• Published 25th Dec 2011
  • 3,161 Views, 36 Comments

"Legacy" - Novel Idea

A stallion near the end of his time steals the moon to leave his mark on the world.

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"Legacy" Day 6

Day 6

I moved quietly, away from Luna. The Princess was fast asleep when I had awoken and I wanted to keep I that way for a while longer. My mind was a flurry of activity, I confess, there was barely a moment for my body to breath. Exiting the cell, my magic flooding back, I allow myself a pause of meditation. This didn’t change anything, the plan needed to be complete.

If not more now that the situation had changed. I considered myself, moving calmly up the stairs to the house proper. I was an old stallion, no where near as old as Luna…but then again I’m not a god. Or whatever she was…maybe one day I’d ask. “One day…” my mind latched to the phrase considering the implications. I had been resolved since the start that this journey may, on a low chance, be a one way trip. Lifting a hoof I brush the hair out of my eyes leaning against the door I had just passed through. There was no panic, or nervousness…there never was when a job was near completion.

Not for me. Not for a long time.

I rationalized that it was experience, the sense inside me that a job would be flawless. It was that: cold, rational and cutthroat part of me, that’s what I wanted to believe. There was doubt though, not in the plan…but in my sense of confidence. It was a taint, a disease I hadn’t felt before, this… “elation”. The mission would be successful because my gut told me it would be.

My gut is a stupid, stupid organ.

One does not think with the gut, not if one wants to survive a life like the one I had lived. I shook my head violently, making my way through my mini-mansion towards the, now, well stocked kitchen. Those thoughts would dull the knife, slow the reflex. If it wasn’t today then it would be tomorrow. It had been enough time, my calculation wouldn’t be wrong. I must remember the plan. I must follow through, no hesitation, no consideration…

I looked out the kitchen’s double wide window, a apple resting on my hoof, a large bite out of it. The sun was just pushing the darkness of a moonless night out of the sky, gracing the village with it’s warmth. I considered everypony down in that village, and everypony all over Equestria who had lived this week in the harsh darkness of the night. Shrugging I finished my apple.

“Why does it need to end…?” that little, traitorous voice inside my head asked. It haunted me with images of Luna and I together, a family…a family… It was not something I hadn’t considered over the last two days and nights.

I always had an answer for that voice, my Legacy must be emplaced…I must leave this mark so the world won’t forget. That had always been my answer…but today…? Today the answer was different, and I felt the voice inside me die off. It must be satisfied…finally.

Looking towards the table… my black eyes fell upon a stack of papers and a quill. Pulling out a chair with my teeth and sitting upon it (though awkwardly). I stared down at the blank paper for almost an hour… in deep thought. Magic coloured my horn and encircled the quill, lifting it off the table to my will. The most basic and primal of magic that made each Unicorn so unique from every other pony. I dipped the quill in the ink eyes focused on the paper before me. The words, at my command began to appear on the page, the quill a flurry of activity.

This is the last will and testament…


Three hours later I was done with the papers. They were folded into a now grossly full envelope. Taking the quill between my teeth I sign the envelope with Luna’s name. She wouldn’t be happy…I knew that. But it was irrelevant at this time… I steeled myself for the inevitable long ago.

I paused, where was I? My hoof was on the door handle to the main entrance…why? What the hell was I doing here?

It hit me, slowly. My mind must be sowing my age… I had done this almost every day for over a decade. I would eat my food, do what I needed to do then go outside…to do what?

The paper…the news, of course. Everyday… A routine… I had truly fallen from those days in the desert. The only routine should be breathing…never take that for granted either…. Sighing, a deep sigh, it reflected the years on my shoulders as much as my greying tail did. Still, I opened the door, giving in to the muscle’s memory.

It had saved me too much for me to believe it would betray me now. When you live a dangerous life, filled with risk one learns to respect the body. It was instinct, reflex that allowed me to survive this long. The same basic concept urged me to open the door before me.

So I did.

There it was, the same paper that was always there. The local paper delivered above the call of duty every time. I paused leaning down to pick it up…Must have been hard to deliver these in the dark… I thought to myself, chuckling as I lifted the paper up with my hooves. Magic coiled around it, opening the paper and lifting them away from my hooves. The headline was not as surprising as I had hoped it would be.

“Moonless Nights cause Panic.”

