• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 1,250 Views, 19 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Tales of the Wastes - G-man64

The wastes of Equestria have many stories I'm known as the Storyteller and I'll tell you a few.

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Chapter 3: The Stables Shadows

Tales of the Wastes Chapter 3: The Stables Shadows

“There was stable 41 whose inhabitants were 20 mares, 10 stallions, and a manticore.”

The Defender and Rose have been traveling companions for a few days now. Both heading west towards destinations that only they knew. However, unbeknownst to them, their journey was about to take an unexpected turn and parts of The Defender’s past would come to light.


Above them there were some pegisi with much less noble intentions than our scarlet coated hero.

“Hey Bill,” one of them said to the other, “y’all see that ground-bound feller?”

“Sure do Phil,” the other retorted, “and that purty unicorn with’im.”

“You can keep the unicorn. I’m wantin’ those revolvers.”

“Right. Well then let’s get the distraction on.”

“O.K. O.K. What about this? What pre-war fruit would you want if you could revive one?” Rose asked The Defender trying to keep their game going.

“Easy,” he replied grinning from ear to ear, “pineapple!”

“Wait, what, why?”

“Have you ever tasted pineapple?”

“No why?”

“They’re good eating.”

“You also said that about bacon,” she responded with a frustrated look on her face.

“I enjoy it. I still don’t see how something is too salty. I mean how much salt and preservatives are in about nightey-eight percent of pre-war food you eat all the time?”

“Yes, but the fact of the matter is that when you made that radhog bacon it wasn’t two hundred years old and, in turn, had no need of salty preservatives, so it shouldn’t have been so salty.”

“Look, maybe it’d be better if we had some Sparkle~Cola or Sunrise Sarsaparilla.”

“I agree we need to find something to drink other than water.”

Just then BLAM a bolt of lightning struck.

“AHH!” Rose yelled. “Dante I think that lightning was aimed at us.”

“I think you’re being paranoid.” The Defender replied with a cross tone. But then another bolt struck next to him. “Or maybe you’re right. Only pegisi can control the weather so I’ll fly up and take a look.” With that he spread his wings and flew up.

“Hey, Phil.”

“Yeh, Bill?”

“I think that Pegasus who has those revolvers you like is coming after us.”

“So we’ll hide in the clouds.” And that’s just what they did.

The Defender reached the height the two were at, but couldn’t see them in the black storm clouds. “Damn,” he thought, “Well, guess I’ll just return to Rose.”

Upon his return he talked to Rose.

“I couldn’t see them in the clouds,” he said, “they’re probably still up there. Let’s find some cover.”

“Well, there’s a cave. Let’s wait it out there.”


With that, the two companions headed towards the cave.


Upon entry in the cave, Rose noticed something odd.

“I don’t think this cave is natural,” she said. “These walls are far too clean. I think this was pony made.” She then noticed a giant gear shaped door with the numbers zero-four-one painted hugely in yellow. “Yep, definitely not natural. But safer than I thought it would be.”

“Well I think we’re perfectly safe where we are. So let’s just stay here,” The Defender replied with some hesitation in his voice.

“Come on, it seems like we’ll be cozier in there.”

“Well, too bad, because I’m not goi…”Thwap!

With that The Defender fell unconscious where he stood.

When he awoke he was in a bunk surrounded by grey and Rose was above him.

“Sorry,” she said, her bright red cheeks, “I guess this dart gun is more potent than I thought.”

“Wh-where are we?” The Defender asked, still dazed.

“I opened the door.”

“WHAT,” he said with anger burning in his eyes, “HOW COULD YOU!!!!!”

“Well it was easy. There was a terminal and I hacked it,” she said with a cheerful grin.


“N-no,” she said, now cowering.

“We are in A STABLE!!!”

“That’s it,” she said, now standing. “A stable. You’re mad because we’re in one of the safest places in Equestria, trying to hide from pegasus bandits, might I add.”

“You didn’t grow up in a stable did you?” The Defender asked with an annoyed tone.

“No, why?”

“Look, I’ll tell you about when I lived in a Stable, and my escape.”

“I’d still rather hear about your battle saddle.”

“Coincidentally, that story intertwines with this one.”

“Ah, convenient.”

“Anyway, the story begins many years ago at the Hoofregon Coast…”

I grew up in Stable 12. We were safe, happy, and well fed. Though there was a catch: population control there was only allowed to be fifty-five point five ponies in the stable.

