• Published 14th Mar 2014
  • 1,897 Views, 21 Comments

Bravest Alicorn - Justice3442

A time spell gone wrong not only sends Twilight and Spike to the wrong time, but to a new dimension entirely. They'll have to work with this universe's mighty heroes, The Bravest Warriors if they ever want to see Equestria again.

  • ...

Part 1

Author's Note:

Twilight vector grabbed from here.

Spike vector from here.

The Wheel and the Butterfly readers can try this alternative version of part 1 here
. There's a couple lines added with nods to the fic.

Bravest Alicorn

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Bravest Warrior crossover

What… where am I?

Slowly, Twilight Sparkle began to regain her awareness. It started with an unpleasant, tingly numbness in her entire body that seemingly left the purple alicorn unable to move. The only thing she knew for certain is that she was laying on a cold, smooth, and hard surface and that she could hear voices around her.

“Do you… do you think they’re dead?” A masculine voice asked in the darkness.

“Dead things don’t usually breathe in and out, Danny…” A feminine voice replied.

“The Lung Beasts of Perssia Olmicron Five, do,” Danny retorted.

Lung beasts? Wha…

“Do they look like a mass of repertory orangs to you?” the female replied.

“Well… no…” Danny admitted, “but maybe they’re shapeshifting Lung Beasts,” Danny suggested.

“Alright, that’s just ridiculous,” the female said, “our parents destroyed the last shapeshifting Lung Beast decades ago!”

“Maybe they missed a couple,” Danny said.

“Ah, dudes? Shouldn’t we check a little closer for vitals?” A new masculine voice asked.

“On it, Chris!” Danny called out.

“Oh man, I hope they’re alive, they look like rockin’ pets!” a deep masculine voice called out.

Uh-oh… Wait ‘they’…? Oh no, Spike!

“Wallow, you can’t just adopt every strange being that teleports into the invisible hideout,” the female said. “No matter how cute they may be,” she added.

“Beth, I hear what you’re sayin’, but I would like to point out that so far we have adopted every strange being that’s teleported into the hideout, and that, so far, it’s been awesome,” Wallow replied.

“Point taken,” Beth replied.

Move body, move! Ow! What’s that poking me in the stomach?

“We have movement!” Danny said excitedly.

“…Dude, did you just poke her with a stick?” Beth asked.

With a tremendous amount of effort, Twilight Sparkle pulled her eyelids open ever so slightly. She focused her vision on a tan skinned human with brown hair who wore a red jacket over a hoodie. The hoodie sported a yellow circle on the chest and he also wore gray pants, and red and yellow boots.

Danny motioned to a long, thin, brown object, the seemed to be made out of wood. “This is a highly sensitive, vital sensing device.”

Twilight’s pupils drifted to the person Danny was talking to.

Beth, it seemed, was a girl with long, black hair; fair skin; who wore a white, short sleeved coat over a green and grey shirt; a green belt with a peach colored circle on it; green mid-torso shorts; grey thigh-high socks; and black, high-ankle boots.


Twilight eyes darted to Chris as he spoke.

“…she’s coming to.”

Chris was a light skinned man with blond hair that shot straight up and wore a cerulean colored vest over a blue and black, long sleeved t-shirt with a blue circle in the middle; gray pants; blue boots; and massive blue gauntlets.

“How can you tell it’s a she?” Danny asked as he motioned to the purple alicorn.

“Uh, cause my gloves have life scanners,” Chris informed as he narrowed his eyes at Danny and pointed to a holographic display that emanated from his gantlet.

“Bro, you should have said something! I went all the way outside to get this stick!” Danny moaned as he motioned to the stick.

“Danny, you carry a scanner in your pockets, remember?” Beth reminded.

“Oh yeah…” Danny replied as he rubbed his chin.

“Oh man! She’s alive!” Wallow said excitedly.

Twilight focused her eyes on the fourth and final voice.

“I think I’ll name her… Princess Cuddlesworth,” Wallow declared.

Wallow was a large, dark skinned human with a shaved head, who wore some sort of plastic armor over his chest with a light blue circle in the center; an orange shirt; black pants; orange boots; and large, orange gauntlets over his hands.

