• Published 19th Feb 2014
  • 11,597 Views, 256 Comments

The Unchosen One - MagnetBolt

Princess Twilight decides to reconnect with old friends and ends up exploring a mystery that may end with the destruction of all magic and love in Equestria.

  • ...

Epilogue: At The Very Beginning

The Unchosen One
Epilogue: At The Very Beginning
By MagnetBolt

“Twilight!” Somepony yelled, shaking her. The alicorn groaned and tried to sit up, feeling weak.

“Spike, it's too early... open the library later...” She tried to grab her blankets and roll over but she didn't have any blankets. And the stone floor was rapidly becoming uncomfortable.

“Twilight, get up!” The shaking continued. Twilight rubbed her eyes and looked around. She was in the old palace. How had she gotten here? She remembered fragments of a dream, but it was all fading away, lost like morning mist. She was somehow sad, though, like she'd lost something, and it was so profoundly gone that she couldn't even properly remember what it was.

“What happened?” She asked, looking up at- “Rarity? What happened to your mane?”

“You really don't remember?” Rarity asked. Twilight shook her head.

“You were evil a-and tried to destroy Equestria,” Pinkie Pie supplied, quietly. “Trixie told us to run and get Cadence and when we got back y-you were in a big cocoon thing.”

“You put Rainbow Dash in the hospital,” Rarity said, quietly. “Fluttershy is staying with her. She wanted to make sure Dash wasn't left alone.”

“What? But- I didn't-” Twilight shivered.

“We know, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “Y'all were possessed by some kinda magical amulet thing.” Parts of the nightmare Twilight had been having rushed back to her. She could see it, like looking through a dirty mirror. Just little parts of what she'd done. As it filled her mind, she paled and swooned, almost fainting.

“Woah there, stay with us, Rarity don't have her fainting couch with her and y'all just woke up.” Applejack put a steadying hoof on her shoulder. “Y'all look like yer back to normal. I don't rightly know what Trixie did but that Element of Dominance thing is totally gone. D' you remember what in the hay happened?”

“There was something about dreaming but- Trixie! What happened to her?!” Twilight gasped. She remembered hurting her. Badly.

“Luna's lookin' after her. Celestia's still fixin' the mess you made. Cadence managed to undo whatever you did to Celestia, but she had t' go off and do somethin' in the Empire. Wasn't really specific on what. Seemed like she was annoyed we'd bothered her t' be honest. Then Celestia and Luna took us out here and, well...”

Applejack turned her head. Twilight followed her gaze. Celestia was blazing as bright as the morning sun, her mane just a wavering banner of plasma, the Pisa Sol hovering over her head. The stars above were sliding into their old positions one at a time.

Twilight couldn't tear her eyes away from the display of power for a few moments, but when she did she saw Luna sitting in the shadows over a still form. Twilight felt fear wash over her, and she got to her tired hooves and ran over. Trixie was lying still, and for a moment Twilight was sure she was dead. Then she saw the slow, shaky movement of her chest, almost invisible under the dented armor and matted coat.

“What did I do to her...” Twilight whispered.

“Thou are not to blame, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said, softly. “The Nightmare was twisting your mind. I have some experience with just what that is like.”

“Is she-” Twilight reached out to touch her and stopped short, pulling back.

“I do not know. After the beating her body has taken, and the effects of the artifacts, the breaking of the curse... no pony can say what will happen to her.” Luna sighed. “We are going to take her for treatment once my sister has finished putting right what the Nightmare caused. I dare not move her, so we will have to teleport over the distance.”

“What should I do?” Twilight asked, quietly. Luna looked at her and covered her with a comforting wing.

“Thou will have to do what I have done, and work to earn their trust again. Thou may have an easier time of it than I did, as few know what thou have done and your bonds of friendship are truly mighty.” Luna smiled slightly. “If you mean in more practical and immediate terms, I would suggest doing little until things have calmed down.”

“What happened to the Element?” Twilight asked.

“Tis destroyed. You and Trixie were inside the cocoon, as thou are now. The Element was there as well, sundered." Luna nodded to where the broken amulet lay, the gem cracked and blackened and the setting twisted and tarnished as if by aeons of time. "Tis possible the conflux of energy had simply destroyed it. My Moonlight Butterfly is one of the most powerful artifacts in Equestria, and might have been able to simply shatter the Element of Dominance.”

