• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 7,895 Views, 511 Comments

D=S-M - MegatronsPen

Twilight Sparkle’s world crashes around her as everything she once believed in, crumbles to dust. Does she rise above it to fill in the shoes of her mentor? Or does she allow it to bring her low…

  • ...

The Evil That Mares Do

The clicking-clack of the train as it passed over the railway tracks was the awkward backing track to the rather awkwardly silent Royal Carriage that was purposefully set aside for the occupation of the Princesses and for the more important (and often richer) figures of pony society.

In this instance, the carriage was blessed with not only the youngest crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle, but also three other Elements of Harmony namely: Loyalty, Kindness and Honesty.

Their destination? Ponyville.

Fluttershy and Twilight were seated at one end of the carriage upon a plushed bench, curled up together and fast asleep, while Rainbow Dash was in a similar predicament just besides them, but the rainbow coloured pegasus could hardly rest; which was unusual considering she could normally sleep almost anywhere… literally.

There was just way too much to consider and way too much to regret to make her drift into a peaceful slumber and under normal circumstances the best friends would had been at least an hour deep into a conversation about something or another, however due to the recent happenings of the past couple of days, not a single word had been exchanged in light of the revelations that was given to them before their departure from Canterlot.

Rainbow Dash’s confrontation with Princess Luna was heated at best and while the Princess seemingly took Rainbow Dash’s rather threatening demeanour in stride; knowing that the mare’s loyalty and concern for her lavender friend was overriding rational thought, the Princess did not however take too kindly to an Element of Loyalty calling her out on her treatment of the injured Twilight Sparkle.

But it seemed Rainbow Dash’s outburst had somehow reached out to Luna, for it was because of this confrontation perhaps that with a measure of guilt, Luna finally revealed the truth to the group in its shocking entirety before their departure from Canterlot within the safe confines of the throne room.

Despite hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth, they still could not quite believe it even now; as they were all led to believe Celestia and Twilight were involved in an accident. Now they had to swallow the pure, disgusting fact that Princess Celestia had been murdered; and by the looks of it, the assassin would had gotten to Twilight as well if it was not for Luna’s healing intervention.

Somepony, had tried to kill their best friend… and it was much harder to deal with than chalking up the event as an accident… but what was far worse; and what ate up the three the most, was that they had all chosen to believe the lie rather than listen to their friend who preached the truth the entire time.

Fluttershy comforted Twilight who was also in attendance, while Rainbow Dash simply interrogated the Princess further more on the fate of the assassin, though the Princess of the Moon gave no quarter in that regard, simply stating that the offender had been… ‘dealt’ with and that they best never ask her anything else in regards to the villain, while Applejack…

The farm pony hardly said a word.

In fact the farm pony had slipped out when no one was paying attention, choosing to stew over the truth by herself while Rainbow Dash on the other hand contemplated only now on the way back to Ponyville the details of what was said.

Rainbow Dash thought herself loyal; she thought herself always there for her friends and ready to defend and to believe in them. Instead, in her attempt to comfort Twilight much like the rest of the Elements, they had instead only served to hurt their best friend unwittingly with nothing but with the power of their own love for her.

“Kinda damn… what’s that word? Ironic? Yeah. Ironic… at least I think that’s ironic,” Rainbow Dash muttered, breaking from her thoughts as she turned her gaze to the sleeping mares beside her and simply laid her eyes upon the freshly bandaged face of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash’s heart wrenching as guilt filled her eyes with tears, “...I still can’t believe… she went through that...”

She watched Princess Celestia die in front of her.

No wonder Twilight’s mood had changed so much.

Rainbow Dash’s lips curled into a frown as the memory of Fluttershy comforting Twilight Sparkle within the throne room plagued her… but it was not the words of Luna, nor was it the concept of Princess Celestia’s assassination that disturbed her most… it was Twilight Sparkle.

She looked… strangely subdued; oddly... Lifeless?

But somehow pleased at the same time?

