• Published 6th Mar 2014
  • 3,487 Views, 105 Comments

Dead Heart - Leila Drake

Now Priest is stuck in Equestria, an Undead in the midst of colorful ponies. And then there are rumors of a ghost...

  • ...

Level 23 - Levinia's Decision

"Here we go", said Twilight, carefully floating Mara onto the couch. The earth pony was still unconscious; her face had regained some color, though. She was breathing regularly, much to Spirit's relief. The stallion did not leave her side for a second.

- - -

"How is she doing?", asked Rarity. She joined Spirit and threw a worried glance over his shoulder at Mara.

He sighed. "She's still not waking up."

"I see. Well, please tell me should anything happen. I'll be outside."


Rarity nodded at Twilight who was bringing a blanket for Mara and trotted out of the library.

Spike was already upstairs, fast asleep. Rarity wondered how he would react when he would come downstairs in the morning and see the drawings on the floor.

Arcus Tangens had also left, muttering something about his wife killing him. After checking up on Spirit once again, he had promised to return in the morning.

Derpy just sat on a pillow in the corner of the library, her eyes on Mara, and said nothing. She seemed to be in deep thought, chewing her lip now and then and completely ignoring her half empty cup of tea from earlier.

As Rarity left Golden Oaks she could make out a tall shilouette sitting next to a pile of ash. It was close to the oak's roots. Tthe bush had been hiding a small basement window which was now completely visible. A faint light shone through it; maybe Twilight had forgotten to blow out a candle downstairs.

"Priest?" Rarity stepped into the shadows, inching closer to the shape.

The human didn't answer; he just sat on a large root of the tree, staring at the former bush.


He shifted his weight a little, humming to confirm he had hear her.

"What are you doing out here? It's really late - almost early. You'll catch a cold."


Rarity, taken aback, huffed and leaned over the pile of ash, inspecting the stain. There had to be something she could talk about to make him loosen up a little.

I wonder what really happened at that train station, she mused. He's behaving as if he willingly put Mara in danger. But she's a grown mare after all, and as harsh as it may sound, he's not a ponysitter.

Poor Mara... oh Sun, please let her be okay... Wait, did I just pray? It seems that Priest is rubbing off on me.

"What is this? Wasn't there a shrubbery before?"

"Yeah. The ghost burned it."


The awkward silence started to stretch until Rarity couldn't take it anymore. She sat down next to the human.

At least he didn't shift away from her.

"Won't you tell me what's bothering you?"

"No, not really."

She sighed. This is going to be an even longer night, it seems.

"Priest, I'm your friend. You can trust me. I won't pry but I am really worried. Ever since Mara got attacked, you have been acting strangely. I just want to make sure that you are alright. But anytime you're ready", she added when he didn't react.

She stood up. "See you inside, yes?" Rarity made her way back to the door when Priest finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright, you did your best. I'm sure Mara will be right as rain in no time." She gave him a smile.

"Maybe. It's not as if I could help her with it."

"Oh for goodness sake, human, you can't blame yourself for everything!"

He ran a hand through his hair and let out a long sigh. "How's the pegasus?"

"Derpy? She is waiting for you to come back, I think. The ghost still hasn't reappeared. Please, just join us for a little while?"

Her pleading eyes drew another sigh from Priest. "Fine, I'm coming..." He got to his feet and stretched his arms, only to stop the exercise with a wince.

"Agh, dammit!"

"Are you hurt?"

"Nah, it's... from carrying Mara."

"I see. Pray tell, how come you are not wearing that cloth over your face anymore? You look tired, no offense, but not half as pale as a few days ago."

"Oh right, that's some weird thing. For some reason I've been healing up recently. The cheek's much better now."

"What do you mean, better?"


"Oh." Her eyes widened. "Oh!" She shook her head, trying in vain not to imagine his face without skin. "Ugh. Ah, I am glad you are feeling better now... given the circumstances, of course."

Priest frowned. "Maybe you're right about the getting a cold thing."

She grinned. "Come on, let us go inside and see how our friend is doing."

He nodded and smiled sadly. "Right."

It seems it was the right choice to look after him, thought Rarity as they entered the library. He looked so downcast it was hard to bear. If only I could cheer people up like Pinkie Pie... Oh well, it's no use, she's not here - so it is I, Rarity, who will show him that he is still welcome. Starting with making him a new outfit tomorrow. If what he says is right I can switch to shorter sleeves this time. So many new possibilities... Oh Celestia, I hope I'm on the right track with this idea!

She stopped and gasped when she saw what was transpiring inside.

"What in the name of..."

Mara was a few feet above the ground, surrounded by a blue mist that was streaming out of her mouth like breath on a winter's night. The cloud grew in size, swirling around and pulsing with a strange glow.

"Twilight! What's happening?", screeched Rarity, aghast.

"I don't know!", replied the alicorn. "Priest, have you ever -"


Before they could decide what to do, the mist stopped pouring from Mara and formed into a ponylike shape. They could only make out blurry outlines – just enough to realize that the shape was now holding Mara in its hooves. It floated down to the floor and set her down on the couch once again, then reshaped a few feet away, waiting and watching.

Mara's eyes fluttered and she let out a groan. Spirit stroked her mane as she slowly regained consciousness. She was a little cross-eyed at first, then she managed to focus again. Twilight gasped and rushed over to her, always eyeing the floating shape of blue mist.

