haven’t the slightest idea, all I know is, you’re lucky I’m following those orders.”

This came as a rather confusing idea to Vinyl, taking prisoners? This was a deathmatch…you didn’t take prisoners, there was no reason to do so, you kill the enemy, you win the game, simple as that. So what was the point of this?

Regardless of the reason for her enemy’s actions, Vinyl was in a poor position, she was unarmed and just then, she was reminded how outnumbered she was. Despite this, she did still have a trick up her sleeve…but for the moment, she let her curiosity get the better of her and figured that she would just wait it out and see what in Equestria was going on.

“Let. Go. Of. Me!” Rainbow Dash protested; though Vinyl couldn’t see her just yet.

“Have you two acquired the blue one?” Uncle Orange called; his gaze still locked on Vinyl and his rifle still pressed against her visor.
“Eeyup.” Came a new voice, this one larger sounding; and despite only having said one word, significantly less…snotty, sounding, than Uncle Orange.

“I got the yella one; she didn’t put up much of a fight…” Came another voice; this one laden with a heavy southern tone.

“Get up.” Uncle Orange snapped, backing off of his prisoner a bit so that she could stand; but still keeping his rifle trained on her visor.

Begrudgingly, Vinyl obeyed, pushing herself up off the concrete and watching her enemy with care.

As she stood and turned her gaze out to the intersection she had previously been standing in, Vinyl was able to further learn how absolutely screwed they were.

Rainbow Dash had been captured, this was evident by the fact she was upside down, dangling out of one of BigApple’s mechanical hands; her damaged thigh still coughing smoke and sparks as she struggled fruitlessly. Vinyl took note of the fact that the heavy-class robot’s right knee was sparking every so often and that the armor was rather badly mangled; the product of her own assault.
Fluttershy had met the same fate; though probably with significantly less resistance, and was now quivering slightly as the warrior-class robot named ‘DesertApple’ shoved her forward, via the barrel of his energy cannon into her metal back.

“You don’t have to be so rude…” Fluttershy whispered shakily, looking about as downtrodden as a giant yellow robot could look.

“I think this is the last of ‘em…I reckon we should be gettin’ back to the square now, AJ’ll want to be getting’ on with this, and y’all know she don’t like to be kept waitin’ on these things.” DesertApple said, giving Fluttershy a passive shove as he spoke.

“Agreed…” Uncle Orange hummed in response, looking Vinyl up and down for a moment before grabbing her by the shoulder and gripping tightly, then turning and throwing her down onto the street; into the intersection, and next to Fluttershy.

Vinyl let out a yelp as she crashed into the asphalt, quickly pushing herself up off the ground, only to receive a light, mechanical kick in the rear that sent her stumbling forward into the massive brute known as BigApple; who only glared down at her.

“Keep the little one in a tight grip, she’s a runner.” Uncle Orange deadpanned as he clunked past, not paying Vinyl much attention as he did so. “Braeburn, keep an eye on the other two, I’ll take point.” He added, pointing his mechanical finger upwards and making a circular motion as he walked. “Make haste.”

“Yeah, yeah…” DesertApple; now known as ‘Braeburn’, replied in a rather annoyed tone, just before yanking Vinyl to her feet and jabbing her in the back with his energy cannon; prodding her forward.

Silently, Vinyl allowed the shoving to continue and played along; hoping to see exactly what was going on before she had a hole blown through her chest.

The sound of the multiple different robots clunking along was almost rhythmic; the heavy, deep-sounding steps shook the ground ever so slightly as they moved, along with the lighter steps of the Warrior-Class robots, was a song that was anything but soft.

Vinyl was just about to give in to the urge to make a smart-ass remark directed at her captors, when Braeburn began speaking; and in a rather soft tone at that.

“This is a bunch of horsefeathers.” He grumbled softly.

“Eeyup.” BigApple replied.

“We’ve gotta take orders from an…an Orange, and we ain’t allowed to put an end to these here jokers, all cause mah cousin needs to settle some stupid…whatever the hell it is she’s making us do this for, I just want to shoot stuff, not be all sneaky!”


“Hey! It isn’t stupid!” Rainbow Dash chimed in; a feat that Vinyl found a bit surprising considering Dash was in the clutches of a robot that could snap her like a toothpick. “It’s a very serious-“

“Quiet, you!” Braeburn snapped; his words quickly enforced further by a light, mechanical flick from BigApple.

Dash was pretty much quiet after that.


After a few minutes, the scenery around them began to slowly change. In place of tall glass-covered office buildings, now stood a much wider variation of structures. Mixed in with the cookie-cutter glass buildings, were much older, more worn looking buildings made of stone and brick. Apartment buildings and department stores built of worn brick, looked almost out of place compared to the rest of the newer buildings.

“We’ve arrived…” Uncle Orange called from the front; he had kept a small distance ahead of the rest of them for whatever reason, Braeburn seemed to think it was because Apples and Oranges shouldn’t mix.

“Where is here?” Vinyl asked curiously, turning back to look at Braeburn; only to receive a swift jab in the back as a response.

“Face forward!” Braeburn growled.

Vinyl let out a soft huff of displeasure as for the umpteenth time in the past few minutes; the barrel of a gun was jabbed into her back. This had happened enough that it had even knocked the lower armor on her back down to 99%!

“It’s the center of the city, a big park, also known as yer final resting place!” He said. “Now shut it, and get moving!”

Vinyl said nothing in response, though she couldn’t help but get a tad bit worried at the mention of this park being her final resting place; though if she had anything to say about it, it wouldn’t just be her final resting place, a certain orange robot would be coming with her…

The park itself was surprisingly large. It was rectangular and while it looked mostly flat, tall pine trees stood proud, covering most of the park’s surface. Multiple pathway entrances were visible on the edge, most likely winding through the trees to the center of the park; where Vinyl assumed they would be heading.

All around the park stood multiple different kinds of buildings, some made of brick, some of stone and some of glass, shops, apartments and offices. Though none stood as tall as the building at the far north end of the park, it was easily the tallest building in the city, Vinyl wasn’t exactly sure, but she guessed it stood at about fifty stories or so, all topped off by a shiny, pointed, golden roof.

“Take them to the center, quickly; I have things to attend to!” Uncle Orange barked; his words pulling Vinyl out of her sightseeing and back to the situation at hand. She watched as Uncle Orange turned and looked back at them, bringing his rifle down to his hip and glaring straight at Vinyl.

“Move.” He snapped.

Vinyl returned his glare, but did as she was told, allowing herself to be shoved down a pathway with broken and snapped trees on either side; most likely a byproduct of the enemy team moving through it. Her leg mechanics whirred and hissed as she walked, and she couldn’t help but notice how flattened and trampled the path was…how many of her teammates did they have back here?

“Uh…R-rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy let out in what was barely a computerized whisper; her first words since they had been captured.

“Yeah?” Dash deadpanned; still dangling from BigApple’s mechanical fist.

“You…have a plan, don’t you?”

“Uh…y-yeah…” Dash replied; sounding like she had anything but a plan.

Then, without any sort of warning, the trees suddenly receded and they were in a very large, grassy clearing. In the middle of the clearing, directly in front of them, was a decent sized lake with an ornate stone fountain in the middle. It had two large bowls on it; one on top of the other, with four carved pegasi on the top, spouting streams of water from their mouths into the lake below; of which the surface was dotted with lily pads, all in all, it was a rather pretty sight.

However, the scene behind the fountain, on the other side of the lake, was anything but pretty.

On their knees, on the other side of the lake, was every single member of her team.

‘Sp33dysoarin’, ‘TheStache’, Crusaders 1 through 3, ‘FlitterFly’ and ‘Ichaseclouds’. Each and every member of her team was on their knees, disarmed and under heavy guard.

In this instance, the heavy guard being five enemy robots with five deadly weapons, all aimed at their prisoners.

As Vinyl and her captors grew closer, her captured teammates noticed their presence, and if they hadn’t already looked defeated and hopeless before, upon seeing their leader, Rainbow Dash, be thrown onto the ground at their knees, their defeated looks turned to looks of pure horror.

Dash said nothing, she looked ashamed, if anything, and the fallen; self proclaimed, leader, of Blue team, drug herself through the grass and dirt for a moment, before pushing herself upwards, into a sitting position.

Without any sort of warning, Vinyl and Fluttershy were both shoved towards their teammates, by Braeburn, with a clang. They toppled over and hit the ground with a crash, their metal bodies cutting deep gashes in the earth and sending it flying as they fell.

“Where’s mah cousin?” Braeburn drawled at his teammates; giving Vinyl an evil glare as he spoke.

“Applejack!” One of the robots called; a light green warrior-class with a bright white color outlining the visor, shoulder-plates and the knees. On the chest, an image of a steaming pie was painted on. In her hands, she held an assault rifle; like Vinyl’s, only this one had a large, scary looking knife on the end, and an almost comically large drum clip on the bottom.

