• Published 19th Feb 2014
  • 3,072 Views, 47 Comments

Scootaloathe - FanOfMostEverything

Scootaloo plots the downfall of her antithesis and nemesis.

  • ...

Zipp It

Historians of the Crusade would later note that it all began during Fluttershy's fundraiser. The Ponytones performed their signature number to much enthusiasm and applause. Scootaloo had been heading back home—petless, since Fluttershy didn't have any more tortoises on hoof—when she heard her.

"My new puppy and I thought it was super-duper crazy good!"

Scootaloo turned. She didn't know why. It was just one voice. But it carried. It pierced through the murmuring crowd and into her brain like the needle of Fate as it wove her destiny. Not the fun, cutie-mark-earning kind of destiny. The kind of destiny that made dire predictions regarding insane alicorns and summer solstices.

So Scootaloo turned. And she beheld her. Airborne. Three pawprints on her flank. Flittering about like the hummingbird air show Fluttershy had staged earlier. A tiara, an honest to Celestia tiara, on her head.

Even after she finished wrapping the Ponytones around her hoof, Scootaloo just sat, staring at where she had been.

After a few minutes, Rainbow Dash noticed and swooped down next to her. "Hey, squirt. You okay?"

"I will destroy her."

Dash blinked. "Uh, come again?"

Scootaloo realized she knew the other filly's name. Somepony had mentioned it. She didn't know who or when, nor did she care. "Zipporwhill. I will destroy her."

Tempted as she was to move away from the inexplicably vengeful foal, Dash knew that wasn't proper surrogate big sister behavior. "Scoots. Not cool."

"She has her cutie mark. She can fly. I never saw her land."

"Aw, come on, you're not starting on that again, are you?" Dash ruffled her fan's mane. "Nopony said you had to fly to be a great pegasus."

"She has everything I could ever want."

"Pfft. Please. Does she have the Dash?" The Dash puffed out the Dash's chest. "I don't think so."

"Then I've got to destroy her before she does. You saw how quickly she turned Rarity and Fluttershy. It's only a matter of time."

Dash scowled. "Scootaloo. Seriously. Not cool. You just met this filly. There's no reason to go treating her like she's your nemesis."

Scootaloo blinked and finally broke her gaze from the stage, from the site profaned by her presence. "Nemesis?"

"Yeah, you know, like Daring Do and Ahuizotl. And you're kinda leaning more towards the three-handed monkey-dog-thing side of that."

"I see." The filly nodded to herself. "Yes. Thanks, Dash."

"You're welcome, I guess?" Dash shrugged. Everything seemed to be well in hoof, and her bed was calling to her. She spread her wings. "See you in the morning, Scoots."

"Good night, Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo watched her idol streak off into the distance before bringing her attention back to the filly who was now hovering right in front of her. "Ah!" She flinched back.

"Oh! Sorry!" Zipporwhill zipped over Scootaloo, continually darting from one angle to another, much to her puppy's distress. "Are you okay?"

"Here." A pair of pegasus stallions came to the orange filly's attention. "Allow me." The larger one, the one with an accent from some Sponish-speaking country, nosed her back onto her hooves. He smiled at her. "You have my apologies. Zipporwhill, she can be a bit… overenthusiastic at times."

"Yeah, I noticed." Scootaloo seethed as she looked to her nemesis. How dare she? How dare she be so hard to hate?

"Let it go, Louie."

The Crusader's eyes went wide as her ears went flat. "Daaaad! You know I hate it when you call me that!"

Ollie Outie nodded. "And that's why I only call you that when you're being rude. You shouldn't look at other ponies like you're going to tear out their throats." He brought his sunglasses down and winked. "Don't let them know what you're plotting."

Scootaloo took mental notes even as she blushed. In front of her nemesis, no less! "Yes, sir…"

The pumpkin-coated stallion smirked. "Well, I guess that's fair, dumb nickname for dumb nickname. Now, Song-on-the-Wind and I were talking. Zipporwhill's cuteceñera's tomorrow. How'd you like to go?"

