• Published 4th Mar 2014
  • 8,429 Views, 174 Comments

My Little Twiny April Foals Day - Rated Ponystar

(Set in the story Celestia's Tiny Student by CommanderX5) The tiny student of Princess Celestia decides to take part in April Foals Day and use her skills and size to prank all her friends and family

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Part 3

Inside the halls of Canterlot General Hospital, nurses and patients were forced to jump out of the way as a team of midwives and a unicorn doctor were rushing a new patient into one of the maternity wards. Overwatch screamed and held on to her stomach like it was ready to burst. Steel Blade, trying to sooth his partner, wrapped a wing around her only for her to crush with her hooves as she screamed again.

The doctor, Scalpel, looked at the two of them and sighed in annoyance. “When you told me that this was an emergency, this isn’t what I was expecting. I’m Twilight’s personal doctor, not a midwife!”

“Less talking and more delivering please!” cried out Steel Blade, wincing as he pulled back his crushing wing.

The doctor and his staff managed to finally guide the patient into one of the free rooms and got to work. The nurses quickly sterilized the room while encouraging Overwatch to breath in an out. She did as she was told while glaring at Steel Blade and growled, “Steely, if you ever get me pregnant again, I will rip your little sword out from between your legs and shove it straight up your flank hole!”

Steel Blade paled, but Dr. Scalpel put his hoof on his shoulder. “Relax, Steel. This sort of thing is normal for a mare when she is in labor. In a few moments, she’ll be cooing over her newborn foal.”

The doctor got to work setting up the stirrups to hoist her rear legs. Steel quickly got to his partner’s side as she looked at him, teary eyed and asked, “Is this really happening? Are we... are we gonna be parents?”

Steel smiled back at her and wiped the tears from her eyes. “It is, we’re gonna be good parents. I know we’re not married or anything like that, but I promise you I’ll get a ring and do this right.”

“Oh, Steely...” whispered Overwatch as she nuzzled her beloved.

The nurses looked at each other and smiled. This was the part of their jobs they loved so much. Helping ponies in love bring a miracle into the world. Each of them swore to make sure that everything went right with this pregnancy and that they had a beautiful filly or colt. Their thoughts of happiness were soon put aside when the mother started screaming like a banshee all over again. Dr. Scalpel said it was time and got between Overwatch’s legs, his head covered by the blanket placed between them.

“I can see the head! Everypony get ready!” he looked up at Overwatch and said, “Overwatch! Push now!”

“Unnnnggghhh!” Overwatch’s face turned red as every muscle in her body pushed down, forcing the foal inside of her to come out. The nurses all stood ready with their tools in case things, Celestia forbid, went wrong while they had a blanket and small tub of water ready to clean the foal.

Minutes passed with Overwatch pushing as everypony encouraged her to hold on and do her best. Dr. Scalpel occasionally asked for a tool to help with the pregnancy, but made sure to keep his work secret from his staff; many of whom were wondering why he was being so secretive and refusing to ask for any help.

Finally, Dr. Scalpel joyfully shouted, “It’s almost out! One more push!”

“Gaaaaaahhh!” cried out Overwatch before she fell back on her pillow, relief on her face as her tears mixed with the sweat upon her face.

A wailing cry was heard as the nurses smiled and nodded to each other for another job well done; one of them was even sniffling as a tear dropped from her cheek. Dr. Scalpel came out and smiled, looking at the little creature in his hooves. “Congratulations. He’s a healthy drake!”

Each of the nurse’s eyes lit up as they slowly turned to the doctor. What did he just say?

Their mouths dropped as Dr. Scalpel turned around and revealed to them that their patient had just given birth to an actual baby dragon, and quite a big one too. The purple and green young one cried and squirmed in the arms of his deliver, covered in red juice. Dr. Scalpel turned to the nurse holding the blanket and snapped her back into reality. She nervously gave the blanket to the doctor who wrapped the sleeping baby dragon and cradled him. None of the nurses took their disbelieving eyes of the drake even after he was given to his ‘parents’; neither of whom was stunned by this revelation.

“He’s so beautiful... what will we call him?” asked Steel Blade, looking at his son.

“Spike. After his grandfather,” answered Overwatch which only raised more questions for the nurses who felt that everything they learned in school had suddenly been thrown out the door with a kick to the rear.

Dr. Scalpel turned to his assistants and said, “I’ll handle things from here. You five go and take a breather. I’m sure this sort of thing is something that you don’t see often.”

