• Published 11th Mar 2014
  • 3,278 Views, 55 Comments

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Friendship - mooneyboys

The world is saved from total paralysis. Team Dynasty (Eevee and Riolu) will soon reunite to save another world. A world full of friendship.... Usually

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Morning came and I was just rudely awakened by the blinding death rays of the sun. “Uhhh” I groan as I shift around on my comfy bed that Twilight graciously gave me in their guest bedroom. Not a guild bedroom they told me, just for guests. Why anyone makes a spare bedroom for someone (or somepony in this world) that they don’t know is beyond me; especially if they could be unused for months at a time. I yawn and open my eyes and immediately shut them again after noticing the evil, evil sun is still there.

I roll to the side and stand up and sigh as my joints start popping and I start to stretch. It has now been a few days since I met Twilight and made it into Ponyville. It has been a few busy days as she introduced me to her friends…. Well I should say the entire town. It’s a close knit community, kind of like Treasure Town now that I think about it. Everypony here knows each other and are usually good friends. So I met everyone, from that mare who sells roses, to Pinkie Pie. From Rainbow Dash (again) to Derpy hooves.

This is my first morning where Twilight or Pinkie Pie didn’t drag me out of bed the first moment the sun was up, maybe because it was Saturday, but more than likely it was because I met everyone….erm everypony.

I debated whether or not I should go back to sleep when I smelt what I assume to be breakfast cooking. Deciding food would be better than sleep I jump off the bed and head down the stairs.

The first thing I notice is that Spike is in front of the stove grilling what looks to be some kind of sandwich. Twilight is nowhere to be seen after a quick glance around the library.

“Hello Spike” I politely say. “That smells nice, what’s for breakfast?”

“It’s lunch actually” He tells me. “And its grilled cheese, want some?” he asks after a quick pause to flip the sandwich.

“Yes please, that sounds, and smells, wonderful” I reply and I take a seat. “So where is Twilight anyway?” I ask when Spike gives me one of the grilled cheese.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me. Twilight wanted to see you. I think she was going to take you with her to her trip to Canterlot.”

“Canterlot…” I mumble through a mouthful of food “That is the capital of this place, right?”

“Yeah it is. It’s a really cool place. Me and Twilight grew up there until we left for Ponyville. Oh! If you ever get the chance tell Donut Joe I said hi.”

“Ok I’ll try. So where is Twilight?” I say as I take another bit. Dear Arceus this is good.

“Oh yeah… Whoops.” He says, putting a sheepish smile on his face. “Honestly though, she’s rounding up her friends. I don’t know why but she always brings them with her. Always.”

“I can’t blame her. Friends are hard to come by back home.” The mumbling finally stops as I finished the sandwich and gave him my compliments.

“Yeah well they’re common as grass here. Eh I won’t pretend I know what goes on in her head. But anyway, she’ll probably have them come here and they’ll leave together.”

“Alright then. Thank you Spike. Let me know when she’s home” I tell him and I get up and grab a random book and start to read it to kill time.

“Yeah no problem Jasmine. But don’t get too comfortable, knowing Twilight, she is going to bust in here, probably with Pinkie Pie and Rainbowdash, any minute now.”

“Really? And how come Rainbowdash and Pinkie? Why not Applejack or Fluttershy?”

“Simple, Pinkie Pie is practically a ninja; she has everything packed ahead of time, even If you just told her about it. As for Rainbowdash, she literally packs nothing but a travel bag with her toothbrush and toothpaste and emergency toilet paper. Now if the wonderbolts are going to be there then she’d bring paper and pen. And enough bits to buy every souvenir twice.

The moment Spike finished talking; Twilight came in through the door and immediately noticed me. “Oh good you’re awake! I hope you don’t mind that I didn’t wake you up. You looked like you needed it.”

I smile warmly. “Thank you for that. So what did you want to see me about?”

“Oh yes right,” Twilight said, smacking her hoof on her head. Why do ponies do that? Wouldn’t it be simpler to just droop your head in frustration or defeat? “So you remember how I told you about Canterlot?”

I nod my head at her, “Yeah I remember that. Capital city right?”

“Yep. Now I have some business there, and I was wondering if you would like to come with me and the girls to Canterlot and see the sights. Also, since you’re technically an extraterrestrial species I think it would be a good idea for you to meet the princesses.” She stated.

Again, I nod. “Ok then. I understand. I’ll come along.”

For some odd reason, she beamed at me and said “Great! We’re going to be here till the rest of the girls come with their stuff.”

“Alrighty then, thanks Twilight”, I say as I sink back into my book.

About an hour has passed I think when the last of Twilight’s best friends came into the library. I close the book I was reading about. It was a fairly interesting story about a family who’s forced to move to Coltifornia in hopes of making a living.

“Alright we’re ready to go! Jasmine are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, I’m ready” I reply while getting up from the really comfy chair.

“Good, Ok girls, is everyone ready?” after the question was said she received a series of yes from everypony present. “Then let’s go!”

“We’re getting on THAT!?” I exclaim loudly the moment I saw what our ‘train’ looks like.

“Yeah, why? Is there a problem? Because that would be bad if there was…” Fluttershy timidly asks.

“Yes, actually.” I tell her, earning a bunch of confused faces in my general direction. “Why do we have to ride on it?”

“Well darling, what else would we ride in?” Rarity counters my question.

“But it’s so….” I struggle for the right word to describe it. “…. Girly” I finally say.

Everypony here decides that it is ridiculously funny for some reason. I droop my ears, and then start debating if it is ok for me to fight them and be innocent. Probably not I decide as they finish laughing.

“Yeah Jasmine I feel you on that one,” Rainbowdash tells me.