I'd rather have my wings torn off. My useless, useless wings. So went Scootaloo's first thoughts. However, after a bit of further consideration, she smiled at the idea. "Yeah, that sounds like fun."

"Excellent!" boomed Song-on-the-Wind. "We will look forward to seeing you!"

Zipporwhill dove down to nuzzle Scootaloo. "It's going to be so much fun! The Ponytones will be there, and Miss Pinkie will plan it, and, and, and…" She gave a high-pitched squeal way too close to the other filly's ear. "Oh, I can't wait!"

"Neither can I." Oh yes, thought Scootaloo. Tomorrow would be the beginning of the end for her nemesis.


"Sorry, Dad."

"Whoo, yeah, alright! We got the Ponytones! We got the Ponytones!"

"We get it," Scootaloo muttered. Honestly, who reserved Town Hall for a cuteceñera? Didn't the Mayor have anything better to do? She must have fallen under Zipporwhill's thrall. It was surely only a matter of time before all of Ponyville fell before her. And once she had Princess Twilight…

No. That would never come to pass. Scootaloo would stop her. For Equestria. But first, she needed to know her enemy, and she knew just who to ask. Spotting him in the party's airspace was easy. From there, she just had to track his descent. The slight twitch in one eyelid only added spice to the challenge.

At last, she had her quarry cornered. "Featherweight."

The scrawny colt spun and fumbled with his glass of punch. "S-Scootaloo! Hi! Fancy seeing you here!" His grin seemed more like an attempt to hide behind his buckteeth.

So. He knew she'd been hunting him. Fine by her. "I need something from you, Feathers."

"Y-yes?" He swallowed, and his wings flared out. Scootaloo expected the following blush. He hadn't meant to show his fear so blatantly, but his literal flight reflexes betrayed him.

Still, she couldn't have him flee before getting what she wanted. "I'm not mad at you," Scootaloo assured him, even as she crept closer. "Just give me what I want, and there won't be any problem."

Featherweight dropped his punch, his face even redder than the stain on his leg. "I. You. We. That. But—"

"Shh." Scootaloo put a forehoof to his lips. A panicking colt would tell her nothing. "It's gonna be okay."

After a moment, Featherweight swallowed and nodded. "O-okay."

Scootaloo beamed. "Great! So, tell me everything you know about Zipporwhill."

The colt just stared at her for a moment. His wings went down and his breathing went back to normal. Scootaloo let him collect himself. Finally, after a few false starts, he got a "What."

She rolled her eyes. Colts. Even when they were skinny as a rail, they were thicker than a post. "You know, new filly? Pegasus? The reason we're all here?"

Featherweight facehoofed for some reason, and then he was all scowls and gritted teeth. "I'm familiar with her, yes."

"What's your problem?"

"My problem is you leading me on when all you want is a… a dossier! On my cousin, no less!"

Scootaloo blinked. "She's your cousin?" She glanced up — of course it was up — at her nemesis for a moment, comparing her to Featherweight. "Oh. Huh. Yeah, you two almost—"

"I know."

"Oh. Heh. Sorry, you probably get that a lot." Scootaloo coughed into a fetlock. "Still, you're the colt who keeps tabs on everypony, right?"

Featherweight took a deep breath and muttered something the filly didn't catch. Louder, he said, "Alright, what do you want to know?"

Scootaloo had prepared for this. At Dash's recommendation, she'd turned to the Daring Do novels to see what to do with a nemesis. "Weaknesses, usual tactics, long-term plans, anything you can give me."

This just got a funny look for a few seconds. "Um, she likes cute stuff, just about the only time she isn't flying is when she's asleep, and she says she's going take good care of her puppy, and I guess her cutie mark supports that, but if it's anything like her flute lessons, she's gonna get bored with it soon."

"I see." Scootaloo nodded. "I may be able to use that. Anything else?"

"Well there is one other thing. You're not the only one who wanted to know about her."

An ally? "Really? Who else?"

"Young mistress, you have a visitor."

Diamond Tiara looked up from her Junior Plutocrat Dream Sweatshop and quirked an eyebrow. Silver Spoon visited often enough that the help referred to her by name, so it wasn't her. Still, like Daddy said, opportunity knocked quietly. A smart pony kept one ear pointed at the door. "Send them in."

