• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 2,547 Views, 38 Comments

King of monsters - viconis

Thirty million years is a long time to spend stuck in place... it could drive a person insane... it doesn't help when that person isn't even a person. It makes it worse when they release their rage on the wrong species.

  • ...

Into the Unknown

"We thought that almost dying left ponies in agony..." Luna said questioningly to the nurse that was next to her administering another dose of something to her I.V. Apparently it had been half a week since she'd tried taking down that monster, but it had caught her off-guard with that beam of pure magic and had impaled her with hundreds of pieces of metal from the tower exploding. But yet from what Peanut had told her she bought enough time for her ponies to get to a safe place away from the monster's wrath.

"Well it does help with the painkillers we have you on Princess." The nurse said with a slight smile before she started to walk off to help the other ponies that were only a few yards to her left.

Turning her head to the right she looked out the giant hole in the wall that served as the main doorway to see a familiar Sprit of Chaos. "Is that why we see Discord in a tutu?" The nurse paused for a moment to give Luna a funny look before looking out the hole.

The nurse then shook her head and started checking the next patient. "Um no I seem him in a tutu too. I think he's trying to cheer everypony up."

Luna chuckled before looking over in the nurse's direction and down the aisles of ponies that had been injured in the attack. "So can thou tell us where we are?"

The nameless nurse put her ear down on her patients chest before letting out a heavy sigh and pulling the cover up over their head. "We're in a warehouse in Las Pegas and the other towns that have been hit started sending their ponies here since it has the most intact houses despite the amount of damage done. Look no offense your highness but you should ask your guards this because we're already short enough on nurses and doctors already."

Nodding at the nurse Luna looked back up at the ceiling straight above her where a few beams of sunlight came through a few dozen holes, with only the clip-clopping of the retreating nurse and the occasional cough of groan of pain for company. She couldn't even think that much thanks to the medicine they had her on.

So when she heard a voice she'd heard since she was born it wasn't much of a surprise she didn't turn to look until she heard the voice call her name. Looking to her right she saw a white alicorn heading towards her... wait white alicorn? "Sister?"

The alicorn disappeared in a flash of light just to re-appear next to her. Luna looked up to see her sister's face but something was wrong... her eyes were all red and puffy. Reaching upwards with a hoof she tried to touch her sister's face only to have her arm drop slightly before Celestia grabbed it with her magic. Letting her sister hold her hoof, she bopped her on the nose before saying, "We swear if you've been crying over... us we'll banish you to... the moon. Hmmm.... it's getting harder to stay... awake..."

Sitting down next to her sister Celestia draped her wing over her. She said sniffling, "It's just some painkillers, it's the side effects. Don't worry sister."

"The only thing... to worry about... is the subjects... That thing... handled our magic.... like... it was us throwing pebbles... Sister check... its dreams... its memories. There might be... something to..." Luna opened her eyelids again, wait when did they close? "Stop the creature..." With that Luna was overtaken by the painkillers. Celestia gave a sad smile to her sister before standing up and taking her all in.

She was completely covered in bandages and gauze, there were a few stitches on left side of the body, her horn had a crack running down the middle and her entire left wing was set in a cast to make sure she didn't do anything to disturb it. To top it all off she didn't manage to hurt the creature according to the ponies that were around when it had all transpired, she'd managed to only delay it for only two minutes.

She and her sister were the most powerful ponies in existence, and would be the most powerful beings if it weren't for Discord, but yet Luna only delayed it. Her sister was right the only way to beat this thing would be to find out its weakness... but it had been a long time since she had gone into anypony's dreams much less their memories.

Looking to her right at the newest captain of her guard named Silver and said, "I need you to keep it quiet if possible." He nodded and proceeded to grab a few of the guards standing at the doors to help him out with her request, she sat down on the ground and made herself as comfortable as one could be on concrete.

Taking a slow deep breath she closed her eyes and channeled her magic. As she did that she brought up a clear crisp image of her mind and memories and let it envelope her. Opening her eyes again she found herself in her room, a place that was over a thousand miles away in reality.

Giving off a little smile to nopony in particular she walked over to the double doors that lead out into the hallway and pushed them open with her hoof to see a vast empty void of nothingness. Stepping into that void her world flipped upside down and what was once the bottom of the floor was the top and vice versa. Trotting forward into the void she let that memory disappear from view.

Here she felt absolutely nothing, not the floor that she was "walking" on, the air she "breathed", nor the sun she "felt" on her back. Before long images started appearing in the distance, then right next to her revealing themselves to be windows into ponies memories. But she didn't want a ponies memories though and with that thought all the windows flew past in a blur of colors and sounds.

