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The Chocolate Milk

My Little Milk Chocolate is Magic

Its was a sunday morning in Ponyville. The birds were humming, the bees were buzzing, and the fillies and colts were playing. But whats a sunday moring without the casul rushing of a purple unicorn. Yes, Twilight was going crazy again because she didnt have her schedule for next month ready....AGIAN....But she was really good at this kind of thing, so she had it undercontrol, for the most part anyway.

"Lets see, um, OH YEAH! i need to move the adventure Rainbow Dash was going to have over to wensday, so i can attend party Pinkie planned for Carrot Top's birthday."

Ah yes, you can smell the sweet success of twilight getting her schedule problems fixed.

But little did she know that she was going to be instore for the discovery of her li-



"Oopsy, sorry!"

*sigh* Okay, wait till i finish the sentence!


As i was saying, little did Twilight know that she was going to be instore for the discovery of her life.




"So, what is it you need?" The calmed down unicron asked.

"I just made something that could change our lives, FOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVEEEER!" Pinkie said,
excited to tell her new friend.

"Im sure you did." Twilight said, in a sarcastic tone.

"Good! I thought you were going to say that in a sarcastic tone!"

*Facehoof*" Well, i guess im going to have to believe you."

"YAY!" Pinkie said, quickly grabbing her friend, and draging her over ot Sugercube Corner.


They Finnaly got to SugarCube Corner, and now pinkie was ready to show twilight her new invention which was supposedly going to change thier lives FOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVEEEER!

"So what is it?"

"Okay, are you ready, to have your MIND BLOWN?"

"Sure, why not."




"BAM!" Pinkie said while slaming a cup of brown liquid on to the table.

"What is it?" Twilight asked, confused to what pinkie could have possibly made.


"Chocolate milk?"

"Chocolate milk!"



"You dragged me all the way over here, FOR CHOCOLATE MILK?"

"Well, yeah!"

"Well, its better than nothing."

"Try it, you'll like it!"

Twilight decided to see exactly how chocolate milk would taste, so she took the cup and drank it.

"Hey, its not that bad!" Twilight said, actually liking Pinkie's invention

"I knew you would like it!" Pinkie said excited that her friend liked it.

"How did you come up with such an idea!?"

"Well, i always have a cup of milk in the morning! So i poured some milk in a cup, and took it over at the dining table. Then
i saw a chocolate bar! I choped it up and put it in the milk, then i tasted it!"


"It tasted TERRIBLE!"

"But, i liked it, and you said i would!"

"Well, you see, i knew that chocolate milk was going to be the next big thing, so i needed to create the perfect formula!"

"Go on!"

"I spent days, nights, hours, and SECONDS trying to find the perfect way to make chocolate milk taste good! Then, it hit me! I had to go to the hospital for a while, cause having glass hit you isnt the greatest thing out there"



"You're geting off track!"

"Woops! a couple of mornings after the glass hit me, i got another carton of milk, when i saw the ingredient i was missing! I used it and i made the PERFECT chocolate milk!"

"So, how do you make it then?"

"Well first you get some Nesquik"


"Then you get some milk"

"Wait you lost me at Nesquik!"

"Then you pour a few teaspoons of Nesquik into the milk"


"Then you stir it up"


"Huh? What is it Twilight?

"Whats Nesquik?"

"It's chocolate mix!"

"Well, i never saw any at the market yesterday."

"Thats because you got to go to a place Like Walmart, Target, or just any local store! Not a market silly filly!"


"Twilight, you need to listen to me more."

"what do you mean?"

"Follow me"

They both went down into Pinkie's basement, which was a long hall, filled with doors.

"Wow!" Twilight said looking around


"This is amazing! I never would have guessed you're basment would have so many rooms! i just thought it be a storage area!"

"Isnt this how all basements look like?"


"There just books."




"I dont need no Knowledge."

Twilight's jaw droped at pinkie's words.

"y-y-y-you're kidding, right?"


"We're going in that room, NOW!"

"I just want to be done with this." Pinkie said while facehoofing

They spent a good, lets say 2 hours in there. Pinkie's head was on the brink of explosion.

"Ugh, we'e done, right?" A tired-of-reading Pinkie said.

"Yes, now lets go do what you wanted to do."


"Hey, whats this? Cupcake making Cham-"

"Thats off limits."

"Why? Its just a cupcake making room? Isnt it?"

"Its more than that, now come on"

They continued down the hall, until they finally reached the room they were looking for.

"Here it is"

"The P.T.H.W.T?"

"Pony to Human world transporter."


She opened the door and turned on the lights, the room was filled with all sorts of thingies and watch-amado-hickes, stuff
that beats anything thats in twilights library.

Pinkie turned on another switch, this time filling a black-ish purple rectangle with a light purple vortex in the middle.

"Now go ahead" Pinkie said

"Go ahead what?"

"Stand in the middle of the vortex!"


"Just do it, pussy"


She stood in the middle of the vortex, and then vannished.

"Alright lets see whats on the newspaper today" A casul human said, opening the newspaper.




The scientists were hard at work, researching this wierd creature.

"HIYA!" A pink pony said jumpng out of twilights body, somehow not doing any damage to it.

"AH! PINKIE!" Twilight said waking up from the scare

"See twilight! You have just made the discovery of you life! The scientist are going to gut you to see what it looks like on the inside of your body!"

"WHAT!?" Twilight screamed.

"Well, better let the scientists get to work! Bye Twilight!"

"NO WAIT PINKIE!" Twilight screamed, but it was no use, she was already gone.


The End!

Comments ( 17 )

Words do not describe.
Also, I'm not seeing a 'Random' tag.

I'm sorry but this was hilarious!!! I lost it after she said she bought it from Walmart and Target! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: The last part with the brony was funny!:pinkiehappy:

Is this what it feels like to be mentally handicapped?


Your comment combined with your icon.

Bucking hilarious.

Oh, shit, I didn't even stop to consider that.

Swag. :moustache:

That picture is the embodiment of swag.


He does make quite the...

Smooth criminal.

This was funny. Although, there are some grammatical errors in it. I relly enjoyed this.

Wut. That was disturbing. The casual mention of nesquik was funny, but you took the whole fourth wall thing way too far. Oh, and learn to spell. Also, good stories don't only consist of dialogue.

359844 Good? what is the meaning of the word "good"?

Well, I'm just saying that it would be a lot more readable if you didn't use so much dialogue. Finding a balance between the dialogue and prose is hard, but it's kinda necessary for a flowing, consistent, and legible story.

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