That was a statement the nurses had to nod their heads at. One by one they all left, glancing at the baby dragon one last time before the door closed. The three remaining ponies along with the one dragon in the room waited a few minutes until the four of them unleashed their laughter all at once. Spike got out of the ‘loving hooves’ of his ‘mother’ until he landed on the bed and banged his claw on the sheets before using them to wipe the tomato juice off. “That was awesome! Did you see the looks on their faces?! I thought they were gonna smack themselves silly when they saw me!”

“And you were quite the little ‘baby’ I might add,” commented Steel Blade, earning a glare from Spike but it was quickly replaced with a smirk.

“Well, when are you gonna give your little ‘marefriend’ a ring? Should I tell Twilight the good news?”

Overwatch snorted. “This guy and me? Yeah right, that’s like seeing Blueblood and Shining Armor getting hitched in Las Pegasus. Impossible.”

“Not if we get them drunk enough,” pointed out Steel Blade, before turning to Dr. Scalpel. “I’m surprised you were willing to go through with this prank, Doc. Don’t tell me it was getting a chance to see Overwatch’s backside without a real foal popping out.”

Dr. Scalpel chuckled. “First off, your partner covered herself with her tail. Second, I work in a hospital taking care of the sick and dying. A little humor is much appreciated for me. Although, I do wonder how long it will take my nurses to realize that it was all a prank.”

“Give them a day or two,” said Overwatch, getting of the bed, wincing as she put use to her rear legs once more. “Ugh, how do mothers get used to those stirrups? My legs feel like they’re on fire.”

“Well, put some energy into them. We need to get to park for our next prank,” said Steel Blade, grinning.

“Who's next?” asked Spike.

“Why, our favorite loving couple of course.”


Said loving couple was currently enjoying their day off from their duties with each other in North Canterlot Park. They were having a great time walking in the bright sunny weather, watching little ponies play, sneaking a nuzzle or kiss here or there. And of course doing a little bit of pranking.

It was the holiday after all.

Shining Armor and Cadence, disguised as a normal unicorn yet looking like her usual self, giggled as they levitated some bird seed near a stallion sleeping on a bench with a newspaper on his face. Soon enough, pigeons flocked to the bird seed in rapid numbers. The poor stallion was soon running away with the hungry birds pecking at him in all directions.

“You know, I feel kind of bad for him,” said Cadence as they continued their walk.

“Oh, relax Cadence. It’s all in the spirit of fun,” reassured Shining Armor, nuzzling his marefriend before noticing a flower stand nearby. An idea to cheer up the disguised alicorn quickly came to him as he walked over to the stand and began looking for the perfect flower.

“Can I help you with something, sir?” asked the earth pony behind the counter.

“Got anything I could give to my special somepony over there?” asked Shining, nodding over to Cadence who was looking up at a butterfly sitting on her nose.

The flower vendor smiled and picked out a violet from a patch he had, letting Shining take it with his telekinesis. “Here you go. Free of charge.”

“Wow, thanks!” said Shining as he galloped back where Cadence was sitting on her haunches, her foreleg straightened as few bird eating seeds she fed them with help of her telekinesis. Her attention switched to flower Shining levitated, and a deep red blush spreading across her face.

With the flower presented to her, Cadence took it with her own magic and sniffed it, sighing in comfort over the smell. “Oh, Shining. You didn’t need... to... to...” her nose started to twitch as she felt a sneeze coming on. “Ah... ah... ahchoo!”

Upon sneezing, white powder shot out from the flower and landed on Shining’s face, and soon he started sneezing as well. However, Cadence, thanks to her magic, resisted the effect of the itching powder, though the same could not be said for Shining Armor who continued to sneeze and turn red like he had caught a bad cold.

Glancing over at the vendor, Cadence could see him laughing at their misfortune, she took a step back as realization struck her. Glaring at the earth pony, Cadence soon sported a devilish smirk as a plan to get vengence appeared in her mind. She told Shining to head to a nearby fountain and drink some water while she went back towards the vender who was looking at her, nervously.

Faking a cheerful smile, she said, “Oh that was hilarious. You really got us good, mister.”

“O-oh?” said the vendor, who started to relax a bit more. “Y-you liked the prank?”

“Oh course. It’s April Foals Day after all, we should all get pranked once in awhile,” assured Cadence, as she leaned against the counter and relaxed her eyes into a very sultry look. She slowly took her left hoof and slid it down his neck, making his face turn very red. “So tell me... how did a smart, handsome earth pony such as yourself make these?”

Her charm worked as the vendor babbled on about his prank, completely missing Cadence igniting her horn and lifting out a special potion she had been working on with Twilight out of her saddlebags. With the earth pony’s eye closed while he continued bragging, the disguised alicorn opened the bottle and poured the liquid onto the flowers with gusto. When it was empty, Cadence faked a cough and said, “Oh forgive me. I seem to be still feeling it’s effects. I need to go powder up now, but thank you for the conversation.”

