• Published 20th May 2014
  • 8,151 Views, 169 Comments

Champion of Equestria - Buddy Hooves

In a world of talking equines, one man must learn adjust to his new life as one of them. All while trying to control strange powers he has yet to understand.

  • ...

Chapter 18: Taking it easy

"Mark! Spike! Hurry up guys, we're going to be late." Twilight yelled from the main hall of the castle.

"Just a second!" I yelled back from the top of the stairs. Spike and me were well over an hour preparing for today, hatching out a plan for us for the day. For the last couple of days, I have been taking it easy by staying inside the castle. I didn't want to, but Twilight insisted that I stay where they could keep an eye on me. At least until they were sure nothing else was going to happen to me. It took many conversations and a note from Celestia to change her mind about my lockdown. I'm so glad I had Spike write and send that letter telling Celestia about my predicament, because the look on Twilight's face as she read the response letter was priceless.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

While I agree that precautions SHOULD be set in place so no pony else can try anything against Mark, I don't approve of keeping him locked up in the castle. Remember that he did defeat his opponents twice, and seems to be learning how to use his strange powers better. I recommend giving him some advanced magic lessons, so he'll be more ready to defend himself the next time. I don't mean to tell you how to run things, I'm just giving you some ideas.

Let me know of any updates. I look forword to the next time we met.

Your friend,

Princess Celestia.

So now that my iron bars were taken off, we all decided to spend today with the others near Sweet Apple Arces and have a nice picnic. From what I heard, it seemed like everybody we knew was coming with us. Rarity, Sweetie belle, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Plus Applejack and Apple Bloom was going to be there, seeing how it was in their acre we were meeting at. Which brings us to right now.

"Okay, we're ready." I said as Spike and me headed down the stairs.

"About time!" Twilight exclaimed. "What took you boys so long?" She asked.

"Just a little something for the picnic, today." Spike boasted.

"Oh really. And what would that be?"

"Afraid you'll just have to wait and see." I smirked.

"Whatever..." Twilight sighed, rolling her eyes. "Come on boys! Or we're going to be late."

We then began to make our way out of the castle, with me and Spike snickering from behind Twilight.


"Come on, boys. Don't fall behind!" Twilight said from infront of us.

"Yes. And darlings, please be careful with the things." Rarity said.

Spike nodded and did his best to look strong as we pressed on, while I just grunted in frustration. We had stopped at the Carousel Boutique first, to pick up Rarity and Sweetie Belle. When the girls exited the shop/house, I noticed the load of bags behind them.

"Hello Rarity, hello Sweetie Belle." Twilight greeted the girls.

"Why, hello Twilight, darling." Said Rarity as she used a hoof to fluff her mane. "And hello, Mark. How are you doing?"

"Ehh.... alright." I answered. Not that I was being rude, but my mind was elsewhere at the moment. Thinking about Dark Claw, his mysterious boss and why they were after me.

".... just a few necessities." Rarity said, which snapped me back into the moment. While I was stomped over the amount of lady bags, Spike was swooning over Rarity and her beauty. After saying our "hi's", the girls asked if we would help carry the bags. Of course, because we were gentlemen, we agreed to help.

I should have known better.

We then made our way to Sugarcube Corner to pick up Pinkie Pie. Getting there was a sigh of relief for Spike and me, cause we got to set the bags down for awhile. Heading inside, we found Pinkie and Fluttershy sitting at at table with Ditzy and Dinky.

"Hi Twilight, hi Spike. Hi Mark." Pinkie greeted us with a smile & wave.

The others heard my name and I swear everyone's ears perked up.

"MARK!" everypony yelled before walking up to us.

"It's good to see you again." Fluttershy said in her ever-so-soft way. "We were all worried about you."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I would have let everypony known I was okay, if SOMEPONY didn't try to keep me locked up in the castle." I stated, giving Twilight a quick look.

"Hey, I was trying to look out for you. We still don't know when Dark Claw and his boss might strike again." Twilight huffed, looking a little upset.

"I'm sorry 'mommy'. I promise I won't hangout with strange friends and get into trouble again." I mocked. That earned a glare from Twilight, but laughs from everypony else. Even Rarity & Fluttershy held a hoof to their mouths to muffle themselfs. Twilight was about to say something back at me, when Dinky walked up to me and gave me a sudden hug.

