• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 2,698 Views, 48 Comments

A Feudal Mix Up - Summer30

Twilight finds two interesting books that leads her and the mane six in another world

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Twilight got down on her hands and knees and looked up at her friends from in the well above and reasoned with them in disbelief. “This is all so logically impossible,” She denied. “I had just arrived not long after everypony and all of you managed to get out of the well first?”

Rainbowdash then brighted up a notch and laughed hard. “It was nothing, you just use your whatchamacallits to grasp onto the sides of the well and the hard vines while using your lower body to push yourself up.” Rainbow said with a hint of snarkiness in her voice.

“Is that what you did?” Twilight asked. “Seriously,” she rolled her purple eyes.

“No silly,” Apple Jack cut in. “Rainbow and Fluttershy still have their wings.”

“My horn is gone,” Twilight moaned. “What the hoof?"

"My horn is gone too," she heard Rarity pipe in.

“Fluttershy and I scooped up Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie and out of the well the best way that we could,” Rainbow responded.

“ Then why did you bring it up Rainbow if you didn’t try climbing out? Could you please help out out of this well now?” Twilight asked struggling while attempting to climb up but fell a few times and getting a few cuts and bruises in attempted on her bare legs.

“I don’t know, I was able to figure it out based on looking at our current physical bodies when reading about humans back at
your party,” Rainbow laughed. "Besides, I am an athlete who can tackled anything."

“I am going to kill you Rainbow if you don’t get down here and help me out of this well right now. Besides, I need to see if Spike is okay,” Twilight replied in a mild threatening tone.

Rainbow then gritted her teeth and flew into the well in attempt to pick up Twilight who now was a lot lighter than in her pony form.

“He’s fine Twilight. Spike got affected too.”

“Well Duh,” Twilight replied smirked. She held onto her friend and observed her new surroundings as they both landed on a patch of green grass but fell over in attempt to stand on their hind legs. It was evening time now and it was just getting dark. "It will take take some getting used to until we can figure out how to get home. She then attempted to stand up while holding onto Rainbow Dash. The young girl could feel the grass from beneath her feet which felt squishy, semi wet, and cool. She was not sure what to make of this sensation but knew it felt good since she could never feel the grass back in Equestria.

Twilight?” She heard Spike say cutting into her thoughts.

Twilight turned around to see him shaking frightened. “Where are we Twilight?” he asked running to the arms of his companion while scared of his new form. “What’s happened to me?” As a matter of fact, what’s happened to you?”

She observed Spike who now looked like an eight year old boy with green hair and in a light purple shirt and light purple bottoms. “I don’t know but if I my logic is right, we may have ended up in Feudal Japan,” Twilight hesitated as she looked at the well behind her. "I recognize that well from the books." The air was rather warm and muggy as the wind slightly whipped Twilight’s mane or whatever humans called that long hairs that each girl wore. She then backed away from spike and looked down at herself while continuing to wobble on her hind legs. Although she no longer wore a fur coat, the young humanoid transformed mare could now see that she was clothed in what appeared to be a sundress. However, it was too dark for her to observe what color the dress,make out a design on her dress which appeared to resemble her cutie mark. Twilight then remembered something else. Her tiara. She reached for it but unlike her missing horn, it still remained in place. "What's going on?" the newly confused human then turned to look at her companions who also appeared to be in sundresses while continuing to wear their necklaces.

“My darling, is this the type of fashion they all wear here in this Japan?” Rarity asked as she had not seen either one of the books.

Twilight shook her head. “No Rarity. The types of clothing that they wear here are something called kimonos and haoris. They are more like bathrobes made of the finest silk,” she described to her friend.

Rarity nodded. "Well, while we are here, I must have a look at these kimonos to see if I could bring some home to Equestria. Afterall, silk is my middle name and I am running out in addition to trying something bold and brash."

“Speaking of dresses,” Rainbowdash cut in. “I absolutely hate this outfit. This may fit you five but as for me, this look is not cool."

"Woah nilly," Apple Jack said as she was trying to calm everypony down.

They all turned to face their friend for a moment and then turned to look at Apple Jack who guilty as charged

“Well excuse me but you are the one who got us into this,” Rainbow barked “After all, those words were nothing but a bunch of hocus pocus weren't they? So you had to be a cocky smart mare about it.” The over dressed athlete was very angry at this point.

