• Published 28th Jul 2014
  • 3,733 Views, 92 Comments

Life Ever After - Goof Theorist

Local D-list villain, mad scientist, prankster and toaster enthusiast- Germane Craft has a lot going on behind the scenes. But when one Twilight Sparkle finds out he's part of a rescue program for reincarnated aliens...

  • ...

Resume Your Plans

Chapter Seven: Resume Your Plans

Flash sat awkwardly in front of an office dedicated to land rights, minor legal disputes, and notarization while automatically scanning the crowd for threats. The space was just a short distance away from the town hall. Honestly, just being able to sit by himself for a while was rather nice, given the length of time he'd spent frozen in place as that Rarity mare made measurements and tutted over how he'd cropped his tail too severely to be fashionable this year. The only bright side to that debacle was getting to shoot smug looks as the other three guardsponies took their own turns after having been laughing at him.

Then he'd had to wait while Mister Craft spent twenty minutes passing papers over to the boutique owner where he'd described a simply boggling silk requirement, of all things, for their uniforms.

The inn was a decent staging point for now, but he was already looking forward to a dedicated guard building. That, of course, would require more paperwork. The fact that the princesses wanted that done more-or-less yesterday was just another reason to hurry. He'd need an excuse to trade his post with one of the others- let them follow Craft for a while.

That pony... human... whatever he was, he was categorically odd. His attention span was about as holed as swiss cheese, and even worse, Flash had to trust the stallion to lead the lot of them into the territory's most dangerous patch of real estate. With his pet manticore, too. Because apparently those could be domesticated, now.

"Alright! On with official business," came the voice of the stallion of the hour. Craft exited the building with the same grey mare with whom he'd first entered. She gave him a quick hug before fluttering off.

"If you don't mind me asking-" started Flash. Craft waved him off.

"Just personal stuff. Come on, we've got a few more things to do before the party tonight." Craft muttered to himself for a bit before leading the way down the street. "To the train station- Twilight'll be in, soon, and you should meet her personally. She and the other Bearers get into more trouble than I do, and if you guys aren't running with me, you'll be running with them."

That, at least, got Flash's interest. The Bearers of Harmony were sort of an open secret, especially among the military ranks. Before the stallion had left his marriage to marry princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Flash's old commanding officer had jokingly referred to them as Equestria's friendliest weapons of mass destruction. Then he'd threatened the entire barracks to never repeat his words to his little sister, ever.

He'd personally met both Generosity and Laughter, now, and would apparently be expected to take suggestions and orders from Magic, herself. It was definitely an interesting change of pace.

"After that you can do whatever," continued the pale, green-maned pegasus. "I have to check on the newbie, but that's all I'm stuck with tonight. Next week I'll start leading you and the other three through your paces- until then, just focus on getting used to the town and picking up the geography."

"If you're certain, sir."

"None of that 'sir' stuff- I didn't run my butt through boot camp and I'm sure as anything not old enough to be a 'sir' anyway," said the stallion, before perking up. "Hey, right on time!"

The train was just pulling in, giving off the soft whistle of engaging breaks and hiss of steam being released. It took a moment for Flash to be reminded just what about the scene had been pulling at his memory, before he recalled that his civilian superior's predecessor had introduced the steam engine concept to Equestria. The soldier wondered just what surprises he should prepare himself for.

After most of the crowd had already exited the train, their objective stepped off carrying a few small bags in her magic. Twilight Sparkle was mobbed by the pegasus, insofar as him demanding that she 'let him be gentlemanly and take her bags' counted as being mobbed.

Out of uniform or not, Flash didn't suppress the habit of straightening up as both principles hurried up to face him.

"Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle! You'll have to give me your name, since Germane's only bothered to introduce you as 'minion one'," said the violet unicorn, prodding the pegasus at her side.

"But Twilight, he is! The princesses gave them to me and everything!" complained Germane.

Flash managed -barely- not to twitch.

"A pleasure to meet you, ma'am," he said to the unicorn. His new boss began to pout, of all things.

'This is going to be a long assignment.'

Two weeks on, and that thought prove to be entirely true. It wasn't that there was anything particularly difficult about following around the absent-minded pegasus, unless one counted the mental strain, it was just...

"Got any twos?"

"Nope. Go fish, and roast me another marshmallow."

