• Published 16th Mar 2014
  • 12,122 Views, 532 Comments

The Witch of the Everfree Forest! - FLUTTERxxDASH

The Witch, to some a faerie, to most just a tale the tell kids to stay away from the Everfree. Twilight Sparkle had been alive for thousands of years, she has met and even taught many individuals but for the last one hundreds years, none have come in

  • ...

Chicken can also be a hurtful word!!

Author's Note:

Software checked.

Edited by these lovely people: Void Runner and Trail Cutter. Give them some love as they are absolutely amazing!

The Witch Of The Everfree Forest!

Written By

Serra Quill

"Well, it is certainly a lively little town now, there's the tree I planted not too long ago! So many memories, forty years comes and goes in a blink of an eye, it's always nice to see how society fares every once in awhile" Twilight said to herself as she jumped across another roof, a man below had his mouth wide open as he watched the cat run off.

"Did that... Cat just talk?" the man said as he took off his hat and scratched his head, "I really gotta lay off that Apple family cider, or I just might become as cooky as mah wife says I will."

Twilight stopped at the edge of a roof, standing atop one of the taller buildings of the town and had a look around at all the new buildings as well as the old ones that she could remember. She breathed in the Ponyville air as nostalgia hit her; this was the first village under her rule, Quite prosperous if I do say so myself Celly. The Apple family hasn’t left the town in nearly two hundred years and the town seems to have grown at least twice in size since I have last seen it. She then jumped down from where she sat onto a carriage roof, then onto a crate and finally onto the ground where she proceeded at a steady but calm pace to walk around.

Passing some flowers she moved her little nose into a night lily and smelled the wondrous flower, at the same time a violet haired woman came out with a canister of water, who then begin to grin at the little kitty. "I hope they smell good, do you like them, miss kitty?" she asked in a playful tone, to which she was surprised when the cat actually nodded. "Well then, haha, I guess you can have one," to which she plucked a small night lily and placed it between a tuft of fur near Twilight’s ear.

Twilight purred in delight at the gift as she let the lady rubbing her head, The people are still nice too, I'm glad the bearers are from this town. Best get to work though.

Seconds after the kitty left Roseluck began pouring over the flowers she tended to, happy to please another creature who also adored her work, only to jump when a loud squeal came from behind her. Picking herself off the floor, she looked down at the now empty canister, huffing out a sigh as she turned to the pink menace that surprised her, "Why did you do that Pinkie?"

"Oh... Sorry Rose, er... Have you seen anyone new around, I got a Pinkie sense that somebody new has been just here. I checked all over, and I have been following my sense through town and just can't seem to find the source?!" Pinkie said in a delightfully frustrated tone, most unlike the pink wonder.

Rose put on a calmer demeanour at the sight of Pinkie, "I'm sorry Pinkie, I can't say I have seen anyone new, the only new person or should I say creature I have seen today was a really nice purple kitty who liked my flower bed."

"Oookay then," Pinkie said as her hair deflated, only to shoot back up as she felt another twitch. Pulling out a checkered hat and a monocle she turned towards the school down the lane, "THE CHASE! IT BEGINS! I will feed you cake, whoever you are!"

Twilight wandered the streets as she happened upon some metal railings. Not far from there she could hear the laughter of children and then spotted a group she knew, it was the CMC over by a bench.

"We've got history, next guys!"

Scootaloo moaned aloud before slamming her face into the old wood of the bench, "Why does it have to be history, can't it be something like PE or art... Something at least cool... I never do any good in that phooey subject!"

Applebloom shrugged at her friend, "History is important Scoots, why mah family has been part of Ponyville fer’ centuries. If we didn't document all our findin’s and where we came from there's nothin’ stoppin’ someone comin’ and takin’ our land"

"I know that much AB but... It's about learning about the nobles and all that stuff; they're all just stuck up people and nobody likes them but we still have to learn what they did for Equestria... I'm sure all they really did was sit on their hands while other people did the work." Scoots moaned as she lifted her face, only for her nose to be bopped by a paw.

