• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 15,047 Views, 876 Comments

Wrong Hospital Niko Bellic - Sorren

After an accident, Niko Bellic finds himself in Ponyville with no Knowledge of how or why.

  • ...

Part 7

Wrong Hospital Niko Bellic
By: Sorren
Part 7

<=A pre-story note. Please forgive me for the profanities. But i believe they are essential to Brucie's charecter.=>

Brucie revved the engine of his custom Sabre GT. Four hundred horses roared their approval.

He patted the black vinyl dashboard affectionately. “We got this baby.” Brucie adjusted the rearview mirror so as he could glare back at the racer in the car behind.

He took the moment of suspense to admire his custom paintjob. The sleek bodied Sabre was painted cyan blue, apart from the chrome paneling and bumpers.

Orange dual racing stripes ran down the center of the body. Lining the orange was a one inch stripe of green. The colors of the vehicle were perfectly balanced, leaving the paint gleaming with colorful symmetry. Deep red stripes ran down the far upper facing sides of the vehicle, all the way to the deck lid. A streak of purple ran down the middle of the red. The brilliant paint was finished off with yellow pin striping along the doors and fenders.

Brucie goosed to pedal and the engine growled in response. The other seven racers revved their engines around him, doing best to make themselves heard.

A bikini clad girl strut out to the center of the city street. She stopped, and waved a red flag at the drivers.

Brucie tightened his grip on the steering wheel, causing the leather to squeak. He took several deep breaths to allow the adrenaline to wash over him. “It’s on,” he whispered venomously over the grumble of the engine. He shrugged his shoulders in his leather jacket, attempting to shed some excitement, while all the while keeping his hands in a vice grip on the wheel. A little helicopter crash wasn’t going to stop him.

Brucie had the exception of third row in the lineup. He had the right-hand side; a yellow Dukes took the left.

She waved the red flag again. Green was next up.

Brucie revved his engine up to four thousand as the green flag waved. He stomped the clutch and slipped the shifter to second. The transmission whined its disapproval and a gear slipped. But he was off, smoke billowing from his fresh tires. The front axle started to lift and Brucie backed off to regain control.

He eased the wheel left to avoid the driver of the car ahead, who had not been as on-the-gun as Brucie.

He made a clean transaction to third gear and a moment later, to fourth. The Saber cut between the third and fourth place cars, having gained more speed on the get go.

“Yeah!” he jeered. “That’s how it’s done, Brucie style!”

The green Turismo holding second moved to block his advance and Brucie was forced to tease the brakes. “Bitch!” he swore at the car ahead. “Don’t you go pulling none of that shit on me!” He squeezed the wheel harder. “Let’s say we have a little fun.” He spared a second to make a reach for the radio. He was given the satisfaction of the high-end sound system blaring to life. The song ‘Crazy Train’ came through half way through the chorus. “We’re going off the raaaaails on a crazy train!” Brucie sang along.

He made the final transition to fifth. There was still one more gear, but that wouldn’t be needed for city streets such as this. He glanced triumphantly at the speedometer. “Zero to sixty in five seconds flat!” he cheered. “Beat that shit!”

Brucie went for the pass. He feigned left. As soon as the Turismo took the bait, he pulled right and the pedal met the vinyl. He pulled up beside the driver of the green car and shot him the middle finger.

The driver, a young man with short, spiked red hair, leered and pulled the wheel right. The right front fender of his car collided with the door panel of the Sabre.

Brucie cringed. He rolled down the automatic window. “Hey you stupid white trash bitch!” he bellowed. “Don’t you go ramming your shitty ass Pinto into my car! I will fucking end you!”

The driver of the Turismo shot him a dirty look and pulled left, intent to ram the Sabre again.

But Brucie had it this time. He tapped the brakes and dropped back. As the Turismo leered right, Brucie met the corner of its bumper with that of his own. Brucie had him locked. He nudged the wheel to the left and spun the rear end out from behind the green car. It careened off the road into a bus stop. Shards of metal and car parts littered the road as it went into a summersault.

Brucie hung his head out the window. “Yeah bitch! Cops aren’t the only ones who can do that shit! Fuck you and your Pinto!”

Brucie turned his attention back to the road ahead. The only thing between him and the lead now was a red Sultan. They were nearing a sharp left-hand corner. Brucie decided he would pass there. Ninety degree corners were his thing.

The Sultan’s brake lights lit up, preparing for the corner. But instead of slowing, Brucie gassed it, topping his speed at sixty. He overtook the sultan. The driver of the red car gaped at Brucie as he passed. The moment he was clear, Brucie locked up the rear axle. The Sabre dropped down to fifty and turned diagonal on the road. Timing for the next part was essential. He jerked the wheel hard to the left and pushed the pedal to the floor. The tires squealed and billows of smoke trailed behind. The Sabre turned almost completely sideways and he pulled the wheel right.