It confused and even almost frightened Rainbow at how mixed up the emotions were within the young Princess, though she made no attempt to question how the mare was feeling; she had some kind of an idea, though she did not want to break an already timid mare given the situation and push the subject further.

Rainbow shivered as she tore her eyes from Twilight, unsure as to where this odd feeling came from—yet for some unknown reason, she felt she knew of the source of the change.

It was when Twilight had left for the trial; a trial that Luna had revealed to be the one that sentenced the killer of their beloved Princess of the Sun and the attempted murder of Twilight Sparkle.

The outcome never explained, but Rainbow Dash knew something had happened.

But what?

What had happened in that trial to make Twilight so… changed?

The cyan coloured pony sighed softly, attempting to push aside the guilt ridden questions, as she departed her eyes from her sleeping friends, glancing out across the carriage to the silently standing orange mare that stared out of a window.

Rainbow Dash’s biggest worry right now however was Applejack, who was seemingly most hurt by the revelation. And who could blame her? They all were hurting in their own special way, but Applejack? It was evident that her anger was getting the better of her.

For the most part, herself and Fluttershy had left the farm pony alone to process her thoughts, thinking that would solve the issue while they attended and paid attention to Twilight Sparkle the best they could.

Naturally, Twilight forgave them when Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash brought up their heartbroken apologies. Twilight even spoke loud enough for Applejack to purposefully hear, but the farm pony paid no attention and simply said nothing in regards to it. She merely huffed, and made little of a response.

Twilight barely pushed the subject as well.

The lavender mare said she bore no malice to either of them for what had happened, as she understood the lie was constructed to protect her; and given her state of being she knew they had no other choice but to believe in it.

Despite being forgiven, Rainbow knew that none of them would ever forgive themselves… and by the looks of it, especially Applejack.

Quietly, Rainbow got to her hooves, and stretched out her legs, summing up her courage before making her way as silently as possible to the side of the brooding orange farm pony, whose face was still marked with the lines of a quietly simmering rage she struggled to contain.

The cyan pegasus’s ears drew flat to her head as she bowed her muzzle slightly downwards, her wings drooping to her sides as she quietly spoke out, half wincing as she noticed her presence was only deepening the blatant irritation upon Applejack’s features.

“A bit for your thoughts?”

Not now, RD. Leave me be.”

The gruff response caused Rainbow Dash to sigh, glancing back worriedly to the two sleeping mares, praying they would not wake up at all to the oncoming argument that was about to ensue. Once she noticed neither of them stirred, Rainbow stiffened her posture, folded her wings, and perked her ears confidently.

She even gave the farm pony a rather stern expression, and moved to lean in closer to Applejack, keeping her voice soft, and low.

Damn it, AJ, stop being a stubborn filly and talk to me, yeah? I know you feel just as lied to as the rest of us, but being angry is just not cool right now.”

“Ah’m not angry, RD.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “You could had fooled me.”

“...Ah’m want’in to be left alone to m’thoughts,” Applejack turned her head, glaring at the cyan pony, but her emerald eyes focused past the rainbow coloured mane to something lavender over her head, which softened Applejack’s expression as tears prickled in the corners of her eyes upon the sight of a peacefully sleeping Twilight Sparkle, “Ah… Jus’ can’t believe it’s true. Ah don’ wan’ to.”

Rainbow smiled a little triumphantly at her mental cheer as she placed a foreleg about Applejack’s shoulders, attempting to offer some comfort for the earth pony, as she stood side by side the orange mare, leaning against her affectionately.

“Being all moody and silent isn’t going to help the egghead at all or change anything. All we can do right now is just be there for her… I’m just not looking forward to telling the others… Especially Spike. I know the Princess told us not to tell anyone else except the girls and Spike back home but… I kind of don’t want to… but I’m glad I don’t have to do it alone, you know? And you need to be less grumpy when we do. Pinkie Pie is probably going to be hit hardest by this.”