A shadow passed over my face and my entire body tensed. Like a spring ready to release a deadly blade. Above a platoon of Pegasi flew past my house oblivious to my presence in the shadow of the building. My dark eyes combed the sky, counting quickly. Twenty five Imperial Guard flew overhead and descended down into the village. I estimated all factors I could predict as quickly as I could… three hours, tops before they come here for me. Turning I go, to make the most of my time with Luna…


I watched her eat in a awed silence…How could someone be so regal and commonplace all at the same time? It truly baffled me. I’ll admit I was staring more then what was called for, and thankfully, for all her worth Luna never let on that she noticed it beyond a soft blush in her cheeks.

I sighed deeply.

This was not going to be easy…

“They’ll be here soon…” I said absently, eyes away from hers…Looking at everything but her, my hoof playing with the floor. I growled at myself trying to get myself through this. It was odd…disappointing someone. I never had anyone to disappoint before.

“Who?” She asked me, that naïve voice…she’s been out of this world for far too long.

“The Imperial Guard.” I explained, curious now…how would she react?

Her hooves hit the ground hard and she was suddenly arching over me primed and ready. “Thou must let me go! I can explain everything to Celestia. They’ll be sent home and you can get away! I can get to her with my magic once I’m out of the room, it can give you enough time to get away while I explain things to her!” She ordered all in one deep, royal, booming breath.

I raised a hoof and pushed he back down to her haunches with me, staying as calm as I could. I had to keep the aura of the seasoned criminal, I had to be myself or she wouldn’t be able to handle this.

“Now listen here Princess…” I said deeply, that silky tone in my voice thick and rich. Don’t let her see the weakness, don’t let anyone see the weakness. You have your plans…they will not go wrong, they never do. This will all go as expected…I must believe this, I must. Or else how will I face her in the end. “ Everything is going according to my initial plan and that isn’t about to change.” I said and was about to explain more to her when I was cut off.

“But things have changed! You don’t need to do this anymore! You have me. I can explain this all to Sister it will be okay I promise!” Luna said, the “younger” part of her showing as she struggled against my hoof a little. To no success, in a battle of equals I would always win.

Things hadn’t changed.

“Luna, please. Be still.” I ordered as she fought against me. It would do her no good to fight the inevitable. It took another moment before she stilled under my hooves. Good… she’s relaxing a little. “Things haven’t changed…My plan must go through to completion now more then ever.” I said emphasizing it with my voice’s tone, making that silk texture contort perfectly. If anyone was a master of rhetoric it was I. “Now I’m going to go out there…and things are going to go down. No matter what. I will be waiting for you Luna.” I said, honestly. Was hiding the full truth a lie? I hoped not.

“S-silk…” she said looking at me…her eyes were scared. She didn’t want to be left alone again.

“Listen Luna, all of my life I’ve done what I could to just survive. Stealing as I pleased. No matter who or what got in my way. I wanted to leave something behind!” I said getting into my emotions, letting them fill me. “I wanted to be remembered, like those children in Calimare who exist in me. I too wanted to have someone remember me, to tell others of me. I wanted to be know, Luna…I wanted that small little piece of immortality.” I explained as best I could the feelings inside me. “That, that hasn’t changed. I want to be remembered and carried on in the lives of ponies everywhere. I finally found the right way to do it!”

Luna looked at me for a long, silent moment. I’m sure she was able to see into the very recesses of my soul in that moment. “What way…” she whispered to me, she was nervous…worried for me.

Smiling I leaned in and kissed her. Lovingly, a kiss unlike any other I had known could exist. “You! Luna! You!” I exclaimed looking into her eyes. “You are my Legacy darling, you always will be. I will always be with you.” I said, calming down a little putting my hoof over her heart for a moment. Pulling back I lifted the envelope up to her with my teeth. I could hear the hammering on my door and the sounds of hooves clopping the cobblestone outside. They were here.

“Don’t open this until it’s over.” I instructed turning to walk away, I felt her hoof brush past my coat as if she was about to stop me on reflex but fought it back. The internal struggle eating her up. She took one look at the envelope and I felt fairly sure, given the strength should would have knocked me unconscious then and there.

“Silk!” I had already turned away. There was no sense of danger. I paused for one long, deep look…fearing it would be the last I would see of her for a long time.

“Don’t look outside.” I ordered, in that cold voice. The emotions kept out of that statement though once I had left the room and the magic forced its way back into my body it was hard to control.