“You’re nagging at me now because?” AJ bit back by rolling her eyes. “It’s a little late to be lecturing me. Besides if ya'll were so interested in preventing me from using those words then y'all would have held a hoof over my mouth from the start.”

“Why in all of Equestria are you starting in on me AJ? Everypony knows that you would have opened the portal no matter what anyone else says or does to try and prevent you. You think you’re so smart don’t you?” Rainbow snorted leaving the tie down statement.

“Whatever Rainbow,” the cow filly puffed and turned away not wanting to admit that Rainbow had a point for once.

“Excuse the attitudes ladies, how can you have them at such a time like this? My Opalescence is at home all alone with no one to look after her. She is going to starve to death. This is a catastrophe. I should have left before AJ said anything!” Rarity whined.

“Not this again,” Rainbow snapped. “Rarity Unicorn, all you do is whine, whine, whine.”

“Don’t you dare start with me about that." Rarity cried. “My cat is going to starve to death and was is probably looking for her favorite meal of the week. Besides, I also have a fashion shoot tomorrow at Sweet Apple Acres if you didn't already know that.”

“You already said that about your stupid cat," Rainbow Dash complained.

“ENOUGH,” Twilight roared. “We are in some strange land in the middle of nowhere and all the two of you can think about is arguing? We need to find out how we can get ourselves back home. However, since it is night fall, we have no choice but to find a place to sleep. Once day breaks figure out what to do first thing in the morning. On top of that, we need to learn how to walk bi-pedal to those accommodations.

The other five girls nodded in agreement and stopped arguing and looking ahead to see both a dark forest on one side and a small village on the other side.

“I am starving,” Spike said with his stomach growling. “There was plenty of food back at Twilight’s party too.”

“Can you only think about food at a time like this?” Applejack replied half annoyed while also half laughing while forgetting about her bad choices.

“Come on girls,” Pinkie replied. “We need to get moving,” She said as she was about to move further but was stopped by Fluttershy.

“Shh, I hear something in the trees,” Fluttershy replied nervously standing still while Pinkie began to twitch again.

“It sounds like it’s coming from above...in the trees,” Spike trembled as he looked up but didn’t see anything but a blur of red flying around. He then heard a voice come from the blur.

“You’re darn right you heard something,” the voice replied in a snarky raspy male voice.

“It sounds like a stallion,” Twilight said upon hearing the voice. “Who’s there?” She called out.

“You’re worst nightmare if you ask me,” the blur called back. It then landed in front of the group revealing a young boy in the form of a mythological looking creature dressed in all red with long silver hair, ears on top of his head like a dog, and a black breaded necklace with strung bones.

“Who are you?” Twilight huffed angrily staring him down.

“Does it really matter at this point,” the boy smarted off. “Besides, I don’t think we will be friends anytime soon and so I am going to slice you like thin potatoes,” he threatened.

“What are you?” asked Twilight once more now fully standing on her legs and zoning out.

“I am a hanyou and that means I could kill you in an instant,” He warned in a hostile tone.
“Hanyou,” Twilight whispered as she put two and two together and remembered certain pictures from her books.“Wait, aren’t you Inuyasha?”

“Yeah yeah yeah, what of it wench?” Inuyasha sassed off as if he had been tired of everyone knowing his name in addition to what he was.

“Excuse me,” Fluttershy interrupted stepping forward to confront Inuyasha while jabbing a finger in his face. “I don’t appreciate you talking my friends and like she is some sort of criminal.” She then got into his face. “Just because you happen to be a hanyou with super powers does not mean that you think you can go around and pick on others who don’t have those things. Now, I demand that you stop being a jerk and let us pass into the village."

“Wha?” Inuyasha replied astonished nearly falling over taken aback by the assertive pink haired girl who appeared as vulnerable as a flower.

“Yeah that’s what I thought,” Fluttershy added. “Now, if you will excuse us we were on our way to the village to look for a place to sleep.”

“Ha, you demons won’t get within two meters of that place,” Inuyasha smarted off.

“Demons?,” Rainbow butted in. “Who are you calling youkai?”