If parents had more than one child, the elder sibling had to kill the new-born foal. It was a hell I wouldn’t have wished on my worst enemy. Though I didn’t realize that until it happened.

I was about ten, the eldest pony in the Stable without my cutie mark. My mom was the librarian and a pegasus and my father was a unicorn and a medical officer. Then one day we were called into the medical room. My mother had gone into labor. Then she gave birth to a little unicorn foal - my own sister.

The Overmare handed me the Ceremonial Sledge and told me to. Do what was right for the stable! So I did. I turned the sledge on that coldhearted bitch. In the end she was only a bloody pulp. I took her Pip-Buck, her Overmare Jumpsuit, the Ceremonial Sledge, and, most importantly, the stable override code.

Security was all over me I ran with my new-born sister on my back. I entered the code and made it out of the Stable. I’d always known that the stories of there being nothing outside of the Stable were full of shit.

I began walking the rails. After a day or so, a kindly pegasus with a cutie mark of dynamite on a railway track offered me aid.

“There’s a town not too far from here,” he told me, “It’s called Railton. It was Equestria’s main rail hub. Some settlers rebuilt it from railway parts. You’ll probably find some better defense than a jumpsuit and a magical sledgehammer. I’ll take you there.”

I replied his kindness with a smile and a heartfelt, “Thanks.”

We reached Railton a few days later I immediately knew that the wastes were no place for a small foal, so I asked the merc, “Do you know anywhere I can leave my sis?”

“Well,” he said, “there’s a group trying to rebuild the M.o.P. They’ll take good care of her. Probably teach her some spells also. They’re in that hospital car right over there,” he claimed, pointing a wing towards a rail car painted bright yellow with pink butterflies on the side.”

“Thanks. Also, how about getting better outfitted?”

“That would be Halfway Pawn,” he said pointing his wing in the other direction.

I dropped my sister off at the N.M.o.P. with a kindly looking red unicorn with a white mane and a cutie mark of a caduceus wearing a pink and yellow nurse’s outfit.

“Don’t worry,” she said in a motherly voice, “we’ll take good care of her. She’ll grow up to be a great healer I, can tell.”

“Thanks,” I told her, “but could you also give her this?” As I asked I pulled out the keycard that contained the override code and tore it in two. “I don’t want to leave her. When she’s old enough, give her this and tell her to find the other half. Tell her that he’s your brother and he loves you.”

“Of course,” she said wrapping the half in a red magic field, “we’ll give this to her when she’s ready.”

“Thank you.” With that, I left the N.M.o.P. base and headed towards Halfway Pawn.

I reached the old caboose that housed Halfway Pawn and entered.

“Welcome,” the grey earth pony with a cutie mark of a magnifying glass being held up to a bottle cap said, “names Quality Search. I run this establishment. What may I help you find?”

“I need armor and…” I drifted off when I saw them two revolvers on the wall: one gold with the scales of justice on the handle: the other silver with the symbol for peace.

I immediately asked, “What’s their story?”

“The gold one is known as Justice, the silver one is Peace. They’re sister guns though they’ve never seen battle with the same owner.”

“How much?”

“What do you have?”

I took out everything I had left from the stable (other than the keycard of course) and threw them on the counter. “I grew up in a stable out west this is all I’ve ever owned: a specially made magical sledgehammer, two jumpsuits, one of which is from the Overmare, and the Overmare’s Pip-Buck. I’ve heard these are useful tools, and, if not there’s probably useful data on it. So, what do you say? All this stable swag for those revolvers.”

He looked back at me with a stern look and said right to my face, “No.”

“What?” I asked looking noticeably deflated, “why?”

“Because you’re a Pegasus. You can’t use two guns at once.”

I thought I was going to cry right there.

“Without,” he said putting his head behind the counter, “one of these.” He pulled out a device like I’d never seen. It looked like it’d go on your back and hold your guns. “This my friend,” he replied without me even needing to ask, “is a battle saddle. It’ll let you use both guns at once. I’ll throw it in at no extra cost.”

I made a sound that could only be described as a squee and told him, “think you Mr. Search.”

“Not a prob, you kinda need them.” As he said this he pointed to my previously blank flank which now bore the sight of the two revolvers crossed. As though to say “I’ll bring the ideals of peace and justice back to the wastes.” He took me out back and taught me to use the battle saddle. When I was done I continued east and eventually began my life helping the HRA as a soldier, but that’s another story for another day.

