• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 984 Views, 14 Comments

Summer (The Fence) - 206-Ginge

An unfortunate incident grounds Jack the Griffin in Ponyville

  • ...

Chapter 6

Sunday came and went without a whole lot of activity. Lyra smiled at me eagerly the entire time I ate breakfast, but I mostly avoided her gaze and retreated to my room as soon as possible. I was getting a little bit restless sitting in my room, but ultimately any excursion outside just left me exhausted. I may have lowered the dose on my pain pills, but they still had enough of an effect on me that I couldn’t really do anything all that interesting. Not that there was much to do in this town, anyway.

I finished up Thousand Steps. Spoiler alert: The mom dies with Ruby Red crying. It was a terribly pathetic ending, one that I saw coming ever since I opened the book, but the author still managed to force a tear or two down my beak. I’m the kind of griffin that likes to give the author the benefit of the doubt, connecting with characters that otherwise would be unlikable for no other reason than to increase my own interest in the story. Even if the character is completely unbelievable, I explain away the story-writing flaws in my own head for the sake of gaining enjoyment out of even the most ridiculous stories. It was a technique I picked up back in college when I was forced to read book after boring book, each one more cliché than the last.

I went back to the bookshelf in the room, looking over the titles. I eyed the tan book in the center of the top shelf. It was the one Lyra had talked about the previous day, The Forgotten Ones. At the time, I had received her recommendation reluctantly. It seemed like Bon Bon was concerned with Lyra’s mental health after she read the book, and I didn’t exactly want to turn into an obsessive fan of something while I was staying with two ponies I would likely never see again. Still, the various sequels took up half of the top shelf, and I was going to be here for six weeks, after all. Why not get into a series? I grabbed the book in my talon and rolled back onto the bed, careful not to agitate my wings. I groaned slightly as I felt the weight on them. I might have to go back to a higher dosage of painkillers, the lower dose was not doing it for me.

I read for most of the day, and neither Lyra nor Bon Bon bothered me. I heard hoofsteps quite a few times throughout the day, most of which were from the staircase to the basement I had yet to visit. I was kind of curious as to what was down there. Knowing Lyra’s musical hobby, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a home studio or a music room of some sort. Maybe Bon Bon had a business office for the finances of her confectionary. I made a mental note to check it out on Monday when they were both out.

I woke up from a sleep I didn’t remember falling into when Bon Bon knocked on my door for dinner. I grabbed the book from between the mattress and the wall and placed it on the bedstand. Walking into the kitchen, I was greeted by the smell of fried vegetables and rice. A stir fry.

“Hey there, Jack!” Lyra greeted me, that stupid huge grin on her face. “How’re those books going?”

“Well, they’re going,” I replied groggily. “I just finished Thousand Steps. I started that book you were telling me about. I’m not sure I completely understand it, though.”

“What’s there to misunderstand?” Lyra asked energetically. “The basic premise is that a species called humans were the only sentient species in Equestria at the beginning of time.”

“Yeah, but I don’t get how that’s possible. Who controlled the weather? How did they get across Equestria? They didn’t have wings or anything.”

“How far in are you, exactly?”

“Uhhh, I think I just started Chapter Two.”

Lyra suppressed a laugh. “You have to keep reading! It all gets explained eventually.”

“Okay, whatever.” I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to keep reading if it meant I would be pestered every time I came out in public by Lyra, but I had already been sucked in. I couldn’t exactly back out now.

“Anypony hungry?” Bon Bon mumbled through her clenched teeth, carrying over a large bowl full of celery, broccoli, red bell pepper, onion, and shredded carrot. It looked delicious.

Lyra grabbed the dish of rice with her telekinesis and brought it over to the table. “You know, I could’ve done this for the stir fry, too,” Lyra pointed out.

“Well, I just thought I’d bring it over myself, since I’m the chef tonight and all.”

“It’s fine, just want to make your life a bit easier.”

I served up and dug in, repeating my usual dinner routine of eating as quickly as possible to avoid conversation. Lyra and Bon Bon also ate in silence, the former stealing a few glances at my fork-gripping technique. The usual.

I excused myself and went into the bathroom to take my pills. I took two again, since my wings had started to throb again. I was still pretty out of it, so I just went into my room and lied down. I was just about near sleep when I heard another knock at the door.