The words ‘GrannyApple’ hovered above in burning red letters, accompanied by a level indicator of ‘8’.

Vinyl couldn’t help but notice how…elderly, this particular robot sounded.

A few seconds later, the trees started rustling and shaking rather frantically, just before yet another Warrior-class robot stepped out, this one was painted a soft orange color, and the visor, shoulders and knees were outlined in a color resemblant of hay. On its chest, an image of three apples had been painted on in a triangle-like pattern. In the robot’s hand, was a somewhat intimidating looking energy weapon; much like that Braeburn held, only this one had a large blade on the underside of the barrel, and some sort of glowing device that was attached to the side.

The words, ‘HonestApple’ hovered over its head in flaming letters, accompanied by a level indicator of ‘12’.

“Granny, what’re ya- Oh, howdy Braeburn.” HonestApple; or, ‘AppleJack’, said; her voice laden with a heavy southern tone as she clunked out of the trees.

“Howdy, cuz, I got the rest of ‘em, just like you asked.” Braeburn replied, giving Fluttershy a swift, mechanical kick in the stomach and sending her teetering over into the dirt; to which Fluttershy only yelped and dealt with it.

“Oh well, howdy there, Fluttershy, I didn’t expect to see yah here, I don’t reckon we’ve ever been on the opposite team before.” Applejack chimed nonchalantly, making her way around the prisoners and over to Fluttershy, then taking a knee and giving her friend a pat on the back. “Ya know this ain’t nothing personal, right?”

“I know…” Fluttershy said with a sigh, as if the fact she was being held captive by a group of large, heavily armed robots, was an everyday occurrence.

“Mighty glad to hear it.” Applejack said in a friendly tone, before rising back up to her full height and making her way over to where Rainbow Dash sat.

“You, however…” She almost growled, her tone much darker than before. “When it comes to yer sorry flank, this is quite, personal!” She said, jabbing a mechanical finger at the smaller form of Dash’s racer-class.

“Applejack, you shouldn’t hold a grudge, she’s your friend after all, ain’t she?” GrannyApple chimed in, her voice sounding as shaky as her old bones probably were.

“It ain’t, a grudge.” AppleJack deadpanned.

“Then what is it, cuz, cause you ain’t been tellin’ us a tinkers damn, ya’ll just wanted all of the other team, rounded up like stray sheep and tossed here in front of ya’!” Braeburn groaned, stepping forward and making a sweeping motion with the hand he held his cannon in, motioning to all the prisoners.

“How about we have Rainbow Dash, tell everypony exactly why all us Apples went to all the trouble of rounding up the entire enemy team, and not smokin’ a single one?” Applejack said with a soft chuckle, crouching down to where she was almost at eye level with Dash.

Rainbow Dash said nothing.

“Come on then, tell ‘em why.” She goaded. “Be a good sport about it, Dash, Tell ‘em why and I’ll refrain from teasing ya about it too much.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and let out an exaggerated groan of exasperation.

“I made a bet!” She cried out.

“And, what were the details, of this little bet?”

Again, Dash said nothing.

“Braeburn.” Applejack deadpanned, snapping her mechanical fingers and pointing over to the side.

Without a word, Braeburn cocked his weapon with a mechanical hum, and two steps later he was standing next to the prisoners, without any hesitation he brought the cannon up and aimed it straight at ‘Sp33dysoarin’s’ visor-plate.

Five seconds later, what was once a cockpit, became nothing more than a hole as the sound of an energy cannon discharging filled the air, and bits of metal, glass and machine fluids flew out onto the grass behind where the prisoner had been sitting, before his smoking husk of a robot went limp and slumped over to the side, coughing smoke and sparking profusely.

The words ‘Sp33dysoarin was eradicated by DesertApple’ shone in the HUD’s of every player, and a flaming skull and crossbones floated up from the body of the deceased before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

“Fine, fine!” Dash groaned; though since they were all dead anyway, and this was a game, Vinyl wasn’t sure why these actions had any effect on Dash’s resolve to remain silent.

“I…challenged, Applejack, I told her that I was the better player and that if she could capture everypony on my team, without killing them…I would…” Dash hesitated for a moment, letting out another groan of displeasure.

The sound of Braeburn re-cocking his weapon, spurred Dash to speak again.

“I told her that if she did that…I would, by myself…clean her entire barn…” Dash groaned.

“Yee-haw, yer damn straight! ‘n’ now I’m spared the trouble, of having to clean out four months worth of hot, smelly cow fertilizer, Rainbow Dash here, ya see, gets the honor, of shoveling it all into carts, taking it out to mah fields, and then helpin’ me use it to enrich mah planting grounds!” Applejack said with an overjoyed laugh, patting her friend on the shoulder as she stood up to full height once more.

“You tellin’ me this was so you didn’t have to clean out the dang barn?” GrannyApple deadpanned, clunking; or rather, creaking, over to Applejack and poking her in the chest with a mechanical finger.

“Uh…yes.” Applejack said cheerfully.

“I missed the first half of the Appleoosa pie eatin’ contest for this.” Braeburn groaned, dragging his metal hand over his visor in a show of annoyance. “Can we at least shoot ‘em now?”

“Oh…uh, yeah, sure.” Applejack replied, turning over to look at Rainbow Dash, and then bringing her cannon down to only a foot or so away from her faceplate.

“Y’all might wanna get yer rubber boots on, Dash, it’s messy in there.”

Without another word, a bright blue orb of energy was fired straight into Dash’s head, it was large enough that it took the upper half of her shoulders with it, and it happened fast enough that she couldn’t even protest.

Red-hot bits of metal flew out onto the grass, and the now shoulder-less arms fell to the ground with a soft ‘thunk’, as Dash’s body slumped down onto the grass, the words ‘10secondsflat was destroyed by HonestApple’ appeared in everypony’s HUD, and a flaming skull and crossbones floated up from the corpse.

For a moment, nopony on Vinyl’s team really said much. For all the talk she would give, Rainbow Dash sure hadn’t put up much of a fight…

“Alright…wrap it up, ah got apples to tend to.” Applejack deadpanned, resting her cannon on her shoulder and turning away from the smoking metal corpse.

All at once, rifles and cannons were cocked and ready to fire, and for a moment, all of them but Vinyl were pretty certain that this was the end.

Until Vinyl stood up, pulled the Lockbuster she had stolen from CarrotFarmer out of a compartment in her thigh, raised it straight at Braeburn and let loose a rather loud, attention-drawing shot.

Braeburn’s severed arm hadn’t even hit the ground before everything slipped into chaos.

The enemy team; stunned by the fact Vinyl had a weapon, were too busy trying to comprehend the fact that one of their own had just been severely wounded, to react to the sudden rebellion of their prisoners.

Almost as one, each and every prisoner; armed only with their bare mechanical hands, leapt into action, and soon the sound of heavy metal punches mingled with gunshots to create a rather loud cacophony of battle.

The three ‘Crusaders’ instantly leapt up and zipped for BigApple; screaming some random, high pitched battle cry as they did so, Vinyl watched this occurrence out of the corner of her eye, as she charged through the fray, and straight at Braeburn.

Braeburn; who was still trying to recover from the fact he was now missing an arm, didn’t even have time to turn and look as Vinyl charged at him and without missing a beat, brought her gun down into his lower back in a manner akin to a punch, before firing two shots into his armor plating.

The first shot punched through the armor like it was nothing, only slightly damaging the inner workings, the second shot however, punched clean through, and made a brand new hole that went all the way through Braeburn’s stomach.

He cried out in shock, and toppled over onto his knees, grasping at the area where his stomach used to be, with his one remaining arm, not ever even seeing Vinyl as she pressed the barrel of the shotgun-pistol to the back of where his cockpit was, and pulling the trigger.

A moment later, the words ‘DesertApple’ was killed by VinylScratch’ appeared in everypony’s HUD’s, and Braeburn’s smoking corpse collapsed to the ground.

“Braeburn!” Applejack’s voice called out, anger and surprise tainting her tone.

Vinyl had barely turned to look, as Applejack sent her shoulder straight into the DJ’s side, sending her toppling backwards and into the pine trees that bordered the clearing; cracking a few of them as she came to a halt in the dirt.

“I don’t know how in the hell, ya managed to keep a gun on ya, but it ain’t gonna help ya one bit, nopony messes with mah family!” the cowpony growled, raising her cannon straight at Vinyl and charging it up.

The air around the barrel crackled and sparked spontaneously, the inside of said barrel began to grow brighter and brighter blue, in addition to all of this, the strange attachment on the side of the gun was glowing too; whatever it was it appeared to be letting her charge the weapon.