Before long the memories were of griffons, minotaurs, changelings, zebras, Saddle Arabians, hydras, Ursa Majors then the entire rainbow of colors and noises came to a complete and sudden stop as she saw something completely new. Looking into the window she saw a giant two-legged metal beast dueling with a black reptile-like monster. This had to be it.

Stepping through into it she found herself on the ground having to crane her neck so far back she was looking straight up, as the metal one's foot flew over her. Wait what... with a flash of magic she teleported atop one of the buildings to get a better look. The view she had of the battle was unthought-of, the giant metal robot she supposed it would be called, had drills for arms and its mouth, it had a short stubby tail that in combination with its feet was enabling it to fly.

It flew around once in a circle shooting beams of energy at the monster, and every shot that missed caused a massive explosion to whatever it hit but the shots that hit the monster barely phased it. At least she knew what it looked like now, she thought as she watched the metal beast fly away. Glancing back at the black beast she watched as it slowly lumbered after it... at this rate she'd be here for an hour.

Using her magic she fast-forwarded the memory and in a matter of seconds found herself and the beast in a city encompassed by crystals, wait this thing fought King Sombra? As she looked at the city better she found the thing that the beast and the robot had gone so far to get to.

In the middle of the city stood a demonic duplicate of the beast that had been terrorizing Equestria but with giant crystal growths on its shoulders and a crown on its head. Flapping her wings once she settled upon a cloud that was above the entire scene and watched as the battle unfolded.

The monster she was familiar with tried blasting it with a blue beam of energy but was blocked by a red shield, the same beam had annihilated the Stratosphere... the amount of power in them. Shaking her head she continued watching.

After the beam failed the monster tried attacking a giant tower behind its demonic cousin just to be grabbed out of the air easily a kilometer into a building. Then the robot split into two pieces and started attacking the demon, keeping it distracted while the beast stood up. Weren't they just fighting earlier?

Nevertheless the two sides helped each other, with half of the robot flying around and shooting the demon while the beast tried to take out the tower. She had no idea where the other half of the robot was, until the tower started collapsing in on itself and the robot flew out of the ground. The beast then satisfied with the destroyed tower attacked its demonic twin, while the robot combined itself back together a safe distance away.

Once the robot was completed again it started using its lasers to shoot the demonic twin, then its drill arms split open and fired missiles of some sort at the two yet again sending the beast flying backwards.

Standing up Celestia wondered how much longer this would take, because they weren't showing any signs of slowing down or of suffering any type of injuries. Deciding she needed to see if the beast could actually be hurt in any way she fast-forwarded through the battle and straight to the end.

The battle correspondingly flew by in another blur then stopped to show the demon and the robot lying on the ground with the beast standing victorious before it blew up both the demon and the robot, resulting in a complete and utter destruction of dozens of blocks. Celestia watched on with horror as something that would leave even her exhausted or hurt, the beast simply turned around, started stomping on houses and walked away into the distance.

No no no no. Letting off another burst of magic she jumped through its memories to a random spot and found herself floating above an ocean littered with dozens of ships. Thinking about what this was supposed to be, she jumped at an unreal roar coming from right behind her. Slowly she turned her neck around and found the beast walking through the water, it roaring at the ships in front of them.

The roar was answered with the report of something that was akin to the Griffon's black-powder only exponentially, then a explosion formed on the beast's upper torso followed shortly by another and another. Those explosions were followed themselves by flying ships that were firing some missiles at it.

When the shots missed and hit the ocean instead of the beast it exploded in massive plumes of water, but when it hit the beast only miniature clouds of smoke formed.

The beast grew tired of this and fired the blue beam of energy at the ships, both flying and floating and they all exploded one by one, piece by piece not even a scratch on the beast to show their efforts. Starting to panic slightly know she jumped to another memory.

This time she arrived just in time to see a smoking city, with the beast blowing the middle head off of a giant golden, winged hydra.

Then to see it fight a giant fish like monster and another robot, to come out victorious.

A giant butterfly and bat smashed under its might.

Another fleet of ships exploding under its gaze.

Entire cities gone from its fury.

Entire alien invasions almost single-handedly repelled by the beast.

Breathing in a pant she jumped one last time to see something of interest to her. It was in the middle of falling into a volcano, sure it wouldn't kill it since it was still alive but... using a little more magic she once again fast-forwarded it and watched as the sun and moon flew by over a hundred times and the beast didn't emerge. It had to be in hibernation!

