• Published 26th Feb 2014
  • 4,642 Views, 89 Comments

Princess Twilight Sparkle and her curious love life - Idsertian

In which Twilight acquires acceptance of the self, and a pair of loving partners.

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Princess Twilight Dreams - Grass and Cider

Princess Twilight dreams – Grass and Cider

The smells of grass and cider filled her nose, as did the sharp scent of apples being pressed and the slightly unpleasant odour of silage. Trees surrounded her on both sides, full and ripe apples hanging from their branches. A gentle breeze blew among the boughs, making the leaves whisper as she wove her way slowly between the trunks.


The noise was distant, or seemed to be, at least. It was hard to tell, the way the trees baffled the sound.


It was definitely wooden, whatever it was. Perhaps somepony was chopping wood here in the orchard? Perhaps felling a dead tree?


She wasn't concerned. She was safe here. Even though her hooves were carrying her inexorably towards the noise, she instinctively knew she would be safe. Nothing would hurt her. Besides, she had a message to deliver. Or was it a confession? She couldn’t remember. It didn’t matter. She’d remember when she got to where she was going, she usually did. And she would get there, no matter what.


Closer now. It was definitely the sound of wood being struck, though there was another quality to the sound, something just underneath it that came after. A low sort of rumble. Feathers brushed against bark as she passed another tree.


Getting closer still, she felt her heart begin to beat faster. There was a warm feeling growing inside her, the sensations of excitement and contentment warring within her chest. A subtle shift of the breeze brought the smells of cider and grass to her nose again, stronger than before.


She was almost on top of the noise now, could almost see its source. Her breathing was faster now, as if she had just taken a long trot. The rumbling after the noise was clearer now. No, not rumbling, the sound of lots of small, hard objects falling in a neat pile.


She was almost at the tree line, flashes of orange, of… something were visible between the trunks. The sounds of a pony hard at work could be heard, moving heavy loads around and winding up before-


She emerged from the trees into the sunshine, the bright light causing her to shield her eyes with a hoof for a moment. When they adjusted, she saw she was stood on a path, another line of trees marching on into infinity in both directions in front of her. She stared at them, turning her head left and right, trying to grasp how such a thing was possible. Her mind told her it wasn’t, but her eyes begged to differ.


Her attention was brought back to the treeline, where the most beautiful earth pony mare she had ever laid eyes on was bucking the trees with impressive force, causing their apples to fall neatly into the baskets arranged below. She couldn't help but admire such strength and skill, but also the beauty of what was in front of her. The orange coat, the blonde mane and tail, the strong muscles toned to perfection by years of hard work…

She realised the other mare had seen her, and was watching her in turn. She struggled to remember the words she’d journeyed all the way here to say. She wracked her brain, trying to force the words out, but the harder she tried, the further from her mental grasp they danced. She watched as the simple path between the ranks of trees suddenly seemed like an impassable gulf, a divide never meant to be crossed, stretching out between them infinitely, yet remaining exactly the same width.

As she felt her breath quicken further at the thought of not being able to cross and her mind screamed as yet another impossibility was forced upon it, she felt herself frozen in place as the other mare just smiled and stepped across the path as if it wasn't there. She saw, she saw the path just… snap, instantly shrinking back to its proper width as the only other pony in existence stepped over it. How? How was that possible? How could she do that?

It didn’t matter, she was here now. All she had to do was say something.

She watched her new companion approach and felt an orange hoof on her shoulder.


The voice startled her, its country twang like honey in her ears. But... how did she know her name? She hadn't told her, much less spoke-


Again, her name. She wanted to reply, but still her lips refused to part, as if glued shut by some unseen force. She suddenly felt faint, as if she'd not had enough to drink on a hot day. The world started to recede from her. The other mare's hoof applied a gentle pressure to her shoulder.


She felt herself sinking to her knees under the hoof, her eyes slipping closed…


She murmured something as she finally slipped from consciousness, though she couldn't make out what.

“-up, sleepyhead.”

Her eyes fluttered open slowly, taking a moment to focus on her surroundings. Her bedroom. Her window. And, just in front of her, a smiling orange face framed with freckles and a tousled blonde mane, green eyes almost glowing in the morning sunlight.

“There ya are,” giggled Applejack. “An' I thought Granny Smith was a heavy sleeper. Fancy some breakfast? I make some pretty mean pancakes when the mood strikes me.”

Twilight sat up suddenly, her mind taking a moment to process everything. Applejack, in her room. In her bed. Clearly, they'd slept together. Had they… done that as well?

The memories of the previous night loomed out of the fog of drowsiness in her head then, providing clarity. No, they hadn't. Her secret was intact and this was nothing more than the morning after an innocent, if slightly drunken, sleepover. Her head ached slightly and her mouth felt dry, as if to confirm that memory. Her stomach growled, bringing her attention back to Applejack's question. Pancakes sounded wonderful about now.

“Yeah, that sounds great,” she answered, smiling lop-sidedly at the noises her stomach was making. Applejack laughed softly.

“Alrighty then, I'll get started. See ya in a few minutes.”

Twilight watched her friend leave, gazing in wonder as the shadows from the leaves outside played across the earth pony's coat in the early morning sun. She laid back down on the blankets underneath her, feeling the warmth still in them from Applejack's body. Scrunching them up with her hooves, she nuzzled into them like she did with her favourite doll as a filly. Breathing deeply, she caught Applejack's scent from the soft wool, strong and vibrant as the mare herself. Smiling slightly, Twilight continued to doze in the warm embrace of the blankets. She knew she would have to get up in a moment, but for now she was quite content to just lie there, savouring the comforting smell of her friend.

The smell of grass and cider.