“So now you understand why. WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS STABLE!!!” The Defender yelled to Rose.

“Well, I see your point,” She replied, “but the fact is, even if we wanted to, we’re trapped until morning. I set the doors to stay locked in case the bandits were still out there.”

“Well then, if we’re here anyway, we may as well do some scavenging,” he replied cheerfully. “Come on,” he continued, standing up.


The two began scavenging. They began in the kitchen searching the fridge (the two of them still wanting some Sparkle~Cola or Sunrise Sarsaparilla). It seemed their search was useless until The Defender came out with a bottle of luminescent purplish-red liquid in his teeth and claimed,

“Jackpot. Not just Sparkle~Cola but Sparkle~Cola RAD. It says ‘Sparkle~Cola RAD! With an invigorating touch of radiation and a blast of radish flavoring! (It’s like a buck to the face! With radishes!)’ We’ve finally got a flavored beverage. Well, down the hatch.”

“Are you really going to drink that?” Rose asked concerned looking at the glowing bottle.

“Why not? It’s radish!”

“It’s also radioactive!”

“So is everything, I again bring up the prospect of the pre-war food we eat nearly every day.”

“This was radioactive, BEFORE THE WAR!!! Also I’ve heard they can make lovely explosives.”

“Well I’m thirsty and have been drinking nothing but water since the last settlement. I need something with flavor.”

“So you’re willing to drink something that was purposefully irradiated?”

“Yep,” he said with a grin from ear to ear.

“How are you a hero of the wastes?”

“How should I know? I didn’t ask for the job.”

“Please, I don’t want you to die,” she said fluttering her eyelashes.

“Fine,” he replied with a humph putting it in his battle saddle.


The two continued exploring the corridors until Rose broke the silence.

“So you know where the Overmare’s office is?” she asked in a kindly tone.

“No,” The Defender replied with a distasteful tone, “All stables were designed differently. Although,” he then said in a cheery tone, “I know where the armory is.”

“Really, how?”

“We’re standing in front of it,” he said grinning.

Sure enough, in front of them was a giant steel door with ARMORY painted on it in a bright florescent yellow. In addition to that, there were also the bones of a unicorn stallion in front of the door. He looked as though he died trying to claw his way into the reinforced room.

Rose pointed at his wrist and asked, “Isn’t that a Pip-Buck?”

The Defender looked and said, “Well they’re standard issue in a stable. You get it on the day of your cute-ceañera so I never got one.”

Rose levitated the PipBuck off the skeleton’s wrist and onto hers. “I hear they’re useful tools.”

“I’d rather not have a reminder of living in a stable, thank you very much.”

“Let’s see E.F.S. and S.A.T.S.,” Rose said searching the uses of the PipBuck.

“Eyes Forward Sparkle and Stable-Tec Arcane Targeting Spell,” The Defender replied explaining the acronyms. “Eyes Forward Sparkle is a compass that will also locate life forms and determine their hostility. Remember, if it’s yellow be mellow, if it’s red it’s dead. It’ll also tell you where your set waypoint is and where to go for your quests. Stable-Tec Arcane Targeting Spell will help you aim. Also on some newer models it slows down time to near a crawl to let you decide what to do. But this one’s too old for that, though it will still improve the accuracy of your hits. So that’s still good. It looks like it’s one of the original models. He must have worked for Stable-Tec.”

Rose continued, “Inventory management systems, maps, medical status, quests, hey there’s a note on this.”

“So read it,” said The Defender.

Personal Files from Dr. Anesthetic (head medical researcher for Stable 041):

Entry 1: By Luna’s mane why did I enter this Celestia damned stable program! Wait, that’s right, I DIDN’T!!! I WAS DRAFTED FOR IT!!! That’s what I get for working for that damn corporation. I still remember what they said about the stable program, “It’ll save you. You’ll have a better life,” what a load of shit. I regret helping work on Stable 111. Every damned pony at fucking Stable-Tec can BURN IN FUCKING HELL!!!!!. Screw you, Applebloom, up yours Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle I’m not even going into what I’d do to that fucking little cunt of a unicorn bitch (even if she was just head of public relations it’s namely due to our “personal history”). Those three had better hope I die in here otherwise they’re all doomed!!!!! I probably will die anyway with who they assigned as an Overmare. It’s not a mare. Hell, it isn’t even a pony. IT’S A FUCKING MANTICORE!