Though, the cannon never discharged at Vinyl.

In fact, it never even came anywhere close to hitting her, it didn’t even fire at all.
Just as Applejack was about to end the pony who slaughtered her cousin, she was sent flying into; more like over, the trees and then disappeared into the forest a little ways away.

The cause of this rather unexpected event, was made possible by the hulking mass of brown machinery known as, ‘TheStache’. He had swatted AppleJack’s smaller form like a fly and while the hit hadn’t killed her, it had taken her out of the battle for at least a little while.

“Thanks…” Vinyl said gratefully, taking the mechanical hand of her teammate and allowing him to pull her up with a whirr, even as the sounds of battle sounded off around them.

“No problem, Just trying- OW!”

TheStache was cut off as his shoulder was suddenly peppered with bullets, unarmed, he was only able to raise his arms and try his best to shield himself from the oncoming barrage of enemy fire. Bullets tore through metal and his armor sparked in a manner rather spectacular, and for a moment all he did was sit and take it.

Then he grabbed a tree.

TheStache let out an almost primal roar as he tore an entire pine tree only a few feet shorter than he was, and hurled it at his attackers; which now that Vinyl looked in that direction, she found it to be GrannyApple, along with two other warrior-class robots.

Once the trio of robots had sufficiently avoided the oncoming tree, Vinyl was able to get a good look at them.

Behind GrannyApple, stood two more robots. The first one was painted light green; Like GrannyApple, and with white outlining her visor and shoulders, an image of what appeared to be a seedling was painted on the chest, and in its hands, it brandished a twin pair of large SMG’s.

The words ‘SaucyApple’ floated above its head in flaming letters, accompanied by the level indicator of ‘8’.

The third warrior-class was painted an orange-ish color, much like that of Applejack, and like the two robots beside it, this mech’s visor, shoulders and knees were outlined in white paint. An image of an apple-rich apple tree was painted on the chest, and it its hands was a pair of SMG’s identical to those held by SaucyApple.

The words ‘GoldieApple’ hovered above its head in burning letters, along with a level indicator of 5.

All in all, they looked rather intimidating.

“Girls!” GrannyApple cried out, as loud as her old, shriveled lungs would let her.

“Let’s show ‘em how we brought the pain, in our day!” She cried, and in unison the three robots charged straight for TheStache.
“I’ll take the orange one!” Vinyl cried, locking her gaze on the one known as ‘GoldieApple’ and charging straight for her without even bothering to wait for a response from TheStache.

Hydraulics and machinery whirred and hissed as she picked up speed, kicking up chunks of dirt and grass behind her as she charged in at a startling pace, all around her, bullets flew, punches were thrown, explosions rang out.

As Vinyl ran, she spotted the three self-proclaimed ‘Crusaders’ still crawling all over BigApple and doing their best to do whatever damage they could, while also avoiding his large mechanical hands. He stumbled around haphazardly, knocking over trees and even accidentally swatting one of his teammates away when they moved to try and help him, had it not been for the fact this was a warzone…Vinyl would have stopped and watched it all happen with great pleasure.

However, this was indeed a warzone, and she was indeed about to collide with her enemy.

A moment later, she slammed her body into GoldieApple, from the side, catching her enemy by surprise and being able to do so because they had been so wholeheartedly focused on TheStache.

Metal slammed against metal as Vinyl grappled with GoldieApple, and they both went tumbling over to the side in a manner rather spectacular, before both tumbling into the pond with a glorious splash that sent water flying out every which way and covering the ground around them.

For a moment, Vinyl was completely underwater, she wasn’t standing up, but still, this water was surprisingly deep. It was actually somewhat neat, being in her cockpit and having the water all around her, but it wasn’t a sight she got to enjoy for long, as Goldie Apple had already recovered and was standing upright in the water.

As Vinyl pushed herself up to a fighting stance, she found the water came up to her robot’s waist; something she hoped wouldn’t impede her ability to move too much.

“All you young whippersnappers, thinking you’re all slick with yer fancy moves and yer loud music, just cause I’m old don’t mean I won’t spank ya’ fer breakfast!” GoldieApple cried, raising the one SMG she still held and unleashing a barrage of lead in Vinyl’s direction.

Thinking quick, Vinyl dove into the water; managing to avoid all but a few of the bullets as she did, and then kicked off the edge of the pond as soon as she was fully submerged, using the force to propel herself over behind GoldieApple; hopefully without her noticing, and then reposition herself so that she could push up off the bottom of the pond and turn that force into a staggering punch.

Her tactic worked wonderfully.

Vinyl shot up out of the water and sent her fist straight into GoldieApple’s back, causing her to careen forward and fall over at the edge of the pond; her lower half still in the water.

Before GoldieApple could recover, Vinyl waded over and grabbed her by the shoulder, then proceeded to toss her into the fountain in the center of the pond, shattering it like it was nothing and sending her foe into the opposite edge of the pond, and then into the water itself.

Before she went to finish the job, Vinyl strode over to the water’s edge and grabbed a hold of the one SMG that GoldieApple had tried to shoot her with before, and then spun around just in time to catch her foe trying to shakily crawl out of the water.

Vinyl let an evil grin come across her lips, just before unleashing hell, straight into GoldieApple’s armored back. The first few shots barely penetrated the armor, but within a few seconds, they began to punch through and tear into the inner workings of her foe like a bunch of hungry piranhas, shredding and destroying the metal and machinery until with one final cry of defiance, GoldieApple collapsed onto the edge of the pond and was no more; her corpse now smoking and sparking profusely from freshly carved bullet holes.

As the words ‘GoldieApple was put down by VinylScratch’ lit up in everypony’s HUD, Vinyl spun around in time to watch as TheStache crushed an enemy warrior class with the name ‘LavenderApple’ under his foot, all the while, still struggling to pull GrannyApple and AppleSaucy off his armored hull.

As soon as the death of the ‘LavenderApple’, character was announced to every player, there was an earth-shaking, bone-rattling explosion. An explosion unlike anything ever heard before in Equestrian Robot Combat, an explosion unrivaled in its power and force, simply because nopony had thought to utilize explosives to such an end.

Everypony ceased their conflict almost instantly, looking all around and even at one another; trying to figure out where exactly this truly thunderous explosion had originated from.

They didn’t need to wait long before the answer revealed itself in the most unexpected and spectacular fashion imaginable.

A few seconds after the explosion had occurred, the sound of strong stone and metal snapping like so many toothpicks, and a few seconds after that, the ground began to rumble.

Vinyl saw it first, slowly, she turned around and laid her eyes upon the massive building situated at the far end of the park, finding that instead of standing tall and proud over the entire city.

It was falling, and doing so in such a way that in mere seconds it would crash straight into the park.

“RUN, Y’ALL!” Crusader1 screamed at the top of her lungs, drawing Vinyl’s attention long enough that she could watch as the light-yellow racer-class leapt off of BigApple; who let out neigh but a ‘Eeyup’ of agreement as the other two Crusaders leapt off of him and began running for their lives.

Vinyl decided it best to follow suit.

Fighting turned into full out sprinting as each and every robot ceased fighting and turned to haul ass away from the building as it rapidly closed in on them. From behind her, all Vinyl could hear was the sound of glass and stone crunching against trees and rocks, splinters of wood and chunks of earth flew everywhere just before being flattened beneath the building’s unfathomable weight.

As Vinyl continued to put all she had into sprinting, to her left, she took note of an enemy warrior-class, it was painted a light pink-ish color, with a soft green outlining the visor and shoulders. An image of a peach was painted on its chest and luckily for Vinyl, the robot held no weapon.

The words ‘PeachyPone’ hovered over its head in burning red letters, accompanied by a level indicator of ‘5’.

Unfortunately for Vinyl, PeachyPone seemed to get the idea to start heavy-metal shoving, before Vinyl did, so as soon as the two of them locked eyes, Vinyl’s enemy veered closer with the full intention of stumbling her and then dooming the DJ to a death by falling building.

Unable to do much to brace herself and continue running as fast as she could; and also do her best to try and figure out how she was going to make it through the rapidly approaching tree line ahead without getting herself killed, Vinyl could only pray for a miracle as her enemy drew closer.

And a miracle she got, in the form of three, small, racer-class mechs that happened to zoom up next to them at that exact moment. Before Vinyl could even really process what was going on, Crusader1 and Crusader2 appeared next to PeacyPone’s outer left side; undetected for the half second before they both drew large, shiny knives out from their waists and; in unison, drove them into the mechanical knee of their enemy, sending sparks flying as metal tore through metal.

PeachyPone didn’t even have time to express her surprise, suddenly, she went down and disappeared from view, followed by a faint crunch, an explosion, and the words ‘PeachyPone was slaughtered by Crusader1 and Crusader2’ appeared in everypony’s HUD’s.
“Thanks!” Vinyl cried out; waving briefly to her tiny saviors as she ran, her voice barely audible above the sound of the building crashing down behind her.