“Wallow, she might already have a name,” Beth pointed out. “However, if she doesn’t, I second the name of ‘Princess Cuddlesworth’,” she said with a smile.

Laboriously, Twilight opened her mouth in an attempt to speak, “Spiiike…”

“Ah, man,” Wallows said, “I guess her name is Spike.”

“Well that’s not a very good name for a female, flying unicorn,” Beth reasoned. She bent down to get a better look at Twilight, “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be ‘Princess Cuddleworth’?”

“Na… no…” Twilight uttered out. “Where’s… Spike?”

Chris snapped his gloved hand, “Oh! She must mean the little guy that came with her!”

Beth smiled warmly at Twilight. “Don’t worry, he’s safe. He’s lying right next to you.”

Twilight focused and stretched out with her wings and legs. Her left wing bumped against something warm and rough. With great effort, she smiled weakly. “Ga…good…” Twilight frowned as her awareness continued to improve, she realized her throat was bone-dry, and that she felt a number of symptoms that indicated she was dehydrated. “Wa…water…”

“I think she wants some water,” Chris said.

“How can you tell?” Danny asked Chris.

Chris cocked an eyebrow at Danny. “Uh, because she’s speaking perfectly coherent English?”

“Oh… right…” Danny replied. “Sorry, I kinda spaced out at ‘Princess Cuddlesworth’.”

“I’ll get it,” Beth said as she walked off.

Wallow gave Danny a perplexed look. “Dude, what’s with you today? You’re acting even weirder than usual.”

“Sorry dudes, I was up late working on a new time machine,” Danny explained.

Wallow raised his eyebrows. “You’re making another time machine? Don’t you remember the last time you made one?”

“And all the other times before that,” Chris added.

“There was an awful lot of fire on attempt number six,” Wallow said.

“And screaming,” Chris replied, “Don’t forget the screaming…”

Wallow shuttered. “I’ll never forget the screaming…” he murmured.

Eehh…I’m cautiously optimistic about this one,” Danny said as his lips curled up into a small smirk.

Beth returned with a cup of water and a straw. “Here you go,” she said as she leaned down, bringing the cup and straw to Twilight’s level.

Twilight wrapped her lips around the straw and began sucking up the fluid thirstily.

“So, uh…” Beth began, “never caught your name.”

“Twilight,” Twilight answered in between sips, “Twilight Sparkle.”

Beth smile and nodded.

“That’s an acceptable replacement for Princess Cuddlesworth,” Wallow stated with a smile.

Beth shot her large friend a quick scowl then turned back to Twilight and smiled. “Feeling better?”

Twilight finished her water and slowly rose to her hooves. “Ye…yes… thank you… Beth was it?”

Beth nodded.

Twilight glanced over to where she felt Spike. The baby dragon breathed in and out.

Twilight gently nudged spike with her muzzle. “Spike! Wake up!”

“…Just a few more minutes, Twilight…” the purple dragon murmured.

The humans in the room chuckled to themselves.

Spike!” Twilight said with a bit more force. “Get up! We’re in another dimension… again.”

Spike’s eyes shot open. “Uh-oh, am I a dog?”

“No, you’re still you and I’m still me,” Twilight confirmed.

Spike groaned and sat up. “Well, that’s good... but I think my body still thinks it’s asleep.”

Twilight nodded. “It must be a side effect of the travel. It took me a little bit to adjust as well.”

Spike looked up at his surroundings, the room everyone was in was massive. Easily three stories high with a number of ladders that led up to other smaller rooms, hallways that lead out, a giant, round window that pointed out towards colorful surroundings and a city full of towering buildings, a large kitchen that sat to the side, a simple brown couch that sat next to a couple of stereo speakers, and a multitude of blue readouts on the wall.

“Cool…” Spike uttered. He focused his attention on the four humans who continued to hover over and look over Twilight and him curiously.

Spike attempted to raise a claw and point to the four humans, but quickly found his arms weren’t quite responsive yet. He settled for nodding his head in their direction, “Who are they?”

“Oh… well… I’m not quite sure,” Twilight admitted.

Chris smiled. “We’re the Bravest Warriors.”

“We’re heroes!” Wallow said.