Twilight sat there in front of Scoot's while the other two had their backs to the table watching around them, not having a clue to the new arrival. "You are not that far off from the truth my dear Scoot's, they really didn't lift a finger themselves for all the so called achievements they made. Only a few are true to their word."

The duel sound of, "Twilight!?" came from behind.

To which both of Twilights paw's covered her ears, "Please... Not so loud. We’re in public and I don't want to be found... Yet."

"What y'all mean yet Twilight?" Applebloom said as she turned in her seat to sit facing the table when she sat she reflexively began to pet Twilight in the same way she pets her dog.

Twilight purred slightly at the gentle movements before carrying on, "Nothing to worry about, just some business that will happen right here in Ponyville." suddenly all three little girls giggled. "What? Did I say something wrong?" Twilight said as her right ear folded back.

"Nah, it's jus' nothin' ever happens ‘round here, don't see why any business would take place in this town. It's the quietest town in the country... No, the world in fact!" Applebloom said before returning back to patting Twilight’s head. Moving to her side and scratching it making Twilight’s left hind leg shake.

Twilight moved away from the hand and stared dumb-founded, "How did that... That was weird... Anyway, I was hoping you would be able to show me around tomorrow, so I thought I would follow your scent and find you, girls. Luckily I didn't need to since I happened upon your school"

Sweetie Belle shot to her feet and began to bounce on the spot, "This is going to be so fun! There are so many cool spots around town, we have to go to Pinkie’s place for some of her Cake!!"

"CHOCOLATE CAKE!!" the three chorused, only to have Twilight cover her ears again and twitch. When the girls stopped, they looked at the kitty on the table who had fur sticking out in different places as her eye twitched.

"Please..." she said with gritted teeth before breathing a deep breathe, "no more shouting."

"Supreme cake? Well, you don't say... No wonder chicken can't fly, too much weight to pick her off the ground with her scrawny wings, am I right Silver, or am I right?"

"You're right~," another voice said as two girls a little taller than the CMC made their way over to the table, and Twilight visibly saw the group deflate, Scootaloo more so.

"What? You can't say that to Scoota-"

"And what are you going to do about it," the nasty girl said as she moved closer to Sweetie Belle, nearly a full head taller than her, her small tiara making her look even taller. "What can any one of you do about it... Or anything for that matter? Nothing, because you're just a bunch of talentless hacks from this backwater village. Daddy and, I came from a regal place and will soon be moving back away from you useless backwater people."

Twilight began to growl at the nasty child, causing the girl turn towards her, "Ewww nasty mangy thing, GET IT AWAY, GET IT AWAAAY~" she said as she backed off, flailing her arms in front of her body.

"Hey, that's not nice, she ain’t done nothin' tah y’all!" Applebloom said as she took a step forward with her hands clenched.

Diamond huffed as she glared at the girl who dared to talk back, "It’s a mangy, filthy thing that needs to be put in a box far away from my clean self! I don't even know why I'm talking to the lot of you, let's go Silver!"

"Yeah... oh wait, that wasn't an insult," the other girl said as Diamond face-palmed while walking away.

When they were out of sight again Applebloom moved over to Scootaloo who was facing away from the group, sniffling whilst rubbing her sleeve across her face. Applebloom sat down next to her and swung an arm around her friend.

Twilight sighed at the sight, "Well, I better get on my way, will you be okay, Scootaloo?" Twilight inquired as she got up from her sitting position.

Sniffling, she giggled slightly, "Who me? ‘Course I'm okay, just got some dust in my eye, damn dust!"

