• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 1,156 Views, 41 Comments

The Helljumper *Objective Updated* - Addunexus

ODSTs, the second proudest unit in the UNSC. They volunteered to be shot from space onto the planets below to fight Humanitie' enemies. These soldiers are respected, feared, and avoided by most.

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Chapter 1: Jump Happy

Jump Happy

My eyes fluttered open, and then widened. I had to move, I had to find my unit and fight the Covenant. I hit the emergency release bolts on the door, and hit the emergency release harness on my chest. Seconds later the door of the pod flew away from me, like I had verbally assaulted its mother. Then quickly smashed into a tree and snapped it in half. Upon seeing the tree beginning to fall, I grabbed my rifle and moved forward and to the left to avoid being crushed by the decently sized tree. After avoiding being flattened, I took in my surroundings.

I was in a forest with birds chirping and flying around the trees overhead. My pod had landed near the edge of a clearing and in a big patch of blue flowers. What immediately got my attention was a pile of downed trees on the other side of the clearing. Then my mind switched to combat mode and prioritized my thought process. I had to take cover then see if I could find any Covenant threat nearby. I covered the length of the clearing and reached the section of downed trees. Then promptly ran right into a giant metal object obscured by the downed foliage.

When I recovered from the impact and staggered back, shaking my head. I looked at the point I impacted on the metal, and I saw a white capital letter 'I'. It was at a forty five degree angle, and at about head height. I placed my hands on each side of the letter and pulled the tree branches out of the way. My eyes widened as I revealed the word 'MARINES' stenciled on an olive drab plate. I instantly recognized it as half of a Pelican’s rear landing gear. I quickly moved to my left, towards the tail of the downed bird. When I reached the rear hatch I found the drop door was too high for me to climb up to. Then it hit me, I needed to see if there was anyone still alive inside.

Then another realization hit me: the soldiers inside would not open the door just hearing a banging on the hull. Then the rational part of me began to think of my options, I had to try the comm. I began to flip through the frequencies, until I heard a rapid beep on the UNSC E Band. I quickly moved behind a still standing tree to the rear of the bird and pressed my chin against the pad in my helmet that activated my transmitter.

"Any UNSC personnel," I stated over the channel, "please respond."

After I released the chin pad, the beeping stopped and I heard absolutely nothing. After what seemed like hours but what was really seconds, there was a hiss of hydraulics. Upon hearing the hiss, I ran around to the rear bay door and waited for it to finish opening. When it did, there was a woman standing there in a standard UNSC flight suit. What caused me to stop was the fact her outfit was covered in blood. She leaned against the wall and stared at me one hand covering her side, and she chuckled.

"Well," she started, "looks like the UNSC finally found me."

"Captain," I said after her rank popped up on my HUD, "who are you and where are we?"

She winced from her injuries as I climbed up the drop door and into the bay. Once I got inside, she closed the door and slid down the wall to the floor. I rushed over as she moved her hand for me to inspect the wound on her side. There was a medium length piece of the flight stick from the Pelican piercing her side. I looked around the bay for an emergency medical kit; unfortunately it was missing, so I had to use the bio-foam in my personal medical kit to seal her wound after removing the yoke of the bird.

"Trooper," she said after I put the canister away, "where did you come from?"

"Ma'am, I am from the Pony Express."

"Well, I’m from the Pillar of Autumn," she began, "the name’s Rawley."

"Wait," my face got a puzzled look as I took my helmet off, "didn't the Autumn go missing back in September?"

She nodded, and then told me the rest of the tale. She told me of the crew that died on the ship when the Covenant boarded, the ODST's victory taking the so called 'Alpha Base'.

Then she told the part that made me shiver, the Flood.

When she told me how the Master Chief planned to stop the Flood, I went wide eyed. Her tale came to an end when she told me she was shot down by two Banshees, and was about to land on a small platform when there was a bright light. Then she was over a forest, and crashed here.

"Ma'am," I said as she grimaced at the cold of the bio-foam, "have you had any contact with the UNSC, besides me?"


"Damn," I cursed under my breath, "well from what I can tell, Captain, we aren't going to be in contact with them again anytime soon."

Her face went an even lighter shade of white. Then she looked across the bay at the other body I failed to notice. She told me it was her tech chief, and he was killed hours ago from the extremely large glass shard sticking out of his chest. The wounded pilot's head shifted down to look under the bench behind the body. There was a shotgun under it with four full boxed of shells, she told me to take it and all of the ammo. I asked why she had it in her bird, she replied with one word, Flood.

"Hey," she asked, "did the Chief make it out?"

"Yeah he did," I said, "he made it to Earth, but the Covenant followed."

"Son of a bitch," she spat as she was hit with another wave of pain.

I looked at her wound again, "Captain, we have to get you better medical attention than I can provide."

"When I crashed," she stated while gesturing with her head, "there was a settlement to the northwest, get there.” As I started to get up, she stopped me, “Corporal, there’s one intact ANVIL launcher, fully loaded, and a crate of C-12.”