Okay there were a few active volcanoes around Equestria and she could hire some ponies or other species to lure it into one. Yeah she could make it work. Re-assured of herself she turned around to see the memory gone, nothing there not even a door or way out. Whirling around, she saw her own mane and nothing else again.

Looking left then right she started to back up when she heard, no felt a growl emanating from the space around her. It couldn't be the beast it wasn't sentient... was it? Taking a deep breath she was about to say something when another memory slammed into her quite literally.

Rubbing her nose she looked up to see the beast gazing down at her with a snarl, but before she could even register what happened she found herself suspended in the air in front of it, right at eyes level.

It opened its mouth and it started to glow blue again. Gather her magic she tried to teleport out, when she was slammed down into the ground, knocking the wind out of her. But how!?! This was a memory not reality! Pushing herself to her hooves she looked up to see herself in the void of nothingness again.

"Let me out demon!" She yelled into the abyss.

"So you can go back to controlling Mother Earth?" A dark unforgiving voice said from the shadows.

Shocked senseless she stood there motionless. "You can speak?"

"I care not to talk to demons and insects normally. Not even to the last one that entered my mind. But when a demon comes into MY MIND. Looking for a way to KILL ME... well...." The beast trailed off.

Wait it just called her a demon... when it was the one that was demolishing her country! "But am I the one controlling the sun?" When she heard it talk again, her blood ran cold. It was in her head.

"Quite observant.... though you should have waited until your sister was awake, she would have noticed the presence in her mind. You though, it was like an open door and the things you have been doing to the planet." A low guttural growl sounded from above her following the noise she looked up to see a set of glowing eyes looking down upon her, as if she truly were an insect. "It's just sickening. Controlling the weather, the rise of the sun and moon, the very seasons themselves all controlled by you..."

The eyes slowly started circling around her, bobbing as they did but strangely silent otherwise."Even the previous inhabitants with their weapons that could destroy your biggest cities in a few seconds, even they had more respect for the balance of nature..."

Celestia stomper her foot to the apparent surprise of the eyes for they stopped circling her. "I have no idea what you are talking about! It has always been this way for as long as any pony can remember! If it weren't for me and my sister the sun and moon wouldn't move at all! If it weren't for the ponies teaching the animals would die! If it weren't for--"

Interrupting her the eyes rushed forward, revealing the giant black scaly head that it was attached to. It slowly opened its mouth revealing its large sharp teeth before saying,"If it weren't for you entering my mind you wouldn't even have known any of this knowledge." The face slowly pulled back into the darkness. "So I suggest you use your knowledge to rid yourself of any doubts of being able to kill me, and instead let nature control itself like it was meant to otherwise..."

Celestia slowly questioned it. "Otherwise what?"

As if to respond the darkness disappeared and was replaced by yet another burning city. Yet this time there were shadowy figures screaming and running away, from what she assumed was the beast. Yet when she looked up there was a massive ship flying in the sky, completely eclipsing the sun then from behind she heard the beats of a massive set of wings. Turning around she saw the winged-hydra from before now back with a metal head and chest and as if to challenge it she heard the booms of what sounded like footsteps.

Turning around she saw the black head from before turning around a building, smashing through the glass wall, but instead of the beast looking at the hydra it seemed to look down at her. "Otherwise I'll show you why the those from before called me Godzilla." With that last word it started running down the street towards the hydra. The hydra responded in kind by running on its own two feet towards Godzilla.

Celestia stood frozen as its foot hovered over her head, then started to rocket towards her. Shaking herself out of her stupor she closed her eyes and canceled the spell.

She could feel the cold cement beneath her again, the sweat pouring down off her brow, the exhaustion of the sheer amount of magic she used. Pushing herself up onto her four wobbly hooves, her Guard appeared at her side helping her up. "Thank you Silver." She wheezed out.

Once she was onto her hooves Silver said, "Hang on a minute your highness, I'm go get a nurse."

Before he could turn around though she stopped him by placing her hoof on his head. "No instead go tell our fastest pegasi to bring Twilight here, then get another pegasi to head to the Dragonlands to deliver a message. After I write it though." Saluting Silver ran off to do as she said.

Celestia slowly walked towards the hole in the wall, making sure not to trip over her own hooves. As she reached the cusp of the hole she let her sun beat down on her as she looked over the mayhem "Godzilla" had caused. Nothing but rubble was left of most of the city and what was left was burning down now... it would take everything that Equestria had.

Looking back inside towards her sister's body she corrected that thought. It'd take everything that Equis had to stop it.

Author's Note:

....Yeah.... Trying to get myself to edit removes all motivation for writing so unless someone offers the chapters probably won't be edited... anyways usual message, hope you all enjoyed it.