• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 3,460 Views, 40 Comments

Rainbows Glows and Rainbows Falls - Scootafail

When Rainbow Dash begins to develop feelings for a certain Wonderbolt things begins to go down hill. Sure, she have dealt with Stallions before, but this time it is a little different.

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A day with The Wonderbolts

Scootaloo was as excited as ever, creepily grinning to herself. Her eyes moved up, down, left and right, scanning the area. The eyes widened when they noticed a bluish blur in the distance, the blur was fifty meters nearer each time the eyelids covered the purple pupils of hers. In less than a second the moving objet had stopped right in front of her, making sand fly up and land everywhere.

“Are you ready or are you ready?” Said the cyan mare with a brash and exited tone as she lifted her hoof to shove away parts of her rainbow mane that had fallen over her eyes when she landed, then looked down at the filly.

“Yes! I can’t wait to spend the day with the Wonderbolts, I never seen them in person before.” Scootaloo bent her knees and launched in the air, flapping her wings to make herself hover. “It is going to be awesome!”

“Don’t you know it?” Rainbow began wiggling her hoof in the filly’s ruff purple mane, making it even more tangled than before. “I’ll just go talk to your parents first, you know, about your safety and all that stuff” Rainbow Dash trotted towards the house behind Scootaloo.

Scootaloo’s house had the same feel to it as all the other houses in Ponyville, but it was quite bigger. Instead of a cottage like house, it looked more like a normal house. It had the same grass ceiling as everypony else had, but the rest were different for your normal house, maybe because it wasn’t just one of those standard houses? It had a veil of grass spun around it, it looked quite fancy, also there were white pillars holding a part of the second floor up. Those where not so common in a town like hers, it belonged more in a place like Cloudsdale. The home had a pretty big back yard too.

Rainbow Dash opened the door and looked around the room. She slowly walked through the hallway to see two middle aged ponies sitting by a dinner table. There was a white earth pony that had a blight blue curly mane and cerulean eyes, her mouth bore soft a smile when Rainbow Dash entered the room. Sitting beside her was a stallion, his coat was a light blue-grayish color and he had pretty golden eyes, and a spiked, almost black mane.

“Hello Rainbow Dash, you wanted to talk?” Asked the mare with her soft and light voice, she got up from her chair and walked up to Rainbow.

Rainbow just bent her head downwards in a nod. “As you know, Scootaloo and I are going to spend the day at the Wonderbolts today. And I was wondering, is there anything you want me to be aware of? I just want to be sure that it will be safe for her to go up to the headquarters and stuff."

The white mare inhaled some air and blew it out quite harshly. Her eyes had formed a serious, yet sad look. “Well we recently got the results from some tests Scootaloo took a while ago, and well, it doesn’t look so good.”

“W-what do you mean?” Rainbow Dash tripped some steps backwards, grabbed some air and blunted out. “Is there something seriously wrong with her? Or” Something interrupted the words from coming out of Rainbow’s mouth, it was warm and gentle, she looked down and saw a white hoof.

“No, no.” The mare shaked her head, and moved her hoof slowly away from Rainbow’s mouth. “We now know why she can’t fly.”
“Oh, why can’t she fly then?”

“She has wing dwarfism, that means her wings won’t grow as big as they would on any other pegasus pony.” The mare sighted again. “Scootaloo might never be able fly.”

Rainbow Dash’s irises widened, and let out a gasp in surprise. Of course this wasn’t really something surprising, the filly had never been able to fly before. But it was a shocking fact, a pegasus who cannot fly? It’s just not fair!

“You may have noticed that she have been acting a little strange lately, this is probably why.” The earth pony sank her head, and began staring at the ground, poking a little around with her front right hoof.

“Yeah, I noticed.” Rainbow made her lips curve upwards, her eyes softened a bit. “And don’t feel so upset about it, it’s not your fault. You guys adopted the most awesome filly in spite of her disability, and I’m really grateful for that. Honestly, I began believing that nopony wanted her, most ponies would rather adopt an earth pony instead a pegasus who can’t fly. I’m just glad she got the parents that she always has wanted.”

