• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 2,462 Views, 76 Comments

Source Material - _Medicshy

Sequel to Newsworthy. Doctor Whooves saves Ink Well, showing him the wonders and perils of time.

  • ...


The tan furred pegasus leaped back, dodging the swinging blade and landing lightly on the wood floor. Before him stood the dark green unicorn, a cold look in her eyes and a glow around her horn. Between them floated the blade, long and gleaming in the dim light, a green glow around the gilded snake-themed grip. She smiled cruelly. “Come, come, Ink Well! Don't tell me you're giving up already. Where's all of the bravado from earlier? Weren't you going to stop me?”

The pegasus snarled at the smug unicorn. “I will defeat you Viper! I will not let your evil spread any further!”

The green unicorn laughed. “Evil? No! Celestia is just such a boring ruler, it's time for a change! And I'll be the one to bring it.”

“Not if I can help it!” The pegasus jumped forward, swinging wildly with a hoof that was easily sidestepped by the unicorn. He swung again, this time with the brace that wrapped his right front leg, and was parried by the sword. The sword swung around, scything the air and connecting with the pegasi's wing, a red splash appearing on it.

The pegasus stepped back, staring at the unicorn with a wounded look on his face. “Hey! What was that for? Be careful with that thing!”

A frustrated sigh came from the darkness surrounding them. “Ugh! Lights!” Light flashed on in the room, revealing a large proscenium arch, the two ponies standing center stage. Not five feet away stood a silver furred unicorn in a black beret, a golden glow surrounding the megaphone floating before him. He walked over to the pegasus, megaphone filling the space between the unicorn's mouth and the pegasus's ear. “WHAT IS IT THIS TIME, SPOTLIGHT?”

The pegasus recoiled away, his blond mane flowing behind him and his blue eyes looking pained. “What are you yelling at me for? Center Stage was the one who messed things up!” Upon his flank shone a golden star for a cutie mark.

The green furred unicorn shook her head, her orange eyes glaring at Spotlight. Upon her flank was a stage, the red curtains flung wide. “I did not! You're supposed to get hit there! Maybe if you learned the choreography...”

The pegasus rounded on her. “Oh so now it's my fault? You're the one swinging wildly!”

The two ran at each other, held back by the silver furred unicorn with the megaphone cutie mark. “Ponies! We don't have time for bickering! In less than a week it will be the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of the Alliance, and we don't have time for mess ups like this! They will be expecting a perfect show at the celebration, and we can not disappoint!” He sighed, tapping a hoof as he turned to the empty house behind them, hundreds of white cushioned seats staring back at him. “Nearly three quarters of a century ago the pony you portray, Spotlight, opened his first show in this very theater. He had so much from his own life to pull on and would gain so much more, and instead he told the legend of the Elements of Harmony's return in his famous play, Night's Wrath. He was a great writer, a humble stallion of unlimited potential, and a shining example amongst ponies. And it is down to us to tell his story.”

The director turned around, an angry look in his eye as he advanced towards the pegasus, megaphone slowly being placed to amplify his words. “So if you think that this selfish diva attitude is going to get things done, you can just STAY HERE AND PRACTICE ALL NIGHT! I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANYTHING BUT PERFECTION! GOT THAT?” The pegasus recoiled again, the megaphone amplified past the norm with a boost from the director's magic. The director waited until Spotlight's head stopped reeling before continuing. “You are going to channel him, get in tune with his spirit. Run your lines, practice your choreography, and do NOT leave this building! I expect a marked improvement by tomorrow or I shall be looking for a new Ink Well. Got that?” The director's chin rose, snubbing his nose at Spotlight. “Center Stage, we go! Let us leave him to his studies.”

The two unicorns left the stage and walked the long walk through the house, the green unicorn giving Spotlight a smug smirk and a victory huff before proceeding through the door, the silver one on her heels. Soon after they left the house lights dimmed, leaving Spotlight alone in a pool of white light on the open stage.

He kicked a floorboard, muttering quietly to himself. “If you love the old colt so much why aren't you doing that show instead of this piece of trash. 'Get in tune with him' he says. 'You're being a diva' he says.” He frowned at the ground, stomping hard on the wooden floor. “Oh I'll show him I'm no diva! I'll be the most accurate, most perfect, most humble actor he's ever seen!” He stood up proudly, a hoof over his heart and a fire in his eyes. He smiled vindictively. “That'll teach him not to recognize true talent.”


“No Princess!” Spotlight swept a hoof through the air in front of him, conviction in the motion. “Be not so hard on the poor ponies of the magazines! They knew not what they did. Instead, allow them to pay penance with their printings. Let an apology be written, along with the truth in print for all to see!” He completed the final swoop of his leg and stopped, face contorting as he looked back at the script sitting at the edge of the light. “That can't be right. This can't have been written that badly...” He hovered over the book, scanning the page with a disbelieving frown. “Wow... I guess it can. Humble pony my flank.” He kicked it closed, the pages fluttering shut before him.