“Y-you’re welcome!”

Cadence gave him a wink before she walked back towards her previous spot where Shining Armor was arriving himself. Noticing his marefriend coming back from the vendor, he quickly asked, “Did you get back at him?”

Cadence only smiled. “Just wait and see.”

Shining Armor looked back, noticing a new couple come towards the flower stand to see it’s wares. Suddenly, the couple and the owner flinched when one of the flowers started coughing and changing color. Soon another joined in, then another, and another, only for an entire array of flowers to turn into one big coughing mess.

The couple looked at the vendor in disgust before walking away, others nearby covering their mouths while fleeing the scene. Cadence and Shining Armor were the only ones laughing as the vendor was panicking over the apparent curse of his plants. Kissing Cadence on the cheek, Shining asked, “Have I ever told you how much I love you?”

“Not enough,” said Cadence, grinning as a small bag of bits levitated towards the ventor. Prank or not, she didn't want to hurt any pony's business just for a laugh. "But it's always nice to hear.”

With their little revenge prank taken care off, Cadence was guided by Shining Armor towards a small clearing in the park where, lo and behold, there was a picnic basket and blanket all set up for them. Cadence rewarded her special somepony with a kiss while Shining Armor made sure to reward the guard who he asked to do this with free drinks at the bar next time. The two sat down and were prepared to open the basket when a familiar voice reached their ears. “Hey, you two!”

They turned toward the end of their blanket where they saw a familiar unicorn smiling at them. “Surprised?”

“Twiny? What are you doing here?” asked Shining Armor, raising his eyebrow.

“Well, it was such a great day outside that I decided I wanted to get out a bit,” explained Twilight, sniffing the fresh air. Unbeknownst to the two taller ponies, Philomena was already stealthily landing behind them and entering their picnic basket with a purple potion vial in her talons. With a small pop of the cork, she started pouring the potion into the grape juice inside. Remembering her role, Twilight continued, “And before you ask, no, I’m not alone. Steely, Overwatch, and Spike are playing hide and seek with me. I’m currently looking for that young dragon of mine, have you seen him?”

“Nope, but we’ll be sure to keep an eye out,” said Cadence, smiling as a cookie levitated towards the little unicorn, shrouded in a blue aura. Twilight grabbed the cookie eagerly between her hooves. “Now if you don’t mind, Twilight, your brother and I would like a bit of privacy.”

After the last of the potion had been dumped, Philomena nodded and flew away as swift as she could. The two lovers looked up, ears searching for the strange sound they heard, but shrugged, assuming it was some bird or another. With the prank all set, Twilight quickly said, “Well, I must be going. I’m sure you have a lot to do. Just don’t do anything that would make Mom and Dad disapprove, bye!”

A quick teleport later and the tiny unicorn was gone. Cadence stared at the spot where Twilight was previously in hesitation before turning to her special somepony. “Did Twilight... seem a bit odd?”

Shining shrugged. “Maybe. I don’t think it’s a big deal. Come on, let’s eat.”


Twilight blinked onto the branch where Philomena was waiting for her. The two of them smirked and sat down to observe the fruits of their labor. It started slow at first, the two were just eating a bit, feeding each other and doing the occasional kiss in the neck. Then Cadence poured the grape juice and the two were quickly gulping it down.

“Now we watch the fun,” said Twilight.


“Cadence... do you feel... funny?” asked Shining Armor, holding his growling stomach.

“What do you.... mean... ugh,” groaned Cadence before her hoof rushed to her stomach as well.

The two of them winced and closed their eyes as an odd unpleasant sensation overtook them, their bodies glowing. Slowly, their features began to change shape as Cadence’s mane shortened, and complexion changed. Shining Armor also began to feel the same effects but in reverse as he began to feel thinner. His muzzle grew shorter and rounder while he felt his mane growing longer. Finally, the change stopped and the two of them groaned.

“Ugh, what happened?” asked Shining Armor, who sounded more high pitched. “And why does my voice sound... sound...”

He looked up and his eyes widened in shock, jaw dropping to the ground as his mind went completely blank by what he was seeing. He had seen so many weird things in his life, such as his sister being the size of a mouse. But this... took the cake.

“Honey? What’s wrong, why are you... you...” Cadence blinked a few times before pointing at Shining Armor and shrieked, “Why are you a mare?!”

“I’m a what?!” shouted Shining Armor as he grabbed a glass plate and looked at himself, or rather, herself. She gasped upon seeing her new feminine features and turned even whiter than normal. “I’m a mare... and you’re... you’re a....”