Flash watched as the little dragon groaned and bathed another snack in green flames, completely uncaring that his claw was on fire.

"Germane, you're weird," the drake said.

"Am not! The green fire makes it taste tingly," said Germane, defending himself.

Stretching out the kinks in his spine, Flash wearily took another look around the half-finished guard tower. He had to hand it to the local earth pony construction team- their speed was just about unreal. The only justification had been a few furtive looks and nervous laughs as the forepony said 'practice'.

Then, in the background, somepony began shouting about Crusaders and there was a shout of joy that echoed throughout town.

"Whether or not there is actually a roof," said Flash, gesturing at the plain stone of the unenclosed building, "there has to be some kind of regulation about hosting bonfires in buildings."

"We needed to get out of the house, and this is the most awesome camp-out I've ever had," said Germane. He perked up. "Ooh! Almost forgot!"

He leaned over, reaching one wing to toggle something very much like a lantern with a funnel attachment. Far above, over the sparse layer of clouds, a white star began flickering.

"What?" asked Flash, boggling.

"A projector! And landing signal. And... a reminder for mares that insisted on oiling their telescopes before hanging them up," said Germane.

Spike snickered. "We need one of those for inside the library."

"I'll build you one if you stop telling your firebird to attack me on sight," growled Germane.

The dragon winced. "Yeah, sheesh, I'm sorry. Twilight already lectured me. Twice. You're not... completely evil," Spike admitted.

"Double plus good!" spouted the ex-human in some kind of exotic gibberish. "You get a Christmas present!"

"Zounds!" came a voice from above.

Ever alert to the possibility of attack, Flash dove for both Germane and Spike, rolled them clear of the fire, and under a sheltering eave. A blue alicorn promptly crashed into the stone floor behind them. Flash's efforts to protect the suicidaly insane pegasus were thwarted when Germane tossed him off and scampered over.

"Luna! Come on, Mare Imbrium, talk to me! Alicorns bounce, remember?"

"Of course they do," said Luna, groggily. "'Tis the wonderful thing about alicorns... Though I shall refrain from staring directly into projectors. I made the very same mistake, at my first ever cinema experience with Tia."

"It's alright, love, we've all done that," said Germane, patting her mane.

Flash looked to Spike. The dragon shrugged, and said, "Don't tell them otherwise."

"Wah! I'm late!"

Another shock to the system- this time, an all too familiar eruption of magenta light. Flash was proud that it hardly even ever made him flinch, anymore. He wearily saluted.

"Madam Sparkle."

"Hi, Flash!" she said, waving until she remembered that she was in the middle of a good panic. "Oh gosh I'm late!" She piled into the already-seated other ponies, trying to hug both of them at once. "I'm so so sorry I-"

"These are the ponies in my life," drawled Spike.

In a moment of sympathy, Flash patted him on the shoulder. "There, there."

"But everypony tries to look into those things!" came a predictable comment from the sympathy pile.

Spike shuddered. "They're geniuses, you know. All three of them. Smarter than anypony."

He and Flash sighed in tandem.

"No spin the bottle! It's awkward, and stupid, and you girls just want to see me kiss the soldier anyhow!"

"What's wrong with that?"

Flash twitched and asked Spike, "Does that transportation flame work on living things? I think I have business in Canterlot."

"Sorry, man."

"Now, have we all learned a lesson?" asked Germane, pacing back and forth over the forest floor.

"Poke it with a stick, first," said Oakley.

"Keep one eye on the flowers!" said Belladonna.

"Get me down right now, sir." Flash's voice, a bit odd given how his body was completely inverted.

"That's not a lesson," grumbled Germane, taking his special poking stick and manipulating the roots of the vines that held his guardsponies suspended in midair. "Besides, what did I tell you about that 'sir' stuff?"

"You told me plenty, sir," said Flash.

"Now you're just being grumpy on purpose!" Germane stopped poking for a moment, just long enough to lean in. "Do I have to go get Pinkie?"

"Ugh. No! No. Sorry, Germane," said Flash, rolling his eyes.

"Right! Give me a sec', then..." Germane lifted off, reached one of the thicker branches, and triggered the Reflex. Armed with his poking stick, he made short work of the plants. "So, how's the guard station coming along?"