As he walked into the pool of light once more, muscles at the ready for dramatic posing, a sound drifted from the dark auditorium to his ears. Footsteps clacked down the aisle of the theater, slowly approaching the stage and oddly loud considering the muffling effect of the carpeted floor. Spotlight smirked, seething quietly as he stared into the wall of darkness. “So, had a change of heart, have you? Saw my magnificence and realized your error?” No response came, the steps echoing loudly in the empty building. Spotlight's brow twitched once, a saccharine smile masking his annoyance as he spoke in a singsong voice. “I am as kind and friendly as can be, ready to work with my fellow actress and be truly humble. Isn't that nice?” The clanking stopped, a silent presence visible at the stage's edge, staring at him. The two stood there for almost a minute, the figure motionless, Spotlight's smile slowly fading as he awaited a response.

Spotlight's lip curled, sneering at the silent figure, indignation spilling out. “Well? That's what you wanted, isn't it?” He walked closer to the silent figure, anger showing with each step. “Come on! What's all this teasing? Speak up!” He flew from the light, circling the dark figure once before landing in front of it roughly. A hood concealed the owner of the form, an impenetrable darkness leaving it invisible, which only enraged Spotlight further. “Quit with the games and tell me what you want!”

The hooded figure did nor move, did not acknowledge him, but from the hood came a faint whirring noise, followed at the end by a loud 'click'. “I am here for the source.” The response was cold and mechanical, each word sharp, ringing with a metallic tone.

Spotlight took a step back, confusion adding to the creases of rage on his features. “What is this? Who are you?”

The figure was still, the whirring and click happening again before the response. “I came for the source.” A differently pitched whir came from the hood and Spotlight felt as though he was being evaluated through and through, all the way to his bones. After a few moments of this the whirring stopped, replaced by the original tone, cut off once more by the click. “You are not the source.”

Spotlight sputtered for a moment, shaking his head and giving the figure a look reserved for a lunatic. “Of course I'm not 'the source'! Don't you know who I am? I'm Spotlight, greatest actor in Manehattan! Who do you think you are just barging in here? Doesn't this place have security? This is it! This is the final straw. I am walking!” He stormed past the figure, bumping against its shoulder in an attempt to push it aside, but the form was surprisingly solid, causing him to rebound off and fall against the seats. He wheeled on the immobile figure. “Hey! Watch where you're going bud!”

The sound of metal sliding on metal caught his attention, followed by a menacing 'snick!' that forced his vision to the front of the cloaked form. Its leg was raised, a long, light blade seeming to extend from the base of its hoof. The figure turned rigidly, the blade catching the light from the stage, gleaming coolly. The pegasus backed up, all rage replaced with fear as he tried to placate the form. “Hey, hey. We don't have to go that far. Just a misunderstanding, right buddy?”

The figure faced him, hood still hiding the pony within. Whirrrr. Click! “Copies must be removed.” It took a step forward, leg swiveling to point the blade at Spotlight's neck.

The pegasus's eyes stayed locked on it as he slowly backed away, quickly running once more into the seats behind him. He stared frightfully at the cold steel. “No! What are you doing? I didn't mean it!” He sank into the seat, legs locking and wings trying to form a barrier between the two. “Stop! No!” He let out a scream as the blade raised, cowering into the chair.

The leg fell, the screaming suddenly silenced.


Within four dusty rose walls stood a parchment furred pegasus, the ends of his legs capped with darker patches, like paper licked by a flame. Upon his flank gleamed a golden ink pot, a blue fountain pen leaning against it. He was rummaging through a brown messenger bag with a clasp that matched his cutie mark, his emerald eyes going over each and every item in detail. “Ink, pen, paper, money, ticket, train ticket, directions to the theater, directions to the hotel...” He turned around, grabbing a matching brown fedora off of a peg at the top of the stairs, affixing it upon his inky blue-black mane. “Hat! That should be everything.” He slung the bag over his back, feeling its weight settle on his left side as he went down from the living room and into the room below.

Darkly painted walls surrounded the windowless room, the area within dominated by the many varied brass beasts, large carefully decorated tanks and vats with similarly plated piping snaking off of them and going every which way. Most would not know what possible purpose this room could hold, marveling at the intricate machinery, but the pegasus entered the perfumery without a second glance, used to the sight of the stills. He had, after all, been living here for eight months, though the telltale signs of it were limited to the cloud bed upstairs positioned next to the down filled one and the state of the worktable in the distillery: half of it occupied by flowers, woods, and fruits and the other half matted with an array of papers covered in writing and scratchings. Even though he'd been here so long, and despite his girlfriend's insistence, he still thought of it as 'her' house. That said, it was certainly growing on him.

He went through the door at the other end of the distillery, the only exit other than the stairs, and ended up behind the counter of the Rosewater perfume shop. Rows upon rows of displays were filled with glass perfume bottles, each filled with a slightly differing colored liquid from the ones around them. A small display on the counter held jet black bottles labeled 'Rose Ink', not a single bottle missing from it.

Near the center of the shop stood a cream colored earth pony, her bobbed rose-and-pink bi-colored mane framing her face as she gazed intently at the worn brown suitcase beneath her. As the pegasus rounded the counter she looked up with her ivy eyes, smiling at him. “Hey there Ink Well! Got everything you need?”

Ink Well tipped his hat at her, then nodded to the bag at his side. “Yep. Everything I could possibly need.”

The earth pony frowned. “Let me guess, nothing but writing supplies, right?” The look on Ink Well's face answered her question for her. “We're going to Manehattan for just two nights, what'll you have time to write about?”

He looked offended by her statement. “Hey! You never know! Perhaps inspiration will strike for my next novel, and then where will I be? Better to be prepared than regretful.”