The two Crusaders only returned the salute in response, before speeding up ahead of her as if it were nothing, though, they could have spoken and Vinyl just might have not heard it, but she didn’t really have time to think about that now.

Though upon looking back ahead of her, she found herself very badly wishing she had been paying more attention.

Her massive mechanical form was introduced to the tree line, and was sent crashing through countless pine trees without slowing down all that much, but instead of running, she was now tumbling and crashing uncontrollably through them. Now the sound of her hull smashing through the trees mingled with not only the building behind her, but also the sound of her HUD flashing red and giving off a small warning chime; her hull integrity wasn’t exactly holding to well when she had gone from running at such a high speed, to crashing through 12 inch thick trees without much of a warning.

At this point she wasn’t even sure where anypony else was, she wasn’t even sure if she would be alive in the next ten seconds, all she knew is as of about a half second ago her rapid tumble had turned into her flying through the air and headed faceplate-first into the dirt. As suddenly as she had crashed into the trees, the DJ buried her front end into the dirt and slid through it a good distance, like some mechanical meteor, before coming to a sudden halt upon hitting a surprisingly large pine tree.

Vinyl coughed as the smell of freshly tilled dirt filled her nostrils, snorting to get some of the dust away as she looked around her cockpit to assess the damage. The trees had done a good amount of damage, but not as much as she had expected, each of her limbs hovered around 75-80% and her chest and back were holding at 68%, so it wasn’t like she was totally dead in the water.

She was curious as to why she hadn’t been crushed by the building, though.

With an exhausted groan, Vinyl dug her mechanical fingers into the mounds of earth on either side of her; the byproducts of her little adventure through the forest and into the dirt, and then pushed herself up, shakily.

Using the pine tree responsible for stopping her travel to help pull herself up, Vinyl turned and looked behind her; expecting to see the building somehow inexplicably still falling and meet her untimely end.

Instead, however, she found that she had stopped just outside of where the top of the building had fallen, and that it was also rather hard to see.

The building; upon toppling over, had kicked up a significant amount of dust; both dirt and concrete, and that dust seemed intent on lingering for quite a while. With a snort, she raised her mechanical arm and waved some of the dust away, squinting her eyes and desperately scanning for any sign of her teammates.

Though, try as she might, she couldn’t manage to spot anypony else. Just before she was about to call out though, she discovered she didn’t need to call out at all.

Suddenly, the building rubble at her clawed, mechanical feet shifted a bit, and a second later the small horribly dinged and scratched up, form of a racer-class mech began to pull itself out of the rubble.

It was Crusader1.

“You alright there, bud?” Vinyl asked, kneeling down and pulling a large chunk of rubble away with a mechanical whirr.

“I ain’t no ‘bud’ I’m a girl, thank you very much…” Crusader1 said with a grunt; shoving a chunk of roofing almost as big as she was, over to the side. “Thank ya’ kindly, though, I appreciate it.” She added, promptly hopping out of the small crevice she had been trapped in, and out onto the top of the rubble.

Vinyl instantly noticed that her tiny comrade had a badly damaged left arm, in fact, the entirety of her left forearm was gone, and where it once was attached, now sat nothing but frayed wires, twisted metal and the occasional cluster of sparks.

“You uh…you’re missing a few pieces there.” She deadpanned, to which Crusader1 only shrugged.

“I know.”

“Ah, good.” Vinyl replied; though somewhat awkwardly, before standing up straight and trying to yet again survey the area.

“You have any idea why in Equestria that entire flipping building came tumbling down and nearly squashed us all?”

“Mah sister probably blew it up.” Crusader1 said nonchalantly, flicking a bit of rubble off her shoulder, using her one remaining; though not undamaged, arm.

“Say what now?”

“Mah sister, Applejack, the one with the big glowy-gun-thing that turned Rainbow Dash into metal mince.” She continued, clambering up a bit higher onto the rubble in an attempt to get a better view.

“Careful, kid…” Vinyl said warningly, “If you managed to crawl out of that rubble, the enemy team could do just the same.”

As if on cue, the rubble beneath Crusader1’s sharp-looking feet began to shake and shift, basketball-sized chunks of concrete and huge shards of glass tumbled down to the sides and even larger chunks followed suit, all parting like the gates of hell opening for some demonic beast; and sent Crusader1 toppling off to the side with a rather unpleasant shriek in the process.

In this case, the ‘demonic beast’ turned out to be the; though somewhat worn and damaged, massive mechanical form of TheStache, but that wasn’t all. Clutched close to TheStache’s chest, were two more racer-class mechs, Crusader2 and Crusader3, but what was more, is that Fluttershy appeared to have been saved by this Stache-Shield as well, and while she looked a bit beaten, she was probably the least damaged out of anypony there.

“I told you guys I wouldn’t get squashed!” TheStache said proudly, not even acknowledging Vinyl’s presence as he just started speaking in a rather…prideful, tone.

“Button, you only suggested shielding us, after you couldn’t run fast enough from the building.” Crusader2 sighed, bringing a mechanical hand up and making a motion akin to that one would do to massage their eyes.

“Not to mention all the…feminine screaming, you demonstrated for us.” Crusader3 added.

“I saved your flanks, be thankful.” TheStache; Or ‘Button’ as he was now known, stated flatly, dropping Crusader3 onto the ground and then setting Crusader2 down with a noticeable amount of extra care, before rising to his full height with a deep mechanical whirr.

“We’re just lucky that we only got hit by the tip of the building, I don’t think even Button Mash’s armor would have held up against much more than that…” Fluttershy chimed; pushing away a small chunk of rubble so that she could climb out without much trouble.

“Ah, Big Yellow, you somehow managed to survive imprisonment and having a building fall on you…” Vinyl said with a soft chuckle, clunking over to her yellow comrade and taking her metal hand, then proceeding to help pull her out of the rubble and hold onto her as she regained balance.

“Oh. Uh…Is that a problem, or…?” Fluttershy asked softly.

“It’s fantastic.” Vinyl said, giving her teammate a pat on the shoulder before gently clunking past and over to Button Mash.

“Did you see the other two?” Button asked curiously, turning away from Vinyl as he spoke and looking out over the long, runway-like path the rubble had carved and then paved through a good amount of the park.

“Other two?”

“Uh…Flitter and Cloud…dancer, or something, I forget their names. The two sisters, kinda light blu-ish armor?” Button said with a dismissive wave of his mechanical hand; which Vinyl now noticed was missing a finger.

“No, I didn’t. Remind me again how it is you guys are supposed to be a clan, yet you don’t know the names of your teammates by heart?” She inquired, not expecting to get much of an answer close to anything other than-

“It’s…a newly formed clan.” He said sheepishly.

Vinyl expected nothing less, and was just about to return fire with a snappy comeback, before something else sounded off first.

Out of nowhere, piercing the silence and seeming to come from everywhere in the eerie dust that somehow managed to still hang in the air enough that it was still somewhat hard to see and somehow was making it significantly darker.

Came a long, terrified, computerized, scream.

Everypony froze, and if their robots had hair they would have all been standing on end.

The faint sound of metal being torn into was heard for a brief moment, and then the words ‘IChaseClouds was butchered by HonestApple’ appeared in everypony’s HUD.

“Uh…that’s bad.” Crusader2 squeaked, scrambling up next to Vinyl and Button, then proceeding to make her way behind Buttons massive arm and hide behind it; peeking out to try and get a better view at the scene ahead.

“Quiet!” Crusader1 hissed, zipping up onto the rubble and out in front of both Vinyl and Button, holding a dented mechanical hand up to try and wave away some of the remaining dust; it had finally started to settle.

Again, another sound came, without warning just like the last one. Though instead of a scream, this one was a thunderclap.

Vinyl then put two and two together, and came to the conclusion that the dust hadn’t lowered the visibility, it was because a storm had rolled in; though how she had confused the two she hadn’t the slightest clue.

A few seconds later, the sound of raindrops plinking against the metal hulls of six robots began to slowly rise, slow and soft at first, but then gradually building within a few seconds into an all out downpour, the kind of rainstorm that you normally wouldn’t even want to be outside in due to the sheer amount of H2O that was put out.

“Gotta love that Manehattan weather…” Vinyl said with a sigh, the smell of wet grass and pine making its way into her nose; an almost overpowering smell to say the least.

“Rain or shine, mah sister just trashed our teammate like bad apples at harvest time, we need to be careful!” Crusader1 called a softly as she could, while still being heard over the rain.

Another scream, this one mixed in with the sound of the torrential downpour to create an even more bloodcurdling effect than the last, and a moment later the words ‘FlitterFly was eradicated by Oranges>Apples’ appeared in everypony’s HUD’s.