The drift couldn’t have gone any better. He slid clean out of the corner with a speed of fifty. He was now on the coastal road. The land dropped off sharply to the right, where bay could be seen. The Statue of Happiness stood out in the wake. Brucie jeered aloud and reached for the shifter, intent to switch to sixth for the costal stretch.

The whole rear of the Sabre spun out to the left as the Sultan came into contact with his rear fender.

“Hey!” Brucie yelled indignantly. He found the nose of his car looking into the oncoming lane, tires squealing for grip. He pulled the wheel to the right in an attempt to regain control, but to no avail. The tires had lost traction and were out of sync with one another. At this speed, there was no recovery.

Brucie screamed out in anger as he overcorrected and sent the nose of the vehicle facing the seaside. To his horror, the tires were still holding enough traction to propel him forward as he slid sideways. At one point, a guardrail had run the coastal route. But the particular section he was had been torn off, instead replaced with much more sturdy traffic cones.

“Fuck!” he bellowed, drawing out the u to a long note.

The Sabre batted the cones aside and sailed from the tarmac. Brucie screamed and held his arms over his face as the sea rushed up to meet him. The radio blared. “We’re going off the rails, on a crazy train.”

* * *

“There you are!” Rainbow called.

It was late in the afternoon. If this place had clocks, he would have guessed it was about six o clock.

Niko looked up from the crate he was carrying to see the cyan pegasus flying towards him. He set down the crate he was carrying. For the past few hours, he had been helping various shop owners with heavy lifting related tasks. Ponies didn’t seem too fond of moving things.

Rainbow landed on the crate in front of him. Here pink eyes met his at an adjacent level due to her elevated perch. “I’ve been looking for you all day. You left with your friend Roman without me.”

“Sorry,” he apologized. “I did not know you wanted to come.

Rainbow scoffed. “Why wouldn’t I want to come? It’s boring around here. There are only so many clouds to push around all day.”

Niko shrugged. “Because Roman is so annoying?”

Rainbow frowned. “Say, where is Roman?”

“He went off with pink pony.” Niko shuddered.

Rainbow faked an urgent tone. “Don’t worry, It’ll be alright,” she joked. “Just let them entertain themselves. Pretty soon, one of them will manage to put themselves into a coma.”

Niko laughed. “I do not want to know what they could possibly do together. Annoy a state?” he pondered.

“So what have you been doing?” Rainbow asked, sitting down on the crate.

Niko motioned towards the crate she was on. “Moving things for shopkeepers.”

Rainbow tapped a hoof on the crate. “You getting paid?”

Niko shrugged. “If they want to. Money does not seem very important here.”

Rainbow unfurled her wings and flew around him in a lazy circle. “Do ya’ wanna’ go do something?”

Niko frowned. He had been working all day. “Yeah sure, just let me finish with this crate.”

He bent down and picked up the crate. He carried around to the front of the booth and set it down. This was one of the food stands at the market. It was a fairly quiet day. Only ten or so ponies filled the market. Then again, it was nearing dark.

“Thanks Niko,” said the yellow mare running the fruit stand. She produced two bits and nosed them across the table to him.

Niko pocketed the bits. “Thank you.” He turned and started down the street with Rainbow, no real direction in mind. “You know,” he mused. “I think most ponies here are starting to like me.”

“Well why wouldn’t they?” she replied. “Apart from that breakdown in the bakery, you’ve been pretty cool.”

“Hey,” Niko returned. “You are one that made it fun. You are cooler and more open than other ponies.”

Rainbow shrugged. “I try.” She dusted off from the ground and did a summersault in the air. “The other ponies were just scared of you. You always wear that scowl all the time. You should really stop. It makes you look scary to ponies that don’t know you.”

Niko stopped walking. Something felt odd. He looked down at his arm. Every hair was standing straight up.

He looked at rainbow, who was shooting him a curious glance. “Something wrong?”

“I do not know.” Niko looked down the street both ways. He spotted the shape of Roman back at the market.

There was a loud crack and a blinding flash of white light about ten feet ahead. Niko stumbled backwards.

Heavy mist filled the area where the flash had been. A wisp of air dispelled the cloud after a moment. A blue sports car came into contrast. Water ran from the cyan paint and tinted windows. A large dent filled most of the rear quarter panel.

Rainbow gasped. “What is that?”

“A car,” Niko replied. He took a cautious step forward. “Why the hell is there car?”