Applejack felt every inch of rage depart from her at the mention of the baby dragon, while a sadness overtook her as she broke her gaze from Twilight and simply stared out of the window, nodding her head and silently agreeing with Rainbow Dash.

Although a part of her inside wretched at the mere thought of not telling anypony else the truth, she could see and understand Luna’s reasoning. A war would never had been a good thing. It was best avoided even if it meant having to lie to Equestria and its ponies.

“Ah’m sorry, RD. Ah’m not mad at Twilight or you, or anypony right now. Ah’m just mad at myself… Ah cannot believe ah bought such a lie an’ ignored th’ truth even when Twi’...”

Applejack’s words died away when the rising pressure within her head expelled from her eyes in a flow of tears and a restrained sob, her head turning away from the concerned expression of the cyan mare besides her, who only tightened the embrace at her friend’s sudden breakdown.

Rainbow Dash sighed.

“Come on, AJ. It isn’t that bad. I know we were lied to and we believed it, but it doesn’t matter because she’s here and she’s alive, okay? We still got our egghead. Well, maybe, but… you know what I mean, right?”

Rainbow tried to soothe the crying Applejack, but felt awkward doing so. She didn’t do crying. Especially when it was her friends. It only made her want to cry.

With a stiff upper lip, Rainbow Dash continued. “Besides, crying makes you look so uncool.”

“J-Jeez, thanks, RD…” Applejack spluttered a chuckle in between sobs, “Ah know tha’. Ah do… It’s jus’ Ah just can’t believe tha’ Ah believed such an obvious lie, ya know? She was tellin’ th’ truth an’ Ah knew she was… Ah could tell she was. But instead Ah believed she was jus’ sick in th’ head. That’s what is hurtin’ me the most… Ah feel like ah betrayed her somehow. Ah can’t go on livin’ with mahself an’ look her in the eye without—”

Wow. You really do love her don’t you?”

Wha’?” Applejack blinked at Rainbow Dash, her light sobs cut short, “w-wha?” She worriedly glanced to make sure the other two mares were still fast asleep, and quickly leant in close to Rainbow Dash, almost muzzle to muzzle with the other mare as she whispered, “Whattya talkin’ ‘bout? Ah don’ love her like tha’.”

Rainbow only blinked back slowly at the farm pony, evidently not believing a word of what was just said. “Um, AJ? It’s kind of… really, really obvious...”

A blush formed on Applejack’s face, her irritation returning, only if because she was rather embarrassed at this moment in time. She tore her eyes from Rainbow Dash, and simply huffed and stared out of the window as the scenery rushed on past in a blur of color.

Fine... a-ah do, kay? Jus’ don’ go spreadin’ it or anythin’”

The stunned expression on Rainbow Dash’s face brought a confused frown to Applejack’s face, “Wow. So Rarity was right—I totally lost that one.”

“Lost? Lost what?” Applejack frowned, looking back at Rainbow with an arched brow. “Y'all both didn’ go bettin’ on tha’, did ya?”

The cyan mare glanced around nervously, avoiding eye contact with the farm pony. “Uhhhhm… Maybe?”


Golden Spike was an earth stallion and he loved his job. There was nothing he did not know about trains and there was nothing he loved more than his position as the leading driver for the EETC’s (Equestrian Express Train Company), which linked all of the major cities and towns throughout Equestria upon a singular track.

Of course, that situation was soon about to change, for the need for a secondary train due to the popular growth of public transportation in this day and age. It was an inevitable outcome in his eyes, for the populace of Equestria was growing (and quite rapidly at that), and attitudes in regards to long distance travel were changing.

Gone were the days where ponies were content to live within their own communal bubbles; happy to spend the rest of their days hardly ever leaving their place of birth. But now, in this modern day and age where travelling afar not only seemed to be a way of life for many but a requirement; for earth ponies and unicorns from as far as Appleloosa and Dodge Junction travelled to other cities and towns using this form of transportation for work and leisure. Of course, some pegasus ponies used the system too. But with their ability to fly, it did somewhat render the train obsolete for their kind.