The mare had the sweetest of smiles upon her face right now, her eyes was being filled up with tears. She lifted her hoof and reached out for Rainbow, when she got a good grip, she reeled Rainbow in towards her. Rainbow Dash gladly accepted the hug. “Thank you. And I want you to know, we were a little skeptical when Scootaloo mentioned that you where her idol and that she looked up to you that much. And then suddenly you became her sister.”

“Yeah, ponies do give me the stink eye sometimes…” Rainbow let out a nervous laugh.

“But now we know that you are the best pony Scootaloo could ever have as a sister. You are the closest thing she has to her own race, you can give her something we could never give her, that is the feeling of being with her own kind.” Rainbow felt like her body was being squished, Scootaloo’s mother was holding her very tight.

Rainbow Dash thought for a little while, she was right about one thing. “You’re right I guess, but that doesn’t matter. You’re her family now, I don’t think she needs pegasus ponies to feel like she is home, we’re all ponies after all.”

The older mare broke off the hug and gave Rainbow another little smile. “Maybe we should adopt you too.” Her eyes pressed together and she giggled a little.

“Sure, good luck stealing me from my father though.” Dash rolled her eyes and patted Scootaloo’s mother on the back. “But seriously, thanks for letting me know. See you later, Winter Withers.”

“No problem whatsoever, goodbye Rainbow Dash!” Winter Withers waved her right hoof in the air, as the cyan mare disappeared in the hallway. She around turned towards her husband and gave him an annoyed look. “Now, why didn’t you participate in our conversation? I know you had something to say.”

He got up from his chair and leaned towards her smirking. “Your little talk would never end. Mares and their mouths they never shut, especially when there is more than one of them.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” She glared at him, trying to look mad.

“I’ll let you figure that out for yourself.” He grinned yet again and left the room.

“What? You know I hate not knowing things!” Winter Withers shouted, her normally soft voice was now high pitched and mad, her words made a little echo in the hallway.

“I know~” a deep male voice sang back at her.

Her teeth moved back and forth, she placed her hoof on her cheeks and dragged her cheeks down so the red inside her eye curve showed. “Felix! I hate you!”

“I love you too~” Laughter filled the house, it could surely be heard from the outside.


Rainbow Dash trotted up to the orange filly, and looked down and met a frowning face. “You took forever!” Scootaloo threw her fore hoofs up and her body fell backwards and she landed on her back.

“Eh, sorry, we had something to discuss.” Rainbow dash scratched her back head, and tossed her mane.

“Discuss what?” The filly looked up at Rainbow with a curious look.

“Nothing special, about our little trip and stuff…”


Weird, Scootaloo didn’t seem to be that interested in what we talked about, maybe she already guessed it? A sound than caught their attention, it sounded like somepony was arguing and then a male voice burst out laughter “hahahaha”, it sounded like it came from Scootaloo’s house.

“Are they flirting?” Rainbow Dash raised an elbow and formed a little smirk.

Scootaloo had the most ‘Yeah, that’s totally it’ look on her face and nodded. “They never stop.”

Rainbow Dash let out a little chuckle and rolled her eyes. “I can imagine what it is like living there, hehe.” Rainbows eyes began wander around, and she placed her hoof on her chin. “Hmm, is there anything you need to do before we go, squirt?”

The filly thought for a moment and then shaked her head. Rainbow kneeled down so Scootaloo could get onto her back. Scootaloo placed her fore hoofs on the cyan mare’s withers, then tried to lift herself up with her front hooves while her right back hoof was lifted up onto Rainbow’s croup, then she dragged herself up with the three hooves and successfully managed to get her whole body up on the mare’s back. Scootaloo then sat down gently and placed her back hooves right in front of the wing joints so that her pegasus transport did not have any trouble moving her wings when they flew.

“Are you sitting comfortably?” Asked Rainbow, the cyan blue wings stretched out and was getting ready to take off.

The filly wiggled her body, Rainbow Dash felt some soft movement in her withers, small gentle touches was going up and down, and then they were placed on a comfortable place. “I’m ready! Let’s go!” The little pegasus said with a high volume that made Rainbow cringe, the filly were so near her ears, ouch.

