• Published 26th Feb 2014
  • 3,787 Views, 26 Comments

Pinkie's Fear - Quaver Ava

After Fluttershy loses her temper with Pinkie Pie and threatens not to be her friend anymore, the mare goes into a state of withdrawal and fear, struggling to change herself to be a better pony.

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Fluttershy tended to her animal friends the next day, humming a little lullaby to some little ones for their afternoon nap. They were precious fox cubs whom had strayed from their mother and got lost. The poor things were so frightened and scared when she found them they were all huddled together in fear. It had been a very long day for them indeed and after a little kindness they told her all about how they had been playing. Now as she put them to sleep for their nap she couldn’t help but think about how to go about finding their dear mother. Did they have a father as well? Many fox daddies left or were killed by other predators. Thus was the life near and around the Everfree.

A knock rapped on the door. She gasped, slightly startled. Her wings instinctively snapped opened ready to fly her away. With a calming breath and relaxing her wings she looked at the three precious little dears before nodding. Silently the pegasus walked to the door, cracking it. “Shh, who is it?” she asked, making sure that whoever it was knew to be quiet first. Her heart skipped a beat when Discord grinned at her.

“Hello Flutter pal, I got your letter and hurried right on over.” he said excitedly, but quietly to be considerate. He had quickly learned that whenever Fluttershy started anything with ‘shh’ it best to stay a little reserved. He had planned on a loud and extravagant entrance, but this was his best of all friends and he didn’t want to make her upset.

“Oh, thank you Discord. Please, come in, but quietly. We have guests, and they’re napping.” Fluttershy opened the door for the draconeques to enter. He slipped inside, following her to the three sleeping kits. “Here they are, aren’t they the sweetest things you’ve ever seen?”

He put a claw to his chin, nodding. Sweet dear Fluttershy if you enjoy mischievous foxes running off with those flightless birds of yours outside. “Why, they certainly are. I always loved foxes and their chaotic tendencies.” he remarked, looking around at the slightly destroyed cabin. Snapping his fingers he set up some brooms and mops to start cleaning the place up for his lovely friend.

“Oh no, you didn’t have to Discord.”

“Please my dear, just let the brooms do your cleaning while you tell me about this anger of yours.”

Fluttershy meekly hid her face with her mane. “Oh… Yes… Thank you… Thank you for coming.” she whispered, feeling embarrassed that he came all the way here just for her being upset at Pinkie Pie. She shouldn’t have written that letter. He had a busy and chaotic schedule after all.

“Now Fluttershy,” Discord called, moving around her and snapping his claws. She was thrown onto her couch in an instant, sitting upright like Lyra would. He made a chair appear sitting down with a cup of coffee and glasses on his muzzle. With a twinkle in his eye he smiled at his dearest of friends. “Please, tell me all about your woes with Pinkie Pie. There is a solution to be had here, only after your tale.”

“Well… I explained everything in the letter already. Pinkie went too far and just laughed at my stage fright. Normally I wouldn’t be bothered, I’d know she was trying to be supportive in her own special way. Though this time it just added onto everything else and now I can’t stop thinking of how insensitive that pony can be at times! She listens for a day before going back to her old ways, just shoving herself into other ponies as if they’re her best friends and it doesn’t upset them. Why, I’ve had to calm many animals down after some of her visits. She’s too much sometimes and it makes me so mad!” she ended with a stomp onto the floor board.

Fluttershy was surprised at how easy it was to be riled just by thinking of it. She blinked a few times. It was the clearest way she could have explained herself. Still though, she could not be proud of her current emotions towards her friend. It didn’t feel like herself at all to be angry. She felt like she was someone else at that moment, separated from who she truly was. “I’m sorry Discord, I don’t mean to sound ungrateful to have her as my friend. It was just the last straw that broke the pony’s back. I understand if you’re disappointed in me.”

“Oh Fluttershy, disappointed is far from how I feel. Why, this chaotic bundle of anger in you is practically blooming into something glorious! Now, now, don’t make that face, frowns don’t look to well on you. You’re my friend, of course I’ll help you tame this nasty beast.” Discord said, sipping his coffee and closing his eyes. He wore a little smug grin, setting off warning bells in Fluttershy’s head. “Now,” he continued, voice as calm as ever for the god of chaos. “If you value her friendship so much, what have you thought of to keep it intact and forgive her?”

“Well… I already forgave her. Or at least I said I did. Which I guess is a lie… But, well… I sent her away with the threat of not being her friend anymore. So I don’t know.”

Discord’s eyes popped out some as he heard those last few words. That was one detail that Fluttershy did leave out of her letter. This was serious. Though caused by something silly it was going far deeper than a single event. It was always the nice ones that were able to handle his chaos the most. Though when they finally broke, they turned into the most shattered of all. It made him want to spin in the air in joy. Oh, shame he was ‘reformed’. Taking a sip of coffee again he locked eyes with his friend. “How long has she bothered you?” He wasn’t sure if he should be feeling guilty from the satisfaction of his friend’s emotions.