The girl stood from where she was and nodded to Twilight, just before she ran off to the building waving back to them. Applebloom sighed as she saw her friend probably running to the toilets to splash water on her face, "She may be one tough gal, but her wings are a might touchy subject for Scoot. If it weren't for Tiara..." she choked out,her clenched fists turning white as Sweetie gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

Twilight looked up to Bloom with a smile, "As long as she has you two, I am sure she will be fine, even though words can be as sharp as a sword. Though the blade pierces, it will not go deep if you have friendship, which is and always has been the strongest shield known to Eques. Just make sure to always be there when she needs you, as she will be for you and you will see that she will remain strong in dire times," she said, looking over to the building. "It’s who we are, it's who we strive to be... And whatever we wish to become, it can all be reached with a helping hand." she explained in a fashion that confused the two girls, making her giggle slightly. "You will understand in time, as does everyone. Yes, as do we all." she declared, not only to the girls but to herself as well.

The hour was growing late and Twilight had finished her rounds of the Everfree; there were three new pups of the Greenbark tribe, such cute little guys too. Twilight bobbed up and down as Spike moved through the forest floor, Twilight clicked her fingers as she summoned scrolls to her side. While each was old and very dirty, but all the same still important to her. Upon opening the first Scroll she saw the Twenty names she had written, many other names before then making her smile, but also feel slightly sad. With another click of her fingers a quill appeared for which she pricked her thumb for ink. Scribing three new names onto the sheet; Leaf wind, Sap Tooth, Twig Bark and then forlornly penning deceased next to another name further up the list.

It was a hard feeling having watched someone or some creature you have cared for pass, but that was the life of one who has lived so long. After all, the old give their young room for growth... Twilight snapped her fingers again before she laid it back on Spike to pat his head. "I can feel the forest slowly growing more chaotic, I think the time is drawing close; he will awaken very soon. I must find the rest of the bearers soon, I hope Celestia has been searching; without Luna she has no hope of swaying that mad man."

"Was he really that bad mother? Did he really get locked away for such silly things?"

"If taking the hair of all females in the land and then making mops out of it all as gifts isn't enough, turning a mountain full of peaceful creatures into a sea of flames is much more worthy of the crime we imprisoned him for, not to mention what he did to this, to my sanctuary." Twilight said as she looked around the dark forest.

"Do you know who the bearers are? What they look like?" Spike asked as he tilted his head up, trying to see his mother’s face while she was riding his neck.

"I have only surmised one to be of the group so far, and sadly I do not know who or know what the rest look like. I only know of the virtues needed to power the crystals of old. My brother was the one to discover their abilities, while Celestia and Luna were the first to use them, though now it is quite impossible for them to use them, and now they must be used against her again, even at the cost of life," Twilight said as she looked at her arm, a scar running in a spiral up her arm and then to a star shape at the end of her forearm. "If you use the crystal's without having the correct virtue, the consequences are dire," Twilight said before covering her arm back up.

"Did you and-"

"Please Spike, I do not wish to remember such a sombre tale, let us just get back home for the moment," she lamented, looking into the dark woods around her.

"You got it, Mom," Spike said with a worried look before he picked up the pace.

A few minutes passed before they arrived at their hut. They were surprised to see someone had been waiting for them, finding Scootaloo sitting by their door. Twilight stood up on Spike’s neck as she morphed, black feathers sprouting as her body shrunk, becoming a raven and flying down to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo scrambled to her feet when she saw Spike, getting up and moving closer to them, and as she did, she saw the Raven that was flying towards her change into Twilight. "Hey"

Twilight blew a black feather from her arm as she walked up to Scoots, "And what brings one of my new friends here at such a late hour? I am sure your family would be worried," she said,.

"Nah, they don't really care what I do, as long as I stay out of the way. The only one in my family who seems to care is my aunt."

Twilight put her hand on Scoot’s shoulder as she raised her other hand toward the door, "Tea my dear?"

"Er... I don't usually drink tea," she said, scratching her head, "but Sweetie says it tastes good, so sure, I guess." she admitted with a shrug.

"Good, come along then," Twilight said just before stopping and turning upon her heels, "Spike, would you be a star and get a new born leaf from a red oak tree... It had escaped my mind when we were on our outing"

"Sure," Spike answered as he slunk off silently into the darkness; she still didn’t know how he can be so quiet sometimes.