The mare shaked her body a little making Scootaloo grab her neck to not fall down. Rainbow bent her fore hooves and was ready to launch to the sky. “Hold on tight.” Was the only word she said before they dashed upwards and soared trough the sky. Scootaloo’s mane twisted and turned as the cold breeze met her body, Rainbow’s mane where also almost covering the filly’s sight. It was ticklish and a little annoying, even so, Scootaloo had always dreamed of cuddling her face in that spectacular rainbow mane. The filly leaned down and placed her head on the mare’s neck, snuggling the green, blue and purple hair. So soft and so nice, slowly the eyes on the orange head where nowhere to be seen. Slow relaxed breaths hit the cyan fur, Rainbow felt the warm small breaths and her muzzle formed a soft smile.

The flight to the Wonderbolts academy took some time, not only because it was some miles from Ponyville, Rainbow Dash also had some extra weight. Of course, flying with a passenger took longer time, however it wasn’t because it was heavy. She would just not dare to fly fast with a little filly on her back. If Scootaloo fell, it would be devastating.

Finally it came in to sight, the academy looked just like Rainbow remembered it. It had only been a few months since she was a cadet there after all. Ponies in the cadet uniforms where flying around in circles, probably some kind of exercises Spitfire put them up to.

As she came closer to the so called “road” on top of the hill, Rainbow slowed down, flapping her wings gently before landing on the black ground. Some cadets noticed Rainbow Dash and walked up to her.

“Aren’t you Rainbow Dash? The pony that did the legendary sonic rainboom, and who also was a former cadet here?” Said a spunky female pegasus, she had a white coat and a blue and purple mane, her eyes where a cool shade of dark purple.

“Yep, that’s me!” Rainbow grinned as more ponies walked up to her. It felt awesome being recognized by other ponies.

“Can I get your autograph?” The white mare asked and made a big grin.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, and signed the white paper the mare took out from behind her body, with a pencil that also came out of nowhere. It was weird how ponies just could store items everywhere without having saddle bags with them.

“Thanks” The mare grabbed the pencil and paper and returned to her training.

“Hey! Who said you could take a break? Back to your training! Everypony who took a break must fly an extra one hundred laps.” The voice hissed and shouted at the cadets, everypony responded at the same time. “Yes Ma’am!”

Rainbow Dash turned to see none other than Captain Spitfire herself. In an instant Rainbow raised her hoof and quickly placed it on her forehead.

“Rainbow Dash, you’re not a cadet anymore, whatever are you doing here? And why are you disturbing the trainees?” The yellow coated mare tilted her head to the side, her orange eyes dashed every way possible while glancing the cyan pony before her.

“It’s not my fault that I am so awesome that ponies can’t resist stopping with whatever they are doing and stare. Oh, wait, it is my fault, hehe. Rainbow giggled and waited for a response from the Captain. Spitfire just gave back an unamused expression. “Anyway, my little mentee here won that competition of yours, I’m just basically her transport back and forth.”

“Oh? Since when did Rainbow Dash teach kids? I though you weren’t kid friendly.” Spitfire said.

“Well” Rainbow took a few steps closer to Spitfire and her muzzle formed a little smile “this little one is an exception.”

The orange pony raised an eyebrow as her mouth formed an o shape. “Hmm, what do you know, you really have changed since I first met you Dash.”

Rainbow just stared at Spitfire and her cyan coat covering her cheeks became a light pink. “Sheesh, that’s good I guess?” Then something hit her mind. “Oh, I should probably wake Scootaloo up, she can’t miss her day with you guys.” Rainbow turned her head 90 degrees and tried to wake the filly up. After some failed attempts the little pony finally began to open her eyes.

“Where am I…?” The sleepy filly’s words where soft and quiet, Scootaloo’s eyes poppet up when her brain had worked out where they were. The filly’s purple eyes widened at the sight of the academy. “Oh wow! So this is how it looks like, nothing like I imagined it.”

“How did you imagine it little one?” Asked Spitfire in a rather sweet voice, she really had a different tone in her voice depending on who she was talking to, some of her voices doesn’t really sound like her at all.

“Uh, I imagined only clouds like I have heard it is like in Cloudsdale.” Scootaloo placed a hoof on her chin, she lifted her shoulders and then made them fall down again. “Wait, aren’t you the Captain of the Wonderbolts?”