“Uh huh.” She walked over to him, noting the hat on his head and the playful smile that had worked its way onto his face. “You're just going to wear that to the opening, aren't you?”

He looked confused, hesitating to respond. “...Yeah?”

She bumped him with her shoulder, snatching the hat off of his head while he regained his balance. “You wear that every day! Don't you have something better?”

He looked at his hat and bag. “What's wrong with these? Fedoras are cool!”

“Cool, yes, but not acceptable!” She placed the fedora on her own head, looking at him from under its brim. “This is a big occasion Ink Well, it calls for a special outfit.”

He smirked at her. “Special outfit? You'd be amazed how many fancy parties I got into with shabbier than this.”

She walked over to him, tapping his nose with her hoof. “Yes, but you were just a scruffy journalist back then, Inky. Now you're a big Bridleway playwright, and you're going to have to look the part!”

Ink Well waved his hoof dismissively. “Ah, Rose, you know I'm no big time pony. Dressing up wouldn't be me.”

Rose tapped a hoof on the floor, shaking her head. “I'm not hearing it. We've got fifteen minutes before the train leaves.” She moved behind him, pushing him gently towards the door. “You run to the Boutique and see if Rarity can fix you up with something. I need to go finish packing, so far my suitcase is just samples, but I'm sure I'll find a buyer for that ink line, I can feel it!”

Ink Well turned around at the exit, smiling playfully. “Oh, you're always thinking about sales, Rosy. Come on! Enjoy it! It's a free trip to the big city!”

Rose tipped Ink Well's hat at him. “I will Inky, don't you worry, but I can work and have fun at the same time.” She tossed him his hat, which he caught with ease, placing it back on his head. “Now get moving, I'll meet you at the station.” She picked up her suitcase, walking towards the back room of the shop as Ink Well went through the front door. Once outside he inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh Ponyville air before leaping up high, extending his wings banking towards the Carousel Boutique.


Ink Well entered the store a minute later to the jingle or a silver bell and a call of “Just a moment please!” He took a few steps into the highly decorated building, with dress forms in beautiful outfits next to the grand purple curtains that lined the walls, and waited for further instruction. After a moment a blue glow surrounded a screen on the central stage, whipping it to the side to reveal Rarity herself with her pristine white coat and flawlessly curled purple mane. She looked over her small red glasses, playing with the tape measure around her neck before her face lit up with recognition. “Ah! Ink Well, come in! I'm just going to finish up with Twilight and then I'll be right with you.” Ink Well walked further into the shop, peering around a curtain to see Twilight also on the center stage on a small raised area, a brilliant deep blue dress with a night sky motif complementing her purple fur perfectly. Rarity was leaning in close, magically placed a few pins and fixing the hem while Twilight waved at Ink Well.

“Hello Ink Well. It was so kind of your to invite us to the opening of your play. I know it'll be amazing.”

Ink Well shook his head, like what Twilight said was absurd. “Of course I'd invite you, it's your story! All I did was write it down.”

Twilight smiled. “There you go deflecting compliments again. Still, it means a lot to us. Rarity even made us all dresses for the occasion!”

Ink Well looked at the dress she had on and marveled. “She does some amazing work, I must say. Are you going to be on the upcoming train too?”

Twilight shook her head. “Oh no. I'd be at the train station already if that were the case. All of us decided to take the later one.”

Rarity stood up from where she'd knelt down, a joyous look on her face. “There! Perfect. You're done now Twilight, I'll have it ready with the others when we leave.” Twilight nodded, heading off to the changing area while Rarity turned to Ink Well. “And what brings you in, Ink Well?”

He stated his purpose dismissively, waving a hoof lazily.“Oh, Rose insists that I get some nicer clothes for the opening, but I don't-”

Rarity gasped, running over to him. “You were going to go to the opening in this?! Oh no no no no! Rose is right! Luckily, when she came by she thought something like this might happen, and I was prepared!” One of the dress forms flew over from the side of the room, this one in a black tuxedo and top hat with emerald green bow tie and accents. “Understated, yet with the class necessary, a simple jacket that just beams 'important'. Do you like it?”

Ink Well looked it over as Rarity's magic rotated it before him, nodding in approval. “Wow, very nice. It's perfect except for just one thing...”

Rarity looked disheartened. “And what is that?”

“There's no way to carry anything.”

Rarity looked at him like he was insane. “Carry anything? This is formal attire, darling! It's for looking good, not for lugging around items. What could you possibly want with you?”

Ink Well kicked the floor sheepishly. “Well, call me crazy, but I like to have my writing supplies on me at all times. You never know when something is going to happen. I'm still kicking myself that I lost my notes on the Discord debacle just because I only had the one piece of paper and the pencil. Granted the way they turned into a whale and a potted plant respectively while I was flying over Ponyville was an interesting story in itself, but if I'd had my notepad with me maybe the day wouldn't be relegated to memory of the sticky red confetti that accompanied the whale's impact...” He noticed the horrified look on her face and just smiled. “Yeah, well, long story short, could you incorporate a bag into this somehow?”

Rarity's look of horror slowly faded, replaced by an unsure affirmative nod. “Y-yes. I could do that. When are you leaving? I'll have it ready by then!”

Ink Well looked out a nearby window to the clock tower of the school. “About... ten minutes.”

