• Published 23rd Feb 2014
  • 3,402 Views, 155 Comments

We Three Alicorns - zakueins

An attack on Ponyville means that the Cutie Mark Crusaders must reveal a deep, dark secret. And, face off against a threat that would harm all Equestria.

  • ...

The Mingling

Canterlot was in well-organized chaos.

Chariots, carts, even ponies walking or flying themselves to the events competed with each other to try and make their way to the Great Hall Of Clover The Clever, where this year’s White Elephant Ball was being held. To keep this chaos in order, the Canterlot Day Guard and Night Watch had organized everything. With only a little help from the Princesses, it was all working out perfectly.

The first and biggest thing was control of Canterlot airspace. Teams of pegasui and thestrals were flying in circuits, leading chariots to their destinations. Depending upon what color ropes were wrapped around the sideboards (and was only told to the chariot teams the day before), they were shuttled off to various locations or holding circuits around Canterlot. As the Element Bearers and their security team had the coveted white/white/green rope set, they were more-or-less waved through the first two holding circuits and put on the innermost ring of the third holding circuit.

Teams of unicorns on the ground cast glowing color change spells on a two-by-two square that could be seen from the sky. The chariot teams knew what their color sequence was, and began to prepare for landing when they saw their sequence. Similar systems were being used for the carts coming in, with smaller panels and teams of trained unicorns to search the carts for anything that might be dangerous.

Second was entry access. Each guest had been given a ticket made of Oath Paper, and part of the agreement of acceptance was to sign it. They could only bring one guest each, and violating the terms of Oath Paper was an embarrassing thing for ponies. The name of their guest had to be written on the Oath Paper, and the guest had to sign as well. So, as the guests came into the hall, the Day Guard knew who was coming in. And, the only points of access were controlled by the Day Guard and the Night Watch-any reporter or party crasher had better be very good at getting in, or would have a lot to explain to very unsympathetic guards.

Guards that were going to spend most of the night on their hooves or wings. Guards that were listening to the party inside and smelling good food they couldn’t have until the end of their shift. Sympathy was going to be very low indeed for any party crasher.

Third, and finally, was the simple fact that there were Names at the Ball. Names like Princess Celestia or Princess Luna or Princess Twilight Sparkle, or several other lesser names that were pretty dangerous indeed. Anypony that thought that doing something at the White Elephant Ball was possible would have had better odds of a snowball juggling act in Hell.

As their chariot landed, Rarity watched as Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry went into the hall and handed over their tickets. She took a deep breath, and looked over at her friends. “Shall we be going?” she asked.

“Ayep, let’s do that thing,” Applejack smiled, and they walked towards the Ball.

The White Elephant Ball started, nearly seven hundred years ago, as a military celebration. And a joke.

The War of the White Elephant was a war that defined “pointless conflict” to an almost ideal degree. It was a border incident between the Griffin Empire and Equestria that started over an elephant visitor eating from Afrenca eating a prized set of daisies that the current Emperor had planted in the capital.

As incidents go, this one was hideously minor. The elephant even offered to replace the daisies and pay damages. But, the Emperor at the time wanted to execute the elephant for high treason (using torturous logic that the eating of the daisies was an attack on the Imperial Family). The Elephant Kingdoms asked Princess Celestia to negotiate a release of their citizen, and so she did.

The current Emperor of the Griffins was more than willing to negotiate. He was even willing to release the elephant, in exchange for some border territories that he wanted from the Equestrian government. Territories that were poor for the defense of Equestria-but great for the invasion of Equestria by the Griffin Empire. It did not take long for Princess Celestia to realize that the Griffins were looking for any excuse to claim the territory and the elephant was merely a pawn to be played. And, sacrificed if needed to advance their goals.

Princess Celestia also knew the best thing to do with a pawn was to remove it from play. Which was what happened a month after the incident, when a small team of mercenaries led by the legendary Special Investigator Blue Glare went into the Griffin Empire and “extracted” the elephant. He was on a ship, heading home, a full two weeks before the Griffin Emperor knew what happened.

Celestia had known, instantly, after they had succeeded, and moved troops into position to fight off a border incursion. Not only did she fend of the attacks of the Griffin Empire, she pushed back the borders by a good thirty miles, securing several points of defense against further attacks. And, the Griffin Emperor suffered the usual fate of an Emperor that failed against Equestria-he “slipped and fell in the bath,” his heir taking the throne a few days later. With six griffins to make sure that the Emperor’s slip and fall took.

The resulting three week conflict would be called “The White Elephant War” mostly because of a random statement made by somepony in the ranks.