“Yes I am, come on kid, I shall show you around the academy.” Spitfire began walking towards the entrance to the mess hall.
Rainbow Dash kneeled down, instead of slowly getting off as Scootaloo usually did, she jumped form Rainbow’s back and landed right behind Spitfire. Rainbow felt the little jump, as the little back hooves kicked against her loin, it did not hurt but she definitely felt the power in those hooves.

“Rainbow Dash I know you also want to come along, move your flank over here.” Spitfire’s words where hard to hear since she said it while walking in the opposite direction than her, but Rainbow understood what Spitfire said regardless.
Rainbow Dash trotted fast and caught up to the two ponies. She got to be on a tour around the Wonderbolts HQ! Even though she has been there before, she hadn’t met all the members yet or explored the place that much. What a great opportunity, she realty needed to thank Scootaloo when they get home.

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash squeed every time there was some cool Wonerbolt artefacts. And on some parts of the tour there were some history, unlike Rainbow, Scootaloo did actually enjoy listening to Spitfire and seemed to enjoy the Wonderbolts History. After an hour or so, they came to their last stop, the main room in the building. It was there most of the members where now, since this wasn’t a normal day, they didn’t train like they normally did. That training was scheduled for later so the little winner could see how the real athletes worked out.

Spitfire opened the door and inside the room where lots of ponies. Rainbow Dash spotted in an instant the Wonderbolts she knew personally. The first one she saw was a stallion with a light blue coat and a dark blue mane, not to mention his beautiful green eyes, her eyes locked upon his face. The light blue stallion’s head turned towards her as he noticed that somepony had entered the room. His eyes met Rainbow’s, Rainbow immediately threw her head in another direction while feeling the temperature in the room increase. What are you doing Rainbow Dash? You can do this, just talk to him like you would to any other pony. Urgh, why must I feel this way...

Rainbow turned her head towards the crowd again, she spotted a blue-green mare with white hair that was certainly Fleetfoot. She is the fastest Wonderbolt there is, and there where a white mare talking to her, that mare had a yellow blown back mane and purple eyes. Rainbow was sure she had seen that Wonderbolt before. She could not put a hoof on it though. There were a light yellow mare with two shades of light blue her mane, she was most likely Misty Fly, and she was talking to Wave Chill, who looked like Soarin, only with a darker coat and different eye color. She wasn’t sure, but those two stallions might be in family. Other Wonderbolts Rainbow Dash recognized where Rapidfire, Blaze, Fire Streak, Lightning Streak, Silver Lining and High Winds.

After what felt like several minutes to Dash, that really just where some seconds, some Wonderbolts began walking up the three ponies that just entered the room, but in an instant, some of the ponies kind of just stopped moving for an unknown reason.

“Surprise!!!” A white mare jumped up in front of all three of them. “Poof” was the sound that appeared when the former blown back hair popped up as curls replaced the straightened hair strands on that white head of hers. Streamers went flying everywhere.

“Gah!” Rainbow backed some feet, and had horrifying look on her face. Spitfire just stood there with a brief smile, like she was expecting this to happen. Scootaloo had fallen on her rump, and she was just as speechless as Rainbow Dash.

“You’re Rainbow Dash right? I have heard sooooo many things about you! I’m Surprise, have you heard many things about me? Huh, huh, huh?” Surprise’s voice was high pitched and bubbly, but a little deeper than another pony that came to mind. Surprise stared Rainbow right in her eyes, she felt like her personal space was being shattered. Rainbow should be used to situations like this though.

“Uh, yeah, I know who you are…” Said Rainbow Dash in an unsure tone, not knowing what to what to say, if she knew the Wonderbolts had a Pinkie Pie, she would have prepared for this.¨

The loud pegasus jumped up and down in happiness. “Yay! What do you know about me?”

“I, uh, erm… H-have you met Scootaloo yet? She’s a big fan of yours!” Rainbow exclaimed wile forcing a smile.

“What? I’m not-“ Scootaloo was stopped by a push in her back, the push pushed her into Surprise’s breast, the filly lifted her head and met two purple eyes.