As Scootaloo trudged into the room, Tiara masked her shock about as well as could be expected. "You!?"

The pegasus glared at her. "I'm not too thrilled about this either."

Tiara analyzed the situation while somehow holding back her devastating wit. There was no sign of the rest of the Blank Flank Brigade, which meant either this was a con, or Scootaloo needed something that only the prettiest, smartest, most humble filly in Ponyville could provide. "Why are you here?"

"I…" Scootaloo made a face like she'd just eaten a bucket full of lemons. The lemons and the bucket. "I need your help."

Tiara scoffed. "And why should I help you with anything, especially after that little hoop jump of yours stole my rightful place as flagbearer in the Games?"

The pegasus fixed a glare on Tiara that made her realize she was alone with a pony who had every right to hate her, caused disasters wherever she went, and hung out with a mare who routinely broke the sound barrier. She was suddenly very glad there was a model manufactory between them. But then Scootaloo said the magic word: "Zipporwhill."

Diamond's dread was forgotten in an instant. "Ah. The chicken's jealous of the hummingbird, is she?" The glare redoubled. The earth filly coughed into a fetlock to cover her scramble for composure. "Well, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, I suppose. Though, really, that could apply to either one of you. Why should I side with you when I could just use her as a replacement for the bumpkin's chunky cousin?"

"I know you've talked to Featherweight. We both know she's way too nice to pick on anypony like you do."

"Huh. I was wondering how you knew to come to me." Tiara pursed her forehooves before her. She could get away with lying on her belly before such an obvious inferior. So long as the playset was between them. "Still, you underestimate me. If I can turn Apples against Apples, who's to say what I can do with that perfect pegasus princess?"

Scootaloo smirked. "Did you hear yourself just then? Even I could tell how much you hate her."

Tiny model wage slaves went flying as Tiara pounced, knocking Scootaloo on her back. Muzzle to muzzle, she shouted, "Of course I hate her! That insufferable little pixie is the darling of the whole town! She's so sickeningly adorable, everypony's stopped paying attention to me! And that tiara! Where does she get off wearing that tiara? I should be wearing that tiara, not some sweetness-and-light horsefly who doesn't know the first thing to do with a cult of personality!" She huffed and puffed, her eyes gazing at nothing, pupils shrunken to pinpricks. "It should be me…"

Scootaloo gulped. She'd been looking for an ally. Instead, she'd gone and stepped on a party mine full of crazy. "S-so you'll help me?"

Tiara's attention turned back to her. The earth filly sneered. "No. No, you are going to help me."

Sugarcube Corner.

5 Mane Street. Four o' clock. Three fillies. Two earth ponies. One unicorn.

Infinite awkwardness.

Apple Bloom squirmed in her seat. "Why're we doin' this again?"

Silver Spoon sighed. "DT's got a bug up her rear over the new kid. Apparently the dodo does too."

"And Scootaloo called in a favor for that time you took apart her scooter," added Sweetie Belle.

"Ah put it back together! Ah just wanted t' see how th' durn thing turns when th' handle ain't attached t' th' wheels."

The door to the Corner opened. Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara strode in as one, united through vengeance. They approached the table where their friends sat and stood before them. Each turned to the other, and Scootaloo dipped her head to Tiara, who nodded and began addressing the assembled foals.

"You're probably all wondering why we called you here today—"

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. "'Cause you 'n' Scoot 're in a snit over that Zipporwhill filly. Big mystery."

Tiara gritted her teeth and glared at her secondary nemesis. "Silence!"

Scootaloo put a foreleg between them and turned to her fellow Crusader. "Please, hear us out, Apple Bloom." She narrowed her eyes. "For Jolene."

"Fine," Bloom huffed. "But make it quick. Perfectly good Sunday an' here we are, plottin' 'gainst somepony who ain't hurt nopony."

"Not yet, she hasn't," Scootaloo cautioned her. "She's still… what'd you call it, Tiara?"