Fluttershy frowned as she rubbed at her hoof. “Well, ever sense I came to Ponyville and met her. It really was just a little annoying at first, not really bothersome. I guess I liked her enough and then we become friends. I looked over most of it and accepted it was just Pinkie Pie. She has helped me be more social and talk with others. That was really nice of her. I never wanted to be upset at her, and when I have been upset before I was really mean. Now I must seem like a really big meanie pants…” She hid her face into her hooves, ashamed of herself yet again.

Discord frowned at this misery. He internally ground his teeth at what he had to do and say next. Though he was the lord of chaos he had lived for thousands of years, allowing him just a little wisdom. But come on, wisdom was boring. The things he did for her. “Seek Pinkie Pie my dear, find her and show her how much she means to you. Though chaos between relations often times the result is a stronger bond. Life is an exploding rainbow of mixing colors, all thrown together in beautiful chaos. Remember that wonderful princess of yours and her rather rash decision to send her sister to the moon. In the end forgiveness came and now they rule together once again.” He stood up, walking to her. She looked up at him as he stood over her on the couch; with a claw he touched her nose. “Be with her, and you will see, even when friends aren’t happy, together they will still succeed.”

Fluttershy slowly blinked up at Discord, shocked by the cryptic but mature sounding message. She thought she caught what he was trying to get at, but it still was a little dumbfounding that he would talk so deeply. She didn’t know he had it in him. It reminded her not to read a person on their surface. Deeper down they were often far different. She gasped as she thought of perhaps Pinkie was far more different than she let everyone to believe. “Thank you Discord that was just what I needed to hear. I think…”

“That’s what friends are for. Give her a chance like you gave me and you’ll see.” With a wink he stepped away, smiling from ear to ear. Just at that moment out of some random coincidence an alarm appeared next to his head, ringing with delightful noise. “Oh goodie, I’ll be at the hospital! Must be going ta-ta!”

“Oh? I was hoping you’d stay for a little while longer. I didn’t mean to keep you… Is it important though?” Fluttershy asked, concerned that she might have kept him longer than he needed to be. Like she said before, he had a very busy and chaotic schedule to keep up with. Though she really wished he would stay. There was so much more to talk about.

“Oh yes, Flutter pal, very important indeed. I will see you again soon, thank you for the coffee!” he thanked, even though it was his own coffee. He was gone, in a blink of an eye. She stayed where she was staring at the cloud of smoke left behind, shocked by the sudden leave. It left her feeling sad.

“Oh, goodbye?” the pony lightly mumbled. She didn’t want him to go yet. She still had so much more to say. A sniff left her. Even Discord couldn’t help her, he was so busy… The pegasus put her head between her hooves as she prepared herself to cry when a popping sound startled her. She looked up to see him there again. “Discord!” she exclaimed, flying up as he dropped a very angry vixen on the floor.

“Please forgive me dear Fluttershy, but I do believe you might appreciate this wonderful parting gift. Too-da-loo!” he exclaimed disappearing again before the vixen could jump at him with her snarling teeth.

There was no time for her to give a reply as the fox was in a terrified state. Her instincts to help the critter kicked in. Fluttershy’s eyes went wide, her heart pounded with adrenaline. She flew over to the snarling critter, trying to quickly calm it down. It was just like Discord to leave some kind of destructive mess for her to clean up. Excited yelping caught her attention and she looked away at the three kits stumbling over themselves to get to the furious vixen. “Look, your kits, AAHH!” she screamed as the fox tackled her to the ground, snapping her jaws at the pegasus’ neck. Fluttershy struggled to keep the terrifying teeth away from her and her pegasus instincts in check from hurting the poor dear. She held her attacker off just long enough for the fox to be tackled by three adorable fuzz balls.

She moved her mane out of her eyes with a hoof, still breathing heavily from the attack. There was a cloud of dust, painful yelping, before the vixen was able to realize it was her kits she was fighting. They had stopped, the mother snarling right in the face of one of her children when her eyes grew wide with clarity. “Heh…” Fluttershy cocked a half smile as the vixen quickly started licking her kits furiously. “Thank you Discrod…” she groaned, dropping her head to the floor boards.

A dancing broom came over, sweeping at her hair. She groaned again.


Pinkie Pie did a summersault from one side of the room to the next, grinning from ear to ear as Matilda and Cranky both laughed together in ruckus guffaws. The beautiful noise was contagious and brightened up her spirits considerably. Even her reflection giggled and laughed from the little reflective surfaces around the room. Pinkie Pie felt loved in that moment as she finished her summer sault, landing on one hoof with a silly grin. With another push off the ground she landed on all fours again, her mane covering her face. “Hehehe, look at me, I’m faceless. Oooh, spooky!” she joked, waving her forhooves in front of her. Cranky laughed some more, his toupee having fallen off long ago.

It was all fun though until he started coughing. Pinkie pushed her mane out of her eyes, looking at him with concern. “Doodle!” Matilda exclaimed in alarm. He put a hoof up for her to stay back as he coughed heavily into his arm. He finished with a dazed look in his eyes. Both mares stood back as they waited for him to speak.