Now it was Cadence’s turn to slowly become pale. Gulping, she reached down between her rear legs and her eyes widened at the feeling of what she... he had felt. A thousand thoughts went through their minds as they realized that this was a prank, a very good and embarrassing prank. The now male alicorn sighed while her illusion kept her wings hidden despite the transformation, only to move a hoof towards her lips and chuckle. Shining looked at her, blinking in confusion as Cadence looked back at him with an amused smile. She had temporarily disguised herself under illusion of a stallion once or twice at some point, but it was first time her physical features changed like that, an interesting prank indeed. “Guess who had pranked us, dear, you have three chances.”

Shining Armor blinked few times, thinking deeply, only for his face to turn red as Cadence just giggled, he sure looked cute when angry in a female body.



“I am going to kill her,” announced Shining Armor as he, now she, stomped through the park, horn glowing and ready to catch anything that moved, already capturing three lavender birds by accident.

“Oh… then I will need to resurrect her, luckily I’ve worked on my healing magic ever since I became your sister’s foalsitter,” Cadence replied while trailing behind his marefriend.

“Then I will just kill her again for this, or at least ground her, I am her older bro… sister, and changing the gender of a family member deserves a solid spanking.”

The two had spend nearly half an hour searching for the tiny unicorn, but with the park so big and Twilight being a master at hide and seek, it was going to take a long time before they found their prankster.

“I can’t believe she even pranked us! I didn’t even know she celebrated April Foals Day!” shouted Shining Armor. If any of the guards saw her now, her reputation was all but gone. Her stallionhood would be questioned. She’d be a laughing stock for the rest of her career.

“She doesn’t, which is why this is a surprise for me as well,” commented Cadence, quite impressed by her little progress in potion making. “But don’t worry, we’re going to prank her back. Just keep following the tracks filled by pranked ponies and we will find her.”

Shining Armor look back at his...her coltfriend with a sharp face expression, “And why are you so relaxed about this? She changed our genders for crying out loud, is this even legal?”

Cadence giggled, “Well, it is not the weirdest thing that happened to me in past millennium, and besides, the effect of the potion is just tempor–” he stopped, his fore-legs crossed.

“Is… something the matter?” Shining Armor asked, clearly worried as she turned and approached Cadence, watching him cross his rear legs, “Are you not feeling well?”

Cadence blushed and smiled awkwardly, “Well… I was so caught up in this intense searching that I was holding.” Cadence bit his lips, “I… have to go.”

Shining Armor raised her eyebrow, “Let me quess, that grape juice we drank during the picnic…” she suddenly felt that her body also was telling her to release. Realizing there was no way out of this, she grabbed her coltfriend and dragged him to a nearby public restroom. “Look, let’s just do our business and get back to finding my sister as long as trail is fresh. Okay?”

Cadence nodded as he separated and approached a female’s section while Shining went into the stallion's one. Her eyes focusing on several doors leading to a blissful location where kings fulfilled their most important needs.


Shining’s hoof lifted towards the handle and pressed, but it didn’t budge. With a deep sigh, she walked to the left and pressed another handle, the same result as before. Sweat covered her face as her rear legs pressed harder, she jumped to the last door, her hoof trembling as it touched the metal’s surface. Carefully pressing against it, she pulled, only for the door to not budge. She pulled harder, only for a terrifying word reach his ear, “Busy.”

Shining Armor started to jump in place on tip of her hooves, her thinner body much easier to balance as her rear legs were still awkwardly crossed. It was not bad enough that she was stuck in a female’s body, not bad enough that she held for half an hour during search for Twiny, but now this.

Can this get any worse, thought Shining as she kept dancing around, “Oh Celestia! I cannot hold it.” Her hoof slammed against the door as she added, “Let me in, it is an emergency!”

The door ticked and opened slowly as a familiar face of a guard meet Shining’s, one of the guard’s that helped him...her set up the picnic. He spoke, “Fine, fine, shhh, no need to scream like a mare…” his eyes widened, just as Shining’s as they looked into one another’s eyes. Shining’s face turned red like a potato, still standing on tips of her hooves while stuck in a female’s body while guard smirked. “Hey there lady, have you lost your way? Not that I mind if it mean meeting such a well-made wonderful mare,” he said while winking.


Cadence quickly realized he was in the wrong bathroom or rather in a right bathroom but with a wrong gender. Blush decorated his cheeks upon also realizing that he was, for all intents and purposes, a guy in a ladies room and it would be a nightmare if he was spotted.

The disguised alicorn turned around to leave when he suddenly froze at the sight of three mares entering who likewise froze upon seeing him. Nopony said a word as Cadence tried to clear his throat. “Um... this is a misunderstanding...”