"Er, don't you already know?" asked Silver Buckle. "You're the one signing off on everything."

"I was supposed to read those?"

Flash, feeling just a bit affronted, glared up at the human. "That's it- we are going through those page by page, tonight."

Germane grinned. "I'll bring the donuts. I think I signed off on donut requisitions..."


There was snow on the ground, holly decorations hanging from every eave, and a weird whirring sound that could be heard from out of the doors of the Carousel Boutique.

"While I'm never one to disparage a gift, darling, I must ask..." Rarity poked the machine hesitantly. "What is it?"

"A new sewing machine!" said Germane, pushing back his goggles. Atop his back, Spike did the same. It was, the unicorn had to admit, a rather dapper look for the drake. Perhaps some brass buttons...

"But it's steaming," said Rarity, bringing herself back to the topic at hoof.

"Yup." Germane nodded proudly. "It's a steam-powered sewing machine."

"Everything runs better on steam," said Spike, buffing his claws with a thin stream of flame. "Germane's been teaching me. I mean, you get a mean education, living with Twilight, but I now possess the power of the piston!"

"All part of my plans to forge a true, steampunk dragon," said Germane with a note of pride.

"Well, lovely," said Rarity, with a hint of uncertainty. "Would you boys like some tea? It's the least I could do." She tried to ignore, and hide a smile at, the way Spike discretely nudged his sister's paramour.

"Er... of course?" said Germane, following her to the kitchen. While Rarity began putting water to boil, she watched him shrug off the dragon. "Man, you are getting too big to do that, and I'm fragile."

"Now that you mention it, Spike is getting rather tall," said the unicorn, pulling out a selection of tea bags. "The last growth spurt of this, ah, century, isn't it?"

"Yep," said the drake, nodding happily. "Another foot, Twilight said, then I'm good to go for another four or five decades before my first real sleep. So long as I make sure not to start hoarding before then, I should be fine."

"Oh, my! Look at the time," said Germane, staring at a completely bare fetlock. "I ought to go. Feel free to stay, Spike, and thanks for the offer, Rarity, but duty calls!" Before either of the room's two other occupants could so much as blink, the mad scientist was out of the kitchen and closing the Boutique's back door.

Rarity and Spike stared, long after the door softly clicked shut by itself. Coughing, Rarity turned back to the kettle.

"Right," she said. "Tell me, Spike, what about these so-called studies you and Germane have been getting into?"

"Oh, no, please Rarity, tell me about your latest fashion show! I'm sure it's much more interesting," said the dragon, claws clasped and eyes expectant.

The mare turned away and let a small grin quirk at the corner of her mouth. "Actually, I find myself rather curious about you, Spike. Why, a drake of your talents with the proper training, you could go absolutely anywhere!"

"I hope you meant that figuratively," said the drake. "I really like the ponies here."

"And they wouldn't have it any other way." She set down the tea set and crossed her hooves. "So! Talk to me."

The party that took place a week before Hearth's Warming Eve was... not the most awkward, in all fairness.

Germane had to give credit where credit was due- Pinkie was awesome. Not five minutes after being ushered to the surprise party, and Sparkler had gone from hesitant to amazed at the warm reception. Her new-old-little-sister was bouncing around her on all four hooves, chattering on and goading her to play more games.

In one corner, Ditzy was having the kind of necessary but painful conversation that came with speaking to an ex, only with the weirdness cranked up to eleven. Her being in human shape was probably to drive a certain point home.

It had taken over two months. Hesitant letters, meetings between lawyers, and so on. Things would work out.

'Or else I'll see if I can recreate the Toaster Barrage O' Doom,' thought Germane evilly.

"Pay attention!"

"Yes, dear!" said Germane on reflex. Twilight rolled her eyes at him.

"Really?" she said.

"Sorry, seemed funnier in my head," he admitted. "What's up?"

"Like I was saying..." and here, she turned a bit more nervous. "I sort of already ran this by Luna, and we both wanted to see what you thought, and Redheart mentioned it might be the kind of thing you'd say no to because of your... background..."

"What do I have to wrap my monkey brain around this time?" asked Germane, feeling this would be another one of those awkward cultural things that still, sometimes, took him by surprise.

"It's about Flash. He's around an awful lot, isn't he?"

