• Published 6th Mar 2014
  • 2,709 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Sparkle Investigates - Bradel

Twilight makes a series of educational videos. Questionable judgment ensues.

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Episode 3 – Proper Library Management

“Hello, friends! This is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic and Friendship, and I’d like to welcome you back to my new video series, ‘Twilight Sparkle Investigates’. Today, we’re going to learn about something very important to me—proper library management.”

The light of the setting sun cut through the library’s windows, leaving wide stripes of gold across the floor and many of the bookshelves. Twilight sat beside a low table that held a pile of neatly stacked hard-bound books. Other piles of books sat on the floor around the table and behind Twilight.

“Most of you probably know that, aside from being one of Equestria’s princesses, I’m also in charge of the Ponyville municipal library. There are thousands of books here, on almost any subject you can imagine. The library is open to everypony, so please feel free to stop by when you have time. The only thing I like better than reading a good book is being able to share it with my friends.”

A purple glow clouded the image for a moment as the picture zoomed in on Twilight and the stack of books.

“Ah, sorry everypony. I asked Spike if he’d operate the camera, but he said Rarity had already asked him to help her hunt for a new batch of gems. I don’t quite have the hang of this camera thing yet. Anyway, books! A library is only as good as the books—”

“I can help out with the camera!”

“Aaaugh!” Twilight’s eyes shot open wide and she gave a strangled yell, falling over backward into one of the piles of books.

Pinkie Pie trotted into frame, pausing to smile at the camera and wave one hoof.

“Pinkie! What are you—” Twilight cut off, sitting back up and levitating the books behind her back into an orderly stack. “I mean… when did you get here? I thought I was alone after Spike left for Rarity’s.”

“Of course you were alone. But it’s no fun being alone, which is why I’m here!”

Twilight blinked twice. “That… Nevermind. Okay, well, do you know how to use a video camera?”

“Nope! But I’ll bet you have a book on it!”

“I… actually don’t know if I do. I’ve got a book on making video diaries that’s been a lot of help: 101 Tips to Make your Vlogs Explode. Though it never really defines what a ‘vlog’ is, and it keeps talking about making numbered lists and having dynamic titles. Other than that I really like it, but it doesn’t mention anything about how to operate a camera. Spike said he’d take care of that, but now he keeps running off whenever I tell him it’s time to make a new video.”

“So how do I use it?” Pinkie stuck her face right up to the camera lens, trying to peer inside.

“Well, I don’t know if you really… I mean, it’s got a lot of little fiddly bits. Spike has claws, so they aren’t a problem, and I’ve got unicorn magic, but I don’t know how easy it’ll be to operate with hoov—”

Pinkie moved out of frame, and a moment later the image zoomed in tight on Twilight.

“Don’t be silly, silly! They sell these things to anypony, right? So anypony’s got to be able to use them!”

The image zoomed out again, and pixellated into a slow fade to black.

“I… uh… Wait, what are you doing?”

The black re-pixellated and faded back to the scene in the library.

“Ooh, this is easy!”

Twilight’s mouth opened slowly, and her voice dropped two octaves. “Hey. Pinkie. Why. Don’t. You. Come. Over. Here. And. Help. Me. Role. Play. Some. Pony. Checking. Out. A. Book?”

“Sure, that sounds fun too!”

A moment later, Twilight began moving normally again. Pinkie bounced over to the table and took a seat across from Twilight, who lifted a hoof to her chest for a moment, took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly. “Okay. Hello, Pinkie! Thanks for stopping by the library today. Is there a book I can help you find?”


Twilight sighed. “Please, Pinkie, we’re supposed to be role-playing. I want all the little colts and fillies to get some idea of how the library works.”

“But what if somepony doesn’t want a book?”

“Well, then why are they coming to the libr—!” Another deep breath. “Okay, let’s try something different. Is there something you’ve tried doing lately that you’d like to know more about?”

“I dunno, Twilight. That’s a pretty generic question.” Twilight opened her mouth to respond, but Pinkie cut her off. “I have been working on a new banana bread recipe, though, and I can’t seem to get the ratio of chocolate chips and cherries quite right. Does that count?”

“Perfect!” Twilight clapped her hooves together and stood, walking out of frame. “But I thought everypony loved your banana bread. Why are you trying out a new recipe?”

“Because that’s how you get better, silly!” Pinkie turned to grin at the camera. “Controlled experimentation. Generating and testing hypotheses. I thought you’d know that better than anypony, Twilight!”

“Yeah, but—” A series of muffled thumps sounded from off-camera. “—that’s science, not baking.”

Pinkie cocked her head to the side. “What’s the difference?”

Twilight stepped back into frame, levitating a small pile of books over to Pinkie. “Well, first of all, you need to have a procedure in place for—”

“Aren’t you supposed to tell me about the books I’m gonna check out?”

“Oh, right. Right. Okay, so this first one is Mulia Mild’s Mastering the Art of Baking.

Pinkie took the first book off the stack and began skimming through it. “I remember her. She was a really good cook!”

“The next one is by Sweet Success: Cooking by Hoof. I think somepony told me it has a lot of good ideas about mixing tastes.”

“Yup! That’s what I’ve always said about it!” Pinkie picked up the next book and gave it a cursory look.

“Oh, are you the one who told me that?”


“Um. Well, the last one I hadn’t seen before. I guess maybe it’s a new arrival that Spike shelved without telling me? It’s called The Single Pony’s Guide to Cakes, Casseroles—

—Canapes, Croissants, and Crumpets by Lovers Knot!? I didn’t think any of those survived, what with the fire and the earthquake, and everything else that happened!”

“Yeah, that’s... Wait, the fire? And... what?”

“You didn’t hear about…? But it’s one of the biggest stories in baking! Lovers Knot was one of the most famous cooks of her time; she worked for all of the best restaurants in Canterlot at one time or another, and toward the end of her life she decided she ought to write a book about all the things she’d learned. But she died right after finishing—she was almost ninety by that point—and the publisher wound up with the only copy of her manuscript. This was back when Mrs. Cake was just a filly. Anyway, the publisher had just rejected another manuscript by a saucier named Firey Fricassee, and he got really steamed, and—”

“How do you know so much about this, Pinkie?”

“How do you not!?”

Twilight turned to look at the camera, frowning. “This isn’t really germane to proper library management, though. Maybe you can tell me about this after we finish—”

“No, Twilight, this is important! You’ve got one of the most important books of the last two hundred years sitting in your library and you don’t even know about it! Do you know what this could mean?”

Twilight bit her lip. “Okay, well, maybe we should give the little colts and fillies a break, and then we can come back to learning about libraries in a few minutes…”

The image blinked off.