"Hello uncle Mark." That earned a 'dawww' from me.

"Hey squirt." I smiled, hugging her back before rubbing the top of her mane with my hoof.

"Pinkie Pie was telling us about the picnic you guys have planned today. We was wondering if we could join you." Ditzy said as she walked up to us.

"I don't see why not." Twilight said.

"Of course, dear. The girls would love somepony else to play with." Rarity said.

"Thank you." Ditzy smiled up at us warmly.

"OH! One second, I almost forgot something!" Pinkie blurted out before running behind the counter. Pinkie then brought out a few picnic baskets filled with sweets & treats. One look from the girls and I knew we'd be the ones to pack them. Great! We went in with a load of stuff to carry, and we left with more stuff to pack. I thought with a sigh, not enjoying being a pack mule.

One thing's for sure, I sure am getting my workout today. I thought as we all continued walking down town, with Spike & me still carrying the load of crap. We pasted the main part of town and was coming to the last section of houses and buildings. It was then we spotted Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo standing in the middle of the street, talking to Lyra & Bon Bon.

"....and then I used my magic to throw a rocks at them." Lyra finished whatever she was talking about.

"Heh. I'll give you this, you got some real guts taking on a group of griffons like that." Dash said with a smile.

"Yeah, well..." Lyra turned her head, about to say something else. But then she spotted us. "Mark!"

"Hey Lyra. Hey Bon Bon." I greeted them as we walked up to them. "How's it going?" I asked before they could.

"Been great. But somepony's been going on non-stop about what happened." Bon Bon said, jabbing Lyra in the side.

"What?! Can you blame me?" Lyra protested.

While those two went on, Dash and scootaloo walked up to us. Dash was talking to us while Scoots was chatting with the foals, no doubt talking about what they were going to do today. Oh, to be young again.

"So, you about ready, Dash?" Twilight asked.

"Sure. We was just chatting with Lyra and Bon Bon about how we kicked those griffons' butts." Dash boasted.

"Wow, that sure is alot of stuff." Lyra pointed at the load me and Spike was holding.

"Yeah... tell me about it." I grunted.

"Ohh, come on, Mark. It's not....that....uunngh!" Spike tried to say, but had to focus on not dropping the bags and baskets.

"Looks like you guys plan on having a picnic." Bon Bon said.

"We sure are." Pinkie answered with a hop.

"Would you like to come along?" Fluttershy softly asked.

"We'd love to!" Lyra answered with just alittle too much eagerness.

"Oookay then. Then let's be off." Twilight stated.

"Hey Mark, do you need help with that?" Bon Bon asked.


And then I was buried under a pile of bags and baskets.


"Rarity, don't ya think ya brought alittle too much?" Applejack asked.

"Of course not, darling. One can never be too prepared." Rarity answered back before taking a sip from her drink.

"Ah suppose..." AJ rolled her eyes, choosing to drop the subject all together.

After about half an hour, we finally arrived at Sweet Apple Arces, thankfully, we had some help carrying the stuff. Lyra used her magic to carry a few bags, while Fluttershy, Ditzy and Bon Bon carried some others. Pinkie Pie carried the baskets and even the kids helped by using a wagon attached to Scootaloo's scooter to carry some bags as well. The only ones who didn't carry anything was Twilight and Rarity. Spike still carried most of his load, still trying to impress Rarity. Poor guy.

We soon set up our spot in the clear fields near Sweet Apple Acres, which was a perfect place for a picnic. Clear skies, clear fields, plenty of room for the kids to play while we ate and talked. It was great! With the blankets laid out, and the food placed out, we all gathered around for a meal while the kids ran around playing. As I took another bite of my sandwitch, I admired the view. I never had a picnic before, what with living in a city and all.

"This is nice." I blurted out.

"What is, sugarcube?" AJ asked, after taking a bite of her snack.

"This. ALL of this. Being at a picnic with you girls, staying in the castle with Twilight. Hell, being friends with all of you girls. Even Twilight trying to keep me in the castle, which I understand because she was trying to help me. My point is... I'm just glad I'm here and with you girls." I finished. That earned a few 'awww's' from them.