I got up and opened the door to find Bon Bon staring at me, a letter in her mouth. She motioned for me to grab it, and I did so. “Twilight just swung by and dropped this off,” she explained, “She said it’s from your sister.”

“Thanks,” I said with a perfect poker face. It wasn’t too difficult to restrain my joy when I was this inexplicably tired. That being said, as soon as I closed the door I immediately set myself to gingerly opening the envelope. Sure enough, my sister’s name was above the return address. I managed to get the envelope open without shredding it, a small miracle with how much my talons were trembling. How earth ponies ever managed to get envelopes open, I had no clue. At least pegasi could hold a letter opener in their wings.

Wings. Right. Those.

Ignoring my self-pitying train of thought, I unfolded the piece of paper and began to read.

Dear Jack,
That’s terrible about your wings! I hope you’re resting up somewhere. Not to sound too selfish or anything ,but I want my big bro back! I’d come to see you myself, but I’m pretty tied up at work. I couldn’t afford to take a week-long vacation for just one day with you. Also, then you wouldn’t be able to see my awesome bachelorette pad! We wouldn’t want that, now, would we?
I couldn’t help but notice the address you’re writing from. Specifically, how you’re writing from “Ponyville”. I can only assume you’re not exactly surrounded by griffins, and I know how you felt around those pegasi on your flight team. I just wanted to say, if I could speak as your little sis, most ponies are nice. You ran into a lot of jerks who were clique-y and didn’t want anything to do with the griffins on flight team. You also were twelve. I hope you can open up to the ponies around you. Otherwise, I don’t think you’ll have the greatest time.
Anyway, I hope you heal up quick. I’ve got a few friends who were looking forward to meeting you after all I’ve said. Won’t go into too much detail about that, though.Love you lots,


Great. So now I was getting lectured by my little sister about being racist. Not exactly what I was hoping for when I opened up the envelope, but if I would’ve gotten this when I first landed maybe I wouldn’t have been such a jackass with Twilight. I mean, I wasn’t exactly racist, but I was just assuming they’d enjoy being separate from griffins just like the pegasi on flight team did.

My sister’s letter on my mind, I shut off the lights and crawled back into bed. The dark curtain descended on my first week in Ponyville, and I only had a recurring dream and two plaster casts to show for it. Whatever.


It wasn’t until that Friday that anything interesting happened.

I spent the week the same as the last, enjoying my drug-induced sleep and occasionally reading when I got bored. Lyra and Bon Bon didn't bother me much, surprisingly enough. Bon Bon had always seemed fairly indifferent to my presence since I started to stay with them, but Lyra had seemed so eager when I first came here from the hospital. She would occasionally flash a hint of glee, but for the most part at the dinner table she was rather reserved.

I found out why on Friday night.

I had just finished reading The Forgotten Ones. The book ended on a massive cliffhanger, the human protagonist confessing his long-held crush on the female love interest. In order to find out her reaction, I would need to read the sequel. I didn't think I would.

I got out of bed and headed into the living room. I had heard Bon Bon enter earlier, and I was curious if she needed help making dinner. I may have been a bit of a loner, but I didn't need to be a rude houseguest.

"Oh, hi there, Jack," Bon Bon said as she looked up from the TV, surprised at my entrance. "I'm making asparagus and rice tonight, it should be ready by the time Lyra gets home."

"Sounds good, do you need help with anything?"

"Help?" She gave me a look like she had never even heard the phrase. I guess she hadn't heard it from my mouth before. "Um. Well. Everything is already cooking, but if you wanted to help it would be nice if you could set the table. Lyra's running a bit late, and I can only do so much with my mouth and my hooves."

"Sure thing." I started to head back down the hall just as the front door opened. I turned to see Lyra, panting and sweating. She must've had to hustle home. I was about to resume my walk when Bon Bon's voice broke the silence.

"S-Strings? What's wrong, honey?"

I gave the unicorn a second look. Her sweat dripped down her face, only it wasn't sweat. I listened to the rhythm of her breath. It wasn't a steady pant, like the kind I get when I am near top flying speed. No, rather, it was irregular, and punctuated by a heavy intake.

