• Member Since 31st Dec, 2013
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Founder of "Let's Make You Known!" Group. Wazzup.


  • TBlackest Twilight
    After Celestia and Luna's battle, a new sky was created. Twilight, loving this new sky, did whatever she could to recreate it. But when Celestia disapproves of this creation, Twilight's dark path into a twisted enemy begins...
    Zanem-Ji · 28k words  ·  124  12 · 4.6k views

Luna, sister to Princess Celestia, and Princess of the Moon, has been hiding a secret that she has kept from everypony, even long before she had been transformed into Nightmare Moon...

She has been killing ponies while they slept, taking their souls to who knows where...

What thoughts in her mind have clouded her sanity, and driven her to do what all ponies consider to be the most heinous and unforgivable crime in all of Equestria? What happens when she takes a loved one far too soon before their time, and her horrible secret is brought to light?

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 57 )

I liked this, but to me the battle between Eternal and Celestia was kinda... weak.
And what a twist! Twilight suddenly becoming evil!

4171678 Thank you for the comment, and after reading it, I added a few more details to the battle. If I can think of more to put into it, I will continue to make the changes with it. :)

this story was awesome!:rainbowkiss: keep up the good work!

Totally absolutely significantly awesome :pinkiehappy:

I have now read this story.

It was dark. (at this point I'm not sure if that was a pun)
This was brilliantly written, the tone was perfect throughout, and there's SO MUCH CONFLICT.


4318419 I'm glad that you like it! I also hope that you find the sequel just as good as the first.

I'm sure I will. After reading this I am now prepared, and thoroughly expect any possible resolution to be both bleak, and depressing.

But I'm guessing that's the theme here :)

4298898 Thank you! I'm a bit surprised with the amount of likes so far.

Begging your pardon, but cardiac arrest is a potential cause of death, not a term for death. Furthermore, cardiac arrest is where the heart is still functioning, but not at a proper rhythm to sustain life, hence the need for defibrillation (which stops the heart in the hopes that it'll restart properly); if AJ had actually died (ie, her heart stopped), defibrillation wouldn't have done any good as there would be no rhythm to restart.

And you guys can give me all the thumbs-down you want. I'm an EMT, so forgive me if I have a problem with misrepresenting medical facts.

When does Twilight get mad?

4363517 So then, you're saying I should have Pinkie saying that she ALMOST died, instead of actually dying? Or do you have another term pertaining to the heart that I could use that would allow me to still have Pinkie saying that she did die.

4364381 When does she get mad? My friend, you must go into the sequel. :)

4364462 ...If she doesn't get mad in this story, then why has it been added into the pissed folder of the Badass Twilight=Total Domination group?

4365203 Honestly, I didn't even know it got added to that group. The only things I can think of would be the fact that she does snap at Celestia and use does in fact attack her in the final chapter of this story, and that this story marks the beginning of her transformation into a villain.

4365203 And since 'Blackest Twilight' is the sequel to it (a story that I DID put in that group) that may be why it got added as well.

I really don't want to sound like a complete ass, but I can't read this story. It's all of my pet peeves together in one fic, and it's killing me. I gave it a shot, and the idea fascinates me; your execution however, scared me away. I'll still give your story an upvote, however, I don't see the need to 'hate' on a story because of personal preferences.

4407867 You don't sound like an ass, you sound like someone with an honest opinion. I'm sorry that you didn't like it. Do you have any suggestions for however far you did get into the story??

Well now..

This is going to be quite the ride isn't it?

Time to get the popcorn, and see how far Twilight's glorious new era will go...

4364459 "Almost died" would be correct.

Oh dear. Something's gonna come down, HARD.
Get your minds out of the gutter.

fluttershy didn't even get to say she was sorry

that's sad:fluttercry:

that stuped little thing is going with them ,isn'tshe ??

Amazing, simply amazing!!! I love it! This story kept me hooked the whole time. I look forward to reading the sequel. The only thing is I didn't really like how it was so obvious that Luna was the guider, but I understand why you did it, amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the Guider is probably with Fluttershy right now. They really should've told her, she's in a very vulnerable state right now.

They should've seen this coming. Twilight saw the moon turn red when the guider came for Applebloom, and Luna is the only being in Equestria that can control the moon. Because she's the only being she would allow to touch it.