This for Golden Spike meant more work for him and more work meant more time on the track—and oh Boy, was he excited about that prospect! A secondary route for him to ride on? A different track?! He almost swooned at the idea as he grinned proudly out of the circular window of the steam train’s engine cart, content to watch the all too familiar scenery of the countryside go whizzing on by.

His thoughts were cut short however when several thuds of something clunked rather loudly onto the metal roof, cutting his smile short and jittering the engine cart side to side ever so slightly upon its well-constructed suspension.

Such a slight motion registered immediately with the driver as unusual, for Golden Spike new every bump, every dip and every turn on the railway track. The sudden unfamiliar movement the earth pony had just experienced was certainly not expected, and it caused him to frown.

Strange… He pondered, his eyes squinting up at the ceiling as he moved forward to inspect his instruments upon the dashboard, taking note of the speedometer, the positions of the acceleration stick, the brakes lever and the hand break, noting that they were all within their correct position and well within the correct parameters when moving at this particular speed, on this particular part of the journey.

He even checked the pressure gauge just in case the engine was starting to fail.

There was only one conclusion when he noted nothing abnormal with the readouts, and he only hoped it was not the case “I hope I didn’t hit anything…”

No, but I think that is the least of your worries.”

Golden Spike nearly jumped out of skin at the feminine voice and blinked over his shoulder as he regarded the sudden appearance of two gryphons, who stood rather imposingly behind him wielding talon-held crossbows. However, his eyes were trained more upon the third member of the group. A flame haired, amber eyed Wonderbolt that stood between them rather smugly.

Taking a step back, Golden Spike ears flattened against his head as he noted the rather sinister smiles upon the beaks and lips of the intruders, his eyes dashing between the three as he croaked out his defiance rather nervously. “H-hey! You can’t be here!”

But the presence of the famous captain of the Wonderbolts quelled any attempt to shoo them away, and it had Golden Spike looking very concerned. “Oh… Spitfire? Is there a problem?”

The flame haired Wonderbolt stepped forward to distance herself from the flanking company that brandished in their talons their primed and ready crossbows, whom both now lifted to aim the weapons directly at Golden Spike's chest. The earth pony threw up his hooves, trembling as he backed up against the dials of the engine’s dashboard, watching as the Wonderbolt curled a hoof about the accelerator stick and pushed it right the way down to the ground.

Golden Spike could not stay quiet about this. He shouted in alarm, “What are you doing?! If we hit a corner at that speed the train could—”

Derail,” came the smug interjection, as the Wonderbolt simply turned away to return to her company. She regarded each gryphon with cold amber eyes, her smile widening as the listened for the wail of the engine as it increased its power output to a straining maximum. “That’s exactly what I want to happen. But that possibility is made all the more feasible if; for example, the track up ahead is also unexpectedly, well, damaged...”

“But… That will kill everypony!” Golden Spike shook his head, causing his drivers hat to fall from his head as he lurched into action, wrapping his forelegs about the brakes lever. He had a duty to perform. A small duty nonetheless, but the safety of his passengers meant everything to him. He would be damned to Tartarus if he ceased in his duties now.

“How perceptive,” The Wonderbolt turned, and in that moment she lifted a hoof, signalling both gryphons to fire their payload into the side of Golden Spike's head before he had the chance to act upon his near sighted valor.

The bolts flew the short distance with the penetrating force to puncture through the armor of a Royal Canterlot Guard with ease, so the bolts made rather short work of the pony’s skull, passing in one end and out of the other, finally resting deep into the readouts of the train’s dashboard with an array of sparks and electrical sizzling.

Blood had been splattered everywhere inside of the engine cart, and Golden Spike's body slumped dead beside the brake lever before he even hit the ground, his arms still limply wrapped about it as if even in death he fought to vainly save his passengers as blood pulsed out of the side of his head in a steady flow, pooling below him, as his muscles spasmed sporadically in his death throes.

