• Published 4th Mar 2014
  • 532 Views, 5 Comments

The Happy Adventuring Saga: The Bonus Chapters - Pennington Inkwell

Sometimes I get bored, okay? And holidays won't just celebrate themselves! Just general silliness for the sake of entertainment, not at all canon to the remainder of my stories.

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Princess Cadence's Valentine's Day Contest! ~<3~ THE END

Hello, fellow adventurers!

Pennington, here! (The author, not the character!) I just wanted to congratulate the winners of our Valentine's Day Contest, as determined by YOU, the followers! Winning by only a single vote, the lucky couple is... Pennington Inkwell and Princess Cadence! Let give them both a big hand, everybody!

Anyway, I'd like to explain what comes next, just for clarity's sake. Completely out of context of any story and ignoring any continuity(such as Pennington's relationship with Twilight or Cadence's marriage.), Pennington and Cadence will be inserted into a romantic setting and enact a similarly romantic scene. There will be several small changes, but nothing too cataclysmic.

Penn? Cadence? Anything you'd like to say before we get started?

For the record, I never agreed to be subject to the results of this vote, and I resent that Cadence allowed them to propose any couple they wanted.

I often wish that I had thought this contest through more...

Our happy couple, everyone!

Anything can happen in a bonus chapter, so I will be recommending this only for readers who enjoyed the Pennington X Chrysalis pairing of my previous fan-voted couple! Seeing as this entire collection is rated "Teen," I don't think I have to warn you that things might get a bit... heated! So, without further ado, the final product of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's Valentine's Day Contest!


Pennington let out a long sigh as he stood outside the room, holding the letter he'd received three days ago. He had no idea what to expect when, rather than Luna's royal seal, Moonstone had produced a scroll sealed with a wax imprint of a heart with accompanying flourishes on either side. Upon opening it, he had discovered a summons from Princess Cadence, herself, urging him to meet her in Canterlot at an appointed date and time. Shaking his head and returning to the present, he took a deep breath to steady his nerves. So soon after the Canterlot invasion, where he had helped take her prisoner for the changelings, he knew that she had to be calling him to inflict her own punishment. As the ringing of the midnight toll sounded through the hallway, he knew that there was no putting it off any longer. He rapped his hoof against the door, knocking loudly.

"Yes? Who is it?" Cadence's voice chimed from within.

Pennington nervously cleared his throat. "It's- ehm- Pennington Inkwell, your highness..."

"Oh! Pennington, please do come in. The door should be unlocked." Cadence's voice was surprisingly gentle for someone who Pennington was expecting to be furious with him. As curiosity mingled with his nervousness, Pennington pressed his hoof on the door, pushing it inwards and revealing the room inside.

To his utter bewilderment, he suddenly found himself staring into the princess's personal bedroom, where she was reclined on her bed, laying in the center of a large, sky-blue heart embroidered on the covers. Her appearance was leagues beyond the haggard pony that Pennington had seen crawl out of the caves to confront Chrysalis, her silken pink fur cleaned and brushed to a stunningly smooth shine, her hooves polished and dangling over the edge of the bed, and every shade of her multicolored mane shone and shimmered. She smiled smugly as he stepped inside, as if she knew something that he didn't, and a flash of blue magic was enough to swing the door silently shut behind him. After a moment of silent enrapture, Pennington regained his senses and dropped to one knee, kneeling in front of the royalty.

"Princess, before we begin, I simply want to again offer my sincerest apologies for my part in the changeling onslaught on your birthday festivities. I will gladly accept any kind of punishment you wish to give me..." His head dropped downwards, shutting his eyes in preparation for what was to follow.

Cadence slowly slid off of the side of her bed, landing on her hooves with almost no noise at the impact. Her lithe figure strode across the room, stopping just in front of him. Pennington cringed at first as he felt her hoof slide underneath his chin, but he didn't resist as his head was tilted upwards. After a few seconds in this position, he felt a gentle, burning force press against his lips. Caught off-guard, he pulled his head backwards, his eyes flying wide open in surprise. To his astonishment, he found himself mere inches away from her face, their muzzles still almost touching. Her lavender orbs met his, and she licked her lips with a smile as her eyelids fell into a seductive, half-lidded stare.