"My favorite guard except Belladonna," said Germane. "I think she's just using me to hang out with Simba, though."

"Not the point," said Twilight. "And I know it's still sort of early for this sort of thing, for us, but would you be okay..."


"With Flash..."

"Yuh huh?"

"Dating?" Twilight upped her tempo. "I know humans tend to be more restricted, sexually, but we've noticed a certain chemistry and it's entirely possible we're just making this up but-"

Germane threw up a hoof, cutting her off and giving himself a moment to marshal his thoughts. "Really? Flash?"

"We won't try if we're not all together on this, but yeah?"

The pegasus huffed. "Yeah. First, I'm not that out of touch. Even if I were 'sexually restricted'," he said, waggling his hooves, "I know herds don't have to be unilaterally sexual. That's not an issue. Um, not on that 'restrictive' part, either." Twilight perked up. "Ah bup bup! Down, girl!" He sighed. "Can we give it a couple months? I know things have been pretty awesome, but I just want to make sure they stay like that. Iron out wrinkles before we add to them."

"Yeah, that's fine," said Twilight, burrowing against his side.

His smile now hidden, Germane added, "I'd tap that."


Germane stared up at the space above the door and rolled his eyes. Telling Pinkie about the mistletoe tradition had been his first mistake. Letting her rope Rarity into casting spellwork over the little green sprigs to facilitate said tradition had been his second mistake. Now he was stuck, and not for the first time that night, having gone through the door with somebody.

Well, there was nothing for it.

He turned, leaned down, and planted the sloppiest, loudest, wettest kiss possible on the crown of Dinky's head. The filly flailed, made the appropriate 'eww!' noises, and scampered off.

"Not what I was aiming for," said the fashionista who'd put him into that position, "yet entertaining nonetheless!"

"I think I traumatized Cheerilee," said Germane, blandly. "The poor mare came here looking to study up on Equestria's latest race to give her students a lesson, and now I think she's trying to drown her sorrows in eggnog. Woe is me, for I am repulsive!"

The cream-colored unicorn huffed. "I think telling her 'my marefriends can never know' was probably what pushed her over the edge, darling. Not everypony shares your unique brand of humor."

"You do!" chirped Germane.

"Perhaps," said Rarity. A grin tugged at her lips. "Thusly..." She put out a hoof, and tapped his chest just hard enough to push him back under the doorway.

The same magic as before snared him. With no small trepidation, Germane turned to see just whom he'd been trapped with, this time. Fluttershy stared at him, looked up at the mistletoe, then fainted.

"Dang it, Rarity."

"Where's an orbital friendship cannon when you need one?!" shouted Germane, running like a pegasus out of hell. "We need fire! Fire and doom!"

"Okay -ow!- from now on, Twily's not allowed to leave!" said Pinkie, twitching just in time to get advance warning on the next dive-bombing wasp. "These guys are no fun at all!"

"I'm gonna have a talk with Bon Bon!" said Germane, wasting a precious second to pull out his paintball rifle. The wasps weren't great targets, but he'd had plenty of practice hunting blue pegasi. "You don't make candy out of honey that comes from mysterious jars hidden in the cellar of haunted mansions!"

"Well," said Lyra, panting, "when the clause said she had to stay the night to inherit, and the extra bits means she can expand the shop..."

Germane snarled, wondering why the world couldn't be a little more genre savvy.

"Girls, over here!" Rainbow Dash's voice carried clearly through the noon air.


"Girls and Germane, over here!"

"Much better," muttered the pegacorn, following the tiny stampede under the wide, black cloud corralled by Rainbow for that very purpose. Just as they reached the other end of the cloud's shadow, the mare let loose with a torrent that flooded dozens of the hell-bugs out of the air.

"That should be the last of them," said Rainbow, dropping down by the group. "Fluttershy's leading some sort of... frog brigade, I guess, to eat them up." She noogied Germane's wet mane. "And we can't use the orbital friendship cannon on bugs! The princess gets mad." Then, muttering, "Even if you ask really nicely."

"Besides! Twily's at that symposium for... for..." Pinkie frowned, a thin cloud of smoke rising from her mane.

"Trying to remember?" asked Germane. She gave a too-serious nod. "Having trouble?" Another nod. "Did she ever actually tell you?"

Pinkie gasped. "No wonder I can't remember, no many how many smarticle particles I'm burning!"