“Oh, really? You are a fan of me? Wohoo! This is the best day ever!” The white pegasus grabbed Scootaloo and presses the filly into her soft fur. “Ohhh! A fan! I have always dreamed of this day. Well, I have many fans already, however they are mostly stallions. Like, what’s up with that?” Surprise placed her front hoof under Scootaloo’s elbows and lifter the little pegasus up into the air. “Anyway, a real little filly fan! Weeee!” Soon the room they were in began to become blurry, Scootaloo saw Surprise, yet the room spun around, or rather they did.

Rainbow Dash you’re going to pay for this! The little pony’s head could not think anymore, everything where fuzzy, nothing made sense.

Rainbow Dash slowly moved herself towards Spitfire. “Phew, safe.” Rainbow removed the sweat in her forehead. She looked over at the two spinning ponies. Hang in there kid. Some other Wonderbolts had walked up to them, Rapidfire and Fire Streak was already talking to their captain.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash! Haven’t seen you since the Equestria Games tryouts.” That voice… Rainbow turned her head and her eyes met a familiar face. Two magenta eyes stared right into her own.

“Oh hey, Fleetfoot.” Rainbow said and smiled at Fleetfoot. Right now, it kind of felt good talking to somepony she knew, on the other hoof, why did it have to be Fleetfoot?

Fleetfoot grinned and placed her hoof around Rainbow Dash. “So, what do you think about the headquarters now that you have seen it all? The place is pretty sweet, huh?”

“Yeah, the place is great. It would be cool to actually live and work here one day.” Rainbow said while trying to get the other mare to take her hoof of her. “Hehe...” A nervous laugh left the cyan mare’s mouth. Two certain Wonderbolts do not know what personal space is it seems. Fleetfoot just held Rainbow tighter each time she tried to get away. Rainbow looked over at some of the other Wonderbolts, they were all quite busy talking to each other, out off all the ponies here, the two most annoying had to approach her. There she spotted him again, Soarin stood there talking to Wave Chill. Maybe there was a chance for her to go a talk to them instead.

“Oh, yeah. Just you wait Dash, that dream will come true in no time.” The Wonderbolt turned her head rapidly in the direction Rainbow Dash looked for a second, and then a sly little smile formed on her muzzle. Fleetfoot let go of Rainbow, she chuckled, and made a face like she had an evil plan going on. “Hey Soarin! Get your lazy ass over here!”

Rainbow Dash shook her head back to Fleetfoot in shock. She knows?! Rainbow’s eyes shirked, was she that easy to read?
Soarin walked towards them, the nearer he got the more anxious Rainbow got. Her breath became heavy as her heart was thumping like a horses hoofs on a dirt road, it was continuous. Damn, why!

“What do you want Fleetfoot?” Asked Soarin in an annoyed tone, he seemed to not like all the shit Fleetfoot did either.

“Do you remember Rainbow Dash here?” Fleetfoot placed her hoofs on Rainbow Dash’s back. Rainbow noticed she was moving. The other mare was pushing her towards the stallion. Her eyes looked up at the green eyes that now only where a feet away from her. Some sweat began running down from the cyan blue face, and Rainbow Dash’s mouth was being filled with saliva. The gulping sound Rainbow made could be heard to both Soarin and Fleetfoot.

Soarin stared right in to the magenta eyes of Rainbow, his muzzle curved upwards. “O-of course! She’s my life saver… Twice! And she’s also saved my pie from its doom, how can I forget?” He made a goofy grin, somehow, he stuttered a bit. The bigger pony looked down with kind eyes at the cyan mare whom where quite shorter than him. “How are you Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow’s eyes jumped around the room trying not to get eyes contact with the stallion, she had to answer. “Uh, I’m good, yeah, great.” She forced the most unconvincing smile, still trying to avoid looking at any parts of his face.

“Well that’s good, I-“ Another voice had cut Soarin off, this was a female voice with a harsh and bossy tone.

“Okay everypony enough chit-chat! It’s time to show our guest how real athletes work out. We’ll start with endurance training and then do some strength workouts later, everypony go get your Wonderbolt suits.” Everypony left the room except Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo and Spitfire. Spitfire turned to Rainbow and stared at the mare of a bit. ”Rainbow Dash you can go and get your cadet uniform.” The yellow pegasus bent down to the little filly. “Do you want to go with Rainbow Dash or with me?”