“All of this filly-flanking mess for a single white elephant,” was said by somepony at some point. Then, the cry was taken up through the ranks...and Princess Celestia heard those words.

A month later, the first ever White Elephant Ball, a charity event for the soldiers, sailors, and flyers of Equestria, was held. And, every year, she held it to honor those that served and defended Equestria from all threats.

And to tweak the beaks of the Griffins, but that was merely frosting for the cake.

The Element Bearers, the three alicorn foals, and their guards walked into the massive hall and the majordomo announced them in, “Entering! Applejack, Element of Harmony and her husband and sister! Fluttershy, Element of Kindness! Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter! Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty and her daughter! Rarity, Element of Generosity and her sister! Sunrise Smiles, Captain of the Night Watch!”

The crowd applauded at the end of the announcement, and they all came in, looking around in wonder. “Wow…,” Pinkie Pie gushed. “So many ponies!”

Fluttershy made a soft eep sound and started to shy close to Applejack when she finally got to the bottom of the stairs. A few of the more courtier ponies started to head towards Fluttershy, when a white unicorn mare trotted in front of them and said to Fluttershy, “Dear, allons-nous trouver un endroit calme et partager des histoires?”

“Mais oui, bien sûr, Fleur De Lis,” Fluttershy said softly to Fleur De Lis and she smiled to Rarity. “I’ll be fine for a while, Rarity, I promise.”

“Je vous promets que personne ne la harceler,” Fleur De Lis smiled and nodded towards Rarity. She looked ready for somepony to harass her or Fluttershy.

“Je vous tiendrai à cela, Fleur De Lis. Prenez bien soin de mon ami,” Rarity nodded, and watched as Fleur De Lis and Fluttershy started to share stories with each other in perfect Pranch. All of her friends looked at Rarity oddly, and she smiled. “Fleur De Lis is a good friend and I can trust her.”

“She’s speaking fancy,” Applejack said, shaking her head. “I didn’t know that Fluttershy knew that.”

“Fluttershy knows about eight languages,” Apple Bloom said, smiling. “She’s fluent in Pranch, Nehonese, and Saddle Arabian. Passable in Standish, and can keep herself out of trouble in a few others.”

“How many languages can ya speak?” Applejack asked, curious.

“Do you understand the difference between middle-era Proto-A and late-era Proto-A and how it relates to the early Equestrian language?” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Beg ya pardon?” Applejack’s eyebrow was hitting the brim of her hat from that question.

“Well, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom know something like twenty or thirty languages well enough to pass as native, but I love linguistic theory. Well, up until Chapsky became the ‘pony of the hour’ in linguistic theory. Ultimate proof that if you can polish manure enough and shovel it fast enough, you can fool anypony,” Sweetie Belle sighed in frustration.

“Wow,” Applejack said. As they kept trotting in, they ran into ponies they knew and said hello, traded stories. As they came in, Fancypants came up and said, “A pleasure to run into you all.”

“Pleasure as well,” Big Macintosh said, “been a while, hasn’t it?”

“You’re always welcome to come back, Big Mac,” Fancypants said in return and looked at the shocked expressions. “You never told them…”

“Never saw the need, it was the right thing to do,” Big Macintosh shrugged.

“You are sometimes too modest for you own good,” Fancypants sighed. “A few years ago, I had gone checking into a rental property I was thinking of purchasing in Manehattan. Unfortunately, I was...ah, harassed by a street gang. They would have robbed me if Big Macintosh here hasn’t knocked them into next week.”

“Wasn’t a problem at all, they didn’t know how to fight,” Big Macintosh replied sheepishly. “Earned most of the money to get the wedding band resized bare-hoofed fighting. Thirty-three fights, thirty-two wins by knockout and one by decision.”

“And, I always said that you would have a place if you needed one,” Fancypants said, then looked at the wedding bands on Big Macintosh and Applejack’s legs. “Married? How long?”

“Well, if you work out the details,” Applejack blushed, “it’s anywhere between three months and two years. Long, long story…”

“And, if you would join me, all of you, at the bar, it’s a long story that I would love to hear,” Fancypants smiled.

“Oh no,” Rarity said suddenly, and everypony looked to see what she was looking at.

Prince Blueblood had caught sight of Rarity, and was trotting over to meet her.

Prince Blueblood hadn’t changed much since the last Grand Galloping Gala. Horn and hooves polished to a mirror’s shine, a small fixed sneer on his face, hair brushed artfully...he was a perfectly prepared pony and wore a fine velvet and silk waistcoat that probably cost enough to feed a family of three for a year. In Manehattan. “Ah, Rarity,” he said smoothly. “A pleasure to see you again.”