With a smile, she walked Scootaloo into her cottage and sat her down on a carved tree stump with a woollen cover , "Now, pray tell what is this visit truly about my dear?"

Scootaloo began rubbing her arm as she looked down, much like earlier within the day, "Can, can I tell you a secret, one that not even my hero knows?" She said as she looked to Twilight.

Not even her Hero? I will have to ask her later, "Of course, you can always confide in me," Twilight stated as she lifted her arm, a purple aura stretched from it to the low-lit fire in the corner, making it larger as a pot hooked onto the stand above it. Still keeping her eyes on the girl, for a time now she had suspicions of what was wrong, but hopefully, she was about to find out.

Scootaloo shuffled her feet before looking up again, and nowshe was slightly shaking too, "I'm a failure," she chirped out with a grimace. "That's what Dad says anyway, I come from a family that has strong flyers and adventurous characters. But... It was never my fault, I always get the blame for everything when it comes to them"

"To what Scoots," Twilight inquired gently as she moved closer to the child.

"To these!" she said as she flared her small wings to the side.

I knew there was something wrong. Twilight thought as she watched Scootaloo start to tear up.

Scoots huffed before carrying on, "It was never my fault that I was born this way... My dad, he- he- he says I am the reason he drinks... That I am the cause of all his troubles."

Twilight wrapped her arms around her small frame as she heard sniffles coming from her, "No one is the cause of someone's pain for those reasons, I should know myself... Are you having troubles at home, is that why you are here?"


Twilight sighed before looking down at her, still shivering, her nose slightly dribbling from holding back tears. "I can't fix something like a home situation, I am afraid," Scootaloo's face darkened slightly at that, "but I may be able to help in some ways"

"How?" Scootaloo said as she sniffed, rubbing her eyes on a sweatband she was wearing.

"It wasn't long ago when this forest had many people living in it, if you feel the need to, you may stay here... With us," Twilight said as she looked to the window, seeing Spike just arriving back. Sticking his head in he dropped the red-colored leaf upon the table. "Unless you can stay with your aunt?"

Scootaloo shook her head, "I can't live with my aunt, she is really cool, but she doesn't stay around much because of her job."

Twilight hummed in thought as she looked at the girls back. "Well, we can talk more about that in the morning. I am sorry if this is too intrusive, but would you mind telling me what is wrong with your wings?" she asked as gently as she could.

Scootaloo slipped back slightly away from Twilight;s arms, her red jacket crinkling as she slouched forward, eyes squinting as she tried not to cry. Reaching an arm over to feel her feathers she looked into them, "It’s called, Angel Wing, it can either be transmitted or inherited. In my case, I inherited it off... from my Dad. That's why he blames me, just because I can't be a Wonderbolt, what he always dreamed of being. It's a virus that infects the muscles of Valkyries’ wings; some are still able to fly even though they tire fast. In my case, I can hover... but not for long." Scootaloo explained glumly.

The pot upon the fire began to whistle and Twilight levitated it away from the fire, pouring two cups of tea and put one into Scoot’s shaking hands, "I see. Had they said there was anyway to treat it?"

"Not that we can afford. Some have muscle transplants, I don't really like the idea though, so I wouldn't get that done to myself even if I had the option. The doctor I had been seeing told me I would never be able to fly normally, so my Dad took to drinking and quit his job, while my Mom and my Aunt tried their best to raise me. My Aunt even took on a job that she needs to travel for just to send us more money and left the house. She still sends some checks, but eventually Mum began blaming stuff on me too. It can't be helped really, trouble just seems to follow me." Scoots choked out as she scuffed her heel on the floor.

Twilight hummed in thought, "Would you mind if I were to take a look at the top of your back and your wing muscles?" Twilight asked, Scootaloo rubbed her arm whilst she was looking away, "It will be just for a second, I just want to confirm something that I have been thinking for a while now."

Scootaloo pulled her eyes from the floor back to Twilight as she nodded her confirmation.