“What happened?” Twilight asked, looking down. “I remember a few things but I feel like I forgot a lot more.”

“Trixie used an ancient magical artifact to lock you both in a dream world. you spent...” She paused. “A very long time in there. But it was in a dream, where a thousand years can pass in the blink of an eye. Trixie probably won't remember much of it either. But... I think they were good dreams, in the end. It just took a long time to get things right.” Luna smiled. “I was able to catch the taste of the dreams, though the power and speed of them was far too much for me to enter them directly.”

Blazing light loomed over the gathered ponies as Celestia walked back into the room, overflowing with power. Twilight shielded her eyes, and the glare slowly faded as Celestia dimmed.

“It is done,” Celestia said, simply. “Luna, reopen the archive so I can place this back where no one can misuse it.” She didn't look at Twilight. Luna nodded, and the sky was cast into shadow as an eclipse blotted out the sun again. Celestia left, avoiding her student.

Twilight watched her go. “She's really angry...”

“She's always like that when she has to use that power,” Luna said. “It's why we stopped using those artifacts and put them beyond easy reach. They change the ones who use them. We were becoming something we didn't wish to be.”

“Like what I became...” Twilight said to herself.

“Yes. Now you know why we don't wield the power we once did. Once the power is greater than you, it becomes a question of who is really in control.”


Rainbow Dash was expected to make a full recovery. The break to her wing was severe, but the physicians were amazed at how quickly and well it was healing. They were expecting her to be up and about before long, and her eyesight was already back to normal thanks to a few applications of dispel effects.

Pinkie Pie required more careful treatment. With some effort, the implanted memories were suppressed, and she was quickly back to her normal self. The doctors expected she'd have nightmares for quite some time, but she was one of the most resilient ponies they'd ever met, and she had her friends to count on if they surfaced again.

Applejack was too tough to have been hurt badly merely by being nearly lynched. She'd refused medical treatment, not that she needed it. She was too busy making sure all her friends were recovering quickly.

Rarity's mane was ruined. There was no denying that. She'd requisitioned a mirror, brush, and scissors to try and come up with a new hairstyle. After several hours of effort she'd come up with something that would no doubt become the new standard in Canterlot for the coming season. Disaster had been narrowly avoided thanks to her fashion skills and pretending she'd meant to look like that all along.

Fluttershy, oddly, hadn't been hurt at all despite everything that had happened. Not even a hair in her mane was out of place.


Twilight sat outside of the operating room, the guards watching her as much as they were keeping others away. Luna sat with her. Twilight knew, like the guard, she was there to keep others safe from Twilight in case the Nightmare should appear again. It made her skin crawl, but she was more worried about what was going on in the operating room than about her own status.

The door opened, and Celestia and the head doctor, Steady Hooves, walked out. The dark gray pegasus mare took off her mask and sighed. Celestia leaned up against the wall for support, looking drained. Luna stood and walked over to her, the princesses whispering to each other quietly, too low for Twilight to make it out.

Twilight had incredible self control sometimes. And she was still feeling like she should just follow orders quietly and that she shouldn't interrupt. Because of that, she was able to hold out for almost fifteen seconds before she stood up.

“Well?!” She demanded.

“There were some complications,” Steady Hooves said, rubbing her head. She looked at Celestia. The alicorn sighed and stood up straight.

“I must discuss things with my sister. With the Black Archive being opened and the fate of this Element of Dominance uncertain and then this...” Celestia rubbed her eyes. She looked tired. Twilight had never seen her so drained. “We must make certain that the people's faith is not shaken. We will have to make an address to the nation, and a private debriefing to the court...”

“Those can all be taken care of later, sister,” Luna said, softly. Celestia shook her head.

“You were the one saying we needed to be strong, Luna. Perhaps you'd like to take over some of those duties?” She smiled. “I have wanted to give you more responsibilities, and I'm sure you'd do a good job at letting them know that nothing is wrong.”

“Only if you stand beside me so they are sure I haven't banished you to the sun,” Luna joked. Celestia gave her a tired smile.

“Now come. I want to know about any other surprises you've left me from the bad old days. I've already got a headache and I'd like to avoid any future surprises.” Celestia started walking. Luna swallowed and started after her, looking embarrassed.