Scootaloo thought for a bit, if she did go with Rainbow Dash she would see her hero put on her cadet uniform, and has the chance to tell her off about Surprise. On the other hoof, Spitfire is the captain of the Wonderbolts and it would be totally awesome to see her office or room.
What should she do? Well she sees Rainbow pretty often and this is once in a lifetime chance with the captain of the Wonderbolts.
Scootaloo looked back up at Spitfire. "I'll go with you."

The yellow mare gave a little smile and began walking towards the hallway. "Oh and Dash, you should be ready in then minutes so get those hooves moving!"

The orange filly sprinted to Spitfire and waved her hoof in the air, saying goodbye to her big sister. "Bye Rainbow Dash!" The filly grinned as she followed the Captain. This was so awesome, what cool things would be in the office of the highest rank in the Wonderbolts? Well she would see it soon.

Rainbow Dash rushed down the hallway to get to the nearest changing room. Since still is kind of a part of the cadets there, her Wonderbolt uniform still hang on a knuckle. She began putting the suit on, those where pretty challenging to put on actually, since they were so form fitting, it was especially hard when one where sweaty. A sound make Rainbow ears jump up.

"Rainbow Dash you're late! Put on your uniform and get here pronto!" That was Spitfire. Ack! It wasn't her fault these things took some time to put on, the Wonderbolts are used to it, and they knew a few techniques to do it faster. She rushed then uniform on and flew as fast as she without making a Rainboom of course, there it was the exit, it became lighter and lighter, and then she where finally out. Everypony were already there. Rainbow Dash looked around, her eyes wandering all over the other ponies. How embarrassing, she was never late when she was a fulltime cadet here.

Scootaloo trotted up to the cyan mare. "Haha, you are late!" The orange filly pressed out her tongue, mocking her idol. Normally she would not get on Rainbow's bad side, but this was such a golden opportunity.

Although annoyed, the mare brushed it off. She did not want a room full of ponies experience her short temper. It would also make her look bad in front of her future job.

"Attention! First, we have to warm up." Spitfire rapidly turned to Blaze, a Wonderbolt who had the same appearance as the captain, except the flaming hair, this pony only had the color orange. She stood up as starlight as she could when the harsh mare met her gaze, her chest was pushed forwards and her belly tightened. “Blaze is going to demonstrate how we are going to do this, so pay attention. You don’t get paid for slacking off!”

After the warm up session the muscles in all the ponies’ bodies were ready to do the real thing, flight. “Okay! We’re ready to take to the sky. We’ll do eight hundred laps around the academy. That should be uncomplicated for those so called wings you have!” In less than two seconds, every Wonderbolt had taken to the sky, except the captain.

Spitfire tuned to Scootaloo whose face was pale, it was almost like the filly had seen a ghost. “Uh, this should not be too hard for you right?”

The purple eyes on the filly stared at the ground for a second, and then moved up and met the yellow mare’s face. She opened her mouth, like she was about to say something, but then it closed. Scootaloo lowered her head a little bit, one could see sweat running down the filly’s forehead, and that sweat wasn’t from her being warm from the previous activity. “Um, well…” The purple eyes once again moved, this time from side to side. They were trying to find something, a way to escape perhaps? “I.. uh…”

Then something blocked the sun, a shadow was dragged upon the filly. It resembled a pony, and it had wings, and the spiky mane also flew in the breeze. “Spitfire, you see… Scootaloo-“

“Can’t fly?” The cyan mare opened her mouth a bit in surprise. So, Spitfire knew?

“Yeah… It was pretty obvious, wasn’t it?” Asked Rainbow Dash, still a little bit uneasy, but when she thought about it, it was not hard to get to that conclusion. As she said herself, it was pretty obvious.

“Yes.” The yellow mare turned her gaze towards the filly and met the concerned eyes of hers. “Scootaloo, don’t worry. You cannot fly, and that’s alright. If you want to you can sit here and watch.”

Scootaloo stared into Spitfire’s hazel eyes, did this pony honestly think this filly would sit and watch just because of her disability? The filly shocked her head. There was no way she would sit here and watch when she had the chance to fly with them, no, not this time. “No, I want to fly with you guys.”