"We understand, Mark. We're glad to be with you, too." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah silly-willy. We're your friends! And friends always help eachother." Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"I know... It's just that looking back at it all, I'm glad I ended up here. I mean, two weeks ago, when I first got here, being chased by timberwolfs in the Everfree Forest, that could have gone down so MANY ways. I could have ended up as monster chow, I could have ended up lost forever in that forest, I could have ended up driven mad by what happen to me, I coul...."

"You could have been found by the one who's after you." Twilight finished my trail of thought.

"Well, it's best NOT to think about things like that." Bon Bon said.

"Yeah, the important thing is your safe here and surrounded by friends." Lyra chimmed in.

"Heh...Thanks girls." I chuckled.

"My word, could you imagine being trap in the Everfree for more the a few days? Why, your mane would be a frighting mess!" Rarity declared.

We all just looked at her and laughed.

"What did I say?"

About half an hour later, the girls were talking about some kinda Gala coming up. But didn't pay any attention, seeing how the kids were done playing and were walking towards me. I guess I should have expected something from them. I mean, I did leave the CMC last running for my life a few days ago. It would be understandable if they were upset or had a few questions. I owed them that much.

"Hi uncle Mark!" Dinky greeted me.

"Hi Squirt. Having fun?"

"Yep!" She happily nodded.

"I'm sorry about the other day, girls." I addressed Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "I would have let you all known I was okay, but... 'precautions' were in place at the time."

"We understand." Sweetie Belle said.

"You do?"

"Yeah. Our sisters told us about everthing that happened when they got back." Apple Bloom explained. "They were just glad ya all was okay."

"Is it true you fired an energy blast so powerful that it took out a mother eel?" Scootaloo asked with sparkling eyes.

"Well, I didn't 'take it out', more like stunned it. But, yeah." I answered them.

"COOOOOOOL!!!!" They all said looking up at me with wonder and excitement.

"Yeah, and for a few seconds, he flew at it and did an awesome uppercut move." Dash suddenly said, catching me off guard. I turned to see that all the girls had now joined our conversation, looking at us with a look of almost wonder.

"You have to admit, that was pretty cool." Lyra said.

"Yes, well.... I do admit that Mark was able to pull off moves that even an alicorn would be jealous of." Twilight said with huff. "But until he's able to learn how to control his magic, I suggest that he...."

"Can ya show us your moves?" Apple Bloom asked me with tinkling eyes.

"Yeah! Show us how you were able to whip that eel." Scootaloo yelled with excitement.

"Please, Mark?" Sweetie Belle asked, giving me the puppy dog look. The other two soon joined their friend.

"Absolutely not!" Twilight protested. "Every time Mark has used his magic, it has left him terribly weak. There's no way he's just going to use his..."

"It's okay, Twi." I interrupted her by raising my hoof.


"Watch this..." I smirked.

I took a few steps back, so the others wouldn't be in the way. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breathe and then began looking for that little ball of magic in my mind. Finding it was becoming more and more easy, but breaking the barrier around the magic was pretty taxing. But what Twilight didn't know, was that while I was being held inside the castle I was reading advanced magic books and practicing alone in my room. Nothing as big or as powerful as a Kamehameha, but just enough so I could start getting used to using magic. Giving a small push, I was able to gather just enough energy so I could pull what I wanted to do.

Opening me eyes, I gave a small smirk before jumping into the air, and hovered in place, causing everypony to look up at me in complete surprise. I LOVED IT! Ever since I was a little colt, I always dreamed of flying in the air like Goku or Superman, free as a bird and without wings. I started off by doing a few loops in the air, followed by circling around the others as they watched in awe. After one more big loop, I hovered high in the air as I stopped to check my surroundings. Seeing that no other pony was in the air, I then spotted a mountain off in the distance. Now that I found the perfect target, I smirked as I pointed my hoof straight at the mountain.

Gathering all my energy into one point, I focused as my hoof started to glow a faint green light. Twilight must have sensed what I was about to do, because she looked up at me with a look of concern and worry. But I just didn't pay attention as I finished charging up my move.

"Spirit Gun."