"Building her power base." Diamond Tiara snarled. "I recognize the tactics all too well. After all, I used them back in kindergarden. All that simpering sickly sweetness, making everypony think they're your best friend when you're really trapping them in the honey." She smirked and tilted her head at her ally of convenience. "Fortunately, Flightless here's been covered in tree sap enough times to recognize the signs. Never thought she'd be the smart one out of you three."

Scootaloo nudged her. "Cool it, Tiara. We're working together, remember?"

This got a shrug. "Hey, old habits die hard."

"Okay, enough banter," said Sweetie. "Do we actually have a plan, or are we just going to sit here?"

"Yes, to business. Alright, gentlemares, how do we defeat Supermane?"

All five looked at Pinkie Pie. She looked back and smiled. "What? It's a slow day."

Tiara wasn't the only filly who knew how to recognize an opportunity. Apple Bloom donned her best puppy-dog eyes. "Pinkie, c'n you try an' talk sense inta these two? They're convinced Zipporwhill's gonna try an' take over th' town or somethin'."

The other fillies just stared at Apple Bloom until Silver Spoon said what everypony was thinking. "You want Pinkie Pie to talk sense into somepony. Pinkie Pie." After a moment, she turned to the mare and gave a weak smile. "Um, no offense."

Pinkie waved a hoof. "Oh, none taken. You should've seen how my last try at a pep talk went. I mean, there's being blunt, and then there's accidentally creating a hypothetical situation that reduces one of your friends to a quivering pile of terror."

She turned to the co-conspirators. "Still, you two may be overreacting just a smidgen. I mean, Zipporwhill's favorite kind of cupcake is red velvet. I don't think anypony who likes red velvet cupcakes can be evil. Not irredeemably." She tapped her chin with a hooftip. "Hmm. I'll have to ask Twilight and see if we can take the Elements out of the Tree of Harmony for a quick Rainbow Beam of Fix Everything™, just to be safe."

The fillies looked at one another, seeing their own unease on four other faces. "Uh, we appreciate the thought and all, Pinkie," said Scootaloo, "but we'd really rather try and resolve this on our own."

Sweetie's hoof went to her horn. "And I don't want any more vines taking control of my magic."

"Or sproutin' all over the orchard," added Apple Bloom.

"Or wrecking Barnyard Bargains." The Crusaders looked at Diamond Tiara, who swept a withering glare back. "What? Did you think you were the only ones those stupid vines messed with? There were thousands of bits worth of damage and ruined merchandise!"

Pinkie sighed. "Well, if you're sure. I mean, I could just try using Boneless. He's gotten this funny rainbow-only-not-quite-a-rainbow effect ever since Cheese Sandwich gave him to me. That's bound to have some kind of future plot relevance."

Everypony at the table nodded like bobbleheads in the post-apocalypse, accompanied by a synchronized "We're sure" from Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara.

"Okay…" Pinkie dipped her head and dragged her hooves upstairs.

Sweetie Belle frowned as she watched the party pony. "Do you think we should—"

"Welcome to Sugarcube Corner!"

All eyes turned to the counter. Sure enough, there was Pinkie, her usual smile in place. And on the other side was…


"Could you two stop doin' that?" asked Apple Bloom. "Gettin' kinda creepy."

Neither paid her any heed, focused on their own rushed, hushed exchange. "Does she suspect something?" Scootaloo asked.

"If she does," answered Tiara, "she's even more dangerous than I thought. Especially if she turns Pinkie Pie. She'll know all about us!"

"What do we do?"

"We need to move to a fallback position. Your clubhouse. It's isolated, we can stock supplies—"

"Uh, Tiara?" said Silver Spoon.

"And if she gets to Applejack? She's already got at least three of her best friends! What about your place? It's huge; she'll never know we're there."

"Scootaloo?" called Sweetie Belle.

"Unsustainable. My daddy's sure to be a high-value target, and I can't just hide and let her take him for her own."

"Where, then? I'm not going into the Everfree just to—"

Apple Bloom got up and stuck her head in the huddle. "Hey. Knuckleheads." The plotters looked up, whirling thoughts leaving their faces blank. She pointed a hoof. "She's right there."