“Heh.” The yellow pony cracked a smile, looked down at Scootaloo again. The determination in those eyes, this little pony knew what she wanted. “Rainbow Dash you’ll be her flying partner. I think it’s for the best.”

Rainbow Dash raised her hoof and saluted. “Yes, I think so too Ma’am!”

“Good, then stop wasting time and get your asses into the sky, now!” Both Scootaloo and Rainbow dash where ready, ready to fly and really feel the breeze crash into their faces.

“So you want to fly, right? Then I’ll carry you with my hooves like we did at Windsome Falls.” The filly stood before Rainbow. The mare placed her hooves on each side of Scootaloo’s barrels. The time had finally come, Scootaloo would now experience flight training, even though she had some assistance, it was still pretty awesome to get to do this. “Ready squirt?”

“I’m ready!” Shouted the filly as she spread her tiny wings. Rainbow did the same, and then the sound of the powerful flaps the pegasus made when flying could be heard, the orange hooves had left the ground.

Scootaloo’s smile widened as the ground became smaller and smaller. She really loved to see the world from above, it was beautiful. The hooves at her barrels had tightened their grip. For the first time ever, this filly would experience the full joy of flight. What is it like to fly really fast? She would now find out.

Scootaloo felt her blood rush, she heard every heartbeat. The strong rhythm became louder and louder as the filly prepared for the moment Dash would release her wingpower. Any time soon.

The wind that was colliding with their faces became stronger and harsher. Scootaloo’s face was screaming, it did not feel good, though at the same time it kind of did. The wind in her mane made it twist and turn backwards, the adrenalin in her body was running wild. She liked this, very, very much. The little wings one Scootaloo’s body flapped hard, it was tiring, however this was worth it. Not once before this had she felt this kind of pain in her wings, she where using them on something she had never done before after all. In spite of how much her little body wanted to stop flapping those wings, she did not stop. If she where to fly like this, she would damn right use her wings, not just go along with the ride.

Rainbow Dash slowed down after a while, it was the end of this workout. When the final lap was over, Rainbow flew down to the other ponies. She and Scootaloo where the last ones to finish, which was no surprise, after all, they did start several minutes after all the other ponies did.

“Congratulations!” A white mare jumped up in front of them.

Not her again… Rainbow Dash tried to sneak away, she had the chance to go to Soarin, and he wasn’t talking to anypony now. Great opportunity!

“Oh no you don’t!” Scootaloo had wrapped her fore hooves around Rainbow’s back hooves, holding the pegasus back. Rainbow tried to walk but it was no use, the filly would not let go. She could always fly, but since she knew Scootaloo would not let her go, the consequences of flight and a filly hanging on to you were too great.

“Fine…” Rainbow sighted. Why Scootaloo why? Well she did have to pay her back for earlier today, buy couldn’t the filly pick another time? Why now!

Surprise grinned, her head moved closer to Rainbow’s. Rainbow leaned backwards. Why do ponies always feel the need go into other ponies’ faces? Geez. “Hey Rainbow Dash! Where did you go earlier? You were there a minute and then poof, gone! Oh! Are you a magician? Or was it just me who did not pay attention again… Anyway, which place did you get in our ‘race’.” Surprise bent her hooves up and down two times. “Spitfire says that it is not a race, but Fleetfoot says otherwise. I got third place!” The hyper mare jumped up and down, almost exactly like Pinkie Pie does. They were creepily similar.

“Aha, I got last place I guess…” Rainbow said, she better just answer her questions. It’s not wise getting on ponies like Surprise’s bad side, she knows that very well.

In the meantime, Scootaloo had escaped the talkative pony. Free once again! How do you like that Rainbow dash? The filly chuckled. She could now go and do the thing she could not do earlier, like talk to more famous Wonderbolts, or exploring more of the headquarters, and so on. Then something caught her eye, on the edge of the cliff, fluffy and white. Weird, the all the other clouds are higher up, why is that one just lying there?

Scootaloo trotted over to the edge, the cloud seemed to be good. Clouds are very plush, this filly have had many dreams about those fluff balls. Steering her eyes away from the cloud, she saw green landscape. At the edge of the cliff she stood, this was not as frightening as she expected. It was probably 150 meter high, and the trees at the ground looked like small bushes. It was truly beautiful looking. It won’t hurt to walk on the cloud, I’m a pegasus after all. With one hoof in front of the other, her body gently touched the surface. As she expected, the cloud was soft and it felt good touching it.