Releasing a small blast of magical energy, we all watched as my blast sailed through the air straight toward the mountain. Thankfully it saw a small blast, so barely left a dent on the rocky surface. Which was good, because I'd hate to explain to the princesses why there's a huge hole in one of the mountains. I could just see it in my head, some poor mountain goat going up the mountain, me firing my energy blast, and him watching helplessly as death sails right for him. His last words something along the lines of....

Yeah, that would be hard to explain.

Anyway, after doing yet another anime move, I lowered myself down back down to the ground. Landing a few feet away from the others. Once all my hooves were back on the ground, I looked up at them with a big old grin on my face. The look on their faces was priceless.

"So... what do you think?"

"THAT WAS AWESOME!!" The kids all screamed. Stomping their hooves and cheering with excitement at me.

"That was totally amazing, Mark! I can't believe how great you were at flying!" Dash said. The look on her face said it all.

"Ah have ta admit, that was pretty impressive sugarcube." AJ said as she walked up to me and placed a hoof over my shoulder. "Ya sure know how to put on one heck of a show."

"Wow, Mark. Just.... wow." Lyra said. She, Bon Bon, Fluttershy and Ditzy were still awe strucked.

"That was SUPERLY AMAZINGLY SPECTACULARLY GREAT!!!" Pinkie yelled with excitement.

"Yes. I must say, darling, that was quite a display of talent." Rarity smiled. "You could put on a show with your feats."

"Mark, are you okay?" Twilight asked as she walked up infront of me. "You didn't overexert yourself, did you?"

"Of course not." I boasted. "It hardly took any energy to fly around, and I only made sure I..."

Suddenly felt a wave of dizziness hit me like a ton of bricks. I started to wobble abit, but AJ a firm hoof on me to keep me in place. After getting my balance back, I gave her a small smile.

"Are ya alright, sugarcube?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Like I was saying, flying is easy. But shooting energy blasts still takes alot out of me." I stated.

Twilight just gave me a look. The "I told you so" look.

"What?" I asked. She just sighed and rolled her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh at her, cause she reminded me of an older sister. I guess that made sense, seeing as I was staying in her castle and all.


"Uh, Pinkie? Do you still have some more treats in the baskets?"

"Of course silly. Why?"

"Because doing all those moves made me built up on heck of an appetite."


As I filled my belly with Pinkie's baked goods, we all sat around and talked about the little things. Even the kids sat by us and talked about how to get their cutie marks and what they wanted to be when they grew up. It was now the middle of the afternoon, maybe around four, and the day had been a great one so far. At least I thought so, but Spike looked like he was nervous about something. Then I remembered what we had planned for today, and I realized what he was worried about.

As he looked up at me, I gave him a questioning look. He returned the look with one that looked like he was afraid he'd wet himself in public or something. Finally he got up from were he was sitting with the kids and came up to me. The others looked up at him, and I swear he looked like a deer in headlights.

"What is it Spike?" I asked, snapping him out of whatever he was in.

"What about that thing we planned?" He whispered, making sure the others didn't here him.

"I thought you were just going to lead her to a secluded spot and do it yourself." I whispered back.

"I... I can't do it, Mark. I'm too nervous."

"But I thought that was the whole point of the whole thing, was to go and woo her."

"I know, but.... could you do it with me? That way I won't feel so nervous about it?"

"ME?! But why would I..."

"Ahem!" Twilight made noise to get our attention. We quickly realised everypony was looking at us confused.

"Uhh, guys? What in the hay are ya'll going on about?" AJ asked.

"You two have been acting weird all morning. What are you up too?" Twilight asked, giving us a stern type look.

"Please Mark? Please?" Spike pleaded.

"Fine. But you owe my one buster!" I sighed.

Spike was jumping for joy while everypony else gave us strange looks. How did I get myself into this? Standing up from where I was sitting, I walked to were I was standing in front of everypony, including the kids. Spike quickly joined my side.

"Do you still remember the lines?" I asked.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Good, because your singing the main part." I huffed.

Spike just grunted at that. Not that I blamed him. Singing infront of a crowd was nerve-racking, especially infront of a bunch of girls! Everypony's ears perked up at the word "singing", and were curious at to what we were going to do next. Giving a fake cough to get their attention, I then decided to get the show on the road. Might as well get this train wreck over with.