"Now now, Pennington, the way that I remember it, the invasion was beaten away by the royal guard, who had received a tip from Scorching Quill." Her smile grew into a playful grin as her eyes rolled towards the ceiling in mock thoughtfulness. "And my dear aunts have been so kind as to inform me that that pony happens to go by another name... Yours, in fact!" She nodded forward, gently touching the tip of his horn with her own, sending jolts of unfamiliar energy through his body. Somehow, for the first time since he had lost his horn in his own sacrifice to stop the queen, Pennington felt a deep satisfaction, the kind that seemed to finally wash away the grief he had been holding onto.

"Not to mention Quill's efforts, you went through your own share of heroic endeavors, even personally saving my life," Cadence continued, moving forward until the tips of their noses met, making a pocket of hot air where their exhalations mingled, forcing to breath in the very air from her lungs. "That sounds much more like a hero than a criminal..." she whispered. "The kind of hero who could win over any heart he desired..."

The realization of the true reason for their meeting finally hit Pennington as his brain finally came around to processing the fact that she had kissed him a few moments ago. Standing up and taking a few steps back, he stared at her in surprise. He stared at her graceful motions as she rose up to her full height, several inches taller than him, he stared at her long, slender legs rising up to her gently curved body, he stared at the soft, kind features of her face as she stared at him in return, and he stared at her eyes, half-lidded and daring him to make a move.

"Miss Cadenza, I believe you're trying to seduce me."

Cadence's smile grew and she turned back towards her bed, her flank swaying hypnotically with each step until she climbed up and turned around to face him again. Her smile was enough to reveal that every motion, every tiny aspect of her movement, was calculated and planned. That smile was enough to finally drive Pennington over the edge, throwing caution and reason out the window.

"Is it working?"

"Oh, yes..." Pennington whispered breathily, bounding across the room and leaping onto the bed, practically tackling the princess and causing the two of them to roll with the impact and tumble into the center of the bed. Pennington breathed heavily as he loomed over the princess, Cadence laying beneath him and giggling, a bubbling fountain of joy that only served to enrapture him in her beauty even more. They stayed like that for a moment, each hardly believing that this was happening. A tingling warmth wrapped around his body as a blue glow surrounded the two of them. In a flurry of magic and heated desire, Cadence had suddenly swapped their positions, with her hooves now pinning his shoulders to the bed. Pennington smiled, his hoof reaching up and gently tracing a swirling pattern into the silky fur on her chest. This seemed to please her, her body wriggling pleasurably with the stimulation.

"Feisty, eh? I like that, your highness. I can rarely resist a fight..."

Cadence leaned down, bending at the knees to keep him pinned while she drew her face close to his. "Hmmmm, oh, Penny, my sweet, you have no idea..." Slowly, she closed the gap between them, placing her mouth over his in a passionate kiss. Pennington moaned into her mouth with pleasure as the heat of their colliding lips grew, and a hot, slick intrusion into his mouth mimicked Cadence's motions. Pennington's own tongue fought back, sliding over hers and into the unfamiliar territory of her mouth, sliding against her slippery-smooth teeth, and their saliva mingled in the center, allowing each of the lovers a copious taste the other. Cadence took her turn to moan with pleasure, her voice echoing and reverberating in Pennington's mouth and sending titillating vibrations across his muzzle and into his cheeks and nose. There was a short pause as she finally drew away, leaving him gasping for breath.

"You know, as the Princess of Love, I have to say... You're quite the kisser." Cadence quietly raised one hoof to wipe away a trail of saliva from the corner of her mouth before replacing it on his shoulder.

"Now... are you ready for the best part?"

Pennington nodded slowly, somehow still breathless and exhausted from the kiss.

"Good..." Cadence's grin grew, and to Pennington's horror, a green flash rolled across her eyes as, for a brief moment, her pupils constricted into familiar slits.

"So am I."

In a flash of emerald flames, the princess above him grew and morphed into Chrysalis, the Queen of the Changelings. Without waiting for him to react, Chrysalis lunged, her jaw opening wide and aiming for his neck. Dripping with venom, Chrysalis's fangs sunk deeply as she took a deep mouthful of...

the bedsheets.

After taking a brief moment to realize that her prey had disappeared, Chrysalis spat out the fabric, hissing angrily as her head swung from side to side, trying to find where he had possibly gone.

"You know, Chryssie, I knew it was you the whole time, but I'd honestly hoped that we could have some real, honest-to-goodness fun!" Pennington's voice came from directly behind her, as if he were standing of her back. Instinctively, Chrysalis bucked hard, trying to fling him off and into sight. When no pony flew over her head, she spun around to face him, assuming he was standing behind her.