Zipporwhill gave a shy wave, a cookie in one hoof. "Hi."

Scootaloo and Tiara froze in place, their mouths agape. Instincts urged them to run, to bunch together, to fan out. Indecision settled on holding still lest she see them.

Apple Bloom sighed. "Alright, Ah'm puttin' this t' bed. Zipporwhill?"


"Y' plannin' t' take over town?"

The filly blinked a few times, trying to process the question. Her mouth worked silently a few times. "…Nooo. No, I'm not."

"Recruitin' anypony fer yer own evil purposes?"


"Plottin' th' downfall o' all Equestria?"

"No." Zipporwhill giggled. "I like this game. How about you?"

Apple Bloom smirked. "Done hit a snag. Turns out applewood's good fer a lotta things, but giant robots ain't one of 'em."

"You're building a giant robot?"

Bloom smiled. There was the Scootaloo she knew. She turned and gave a laugh. "Course not! Mighta drawn up a few blueprints, but Ah ain't gonna start without you 'n' Sweetie!"

Scootaloo beamed. "Cool!"

Sweetie nudged her. "Scootaloo? Don't you have something you should say to somepony?"

"Huh?" The realization hit, and the orange filly's ears fell flat. "Oh. Right." She turned to her fellow pegasus. "Zipporwhill, I'm sorry I was so jealous of you."

Zipporwhill boggled at this. "You? Jealous? Of me? But you're the coolest pegasus ever!"

There was really only one response to that. "Say what now?"

"Cousin Featherweight has told me so much about you! Your scooter tricks, your courage, your determination!" She hovered close and whispered, "I think he likes you."

"I…" The conversation at the cuteceñera replayed in Scootaloo's mind. Her blush almost lit up the bakery. "Oh. Oh gosh."

"Hey!" A shout and a shove from Diamond Tiara broke her out of her revery. "Don't tell me you're buying this! She's obviously just feeding your ego." The earth filly sniffed. "Though you and that beaver-toothed twig deserve one another."

Zipporwhill took this in and nodded to herself. "You must be Diamond Tiara."

Tiara turned to her, scowling. "Must I?"

"Featherweight told me about you, too. You're the filly who made him betray the truth."

Tiara pushed Scootaloo out of the way and moved directly beneath Zipporwhill. "He took those photos with a smile on his face! He enjoyed every minute of working under me, no matter what he said afterwards!"

The pegasus dipped down. Her eyes narrowed as tiara met tiara. "You are everything he said and more. I almost pity you. Almost."

"You think you're better than me? Any different from me? I've seen the way that bearded blimp you call a father waits on you hoof and tail!"

"You know what the difference is between my papa and yours?" Zipporwhill moved away, and her expression softened to something like regret. "My papa can say 'no.'"

Tiara's rage oozed out of her, leaving only confusion. "You make that sound like a good thing."

Zipporwhill nodded. "Exactly." She drifted towards the door.

The Crusaders looked at one another before following. "Wait up, Zipporwhill!"

"Y' wanna come see our clubhouse?"

"Got any liftoff tips?"

Silver Spoon watched them go before turning back to her friend. Tiara hadn't moved an inch. "Uh, DT?"

"I… I don't understand." Tiara stared at nothing. "How is that a counterargument? Did… did she give up? Do I win? It doesn't feel like I won." She noticed the other filly. "Spoony, did I win?"

Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses, coughed into a fetlock, and found herself out of ways to delay her answer. She turned to Pinkie. "Chocolate sundae with the works, please."

The mare nodded. "Yeah, she's definitely gonna need some ice cream for that burn."

Author's Note:

Remember: The roans in Spone will only loan cologne. (Thanks go to horizon for giving me a much better rhyme than the original, which involved tequila, which is Mexican, and thus the rhyme displeased my inner Twilight.)

Since the community has yet to come to a consensus on the fellow credited as "Pegasus Dad," I went with something that felt right for a pegasus with a guitar mark.

Ollie Outie is by and large expy of Dirk Strider and my go-to pony for Scootadad, as seen in Elementals of Harmony. Really, I can think of no one better.

