• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 1,904 Views, 15 Comments

We'll See Who Has The Last Laugh - Fluttrick

Rainbow and Pinkie go on a pranking spree with the Flim Flam brothers.

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We'll See Who Has The Last Laugh

We'll See Who Has The Last Laugh


The train like vehicle let out another burst of steam as the brother's shot another load of magic into it. Little did they know of the two ponies lurking in the trees above.

"So Pinkie, you ready to do this!?" Rainbow whispered excitedly.

"Totally! Those meano brothers deserve what's coming to them." The pink party pony giggled as they steadied the large tub of sticky maple syrup.

"Ooh! Here they come Rainbow, get ready!" The two ducked behind a thick patch of leaves, ready to dump the bucket when the time was right. As the train neared the under part of the tree Pinkie nearly screamed. "NOW!" And with that, a large river of syrup poured in front of the train, which then caused it to close to a halt due to the sheer stickiness. Pinkie and Rainbow nearly exploded in laughter as Flim and Flam began to rant.

"Aw shucks! First we're sold out from the cider, now this, what horrid luck, eh brother." Flim remarked.

"I do agree, but now what shall we do!" The two looked at each other before looking to their train, then to the road ahead, then finally giving a sigh of defeat as they trudged onward, so did the two prank ponies, who followed in the forest above.

"Plan B, is ago!" Pinkie signaled to Rainbow as they sneakily moved on to their next position. A barrel of cider awaited them, but not just any barrel of cider as the pranksters filled two mugs they'd had with them and placed them onto the path the Flim and Flam would be treading soon.

"Hey Flam, I'm getting a bit thirsty how say you?"

"I as well oh brother of mine." And as if their prayers had been answered, before them appeared two glistening mugs of cider. The two unicorns made off in a gallop to them, and quickly chugged them down. Rainbow and Pinkie looked to each other with anxiety burrowed deep within them. Rainbow mouthed the words, Three, Two, One. Then out of nowhere the brothers spat out the cider they'd just drank. Pinkie and Rainbow made a wild dash to a desolate little hiding place where their uncontrollable laughter boomed across the sky.

"Ahahaha! Oh Pinkie Pie, that was just irony, pure irony." Rainbow barely managed to make out through her mad chuckles.

"Yah! Those two really got a taste of their own medicine, or should I say a taste of their own cider! Bahahahaha!" Pinkie rolled over once again, barely enough breath left, but still laughing.

"Okay Pinkie, enough for now, time for the end game." Rainbow put on a serious look as she flew off to their next destination. Off farther on the trail, two miserable brothers muttered.

"Oh what dumb luck, I swear, when I find the pony who did this, gah!" Flim exclaimed angrily.

"Well now Flim, it's getting dark out, might as well find a place to camp for tonight." The two nodded in agreement as they began searching for the best possible sleeping place, and so the came upon a wide spread patch of grass.

"How about here Flam?" Flim asked, and Flam nodded in agreement as they settled into the most comfortable position as possible, but little did they know, they continued to fall deeper and deeper into the pranksters little game as the finale of pranks would come to life. Pinkie and Rainbow looked to each other one last time before beginning.

"Here it goes, this is gonna be so awesome!" Rainbow squealed with delight.

"I know, this is gonna be so fun too! After this we can have a whole FLIM AND FLAM GOT PRANKED PARTY!" Pinkie chided as they both managed to carry a whole ten galloned bucket of what cider they'd left. There was also a little twist to this little game of cider.

"FLIM AND FLAM!" A ghoulish voice echoed through the forest, startling the duo on the grounds below. The trees around them imaged with terrifying faces, with a little help from Princess Luna, who hid in the tree across from Pinkie and Rainbow, and the one who was able to make such a spooky voice.

"Huh? Who's there!?" Flim and Flam screamed in unison.


The brothers were now holding each other and shivering in fear, it was all Luna could do to stop herself from bursting out in laughter, and even more of a challenge to continue her part in the prank, as Rainbow and Pinkie began tipping the bucket ever so slowly towards the brothers.

"AND NOW, WE SHARE WITH YOU THE FRUITS OF YOUR LAZY! INCONSIDERATE! LABOR!" Luna's voice boomed, as the other two pranksters dumped the soiled cider unto the two pitiful ponies down below, who now galloped away, screaming in fear.

"LET'S GO BROTHER!" Flim screeched.

"OF COURSE!" Flam replied, their hats flying off with the wind, not a sight of them for miles two minutes later as the three jumped down from their hiding spots, all of them now utterly exploding with laughter.

"Tis the most fun, as we take it, that we have had in the longest of times!"

"No problemo Princess!" Pinkie managed to chuckle.

"I'm just glad we won't be seeing those two for a long long time, hey probably forever!" Rainbow mentioned happily. They all gave a sigh of pure, and utter bliss, under the starry skied night, the soft patches of grass were as rewarding as a pat on their backs. It turns out, that the three had had the last laugh, the last laugh that night indeed.

The End?

Author's Note

Hey everypony, in case you don't know me, I'm Fluttrick. Truthfully this is my first comedy fiction, I mostly write sad, tragedy, dark stuff like that. But I decided to try something new, so please, feel free to tell me how I did for a first try.