“Wait, what about Trixie?!” Twilight asked. Celestia stopped and looked back at the doctor, nodding. Steady Hooves looked at Twilight.

“Come with me.”


Trixie was sleeping in the hospital bed. She was a mess of bandages, obvious even under the blanket. Twilight looked at her, feeling helpless.

“I was told some of what happened to her,” Steady Hooves said, staying at the foot of the bed. “It's something of a minor miracle she's alive at all, though I suppose her condition lends itself to that.”

“Her condition?” Twilight asked.

“We don't know exactly what to say. No one could have predicted the side effects. First there was the damage to her body. A lot of internal bleeding and broken bones. Then, between the curse she was already under, and the influence of multiple magical artifacts, not to mention ingesting one... well, if half of what our readings show is true, that last part was probably the worst of it. All that energy bouncing back and forth inside her with nowhere to escape until the curse boiled away. I read the abstract you put together on that curse to try and get a handle on what I was dealing with, but it's probably going to take a team of scholars years to figure it all out.”

“Doctor!” Twilight yelled. “Just tell me what's going on!”

Steady Hooves sighed. “I just want you to be properly prepared.”

“Is her condition permanent?”

“Oh, I should think so,” Steady Hooves said, nodding. “At least, I don't think there's any way to safely do anything about it, and certainly not without her consent.”

“What does that mean?!” Twilight's eyes went wide.

“Please be quiet, you're going to-”

“Ugh... where am I?” Trixie asked, her eyes fluttering open. Steady Hooves and Twilight rushed over to the side of her bed.

“You're in the hospital.” Steady Hooves took out a small light and shone it into Trixie's eyes. “How are you feeling?”

“Trixie feels like she hasn't been given enough painkillers. Her head is pounding and her ribs feel all wrong.” She groaned. “And you have the bandages on funny.”

“You are a very fortunate individual,” Steady Hooves said. “You have been involved in the largest magical event since the reign of Discord, and you survived to tell about it.”

“Barely,” Trixie noted, sighing and sitting back.

“Trixie, I'm sorry,” Twilight said, tears in her eyes. Trixie looked at her.

And smiled. “Just remember that our little scuffle counts as at least two wins for me. Trixie is getting pretty good at actually winning magical duels.”

Twilight sniffled and returned the smile. “Yeah. Even against ponies a lot more powerful than you are. I guess Luna was right that being clever is better than being strong.”

“And don't you forget it,” Trixie said. “Trixie just hopes that beating you won't impact her chances at getting that high-paying personal guard spot.”

“I can't think of anymore more qualified to protect me,” Twilight said, smiling sadly. “Or to protect other people from me if this happens again.”

“It won't,” Trixie said. “Trixie will sit on you if she has to, just to make sure.”

The doctor coughed, getting out a small tray with a few labeled containers and needles.

“I'd like to get some samples of your blood, hair, and feathers,” the doctor said. “I need to run a few tests, and I'd like to do the same for you too, Princess Sparkle. I'd be curious to see the different effects being so close to the epicenter of the event had on the two of you. It would make a wonderful research project. Is it too much to ask for samples of your brain tissue?”

“Trixie thinks you're the one who needs to have your brain tissue examined. Twilight is the only one with wings. Well, Trixie supposes you have wings too. But you know what she means.”

Steady Hooves sighed. “Right, one thing at a time. As I've said, you've been exposed to a great deal of magical energy, both inside and outside your body. And in the delicate state you were in, well, you were very close to death when you came in. Most ponies would have been killed just from the internal bleeding.”

“Trixie isn't most ponies,” the showmare smirked. “She has always been tough.”

“Indeed,” Steady Hooves said, not disagreeing. “I saw the condition your shoulder was in. But it's more than just being tough. A normal pony would be in a coma for a week recovering from the shock to their bodies.” She put a hoof to Trixie's head. “Hm. Normal temperature. No sign of infection. But I suppose that's probably not something you need to be too worried about anymore.”

“Doctor, what are you trying to say,” Twilight asked, frowning. “Is she okay or not?”

“Given some rest and relaxation, I should think so,” Steady Hooves shrugged. “I want to at least keep her overnight for examination, though.”

“But... Trixie knows she isn't that tough. She probably needs surgery. And physical therapy. And at least some time to let the wounds heal. You can't just kick Trixie out of the hospital!” Trixie sat up, pulling the sheet around her body protectively. “Trixie appreciates that the painkillers you have her on are working well, despite her headache, but Trixie knows she was pushing her limits before Twilight- before the Nightmare kicked her flank all around the castle.”