You've got to be kidding me Twilight. You just stopped nightmare moon, again. AND NOW YOU'RE JUST GONNA GO DO WHAT SHE WAS IN THE FIRST PLACE!? And you too Celestia, you couldn't give her Dusk? I mean, come on its in her freaking name! How did you not see this coming? I'm disappointed in you two.


Rant at fictional characters, check.

5279686 Did you uh....get it all out of your system??? :applejackunsure:

5303270 Yeah, I just had to get that off my checklist.:twilightblush:

5303625 Ooh, if you find another story of mine worth ranting about, please, feel free to.

This was so good. All the conflict, drama, and emotions was just so amazing. Twilight's standing up to Celestia and I kinda agree with her when she said that she was Celestia's superior, cause Twilight's special talent is magic and she wields the element of magic and in the series 4 finale she ends up possessing the alicorn magic of herself, Cadence, Luna, and Celestia. So in my opinion that's why I feel that Twilight could truly be Celestia's superior.

Let me guess, Luna dies at the end of this, right? The story.

5491697 You talking about the whole series or...just the first book...

the series?
or does she get imprisoned?

Yes, spoil it for me, I would feel better reading it if she doesn't die or stay imprisoned forever.

Every fucking time I read your "ah ah ah achoo" interlude, I read it as "alcohol" for half a second, even now I've read it like ten times...
I think something's wrong with me... Or this fic really thrives me to drink, confound it. Shit, I'd sell my soul for a white russian now.

5546163 I can't just tell you what happens. Then I'd ruin it for the other readers :applejackunsure:


Yeah, I'm a Luna fan.

I just finished reading the prologue, and I can tel that it's going to be good.

5549890 I only have two words for your comment:

Subliminal Messages :ajsmug:

Fuck the guider. Fuck. Her.

A voice that, though she had not head in a long time

from an ever worse

Twilight's theory makes no sense whatsoever :rainbowhuh: white matter and dark matter are entirely unrelated. White matter is basically the axons linking together the main cell bodies of neurons which hold the dendrites that form synapses - the neural connections that let the cells communicate and pass around information. White matter is basically just a bundle of fibres holding the brain together and allowing the grey matter - the actual neuron bits themselves - to communicate.

Dark matter on the other hand is matter which does not reflect, absorb or emit electromagnetic radiation including light which makes it very difficult to observe directly, indeed it has not yet been observed and is merely inferred from observations of the mass of objects and the gravitational effect is has on surrounding normal matter - it is theorised to make up 26.8% of the mass-energy of the universe with Dark Energy taking up 68.3%. It has absolutely nothing to do with white matter in the slightest.

:trollestia: Twily I'm disappointed in your research failure. It's BACK TO MAGIC KINDERGARTEN FOR YOU!
:twilightoops: NOOOOOOooooooooooooooo

6136646 I....I wasn't writing that as an actual...

Nevermind. :ajbemused:

As he pointed out though, they could hardly have brought them back after they died with a defibrillator. So the only possible case is that they nearly died (untreated cardiac arrest would lead to death pretty quickly unless the body straightened itself out somehow) as Pinkie pointed out. The dilemma is really with Twilight's answer not clarifying that AJ didn't actually die.

Somebody dislike things just to be spiteful I think...

We are admittedly talking about magic here and a different universe. The terminology is not being used in the usual context and white vs dark is a little more convenient as imagery than matter vs anti-matter. I do think the way it's used is somewhat confusing, although I've never heard of 'white matter' as a real term.

6273189 Yeah, I know, but when the two things were mentioned my mind instantly went to the RL terms and wouldn't leave it alone because 'Science does not work that way!' and my brain is awfully naggy sometimes. White matter is actually a real term though, look it up. I did Psychology in university and so we had to learn about brain structures and anatomy - white matter is, indeed, a thing. In fact there's more white matter in the brain than grey matter.

I can't really feel to sorry for Shimmer. She's an idiot. Feel so sad for Shy and RD though.

I don't feel sorry for Shimmer what so ever. She is an awful little filly who is ashamed of her own parents for being in love? What i don't understand is why is it such a big deal for mares to be together? It's not as if they have religion to tell them they are going to hell if they fall in love with the same sex. They have magic! They walk around in the nude for everypony to see their sex organs and this is the worst possible thing? i don't get it at all but hay, your story i guess.

Nooooo not Applebloom!!!! You monster!! :applecry:

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