“The best the universe has to offer,” Danny added with a grin.

“And we’ll be more than happy to help you two,” Beth said with a smile.

Twilight looked at Spike and smiled, “Hear that Spike? They’re going to help us get home!”

“Oh… uh… cool… I guess…” Spike said.

Twilight knitted her brow at the baby dragon as the Bravest Warriors stared out at him in confusion.

“Spike, what’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

“It’s just that… well… they all kinda look like dorks…” Spike explained as his hand finally responded and he motioned out to the four teenagers.

“HEY! Up yours,” Danny shouted as he shared a digit with the baby dragon.

“Danny! You know that’s not how you should express your moop!” Chris chastised as he placed his hands on his friends tensed arm.

“Right, sorry dudes…” Danny said as he lowered his hand.

“Spike!” Twilight said to the purple dragon in a reprimanding tone. “Beggars can’t be choosers!”

The humans present all frowned.

“You know what, bro?” Chris said to Danny, “I’m gonna let you have this one…”

Danny continued to glare at the dragon as he raised his fist and blew into it as if he was inflating a balloon, one of his digits slowly rose as he did.

Spike merely looked at the gesture quizzically.

“Hey, Spike,” Twilight said, “I have an idea… let’s try to send a letter to Celestia.”

“Oh! Great idea, Twilight,” Spike exclaimed, “except I don’t have any parchment or ink on me…”

“Don’t worry,” Beth said with a smile, “I can print you out a quick note.” She walked up to one of the many consoles along the wall and placed her hand on the keyboard. “What would you like it to say?”

Twilight smiled, “Dear Princess Celestia, Spike and I are trapped in another dimension, but safe otherwise. Please respond.”

Beth happily typed away and hit a button on the keyboard, a simple sheet of white paper with the message on it soon printed out.

Spike walked up and accepted the piece of paper happily. He blew out a stream of green fire that consumed the message.

“Dude!” Wallow exclaimed. “Did you see that?!”

“Whoa, radical!” Danny exclaimed.

“Awesome, bro,” Chris added.

Spike turned and grinned to his audience but paused and soon belched out another piece of paper.

“Oh my gosh! Did you see that?!” Wallow said excitedly. “This kid is amazing!” he declared as he motioned out to Spike with both hands.

“A response!” Twilight said excitedly as she trotted up behind Spike. “What’s it say?!”

Spike frowned, “We’re sorry, the dimension you’re trying to reach has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Please check the meata… uh… metafai…”

“Metaphysical,” Twilight said with a frown as she read the note.

“…metaphysical coordinates you entered and try again,” Spike finished.

Twilight sighed, “Well it was a long shot… so much for getting anypony back home to help us.”

“Don’t worry,” Chris said, “I’m sure we can get you back somehow. What’s the name of the planet you two are from?”

“Equestria,” Twilight informed.

Chris nodded. “Wallow?”

“On it,” Wallow said as a large holographic display of a planet floated in front of him. “Searching…” His display emitted an angry buzz and a red X appeared over the planets. Wallow shook his head, “Sorry, it’s not on record.”

“Hmmm…” Danny began as he rubbed his chin, “I bet I can alter one of my existing machines to send you two back…” He pulled out a rectangular device from his pockets, “Let just get a good scan of you both, hopefully I can figure out where you need to go back to that way…”

Twilight elbowed Spike. “See Spike!” She said motioning to Danny. “These guys are on top of things.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Spike said as he rolled his eyes.

“In the meantime,” Beth said, “Maybe we should start with how you got here,” she suggested.

Twilight nodded. “Good idea. You see, I was experimenting with time magic, and…”

“Experimenting?!” Spike exclaimed. “Yeah right…” he added rolling his eyes.

Twilight glowered at the baby dragon. “Hey, I was totally experimenting!”

Spike rolled his eyes, “Pahleease! You got frustrated when you were trying to make breakfast and learn a new transmogrification spell at the same time and thought you could use a time spell to give yourself a few extra hours in the day.”

“Well, I wouldn’t have had to multi-task like that if a certain baby dragon would just put books back where they belong!”

“I told you! I distinctly remember putting Powerstone’s Encyclopedia of Magic back on its shelf!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Right, I’m sure… besides, it was ‘spur of the moment’ experimenting!” Twilight said.