“Pervert! Get him!” screamed one of the mares.

“No! Wait! I’m a gggaaaahhh!” cried Cadence as the mares came down upon him like a pack of furies. He tried to speak, but whatever word left his mouth was met by a hoof or mare’s weight striking against his face. With diplomacy out of question there was just one last option. If those mares wanted a cat fight, they were getting one.


Shining Armor walked out of the bathroom, wiping the small drops of blood off her hooves while looking back at the damage she had done to her fellow guard. She would make it up to him later. The guard’s captain turned towards the ladies room, only for Cadence coming through the door to catch his attention: his body covered with brushes and face decorated with hoof prints. The two looked at each other and stared in awkward silence while their brains searched for words to say.

“I saw nothing, you saw nothing, agreed?” asked Shining Armor.

“Agreed,” replied Cadence as the two switched rooms.


With their rather memorable business done, the gender changed couple was once again on the hunt for their shrunken prankster. High and low they searched from one end of the park to the next. The little distraction in the bathroom caused them to lose the track of the tiny mare. The two decided that it was probably best to split up and at the moment. Shining Armor was looking through the bushes for her sister.

I still can’t believe Twiny managed to pull one over me. Prank or not, she’s so going to get one coming to her when I find her... IF I find her... thought Shining Armor. She really hoped that Cadence was right and that whatever potion or spell Twilight put on them would wear off sooner or later, or else it was going to be her in the dress, should she and Cadence ever get married

It didn’t help the fact that everywhere she went, stallions were giving her leery looks or whistled at her when they thought she wasn’t looking. It took all her willpower not to kick their flanks like she did to her own guard, who hopefully wouldn’t make any connections the next time they saw each other.

Her thoughts were interrupted the moment she saw three stallions, all unicorns, walk up to her with big smiles on their faces. Shining Armor groaned. Here we go again. I don’t know if I should be annoyed or flattered at this point that I look good as a mare.

“Hey there missy,” said one in the middle, looking at Shining Armor and winking. “What’s a cute mare like you doing around here? Lost? Or looking for some excitement?”

“If you're lonely, we could accompany you,” suggested the stallion on the right.

Shining Armor released a deep sigh before answering, “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not interested and I happen to be doing something important so if you don’t mind, I’d like to be on my way.”

She tried to leave, but the stallion in the center stopped her with his hoof, earning another glare. Despite this, the stallion didn’t seem to worried. “Come on, don’t you want to hang out with a bunch of handsome guys like us? We’re not gonna hurt you or anything, we just want to get to know you more.”

Shining, tired of all these games, pushed the foreleg out of the way and said, “Listen! I am not interested and I am not some naive mare you can bend over and buck. I’m busy and I want to be left alone. Besides, I have a marefriend!”

The three stallion's eyes widened at the last word and all three rubbed their necks in embarrassment. The one on the left sighed and shook his head. “Why is it always the pretty ones? Seriously?”

“I know right?” said the one in the middle who sighed as well, looking at the mare with disappointment. “Look, we’re sorry if we bothered you. We’ll just be leaving now.”

Shining Armor smiled in triumph as she watched the three walk way... it was only when they were out of sight did she realized what she just said and implied. “Wait! I-I didn’t mean... I’m not a... and she’s a he or really he’s a she and... I’m not I’m... well... ah buck it.”

Kicking the dirt, she lowered her head in defeat and made her way back to where she and Cadence were suppose to met.


Once refreshed and finished with cleaning his bruises, Cadence continued the search for his little charge, thinking how just a few years ago she treated Twilight like the most vulnerable, harmless and innocent filly ever. Now? She was a tiny unicorn who could match any magic user and had managed to create a powerful potion to bypass his resistance to change Cadence’s gender. Oh yeah, ‘harmless’.

Cadence’s attention quickly focused on three familiar mares whose fur was a mess while the marks from their fight hidden under some solid makeup and few bandages. Despite letting himself get hit a few times, he’d made sure to get a few strikes of his own. The mares quickly stepped out of the way, observing his every move. Cadence chuckled, his rather relaxing and peaceful date in the park turned into quite exciting one. He could hardly remembered how many centuries had passed since his last struggle against other mares. Upon hearing them sneaking up on him, he thought, Maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh on them, it was a misunderstanding after all… on the other hoof, those three sure needed a lesson not to jump to conclusions… and onto stallions.

Cadence’s ear perked upwards upon hearing a noise in the bush. Wasting no time, he galloped as his horn lit, only for a blue barrier to form around it, himself and an anti-teleportation rune under his hooves. Not even a talented mare like Twilight would be able to get out of here. With firm move of his hoof, he rubbed the leaves, “You can come out, Twilight, I found you.” Noticing the bush to tremble again, he added, “I am not mad, so please do not be afraid.”