“All of you, move back, we don’t have weapons and we don’t know how well equipped they are, hide yourselves in the trees!” Vinyl hissed, spinning on her mechanical heel and suddenly taking charge of the group without really intending to. Much to her surprise, each and every one of them replied with some variation of an affirmative and proceeded to scatter into the tree line with remarkable haste; even Button, in all his massive, armored glory, managed to quickly make his way into the trees and crouch down behind a massive chunk of concrete that had flown off the building and landed a ways out.

The Crusaders quickly regrouped and seemed content to stick close to Vinyl, and as the four of them began to make their way into the tree line, Fluttershy decided to go with them as well.

At that point, Vinyl decided they would all just go hide with Button Mash and hope for the best; a feat which they accomplished just in time, too.

As soon as Vinyl knelt behind the massive concrete slab, with her visor poking out so she could see, the voices of their enemies made their way through the rain; faint at first, but slowly growing louder and more prominent.

“Well, shoot, and here I was hopin’ they’d all be trapped under the rubble like the last two…” Came the unmistakable voice of Applejack, followed by the sound of her kicking at the rubble, just before she finally came into view.

From her position atop the rubble Applejack looked relatively unharmed, save the fact that a good portion of her right chest armor was horribly twisted and bent, a spark or two popping out here and there; the product of Button’s punch that sent her flying like a golf ball.

In addition to this, Vinyl made note of the fact that Applejack was without her cannon, she could only assume the cowpony had lost it after being fist-punted, and now instead of her cannon, in her hand she clutched a very large, very sharp, very scary looking axe. It was shiny and all black, with the edge of the blade glowing a soft, muted shade of red.

“The ruffians are around here somewhere, I can smell their filth even in this rain…” came the unpleasantly familiar voice of Uncle Orange.

Vinyl watched as Uncle Orange clunked; or limped more like, out into view and stopped a little ways in front of Applejack, only down on the muddy ground instead of up on top of the building rubble.

His previously orange-tinted armor was now covered in dirt and grime, his right leg was missing a large chunk of the thigh armor, leaving the inner workings exposed and smoking slightly; the cause of his limp. In his hand he held the rifle he had prior to the building collapsing, though due to the fact he was missing a hand, it was uncertain if he would be able to use it with great accuracy.

“Where’d the rest of ‘em go?” Crusader3 asked quietly, tapping her metal finger against Vinyl’s thigh to get her attention.

With a soft whirr, Vinyl turned and sat down as softly as she could, her heavy mechanical form gouging into the dirt as she did so.

“No idea, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were currently creeping through the trees, I didn’t see any death indicators…” Vinyl said in a hushed tone, trying to figure out how they were going to attack in a manner that was anything near strategic when they were all cramped behind a slab of concrete the size of a small house.

She sighed softly and turned her gaze over to what was left of her team, they were larger in number than the enemy; though only by one, however they were without any form of ranged weaponry, most of them were badly damaged, worn, tired-looking; at least as tired as a robot could look, and covered in mud.


“You’re all…covered in mud.” Vinyl said softly, turning her gaze down to the three Crusaders sitting against the slab next to her; excitement welling up inside of her as she began to formulate what she thought was going to be a pretty badass plan.

“Yeah…?” Crusader2 said curiously, turning her head up to Vinyl.

“You three, start covering yourselves in the mud and hide under the trees.” Vinyl whispered rather authoritatively.

“Vinyl, what are you-“

“The Crusaders are small, and if they hide under the trees they will be somewhat shielded from the rain. They can cover themselves in the mud and dig into the ground a bit, kinda half-buried. They won’t be easy to see. Then, we lure the enemy into the trees, and the Crusaders pop up and attack, take out their ankles and bring them to the ground, then we rush in and attack and boom, game over.” Vinyl explained, unable to hide the excitement in her voice.

“And where do you suppose we hide?” Button Mash asked.

“Button, you, Big Yellow and I will be the bait, you’re going to act injured, immobilized from the waist down, Fluttershy and I are going to drag you out from behind this slab and over into the trees a little ways in front of where the Crusaders are hidden…and pray that Uncle Orange doesn’t decide to just pop us all in the head and be done with it.”

“He won’t.” Crusader1 Said softly, “I know mah sister, She’ll want to use that fancy axe of hers ‘n’ do it herself…”

“This plan was good until I was being put in this position.” Button Mash deadpanned.

“And we need to cut off your leg.”

Button said nothing.

“Can I do it?” Crusader3 chimed in; a bit too eagerly at that.”

“Scootaloo!” He whined softly, sounding rather hurt at this prospect.

“Shush, it’ll be like playing surgeon, but with giant robots and I’m actually cutting your leg off.” Sweetie Belle said in a surprisingly dark tone.

“Why do we have to cut my leg off?” Button hissed.

“More convincing, a gamble, but more convincing.” Vinyl replied softly; watching as Crusader3; Or Scootaloo as she was now known, slowly draw the large knife from her waist.

“I agree.” Fluttershy stated as Scootaloo began playing surgeon.

A few moments later, Button Mash was now missing a leg; and looking rather put off about it, and the plan was ready to be put into motion.

It was a gamble, and there was a lot that go wrong. They had no idea where the rest of the enemy team was, and Uncle Orange had a gun that he could easily use to kill them; though they were counting on what Crusader1 had said and praying that wouldn’t happen, and on top of all of that they all needed to pray that they could carry out this plan without giving themselves away.

But, it was all they had, so into play it went.

Vinyl let out a soft grunt of satisfaction as she watched the three Crusaders finish burying themselves in the mud; they had done a pretty good job doing it too, she could barely even see the smaller robots and she knew where they were, so she was confident they wouldn’t be found; as long as they didn’t get stepped on that is.

“Showtime…” Vinyl whispered, motioning to Fluttershy that it was time, and grabbing Button under his arm as Big Yellow did the same.

“This is ridiculous.” Button hissed.

“Shut up and cry.” Vinyl growled, thumping his visor in annoyance.

Button promptly began letting out a surprisingly realistic series of pained moans.

Vinyl gritted her teeth and began pulling as hard as she could on Button’s shoulder, her mechanical feet dug into the mud as she began slowly backpedaling out from behind the slab; assisted by Fluttershy as planned. Hydraulics hissed and machinery whirred and buzzed upon being put under stress from all the power needed to perform their act, and from her cockpit, even over the rain, Vinyl could hear her machine at work.

As soon as she stepped out into view, Vinyl laid eyes on Applejack and Uncle Orange.

As planned, they had already taken notice to Button’s caterwauling, and were promptly clunking over to slaughter them, there was a half second that Vinyl thought everything would go wrong as Uncle Orange raised that damn rifle of his, but then, as hoped, Applejack pushed it down and clunked out in front of him.

“It’s working.” Vinyl whispered, unable to help the large grin that had found its way across her lips.

“Yay.” Fluttershy whispered; though somewhat shakily.

“And here I thought y’all would be more careful…” Applejack said with a soft chuckle, twirling her axe around in her mechanical hand as she sauntered forth, clunking through the mud and stopping a little ways away from the trio, and just enough into the trees that the Crusaders could come up out of the mud and attack without being seen.

Vinyl promptly released Button Mash and let him fall to the ground; mud splashing out around him as he hit the ground with a ‘thunk’.

As planned, she quickly drew her knife and brandished it at Applejack as menacingly as she could.

“You shouldn’t come any closer…” She growled, inwardly ecstatic that this was working flawlessly.

The cowpony let out an exaggerated cackle of pleasure, slapping her metal knee and resting her axe on her shoulder.

“Y’all are funny, ain’t yah?” She said with a chuckle.

“Applejack, just let me shoot the ruffian and be done with it, I insist!” Uncle Orange said in annoyance, grabbing onto Applejack shoulder and tugging on it gently.

“Hush up, Uncle, I want to kill ‘em.” She sighed, brushing him off and turning her attention back to the three ponies before her.
“Selfish, aren’t you…”He grumbled to himself.

“I think I’ll kill you first…” The cowpony said darkly, pointing her axe in Vinyl’s direction and letting out a soft but eager chuckle.

“I think you probably shouldn’t have jumped to the conclusion that we were idiots.” Vinyl said, sounding rather proud of herself as she watched the three Crusaders rise up out of the mud behind their enemies, like some beasts of Tartarus summoned to bring chaos upon the land.

It was kinda creepy actually.

“If I recall correctly, we were able to capture you with relative ease…” Uncle Orange said condescendingly, stepping forward a bit and glaring at Vinyl.

“And I think we were able to trick you with relative ease.” Fluttershy said softly; Vinyl thought she could sense a bit of pride in Big Yellow’s voice.

“Pardon me, I don’t see how-“

Uncle Orange didn’t finish his words.

