• Published 23rd Feb 2014
  • 1,638 Views, 66 Comments

Age Turned - Pen Brush

What did he ever do to deserve this? He didn't think that someone was going to hit him with some random spell that turned him into, well, this! And now the TARDIS isn't cooperating. maybe somepony will believe

  • ...

Caught and Trapped

A white unicorn mare with a light blue mane, magenta eyes and an eighth note cutie mark was out in Ponyville having a late night walk. She walked up the backside of the schoolhouse as she looked around, enjoying the creepy feel of Ponyville at night, and how the school itself looked like a haunted house. A timberwolf howl escaped the Everfree Forest, and her ears pricked up as she listened to more joining in as she tried to see if she could catch a glimpse of them.

Because she wasn't looking where she was going, she ended up knocking into something face first in the dark, making a hollow thump sound as her nose hit against the metal like object. She rubbed her muzzle, glaring at the tall obstruction in the middle of the hill, “Ow! What the hay is this?” she wondered aloud, her voice more scratchy then feminine. She walked around the box, studying it carefully as best she could in the dark to see if she could figure out exactly what the box was for, before she stopped in front of it again.

She shrugged, looking around, “Whatever this thing is, somepony will come and take care of it later.” she said, looking down at the foot of the object. She noticed a faint roundish outline of something next to the box, and used her magic to pick it up, the blue magical aura from her horn working as a way to illuminate it enough for her to know that she was holding a basket that probably had food in it once.

She smiled and placed it on her back, “A free basket, cool, I can use it for something later.” she said, trotting down the hill back to her house.

The white unicorn walked into the kitchen of her home and looked around as she dropped the basket onto the wooden dining table in the middle of the room. The kitchen was nothing really special to her, just a red tile floor with a white fridge and marble attached to it next to the front door. Some tall cabinets stocked with food were on the right wall that separated the living room and kitchen from each other, along with a hallway on the far wall right next to the living room opening that went to some bedrooms.

She smiled, using her magic to open the fridge as she looked in the cold interior for a night time snack, deciding to wake up her friend as she searched, “Hey roomie! I’m home!” she yelled over her shoulder, her customary greeting at this time of day. A sigh and something moving like it was in some hay answered back, and she turned to see where the source was.

She saw nothing except a gray earth pony mare wearing light brown slippers and white pajamas, glaring at her from the bedroom hallway, “Really Vinyl? Must you always tell me when you have come back from one of your little late night walks while I am trying to get some sleep? You know tomorrow is important and I need my full nights rest!” the earth pony growled.

Vinyl laughed and closed the fridge, “Aww, Octavia, come on! Its all in good fun of being roommates, lighten up a little.” she said.

Octavia frowned and sighed, “Correction Vinyl, we are housemates. I agreed on paying for half the tax of this place so you would be able to have a living space, and I am only able to do so if I get a good nights rest for the jobs that i have booked. Now, I can't very well do that without a good sleep!” she exclaimed.

Vinyl smirked, her horn glowing as she closed the front door and flicked on the light switch on the wall beside Octavia, bathing the previously darkened kitchen in a bright yellow light.

Octavia flinched and waited until her eyes adjusted before speaking, “How very mature Vinyl.” she sighed, turning to the switch, before she turned the brightness down with the slider until it was dimly lit.

Vinyl pouted, “Come on Octy! Loosen up and have fun for once, have an all night party!I found a free basket!” she exclaimed, pointing to the table.

Octavia sighed, wishing sleep had not evaded her because of her hyper friend and walked into the kitchen, “What is so special about a basket exactly?” she asked, stopping beside Vinyl.

“Um...I found it, and it was free, which makes it awesome.” Vinyl stated. Octavia stared incredulously at her, and she backpedaled, “I didn't steal it, not stolen at all! I found it in a field completely alone, just asking to be taken.” she said quickly, picking it up in her magic and shoving it in Octavia;s face to inspect it, “See? Completely fine.”