The alicorn knelt, focusing upon… a pigeon. Cadence rolled his eyes as the bird walked onto her hoof, and moment later both of his shoulders and the head served as a seat for several birds, the barrier no longer in place.

“Impressive spellcasting,” a voice called from distance. Cadence turned his head to the source, only to meet a female earth pony with two leafs and a branch as cutie mark. “Not many unicorns are capable to cast such an advanced spell. Are you working as a royal guard under Captain Shining Armor?”

Cadence blinked, searching for a correct words to answer. He rubbed his foreleg and answered, “You could say that…”

“Oh, and a nature lover as well,” the mare spoke again, her hoof pointing at the birds sitting on him. A few mice and a bunny also now stood next to his hoof, attracted by his gentle nature. “And you are very handsome nevertheless.”

“T-thanks…” Cadence scratched his back. “May I ask who I am talking with, more or less why you want to ask about my… Captain.”

The mare jumped forward, looking up at him, her eyes filled with expectation like that of a young school-filly learning she scored top on her finals. “The name is Garden Leaf, and I am not here to ask about your captain, I am here to learn more about,” her hoof straightened and touched Cadence’s chest lightly, “You.”

Cadence stepped back before a relaxed smile appeared on his face, “Really. And what’s so special about me. Just an ordinary unicorn stallion playing with some animals in the park.”

“And a modest one,” the mare added before moving uncomfortably close to Cadence, her elbow poking the disguised alicorn while a duck faced expression appeared on her features. “I was searching for a lonely stallion to hit on, and you are the hottest one around, not to mention quite talented with magic. It’s such a crime for you to be without a partner, and I am the cop who is going to arrest and interrogate you. First question, what’s your favorite flower?”

Cadence giggled. He was always a magnet for stallions for over a millennium as a mare as his special talent was love itself, and now he found out that he could be attractive for mares as well. If he was stuck in stallion’s body, he may as well have some fun with it.


Shining Armor walked towards the picnic, her hooves firmly stepping against the ground until a familiar shape… surrounded by many unfamiliar shapes to capture her attention. She galloped in an instant, only to hide and peek out from behind a tree, her eyes open wide, her mouth agape. Cadence was sitting on a picnic carpet, eating a hay sandwich, surrounded by at least five mares. Should she be angry or jealous? They were mares after all, but a part of her felt betrayed. Suddenly she noticed a hoof gesture towards her, only for the loud voice of Cadence to call for her.

Ears flat against her lowered head, Shining came out from her hiding spot and approached her special somepony. The moment her hoof made contact with the carpet, she lifted her head, giving Cadence a betrayed glare, only to blink rapidly at the sight of female related magazines lying between the food while her special somepony was giving the other mare a makeup.

“You’re one lucky mare,” one of the other mares spoke, and before Shining could see which one, another one poked her in the foreleg.

“Scoring the most attractive stallion in Canterlot, I envy you so much.”

The mare whose face was covered in makeup as Cadence’s hooves did their work added, “Not to mention that he is as wonderful inside as outside.”

Cadence blushed, waving his hoof dismissively, “Stop it, you're embarrassing me, I really do not deserve all those compliments.”

“Nonsense,” an elegantly clothed mare stated. “You are a true gentle-stallion. Being polite, listening to mare’s problems, and trust me, it is rare to find a stallion who prefers to listen rather than speak.”

The mare with the stick and leaves as a cutie mark walked closer to Shining, examining her features. Shining just smiled awkwardly in return, “Hmn, not bad. Not the most attractive one, but way above average… hmn… you kind of look like the captain of the royal guards,” she took a closer look at Shining’s flank who quickly covered it with a hoof. “The same special talent, heh, are you at least half as good at magic as your special somepony though?” She poked Shining’s horn with a hoof, causing her to step back.

“H-hey...! Can someone explain to me what in the name of Celestia is going on in here?” Shining shouted, her hoof slamming against the dirt.

“Oh my, such temper,” the elegantly clothed one stated, her eyes half closed as she gave Shining a sly smile, her hoof pointing at the others. “It seems somepony is jealous, but worry not, we just had a casual talk about mare’s stuff. Your special somepony is still very loyal to you.”

The mare in front of Shining turned around, her tail touching her nose causing a sneeze. “Mr. Cadenzar just invited us for a small talk about the new fashion trends and shared some advice about how to keep your mane and fur in top shape. We didn’t do anything nasty.” With one gesture of her hoof, the group of mares stood, the magazines levitating or grabbed by their tails. “It was fun but time to leave. I am sure Mrs. Armorina would love to have her fine specimen of a stallion all to herself. Ciao.”