“It’s huge!” Rainbow gasped.

Niko realized just how big a vehicle would look to a pony. She was only about as tall as the hood

“Why’s it the same color as me?” Rainbow asked, taking a step closer. Thick fog filled the inside of the vehicle, obstructing their view of the interior.

The driver’s side door opened. Fog poured from the vehicle, sinking to the ground and fanning out like a scene from ‘Back to the Future.’

A bulky figure emerged from the shell of the vehicle. The fog cleared enough for Niko to take in his features. He was a rather muscle clad man. He sported a shaved head and a gold chain around his neck. A brown shirt stretched tight over his chest and a black, unzipped leather jacket covered that.

Niko balked. “Brucie? What the hell?”

Brucie propped himself up in the crook of the door. “Man, I have a headache,” he complained.

“What are you doing here?” Niko asked disbelievingly. First Roman and now Brucie, what was going on?

Brucie closed the car door and walked over to greet Niko with a fist-bump. Niko declined the motion. “I’m at your place,” Brucie said, making sound like Niko was the confused one. Brucie looked around curiously; eyes squinted against the late sun. “Aren’t I?”

Niko clasped his hands to his head. “No, this is not my place. This is Ponyville. You should not be here.”

Brucie’s eyes widened. “Ponyville?” He looked around again, eyes widening in surprise.

“Geez Niko,” Rainbow said, hovering beside him. “Are you going to teleport every friend you have over here?”

Niko glared. “I did not make him come here.”

Brucie turned his head to the new voice. His eyes shot open so wide that his eyebrows threatened to be eaten by his nonexistent hair. His jaw dropped and his whole body went stiff as a board.

Brucie?” Niko asked. He did not respond. Rainbow hovered where she was, looking slightly confused. Niko walked up to Brucie and waved a hand in front of his face. Brucie didn’t even register that the hand was there.

“Great,” Niko scoffed. “You broke him.” He directed the comment at Rainbow.

A high pitched squeal escaped Brucie’s lips. He brought his hands to the side of his head, gasping for breath. He doubled over and looked up a moment later.

“You’re Rainbow Dash,” he squeaked.

Niko shot a questioning glance at Rainbow. “How does he know your name?” he asked. “He just got here.”

“You’re Rainbow…” Brucie squealed again, trailing off for loss of breath before he could finish.

“Hey cousin!” Roman said cheerfully. He walked up to Niko and pointed a backwards thumb at Brucie’s car. “What is Brucie’s car doing in middle of road?” His eyes fell on the spluttering Brucie. Random bits of gibberish tumbled from his mouth whenever he gained enough breath to speak. “Is he alright?” Roman asked.

Niko shook his head. “I do not think so.”

Brucie leaned against his car, finally gaining control of his breathing. “I’m dreaming,” he gasped. “Either that, or I died in the car crash and went to heaven.”

He pinched his arm hard. “Ouch,” he gasped. “Not dreaming.”

“Hey Brucie!” Roman greeted happily.

Bruce ignored Roman. Instead he stuck his hand out and pointed in awe at Rainbow. “You’re Rainbow Dash,” he declared.

She flushed. “So I heard.”

Brucie looked around. “Am I in Ponyville?” he asked.

“Yes,” Niko and Roman both replied in unison

Brucie clasped his head in his hands. “Holy shit,” he gasped. “Don’t freak out. Don’t freak out.”

Roman chuckled. “Brucie, have you been juicing again?”

“Wait a minute?” Niko interjected. He turned to Brucie. “If you just drove sports car here, then how do you know Ponyville and Rainbow Dash?”

Brucie looked up at him, face going red. “The show man…” he trailed off. “The show.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and folded her ears. “Great,” she groaned. “He’s one of those ones.”

Niko looked at her. “What is that?”

Rainbow spoke with exasperation. “Sometimes, we get a human here that seems to know everything about us; and they act really crazy.”

Niko remained curious. “How could he possibly know all about you?”

Rainbow shrugged. “Don’t ask me. But it’s really creepy when a human you’ve never seen before knows everything about you.”

Brucie shielded the sun from his eyes and looked around. “Where are the others?” he asked insistently. “Like Twilight, and Pinkie?”

Rainbow looked at Niko and deadpanned. “See.”

Roman leaned up against Brucie’s car. “So why is Brucie here again?” he asked.

Until now, Brucie hadn’t noticed Roman. He looked at Roman, a puzzled expression falling on his face. “Why are you here?” He looked at Niko. “Why are both of you here?”

Roman looked angry. “Because after you got in fight with helicopter steering wheel I crashed! Somehow I crashed here.”