"That's... yes. Sure. It's a librarian convention, Pinkie," said Germane. "Puns about fiction categories and venting all that rage pent up from months of watching fillies bending precious, precious book spines. It's... something she had to so alone. This is her time, now. So we precious few, we band of ponies, must take up the slack and preserve this recklessly-located town from the completely predictable ravages of madness."

Pinkie sniffed and gave a solemn salute, staring off into some glorious spot in the middle distance.

"Mister Craft!" A stallion, part of the day guard but wearing green combat gear made up of dozens of layers of silk wrapped in hardy cloth, stumbled up in a mirror pose to Pinkie.

"Buckle!" shouted Germane. "What's up?"

"The captain sent me to quote find out what fresh new stupid you jumped into unquote." Buckle eased out of his stance -Pinkie still hadn't- and glanced at the drowned and flailing wasps. "All good here?"

"Yep. We got this handled," said Rainbow, coughing smugly into her hoof. "Where are the rest of you soldier folk?"

"Guarding the school, town hall, and Miss Fluttershy's with our fly swatters. Casualties were minimal, on our side." Silver Buckle grinned. "We gave those bugs what-for!"

"Well done! How's the tac-vest working?" asked Germane.

In answer, the stallion turned to show a wicked stinger embedded harmlessly in the tac-vest at the base of his neck.

"Oh! We need a party! And little hats for the heroic frogs!" said Pinkie, bouncing while still saluting.

"At ease, Miss Pie," said Germane. "And again, you're not a soldier. You don't have to salute. It stopped being funny months ago, and we're all getting a little worried."

"Okie dokie lokie!"

"Have a glorious day!" said Luna cheerfully, waving off the last of the group of school foals. She watched Germane dive for the door and flip the 'closed' sign around.

"And we're safe," said the stallion. "Finally, finally safe. Now that we're not busy, we can worry pointlessly!" His grin was more of a rictus than anything.

Luna sighed, then pulled him close with a wing. "There is no need to worry, Germane. Twilight and her friends are very capable. This is what they do."

He groaned into her chest. "I should have armed them. Mysterious empires don't reappear without bad things happening!"

"You don't build weapons, love."

"I could."

"I trust my sister to not put them into too much danger," said Luna. "I don't believe anything will go wrong."

"Now you're lying to me. Continue to do so," commanded the ex-human.

Luna felt a painful heat in her chest. True, she had barely restrained herself from throttling her big sister over sending her other love into dire straits again, and she ached at the memories of the slave king Sombra being loose once more, and...

"Let us worry together," she said, glancing around at the library that the two of them had volunteered to watch while Twilight was away. Having a princess in residence had caused an upsurge in curious readers, which her unicorn lover would surely be pleased about. Once she returned.

"Coffee?" she suggested, as late in the day still meant an early morning for her.

"Let's use Spike's machine," said the winged stallion dully. "He's very proud of it. Good kid. Smart. Gonna be eaten by horrorterrors..."

"Yes, then, except to that last part," said Luna. She nudged him. "Transform, Germane. Mine ears want a good petting."

"Your ears deserve the best," said Germane, triggering his Reflex and following her to the kitchen.

Luna felt much improved, if she did say so herself- her scalp was being played with, she was able to press a new arrangement of shiny buttons on a new gadget, and she had made a good impression on Twilight's owl, earlier in the day. It could certainly be worse.

"Truly, you are better at this than even the minotaurs," said Luna. "I remember a spring romance with a lovely young cow who did braid my mane with great dexterity," she hummed.

Germane chuckled. "You've seen me try to braid rope. I wouldn't commit that kind of crime against your hair, Luna. I'll stick to scalp massages- I'm good at those. Mom was a hairdresser, after all."

"Twilight does love it too. It's unfortunate she isn't interested in the... other things your skilled digits can do," said Luna, eyeing the bubbling pipes that wound in and out of Spike's coffee percolator.

"We all have our preferences," said Germane. "She's cool with me as a pony, and she doesn't not like my human shape, she just doesn't feel very, um, amorous about it."

"A pity. We shall have to work doubly hard as quadrupeds, then."

"Don't we always?" asked Germane, leaning up to grab mugs as the machine gave a triumphant little whistle. "Come on, we're taking this to the main room. We can cuddle on the couch and Twilight can't yell at us for drinking coffee around the books."