“You?!” Inuyasha called back.
“Hey, my name is Rainbow Dash and I was going to say that you are awesome and you can fly as fast that I can but since you keep insulting my friends, I don’t want to make any such compliment. You are such a jerk and if you are going to act like that, I am going to have to ask you to leave."

Inuyasha then sniffed the group closer in noticing that they did not smell the way that a normal youkai smelled. “Wait, you don’t smell like youkai to me. You smell more like, horses.” He then turned to Spike and stated the obvious. "You're some kind of dragon."

Spike smiled at Inuyasha. "Yes, and I am proud of it."

“We’re ponies,” Pinkie then added jumping around observing Inyuasha’s ears. She then reached over to touch them. “Hey, these remind me of doggy ears. How cute? You’re a puppy. Can you lick my face? Well can you, huh, huh, huh?” She asked getting in his face.

“Cute? You called me cute?” Inuyasha grumbled. He then pushed the pink billowy haired girl off. “Don’t touch me again.”

Pinkie looked at him and began to giggle and make faces at him as she was now feeling scared.

“You get on my nerves,” he honestly stated in showing dislike for Pinkie.“You pony things are really ugly looking girls too,” The hanyou remarked openly by turning to observe group.

“SIT BOY!” Inuyasha's necklace began to glow a bright purple which pulled him down to the ground face forward. Thud. “Didn’t I teach you any better manners than that?”A young human girl reprimanded as she was coming from the village. She appeared to be wearing a school uniform as she looked at the group. “I am so sorry about this. He knows better than that I swear,” she said shaking her head in disbelief. "We have been working on his manners for months now."

The mane six and Spike were all astonished at what they just saw and especially Twilight. ‘So sit,’ Twilight thought in realizing that this was the rosary she had been reading so much about. ‘This is not for Pinkie. Maybe for Discord if he ever becomes loose from his stone prison and tried to wreak his chaos on Equestria ever again.' “It’s okay but thanks for coming to our aid. By the way, my name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends. We seemed to have gotten stuck in your world by way of your well and we were trying to figure out how to get back home. However, we are in need of a place to rest.”

Kagome nodded in understanding as if she knew what Twilight was talking about.

“Are you from the United States? You’re name sounds English. I’m Kagome and I was coming up here to aid Inuyasha as he had smelled something funny. I am also not from this world myself. In fact, I am from another time and era all together."

"Time travel?" Twilight asked.

Kagome nodded.

" Anyway, we are from a world known as Equestria. We are also not humans or demons at all. In fact, where I come from, there are no humans. Only ponies."

Kagome nodded. " I had also sensed a Shikon Jewel shard in the not too far off in the distance. However, when I came up here, I realized that it wasn’t coming from any of you.”

“Jewel shard?,” Twilight asked astonished. "Oh we don't have such a thing. However, why do you say shard?" Twilight asked Kagome.

"It was shattered and scattered across Japan a several months ago,” Kagome sighed.

"I don’t recall it being destroyed in my books," Twilight moaned as she thought sadly as she looked forward to seeing what it looked like.

“Anything the matter,” Kagome asked as Inuyasha stood up.

“No nothing, I just feel like we need a place to rest as well as get Spike some food,” Twilight replied trying to hide the truth by pointing to Spike.

“Yeah well it’s her fault that the jewel shattered in the first place,” Inuyasha cut in by further informing Twilight. “She is such an idiot unlike Kikyo. She shot it down with her bow and arrows."

“Sit boy! How dare you talk to me like that?” Kagome was enraged. “Why do I even bother having feelings for you? All you
do is act like a jerk and insult me.”The strange dark haired girl then motioned for Twilight, Spike and the rest of the mane six follow her back into the small village while gradually getting the hang of being on their hind legs and using their new hands.

Twilight sensed a strange tension between Inuyasha and Kagome as if they liked or even loved each other. Whatever the reason, they made a fantastic duo together even though they were so different from one another.

"Whose Kikyo?" Twilight asked.

"NEVERMIND," Kagome fumed.

Meanwhile, Inuyasha peeled himself from the ground whining. “What did you do that for Kagome? I was just being honest.”
“Sit!” Kagome said again as he fell, while she walked with Twilight and the rest of her friends back to the village shaking her head.