I didn’t her to see me like this. I wanted her to remember me the way I was last night. The way I wanted to be.


I walked up those stairs again…I wondered absently if this would be the last time. NO! I ordered my mind to force those thoughts away, it was going to go as I had planned. I was in control. This world was mine to manipulate.

The hammering at my door grew louder, their was a deep throated order. I paid it no heed. Whatever little threat the Guardsman was bellowing would not affect me in anyway. I opened my closest and drew out my heavy cloak, a clone of the one on my flank. It was weighted to catch incoming projectiles, and weighted still by the knives I kept stored within. This would be a most delicately performed play.

I tossed the hood over my horn with magic and prepared myself. Hoping my spell would not deal too much damage to my home.

Opening the door I was met with at least half the platoon of guardsmen that had flown overhead hours ago. They were all white Pegasi in their steal plated armour. It was ornamental. Offered no protection to the parts I would strike.

They should have sent soldiers.

“We have reason to believe you have a hostage within this residence.” The main Pegasus said, stepping up to me. “Under the orders of Princess Celestia of Equestria we are here to place you under arrest and check the premises.” He ordered.

A sergeant probably. Someone used to training the noobs. Someone not used to being disappointed.

Closing the door behind me I pointedly locked the door, tossing the key away. “I think not good sir.” I said turning towards them, covered in the cloak. They couldn’t see me…what one can not see, one must inevitably grow to fear. The inexperienced ones were swallowing hard.

“I’m afraid I won’t let you take the Princess from me.” I continued coolly. The Sergeant gave me a once over, a soldier’s stare. He would be my mark then. I wondered how long he could last…I really didn’t want to be a murderer after a night like last night.

His wings twitched out at his side. Not a subtle signal. Three of the Pegasus at the rear of the platoon took off into the air immediately.

First second, they spread their wings and kicked. Magic swirled from my horn and wrapped around my body and mansion.

Next second, two are in the air. Wings bent awkwardly as they take off into flight. My house’s front explodes in splinters and shattered glass.

Third second, all three were a good four feet into the air. A wall of steel broke free from my mansion, the sky darkened by my daggers.

Fourth second. Red lines of blood ruined white coats as four daggers slashed the nearest. I cut along his hind leg muscles, and the muscles just under the wing. He fell down the six feet to the ground with a thud. A dagger lodged into the next’s back, missing anything vital. The stallion flinched in pain, another blade sinking just under his front right shoulder; causing him to barrel roll to the ground. The third, I allowed to escape, blades falling short of any real damage. It wouldn’t hurt to have them underestimating my reach.

Fifth second, my countless blades became a hurricane of steel at my will. Cutting myself and the Sergeant off from his support.

Within the next five seconds while his mind caught up to the events that had occurred I saw a cocky smile grow on his face. He thought he had the upper hand. His scout would get word to Celestia. I had been beaten…Ha.

I leaned forward tossing my hood back revealing my weathered face and steel cold eyes of onyx. The smile left his face. Taking up an offensive stance he stared me down. The rain of blades all around us, biting at his support keeping them at bay; blocking them access to the house as well. I’ll admit this magic was strenuous to use and very distracting to maintain. Especially in a combat situation.

I chuckled, this was fun, taxing. A little strain to remind me that I was alive. Flexing my forelegs my muscles hit the needed triggers; a blade on each leg. They were kept stored inside straps, the mechanisms keeping them sheathed until I needed them. Reaching just down to my hooves they wouldn’t prevent me using all four legs for movement in a clutch and could be used for slashing. If I needed I could bend a certain way and use them for stabbing but that was for assassination.

That was not my goal this day. No, today was all about delaying.

Not that it was entirely in my hooves. The Sergeant gave me a rather vicious buck, well attempted to. I swerved beneath his foreword hooves, right leg lashing out as I jumped past him. Blade clanged with armour, flesh parted to cool steel as I drew a paper thin scratch along his side.

He jumped back, hind leg lifting to cover the wound reflexively. Blue eyes stared into mine now, he had tasted the sting of my blade and did not enjoy it. We circled each other slowly, two soldiers locked in one on one combat. My magic keeping the others at bay, a few succumbing to their small wounds, air a buzz of steel on steel.

I stared him down, mind separated to control the daggers spinning all through out the air. It had been years since a fight like this, decades since I was put all out in combat. I hated to admit it but the rush felt good. Adrenaline pumped through my muscles bringing them to life in a way they haven’t done in a long, long time. I licked my lips letting that familiar rush take control. My body moving of its own will, we clashed once more.