Ink Well could have sworn he saw her mane frizz in front of him, a faint twitch appearing under her eye for just a second. “Ten minutes...” She composed herself remarkably from the shock, fixing her mane with a quick shake of her head and her smile returning in an instant. “I don't think I can manage a bag that fast, but I could whip you up some pockets. I'm afraid those will have to do.”

He nodded. “Of course, whatever you can manage would be amazing. Thank you Rarity. Sorry for the extra work.”

“Not at all!” She was already magicking over a sewing machine and the needed materials, and in a short eight minutes two outside pockets and an interior one had been added, all fitting the overall look and form of before without a hint of alteration. After that she folded it all and wrapped it in a neat bundle for him, which he placed in his bag. “There you are!”

“This is wonderful. How much do I owe you?”

Rarity thought for a moment, then smiled brightly at him. “Consider it a gift for the upcoming show! Just be sure to tell anypony who asks who made it for you!”

Ink Well looked at her, stunned by her generosity. “Of course, but are you sure? It doesn't feel quite right to-”

Rarity nudged him towards the door with her horn. “We can talk about right and wrong later, Ink Well, right now you need to be on your way or you'll miss your train!”

Ink Well snapped to attention at the word. “Oh inkblots you're right.” Wings flew open as he ran towards the door, calling once more behind him before he took off. “Sorry to run, but thanks again! I'll see you tonight!” Rarity went to the door to wave him off, but he was already long gone, just a pair of flapping wings and retreating legs skimming over the rooftops.


Ink Well ran into the train station just as the whistle was blowing, steam billowing out of the engine as it rared to go. Through its swirls he saw Rose arguing with the conductor to hold the train just a little longer. He ran up behind them, ticket already in mouth for inspection and breathing heavily from the sudden sprint, having made it across town in a time Rainbow Dash would have found impressive. Rose rolled her eyes, getting on the train as the unicorn in the blue uniform took the ticket snappily, glaring at both him and it before returning it and letting him on. “Next time try to be here before we leave, will you?” Ink Well gave him a sheepish grin and an apology before jumping on the train, hearing the whistle blow its farewell and feeling the train move beneath him almost immediately.

He caught up with Rose in the private cars, finding the cabin that matched their ticket number within and hurrying inside. Along one of the red wood paneled walls was a long plush red seat with gold trimming sitting perpendicular to the window, the red curtains drawn aside so they could see the countryside already beginning to rush past. Across from the seats was an equally plush double bed, the red and gold motif continuing here, and a small wood cupboard for luggage. Beneath their hooves was red carpeting that they seemed to sink into, with swirls of gold creating an intricate fire pattern on the floor.

Both stood for a few moments admiring the room, Ink Well in slight shock with it all. He was only broken from his stupor as Rose moved past, placing her bag within the cupboard and taking a place on the seat. He moved slowly into the room, attention now drawn to the hills rushing past outside. “Are all trains like this?”

Rose arched an eyebrow at him from her seat. “Surely you've been on a train before? It must have been part of the job.”

He shook his head, eyes not moving from the hurrying landscape. “No. I always had to fly everywhere, and that's nothing like this. I mean, we're going so fast! All without having to flap or run or anything!” He turned around, jumping up onto the bed and feeling the mattress absorb his feet. “And this room! This bed's competing with clouds for softness, and all the gold trimming...” He flopped down on the bed, messing up the comforter as he snuggled into it. “If this is what all trains are like I'm never winging it again!”

Rose laughed at the pegasus as he scrunched himself into the sheets, rapidly becoming a ball of fabric with a brown fedora sitting on top. “Enjoy it while it lasts. The general sections of these aren't nearly as posh.” She moved herself slightly on the seat, sinking into an even more comfortable position with a contented sigh. “Or as plush. They must really like you to be shelling out these kinds of bits. Last time I was able to afford a train ride all I got was a hard wooden bench and a window. Then again, it was the class trip, we weren't exactly buying for luxury.”

Just then the door opened, the conductor walking inside. “Tickets please.” As he noticed the occupants of the room his neutral demeanor turned slightly sour. Rose offered hers as Ink Well slowly extricated himself from the sheets. He offered his ticket once more, garnering a confused sneer from the conductor who obviously thought him unworthy of the cabin. The unicorn punched a hole in the tickets before returning them with a lackluster “Enjoy your trip.” He then exited, leaving the two alone in the cabin once more.

Ink Well looked over at Rose, nervously running hoof over the back of his neck. “I don't think the conductor likes me...”

Rose looked back at him, shaking her head slowly. “I don't think he does either. But at least he let you on! Another thirty seconds and I think you'd have been left at the station.”

He kicked reluctantly at the carpeting. “That's all my fault for wanting Rarity to modify that tux... I'm sorry.”

She smiled at him as she returned to her seat by the window. “Hey, don't worry about it! I shouldn't have let it go to last minute like that. But it's all in the past now. Just be glad I was there to stall for time.”

Ink Well nodded as he took of his bag, placing it in the storage area. “Oh I'm glad for that. And for sending me out for that spiffy outfit...” He turned back towards her and sat down, starting an invisible tally as his list continued. “...and making sure I was eating when I was focused on the writing, and your smiling face in the mornings, and for taking me in after that whole mess last year...”

Rose sighed at him. “If you're going to keep bringing that up we're never going to be on even footing. I already told you I was more than happy to.”

“Yeah, I know, but it was kind of a big thing.” He walked over, sitting down next to her and smiling. “I don't know what I'd do without you.”