Shining Armor sat and stared stunned, speechless, and unblinking until the mares disappeared behind a line of trees, only for a burst of loud laughter to catch her attention. She looked at Cadence who pointed his hoof at her, “You should have seen the look on your face.”

Shining shook her head before chuckling, though the mere look at her facial expression would make one wonder if it was not a laugh of insanity. With hoof on her mouth, silencing her laughter, she spoke, “Cadenzar… Armorina, heh, I must say, from between us, you take your change of gender quite well.”

Cadence strutted in response, “Experience, my dear Armorina, experience.” With his nose touching Shining’s muzzle, he gave her a weak kiss on the cheek, “If there is one thing I learned over the centuries, it is that if somepony throws a lemon at you–” Cadence crossed her neck around Shining’s, “–make lemonade.”

Shining pressed her neck against the alicorn’s, “You sure are full of surprises.” She chuckled, “And it is not easy to impress you.”

Cadence pulled his marefriend to the picnic carpet, her foreleg’s against her neck. “Maybe… but the past few years have surprised me more than the centuries before it.” They kissed.


The couple quickly broke their kiss and turned around. Sitting there was the little unicorn they had spent nearly an hour and half looking for while next to her was none other than, to their surprise, Philomena who was waving at them.

The two looked at each other and nodded. They would do this politely, payback would come later.

Twilight giggled at the sight of her ‘big sister’ and foalsitter looking at her while she was perched on top of the closed food basket. “So guys, how was it walking in each other’s horseshoes?”

“Twiny, I will admit, this was a good prank,” said Shining Armor, rubbing her temple. “But please, for the love of Celestia! Tell me there is an antidote. I don’t want to explain to my guards why I suddenly can’t attend the showers with most of them anymore.”

“I must agree with Armorina," Cadence suppressed his grin while Shining just frowned at that nickname, "I do not want to wait hours or even days for the spell to wear off."

Twilight nodded and jumped of the basket as it opened, two green potion bottles levitating out of it. Before she could say a word, the pair grabbed them and drank quickly. The familiar awkward rumbles in their stomach started up again as the two closed their eyes while the glow returned and covered their forms. When it was over, the two looked at each other and gasped in relief upon seeing their genders returned back to normal. Shining Armor rubbed his muscular physique and sighed in relief. “Oh, am I glad to be male again.”

Cadence, wanting answers, turned to her charge and asked, “How did you make that potion anyway? I never taught you it, and I doubt auntie would.”

“Philomena remembered seeing it one time and directed me to it in a book,” proclaimed Twilight, proudly as Cadence raised an eyebrow. She, her auntie, and the mischievous bird were going to have a private talk about the existence of such potion, a potion that the sneaky phoenix just happened to see. The princess sure would be interested in her innocent student's side education as well as have some explaining to do. Although the image of a male alicorn with a sun cutie mark quickly haunted her mind and made her chuckle.

Both Shining Armor and Cadence looked at each other and grinned which made Twilight gulp. “You do realize, Twilight,” said Cadence, charging her horn, “That since you played a prank on us, we’re free to do the same to you.”

“Yup, and I have a few good ones in mind,” said Shining Armor.

Twilight lowered her head and submitted to her fate as she wondered what kind of prank her brother and foal-sitter would do: would she be put inside a hay-sandwich as jokes how tasty she looks follow, would she be forced to take a bath in itching powder, maybe a gravity spell or glue and a rock on her back would weigh on her for next few hours... not that she would mind that last one. Much to her surprise, she noticed the shadow of Phoenix got between the two of them, a sinister smile on her face. The two older ponies looked at her with raised eyebrows until she pulled out a photo that made them gasp.

Twilight walked over to take a look, only for Philomena to drop the pictures onto the blanket: pictures of Cadence and Shining Armor during their picnic before and after their transformation as well as pictures showing their most embarrassing moments. Twilight rubbed her eyes as if not believing what she saw. Shining Armor covered his face with a hoof at the scene when his hoof meet guard’s face. Cadence rolled her eyes at the scene of her fight against three mares inside public bathroom, only to giggle at the idea if it took place in a swamp as mud cover their bodies. She glanced at the Phoenix with a raised eyebrow, surely such a smart bird would have made at least two of each and keep the copies somewhere safe. Shining Armor bit his lips as his revenge was not worth the embarrassment that would follow.

The two backed away and bit their lips before Cadence nodded. “Fine, you win this round. But next year we’re getting you.”

“I’m really sorry about this! I didn’t know!” begged Twilight, earning a smile from her brother.