“You didn’t seem to think you were experimenting at the time.” Spike put on a goofy, cheerful smile. “‘Don’t worry Spike, I know exactly what I’m doing!’” Spike said in a mocking cadence resembling Twilight’s.

“Well… I thought I did…” Twilight said sheepishly.

“When has using time magic every worked out for you, when?!” Spike demanded.

“Well maybe I wouldn’t have to use it if a certain baby dragon would get up at a reasonable hour!” Twilight retorted.

“You know I need my eight solid or I’m useless!”

“Eight!? Try an average of 9.57 hours!”

“Oh my gosh, Twilight! You really need to stop recording how long everypony sleeps!”

“I don’t catalog everypony’s!” Twilight protested.

“Let me guess, my records are stored alphabetically after ‘Shining Armor’,” Spike said.

“Well… yes, but he’s my brother, so…”

“…What are they doing?” Danny asked as he motioned to Twilight and Spike.

“Uh… I think they’re hashing out roommate stuff…” Chris answered.

“Should we stop them?” Wallow asked.

Beth shook her head. “This sounds pretty personal, better let them sort it out on their own.”

“Twilight! You watching your family members sleep at night to record their sleeping patterns is really creepy!” Spike declared.

“It’s not creepy!” Twilight insisted.

“I’m sure they’ll work it out soon…” Beth assured.

*But then…*

“…And there’s almost never any hot water for me to use!” Twilight yelled.

“I’m sorry if I value hygiene!” Spike replied.

“A bath or two a day is hygienic!” Twilight said. “Spending an entire day in one is just lazy!”

Chris stretched and twisted his back left and right as he continued to observe the quarreling roomies.

Danny sighed heavily.

Wallow’s eyes began to close slowly, and his head dropped; this was quickly followed by his eyes shooting open and him looking up again.

Aaaaaany second now…” Beth said.

*And then…*

“And do you have to flex when you look in the mirror?!” Twilight asked.

“Hey! It’s alright that I have a healthy opinion of my body!” Spike cried. “At least I don’t spend hours nervously preening my feathers!”

“I’m a Princess,” Twilight retorted, “I’m supposed to look pretty.”

SNORT…” Wallow’s eyes shot open as he wiped the drool from his face. “See! I knew she was a princess,” he said as he happily pointed at Twilight.

“Yeah, dude…” Danny replied from the couch as he tapped on a video game controller with a bored expression on his face. “She’s only said it like two dozen times by now…”

Chris nodded from the seat next to Danny, a similarly bored expression on his face.

“Oh…” Wallow looked outside, the city outside was glowing orange to match the horizon, “Wait, is it almost night?!”

“Yeah…” Chris replied. “You pretty much straight up fell asleep standing up.”

“…And then I have to pull all the purple hair out of the drain!” Spike said as he continued to trade infractions with his roommate.

“…They’re juuuuust about done…” Beth assured.

*And still…*

“And you… huff… puff… occasionally leave the cupboard doors open!” Twilight huffed out as she breathed in and out with long, deep breaths.

“Well you… uh… snore… every once in a while…” Spike said.

“…You said that one already,” Twilight informed.

“I did?” Spike asked.

Twilight nodded, “Huff… Anything… puff… else?”

“Yeah, one more.” Spike looked up Twilight with wide eyes, “I love you Twilight. You’re my best friend.”

Twilight’s eyes widened and she puffed out her lower lip slightly, “Awww… I love you, too, Spike!”

The two roommate threw their arms around each other and enjoyed a long, warm embrace.

Beth began to clap. “Yay! A happy ending!”

Twilight and Spike’s shot open and their reds flushed crimson as they realized they had an audience. They slowly broke their hug in favor of grinning sheepishly and avoiding eye contact with anyone.

SNORT… Wait, huh?” Danny said from the couch as he woke up.

Chris yawned and stretched his arms out. “Is it over?”

Beth nodded. “I told you they’d work it out.”

Danny stood to his feet and extended his foot out, poking Wallow with it who had passed out on the floor. “Hey, Wallow buddy. Wake up! It’s over.”