“Oh dear,” Rarity giggled and smiled insincerely, “I didn’t know you would be here tonight.”

“Why wouldn’t I be? This is an important event for important ponies,” Prince Blueblood half-sneered. “I’m just wondering why you’re here. Trying to find another star to hitch yourself to?”

Rarity could feel Sweetie Belle starting to bristle at her flank, and she smiled at Prince Blueblood. “Why should I? I mean, a star is just so...plebeian a goal to attain. A mere star is a bagatelle in comparison to the galaxies of fashion I have yet to attain. Or, more importantly, I have something that matters much, much more to me.”
Rarity nodded to Sweetie Belle. “My sister, Sweetie Belle. This is Prince Blueblood, and we met at the last Grand Galloping Gala.”

Prince Blueblood half-smiled at Sweetie Belle. “A wonderful costume, little foal-how do you keep your wings on? Tape, glue?”

Sweetie Belle sighed, then opened her wings up to their full extension. “The same way Princess Celestia and Princess Luna keep their wings on. They’re mine.”

Prince Blueblood took a step back, and tried to regain his composure. “I...I didn’t know, I mean…”

“Not a princess,” Sweetie Belle said. “Don’t have to be. Which means that I am able to challenge you if I need to.”

“Challenge?” Prince Blueblood squeaked at Sweetie Belle. “You would…”

“Of course, as the challenged party, you would be able to choose to what extent we faced each other, but nopony insults my sister,” Sweetie Belle’s smile was the sort that a rabbit might see last when facing a wolf. “Insult me? I don’t care-I’m reminded of your great-great-great-grandfather, Noble Blueblood, in this. He had a great saying for gossipy ponies, ‘Let nopony challenge your honor or your integrity, and to the crows with the rest.’ My honor is intact, and so is my word.”

Prince Blueblood turned even more pale under his white fur, and stumbled off. Sweetie Belle sighed, and got her wings settled back in. “I think I did something wrong,” Sweetie Belle said softly.

“On the contrary,” a deep, gravely voice said behind them, “Watching that little plot-hole run away scared was probably the best sight of my evening.” Both Rarity and Sweetie Belle turned to see a huge Earth pony, grey fur with a short white mane, loom over them. He was one of the few ponies they had ever met that was as tall as Big Mac. “My apologies, my name is Helpful Hoof,” and he smiled at them both, “and you are all the ponies I wanted to meet tonight.”

“Oh?” Applejack asked.

“Mostly to say thank you. The Elements of Harmony have been some of Equestria’s most steadfast guardians, and I can’t think of anypony else that does not deserve some recognition for their actions,” Helpful Hoof said.

“A pleasure as well,” Rarity replied, and nodded.

“Not quite,” Helpful Hoof smiled back. “If I was in time, Prince Blueblood would have ran into me first. We don’t get along well outside of the level of his fiscal ‘handlers’, and the only color they respect is gold. So, I can cheerfully insult him all night, and not lose a bit of sleep over it.”

“Hey,” Applebloom asked, looking around, “where did Pinkie Pie go?”

“And, I said,” Pinkie Pie was telling the crowd of onlookers a story, “‘Oatmeal, are you crazy?!?’ And, that’s when he said, ‘Sure, I’m crazy, but I’d never put applesauce in my oatmeal like you!’”

The crowd laughed, and one of the younger ponies asked. “Go on! What happened next?”

“Well…,” Pinkie Pie continued her tale.

“Princess!” Twilight Sparkle said.

It had taken a while for her and Flash Sentry to make it through the necessary meet-and-greets that events like this generated, and she finally had found Princess Celestia, cheerfully and charmingly talking with a very tall, leggy unicorn colt. “Ah, Lighthouse,” Princess Celestia said, finally catching Twilight’s eye, “This is Princess Twilight Sparkle, whom I’ve told you so much about.”

“Charmed,” Lighthouse said, his eyes bright and smiling. The Cuite Mark of a lighthouse was oddly too bright for a pony with fur as black as night. “Princess Celestia has been saying a great deal about you, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight Sparkle blushed. “Still getting used to the whole ‘princess’ thing,” she replied. “I’ve heard about you, Lighthouse. You are the head of the Sea Safety Program, yes?”

“Proudly so for the last few years,” Lighthouse grinned. “And, I have to thank you, Princess Twilight Sparkle. The new spell lanterns means we don’t have to ship tons of kerosene to lighthouses all over the coast, and they’re even brighter than the torches we used to use. Desperation Bay alone has seen a decrease of shipping accidents of nearly twenty percent.”