The screeching battle cry of three small ponies in racer-class mechs came out even over the pouring rain, and the sound of knives being driven into steel ankles was almost as loud.

Uncle Orange let out a cry of surprise as Crusaders 1 and 3 drove their blades into his robot, sending hi toppling down to his knees and into the mud, as he fell, he managed to let off a round mid-fall, a round that made its way straight into Applejacks shoulder with enough force to knock her off balance and unfortunately cause Crusader2 to miss her stab.

“Eat metal!” Vinyl roared, improvising and stepping forward to deliver a powerful knee straight into Applejack’s visor; and being rewarded with a satisfying ‘crack’ as she did so.

The force of her hit sent Applejack sideways and into the mud with a ‘Splat’, just as Crusaders 1 and 3 moved onto Uncle Orange; who was in the process of smacking Crusader1 with his stump-arm and sending her flying into a tree; he had managed to flip around before they could kill him.

“Yah cheatin’ snake!” Applejack cried, grabbing onto a tree and promptly pulling herself up; barely giving Vinyl enough time to backpedal and avoid a surprisingly quick axe-swing.

“Granny!” She cried out as loud as she could, her voice trumping the rainfall.

“Granny?” Vinyl said aloud; yelping as she backpedaled again to avoid another axe swing and then spun around a tree; trying to lure Applejack away from Fluttershy and Button.

“You forgot there were three more of us, didn’t ya?” Applejack chuckled evilly, clunking towards Vinyl and raising her axe for another swing.

With a defiant roar, Vinyl brought her knife up and parried the blow with relative ease, knocking her opponents arm back long enough the DJ could deliver a powerful shove.

Metal clanged against metal as Vinyl sent Applejack stumbling back into a small tree; the cowpony’s mechanical form snapping the foliage like a toothpick but doing well to send her onto her back.

Gunfire suddenly sounded off through the rain; automatic gunfire.

Meaning it wasn’t Uncle Orange.

Crusader2 let out a cry of shock, and Vinyl turned just in time to see her comrade’s knee get blown out and three bullets rip through her stomach from behind, before anypony else could react, Button let out a roar of anger and surprisingly enough, managed to throw himself out in front of Crusader2; blocking her from the oncoming barrage of ammo.

Vinyl couldn’t focus on them for too long though, Applejack was already up and coming at her with that damn axe again.

“You just don’t stay down, huh?” Vinyl crooned, taking a fighting stance and flipping the knife around so that she was holding it backwards.

“Damn right.” Applejack growled, proceeding to let out a roar as she clunked forward and tried to deliver a swing that probably would have sliced Vinyl in half instead of the tree behind her, had she not rolled to the side rather spectacularly.

“Granny and Aunt Applesauce’ll take care of my sister and the rest of ‘em, so I get you all to myself…” Applejack growled, spinning around and using the force of her previous swing to help carry her into the next; which Vinyl just barely dodged.

Mud and bits of broken trees flew everywhere as Vinyl jumped away and crashed into a small pine, snapping it clean in half and uprooting the bottom half completely as she slid through the mud.

“Y’all should quit movin’ and just let me kill ya, all you’re doin’ is delaying the inevetable!”

“And you…” Vinyl growled, pushing herself up to one knee and wrapping her mechanical hand around the tree she had snapped in half.

“Should shut your mouth!” She finished, spinning around and coming up to full height, while also swinging the tree around and slamming it into the shoulder of her foe with enough force she was knocked over into the mud with a cry of surprise.

“That freaking accent is annoying as hell…” Vinyl spat out, still holding what was left of the tree-turned-club; which was only about ten feet of stump and a few branches.

Taking a half second to survey the area around her while her enemy was down, Vinyl found that Uncle Orange was engaged in a rather hilarious game of ‘Try to pull small robots off your body’ with Crusaders 1 and 3, as Button Mash did his best to protect the wounded form of Crusader2 from GrannyApple and AppleSaucy; apparently known as Granny and Aunt Applesauce.

Fluttershy was just quietly sitting in the middle of it all.

Vinyl let out a huff as she watched Applejack push herself back upright; her frontside totally covered in mud, save her visor; which she had wiped off as best she could with her metal hand.

“You’re getting on mah nerves…” Applejack growled, jabbing a mechanical finger in Vinyl’s direction as she clunked forward for another attack.

Vinyl; armed with a tree and a knife, stepped forward and blocked a side-swing from the cowpony’s axe, with her knife, and brought her tree stump down onto her visor with a satisfying ‘clang!’

Vinyl chuckled and then delivered a strong mechanical kick to her opponent’s stomach, sending her onto her metal rump and into the mud yet again.

While Applejack let out a rather long string of curses, Vinyl stepped forward and brought her stump above her head, then quickly bringing it down with the intention of smashing her foe’s faceplate in; however Applejack didn’t seem to like this idea, she brought her axe up and sliced through the stump.

The result of this being that Applejack only sustained minimal damage from what was left of Vinyl’s makeshift weapon, and the dj receiving a swift mechanical kick in the stomach that sent hr flying back and crashing through a cluster of pine trees, the metal of her armored hull smashing through them with predictable ease.

Vinyl’s HUD flickered faintly as she came to a rest, and she let out a groan of displeasure as she wiped mud off her visor with a mechanical whirr.

“Enough of this!” Applejack roared, obviously not too pleased with how long this had taken.

Quickly as she could, Vinyl pushed herself upright just in time to see Button mash a little ways over to her side. He was in the process of bringing what remained of his right hand straight down onto Auntie Applesauce’s mechanical form and squashing her like a bug, the ensuing ‘crunch’ very much audible over the still pouring rain.

The words ‘TheStache destroyed SaucyApple’ broadcasting in everypony’s HUD as the enemy robot was squashed.

Vinyl was too busy paying attention to the triumph of her teammate to dodge Applejack’s axe in time.

As soon as she turned to look at her foe, Vinyl was met with an axe slash straight across her chest, it wasn’t a full-on hit, but it carried enough force to knock her to the side and practically toss her over in the direction of the rest of her team, as well as carve a deep gash in her chest that sent her chest armor plummeting down to 36%.

Vinyl groaned as she came to a halt in the mud, her visor flashing red and a faint warning chime playing on a loop, somewhere in her cockpit. The image of her robot on the corner of her HUD showed her chest colored a deep red where she had sustained damage.

“Let’s try and avoid that axe from now on…” She said to herself, making to stand up just as a heavy mechanical foot made sure she was slammed back into the ground.

“Ah, ah…” Applejack crooned, digging her clawed feet into Vinyl’s armor and furthering the damage it had already sustained.
“Vinyl!” Came the voice of Crusader3, loud and easily audible above the rainfall.

Vinyl looked to her left, just in time to watch as Crusader3 threw herself off of Uncle Orange and made for an object lying in the mud.

It was Uncle Orange’s rifle.

Very obviously using all the strength her tiny form could muster, Crusader3 lifted the rifle up and hurled it in Vinyl’s direction, it wasn’t too far of a distance, and miraculaiously enough the tiny robot was able to toss it within reach, just before an angry kick from the rifle’s owner sent her flying.

The rifle landed close enough that Vinyl could grab onto it and then jam it straight into Applejacks stomach just before she brought her axe down.

A split-second later, round after round tore through the cowpony’s stomach, bits of shredded metal, wire and machinery flew out of her lower back and into the mud below. Applejack let out a cry of displeasure as the sheer impact of each round shook her entire body and sent her stumbling backwards, her axe fell from her grasp and buried itself into the mud as Vinyl endlessly fired into her enemy.

It actually was somewhat surprising how many rounds were in the rifle, almost as surprising as how long it took before Applejack finally collapsed into the mud.

From her position on her back, Vinyl fired round after round into her foe, smoke spewed out from each hole along with bright flashes of sparks, and Applejacks stomach caught fire from so many rounds. She let out one last cry of defiance before too much damage had been taken for her to go on, and fell backwards into the mud, dead.

The words ‘HonestApple was slaughtered by VinylScratch’ was broadcasted to all remaining players, and a flaming depiction of a skull and crossbones floated up from the mechanical corpse of the deceased.

“Bitch…” Vinyl sighed, her arms collapsing to her sides as she took a moment to herself.

“Hey, congrats on the victory, but some help would be nice!” Button mash cried out; his tone heavy with distress.


Vinyl promptly rolled over and pushed herself upright; grabbing the axe of her fallen enemy as she did and finding it surprisingly light, then made her way over to help her teammate out.

Crusaders 1 and 3 somehow were still grappling with Uncle Orange; who had still not found a way to pry them off his back as the small robots pelted him with the strongest punches they could throw from atop his hull, making little dents in his armor.

Button Mash was not faring so well, however.