She wasn’t kidding when I saw the crate of C-12, but when I opened it; it was full to the brim with the stuff! When I looked behind the crate I saw two LOTUS anti-tank mines, and there was a rocket launcher with three spare loads. My inner maniac let out a happy laugh as Rawley told me to go. After I opened the rear door, I looked back at her and tilted my head, and was about to ask something but she cut me off.

"When you need the tools, save the shotgun," she said as I picked it up by the sling and slung it, "they will be here. The console in the front is still functional; you can hit the button to open the rear door from there. Don't let the Covenant get in this bird."

I saluted knowing this could be the last time I would speak to her. After having it returned, and putting my helmet back on my head, I grabbed the shotgun, jumped out of the Pelican, and went off to the northwest. As I went across the field, I saw my pod and walked over to it. I took everything else I could spare off of it and hid it next to the Pelican, leaving the gutted pod to sit in the open. Once the last thing was moved I loaded the shotgun and began my long hike.

The hike took longer than I expected; mainly due to the fact that I had three weapons on my person. The only other reason was because I stayed off all of the paths that I was paralleling to avoid being detected. I finally found an edge to the forest three hours later, just as the sun finished setting. Before I could activate my night vision, I saw an animal pulling a cart in the distance. I shouted, thinking that there was someone nearby but the animal turned its head toward me. Then it instantly ran off into the town, making noises I couldn’t hear from this distance. Confused, I walked further towards the town until I saw a cottage. It had a bridge that spanned a stream and small animals running around. I approached the building slowly, and looked to see if there was any signs of life besides the animals.

I took notice of the window to my right and saw that there was someone home. So I decided to knock, and when I did there was a barely noticeable squeak from inside, then nothing, absolute silence. I knocked again and again, making sure I was heard but nobody came to the door. I waited for five minutes before leaving the house behind me and headed into the town. When I got close to the outermost structures, I ran to the shadow of the nearest building. Upon reaching the wall I made haste to the corner of the building. I looked around the corner and saw something that made me switch off the safety on the shotgun.

There was nothing but small, bright colored horses wandering the street; no people from what I could tell at this distance.

Suddenly, I heard a voice from behind me that made me spin around and level the shotgun.

"Who are ya?" asked the voice.

I was looking where a human's head would be located. But there was nothing there. Then I looked down. I saw one of the horses there right in front of me, and she was wearing a hat. Before my brain could register that she spoke, she said something again.

"Ah saw ya comin' out of the Everfree," the horse began angrily, "and if ya try'n hurt mah friends Ah won’t let ya inta town."

Then I realized what this small horse and all its "friends" were: ponies. Next I realized it just threatened me. I moved the shotgun barrel to point at the pony. The pony's eyes widened and it moved almost as fast as a Jackal, and it closed the distance and pivoted on her forelegs and brought its rear legs in to try to kick me. Instantly I moved the shotgun to a position to block both of her legs.

The pony's legs shot out and impacted the shotgun as my hands tightened on the weapon. I was expecting a very hard impact, but not that hard. My shotgun was pushed into my abdomen as I was pushed back against the wall. The animal lashed out again, and this time I had a plan. When the piston like legs shot out I used the weapon in my hands as a hook. The butt hooked the legs and forced them to the right, sending the being sideways taking the shotgun with it. Both impacted a trash can a mere two feet away causing a loud crash.

I laughed, "I’ve fought things twice my size and won, you don't scare me."

I watched the pony stagger to its feet with an angry look forming on its face. It roared in anger as it charged again, but it stopped as I noticed a smirk form on its face. Then I noticed the area was brighter than it was a few seconds ago. My eyes shot around the near area and saw I was glowing in a light purple aura. My mind instantly thought Covenant and their obsession with the color, but I was wrong. I tried to move but something was holding me in place. Slowly a white figure walked to my left and stopped in front of me. It was another pony, yet somehow this one had a horn. I blinked a few times to confirm what I was seeing; a unicorn was standing less than a foot away from me!

"What are you and what are you doing in Ponyville?" the white unicorn asked in the same tone my commanders use.

I stared at the creature in front of me, before I realized it was talking to me. I just stared in silence at it for what felt like five minutes. Finally it sighed and walked over to the orange one and made sure it was not hurt.

"Ms. Applejack," it started, "are you alright?

'Applejack' nodded and replied with a simple yes sir, then stared at me with anger again. She told the other pony that I came from a so called 'Everfree Forest'. Before the 'unicorn' could respond there was a distinct female voice behind me.

"Shining," it said, "let it go."

'Shining' looked past me and saw the owner of the voice. He started to object but was cut off by something I couldn't see. Then before I could blink, the aura holding me vanished and my right hand brought up my pistol from its holster. I aimed it right at 'Shining'. His eyes went wide and he brought up some kind of energy barrier around me. I rolled my eyes and holstered my sidearm.

"Okay," I said as loud as I could through my helmet’s speakers, "you got me, now what happens next all depends on you."

Author's Note:

Okay so I know there is not much on the lines of meeting ponies till the end of the chapter. Next chapter on the other hand will be different. Maybe White will meet somepony who will be more reasonable than AJ.

Oh and to say about Captain Rawley, yes it is Echo 419. She showed up because there was no explosion heard when her bird crashed, so maybe she did not explode.