“Gosh, I mean, thank you!” Twilight Sparkle blushed and looked away for a second. “The spell lanterns are something I’m very proud of, especially when I was able to figure out a way to mechanically control them, so anypony can use them.”

“I’m looking into development of smaller spell lanterns,” Lighthouse said. “Small enough you can replace the kerosene lanterns on ships. That would reduce the fire hazard from lanterns and increase safety across the board.”

“Wow,” Twilight Sparkle nodded. “That’s amazing!”

“And, I think I saw Bitter Greens around over there,” Lighthouse said. “If I may?”

“A pleasure as always,” Princess Celestia said. As Lighthouse trotted off, Princess Celestia looked at Flash Sentry and said, “Flash Sentry, could you get us three glasses of the rasberry punch before they run out of it again. It is a very good punch.”

“Of course, Your Highness,” Flash Sentry nodded, and as he left Princess Celestia came closer to Twilight Sparkle.

“How are the two of you getting along?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Very well,” Twilight Sparkle blushed. “But, I mean...well, I was wondering…”

“There are reports of the Order disappearing, which means they’re planning something,” Princess Celestia sighed through her smile.

“If they attack here, I mean, if they were to summon something meaner to try and get the foals, they would…” Twilight Sparkle considered.

“They would run into teams of combat-trained unicorns from the Guard, that have been stalking the streets for days looking for the signs of demon summoning. And, the Great Hall is warded sufficiently to hold off anything short of Tirac,” Princess Celestia interrupted gently. “We’re safe here.”

“Thank you, Princess,” Twilight Sparkle sighed. “That was my greatest fear.”

Flash Sentry came back hold a tray in his mouth, three glasses of raspberry punch on the tray. Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle lifted the glasses up with their magic and Flash Sentry picked up his in a hoof. “So, what were you talking about?”

“Major concerns to be dealt with,” Princess Celestia said. She looked and found the main clock in the Hall. “You may want to find your friends, Princess Twilight Sparkle. They will be serving dinner in about fifteen minutes, so I need to get to my chair.”

Twilight Sparkle looked at the clock. “Oh, no problem,” she said. She looked at Flash Sentry and said, “Let’s get them rounded up so we can get seated in time.”

Author's Note:

Pranch-to-Equestrian Translation!

Fleur De Lis: "Dear, do we find a quiet place and share stories?"

Fluttershy: "But yes, of course, Fleur De Lis."

Fleur De Lis: "I promise you that no one will harass her."

Rarity: "I will hold you to that, Fleur De Lis. Take care of my friend."

Comments ( 11 )

:fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair::pinkiesad2::applecry:Why didn't we get to see Sweetie Bell kick Blueblood's flank? I wantted to spend five minutes laughing from imagining him humiliated in front of everyone.:twilightsmile::trollestia::eeyup:

Please have it happen:fluttershysad:

Could you include a translation from Prench, if it's based on French I have no idea what they're saying and I want to know!

4411501 Stuff.
Silver Spoon is going to make new friends.
And, Diamond Tiara...hm... :pinkiehappy:

This is definitely an AU.

4482015 A lot of things sit in Pinkie Pie's head when she isn't distracted... :pinkiecrazy:

What do you mean they can be prepared for even a Tirac? Did you mean Tirek?

I'm beginning to wonder if you intentionally made the CMC mary-sues...

6361948 Clearly not enough. Mostly an external fascination with mechanics of all sorts and Wikipedia.

Aaaand I'm at the end of the story so far. Don't know if you'll update again or not, hope you do. Love the small collection of high-importance OCs you have going on in this chapter (unless they're bit characters that show up in the comics, which I know you must have read having referenced Nightmare Rarity a couple of times).

6362018 The notification system is really weird sometimes, it usually works but every so often I'll see a response to one of my comments that I know I didn't get a sysnote for. That's one of those. But yeah, building a 24-blade turbine is a hell of a lot more complicated than just adding 24 'stages' as would be the more technical name for it. With hydroelectricity it's a lot easier, but for steam-driven turbines the blades would have to get progressively bigger every few stages as steam expands and the pressure drops, so you need a bigger surface area for the same amount of force. Then there'd be a lot of very tight machining work to be done, and the decision on pressure compounding and velocity compounding, ie. how often to expand the steam and drop its velocity in stages.

Is this story dead?:duck:


Do you plan on returning to this story? It has been throughly enjoyable through several rereads.

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