“Yeah, we know, Twiny,” said Shining Armor, leaning down and nuzzled her. “Why don’t you head off now while Cadence and I finish our date.”

Twilight pushed her brother’s nose away before scratching her back, “Okay, but be careful. Steely, Overwatch, and Spike are also pranking out there. We are in sort of competition and they may target you two as well.”

“We will, Twilight, and Happy April Foals Day,” said Cadence as the tiny unicorn nodded. She and Philomena walked away, leaving the two to sit down and start from where they left off before.

However the moment they were behind a tree, Twilight lit her horn as lavender aura of her magic surrounded Philomena, capturing her off guard as it slammed the phoenix against the wooden surface of the tree, almost making a dent in it as Twilight glared at her with anger. For the first time since she met the tiny unicorn, Philomena was actually nervous upon seeing the rage and power in Twilight’s eyes. She may have been a phoenix, but that didn’t mean rebirthing was pleasant.

“What were you thinking? Blackmailing my brother and foalsitter? We are here to have fun, not hurt ponies, and your ideas are starting to scare me.” She stomp her tiny hoof against a leaf before continuing, “If you will do something like that again, I will call this prank spree over, understand?” The moment the levitation field pressing Philomena’s head weakened, she nodded, only to be put back onto the ground with a weak thump, the little unicorn massaging her wing moment later as pout was visible on her face, ears lowered in regret, “I am really sorry, I do not know what got into me…”

Philomena rolled her eyes. Even in rage after blackmailing ponies she love so dearly, she was still too innocent to let her rage lose.

Taking few deep breaths and wiping dust from Philomena’s wing, she asked, “Though I need to ask, you didn’t give any photos to anypony, right?”

Philomena raised her eyebrows...


Meanwhile, four adults and one colt were laughing on the couch while pointing at a series of photos that showed the couple genderbent. A certain mother and father were already making plans to put this on their Hearths Warming Eve cards this year while planning to show them to their other relatives.


... And the phoenix shook her head. Twilight nodded. “Good, now let’s get going.”

Philomena lowered herself, allowing Twilight to jump onto her back and grab her neck before she flew towards their next target.


Cadence and Shining Armor had finally managed to finish their lunch and were now content to just lay on their backs in each other’s embrace while watching the clouds move. Despite the little excitement they had not to long ago with Twilight, the two were glad to finally have a moments peace with one another.

That was until somepony else interrupted them.

“Hey guys!” shouted Spike, walking over towards them carrying a jar in his claws. The couple got up and looked at the young dragon, but kept their guards up just in case. If Twilight’s words were true, he was taking part in a pranking spree with Twilight’s guards and the two had no intention of ending up as victims again. “Twilight learned you guys were having a picnic so she asked me to give you both this jar of honey.

Cadence turned her eye towards Shining Armor who winked at her and took the jar from Spike. “Thanks, Spike. We were just about to eat dessert and this will go great with it. Want to join us?”

“Uh, n-no thanks! I’m needed back at the castle. See you later!” said Spike hurriedly as he took off.

Cadence took the jar from her coltfriend and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll be right back love. I’m going to give our three friends a little surprise.”

“Don’t be too harsh on them,” warned Shining Armor, but the glint in her eyes was all he need to know that she really meant to hold nothing back.

Turning herself invisible, Cadence quickly followed Spike, keeping enough distance to not be noticed. They didn't go on for long as the trio were hidden behind a line of trees as Cadence look at them from behind a large bush, her ear straightened upward and listening closely.

“You sure you gave them the jar?” asked what appeared to be Steel Blade’s voice.

“Positive. They didn’t suspect a thing.”

“All that’s left is to hear their screams of surprise... makes me wonder did we overdo this one though, it is our captain we are pranking right now," said Overwatch, her facial expression didn't shared the enthusiasm of her partner’s.

Steel Blade responded with a hoof on his partner shoulder, "Relax. Spike volunteered to take the blame for this prank, no court martial for us."

Spike nodded, shrugging, "Yea, no punishment for me as I’m not a guard. And I learned a puppy glare from Twilight, one look and Cadence will forgive me in an instant." Spike said while giving the guards the most adorable eyes he could muster, which was meet with a deep laughter.

Overwatch shook her head, "You sure have a long way to go if you want to reach Twilight's level of cuteness."

Cadence scoffed and decided to use the very prank that the trio had been hoping to use against them. With a simple toss, the jar went sailing into the bush and the sound of glass breaking was heard seconds later. Cadence began to walk away, figuring it was nothing more than rotten eggs or fake snakes that popped out.


“AHHH! BEES!” the three shouted.

Cadence’s eyes widened.


Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed it so far