Entry 2: I’m beginning to question not only Stable-Tec but all of the Equestrien government. The Ministry Mares, the army, even Luna and Celestia. Why the hell are we even at war? I’ll tell you. IT’S ALL OVER SOME FUCKING DAMN ROCKS!!!!! Ponies want fucking coal from the zebra homeland. Zebras want fucking gems from Equestria. Why? Because fucking earth ponies can’t use magic and need coal for their machines. Zebras can’t use fucking magic and need gems for their fucking magic fetishes. It’s not the zebra’s fault we’re at war. We both have what the other wants. It’s greed. I don’t care what MI says zebras aren’t the only greedy ones. We’re pretty damned greedy too.

Entry 3: I got a call from the outside my old friend Rottinghan. Well he claimed to be Rottinghan his voice was different all gravelly. But still, the aspect of a friend even possibly being alive outside this hellhole… It’s the only hope I have left in this world. Though he said he was at Fillydelphia? They got hit hard. He must have gotten enough radiation to kill ten ponies. Though he always was lucky. Also to make this day even better, my wife has given birth. I’m a father though we don’t have a name yet. I hope he lives long enough to have a full life outside of this hellhole.

Entry 4: That’s fucking it. The fucking Overmare (Overcore?) has crossed the fucking line. It broke out of its fucking office and attacked Clubshot (the Security Head). I declared her dead (though it wasn’t hard to figure that out, since she was fucking eaten). We’re taking that monster out. But Clubshot was the only one with the code to the armory. Also nopony else has a weapon. However there is a pony who claims he can hack. Let’s hope he’s not crazy.

Entry 5: THAT FUCKER!!!!! He couldn’t hack worth shit! He locked us out now hacking’s impossible, even if any of us could hack something like that. So he said, “Oh don’t worry, I can pick locks,” and guess what? HE BROKE THE FUCKING BOBBY PIN INTO THE LOCK!!!!! Now the only way to get into the Armory would be to get it from the Overmare’s office. Well, never trust somepony whose cutie mark is a caved in skull, I guess.

Entry 6: I don’t believe it. My lovely wife Amnesia is dead. She decided to go it alone and attack the Overcore in its office to unlock the armory. She’s gone now. That’s it-I’m taking that bastard out! I’ll claw my way through! I’m getting into the armory, even if I die trying!

Rose looked up from the PipBuck crying, “I wish I could have had the chance to meet Dr. Anesthetic. I feel sorry for him.”

“I told you stables are hellholes. They’ve killed many great ponies,” The Defender replied in a somber tone. “I’m sure your friend was one of them.”

“Hey?” Rose asked, “Can manticores live approximately two centuries without food?”

“I don’t think anything can. Why?”

“Thanks to the PipBucks map I’ve located the Overcore’s office, and that means we can probably get into the armory.”

“Sounds fine to me.”


The two made their way to the Overcore’s office. Inside, there were the usual things: a terminal, some boxes, a locker or two. Though there was one thing that was amiss. There was the skeleton of a manticore with a specially built PipBuck on its tail.

“Yippie,” Rose squealed in delight seeing the still powered terminal. “Terminal hacking time.”

The terminal was easy enough to hack (the code was mantikiller), and, inside, she found something of interest-an audio-file from Stable-Tec.

“I’ll just record this onto my new old PipBuck for later,” she said. “For now, let’s just open the armory.”


The two returned to the armory and entered.

“Hey Dante,” Rose yelled, “there’re some revolvers over here. You may be able to use them to repair Peace and Justice. There’s also ammo.”

“Great,” he replied grinning from ear to ear. “I found some useful things too.”

“Like what?” Rose asked beginning to walk to The Defender. As she did it appeared as though he proceeded to hide something. “Hey what’s that?”

“Er… nothing,” he said with a distressed look on his face. “Er… just a copy of Wingboner Magazine,” he said with a sheepish look on his face.

“Well, we’re both adults, no need to hide something that inconsequential.”

“Right, I’ll remember that next time,” he said as fast as he could. “I also found you this,” he said continuing to talk fast while tossing her a hand cannon (which her PipBuck quickly identified as the Mantikiller). “Well it’s been a long day. I’m gunna hit the hay. Good night,” again talking fast. With that, he proceeded back to the sleeping quarters (still hiding whatever it was) leaving Rose alone.

“Is he on Dash or something?” Rose wondered to herself. “Nah no way he’s on drugs. Well, long as I’m on my own, I guess I’ll do some scavenging. Let’s see, the medical clinic is this way.” So she exited the armory going down the grey halls towards the medical clinic.