Octavia sighed and studied the exterior of the basket for anything missing, “Be that as it may...” she stopped suddenly as she looked into the basket, “Vinyl...? she asked, her voice shocked as she stared at the unicorn.

Vinyl stared back, raising an eyebrow, “What...?” she asked uncertainly.

Octavia looked back down into the basket and whispered, “Did you steal a foal?” she asked.

Vinyl snorted, “No, who would do that? That would be totally lame of somepony to do.” she replied, chuckling.

Octavia cleared her throat, looking Vinyl square in the eyes, “It would appear you would, Vinyl.” she stated.

“What...” Vinyl frowned and grabbed the basket out of her magic, looking into it herself. A small brown foal was curled up inside, sleeping with a content happy smile on its muzzle.

Her frown changed quickly into a smile as she looked at the colt, “Awesome! A little dude managed to escape my great detection skills!” she exclaimed, as the colt grunted in annoyance, and turned in the basket so he was lying on his side.

Octavia put a hoof over Vinyls mouth before she could say anything else, “Shhh! Do not wake the poor foal up, its already late and he deserves his rest. We arent able to do anything about bringing him home because of the time and how late it is, but tomorrow before I have to leave Ill figure out where his parents are and bring him home.” she whispered.

Vinyl frowned, removing Octavia’s hoof from her mouth, “Hes sleeping inside a basket, he might be homeless. I can care for him! I like him, hes cool.” she said.

Octavia shook her head, “No, he is just lost and we have to bring him back home, his parents must be worried sick. Besides, you can barely take care of yourself, much less a colt.” she said reasonable.

Vinyl frowned as she put the basket on the floor, looking at the colt inside, “Fine, but I still think hes a cool little dude.” she said.

Octavia smiled, “Glad you see it my way. Now we must figure out where he will sleep and find a way to get him out of that silly basket without him waking up.” she said, thinking.

Vinyl smirked, “Or...we could just take the handle off and put a blanket over him, it would be like a pet bed, and we can leave him in the living room.” she suggested, breaking off the handle with her magic before Octavia could object and headed towards the living room.

Octavia sighed, rubbing her eyes, “If you must, do please put him in an appropriate place and keep him warm. You have kept me up quite long enough and if I am up any longer I shall oversleep and miss my train, setting back back a few hours!” she proclaimed, walking back to her room.

Vinyl rolled her eyes as she listened for Octavias door to close before she chuckled quietly, “I set her alarm an hour or so back, totally going to be late.” she said, putting the basket down onto the light gray carpet and looking around the living room for a ‘suitable place’ for a basket.

Light from Luna’s moon shone through a line of windows above the floral L shaped couch against the far wall, off the dark brown walls. Vinyl frowned, seeing no real place she thought was good enough to leave the colt, until her eyes lit up on her turntables and speakers, right under the projector that had been installed right on the wall next to the kitchen entrance.

She smiled, “Perfect.” she picked the basket back up and moved it in front of one of the speakers. She hummed thoughtfully for a second as she thought of what was missing, before she remembered just what she needed. She walked over to an end table beside the couch that Octavia uses a lamp on to read at night and opened the small door in the front. Blankets that were neatly folded and color coordinated were stacked in a neat little row inside it.

Vinyl smiled and held down a laugh, Octavia always got so cold in the winter, the amount of blankets she needed to stay warm was a funny sight to see any time it happened to snow. She grabbed a light blue blanket out from the middle of the pile and pulled it out, closing the door quickly as the rest of the pile fell down messily from the sudden loss.

She smiled, a great idea popping into her head. She lifted the basket in her magic and brought it over, before she covered it with the blanket completely. She tied the ends of the blanket under the bottom of the basket so it wouldn't be able to come off and set the now completely covered blue basket back in front of the speaker.

Vinyl chuckled again as she looked at it, “Now the dog bed comes with its very own roof and small sky. Alright little dude, hope ya have a good sleep, don't freak out too much over anything.” she teased as she left the colt in the living room, retiring to her own bedroom.

Author's Note:

As promised by the poll, here is Vinyl and Octavia.