“I think we’re done with that for now.” Cranky croaked, carefully hiding his arm under the blanket. It didn’t go unnoticed. Matilda looked at him with concern deeply etched into her eyes. “Matilda… I think you’re right, I need to go to the hospital.”

“Oh-oh? For a cough? It can’t be that bad right?” Pinkie Pie asked nervously, stepping forward. Her smile faltering as she came closer. Concerned etched into her features as she struggled not to think of the worst possible case. Though in her heart she knew it wasn’t good. Her fears were confirmed a second later.

He pulled his arm out from under the covers, turning it to show her the blood speckled in his paling fur. There was no need to explain any further of the severity of his sickness. Instead he asked her kindly to help collect his belongings for a trip to the hospital. “Pinkie Pie, would you help Matilda gather my things.”

Pinkie’s smile fell away faster than a sizzling firework. She nodded, walking up to him slowly. “Cranky, I love you.” she said, wrapping her arms around him for just a moment. Her body was tense with built up emotion. It didn’t occur to him that she wasn’t doing so well herself, though he did know his condition saddened her very. Not one for physical contact while sick he had to tell himself it was best if he returned some of the love. He hugged her back bringing a little smile to her features again. It was worth it. “I’m sorry for making you laugh too hard…” she apologized to him again, making him shake his head.

“Hey, I’m sick not dying; takes more than a cough to get me. There’s you earth ponies, then there’s us donkeys.” he reminded her, winking with a confidence that made her smile return some. He was far more optimistic sense he was reunited with his Matilda. Though Pinkie Pie also knew it was bravado for her. She hugged him a little tighter, but not too tight. She wanted to be considerate and a good friend, especially with him being so sick. Both of them wanted to make sure each other were as happy as possible.

Stepping back a moment later she made a salute to him. “Nurse Pinkie Pie reporting for duty, sir!” she said, standing at mock attention. He chuckled a little before coughing some. Her ears lowered as he got control of himself.

“You have your orders nurse.” he replied, gesturing for her to help Matilda get things ready for them to move him to the hospital. Pinkie snapped her arm down, giggling as she zipped to and fro helping to get everything ready. Even in the circumstances of the true weight of his condition she seemed to always keep a positive outlook, smiling for all those around her. It was perhaps the best medicine he could have. The two mares gathered his things in a surprising amount of time before they headed out to the hospital. He told them that he was well enough to make the journey on hoof, if not just a little slow. Pinkie Pie entertained them on their whole way there, talking about one of her imaginary friends whom actually was her reflection. Apparently she had unsettled her reflection here recently and wanted to make things better. Cranky went along with the sweet girl, telling her that no matter how cranky or upset a friend could be they were still their friends in the end.

“So… What if a friend threatens not to be your friend anymore?” Pinkie Pie asked, her demeanor fading away into a distant look. The expression was a little odd but not out of place for the girl. She was more than just giggles and smiles all the time mind you. He could tell this question was something that she had been building up to in a tactical, but still very Pinkie Pie, manner.

“Pinkie Pie, I’ve had many friends throughout my life and travels looking for Matilda. I’ve gotten into brawls with mares and colts alike that I considered practical family in my younger more daring days. You will learn that no matter how angry or upset two friends may get, if they’re true friends, they’ll stick together no matter what.” He was a donkey of many seasons and knew first hand that many friends didn’t survive through the trials of life. Friendships broke as quickly as they came for him. True friends though, they stuck together no matter what. Distance, time, no trial was ever too great.

His eyes widened before he held up a hoof for them to stop. They obliged waiting with concerned and loving faces as he coughed for a minute and struggle to get control over himself again. Once done, he continued to walk forward as if he didn’t really have an agonizing burning in his chest. A comfortable silence passed over the small group, allowing him to appreciate the beautiful bird song around him. The world was a bright and beautiful place filled with many wonders. He was pretty confident he wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. Pinkie Pie walked up to him again and hugged him, putting her face into his fur. He stopped at the sudden contact.

“Cranky, thank you. You’re a good true friend, I’ll bake you a lot of those pies when you get better.” she said confidently.

He nodded; glad that she knew everything was under control and wasn’t overreacting. He wasn’t too sure about Matilda inviting Pinkie over at first, but she was showing a wonderful amount of maturity and self-control in the situation. He was a little concerned she would over react over this. Perhaps it tied with her odd question about a friend not wanting to be friends with her anymore. Or that is, threatening to. Whatever the case, he was glad that she was here now. Her smiles and support lifted his spirits tremendously. “I think I’d like that Pinkie.” he agreed, hugging her back a little. The rest of the trek to the hospital was filled with the discussion of the get well party Pinkie wanted to throw for him.


“Sorry guys, I tend to be a slow writer at times. But hey, I read Fallout Equestria! Today we have our friends getting counsel from their other friends. Pinkie Pie, how you holding up there?”

“He’s coughing up blood, he’s coughing up blood, he’s sick, he’s coughing up…”

“OK, maybe not so in control as Cranky thought…”