Rose looked back at him, slightly annoyed. “Well you seem to have been making a good go of it these last few months. Barely seen you with all your last minute flights to these rehearsals.”

Ink Well's smile faded as he saw the look on her face. “Oh... I'm sorry Rosy. I wasn't even supposed to be involved once the script was turned over, but Blues had me running notes to the musical director and the producer just insisted that I keep getting called in so that 'it would be just as I envisioned it' and then they wanted that extra song added and character work...” He scooted closer on the seat and threw a wing over her, hugging her close to him. “I promise I'll make it up to you, alright? When this is over we'll go on a getaway, just the two of us, whatever you like.”

Her look didn't change. “Promises promises.”

Ink Well looked hurt. “I always keep my promises.”

She looked into his eyes, annoyance slowly turning to a smile. “You do.” She sighed worriedly, smile sinking into sadness. “But we can't afford a getaway Ink Well. And with the Gala coming up it's getting near the big rush, I can't go leaving anyway... But I don't want to go anywhere. I just want our paths to converge a little more often.”

Ink Well nuzzled her softly. “They will.” She continued to look disheartened, mind elsewhere as she looked at him. To pull her from her state he leaned in close, kissing her lightly on the nose. “I love you Rose.”

She smiled warmly, returning the kiss before snuggling closer to him. “I love you too.”

The couple sat together the entire train ride, talking and laughing and catching up with each other. The train rocked and clacked around them, the world whizzed past the window, and passengers walked down the length of the train to get out of their hard seats and stretch their legs, but within the red wood walls the two ponies were oblivious, focused entirely on their companion as they made up for lost time.


Five hours later the couple was stretching their legs in the afternoon Manehattan air, the bright sun shining down and baking the tall concrete buildings that surrounded them. Rose gazed upwards, instantly entranced by the buildings above, the sky scrapers far taller than even the spires of Canterlot. Ink Well on the other hoof was focused on the ground, taking out the directions to the hotel and looking for street signs. Getting his bearings from the nearest intersection he walked back to collect Rose and begin their travels when he was stopped by a sky blue earth pony in a sharp light grey uniform that matched her mane. “Excuse me, are you Ink Well?”

Ink Well nodded, curiosity trumping trepidation. “Yeah, that's me.”

The pony smiled, her orchid eyes beaming friendliness as she tipped her hat to him. “The name's Shoeshine. The company sent me to drive you to the hotel. Is she your plus one?” She pointed to Rose, whose gaze had traveled down from the sky and to the large crowds moving along the streets.

Ink Well nodded. “Yeah, that's Rose. But you were sent to drive me?”

Shoeshine nodded. “Yes sir!” She whistled loudly, looking down the street. As Ink Well turned to look, he saw a shiny black stretch carriage being pulled down the street by two gleaming white stallions. It pulled up next to them, gliding to a halt on the cobbles. Ink Well was looking over the magnificent vehicle when Shoeshine popped up behind him. “Here we are! Your ride.”

“Wait, this?” Ink Well was embarrassed as he looked back at the large black vehicle, the tinted windows and the gold trimming setting this a league apart from most carriages. He looked over at the street sign nervously. “I don't think we need to be driven... it's only a few block away.”

The pony shook her hoof at him. “Ah ah ah! Yours is not to question, but to enjoy the ride.” She pulled open the carriage door to reveal a blue velvet interior, which despite his hesitance drew Ink Well in with its comfy appearance. Inside was a pair of seats facing each other, a small ice chest with sparkling cider and glasses, and cool crisp air that washed over him, drawing his hooves unconsciously closer. Shoeshine smiled as he stepped inside. “I'll just let you get acquainted while I get your friend.”

By the time Rose was led to the carriage and the door was closing behind her Ink Well was sprawled on his back across the backwards facing seat, a blissful smile on his face. She sunk into the seat opposite, sighing joyfully as the seat cradled her. A moment later the vehicle was on it's way, the cobbles beneath slowly rolling by. Ink Well sighed contentedly from his seat, looking out at the buildings sliding away. “So soft... I could get used to this.”

Rose smiled as she reached out for a cider bottle. “They sure are treating you nicely. There has to be a catch for all of this.”

Ink Well flipped over, looking slightly worried. “I don't think there's a catch, but... it's just a play. I don't think we needed the paid train tickets or the private carriage... And I'm starting to fear what the hotel will look like. It's not that long or tiring of a flight... I don't deserve all of this.”

Rose gave him an annoyed smirk, popping the cork on the bottle and pouring a glass for each of them. “Maybe they were thinking about me. Not all of us are graced with those lovely wings, Ink Well, and the trek by foot takes nearly a day.” Ink Well looked at the floor, slightly embarrassed, while Rose's smile warmed. “But I see what you're saying. They certainly went overboard.” She gave him his glass, raising her own slightly before sipping from it, feeling the cool tingling apple taste spread out. This was high end, even better than Applejack had to offer. She looked up to see Ink Well just staring at the glass worriedly, unwilling to take a drink. She smiled at him, trying to get him from his funk. “Hey! It's a vacation, remember? A free trip to the big city? If they want to pamper us, I say we enjoy it while it lasts.”

Ink Well nodded. “You're right. I just need to stop worrying. If they feel I deserve this, who am I to question it?”

Rose smiled, reaching over to top off her glass. “Exactly! It's a compliment! They aren't all bad like you seem to think.”