Warm droplets of blood and brain matter had dotted the uniform of the Wonderbolt captain, as she simply sneered her distaste for the earth pony’s futile action.

“He had such cute eyes, too… a shame, really... he could had made such a lovely pet.”

She moved to brush between her comrades, her blood sprayed lips curling sinisterly as she did so, while a tongue flicked out to lick the stain away. She savored the taste, and almost groaned in satisfaction.

“Come on, let’s get out of here—the next corner is going to be a doozy.”

“But what about the target?” The gryphon on the left inquired, turning to follow his superior, “we have ten minutes until we hit the corner and we’re supposed to attempt to capture—”

Change of plans,” interrupted Spitfire with a dark grin, “let’s wait until after the unfortunate ‘accident.’ I am sure the Princess will survive it… After all, she IS an alicorn. They don’t die that easily.”

The gryphon on the right blinked, confused, “I don’t think that is a good idea, Captain… The Princess is going to be upset if we don’t follow the original plan. We need to make sure she thinks we’re— ”

Spitfire spun with a hoof swinging to strike the gryphon across the cheek roughly, sending him sprawling onto the ground besides the corpse of the dead train operator, more out of shock than the sheer force behind it.

I am your Captain and when you are out on the field you follow my orders, is that understood? If she does find out about the plan not going as exactly as she wanted, I will find out which one of you feather brained idiots told her and I will kill you myself. Besides, the outcome is the same regardless. I just think perhaps my way will get a better result and; at the same time, get what I want.”

The pony turned, and pressed her face close to the beak of the cowering, terrified gryphon as she eyed them both with authority, “You will not get in my way of revenge... Is that understood?”

Spitfire felt her lips sneer as she turned away and scoured her gaze at the small coal cart trailing behind the engine compartment, followed by the passenger carts beyond, where her true prize stood unknowing of the disaster that was about to unfold.

A lusty expression drew across the face of the mare, as she licked her lips in a slow almost sultry manner, her words laced with a bitter-sweet promise that appeared and sounded a bit psychotic to her two feathered companions, who both exchanged nervous glances behind her back as one helped the other to his talons.

“I can only hope Rainbow Dash survives; after all, I am going to enjoy breaking her in and showing her just how much I…” she sighed in longing, “love her… now. Let us watch the show from afar,” Spitfire’s wings opened up, her posture moving to a pre-flight position as her smirk widened, “it's a shame I didn’t bring any popcorn.”


The royal carriage jarred violently, spurring Fluttershy awake with a startled yelp and a flail of hooves that drew Rainbow Dash and Applejack’s attention from their deep conversation to the meek mare, while Twilight awoke with a yawn, turning her head towards Fluttershy as she too offered a single amethyst sleepy eye to investigate the rather cute noise.

Fluttershy blushed, inclining her head as to retract behind her wall of pink hair. “U-um… sorry.”
Applejack and Rainbow Dash grinned, restraining their chuckles behind their hooves while Fluttershy merely smiled bashfully.

Twilight shared no such amusement, for she too felt the jarring movement of the carriage even in her deep slumber. Twisting her head to investigate the royal carriage, she slipped from the seat and settled onto the ground, stretching each leg out with a wince as she worked away the stiffness.

The young Princess’s eyes regarded the scenery as it zipped on by, her lips curling into a frown as her mind registered the speed to which the train was now traveling. Though, before she had a chance to raise her concerns, Rainbow Dash zipped in front of her gaze, grinning rather mischievously.

“Mornin’ egghead! Sleep well?”

Twilight smiled at her friend. It was nice to see a genuine smile for once.

“Thanks, Rainbow Dash. I think that was the best nap I have had in weeks… you were right, though. Maybe I was tired. I definitely feel better.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Damn right I was right. Nothing beats a mid-morning nap!”

Unbeknownst to Twilight, Applejack had slipped up beside her, chuckling as she too chimed in with mirth.