He was fruitlessly throwing whatever he could grab, at Granny Smith; Trees, rocks, rubble, clumps of mud, with his only remaining hand. He had leaned himself up against a large tree, and Crusader2 had drug herself behind him; and was letting out small whimpers of displeasure due to the fact she could do nothing but, as her knee had been blown out and a racer without it’s legs was not much use at all.

Granny Smith; the sprightly old mare, had run out of ammo, and was holding her position at a distance and constantly moving to dodge the oncoming barrage of debris, so she could get close enough to deal some damage with her knife.

It was slightly comical.

“Get her over here…” Button growled darkly, as Vinyl clunked by; axe in hand.

“Gladly.” Vinyl replied with zeal, gripping the axe as she clunked through the mud and past Button Mash.

Granny Smith let out a very worried moan as she saw Vinyl slowly moving towards towards her; armed with the axe of her own granddaughter.

“I’ll cut you, you little punk!” She cried out angrily, taking a defensive stance and swinging the knife through the air warningly.

“You think you can just kill Applejack, ‘n’ get away with it, do ya, well let me tell ya, I learned a bit in my day about fighting, don’t think just cause I’m old I won’t whoop yer sorry behind!” She barked angrily, sounding a bit more sure of herself than she actually was.

Vinyl stopped a decent distance away from her foe, and held the axe in both her mechanical hands; like a baseball bat, and readied herself for battle.

“Let’s see if you put up more of a fight than your GoldieApple, friend…” She called out tauntingly, trying to spur Granny Smith to attack first.

“That was you!” Granny Smith said darkly, shortly before charging; foolishly, straight at Vinyl.

It was all too easy to sidestep her charge.

Vinyl spun on her heel and stepped to the side, digging her clawed feet into the mud so as not to slip as she used the momentum from her spin to bring the axe directly into the back of Granny Smith’s upper right arm, slicing easily through the armor and machinery in addition to sending the owner of said arm into the mud.

The old mare proceeded to utter the most creative string of curses ever heard, as she struggled to push herself up to her knees as smoke coughed from where her arm was once attached.

Felling pretty invincible, Vinyl looked down at the lifeless, severed mechanical arm in the mud and gave it a passive kick, knocking it away as she clunked past and over to where Granny Smith was just barely standing upright.

Vinyl soon fixed that.

With silent determination, she held the axe low, and took aim, closing the distance between herself and the enemy just as she swung her weapon upwards like a golf club, slicing through Granny Smith’s one remaining arm with ease and severing it completely.

Granny Smith let out a cry of shock as she fell backwards into the mud yet again; unable to do anything now but struggle to push herself away with her legs.

“Somepony wants to see you!” Vinyl sang, stooping over and digging her fingers into the smoking hole she had created upon slicing off the robotic arms of her enemy and then beginning to drag her over in Button’s direction.

“Let go of me, you little snake! I’ll kick the daylights out of ya’ I swear to Celestia!” She protested.

“Let go? Why, if you insist!” Vinyl chuckled softly and threw Granny Smith’s mechanical form into the mud, right within grabbing distance of Button Mash.

All the protesting and cursing that the old pony spat out as she was dragged through the mud, did nothing to stop Button as he bade a fist with his one remaining arm and the brought it down, hard, straight onto Granny Smith’s visor-plate.

The ensuing cacophony of glass cracking, metal crumpling and mud squelching was rather gruesome.

“Nopony touches Sweetie Belle…” He growled, proceeding to chuck Granny Smith’s corpse into a nearby tree where it impacted and then fell into the mud as her death was broadcasted to all remaining players.

It was then that Vinyl noticed the frustrated cried of Uncle Orange, she turned her gaze over to the scene of battle ensuing between him and the two unwounded Crusaders; a scene that looked like it would soon be over.

Vinyl watched as Crusader1 finally punched through the top of Uncle Orange’s hull and a second later; like comparatively large mechanical piranhas, Crusader 1 and 3 proceeded to pull and tear at the break and make it bigger, then begin tearing out whatever they could grab at with horrifying and unexpected ferocity.

Uncle Orange let out a scream of shock as wires and bits of mechanical devices were torn out and he was literally torn apart from the inside.

It was watching something out of a horror film.

He collapsed to his knees, trying to use a nearby tree to help keep himself up, all the while his free stump-arm weakly swinging at the air in front of him while smoke started coughing out of the hole above his visor.

Crusader1 delivered a quick punch to the armor yet again and proceeded to tear at the armor like one would open a sardine can, peeling it away and ferociously grabbing at the inner workings.

She obviously grabbed something important, because a moment later the arm that Uncle Orange had been using to hold himself up went limp and he collapsed into the mud, now only trying to drag himself away as the robots now positioned atop his back tossed his insides all over the ground around him.

Suddenly, his body convulsed and he let out one last cry of protest, before the one functioning arm her had grasped at the empty air, before falling to the mud.

As Crusader 1 and 3 let out an almost bestial cry of triumph, the words ‘Oranges>Apples was murdered by Crusader1 and Crusader3’ broadcasted throughout everypony’s HUD, and the flaming skull and crossbones floated up and dissipated in a puff of smoke.

“Damn…” Button Mash whispered, only to receive a mechanical slap on the leg from Crusader2; or Sweetie Belle as she was now known.

“Don’t curse.” She deadpanned.

Vinyl let out a soft chuckle and strode over with mechanical clunks, to meet the two tiny warriors halfway; Applejack’s axe resting against her shoulder.

“That was…something.” She said with a soft chuckle, looking down at the two small robots as they stopped in front of her.

“Nah, it wasn’t much.” Crusader3 said plainly, shrugging and then yelping softly as sparks flew from her shoulder upon doing so.

“We’ve done worse.” Crusader1 said softly, giving Crusader3 a playful slug on the shoulder with her one remaining arm.

“I think we-“

A loud, scared-sounding shriek pierced the air just then, cutting Vinyl off and grabbing the attention of all who remained.

“Help me!” Came the unmistakable voice of Fluttershy.

As one, they all turned to where the sound had originated and found themselves suddenly feeling less victorious.

There, standing amidst so many trees; fallen and upright, was the massive, almost completely unscathed form of Big Mac; His massive, red, armored form standing out against the trees and looking nothing if not intimidating.

And in his hand, he held Fluttershy’s struggling yellow form, by the shoulder. She whimpered and squirmed uselessly as she tried to pry herself away, but the heavy-class had his mechanical fingers dug into her armor enough that she wouldn’t be go anywhere unless he said so.

“Wait, no, please!” She protested, uselessly struggling as Big Mac; silent as the grave, proceeded to grab her other shoulder and dig his fingers into the armor.

Fluttershy could do little but cry out in shock and horror as she was torn in half, down the middle. Her mechanical form sparked and popped, smoke coughed out as she was torn in half, slowly at first, but as soon as the top of her hull had split, the rest did the same without as much resistance.

Her yellow robotic form shuddered and convulsed violently in the half-second before she shut down, and then she was no more.
The words ‘ButterflyButt was slaughtered by BigApple’ appeared in the HUD of every remaining player.

Silent as the grave, Big Mac turned with menacing fluidity and glared straight at Vinyl; tossing each half of Fluttershy’s smoking metal corpse into the mud as he did so.

“He’s mine…” Vinyl growled, motioning for the Crusaders to stand aside as she stepped forward and held her axe at the ready.

The scene was set, the final battle.

The tall pine trees rustled in the wind of the storm and the rain seemed to be coming down harder than ever, splattering against Vinyl’s hull and forming puddles in the countless footprints and gouges that had been formed in the mud during the heated battle.
Vinyl stood a good distance away from her monstrous enemy, she hadn’t ever faced a Heavy-class on her own, and beating it was no small feat.

But vengeance was in order.

Big Mac moved first, silent as ever he began thundering forward, smashing into trees and knocking them aside without ever faltering as he headed straight for Vinyl.

This gave Vinyl enough time to think up a quick plan of attack.

The knees, she needed to take out his knees.

She waited until her massive foe was only a few yards away before; surprisingly enough to all watching and even to Vinyl herself, sprinting straight for Big Mac.

Mud flew up behind the dj as she sprinted, and then turned to the side and dropped to the ground, the momentum of her run sending her sliding between Big Mac’s legs just as she had planned, unfortunately she hadn’t thought so far as to maybe try and swing at a knee as she slid by, and hoped she wouldn’t regret not taking that chance.

The massive machine let out a roar of anger as he dug his massive feet into the muddy ground and steadied himself with a mechanical hand, letting out a snort as he turned and glared at Vinyl, his fists balled tightly as he stood upright; though now only a short distance from his enemy.

Vinyl let out a short yelp and leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding a massive mechanical fist as it buried itself startlingly deep into the muddy ground and shook everything around them with a thunderous ‘Boom!’.