Scootaloo refers to her scooter as "her" in "Secret of my Excess." I have decided she named it Jolene, for my own inscrutable reasons and totally not because of a joke involving a Dolly Parton song that I have planned. :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright:

As for why I wrote this? Well, several Derpibooru comments noted that between her cutie mark and constant flight, Zipporwhill is basically the anti-Scootaloo. Then someone proposed a headwear rivalry between her and Diamond Tiara. From there, the wheels started spinning, my muse ran with it, and I did all I could to hang on to the leash.

Comments ( 47 )

That makes it about five hours between Skywriter's post and this story?
Respectable, I say! :moustache:

> Remember: The roans in Spone will only loan
… cologne.

Seriously, Sponish colts are second only to Istallions in devotion to personal appearance.

I knew such a fic would happen as soon as I saw her. She is indeed the anti-Scoot. All praise her!

Silver Spoon should be upset as well, since Zipporwhill wears glasses a lot better than she does.

And as a player of Magic: the Gathering, you should recognize Scootaloo as a Whippoorwill: the card that's famous for showing a bird in flight, but the creature doesn't have flying.

... I saw the fic's name, and the first thing that came to mind was Scootaloaf.

Now I wanna see a fic where she bakes bread, or is baked into bread. I dunno. I'm hungry, don't judge me! *runs away crying*

This is beautiful and perfect and I love you.

(how the hell did you do this so fast, though, goddamn)

She also has a better tiara then Diamond Tiara

Holy cheesecake, this is loveably epic :heart: Everyone's in character and the problem was resolved without anyone getting hurt. Well, save for that one burn :scootangel:

The current cover art is a stopgap until something better comes along.

That's a shame, because I think it's utterly perfect.

Shame the feature-box is full up, otherwise this would so be deserving.

3971330 3971740
Truth be told, I was considering the idea a few hours after the episode. I already had the scene at Diamond Tiara's house written out before I saw the blog. That catalyzed the process.

:raritystarry: Yes. Perfect. Thank you.

No! Feed not the beast with your worship, lest she consume us all! :pinkiecrazy:

Ah, but Spoon doesn't have glasses on her flank. It's not her identity that Zipporwhill attacks simply by existing.
And yes, I was tickled to note that the constantly flying pegasus was named after the inexplicably flightless bird. I admit, even I'm not sure which one kept Tiara's ego from regenerating. :raritywink:



"Welcome to Cooking with the Crusaders! I'm your host, Scootaloo, and NO SWEETIE DON'T POUR THAT—"

We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by.

Heh. If you say so. :twilightsheepish: Believe me, between my art skills and the software I have to work with, figuring out how to make hollow circles was actually an achievement.
As for the feature box, it would've been nice, but when you put out a story the same day as a RainbowBob clopfic, it's probably not going to happen. (Though he did favorite this. :rainbowkiss:)

Ollie Outie is the best name for a Dirk expy, or maybe that's just the fact no other names for a dirk expy have been given. I believe this shall get a Twist :twistnerd:

I LOVE the coverart! :pinkiecrazy:
Reading now. :twilightsmile:

Can't believe it took me this long to get to this one. Something about that description and adorable cover told me though that I would need to find time to brace myself for potential rib bursting humor.

I was not disappoint. Three times over, and all I can say is Louie? Jolene? Plutoplex Sweatshop Playset?

Damn, I want to gush about this story and all the awesome parts. But one thing I have to give you props for is that ending, I might be mistaking but god that felt like a reference Diamond spoke.

Brilliant ending. It deserves thousands more views. If this doesn't get a feature on EQD than they should learn to upgrade their humor levels above The Caterpillar and Curious George Visits the Zoo. Just saying.

Anyways, Twilight Library stamp, and whatever else similar high standard groups that want recognition to be known as a high standards group, stamps here!

P.S. Poor Featherweight... you actually earned a hug there little guy.

OUTSTANDING! THis is the best Diamond Tiara I've seen in ages! Feel proud, fair writer, thou hath somersault kicked the moon as the children say! This is a genuinely awesome atmosphere you've created, and your DT/Scoots back and forths, oh they were to die for, darling. Thanks for the show, homey.