"Alright, then my dear, all you have to do is turn around for me, okay?" to which Scootaloo did as she was told. Twilight stood from where she was sitting and moved behind the little crusader, kneeling she placed both hands on her back.

Slowly she channelled her magic into the nerves at the tips of her fingers and palms, feeling the small vibrations and pulses that ran through the child's back. It's just as I thought, I don't know what Angel Wing is but I do know why she has such small wings, Twilight hummed while she thought over how to go about the situation she found herself in, pulling her hands off of Scootaloo’s back and letting her magic dissipate. "Scootaloo," she said to the girl.

Swiveling on the stool, Scoots turned around to face Twilight, seeing her face in contemplation, "Yeah?"

"I know why you are in the condition you are in, there is also a treatment I know of," and Twilight began to explain, Scootaloo’s face brightened as she was about to say something, but Twilight held up her hand, "But, it's not a fast nor even an easy and safe treatment. I can't promise that it will even work, it could even make it worse... Not only for your flying, it could affect your health." Twilight said with a serious demeanour. "Scootaloo, do you understand the depth of the danger you could be in if I were to treat you? If you want this I need to know you are ready for what comes with the treatment."

Shuffling her feet nervously, Scootaloo looked to Twilight, "What's wrong with my wings?"

Twilight sat back in her seat as she saw Spike blowing more fire onto the cauldron with her food, cooking, "To save confusion I will explain it as easily as I can. The reason you can only last so long is that your body burns your energy too fast, so your muscles can't keep up with the effort needed to fly. As well as that, since this has happened your growth has been stunted and your muscles have become underdeveloped."

"I already know that, the doctors had explained in detail to me about my muscle size and how it has stopped my wings from growing."

Twilight lifted Scootaloo’s chin whilst smiling, "True, your muscles and wing structure are underdeveloped, but it doesn't mean it's not treatable, but again, I will re-iterate that this could be life changing, be it for good or bad. Plus, it won't be an overnight treatment, it will be daily for quite some time, but know that if you chose to agree, I will help you within all my power." Twilight explained with a smile.

Scootaloo looked to be hesitating on what to say, "Do... Do you mind if I think things through before I decide anything?"

Still smiling Twilight nodded, "Of course, that's fine, I won't rush you into answering, it is a big decision. If you decide you want it, I will tell you the details of what we will do.

"Princess please, this book has all the signs, and it all points to that forest with the castle of the two sisters!" a young woman with red and yellow hair said, while holding an old tome up.

The clink of a cup and a sigh was heard from whom the young woman was talking to, "Sunset, I understand you are quite infatuated with this idea-"

"Celestia, this isn't just an idea... There are facts, and signs all through history, I have thoroughly researched into it all and I am sure I can find what we need to defend ourselves against Nightmare Moon at the Castle if you just let me go there." Sunset pleaded.

Celestia looked out of her balcony windows, the dark forest of the Everfree in the distance, Maybe it is time, after all, I can't stop how inquisitive my own student can be, she thought with a smile. Sighing, she turned back to Sunset, "Fine, but there are conditions."

"Anything," Sunset said as she grinned, clutching the tome closer to her.

"You can go to explore the castle of sisters, as long as you don't go alone; take your friends with you as you go." She said as she saw Sunset began to complain, putting her hand up to stop what she was about to say, "This is non-negotiable, being alone in that forest is very dangerous and I know one of your friends knows the forest quite well. Also, being in a group will be much safer." she said in a tone that left no room for argument. Taking another sip of her tea, "As well as that, I want you to oversee the preparations for the summer sun celebration whilst you are in Ponyville. Since you want to explore the castle, you can also be the planner for the festivities whilst you are there," she said with a quirked eyebrow and a grin.

"That’s unfair Princess, I can't be the planner when I need to concentrate on..."

"Sunset, please just go and have some fun with your friends, plan the party with them. You will still have time to visit the castle, there are still four days remaining from the 'prophecy,'" Celestia said with a giggle that sounded like delicate bells, "Please?"