Luna clapped her hooves together.

Months later.

"I didn't think you were the type to attend sporting events," said Flash, minding his outrageously large soda. He and Germane were parked on a rickety set of bleachers, looking down on a field full of cheerful, yelling ponies.

"This is a pickup game," said the ex-human. "It doesn't count. My nerd credit remains pure." He pointed a hoof out at the defensive line. "Besides, this is business."

Flash squinted, taking a moment before he finally recognized the earth pony Germane was indicating. "Andrew Striker. He's the... new one of you guys, right?"

"Yup! Got a hoofball talent mark, a house, and date with that nice cousin of Applejack's," said Germane, sounding satisfied. "He's doing fine."

Flash sighed. "You really worry all the time for them, don't you?"

"It's my job," said Germane. "This chunk of the country is my responsibility. I make sure my little hominids aren't going crazy or getting caught up in cultural disasters, and that's that."

"And that means... conventions?" asked Flash, checking their itinerary.

Germane shrugged. "Meeting with the other coordinators, yeah. Frost thinks it'll turn into some kind of block party up at Canterlot's lower district. Maybe get together a round of pegasus tossing."

Flash snorted. "You think you've finally graduated from basic, then you have to watch a bunch of apes throw ponies off a mountain."

"Flying ponies," clarified Germane. "We don't throw the non-flying ones! Besides, ponies invented it. Feel ashamed for your species."

The captain sighed.

"Alright, you've got me. What made you invite me up here so early?" asked the ex-human, glancing around Luna's quarters. They were a familiar sight, by now, but there was a new book shelf to the side that kept catching his attention...

"Can a princess not demand her paramour's presence?" asked Luna, looking just a bit too smug. Germane's smile turned just a bit more lecherous.

"I'm certain she can," he countered. "Does the princess have something in mind?"

Luna leaned in, and let her lips run softly up his neck, before whispering, "Board games."

"Oh. Oh!" Germane coughed, and tried to fight down the flush. "Yes, board games are good. You know what else is good?"

"Sex?" suggested Luna, looking wide-eyed and innocent as only somebody with years of refining their poker face could manage.

But Germane could play this game. "I was thinking ice cream, but sure!"

And so it went. Three board games, two deserts, and lively book discussion later, Luna screeched.

"Enough! No more games! No more distractions! You, swain, shall be ravished to within an inch of your very life!" Luna's hair, normally a docile wave of hair catching strange, magical breezes, flared out as if caught in gale-force winds.

"What? You expect me to put up a fight?" asked Germane, one brow crooking upward.

Luna paused, for a moment. "Er, we would not mind, as such."

The shorter pony gave a feral grin. "Then take me if you can!"

He looked around the meeting that had spilled out onto the street. The meeting was... well, Germane would have labeled it as insane, but he'd long since built up new and interesting definitions of 'insane'. On the other hand, both the princesses had shown up to have a good time while pretending to be dignified.

"Princess Celestia," greeted Germane, waving off a few of the humans local to Canterlor. "How goes it? Any hints on that mysterious spell book?"

The pale alicorn grinned, softly. "Now, I know Twilight wouldn't have asked you to pry, so I assume you are trying to earn 'brownie points' with my student?"

"Guilty as charged," said the cheerful young man. "I mean, I'm sure she'll have it all down by the time this meeting actually closes, but I have to admit I'm curious."

"You'll have to find out a couple of days," said Celestia. "Patience, I'm told, is a virtue."

"So is nosiness," countered the transformed stallion. "Seriously, though, what does the spell do?" He bounced on his heels. "Luna won't say anything either, and I've been bribing her nonstop!"

Celestia tilted her head and saw that, yes, her sister was waving about yet another slice of cake as she lectured several young pegasi on the best way to become aerodynamic for the tossing game.

"All in due time, Germane. I-" Celestia froze, and felt her eyes unfocus. "It is time."

Germane stared as the princess dissolved into sunlight. That... that hadn't been teleportation. He wasn't sure what that had been.

He spun on his feet and searched for Luna, who was similarly gone.

Desperate, he pushed through the crowd, out toward the edge of the city. There was a light above the distant speck that was Ponyville. The clouds were all wrong, and that pillar of magic couldn't be good and Twilight was still there!