Your Antagonist

When they were planning, I'm thinkin' 'Shit's about to go down' but after reading the rest, I'm like 'Damn!'

HAHA! Wonderful! I love the semi Scootiara!! :pinkiehappy:

"Hmm. I'll have to ask Twilight and see if we can take the Elements out of the Tree of Harmony for a quick Rainbow Beam of Fix Everything™, just to be safe."

The fact that you managed to pull off putting in the trademark symbol is quite impressive. This was very well-written, a good comedy indeed.

On behalf of The Royal Guard, I would like to offer you a brohoof.

Scootaloaf would do anything for a cutie mark (but she won't do that).

Ah just wanted t' see how th' durn thing turns when th' handle ain't attached t' th' wheels.

We all want to know that Apple Bloom. :applejackunsure:

Oooh, this was very fun! Loved the characterization, the resolution was excellent and fitted the tone of the show, and laughed at Pinkie butting in and DT's Junior Plutocrat Dream Sweatshop playset. :pinkiehappy:

Pinkie sighed. "Well, if you're sure. I mean, I could just try using Boneless. He's gotten this funny rainbow-only-not-quite-a-rainbow effect ever since Cheese Sandwich gave him to me. That's bound to have some kind of future plot relevance."

This, is the only reason I don't like season 4(Not that I don't like season Four). The whole Rainbow thingy is weird, it's EVERYWHERE!
As if Hasbro could have been a little bit more inconspicuous about it...:ajbemused:
Season 4 Future plot relevance aside, this story is Great! Hope to have more like it in future :D

(\ Thank you, good sir, both for the complements and the aid in making this Guard-worthy.
As for the ™, say what you will about Macs, they make it easy to use weird characters. You should see me discuss the Æther in my Magic: the Gathering crossovers.

Well, she did go as a horswolf for Nightmare Night... :trixieshiftright:

I think you misunderstand. It wasn't impressive that you have that character; it was impressive that it come across as overdone or terribly gimmicky.


I have a theory. You know how skateboards turn? Yeah, like that. Besides, if even somehow the handle is attached to the wheels, it would be hard to turn and keep control considering her anatomy. So, it's only logical that it would be easiest that she turn by leaning.

Yay, logic is fun. Can't do without it! :twilightsmile:

Seen you commenting on most everything and decided to check out your stories. :) This was good for a smile.

Congrats on getting featured in the Royal Guard :yay: Great story :)

Fun story, but...


For one, this would imply either that Scootaloo is adopted (I haven't read any of your other fics with him, so he might be fanonically married) or that Ollie is a closet case. For another, this would also imply that Scootaloo spends much of her time at home being terrorized by/with phallic puppets.

Which, come to think of it, would probably explain why we never see her family life.

Oh. That makes sense. I'm not exactly the best authority on this sort of thing. Forget steering a scooter, I never quite grasped that brakes are attached to a bicycle, and thus crashing into mailboxes is entirely optional.
...I think I now better understand my choice in best pony. :derpytongue2:

I did say Ollie was a by-and-large expy of the Prince of Heart. (Fun fact: his cutie mark is the Hero of Heart symbol. He claims his special talent is irony, symbolized by not being symbolized.) The pony is a bit older, a bit wiser, a micron more mature, much less horribly alone, and yes, rather lower on the Kinsey Scale. Besides, he hasn't met a pony with the sheer, unbridled sexuality of Jake English.
As for the Smuppets, those are strictly kept at his job at Radio KOLT as MC <3 (pronounced Emcee Less-Than-Three,) both a play on his cutie mark and a sign of respect towards Vinyl Scratch.
For the record, my headcanon for Scootamom is Dizzy Twister, a background pony I selected off of the wiki through the justification of "the color scheme is close." I thought having both of her parents be OCs would be gauche.

It pierced through the murmuring crowd and into her brain like the needle of Fate as it weaved her destiny.

"Weaved" generally means "moved in and out", while "wove" refers to the act of making fabric, as detailed here. The context suggests that you mean the latter.

"Ah!" She flinced back.