Vinyl; covered enough mud that you could barely tell her armor was white, even in the rain, righted herself and grinned at what she saw.

Big Mac’s hand was stuck, upon punching the ground in an attempt to crush her, he had buried it so deep in the mud, that when the mud had quickly filled in around his hand it had created powerful suction, powerful enough that it now held his arm firmly about a foot past the wrist.

This is an opportunity Vinyl had no intention of wasting, without hesitation she rushed forward with heavy mechanical steps, bringing axe into the metal beast’s forearm a moment later and digging it deep into the armor.

Big Mac let out a cry of distress and raised his other arm, awkwardly trying to grab at Vinyl with it, only for her to duck and rip the axe out, spinning around beneath his upper body and bringing the axe into his forearm yet again, this time from the other side.

Again, he cried out in anger and Vinyl barely was able to remove her axe and scramble out of the way as he brought his body down and slammed it into the ground, in an attempt to crush his smaller foe. Mud and water splattered everywhere as he did so, and much to his dismay, upon raising his body out of the mud, he found his attempt to crush his attacker had not only been fruitless, but had also done well to cover his visor with mud and render him almost totally blind.

“You big idiot…” Vinyl said with a grin, hopping up as quick as she could and running by to deliver a quick slash with the axe, to the upper part of Big Mac’s forearm, and then quickly pull it out, whip around and bury it into the side of his stomach armor.

He let out a distressed groan and with an immensely powerful pull; he managed to finally escape from the mud.

Only he had managed to tear his hand off instead of pull it out, Vinyl had cut deep enough into it that it was too weakly connected to withstand the force, and the arm separated from the elbow with a ‘crunch’, and smoke and sparks now billowed from where it was once attached; the arm itself now sticking out of the ground like the stump of a tree.

Big Mac teetered backwards, the momentum he had created from pulling himself away from the mud so abruptly nearly pushing him off balance and sending him onto his mechanical behind.

As he regained his balance, Vinyl charged in again and swung the axe into the metal-plated shin of the titanic mechanical monstrosity that she was combating, the blade sliced through the metal and hit some thicker inner working, stopping the axe cold.

Big Mac let out a growl and kicked his leg, sending Vinyl; and her axe, flying and then colliding face-plate first with a rather large pine tree.

An unpleasant ‘Crack!’ sounded out as Vinyl impacted and then crashed into the muddy ground, Vinyl groaned and rolled over onto her back, letting out a frustrated groan as she slowly pushed herself into a sitting position and glared in annoyance at her armor indicator.

That kick and the impact of the tree had dropped her chest armor from 36% to 12%. One more hit like that and she might be put out of commission…

“Crap, that’s not any good…” She grumbled, using the axe and the tree she had crashed into to help push herself up off the ground and face her enemy; finding him just nearly finishing the process of wiping all the mud off his visor so he could see to fight.

Vinyl saw a chance, a small one, but the only chance she might get before that monster landed another good hit and killed her.

She had to get to him and take out his knees before he finished wiping his visor to see.

Without much of a second though, she went into a full on sprint, holding the axe in both hands and bringing it up at an angle so that she could bury it into his right knee.

A moment later she was close enough to swing and as planned, she swung the axe straight into Big Mac’s knee, the combined force of her swing and the momentum of her speed sent the axe through the armor plating and through what she could only assume was the main skeleton of the robot, before she yanked it out and did a knee-slide through the mud.

Without giving Big Mac enough time to even respond with anything but a cry of shock, Vinyl dug in and slowed herself down enough that she could run straight back at her enemy from behind, using the momentum to help bringing the axe straight into her foes kneecap with gruesome accuracy.

The massive, red heavy class could do nothing but collapse to the ground, barely able to hold himself up with the one arm he had left as his other knee was rendered useless.

Vinyl ripped the axe out with a satisfied grunt, stepping back and looking at the struggling form of her crippled foe for a moment.

Big Mac let out frustrated grunts as he struggled to make his legs move how he wanted, but he couldn’t. His right leg was basically severed internally, and his left leg he could only make twitch and spark, smoke coughed from his stumped arm, the wound on his stomach and both his legs.

This was his end, and both he and Vinyl knew that full well.

With silent determination, Vinyl brought the axe into Big Mac’s hip and used it to help pull herself up onto his back, digging her clawed feet into his hull to help herself up.

She promptly ripped the axe out and propped it against her shoulder as she stepped forward and dug her clawed feet into his shoulders, using them to stabilize herself as he squirmed futilely.

“Die…” She growled, taking the axe in both mechanical hands and raising it above her head, then in one swift, precise motion, she brought it straight down into his back.

The furious roars of murderous passion that left Vinyl’s lips were unlike any she had uttered before, her ferocity unmatched by any battle in the past as she brought the axe down into the armored upper back of Big Mac’s back, chopping through the armor more and more with each swing.

Swing after swing she dealt, smoke and sparks had begun spewing from the wounds and one of the wounds had been made big enough that a fire now burned hot and bright. The massive robot let out a weak groan and collapsed to the ground, just as Vinyl brought the axe down one final time.

Ending the life, of the final member of Red Team.

The words ‘BigApple was eradicated by VinylScratch’ appeared in the HUD of every member of Blue Team.

She stood there for a moment, standing amidst the smoke and fire that billowed up around her as she stood atop the corpse of the behemoth she had felled, in the pouring rain and the wind of the rainstorm, in the middle of a pine forest in the center of the city.
Vinyl Scratch stood victorious.

She turned to face her teammates, finding them all staring, slack-jawed; from behind their visors, as what they had just witnessed.
Silently, Vinyl took her axe in one hand and raised it towards the sky just as a bolt of lightning shot through the sky behind her in a manner that was nothing if not theatric.

And they all erupted into victorious cries of joy, as the winning team of the game was announced.

-------Final Standings-------

Blue Team.

"VinylScratch." Level 4. Warrior-Class ( Kills: 5. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By: )

"10Secondsflat" Level 14. Rainbow Dash. Racer-Class. (Kills: 0 Assist Kills: 0. Killed by: 'HonestApple')

"Butterflybutt" Level 8 Fluttershy. Warrior-Class. (Kills: 0. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By: 'BigApple' )

"Sp33dysoarin" Level 7. Soarin. Racer-Class. (Kills: 0. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By: 'DesertApple')

"TheStache" Level 11. Button Mash. Heavy-Class (Kills: 3. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By )

"Crusader 1" Level 5 Applebloom. Racer-class. (Kills: 0. Assist Kills: 2. Killed By )

"Crusader 2" Level 5 Sweetie Belle. Racer-Class (Kills: 0. Assist Kills: 1. Killed By )

"Crusader 3" Level 5 Scootaloo. Racer-Class. (Kills: 0. Assist Kills: 1. Killed By )

"FlitterFly" Level 5. Flitter. Warrior Class (Kills: 0 Assist Kills: 0 Killed By: 'Oranges>Apples' )

"IChaseClouds" Level 6. CloudChaser. Warrior Class. (Kills: 0 Assist Kills: 0 Killed By: 'HonestApple' )


"CarrotFarmer" Level 8. Carrot Top. Warrior Class. (Kills: 0. Assist Kills: 0. Killed by: "VinylScratch")

"HonestApple" Level 12. Applejack. Warrior Class. (Kills: 2. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By: 'Vinyl Scratch')

"BigApple" Level 8. Big Mac. Heavy Class. (Kills: 1. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By: 'VinylScratch')

"Desert Apple" Level 9. Braeburn. Warrior Class. (Kills: 1. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By: "VinylScratch")

"GrannyApple" Level 8. Granny Smith. Warrior Class. (Kills: 0. Assist Kills: 0. Killed by: "TheStache")

"AppleSaucy" Level 6. Aunt Applesauce. Warrior Class. (Kills: 0. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By: 'TheStache' )

"GoldieApple" Level 6. Goldie Apple. Warrior Class. (Kills: 0. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By: 'VinylScratch' )

"PeachyPone" Level 5. Peachy Sweet. Warrior Class. (Kills: 0. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By: 'Crusader1, Crusader2)

"LavenderApple" Level 3. Lavender Fritter. Warrior Class. (Kills: 0. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By: 'TheStache')

"Oranges>Apples" Level 8. Uncle Orange. Warrior Class. (Kills: 1. Assist Kills: 0. Killed By: 'Crusader1, Crusader3' )

Blue Team Wins![b/]

Author's Note:

This is basically all I got around to working on over the majority of summer.

This and a Destiny short story after the beta for that ended, because I was so hyped.

Anyway, I love writing this series~ As evident by the fact this chapter is so long.

Big Mac slaughters Fluttershy because i despise the FlutterMac ship with a burning passion and this is my way of sharing it.

I hope you enjoyed reading, I will be (Hopefully) updating my other stories soon!