"Fun? You abandoned the hive, ruined my invasion, and try to talk to me about having FUN?" she snarled, only to stop in shock as she found, not Pennington, but an unnaturally slender white mare with a golden mane that seemed to flow in an intangible wind floating on her back in the air like some kind of supernatural spirit.

"Who- who are you? What are you doing he-"

"It's okay, Chrysalis," she muttered, examining one of her hooves with a bored expression, "the story may as well be over at this point. You don't have to act in-character any more."

Chrysalis sighed, sitting on the bed and rolling her eyes. "Wonderful. It's all ruined now. Thanks, Eris."

Eris groaned, turning over onto her stomach. "It's not my fault you decided to blow your cover. So, why are you here, anyway? I was promised Princess Cadence!"

Chrysalis shrugged, looking down and to the side. "I... may have owed Cadence a favor. Seemed like the easiest way to pay her back and snag a quick meal. What about you?"

"Eh, I owed Pennington a favor after my story started handing out spoilers for his. And he told me he had a hot date..." She took a brief moment to glance over Chrysalis, smiling and licking her lips. "He wasn't lying."

Chrysalis gave her a wary look. "Are you... implying what I think you're implying?"

Eris grinned, licking her lips as her implication became clear.

"Two shapeshifters could have an awful lot of fun with a royal bedchamber to themselves..." she whispered, floating forward until her nose gently bumped against Chrysalis's. "All to themselves... all... night... long..."

Chrysalis smiled, licking her lips.

"Sounds... tasty."

Meanwhile, at Donut Joe's Donut Shop...

"You're kidding!" Cadence laughed, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I'm really- heh, heh- I'm really not!" Pennington laughed in return, taking a moment to try and suppress his chortles long enough to speak. "She was totally willing to go along with it!"

"So, let me get this straight..." Shining Armor muttered, tapping the table. "The two of you didn't want to go through with this, so you both ditched the other..."

"And then you sent two of Equestria's greatest threats in your place?" Twilight finished, obviously trying to decide whether or not to slap Pennington for his stupidity.

"Well, we never intended to send them both there..." Cadence grinned, finally coming down off of the high of her laughter.

"Besides, Eris swore on the Components of Chaos she wouldn't cause trouble! She can't break that oath! Cadence was perfectly safe! And I'm sure she took the same kind of precautions with Chrysalis!" Pennington grinned, pulling Twilight close as he took another bite of his donut. "Right, Princess?"

Cadence nodded in return. "Chrysalis gave me her word she wouldn't harm you! Besides, if she follows the script I gave her, nothing should go wrong!"

Meanwhile, in Ponyville...

Moonstone hummed happily to herself as she slid a fully-dressed turkey into Pennington's oven. It wasn't often that she got the chance to have meat in Equestria, but with Pennington gone on a double-date with Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence, she had the opportunity to cook herself a meal fit for a growing wyvern such as herself. Just as she finished setting the temperature and turned to leave it to cook, her private time was interrupted by a letter heaving itself upwards from her gullet. Opening her mouth widely to expunge the mail in a lavender fireball, she was shocked to see a large envelope with the thickness of a small novel sitting on the floor. Curious, she picked it up, tearing it open and pulling out the first of several pages.

Dear Penny,

Thank you so much for letting me go to this lovely date in your place! You'll never guess who else showed up and tried to kill you! Chrysalis! Now, I know you're still putting together that beastiary of yours, so I thought you might enjoy some of my findings on changeling physiology! Enclosed are several photographs I think you'll find quite intriguing!

Lots of love to your little brat of an assistant!


"Who does she think she's calling a brat?" Moonstone muttered, setting the letter aside and reaching into the envelope to retrieve the "intriguing photographs." "I mean, she's the one who couldn't let us finish "Penn and Stone" because she just needed to update her own story! I ought to send these photographs right back with a letter telling her that she can stick them right up her-"

She froze as the first of the photographs came into sight. She stared only long enough to realize that the two villains were, indeed, doing exactly what she thought they were doing.


Author's Note:

Ha! I bet you all thought I FORGOT about this!

P.S. The photographs were incinerated and never again saw the light of day. Moonstone, however, still occasionally sees that one... in her nightmares.

Comments ( 2 )

Hahaha, that was brilliant! :rainbowlaugh: Definitely one of my favourite short stories! Poor Moonstone, I know exactly how she feels... :twilightoops:

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