"Okay girls, looks like we got a show for you today." I began. "Me & Spike will be singing a song from my wo..er, land, for Rarity."

"M...Me?" She asked, completely surprised.

"Spike was supposed to sing this by himself fo-OUCH!" Spike gave me a quick punch in the side. "But we decided to share it for all of you instead. You ready, Spike?"


"And with out further adew, I give you your featured presentation!"

We paused for a moment, taking a deep breathe before we began. I started off by singing the opening beat of the song, to get things rolling.

"Bump, bump, bump.... dah dah... bump, bump, bump....dah dah... bump, bump, bump...."

Then Spike started singing.

"When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be.... I'm going be the man who wakes up next to you."

"When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you."

Then I joined in.

"When I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you."

"And if I haver, well I know I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be the man who's havering next to you."

"But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more... just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door."

Then Spike went back to solo.

"When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you."

Then I joined back in.

"And when the money comes in for the work I do, I'll pass almost every penny onto you."

"When I come home..."

"When I come home..."

"Oh I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who's comes back home to you."

"And if I grow old, well I know I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be the man who growing old with you."

"But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more... just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door."

"Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah."

"Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah."

We pause to get our breathe.

"When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be...I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you."

"When I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream... I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you."

"When I go out..."

"When I go out..."

"Well i know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you."

"And when I come home.."

"When I come home..."

"Yes I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you."

"I'm be the man who's coming home to you."

"And I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more... just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door."

"Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah."

"Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah."

"Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah."

"Duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, duh la da da, dun a dunt a dunt a dunt dun nah nah nah!"

"And I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more... just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your doooooorrrrr!"

We finished the song gasping for air as we stood there for a moment, awaiting for a reaction. The girls just stared at us wide eyed, and sweat poured down our face. Then suddenly everypony started cheering at us wildly. Some even stood up and stomped their hooves while others whistled and wooed at us. We just stood there amazed by their reaction. Then Spike nudged me just enough for me to look at him.

"Thank you." He said with glossy eyes.

"Any time." I replied.


It was now dusk, as sun begun to set to make way for Luna's stars. Ditzy Doo and Dinky Doo decided to head on home, the same with Lyra and Bon Bon. The CMC were running around playing tag, Spike and Rarity went to go talk, Twilight was off to the side star gazing while the rest of us sat at the picnic spot.

"This was a pretty fun day." I said to the others.

"It was the best!" Pinkie exclaimed, before taking a gulping down her wholew slice of cake.

"Mmmmm-hmmmm." Fluttershy nodded.

"Well Ah know Ah had a blast. We should do this again sometime." AJ said.

"Hey Mark, is it true it doesn't wear you out flying like you did earlier?" Dash asked.

"Pretty much. I have yet to push how long I can keep it up, but with practice, I should be able to fly around everywhere soon." I stated.

"Sweet! You and I should totally have a race sometime. Test out your limits" Dash suggested.

"Prehaps.." I replied, before eating another blueberry muffin.

"Hey girls! Come over and check this out." Twilight hollered over at us. We all got up and went to where she was sitting. Up above us, it seemed like millions of stars covered the night sky. We all marveled at the beauty of the stars, as we even spotted a few shooting stars in the distance. Not long after words, Rarity & Spike walked over to join us. As I got a good look at them, I noticed that Rarity was blushing alittle and Spike had a few kiss marks on his face. Way to go, little guy.

At some point Applejack placed her head on my shoulder as we continued watching the stars. Not sure what I should be doing at that moment, I lightly placed my arm around her. That must have been the right thing to do, because she nuggled closer next to me with a happy sigh. I blushed as I continued looking up, not wanting the moment to end for as long as it could.

Best night ever. I thought with a smile.

Author's Note:

Phew! Finally got this chapter done! I didn't think it would take almost all month to finish this chapter, but then, I knew it was going to be long. You know, because of character devel and what not. I hope you all liked my first try at putting a song into a chapter. I may put another one in again if I get in the mood. But writing the lyrics down is a bit tricky.
Anyway, how you enjoyed the chapter, and I plan on putting another one out as soon as I can. Until then, take care.
And I'll SEE YOU.... in the next video.