Lyra was crying.

She lowered her head and stumbled towards her partner, wrapping her front legs around her neck. Bon Bon was startled at first, but eventually she allowed her snout to weave its way into Lyra's mane. They both closed their eyes. I averted mine.

"We're toast. Vinyl said she wouldn't do any more work without a payment, and the landlord wants his lease, and I don't have any money for either of them. Sweet Strings Records is gone. Finito. Lost."

With each syllable Lyra sank deeper into Bon Bon's cream fur. Bon Bon patted Lyra on the back of the head, encouraging her to let it all out. The waterworks had indeed started to flow more freely, and now the mistake of my observation was even more evident.

I stood at the entrance to the hallway, a silent observer to what otherwise would've been a private display of romantic affection.

"Listen, Strings, this isn't going to be the end of the world. You can go back to playing events, maybe record an album, make some more money, and go back at your dream next year. In the meantime, I'll always be here."

Lyra sniffed. "I don't think there is a next year this time, sweets. I don't know if there ever will be."

"Don't you dare say that, Lyra. As long as you want to do something, you can do it. If you want to have your own record label, I'm positive you'll find some way to pull it off."

"I wish I had your optimism, sweets."

"You do. You have every part of me. You know that. You always have, you always will."

Bon Bon held Lyra’s face in her hooves. Lyra sniffed again. Bon Bon wiped the tears from under her eyes and leaned in, mouth slightly open. They kissed.

"Excuse me, I just remembered," Bon Bon turned to face me without letting go of Lyra’s snout. "I told Twilight I'd meet her at the library tonight. I should probably go."

And just like that I was out the door.


My mind reeled.

I was completely out of my comfort zone, that much was certain. I’ve never considered myself intolerant, I’ve never considered myself homophobic, but... I guess I was learning new thing about myself all the time.

I started walking with no particular direction in mind. My talons moved one in front of the other. I wasn’t paying attention. My conscious mind was too busy dealing with the pictures that were still freshly processed, as if they were still in front of me, sucking the life out of each other, like two teenagers alone in a hotel room, escaping from their problems by attacking each other in a disgusting display of lust.


It hadn’t been like that. Every single part of my mind was confused. They were actually connecting with each other. There was more going on then just a sexual attraction. They made eye contact in a way that most of us can only dream of. They completed each other. And that kiss...

They shared that kiss as if they’d share the rest of their lives.

I made my way onto a bridge and looked down at the stream below. The water reflected the oranges and reds of the sunset, making for quite a lovely picture. Unfortunately, I was too distracted by my own mind to enjoy nature. I wasn’t even thinking thoughts. I just sat there, trying to get back into my own head.

“What’re you doing out this time of night, Jack?”

I looked up. Twilight had managed to trot up next to me without me hearing her hoofsteps. I was pretty out of it.

“Just taking a walk.”

“Really? ‘Cause your face says otherwise. You look like you just saw a ghost.”

“Well, maybe I did.” I wasn’t in much of a mood for conversation, but at the same time it took quite a bit of stress off of my conscious mind, talking with Twilight. It was a distraction, which was what I needed at the time.

“You didn’t go wandering in the Everfree Forest, did you?” She motioned to the east, towards a large clump of trees in the distance.

“No, actually, I didn’t.”

“What’s wrong, then?”

I sighed. I didn’t know how to approach this. On the one hand, it would be good for me to bounce my feelings off of somepony else. On the other, Twilight’s only other experience with a griffin had gone sour already, and I didn’t want to contribute to a negative stereotype by telling her about my... little problem with my living situation.

In the spur of the moment, though, I just went for it.

“How do you feel about Lyra and Bon Bon?” I turned to face her, looking directly into her lavender eyes.

“They’re perfectly nice ponies, although Lyra has some odd tendencies. Why do you-”

“No, I mean, how do you feel about Lyra AND Bon Bon?”

“Oh.” She looked more than slightly taken aback by the question. “Is this why you were acting so weird in the hospital when they came in?”

“I’m starting to think so, yeah.”

“Uggh. Great.” She put her hoof to her forehead. “Leave it to Twilight to ask the lesbian couple to put up the homophobe for the summer...”