As she poured the carriage came to a gently stop, the door soon after opening to the beaming face of Shoeshine. “Here we are! The Shetland Hotel. Please watch your step as you exit the carriage.” She noted the bottle in Rose's mouth, mid pour. “And feel free to take that with you. It would just go flat in here.” She offered a hoof to help Rose and Ink Well from the vehicle, Rose's suitcase waiting for her as she exited. Rose thanked Shoeshine and walked inside to check on the reservations while Ink Well stayed behind.

Ink Well turned to Shoeshine, tipping his hat. “Thank you very much for the ride.”

She smiled, shaking her head. “Not at all! It is my job after all.” She looked at a watch on her foreleg. “Huh. Three o' clock. Bit later than I thought... Well, I'll be back at five to pick you up again, alright?”

Ink Well furrowed his brow. “Five? The show starts at half past seven, why would we want to get there so early?”

Shoeshine shrugged. “Dunno. That's what the company said, and I don't ask them questions. It's simpler that way.” She looked at him like he wasn't thinking straight.. “But don't you want to get a good seat? It's a Bridleway play! I'd give my left hoof to get into one of them!”

Ink Well rubbed his neck nervously. “I've already got a seat waiting for me. And I dunno, maybe I'm jaded on the whole prospect, but I really don't want to have to mingle too much beforehoof... Not much of a ponies pony, ya know?”

Shoeshine nodded knowingly. “Ah. Gotcha. How's about... oh let's cut it close! Seven good for you?”

Ink Well nodded. “That would actually be amazing, but won't you get in trouble?”

She waved it away. “Don't worry about it. You're the ride, after all. What you say goes. Besides, the boys'll appreciate the extra time off.” She climbed up onto the front of the carriage, grabbing the reigns and waving as it started to move. “Have a good one!”

Ink Well waved back. “You too!” When the carriage turned the corner, Ink Well turned around, walking up the grand red carpet into the Shetland Hotel.


Just before seven Ink Well stood in the penthouse suite dressed in his tuxedo and top hat, mane and tail brushed and overall cleaned up quite nicely. While he'd not tried on the jacket before, it was tailored perfectly, as expected, with both his notepad and pen fitting in without distorting the coat. It was almost like Rarity had known he'd ask ahead of time, not rushed them in ten minutes. He smirked at the thought as he crossed the marble floor from the giant green and gold double bed and knocked on the bathroom door. “Come on Rose! How long does it take to get ready? We're going to be later that our already delayed arrival!”

“Just a moment more! I'm trying to look my best. Though I would have liked it if you asked me about showing up later. I would have agreed.” Came the response from behind the door.

The pegasus sighed on the other side. “Yeah... I know. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking... Just... do hurry.” He paced into the center of the room, looking over the space they'd been given for the weekend and feeling inadequate in the space suited for royalty. Between the jade statues, the potted plants, the chandelier, the green and gold carpeting, the beautifully papered walls, the stunning vision of most of the city from the high vantage point, the lights twinkling far below... It was all way too much. Too large, too grand... it could never be a home. And he knew he didn't deserve this nice a treatment, no matter how much they liked his work...

Behind him the door swung open, the sound of a hoof landing on stone coming behind it. “Here I am Ink Well, how do I look?”

Ink Well's jaw dropped when he saw her. She was a stunning vision in an ivy evening gown, a simple vine pattern running down it, culminating in a rose clasp at the shoulder. Her feet were adorned with delicate green slippers with ribbons that wound up and around her legs. Her hair was styled no differently, but seemed to shine with a light of its own, accentuating her perfectly made up face: not too much, but just enough to bring out her beauty.

After a few moments in stunned silence Rose smiled. “I take it that's good?”

Ink Well shook his head, putting his mind back in order. “Oh yes. You look, well, stunning. Shall we?” He offered her a leg to thread her own through, which she did, and together they walked through the door and down to the front of the hotel. Waiting out front was the carriage, the door already open, and Shoeshine, a smile on her face as she readied to drive. Ink Well helped Rose up before climbing in himself, closing the door to their blue velvet box as the vehicle began to roll.

A few brief luxurious minutes later the carriage pulled up to the front of the theater, the Trottington Grand. Marble columns adorned the corners and the entryway to the three story behemoth, the exterior painted and carved to look as though made of clouds in the Ancient Pegasus fashion. A red carpet lined the sidewalk from the twin double-doors, the empty ticket booth sitting prominently between them. Lines of ponies ran down the block on either side of the entrance, straining behind the red velvet ropes that kept them at bay. Ink Well and Rose were led down the carpet by Shoeshine, both somewhat nervous under the attentions of the ponies gazing raptly at them. Halfway down the runway they were greeted by a whirlwind of a silver unicorn, her jade green mane overly styled and her lime eyeshadow much too obtrusive, matching her gaudy lime dress. “Ink Well! Darling! Where have you been? You were supposed to arrive almost two hours ago!” She turned to Shoeshine, who was standing unobtrusively to the side. “Why were you running so late, huh? What do we pay you for?”

Ink Well held up a hoof, trying to calm the unicorn. “Now now Marquee, it wasn't her fault. We had a slight wardrobe problem and it took longer than expected to fix it. But we're here now, so let's just send our lovely Ms. Shoeshine on her way and leave making a scene to the show.”