This perks me and I tilt my head confusingly at her, “Really?”

“Yeah, did you really think I lived here all my life? That was one of the first things I had to get used to when I moved here.”

“Yeah I will admit” Twilight adds in, “Even though it passed through Canterlot, every time I saw it I thought the same thing”

“But y’all learned to get used to it.” Applejack says, turning toward me, “Dun worry sugar cube it gets a little better the more ya look at it….. Kinda.”

I release a sigh. “Well nothing we can do about it. Let’s just get on it already.”

“That was a LOT better than what I thought it would be.” I announce to everypony in the group as we step off the train into Canterlot.

“See? You were just being a silly filly!” Pinkie Pie tells me and starts humming a tune. I caught something about ‘giggle at the ghosties’?

“Yeah, you were right Pinkie” I mention and turn to Twilight. “So where are we going?”

“Well” The purple alicorn starts. “First we need to head to Canterlot Castle and check in with Princess Celestia so we can get our suites. Then she’ll probably invite you to tea. Finally when you’re done talking with Celestia we’ll explore Canterlot. I’ll pay for anything you may want.”

“Really?” I say, my ears perked up out of interest.

“Yep” She smiles proudly. “My treat. You’d be surprised how much money a princess’ salary makes.”

“Well ok then.” I tell her, “Can’t argue with that really.”

“Halt! Who goes there?” One of the big white ponies asks us. Alright what are they? Some sort of police? Like what Officer Magnezone and the Magnemite are back home? What was it Twilight called them…. Guards right? Royal guards, yeah that sounds right.

“P-Princess Twilight” The first one’s buddy squeaked out when he saw Twilight. This for some reason made both of them shape up and stand taller and stiffer than before.

“At ease” She tells them, but they refuse to loosen up. She sighs, “Or don’t, but anyway, we are here to see Princess Celestia” She says to them while she motions for us to follow her.

“Yes your majesty” The two reply before giving her a salute.

I lag behind the others so I can stop and stare at the guards for a little bit longer. One of them notices me and is about to say something when Rainbow Dash interrupts him with a “She’s with us buddy” and I quicken my pace to catch up with the rest of the group.

“Well Jasmine” Twilight exclaims as we reach two very large doors. “Welcome to Canterlot Castle!” the doors open and I am witness to one of the most extravagant rooms I have ever seen.

“Woah!” I shout as I walk on the floor. I look down and the floor looks like pure marble. The walls were also marble although they had a mix of some other thing in it.

“Over here Jasmine” Applejack calls out from all the way across the room. Feeling sheepish, I race across the floor to catch up to them.

For some reason they stopped at another set of large double doors. “This here is where we part for a bit Jasmine” Rarity tells me. “Princess Celestia is waiting for you.”

“She’s waiting for me?” I question with my head turned. “Why would she want to wait for me?”

“Oh many reasons darling,” She replies. “But in the end, nopony knows really. It IS Princess Celestia we are talking about. Now come along. It is rude to keep a lady waiting. Especially if she’s a princess”

“Alright then” I take a deep breath. I look back at them and they’re giving my encouraging hoof waves toward the door. Another deep breath and I open the door.

The door lead to a balcony with a gloriously beautiful view of a large part of Equestria. “Ah Jasmine! There you are” A smooth, regal voice says. I turn my head to the sound of the voice to find two chairs and a table. Sitting in one of the chairs is a really tall white alicorn with a mane of varying calm colors. “Please sit” Princess Celestia tells me, “We have much to discuss.”

Curtis groggily wakes up to find himself in a hastily built wooden jail cell. He tries to get up but is stopped by a rattling of chains on the ground.

“H-Hey boss! It’s awake!” He hears someone scream just out of eyesight. A clopping of hooves is heard as a Ponyta with an odd coloring step in.

“Who… Who are you?” Curtis asks, still trying to wake up fully from being hit on the back of the head.

“That is none of your business” the ponyta, gruff sounding Curtis noted, told him. “What IS your business though, is why you did what you did.”
“Wait, what I did? What did I do?”

“You know what you did!” He growled at the dazed riolu. “You made everything stand still! The cactus, the wind, the tumbleweeds! All of it frozen! It has gotten to the point where the SUN doesn’t set anymore! It’s as if time itself stood still in this region!”

Curtis’ eyes widened at that phrase. “What? That wasn’t me!”

“Yes it was! It had to be you! You are the only suspicious looking thing we’ve seen all month!”

His eyes widened even more, “All month? How long has this been going?”

“For the past three months at least. At first we thought it was the changelings. But they are as confused as we are. We sent a letter to the Royal Princesses but they haven’t responded yet. That was a week ago. When you got here we sent our fastest pegasus to the closest train station. That was a day ago. We’re certain he’ll come back with a group of royal guards to take care of you.”

“But I didn’t do it!”

“Then whose fault is it!?” He roars at Curtis.

“I don’t know! But it wasn’t me!” Curtis cries.

A pregnant silence falls between the two as they wait for the other the say something. Finally the stallion breaks the silence with a “I don’t believe you”

Curtis’ eyes widen to the point that any more will expansion will make his eyes burst.

“But” The stallion starts. “Somepony else might. I don’t believe that you’re lying, but I have a feeling you know whats going on. And that makes you suspicious.”

“B-but… Can you let me go?” The pokemon asks meekly

He slowly shook his head. “I'm sorry. I would, but the rest of the town wouldn’t agree to that. You’ll have to stay there.”

He turns around and leaves. Curtis can hear the clopping of those hooves as he cries himself to sleep.

Author's Note:

Again, I'm sorry it took so long.

Also I haven't heard from Classy Toad in a while so.... I'm looking for a new editor. Nothing too fancy, just someone to help smooth things out a little