Rarity decided to stay back, there were enough ponies crowding Mara as it were. She could hear Priest's sigh of relief and closed her eyes for a second, thanking whatever was listening for Mara's release.

"Spirit?", asked Mara, squinting her eyes at her coltfriend.


She smiled and threw a glance at the blurry shape. "I'm glad you're okay", she said, "but I need to take care of something." Her tone was quiet but firm.

"You do?" Spirit was confused.

She nodded at the cloud.

"So what will you do now?", she asked as if continuing an ongoing conversation.

Oh my, is that actually the ghost?, thought Rarity. Is this how Mara sees it? How can she stand it, it looks really disturbing. She shuddered. All that floating mist, and this blue glow! I'm not sure I could take seeing things like that on a regular basis. Why can we see it now anyway?

"Is it safe?", she blurted out, hinting at the fuzzy spirit.

Mara nodded. "Yeah, I think so. Everypony, I want you to meet Levinia."

The cloud moved an appendage up and down that looked like a hoof.

"Er, Mara, why can we see it – her – now?", asked Twilight.

"Maybe because it's the witching hour of Nightmare Night", assumed Priest. "The veil doesn't get any thinner than this time of the year."

"I see."

Spirit frowned at the ghost. "Don't tell me it's you who did this to Mara!" He stepped closer to the spirit, who retreated at the same speed that Spirit approached her.

"Wait!", pleaded Mara. "You don't know the whole story!"

He looked back at her. "What do you mean?"

The earth pony smiled sadly. "We had a long talk. Turns out that it was a misunderstanding. Levinia attacked other ponies because she thought they were a threat. She's very, very sorry for hurting them, especially her daughter."

"Daughter?" Twilight tilted her head. "Care to elaborate a bit more?"

Mara opened her mouth but was interrupted by somepony else.

"Mom?", asked Derpy with a tiny voice, staring at the cloud.

The ghost nodded.

"Mara, what's happened to her?", asked Derpy, fear and hope in her eyes.

"She... she gave her life when she saved you from falling. Can you remember anything about it?"

Derpy nodded slowly. "I only remember that was the last time I saw you, Mom", she said directly to the ghost. "Dad said I should be brave and that you p-proved to be the best mom ever..." She broke into sobs and hiccuped into her hooves.

Rarity trotted over to her and hugged her. "Oh darling, I am so sorry", she muttered to her.

Levinia floated down to the crying mare, stretching out a hoof. She hesitated, then pulled it back again.

I can't do it. I have cried for missing her so much... but the feeling remains that I should not touch her anymore. Hopefully she will get better eventually... my precious daughter.

Priest, who had been quiet during Mara's revelation, tipped Levinia on the shoulder. He was able to see her clearly so he wasn't left to guessing which part of her was which.

The ghost jumped, startled by the unexpected touch, and hissed.

"Sorry", said Priest.

Ah, you just surprised me, sighed Levinia. What did you want to say?

"To repeat Mara's question: What are you gonna do now?", asked Priest.

Levinia sighed, audibly only to Mara and Priest. I don't know. Now that I have no more purpose I am a little scared. What does a ghost usually do in that kind of situation? She grinned sheepishly.

"Er", was Mara's comment to that.

"Why are you looking at me?", said Priest.

Twilight frowned, looking from Mara to Priest and back. "Could you please include us in the conversation?"

"Oh, right", said Mara, shaking her head.

Derpy looked up, as curious as the other ponies.

"She's asking whether anypony has a clue about what to do... in the afterlife", she finished lamely.

"That might be a question for someone more experienced", mused Twilight.

"Excuse me?", grunted Priest.

"Actually, I was referring to Princess Luna."


"Anyway", said the alicorn to Levinia, "I think it is your decision to make. It's your... death." She blushed.

The ghost floated silently around the room, pondering that.

Now that I am healed, I would like to help others to get better, too, she concluded. I know now that Ditzy is safe, she smiled, and I won't regret leaving her to live her life in Ponyville. Maybe I could wander the world and see if there's other spirits who need help.

Priest nodded and smiled a little. "That sounds good."

"What did she say?", reminded Rarity.

"She wants to travel Equestria and heal other spirits", repeated Mara.

Twilight beamed. "That's a very generous decision. What do you think, Ditzy?"

The grey pegasus smiled through her tears. "Yeah. Thanks for looking after me, Mom. I know you meant well. I promise I'll never forget you."

Levinia smiled and nodded. Goodbye, my little muffin. I love you forever. She turned her head to Priest and Mara. If you ever need my help, I'll be there. Just call my name, all right?

Mara nodded, her mouth slightly open. "O-okay."

Everypony gasped when the spirit glowed even brighter, then rushed out through the crack of a window.

"Wow", commented Spirit. "Who'd have thought. Thank goodness you're okay!" He kissed her again.

Derpy smiled. "Thank you for saving us. Including Mom." She blushed.

Mara hugged both of them, grinning. "I'm just glad the nightmare is over. You have no idea how scary it was when I was in that cloudhouse..." She pulled her hooves back and frowned. "I don't really know how I managed to be so calm in the end. But Levinia was so sad, I just had to help..."

"Uh, sorry to interrupt", said Priest, but you might wanna look at your butt for a second."

Author's Note:

I originally wanted to let the spirit disappear into the Realm Beyond but MyLittleTimeLord's idea was too cool to ignore. So now we have a pony Spirit Healer!

So, any guesses what Mara's Cutie Mark is? :D