“No, no, I mean, I’m not homophobic, I don’t think.”

“Well then why the heck are you outside at 7:30 looking like you’re about to throw up?”

“They kissed in front of me.”

“And you’re not homophobic?”

“Well, I mean, gay people kiss all the time. I don’t have any right to tell them not to. But do they have to do it in front of me?”

“Do you or do you not get disgusted at the sight of them kissing?”

This was an interesting question, one that I think was the source of my troubles. “No, actually, I didn’t. Which is... weird. Ever since the first night I moved into their house I’ve been having this dream where I’m playing with my sister in our parents’ backyard, and there’s this fence there that wasn’t there before, and I go up to it and look through this hole and there they are on the other side, making out like there’s no tomorrow. That I get disgusted by. But they...”

“They’re not like that, Jack.” Twilight didn’t even have a disapproving look on her face. “They’re actually quite cute together, in my opinion.”

“I don’t disagree with you, but it’s still really fuckin’ weird to see- oops, sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. We can’t always keep our emotions in check, and I’d much rather you curse than do something violent.”

“Anyway, it’s just weird to see them get that intimate. It doesn’t seem right, for some reason.”

“You just need to give them a chance, Jack,” she said soothingly. “They’re not the same ponies as the ones in your dreams. You’ve been judging their relationship entirely off of a preconception. It might take some time for you to see past that, but you need to.”

“Yeah...” Twilight was probably right, but I still was having issues coming around to it.

Well, I had four weeks to get familiar with the couple. Might as well.

“Thanks, Twilight.”

“For what?”

“For being here.” With that, I turned back towards the direction I had come from, and began to wander back to Lyra and Bon Bon’s.

My mind finally freed, I looked around at the sky above. The sun had gone down enough that the deep blue of the night sky was clearly visible to the east. Some stars had begun to peek out, and the air got that kind of cool that I loved so much, where the entire world is in the shade but the ground beneath had soaked up enough heat from the sun that it was still radiating. It was a great night for a walk. I could see why Twilight would’ve been out.

I rounded the corner on Lyra and Bon Bon’s block and saw a pink pony standing right outside the door of their house. It was that same earth pony from the bakery. Pinkie Pie.

I lurked in the shadows and got closer, not wanting to interrupt the conversation I assumed she was having with whoever was on the other side of the doorframe. Eventually I got close enough to overhear what they were saying.

“...Pinkie, but this really isn’t the greatest time. Lyra just lost her record label, and Jack left earlier...”

“OOH! Let’s make it a surprise party, then!”


“Well, come on, Bon Bon! Tee hee, that rhymes! Anyway, it needs to happen this weekend! He’s been in town a whole two weeks without one of my trademark ‘Welcome to Ponyville!’ parties!”

“I see your point, but Lyra...”

“Just make sure he comes by Sugarcube Corner tomorrow at 5. We’ll show him how to party pony-style!”

“Okay, but I’m not sure if we’ll be able to make it.”

“That’s fine, he’s already met you! I’m sure he doesn’t need to get any closer with you guys!”

“Well, now that you mention it...”

“See you later, Bon Bon!” The pink pony hopped down the street in the opposite direction from me. I waited five minutes before walking up to their door and knocking.

Bon Bon opened the door. “Oh, Jack, welcome back. How was the library?”

“What? Oh, right. It was fine.”

“Well, come in, dinner’s still fairly warm if you want any. You might have to heat up the asparagus, though.”

I walked through the living room. Lyra still sat on the couch, looking fairly distraught. Tonight was not going to be the night to try and bond, apparently. I ate slowly. The meal was fairly good, but I had never been a big fan of asparagus. Bon Bon had done a bit to flavor it, but for the most part it was too bland for my tastes.

I went through my usual night rituals, rolling into bed feeling more than a little tired. So I was getting a “surprise” party tomorrow. I wondered how many ponies would actually show up to such a thing. I know I could hardly be bothered to go to our office parties when a new employee was hired. I saw no reason a “Welcome to Ponyville” party would garner any more attention. At least I should be able to get some good food out of it, since it was being hosted at that bakery.

The last image that flashed through my head before I drifted off to sleep was of the deep blue of the night sky, dotted by so many specks of white.