The unicorn breathed deeply, stretching out a hoof and calming herself. “You're right, you're absolutely right. Come, let's go.” The new trio of ponies entered the theater while the fourth backed away, returning to her carriage. Marquee continued talking the entire way to the door. “Now you've missed all of the pre-show festivities, including the arrival of the Princesses and the Very Important Ponies, as we are asking everypony to take their seats now. It was all very tactless, you know.” She shot a glare at Ink Well, causing him to lower the brim of his top hat with his wing, shielding him from the evil eye. “But I'm sure you will be able to make it up to them all with the post-show speech at the after party.”

Ink Well titled his head at her. “Speech? What speech?”

Marquee opened the doors, showing off an intricate fresco that adorned every wall and the ceiling, bright electric lights set high above to resemble the sun as pegasi of old flew and danced and spun around it, frozen forever in the painted cloud city. Unfortunately it did not have much time to be appreciated as she hurriedly led them up one of the grand side staircases and onto the upper landing. “Your speech to the opening crowd! It's become a tradition that the director make a speech before the show, which you missed, and the writer make one after, which you won't.” She continued to walk quickly, causing both ponies behind to have to canter to keep up as she hurried down the hallway past the cherubic baby pegasi on either side frolicking through the clouded garden in the walls.

Her mouth moved faster than her legs, which is good or Ink Well and Rose would never have kept up. “It's mostly thanking them all for attending, particularly the royals, and things like what inspired you and how you'd like to thank the actors for their hard work. Nothing too impressive. However, you should know that you have written one of the most popular shows to open on Bridleway in years! For the next two months not a seat in this house will be empty, so your speech better live up to that, you got it?” Punctuating the question was her sudden stop as she pulled aside a white curtain, signaling the two to enter the private viewing box.

Ink Well nodded dumbly. “Got it. Inspiring speech after the show.”

Marquee smiled sickeningly sweetly at him. “Good. Enjoy your work!” With that she closed the curtain, leaving Rose and Ink Well to ponder their surroundings.

The viewing box was set into the right wall of the building near the stage, giving a fairly poor angle from which to view the show when the cloud themed curtain finally raised, but a wonderful one for viewing the audience. Looking down Ink Well could see straight into the orchestra pit, the many musicians warming up. However the sound of their instruments was drowned out by the sounds of conversation coming from the veritable sea of ponies of all types and colors, all dressed in their very best, which flooded the raked ground seating area as well as both of the balcony levels. In the center on the same level as him, in the very best seats in the house, were both of the alicorn Princesses, Celestia's white coat and golden accessories contrasting Luna's deep blue coat and even deeper blue crown. Seated to Celestia's left were all six bearers of the Elements of Harmony: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack, each looking excited for the show, though Applejack and Rainbow were decidedly less excited about their voluminous attire. The dresses they all wore were rather flashy, it had to be said, but they pulled them off amazingly. Next to their excitement Princess Celestia seemed to radiate a calm happiness that could be felt just by looking at her, her pink blue purple and green mane flowing magically in an unfelt wind. However, next to her, Princess Luna looked positively glum, her magical starry night mane hardly moving at all.

Ink Well sat on one of the provided cushions, white and fluffy to match the rest of the décor, his own face showing a hint of worry. Rose sat next to him, immediately picking up on his distress. “Inky? What's wrong? You should be excited! Your show is about to open!”

Ink Well nodded. “I know, it's just... Two months of ponies booking this show? What if they don't like it? What if it isn't good enough? And, even worse, what if one of the Princesses or Fluttershy or her friends don't like the way they were portrayed? It's going to be running for a long time, years if all goes well! I don't want anypony to hate me for it...”

Rose smiled at him. “They aren't going to hate you! You interviewed them beforehoof, got their story on what happened and only wrote down the honest truth. You even wrote a letter to the Princesses asking about it and clearing it with them! You went above and beyond, Ink Well, I think they'll be alright with a little embellishing for the sake of story.” She shrugged. “Besides, I'd be more worried for Blues and his songs. There's no way all of those happened.” She leaned over the balcony, scanning the audience with her ivy eyes. “Say, where is the guy? Isn't he coming to opening night?”

Ink Well smiled back at her, shaking his head. “You're looking in the wrong place. After I collaborated with him on the music, they asked him to conduct the same time they asked me to direct. Now I'm no director, but he jumped on the chance to get out of the farmer's life.” He moved up next to her, pointing down at the big blue stallion standing before the orchestra. “He's down there now. I also heard he joined up with... oh what was their name... The Heartstrings Quintet, I think, and is going by the name Noteworthy.”

Rose laughed. “Some ponies, one bit of fame and they get a swelled head. Meanwhile here I am with you, a pony trying to avoid fame like the Cutie Pox.”

Ink Well shrugged, taking off his hat and placing it on the floor next to his seat. “I learned my lesson long ago. Don't need a repeat of it.”

The lights in the theater dimmed, the audience growing quiet. Slowly, quietly, music began to flow from the orchestra pit, permeating the building as it grew to a slow throb. It was serene, flowing, like a brook through a quiet town. The overture continued as the curtain drew away to reveal Ponyville in miniature, sets almost indistinguishable from the houses of the town, and a purple unicorn arriving on her lonesome, accompanied musically by a single violin. She sang about the town, about Canterlot, about her studies, about her mentor and the evil portents she'd uncovered, neatly setting the stage for the play in the first song with a voice so lyrical and a melody so soothing it entranced the audience, taking them all mentally to the quiet little town. Even far in the back of the theater Princess Luna was hooked, enjoyment plastered on her face. Despite the many repetitions in rehearsals and being on the team that wrote it, Ink Well could do nothing more than shake his head and smile appreciatively. “His head may be swelled, but he is good.”