The Defender was lying awake on his bunk looking over the paper he’d found.

“This is definitely a map,” he said, “definitely a map of Canterlot the pre-war capitol city-the one bombed with the zebra’s pink cloud megaspell. And if this map’s right then the house here is where I’ll find the second one,” he grinned widely and said, “two down, four to go. I don’t think anypony would ever say this, but, thank you, Celestia, for necromadic mist and two century old dead brothers of famous ponies.”


Rose entered the medical clinic and saw the usual: a medical table, some medical boxes, supplies, a terminal. Though there was also something unusual in the room a box filled with small crystal orbs each one with a number on it.

“I’ll examine those later. For now, its hacking ti- aww,” She was disappointed to see that the terminal didn’t need hacking, “Oh well, I can still see what’s in it.” So she uploaded the terminal’s entries into her PipBuck and began by reading the first few.

Message from M.o.M./Stable-Tec to Stable 041 doctors:

We are providing you with memory orbs to be used as anesthetic. Normally this would be useless with non-unicorn ponies, but we’re also including instructions to do a newly made spell. With it, a unicorn can transfer the memory orb effect to anypony (it should also work on zebras but nothing else). Only those whose special talents involve medical or memory orbs should attempt this. And please remember to play them orb #1 first.

Dr. Anesthetic Medical journal:

We’ve tested the transfer spell. It works! Clubshot’s operation went off without a hitch. This stable is almost perfect. But I still ask one thing, WHY THE HELL IS THERE A MANTICORE IN THIS STABLE?!?!? And more importantly, WHY IS IT OUR LEADER?!?!? It can’t even think yet alone talk. We’re all gunna die in here. I really am starting to hate Stable-Tec.

Message to Stable 041 medical staff from M.o.M.:

We regret to inform you that orb #3 is the incorrect orb. We’ve accidentally sent you one of our orbs from a court trial of a zebra sympathizer. Please refrain from using this orb. The correct orb will be sent ASAP. We apologize to you for any inconvenience.

-From the personal terminal of PP Mare of M.o.M.

“So these are memory orbs,” she said picking up one of the orbs with her magic. “All I need to do is focus and…”


Before she knew it she was in a wholly new body. She felt strange. She could see from the mirror that she had an orange coat and wings, a purple mane, and was wearing a business suit (which was obscuring her cutie mark). Then she began to talk.

“Hello there I’m Scootaloo,” said the Pegasus who Rose was. “If you’re seeing this then you’re me. Well not me, me, but you me.” She began to speak in a hushed tone, “Damn these things are confusing when you try to explain them. I shoulda taken Pinkie’s offer to do this, but it’s partially my company. I’m VP and in turn it’s my responsibility.” She began talking in a regular tone again, “For those of you who aren’t unicorn or haven’t used a recollector this will be an all new experience. You are experiencing this exact moment in my mind. So you are me. As for you, don’t worry. Your body is currently out of tune with everything. So you feel nothing and know nothing. This is why we’re using this as an experimental anesthetic. We have many orbs of ponies watching movies so you’ll be out of touch for a few hours letting the doctors do their thing. Now that you’ve been introduced to the orbs, please select which movie you want to watch. Tell the doctor, and your procedure will begin.”


Rose awoke back in her own body.

“Celestia, so that’s how it feels to be a Pegasus. I’ve gotta say, I don’t envy Dante. When I’m in one of those orbs I’m defenseless, according to Scootaloo. So I guess I’ll watch one now when I know I’m safe. They said #3 was the trial so let’s see that.” With that she reached out with her magic and focused on orb #3.


She again awoke in a strange body. This one again lacked a horn. It also lacked wings. She also felt something strange down low. It wasn’t long before she realized she was in the body of an earth pony stallion.

He (she?) began to speak, “Ms. Filework secretary of Stable-Tec headquarters in Fillydelphia. You stand accused of being a zebra sympathizer. How do you plead?”

“Not guilty your honor,” the grey unicorn mare with a filing cabinet cutie mark replied, “I work for one of the biggest companies in Equestria. I love this country. I’d never betray it.”

“I wish it wouldn’t come to this, Ms. Filework. Do you remember a call from the mares of M.W.T. and MI a few weeks ago?”
“Yes why do you ask?” she said in the most innocent voice she could.