Celestia’s arrival interrupted my magic and sent my flurry of blades scattering (dealing more damage to her men then they did under my control I’m sure). The white Alicorn was looking quite the rage at that moment when she blinked into existence, efficiently breaking the fight between myself and the Sergeant. He stumbled away from me, looking far the worse for ware. Sadly, it pained me to admit, I had not been taking it easy on him. Age had finally begun to trump my talent, though I did the best I could to still my panting as I stared the princess-goddess down. Blood was running down my hooves, not my own…I had managed to escape the duel unscathed, but the run off from my blades was staining my coat.

“Do you have anything to say for yourself…?” Celestia asked in all her rage; brilliant white wings tossed out making the
massive pony look even bigger. I wasn’t intimidated, this was all part of the plan.

“She’s mine.” I said defiantly staring her down, unfazed by her size; building up all the ambient magic from Luna into my horn. “The grey-night will not be defeated. I stole the moon. This will not be forgotten.” I teased and predictably the glow of magic wrapped itself around her horn.

Our energies clashed as we attacked and defended. I forced my magic to block and repel hers as she pushed back against me.

“I sentence you to exist within a prison for 500 years until such a time when your sentence will be decided!” Celestia
said as she started to over power me.

Perfect. There it was. Confirmation.

Five hundred years encased in stone…preserved…. Time for Luna to grow and become acquainted with her people, time for myself to transcend into something worthy of being by her side. I would be the stuff of folk tales, a thief who had stolen the moon, I felt her magic overtake me completely. I forced myself into neatness, my cloak tossed to one side revealing my cutie mark. My back straight, body held high. I wanted to be worthy of my story. I stared her down, not worried as I lost the feeling in my legs. Ponies would tell their children about the stallion who had stolen the moon, ponies all over will tell stories at night to one another about my exploits. In this moment I had achieved the immortality I required… The transcendence to something beyond the norm…Someone worthy of a princess…Worthy of Luna.

Shame I have to wait five hundred years…. I thought sarcastically, it was working its way up my body Celestia staring at me.

My mind filled with Luna I stared her down.

“She’s down in the basement…You’re horn will open the door.” I said calmly, hesitation crossed her face at my tone. My voice dropped for just a moment. “If she’s not there when I wake up. I. Will. Kill. You.” I promised and pushing the white Alicorn from my mind to her sister.

Then…I knew nothing as the world around me dissolved.


Celestia pushed her horn to the bizarre stone, it was baffling to her. It’s properties eluded and mystified her, almost enticing her to enter though she knew that she mustn’t. Out of the door came Luna, her little sister. Looking much as she had before disappearing…Except more sad.

There was a haunted look in her beautiful sea coloured eyes which confused Celestia. She tried calling to her younger sister but the mare walked past her; ignoring her voice.

The midnight blue princess walked through the house seeing the shattered wood and glass from Silk’s spell. Curious as too how much power the unicorn had truly had.

Stepping outside into the dim light of dusk she saw him for the first time in over the two hours since he left her in the room alone.

There was Silk.

Frozen in stone. A statue. She walked around him slowly taking in the frozen detail. The “grey-night” did not show his age as he was now, immortalized in his stone prison. Luna ran a hoof over his form as she turned to face him, her breath caught in her throat.

Luna, Princess of Equestria, felt her cheeks become wet as tears carved their paths down her face. His face…it was that smile. That cocky, loving smile he had shown her the night before, that smile that took her for all she was. All her envy and sins… all of her fears… That smile that loved her.

Celestia watched her sister crying in front of the statue for a long time, wondering if she had done the right thing. Either way the spell was cast…it was beyond her power to undo it. Looking to the sky she decided it was time to allow the sun to set.

“Luna…little sister.” Celestia said in that big sister voice of hers, lovingly. Luna used her magic to push away her tears, the magical aura returning to her hair. “It’s time to raise the moon.”

“No.” Luna said, leaning into the statue’s base, laying on the ground before a surprised Princess Celestia.

“B-but Luna…”

“Not tonight, Big Sister. Tonight is the seventh night.” Luna looked up to the darkening sky. “There will be no moon tonight…” she said resting her head against the statue, closing her eyes.

Wishing deep within her heart to feel Silk’s warmth flow into her, but there was nothing but cold and lifeless stone.