Brucie brought his hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Oh, so that’s what happened.” He shrugged, looking back at Roman. “So you’ve been here for two days?”

Roman nodded.

“Four for me,” Niko added.

Brucie threw out his arms and bumped his palms against his chest. “What the hell you guys? You were here and you didn’t tell me?” Brucie’s face showed genuine anger.

Niko scoffed. “What was I supposed to do? Call you on telephone and say, hey Brucie, I am in colorful world of little ponies, come down and join me?”

Brucie waved his arms around wildly. “That’s exactly what you were supposed to do!”

Niko rolled his eyes. “Look,” he said. “Next time I end up in strange unknown colorful world, I will call you.”

“Look at the bright side,” Roman broke on. “We are all here and having wonderful time!”

Rainbow cleared her throat loudly. “You know, I’m feeling left out of this conversation.”

Brucie let out a little squee of excitement as she spoke.

She glared at him. “Would you stop doing that?”

Brucie coughed nonchalantly. “Sorry.” He raised a finger excitedly. “We need to celebrate.”

Roman cocked his head. “Celebrate what?”

Brucie ran around to the driver’s side door and pulled it open. “Me having the best day of my life,” he replied. He emerged with a set of keys and circled around to the back of the vehicle.

Niko walked over as he was inserting the key in the trunk-lock. “What is in trunk?”

“You’ll see,” Brucie said happily. He lifted the lid and produced a bottle of vodka.

Niko peered into the trunk to see not only vodka, but whiskey, other hard liquor, and a whole pallet of binge beer. “Holy shit Brucie,” he exclaimed. “Do you normally carry this much beer in trunk?”

Brucie half scoffed, half chuckled. “Well yeah. You never know when you’re going to meet a couple of hot bitches ready to party.”

Niko jabbed Brucie in the shoulder. “Do not use that word in front of ponies. It is not good.”

“Hey,” Brucie protested. “You used shit.”

“It is not the same. Bitch is worse than shit if you use it on person.”

Roman interjected. “Look at you two. Stop arguing about naughty words. Let us just drink beer.” He reached into the trunk and pulled out a bottle of whiskey.

Niko raised his hand in a dismissive gesture. “I think I will hold off on the booze tonight. I want to stay sober at least one night I am here.”

“Come on Niko.” Brucie insisted. Rainbow and Roman joined in on the protests until all three of them were yelling at him. “Fine!” he yelled back. “I will have couple beers.”

* * *

“To friends,” Roman slurred. They all tapped their beer bottles together. Seven more beer bottles for each of them littered the floor of the Sabre, along with a couple whiskey and vodka bottles as well. Brucie sat in the driver’s seat and Niko the passenger. Roman sat behind Brucie in the back seat. Rainbow was behind Niko.

“You know what,” Brucie said. “This is boring, just sitting here. Let’s go for a drive.” He upturned an empty vodka bottle, looking up the neck.

“Yeah!” Roman jeered.

Niko nodded. If he had been the least bit sober, he would have declined. But right now they were all having fun.

Brucie lit the ignition and the powerful sports car roared to life. “Wooooooo!” he called. “Where’re we going?” he asked, looking back at them.

Roman shrugged. “I do not know. Let’s just follow road.”

“I agree with Roman,” Niko put in. “Let us follow road.”

Rainbow looked around in awe. “This thing moves on its own?”

Brucie looked back at her and smiled. “Hell yeah! It moves so fast that it…” he trailed off. “I could like, win a race with this thing.” He slid the car into first gear. The transmission ground angrily as Brucie fumbled with the gearshift. It was dark out, so Brucie turned on the high beams, casting the dirt road ahead into proportion.

They started forward. Roman and Brucie whooped. Niko laughed and thumped the dashboard with his hand. “Another bottle,” he requested from Roman. Roman reached back and tossed him another bottle.

“Gimme’ another one too,” Rainbow said.

Roman looked at her. “Are you even old enough to drink booze?”

In the front seat, Brucie switched to fourth gear.

“Yeah!” she said.

Roman shrugged. He passed her a bottle as well. “Go at it.”

“We need some music!” Brucie yelled.

“Yeah!” Roman implied.

Brucie hit a button on the stereo and the speakers blared to life. Niko recognized the song, but did not remember the name

<=This is probably the only time I will ever interrupt the story. To experience this scene at full effect, please start the song “Tik Tok, by Ke$ha” now.=>

“What is this shit?” Niko protested.

Brucie glared at him. “Hey, this is a rockin’ song!”

“It is new age crap!” Niko yelled over the subwoofer.

“Uhoh!” Roman jeered. “She has her glasses!”