“Ya’ll always napping, RD...”

Puffing out her cheeks, Rainbow crossed her arms, huffing as she glared at the ceiling. “Hey! A girl has to get her beauty sleep!”

Twilight could not help but restrain a grin; a grin that mirrored Applejack’s own. Though, upon the two meeting contact with their eyes, they quickly glanced away and lost their teasing expressions, as last night’s event drew forth to the forefront of their minds.

Reading the situation, Rainbow Dash blinked over to Fluttershy who was staring out of the window, observing the outside world. With a sneaky glance to Applejack and a knowing wink to the mare that caused a faint blush to grow upon the farm pony’s cheeks, Rainbow quickly zipped off to join their lonesome friend, startling Fluttershy with her abrupt appearance.

Awkwardly, both Twilight Sparkle and Applejack shifted on the spot, both making it their purpose not to look at the other and for what seemed like an eternity, finally, Applejack spoke.

“Listen, Twi’ Ah’m sorry Ah— ”

Twilight shook her head and turned to fully regard Applejack, a sadness within her eye and a guilt written as plain as day upon her face. “No, Applejack. I’m sorry… I… I said a horrible thing to you when you were only trying to help me, and I—”

Lifting a hoof to silent Twilight, Applejack continued, “Ah’m sorry Ah did not believe in ya,” Twilight opened her lips to interject but Applejack silenced her by shaking her head, “no I don’ wanna hear it. What ya’ll said was… wrong. Ah know ya’ll sorry, an’ Ah forgave you the moment ya’ll said it. We are still friends. We always will be even if ya said somethin’ stupid, because, that’s what friends do.”

“Applejack…” A tear slipped down Twilight’s face. Relief crossing her features as she moved forward to embrace the mare, “I’m so happy to have friends like you girls… I-I’m so sorry I’ve been so…”

Applejack sighed, shaking her head as she returned the embrace as gently as she could, being mindful of the mare’s healing injuries.

“Don’ worry yaself none, sugarcube. We’ll always be here for ya, no matter wha—”

Interrupted by yet another, more violent jarring of the carriage, both Twilight and Applejack’s heads collided, causing both mares to stumble back and yelp in surprise.

“I-is it just me, or is the train moving, really, really fast…?” Fluttershy got to her hooves, pointing at the window as she regarded the other mares with concern.

Twilight nodded as she and Applejack nursed where their heads collided with a hoof. “She’s right. The train has clearly gone far beyond what is considered the maximum cruising speed for this particular type of train. If I hazard a guess, I would say we are almost hitting about seventy miles an hour in a fifty-five miles an hour zone…”

At the abrupt silence, Twilight glanced back to regard the odd expressions upon her friends’ faces.

“W-what?” Twilight complained with a flush of red, her head tilting away somewhat indignantly, “I read it in a book once.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, chuckling, “Suuuuure. Didn’t know you were a train spotter as well as an egghead…”

Both Applejack and Fluttershy giggled as Twilight embarrassedly smiled back to Rainbow. “It’s a hobby, okay?”

“Sure-sure-sure, right, I’m going to go and check on the driver. I’ll be back in—”

Applejack rolled her eyes, “ten seconds flat.”

Rainbow Dash glared at Applejack. “Hey! That’s my li—”

Another violent jarring threw all of the occupants into one side of the carriage, their collective gasps of panic only increasing as they felt the floor tip away and the ceiling rush towards them at a sudden and unexpected speed, the screech of grinding and crushing metal harmonizing in an amalgam of chaos with the screams of other passengers in the adjacent carriages blending with their own.

Author's Note:

*Goes into hiding, awaiting for the nuclear fallout to pass over*

This is unedited, and I know there is mistakes in there. I should had passed it by my editors, but I simply had to show you this chapter before I leave on holidays this week! Have fun. And thanks for The Writers Group's Lord Inquisitor for the impromptu, quick and frantic proof-read.

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