Rainbow dash’s eyes just twitched, if this pony did not shut up soon, this would just… Argh!

“And then suddenly Highwinds blasted up in front of me, at that moment I knew I had to do my special move or else! Piwosh! I flew up and flipped over him, my long tail slapped down on this nose and his mouth opened wide as he began to lose speed, I send lots of confetti flying into his mouth. And without even knowing it, I had passed the goal.” Surprised said and gasped big when she grabbed for more air. “And that Rainbow Dash is how you win a race.”

Rainbow stared blank at the white mare, what did she just say? The goal to win a race is distracting your competitor… What?

The white mare tilted her head to the left. Her eyes half closed and her mouth half open. The purple eyes of hers widened as the muzzle made a little sound. “No! Erm… Filly! Those clouds over there are extremely delicate! D-don’t go on them!” Surprise screamed on top of her lunges.

The cyan mare stood still. Filly? She could not mean?

The orange filly almost had all of her hooves on the cloud. She just smiled, pegasus ponies can walk on clouds, any cloud, what is Surprise screaming about?

Rainbow Dash’s head swung from looking at the white pony to the direction the pony screamed, her magenta eyes grew at the sight. She pressed her teeth together, and her eyes pinched together. No, no, no, no, no! This can’t be happening! NO!

There were nopony there, in the direction Surprise screamed. Just a cloud at the edge, which have been torn apart, and the one who made the hole must have been heavier than a bird.


Author's Note:

I'm so sorry that I haven't published a new chapter in ages! I have been very busy, but I have written on this chapter little by little. Finally it is done, well, at least the first part. Since it is summer vacation soon, I promise you the next chapter will come out in much less time than this one.

I'm my own editor and I tend to not to see my own mistakes, so please tell me if anything is grammatically wrong or if the sentences is not set up im a proper way.

Comments ( 19 )

cool chapter!:pinkiehappy: few spelling mistakes but over all really good!:pinkiehappy:

Thank you! :twilightsmile:
Yeah, I knew it was going to be some mistakes here and there, it ain't easy being my own editor, especially since english isn't my native language. :rainbowwild:
When the story is done, I shall remember to go over the whole thing and fix my mistakes. :twilightblush:

4579103 its cool that you are your own editor!:pinkiehappy: i am as well!:pinkiehappy:

t really cool that your writing in English and it isn't your first language!:pinkiehappy:
if you don't mind me asking what is your first language?:derpyderp2:

I don't mind at all. :twilightsmile: My first language is Norwegian.

It's impressive that your writing so well, not even in your first language I wouldn't have guessed that was what you were doing if you hadn't said anything. Anyways good chapter.

Thank you! :pinkiehappy:
I guess it's because I spend so much time on the internet, english is my only means of communication here, so I write tons of english when talking to people. Not to mention I'm studying the language too. I almost know more english words than norwegian. :derpytongue2:

Thank you! :rainbowkiss:
Well, I guess writing isn't for everyone, I think it doesn't matter what your first language is, either you are good at it or you are not. Everyone has different skills and talents after all. :twilightsmile:

It's amazing that English isn't you native language since your writing an English story! I'm my own editor as well :raritywink:. Update soon though!

Thank you!
Oh, sorry, I have been so focused on my art lately, I haven't had time to write so much. :twilightsheepish: I'll try to update soon.

No rush though, take all the time you need!:pinkiehappy:

Cant wait for the next chepter!
But, i dont rush u, take all the time u need!!

You may want to research how to properly use the word "whom".
But great story nonetheless! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you!
Yeah, when I go back reading these chapters I see so many grammatical errors and sentences that could have been written better. :twilightsheepish: Ah well, it ain't easy being a non native english speaker and your own editor. Now though, I have a friend who's a great editor and he's more than willing to edit for me, so in the future chapters I'll avoid most mistakes. :twilightsmile:

NUUUU. It's been cancelled! I'm late to find things out, lol. :derpytongue2:



But you're so good at writing!

I like that story :pinkiesmile:

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