• Published 14th Mar 2014
  • 1,807 Views, 26 Comments

Skyland - shenadri

Skyworld equestria, steampunk and some tech, how the M6 reacts when they are trown in a world 2000 years in the future?

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Prologue: when the ghosts speak...


A very foreign concept for us ponies, but still our history books tell us of the old wars with the griffon empire, and also i can tell all of you how all this mess started, 4 years have been passed since my coronation as the newest princess of equestria, but old queries started when the general Blackbeak organized a coup the grace against the old emperor of griffonia and succeded, after that, all went downhill...

At first, the griffons cut all the interactions with the other nations, but after 3 years of a isolation, suddenly all the allies to equestria began to fall to a unknown enemy, starting with Zebrika and Minotauria, then Girrafrar suddenly went out of communication, when the equestrians where ready to intervene, a bloodied messenger was all the advice we get.

"Your majesties, the griffons, they have..."

That where his last words, after that, a curved bladed fell from behind, killing a pony after a golden age of peace, behind the messenger, four griffon generals irrumped on the royal hall of canterlot, stepping on the bloodied body without a second thought.

"WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS!!!" Luna bellowed, her eyes dangerously narrowed, her mane also charged with electricity, meanwhile, Celestia and I stay behind, horrified with the sudden carnage.

"Shut the fuck up, old hag, in the name of the Griffonian Empire, we are here to ensure the conditions of your rendition" was all the griffon could say just before an magic missile kill him, shoot by Luna.


After that shout, Tartarus breaks loose on our beautiful land...


Not being an atletic pony myself, it was hard to breathe after running for so long, if RD had seen me, she probably would have been killed, but still she would have died laughing her flank off as i run out of breath, I may have released all the regalia that was wearing (hey, having already accepted the fact of being royalty, and having Rarity bitting my flank off my first year of reign for not wanting to show my new status) but with the haste evacuation from Canterlot, i only get some mementos from my short reign as we were pushed off our capital city, Celestia all the time was shedding tears of rage and despair, while holding her now battered tiara in front of us.

"Twilight" She say to me in a wisper, "Did you remember the project Aurora?"

Those whispered words produced a chill that ran all over my back, the project that Celestia was mentioning was the first hi technological vessel produced from Equestria as a warship and a colonizer airship, the project were stopped because the peace age that we were having before this, but the chill was because that vessel was planned in order to use the bearers of the Elements of Harmony as the main source of power, the elements themselves have been restituted to us by the Tree of Harmony as soon as we unlocked the box that the tree gave us the first time, inside the mentioned box where six seeds, but in the moment we managed to open it, those seeds where incrusted in our very souls, and gave us the power to wield and direct the elements without getting them from the tree.

"Celestia" I started with a hushed voice, "that project was aborted because the teorical part and also because they need all of us in order to run it, as an integral part of..."

"It was completed, or at least the main part of the vessel" Celestia interrupted me, also getting a look of disbelief at the same time, after all this time, and still she has secrets for me and her sister

"Celestia, why has thou keep that information a secret from thine fellow Princesses" Luna almost shout, but she managed to get only a usher wisper.

"Because that was only a idea at a time, and also, as Twilight here mentioned, the propulsory method was a little... unortodox i think, now, Twilight, hate me if you want, but right now all your friends, also the youngers of Ponyville and Zecora are being moved to the ship, but our priority now isnt make it fly, but put all of you on the stasis chambers and try to hide from the griffons.

"Why you didn't tell me that sooner" I exclaim, my face making an scowl at the time, "I was thinking that all my friends have been murdered because those... those" my voice left me, as i finally sobbed and began to cry, i cried for our lost people, for our nation, after what seemed like hours crying, i steeled myself and i said the most umbelivable words that ever leave my mouth (or so i thought at that time)

"¿When are we fighting back?"

Both princesses looked at me as if i have growth a second head all of the sudden, but the next words from them cut deeply my heart.

"Your priority now Twilight is to get to safety, Luna and I are facing the Griffon armada ourselves"

I wish everything in life were that easy.


It was majestic!!!

Surely, if we weren't at war, it would be easily the most beautiful thing in cross the skies, but alas, now we were at war, and when we entered the airship, immediately we were pointed to the back, where all my friends and a dozen or so colts and fillies where put into stasis chambers and sealed like the changeling pods, a wide open one was waiting for me, my cutiemark on top of the seal

"Princess, we are ready whenever you are" A gruffy twilight guard told me, before putting me in somekind of swimming suit and connecting some apparatus to my own mouth for breathe, my last memory was Raimbow Dash trying to kick some guards that were putting her in her special chamber, while Celestia was silently crying wile all the lights in the chamber went off.

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and i am one of the last survivors of the betraying and rise of the Griffin Empire, and the Fall of Equestria, also meaning the disappearance of the royal sisters, and the last of the alicorns.

Author's Note:

Only this chapter will be a memory and in first person, the next one will signal the rise of the survivors and the name of the vessel, also the reveal of the world shattering