• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 1,949 Views, 17 Comments

A Griffon Named Gilda - Hodd

Left by her parents in an orphanage, Gilda must make her way through life, day by day.

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Building Bridges

"You're late," announced Mr. Adams, as Gilda opened the door to the small derelict classroom. "Sorry, Mr. Adams. The Director wanted to see me before I reported to class," she explained, placing a single 3 ring binder on an empty desk. "Just don't let it happen again. I'd hate to have to give the newest member of the class detention," he said, voice enamored with condescension.

She took a look around the classroom. The young mares and colts looked to be slightly older than her. Most were faced forward, occasionally shooting her a look of a strange mix made up of apprehension and malice. Most of the rest were either paying attention, doodling, or asleep.

The first day of class went about as expected. "So, what exactly are you?" several ponies asked. One pony in particular walked up with an ill intentioned smirk on his face. His colors matched his attitude. His coat was a dark matte grey, and his mane a jet black with only the slightest hints of red. "So was your mom an eagle and your dad a lion? Man, that's messed up. Is that what they do where you're from?"

Gilda's jaw dropped at this. How could somepony be so cold, so cruel to someone he had never met? "Hey, leave her alone!" came a voice she hadn't heard before. Gilda was surprised by the outburst. It was from a sizable dark blue earth colt with a bright yellow mane. "Just 'cause she's different doesn't mean that you can make fun of her like that!"

The colt that had made fun of her backed off. "You okay?" asked the blue earth pony. She only nodded, a tear forming in her eye. "Look, don't let old Fang get to you. He's the jerk of the East Wing."
"Fang?" She asked, obviously confused. "That's what all the other ponies here in the East Wing call him. Mostly 'cause of the mouth he's got," the friendly earth pony answered. Gilda let a small smile form. "What's your name?" she asked. "Well, most here just call me Buck," he answered. "I'm Gilda," she responded.

Buck smiled. "Pleased to meet you, Gilda. Just tell me if any of Fang's thugs start messin' with ya," he said with a small friendly wink, about to return to his desk. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Fang approach. Her heart sank. She had barely been able to cope with the last verbal barrage that Fang had just launched at her. He was advancing fast, and not an instant after, he was snout to snout with her.

"I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but here, things ain't as pretty as they look, so can the innocent little filly act, cause that don't fly here." A small, malicious grin spread across his face. He turned, and strode towards the door. "Welcome to the East Wing," he called out. Gilda's jaw dropped once more. Not an hour in this place, and she's already made enemies.

She felt a hoof rest on her shoulder. "Hey, you ok?" It was Buck. She could only nod as tears formed in her eyes. "Here in the East Wing, you gotta stick with your friends. Sometimes it's about all you got." Friends... Gilda felt a small warmth in her. She may have made enemies, but she also made a friend.


It was now four years that Gilda had been in the East Wing. For the most part, she was left alone, likely due to her close friendship with Buck. He had always been larger than the other ponies, but as time went on, and other ponies slowed in their growth, his continued, building his figure into one that rivaled even the burliest of stallions.

Gilda, herself, had become a strong, healthy griffon with a certain determination in her eye that one can only understand if they've seen it firsthand. It was this determination that allowed her to survive in the East Wing. She had decided, not long after entering, that she would not let this place break her, and would do whatever it took to keep herself together.

She, of course, still owed a lot of her strength to Buck. He'd become a big brother of sorts for Gilda, always backing her up in an argument, and making sure she was fairing well. She felt safe with him around. The East Wing would truly have been a nightmare, had he not been there. In all honesty, he was the closest thing to a family she'd ever had.

"Hey Buck?" questioned Gilda. "Yeah? Whatcha need?" Buck replied, giving her a playful punch on the shoulder.. "I'm glad you're here," she replied, sincerity evident in her voice. Buck's face softened. "I'm glad you're here too." A loving grin spread across his face as he embraced her in a brotherly-like hug.

"But don't get all sappy on me," he said playfully, giving a playful noogie. Gilda couldn't help but to laugh. Buck had always known how to push her buttons, and make her laugh. It was a special talent he developed over the years that only made their connection stronger.

Gilda at times lay awake at night, thinking. Thinking about Buck, and how he'd always been there for her. Then there was that one thought; that one thought that haunted the very depths of her mind, and sent a chill down her spine everytime she thought of it. What if someone comes and adopts him?

She would always shake that thought out of her head. In the back of her mind, she knew it was likely to happen, but she hated thinking about it. Instead, she preferred to think about the present, and enjoy the company while it lasted.

Even in the toughest of times, she appreciated his presence. Out of all the ponies that crowded the East Wing, he chose her to stick by. It was a thought that brought not only warmth, but also a slight amount of confusion to her.

"Hey Buck?" she asked one day. Buck looked over with that big grin he was always sporting. "You're not gonna get all sappy on me are ya?" he said with a boyish laugh. "Well, kinda," Gilda replied giggling. She took a breath, and a more serious tone took over. "Out of all the ponies here, why did you choose me? What's so special about me?"

Buck's face twisted slightly in thought, trying to come up with the right words. At last, he spoke. "Because. None of them were as special as you. It's not all that often that you get to meet a griffon." A smile began to form. "But it's more than that, Gilda. You were so innocent when you came here, that I couldn't bare to see that corrupted. A beautiful heart doesn't deserve to be in this place. But if one finds its way here, it at least deserves a family. And that's what I wanted to give you.

Gilda welled up. Buck wasn't a colt of many words, but his speech touched her. A tear flowed from her face, as she pressed her head into his chest in an embrace. From the bottom of her heart, she uttered a sentence she'd never before been able to say to anypony. "I love you, Buck."