“You aren't on any painkillers,” the doctor said, calmly.

“That's impossible! Trixie's shoulder feels fine unless-” She gasped. “Did you use some kind of secret healing magic on Trixie?!”

“I'm a doctor, not a sorcerer. There wasn't much need. Once you'd gotten some sleep your body started healing quite quickly on its own,” Steady Hooves said. “Though I suspect that's normal. I've worked here in Canterlot long enough to have some idea of how it works.”

“Well Trixie should hope so!” Trixie said, frowning and holding the sheet up. “It's basic medicine that bones don't heal overnight.”

“Not for a normal pony, no,” the doctor agreed. She sighed and grabbed the sheet from Trixie, pulling it away to expose her body. She was indeed covered in bandages. All four legs were wrapped to some extent. Her shoulder and across her body. Even her wings.

“Wings?!” Twilight and Trixie yelled at the same time.

“So, how about that plumage sample?” Steady Hooves asked, smiling sheepishly.

Author's Note:

Okay, the ending for real this time. I'd like to thank everyone who read my first fanfiction all the way to the end, despite all of the small problems with it. It was a lot of fun to write and it was nice knowing that I could write something that other people would enjoy.



“Yes, everything went more or less as I planned. Not that I had planned much. You know I don't like to plan things. I'm more of a doer than a thinker.”

“No, no. I don't think it was all that close to disaster. I made sure things were kept on track, just like I said I would.”

“Well of course it was dramatic! You know how much I like a dog and pony show. And the underdog in this case is an interesting one indeed.”

“Hm? No, they'll all be fine. They'll call the broken wing a miraculous recovery, and none of the others suffered any real lasting harm. I even made sure my favorite little pony managed to get out of things without getting hurt. I wouldn't want my only friend to be injured just because of my little game.”

“If they can't handle a little bloody nose maybe they shouldn't go on adventures at all. It's not safe out there, you know.”

"Come now, one more princess shouldn't upset your plans at all. Besides, our pawn deserved a reward after all the things we put her through. Granting at least one of her wishes seemed appropriate. And the look on Sunbutt's face was absolutely worth it."

“It's your job to make sure they don't find out about our little arrangement. I was careful on my end to make sure nothing obvious happened, though I'm sure they'll have some questions as to where I was all along.”

“Yes, I've made sure that they won't question where I was. A little chocolate rain goes a long way towards making an alibi. If they get really nosy I'll just tell them I was afraid of what the artifact might do to me.”

“Don't worry. Our little pawn accomplished her mission. The Element is safely with us, in our hands. Or I suppose you'd prefer for me to say in our hooves. With this power, well, you know what it really represents.”

“Oh I agree completely, it takes a well-balanced individual such as yourself to rule the world.”

“No, I'll make sure that no one suspects. I have a vested interest in this too. I'm going to make sure they find a fake so they don't go looking for the real thing.”

“Yes, I'll keep a close eye on them to make sure they don't find anything out.”

“Yes, yes. Thank you. I know I do good work.”

“Au Revoir, Princess Cadence.”


Comments ( 58 )

lol glad you finally released the last chapter, i read this yesterday and had a bit of a panic attack that it might not be finished for a while

Well. That cleared up buck all.

I see some big changes are coming Trixie's and Twilight's way. Don't know how that guard job is going to work out.

I finally get the meaning to your title. Clever.

Seems there's a sequel planned given the stinger. A conspiracy?! Must know!

Overall, I had a blast reading this. I was kinda expecting a standard Twixie story, but turned into a rather unique adventure.

Till next time!

OMG!!! Sequel! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! :pinkiehappy::heart: Please? :fluttershysad::heart:

I love this. And I love you for writing this. This was a spectacular way to cap off an already awesome story.

Trixie's gone from repentant post-antagonist to friend to ally to hero over the course of a story, and it's all done so smoothly. At no point was she cut any slack or helped along; she did it all, and earned it all, on her own, while constantly being the underdog. Getting by on her smarts and her grit and little else.

Well worth the effort, I'd say. Will read again.

I'll Follow you now. Because when/if you write more, I want to be there to read it. And I really hope you'll write more, because you're good at it. Whether a sequel to this or something else, I care little.