He broke out into a run. Some ponies, some humans, called his name. Curious about where Celestia had gone, maybe. As if anybody told him what was going on.

"Make a hole!" he shouted, voice climbing up a register and turning hoarse.

Altitude was with him, as was wind, so-

He leaped onto a cart, onto the great retaining wall of Canterlot, and dove. A hundred feet down, he triggered the Reflex and snapped out his wings. He could do it he could do it he could-

"Germane! Oh, Celestia, stop bowing! I don't care, you're not supposed to bow to me!"

The stallion rolled onto the ground on his side, heaving, and cast a crooked smile up at the purple alicorn.

"Not... bowing. Flew off a... mountain. You... look pretty, sugarhooves."

Equestria's newest princess laughed.

Germane usually entered the Night Court in one of two ways- waving maniacally at anybody within sight, or with his nose in a book. This time it was the latter.

Years of experience guided him around obstacles -ponies- without having to actually look up. Navigation was accomplished by idly noting what kind of surface his hooves were stepping upon. Black marble, gray, thin carpet, more marble, thick carpet... he was in the throne room. He carefully placed a bookmark, and looked up with a smile. The smile quickly died.

Luna had stepped down from her throne and met him halfway, effectively stalling the court. They both ignored the rush of whispers as the mare leaned in and whispered in his ear:

"We must talk. Find Fleethoof, I'll be with you momentarily."

Germane nodded, tucked away his latest book, and made for one of the side doors

Comments ( 12 )

Your finally back after so long that I forgot you exsisted....


6680637 Eee.... sorry! I've been working on other stories, one of which is being published.

I have to wrap this one up, soon, and tack on an epilogue. Really, 'Life Ever After' was mostly a stream-of-thought thing, a number of elements I'll be shamelessly stealing (from myself) for later efforts.

Man, this story is too good for it's low viewer count.

"These are the ponies in my life," drawled Spike.
In a moment of sympathy, Flash patted him on the shoulder. "There, there."
"But everypony tries to look into those things!" came a predictable comment from the sympathy pile.
Spike shuddered. "They're geniuses, you know. All three of them. Smarter than anypony."
He and Flash sighed in tandem.


Loved the story so far, good work, keep it up. :twilightsmile:

*sees this is the last chapter after a long spell with no updates*

*checks comments for hints on if chapter will end on a cliff hanger*

*sees comment *


Reading this is not happening. I'll just assume happy-wonderful-fun times are had by all. And that Germane becomes an alicorn with Twilight, so the threesome... will last... FOREVER!:pinkiehappy:

Just read this. Hope you update someday.


This one was an... interesting story, although you definitely make it clear with the jumping around here that you intended to bring it to an end, although things are, at best, only briefly shown without giving any real... answers? Not sure if that's the exact wording or phrase I'm looking for.

It's another interesting story from you, definitely though. The only thing I'm curious about, is why did you decide on making him a pegacorn? It doesn't seem to serve any purpose, especially since you state his horn was removed by Redheard when he first arrived. Seems kind of silly to make it a character trait, and then never really bring it up. Except to substitute it for his name in order to avoid repeating his name in your writing.

Ah... Sorry for the late reply. I've been lurking, mostly, for quite a while.

Honestly, as to the 'pegacorn' thing? I was making fun of the ream of alicorn OCs. Instead of being the near-deity of... exotic toasters? He was just a goofy mutant.


Just a lil late, lol! I'll admit to recalling only a little of the story at this point. Should you ever stop lurking and do some more writing, I'd probably pick this thing up right from the start all over again though, cause you've got some skill behind you.

Wow. Too bad this has been dormant for so long. I have to say you did a beyond excellent job on the slice of life aspect.

Your last few comments give me a bit of hope that that something more might come out of this someday. Or not after all it is always up to the author. Sometimes even it can be better that way just to imagine.

I think the best part of the slice of life is how things just worked and it did not feel Mary Sue-ish. Just a bit funny and heart warming.

It is still quite good though. Funny, sometimes a bit much on time skips, but still endearing.

I guess I will have to look at your other stories here in any case.

Well off to reading!

This story truly deserves to be finished, pretty please with gummy bears on top?:pinkiesad2:




Is this ending years later?

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