"Flinced" is a common misspelling for "flinched", which would fit here.

Colts. Even when they were skinny as a rail, they were thicker than a post.

I love this phrasing.

Thank you, my good Sicilian. The issues have been fixed. :scootangel:

A fine read indeed. Now that the differences between Scoots and Zipps have been shown to me, I think there's potential for a lot more to take place between them (though maybe not quite as much as Scratch and Octavia, who are extreme opposites). I think, though, that this story could have benefited from a plot driven more by their actions. Instead, it only develops through dialogue. That's not even remotely a bad thing, but I can't help but feel that some actual events would have given it some more impact.

Ha ha ha crazyness.

Flying made easy.

Hmm. I'll have to ask Twilight and see if we can take the Elements out of the Tree of Harmony for a quick Rainbow Beam of Fix Everything™


Hmm. I'll have to ask Twilight and see if we can take the Elements out of the Tree of Harmony for a quick Rainbow Beam of Fix Everything™


A nice amusing short.
And I see you seem to be a proponent of the theory that Diamond Tiara's talent is managing people(in the ruling them kind of way, not the dealing with insufferable morons kind of way)?

Going by "Ponyville Confidential," I see Tiara's talent as draconian leadership. She gets the job done, but sees browbeating, blackmail, and despotism as essential parts of her duty. See "Dink of Disaster" for more on how Tiara's magic reinforces that ability... and what happens when somepony cuts through the cow leavings.

This is one of those stories that I definitely enjoyed despite some flaws.

There was a lot of LUS at the start; "orange filly", "her fan", "pumpkin-coated stallion". It definitely makes parts of the story harder to follow. The odd thing is that there are sentences and sections where you don't give enough indication as to who is speaking and it is equally confusing. Ex; "Neither paid her any heed," "The pegasus fixed a glare on Tiara that made her realize she was alone with a pony who had every right to hate her, caused disasters wherever she went, and hung out with a mare who routinely broke the sound barrier."

Tiara pursed her forehooves before her.

Usually one only purses their lips. I really could not picture what was going on in this sentence.

Aside from that, the story is entertaining. There's plenty of funny moments, but they're paced very well. At first I was a bit annoyed by all the out-of-character behavior from Scootaloo, but I think it actually works well in the context of the ending. She spends the story being completely out-of-character, and then once she realizes what she's been doing everything goes back to normal. You could've reinforced this with an extra scene showing everyone acting normally, but I suppose the anticlimax might be part of the joke.

Like I said, a few flaws, but definitely entertaining.

Yeah, I've had some issues with LUS in the past. Elementals of Harmony is rife with it. Definitely need to fix that up at some point.

There is one other bit of the body that can be pursed: fingers. Bunch them up with the tips together in the shape of a drawstring pouch. Granted, it doesn't work quite as well with hooves.

Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :scootangel:

5387171 I thought that might be the motion you were getting at. I usually hear it referred to as "tenting" or "templing", though. The latter probably makes more sense when referring to the motion as done with hooves.

"Y-yes?" He swallowed, and his wings flared out. Scootaloo expected the following blush. He hadn't meant to show his fear so blatantly, but his literal flight reflexes betrayed him.

I upvoted just for a reference to pegasus body language that avoids being a lazy dick joke. And then you ruined it with the ending. Oh well, at least it wasn't lazy.

Such a sad ending. Scootaloo showed so much potential.

She's young. She may yet overcome her friends' good influence.

Ah, so Zipporwhill is Scootaloo's Cousin Oliver:


Diabolical! :trixieshiftleft:

In all seriousness, this was a hilarious little one-shot (although admittedly my favorite scene was the first one just because of Scoots's raw, spontaneous desire to destroy Zipporwhill, with her first scene with DT coming in a close second). I half expected Zipporwhill to turn out to be an evil genius at the end just like DT said she was (though admittedly I'm glad that didn't happen, though it would have been quite funny all the same). Also, props for good use of Pinkie randomness. :pinkiehappy:

Author Interviewer

the bumpkin's chunky cousin

Bitch, you did not. <.<

What a trip.

This was fun. Thanks for writing.

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