Yes. This. I will favorite this.

On the story:
I really liked this tale. It was full of action and drama. I really hope, based on how you ended this, that a sequel is in the works.

On the author's note: (possible spoiler)
Discord and Cadence were behind this whole ordeal?! This was all a whole big chess game with Trixie as the main pawn?! Cadence is planning to rule Equestria?! Now I know there is another story coming up. Maybe not a sequel, but something that will definitely have some type of connection. You already have a like and a fav, so now you have another follower. Don't disappoint me, please.:duck:

Yes this is good i would love to see a sequel to this fic.
There is definitely room to expand the fic trixie dealing with here new status.
Expanding Twilight's and Trxie's relationship a bit more in depth etc

great story and it leaves a good bit open for a sequal. So must have one.

What a twist! I smell sequel!

Love the story, thanks for sharing it. :twilightsmile:

Also, if sequel, I'm in. :trixieshiftright:

I do not normally comment on stories I read, so what little it is worth, I want you to know that my first comment on this site goes to you my friend. This story is thus far THE best I have read on this site, and should one come about I cannot wait for the sequel.

Comment posted by Neutral Mike deleted Mar 31st, 2014

I'm currently working on another Mare Do Well story but once I have that going at a good pace, well, Trixie is obviously the Greatest and Most Royal Princess.

Loved the story from start to finish.

Also loved the Metal Gear Solid reference at the end. I guess Discord would make a good Revolver Ocelot. Without the fancy gun slinging though. Cadence fits Hideo Kojima perfectly. They both know what the people/ponies love. Being sneaky is also apart of that similarity.

If MGS has taught me anything, its that we can most likely have a sequal at some point

4163870 I look forward to reading it.

Sorry about the repost, my friend deleted it when i left to get some food.

Rarity's mane was ruined.


Thanks for this story!

Oh man. This was EPIC! Very nicely done! I laughed so hard during a lot of it too. :pinkiehappy:

That was AMAZING!I can`t believe that was your first!You got skills!:pinkiehappy:

This was damn good.:trixieshiftright:

Oh lord Trixie's A princess

That was great!

But did you deal with Spike or did I miss that bit?

Spike's middle name is "was there too"
Spike "was there too" Sparkle :moustache:
He's fine. He's a tough dragon. I assure you that off-screen he was de-embiggened and returned to normal.

Poor Spike, (obviously his quest for a moustache is to give him more presence :moustache: )

Anyway, great story and I have already favourited the sequel

why is this have the romance tag? there's no romance, the closest it comes to that is when twilight asks trixie on a date. after that, twilight spends the rest of the story unconscious/insane. the dream stuff doesn't count because you didn't let them remember any of it (you also wasted some potential for some really sappy stuff with that). in the end, nothing was accomplished in the romance department, you could remove everything romance related (what little there is) and pretty much nothing about the story would change

“If they can't handle a little bloody nose maybe they shouldn't go on adventures at all. It's not safe out there, you know.”

That should have been DisQuord's line.

Q says something like "If you can't handle a little bloody nose you should just stay at home [on earth]", in episode "Q Who".

This ending feels off. I feel there's too much left unresolved that feels like it should have been. You've teased a relationship between the two since the beginning but do not close out that plot of the story to a finality that is acceptable. Instead you decide to end on a sort of cliff hanger without the dramatic love scene before that. Essentially, you're breaking a promise to your reader. For a further explanation, I always link to this good podcast called Writing Excuses which this specific episode goes over the topic of promises to your reader.

Otherwise I think you did a good job with this story and had a lot of the proper beats other than the ending. I had my laughs and the dramatic moments felt spot on.

Love makes Trixie do very crazy things, great read.:twilightsmile::heart:

Good plot.
You disappointed me way too much for that to change, though.
You....will.... *glhhhh*
Where is he? I don't feel him...here.....oh....
I'm back.
He's gone.
For now.
I kill him, I cease to exist.
I can still have.... Fun.
A physical body is needed.
A computer is no substitute.
I take it you won't say a thing to my...other side?
Good. :pinkiecrazy:
Let...me...k...I'm...good...What happened?hmm... Later.
Anyways, great story, nice touching up, endings was.... Expected, I guess? Sequels gonna be good.
That note though.... Buck. Me. This will be interesting. Unknown with evil cadence :rainbowkiss:
I'm so nervouscited!