“Uhhh…what happened?” Wallow asked as he stood up.

“You fell asleep again,” Chris explained, “or rather, ‘unconscious’ when Twilight broke out a magic chalk board and started a presentation on how Spike’s ice cream addiction was contributing to higher depression rates amongst the cows of their home town.”

“Wow yeah… that was someone the most intense, yet boring roommate argument I’d ever seen,” Wallow muttered.

“Uh, sorry…” Twilight offered. “Spike and I have a bad habit of letting things that irk us go unsaid until we build up a huge list of complaints, and then things get a tad messy between us…

“It’s alright,” Beth said. “We’ve all hashed out some pretty intense roommate issues.”


WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!” A voice called out over the bases P.A. system as klaxons and alarms blared and the normally blue readouts and glowing lines along the walls flashed red. “CORE BREACH IMMINENT!

“All I’m saying is there’s three guys to one girl!” Wallow said. “Toilet seat etiquette should favor the majority!”

“OH MY GOSH!” Beth cried. “HOW HARD IS IT TO LOWER A TOILET SEAT?!” she demanded as she held up her hands and curled her fingers up into tense claws.

“HOW HARD IS IT TO RAISE IT?!” Wallow countered.

“Uh guys,” Chris said, “you both make excellent points but none of this addresses the important issue of WHO KEEPS DRINKING THE FLIPPIN’ MILK AND PUTTING AN EMPTY CARTON BACK IN THE FRIDGE?!” he screamed. “I mean, you finish the milk, then throw away the carton and add milk, to the grocery list! HOW IS THAT HARD?!

“ENOUGH!” Danny screamed, his hoodie and jacket notably missing. He had added stripes of red war paint or some other red substance to his body face and naked torso. “I HAVE THE CONCH!” He cried, holding aloft a large, pink conch shell. “I WILL SPEAK!”




“Really?” Twilight asked hopefully.

The four humans nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, we’ve had fights over whose turn it is to do the dishes that were worse than that,” Wallow said with a smile.

“Which is funny, because it’s always a lot harder to clean the blood off the walls than the dishes themselves,” Beth added.

Twilight chuckled.

“Uh, Twilight?” Spike said. “I’m not sure that was a joke…”

Twilight frowned. “Oh…” She looked around. “Wait?! Is it night?!”

“Whoops…” Spike said. “Good thing we’re already trapped in another dimension and weren’t going to get anything on your list done anyhow.”

Twilight sighed heavily. “Well, I guess that’s true…” Twilight stomach growled as the pony slowly refocused on the situation. Spike stomach echoed a reply.

“Uh, can we get you something to eat?” Beth asked. “You two haven’t had anything since you got here, and that was hours and hours ago.”

“Thanks Beth, that would be really nice of you,” Twilight said with an earnest smile.

Spike smiled and nodded.

Wallow looked at Chris and Danny. “You two thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?”

The three guys all smirked and raised a fist up, giving each other a little bump. “Soft taco party!” They said in unison.


“So, what’s in these?” Twilight asked Beth as she floated a soft taco over to her and examined it.

“Whoa… telekinesis huh?” Beth said as she observed the purple glow from Twilight’s horn and the one around the taco.

Twilight gave Beth a small smile. “All unicorns and alicorns can do that, pretty much.”

The room was buzzing with activity as the lights flickered in a myriad of different colors. A round yellow and green robot danced in the center as it shot laser lights in all directions and flailed its thin arms about. Small creatures danced and walked out of the kitchen with soft tacos in hand.

“Can you do other things with your horn?” Beth asked. “Is that what you used to transport you and Spike here?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes and yes on both accounts, though I didn’t mean to transport us across dimensions…” Twilight admitted.

“It’s okay, at least it gives us a chance to meet you two…” Beth said with a smile. “Oh, you must be hungry. The taco contains cheese, tomatoes, locally grown butter lettuce, sour cream, ground beef...”

“Beef?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, uh… oh right, you’re a pony so you probably don’t…”

Twilight got a mad glint in her eye as she brought the taco up to her mouth and quickly devoured it.

“Uh…” Beth trailed off.

“Spwifke,” she shouted through a mouthful of food, “thwey haff mweat hwere!”