The song ended. Eliciting applause from the crowd as the unicorn went on her way, beginning her quick mission to check on preparation for the next day's celebration. Behind her ran a small filly in a purple and green dragon costume, keeping tabs on the pony and offering smart responses to what she said. First the unicorn met a pink earth pony, with mane frizzy like cotton candy, who, despite the swelling of the music beneath her, gasped and ran, preempting the upcoming song. But with a change in lights and a set swap so smooth it was hard to notice the unicorn was in an orchard, meeting an orange earth pony with blonde hair and a friendly southern accent. And while she weren't one fer' singin' on her own, a multitude of ponies came to join her, her family springing from the woodwork and all introduced in a flurry of melody. Amid another round of applause she sent her new unicorn friend on her way.

And so went the show, the characters revealed, happy songs sung, the one-sided friendships budding with each new character until the six main characters had all been introduced. And soon enough came the party, a fifteen minute dance of whirling ponies, confetti and cupcakes on the stage within the narrow library set. But as it neared its end, the sun preparing to fail to rise, movement stole Ink Well's attention from the show. Rose was standing up, carefully moving towards the exit curtain. Whispering despite his non-proximity to other patrons, Ink Well called to her. “Where are you going?”

“I'm sorry, I've got to use the restroom.” Came the quiet response.

Ink Well looked shocked. “What, now? Can't you hold it? The act one finale is coming up and, if I may say so, it is not something to miss!”

Rose just looked at him blankly. “I know what happens, I was at the actual event, but I'm afraid it's not going to wait any longer.”

Ink Well rolled his eyes. “What were you doing that whole time at the hotel?”

“Getting ready.” She pouted at him. “Don't give me that look, it's a very delicate process that didn't leave time for business.”

“Well, try to get back before it starts.” Rose exited, leaving Ink Well to abandon disbelief once more and let himself be absorbed by the show.

Only moments later the curtain opened again, hoof steps entering the private box with a soft 'clack'. They moved in time with the dramatic underscoring of Celestia's disappearance being found out, the steps stopping behind Ink Well as he watched. He could feel somepony hovering behind him, and when the music lulled he whispered over his shoulder, “Well that was fast! Nightmare Moon is about to make her grand entrance! Come on and sit down.”

“Don't mind if I do.” Came the response, not in a whisper but in a bright male's voice, a hint of a northern accent slipping into it. Confused, Ink Well turned just in time to see a brown earth pony with short, messy chestnut hair and bright blue eyes plop down next to him, munching away happily at a bag of popcorn. Ink Well just stared at the intruder, who adjusted his green tie before placing another hoofful of popcorn in his mouth. The pony smiled, giving a friendly wave before pointing at the stage. “Ah! I love this part! Smashing effects on this one and just brilliant writing for her dialogue. Fairly close to what she actually said too.”

When finally Ink Well was able to wrap his mind around the pony sitting next to him he asked the first thing on his mind. “What are you doing here?” The stallion just looked at him, not seeming to comprehend the question, so Ink Well tried again. “Why are you in my private box?”

Understanding dawned on the interloper. “Ah! Right! Almost forgot. I'm here to tell you to duck.”


“Duck!” Ink Well felt the air shift behind him and, following the advice of the mysterious pony, dropped to the ground. Thunder clapped on stage, lighting flashing as above him swung a cloaked hoof, occupying where his head had been just a moment before. He looked up at the cloaked figure assaulting him, dramatic music fitting as he stared at the shrouded face. Cymbals crashed, lighting flashing once more on stage as the raised hoof sparked above him, electricity arcing over it. It was raised high, preparing to smash down on him amidst a blare of trumpets.

A hoof wrapped around his own, pulling him out of the way as the sparking leg descended, discharging into the floor. “Run!” Came the advice of his saviour, and next thing he knew Ink Well found himself whisked outside of the curtain, running down the hall as it narrowed to a door that read 'Stageponies only! Do not enter!' Ignoring the sign the brown stallion pulled the parchment pegasus through, slamming it behind him. He then pulled out a strange metallic pen with a blue light at the end, which whined with an unearthly noise. Just audible over the noise of the pen and the sounds of the orchestra came a soft 'click' from the door's lock. That sound caused the earth pony to sigh, replacing the pen and leaning against the door. “Well that could have gone better.”

It was then that Ink Well's brain caught up with him, questions flooding to his mouth all at once. “Who was that?”

The earth pony smiled. “Try 'what.'”

Ink Well tried again. “What was that?”

The earth pony just shook his head, still looking excited by the whole thing rather than the startled Ink Well felt. “I have no idea. Fun, innit?”

Ink Well's confusion just deepened. “What's going on here?”

The earth pony looked over the railing next to them, able to see far below onto the stage. “I believe it's a show, but I have been known to make that mistake before.”

Ink Well's first question from the box finally caught up, the only question his brain could form in its addled state. “Who are you?”

The earth pony stood. “Ah! Now that's an easy one!” He smiled, giving off a childish grin. “I'm the Doctor.”