Great damn fic that had me feel so damn much. I loved how for once it was Twilight that turned evil and Trixie being the one to somewhat save the day unless most Twixie fics.

So Trixie is an alicorn now? Like nothing bad will come from that :derpytongue2: Onwards to the sequel!

“We know, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “Y'all were possessed by some kinda magical amulet thing.” Parts of the nightmare Twilight had been having rushed back to her. She could see it, like looking through a dirty mirror. Just little parts of what she'd done. As it filled her mind, she paled and swooned, almost fainting.

“Woah there, stay with us, Rarity don't have her fainting couch with her and y'all just woke up.” Applejack put a steadying hoof on her shoulder. “Y'all look like yer back to normal. I don't rightly know what Trixie did but that Element of Dominance thing is totally gone. D' you remember what in the hay happened?”



Good ending to a first fic. Really the only problem that you had was where you randomly went from doing AJ's dialect perfectly to putting y'all where it wasn't supposed to be. But other than that. You made quite the fetching story. I'm going to love catching up on the sequel.

5148131 Pacing is paramount as always; you can't draw it out too long without making the character(s) look like idiots. But you can't have it go too fast either, or it'll be unsatisfying. Having Twilight fumble and come to terms with her attraction over time feels more natural.

Cadence? But of course. That explain everything. :moustache:

Over-all, this was a pretty good adventure story. I found it a bit rough around the edges, but it was for the most part enjoyable. Not bad.


Okay, this was quite a romp. Aside from a few general spoilers from the TV Tropes article that brought me here, I never knew where it was going to go. And Twixie are always adorable.

But DAFUQ that ending was like something from Metal Gear Solid. This all being some game of Discord's would have made sense, if rather unnecessary, but... sequel hook?

(Ah, never mind, there it is in the sidebar. Well, one story at a time.)

That little author's note was sort of funny, but also very dumb. I also sincerely hope it was a joke, story-wise. I don't suppose this is what happened to Luna and Celestia. What exactly were they prior to Discord, etc.

“We know, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “Y'all were possessed by some kinda magical amulet thing.” Parts of the nightmare Twilight had been having rushed back to her. She could see it, like looking through a dirty mirror. Just little parts of what she'd done. As it filled her mind, she paled and swooned, almost fainting.

“Woah there, stay with us, Rarity don't have her fainting couch with her and y'all just woke up.” Applejack put a steadying hoof on her shoulder. “Y'all look like yer back to normal. I don't rightly know what Trixie did but that Element of Dominance thing is totally gone. D' you remember what in the hay happened?”

You / Ya

Same thoughts as my first time reading this. Hopefully the little dialect thing gets fixed someday (since I most definitely am going to be re-reading this a third and possibly even fourth time.)

Well... That was a twist. Or two twists rather.

when he say

“I'd like to get some samples of your blood, hair, and feathers,”

I Trixie was going to react and say ''what do he just say wings?'' but it took a wild.

You know, this isn't a bad story. I think it's kind of shallow, but it certainly isn't bad. What I don't understand is the point of the romance aspect of it, though. It just feels so tacked on. It barely gets any real attention and the entire story feels as if it would have worked perfectly well and without any changes if it hadn't been present at all. On the whole, that just makes it seem kind of gratuitous and pointless. I can't really say I like that part.

this was a pain in my butt to find but it was worth every minute

This was a good fic, a little awkward in some parts and misleading in others, but still entertaining. Good job.

This story needs more attention... and a sequel.

~ Neon lights

Trolled by the doctor, tough luck. :trollestia:

And smiled. “Just remember that our little scuffle counts as at least two wins for me. Trixie is getting pretty good at actually winning magical duels.”


Oooh! The element of insanity! :pinkiecrazy:
Seriously, Trix is waaay too badass in there! Like, "soldiering on despite being gooified in process" kind of badass. Literally! Her DETERMINATION levels are off charts!
Best badass story ever 11/10!
Edit Ow, how dumb of me. She's element/princess of DETERMINATION, obviously!

> before my body is dry


You have a double T in telling.

“Or to protect other people from me if this happens again.”

Yeah she saved you from your biggest screw up ever.

“I'd like to get some samples of your blood, hair, and feathers,” the doctor said.

Well that's a big clue Trixie didn't notice.

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