“Woooooooo!” Brucie called. He jammed the accelerator and the car powered forward. He took a heavy swig whiskey and wiped his mouth with his shirt sleeve. “Let’s get this party started!”

“This is a weird song!” Rainbow yelled.

Niko looked back at her. “It is made by humans. What do you expect?”

Brucie started head-bobbing. Niko couldn’t help but to join along. Brucie shrugged his shoulders to the music, moving his whole body to the beat of the song. “We’re having fun now!” His hands tapped rhythmically on the steering wheel.

“I love this song!” Roman exclaimed. “Turn this shit up Brucie!”

Brucie complied by cranking up the dial. The entire car vibrated as the sound became deafening.

Niko found this all rather fun. The song was catchy.

Brucie looked over at him and shot a drunken smile. He started singing along. “Don’t stop, make it pop, DJ blow my speakers up, tonight I’mma fight till we see the sun light! Tick tock, on the clock, but the party don’t stop no!” He slurred the next part, laughing hysterically.

Roman joined in and the two sang the next verse in unison. “Don’t stop, make it pop, DJ blow my speakers up, tonight I’mma fight till we see the sun light! Tick tock, on the clock, but the party don’t stop no!” Niko looked at the two as if they were crazy. This was all crazy! They were singing along to…. This!

“You are all crazy!” Niko yelled in exasperation.

“We got beer!” Roman jeered.

“What the hay is going on!?” Rainbow asked. She looked between three humans in the car with unmasked confusion. “Are you singing!?”

“Hell yeah!” Brucie bellowed.

“Come on Niko!” Roman patted him on the shoulder. “Sing along. It’s fun! This is a party!”

Niko fought the urge to join this. Even drunk, this was almost too much for him.

“Come on Niko!” Rainbow prodded. “I would do it but I don’t even know the words!”

Brucie moved his entire body rhythmically to the music. Roman attempted as well, but was failing due to his state of intoxication.

Brucie made himself heard over the subwoofers. “We’re goin’ till they kick us out, out!”

“Or the police shut us down, down!” Roman added.

“Police shut us down, down!” they both sang.

“Po po, shut us down.” Brucie made a stiff movement like a robot.

What the hell, Niko though. He joined in. “Don’t stop, make it pop, DJ blow my speakers up, tonight I’mma fight till we see the sun light! Tick tock, on the clock, but the party don’t stop no!” Niko found himself dancing in his seat to the music as well, the alcohol giving him motivation to power on.

Brucie laid on the horn for the next verse. “Don’t stop, make it pop, DJ blow my speakers up, tonight I’mma fight till we see the sun light! Tick tock, on the clock, but the party don’t stop no!”

Rainbow jeered. “This is awesome.”

Niko turned to look at her. Roman and Brucie continued singing. Niko didn’t know this part. “Having fun!?” he asked jokingly.

“Yeah!” she yelled. Rainbow had had her fair share of alcohol too. Niko was surprised at her tolerance.
Brucie rounded a sharp corner on the dirt road. Billows of dust glowed red in the taillights behind them. The high-beams cut through the night.

Roman tossed Niko a flask. Without even checking the contents, Niko took a swig. He gagged. “Brucie, what the fuck!” he swore. “Who drinks peppermint schnapps!?”

He waved his arm, breaking off from the song and leaving Roman to go it alone. “Not mine!”

“Sure thing!” Niko tossed the flask back to Roman, who examined it for a second before tossing it out the window. They blew by a sign labeled, ‘Sweet Apple Acres.’

“Get ready,” Brucie warned. He held up a finger, waiting for a point in the song.

“Now the party don’t start till I walk in,” he lip synced perfectly.

They started the chorus. “Don’t stop, make it pop, DJ blow my speakers up, tonight I’mma fight till we see the sun light! Tick tock, on the clock, but the party don’t stop no!”

Niko clapped his hands to the beat, singing to the music. He looked around the car, still singing. Brucie was doing a full body dance. Roman waved his arms wildly, barely even matching the words. Rainbow nodded to the music, despite not knowing the words.

Niko looked ahead. He pointed a finger frantically out the windshield. “Tree!” A large oak loomed in the headlights.

Brucie turned to look at him. “What!?”

“Tree!” he repeated. Brucie looked forward in time to jerk the wheel. The car replied sluggishly. Brucie covered his face

Niko grabbed the handle to his right for what it was worth. The car swerved slightly to the right, but it wasn’t enough.

The Sabre sideswiped the tree at an even seventy miles per hour. The world started to spin.

<= ______________

<= yeah, I don't really know either.

<= I'm serious this time. Please don't hurt me


I want to thank Spirit Shin for making this awesome model. I prides me to think that somone would actually take the time to go do something this awesome.