“The call came from a Stable-Tec/M.o.M. hub in Trotdale and the M.o.M. records all calls coming from or going to their hubs.”

“Wait? A joint hub between Stable-Tec and M.o.M.? Why?”

“The mare of M.o.M. convinced the Stable-Tec president to let her build an experimental stable. In turn in her craziness, she decided to rebuild that hub into the Party Time Stable-Tec HQ. But that’s neither here nor there. The fact is that we have this call.”

They brought in an audio tape and from it came a pony’s voice with a noticeable western drawl.

“Listen here, missy, I demand to talk with my sister RIGHT NOW!!!”

Then came a voice of pure sophistication that was a stark contrast to the first.

“As do I.”

Then came a third voice from the opposite end of the line, a voice that clearly belonged to Filework.

“Come now. I’m sure that with your ministry’s connections you can find a simpler way of doing this. The M.W.T. and MI right? Speaking of which, how’s your joint work with M.A.S. going, Ms. AJ?”

“What in the hey?!” came the first voice. “How’d you know about that?”

“Know thy enemies-know thy self,” came the voice of Filework followed by the phone hanging up.

“This proves that you’re in league with zebras. Admit it and tell us everything you know. We’ll go easy on you,” the stallion Rose was riding said in a stern voice.

“Yes I admit it,” Filework said crying “I’m working with the zebras. I’ll tell you what I know. But only if you promise that this trial won’t be public that the zebras won’t know about any of this.”

“Might I ask why?”

“As I stated I love Equestria. I don’t want to work for the zebras, but they’re making me. They have my family.”
“Very well. This won’t be known to the public and we’ll send Wonderbolts to save your family. Now please tell us what you know.”

“All I know is that there’s an armory just outside of the Everfree Forest, to the east of Hoofregon near some railroad tracks. But I don’t know what’s in it.”

“Thank you for the information. Fifty years at Foalsom Re-educational Facility!” he said banging his gavel.
“What? I thought you said you’d be easy on me?!”

“And we will be as soon as we confirm that everything you’ve said is true. We don’t know if there’s really an armory or if your family is truly in danger.”

“A sob story to try to make the court go easy on you. Do you really think that’s never happened before? Bailiff please remove the traitor from the courtroom.”

The bailiff did as he was told. His horn glowed, and before she knew it, Filework had on a pair of hoofcuffs and was being escorted from the room.

“Next case,” the judge said, “Equestria vs. Dr. Anesthetic.”


Rose again woke in her own body.

“Well now we know where there are some new weapons. Zebra-made but still weapons. But now we need to know where that other orb is. I need to know what happened to Dr. Anesthetic before his life in the stable. Well, I guess I’ll just get some supplies and go to bed.”

And that’s exactly what she did. She loaded up her saddle bags with some healing supplies (and a few more memory orbs) then headed to the quarters where she saw Dante sleeping. She went to the bed next to his and read the nameplate on his bed: ‘Dr. Anesthetic’ then hers: ‘Amnesia’.

“Well,” she thought as she tucked herself in to the bed, “makes sense to me.” With that, she fell asleep.


The Defender woke up the next day and woke up Rose.

“Come on let’s get out of this Celestia forsaken hellhole,” he said to her.

“Alright,” she replied still rubbing her eyes.

And with that they left. Though once outside, The Defender stopped Rose.

“Alright to the north,” he said pointing north.

“But my E.F.S. says to continue west. It says that’s where my daughter is,” Rose said firmly.

“Yes but thanks to you we spent the night in a deadly hellhole. My turn to repay the favor.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean we’re visiting the capitol. We’re going to Canterlot.”

“We, we won’t be long will we?”

“Not at all. I just want to find something.”

With that, the two headed north towards one of the deadliest places in the wastes-The Canterlot ruins, and towards a goal only The Defender knew.

Footnote: Level Up (Dante)
New Perk: Pathfinder – Travel time to remote locations in the Equestrian Wasteland is reduced by 25%.

Companion Perk level up: Trusting Friend (level two) – You’ve shared stories from your past. She knows of things you thought nopony other than you ever would. As long as Rose is your companion you gain additional dialog options in addition to the original benefits of Trusting Friend.

Footnote: Level Up (Rose)

New Perk: The Magic of Friendship – When your HP or the HP of any member of your party drops below 30%, all members of your party (including yourself) gain much greater resistance to damage.

New Quest: The Good Doctors Past
Objective: Learn about Dr. Anesthetic and in turn the pre-war world.