“I know!” Spike replied from across the room as he stood next to Wallow, “I’ve eaten like five tacos, already.”

Twilight swallowed the food in her mouth and looked back up Beth with a slight blush on her face, “Sorry… we’ve only had meat one other time. The last time we found ourselves in another dimension… Animals have a tendency to be able to talk on my world, so it makes a carnivores diet a bit awkward… “

Beth chuckled. “I can see how that could be an issue.”

From across the room, Wallow introduced Spike to a number of the creatures that danced around the room.

“…And this is Impossibear,” Wallow said as he motioned to a furry creature roughly the same height as Spike. The creator’s fur was similar to that of a rainbows starting out as green at his feet and changing to light blue, light green, yellow then finally orange at its head.

“Impossibear, ‘sup?” Spike greeted, “love the ‘stache.” Spike said as he flicked out a claw and pointed it at Impossibear’s bushy, red mustache.

Impossibear grinned. “Aw, now don’tcha have fine taste in facial hair?”

Spike chuckled. “Well, I’ve been known to dabble in ‘stache land myself.” Spike turned and shouted at Twilight from across the room. “Hey, Twilight! Can I get a number 25 over here?”

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes. A purple beam shot out from her horn and shot over to Spike, causing his upper lip to glow purple for a bit before black facial hair grew out.

“Ooooh…” Beth uttered as she gave an impressed clap.

“Well bless my impossibuns,” Impossibear cried. “Ain’t that a rockin’ collection of whiskers?”

Wallow chuckled excitedly. “Do me! Do me!” he cried as he motioned towards his face.

Twilight smiled and with another purple blast, Wallow was sporting a black fu manchu mustache.

“Oh man! Sparkler is passing out free mustaches?!” Danny asked cheerfully as he held a taco and walked up to Beth and Twilight.

“I want a mustache!” Chris called out as walked up right behind Danny, also holding a taco.

Twilight chuckled and Beth broke into laughter as Twilight passed out a couple more magic mustaches, Danny ending up with a bushy, thick straight line of hair under his lip and Chris getting a handlebar mustache.

Sweeeeeet…” the two men declared at they looked down at their new mustaches.

“Oh man, Wallow baby,” Impossibear began, “you find the best new friends to come hang with us.”

“Awww, shucks…” Spike said.

“And here’s Catbug,” Wallow said as a light blue cat with a lady bug shell walked up to Spike.

“Are you stealing my friend?!” Catbug demanded in a high-pitched voice as he pushed his face within inches of Spike’s.

“Uh, no? I’m just chillin’…” Spike replied as he backed up a half step.

“Yeah, it’s all good, baby,” Impossibear said. “Now why don’t you scoot along while I show my new, awesome dragon friend here my collection of diabetes support socks?”

A low growl began to emanate from Catbug.

“Catbug,” Wallow said in a warning tone, “be nice… Spike was just…”

“DIE, FRIEND STEALER!” Catbug cried as he pounced.

“Wha-AH!” Spike cried in alarm as the light blue cat leapt onto him and forced him to the ground.

Catbug began feverously scratching at Spike’s thick hide.

AHHHHHHHH!” Spike cried. “Get ‘em off! GeEeEeT him off!


“Spike!” Twilight called out in alarm as she rushed over to the scene of violence. With a purple glow, Catbug was separated from the purple dragon and held aloft a few feet from the ground. She gently set Spike on the floor. “Are you alright?”

Spike looked over the scratch marks on his thick scales and sighed. “Nothing hurt but my pride,” he answered.

“CATBUG!” Wallow said forcefully as Twilight continued to hold the light blue cat in the air, “That was uncool! Spike was just being friendly.”

“…I’m sorry,” Catbug replied as he hung his head.

“Don’t apologize to me,” Wallow said. “Apologize to Spike.”

Twilight gently let Catbug on the ground.

“I’m sorry Spike,” Catbug said. “Hug?” he asked as he held his arms open wide.

Spike tentatively approached Catbug and put his arms around him as Catbug wrapped his own arms around Spike.

Catbug leaned his mouth in close to one of Spike’s green head fins. “Never go to sleep alone…” he whispered darkly in his high pitched voice.

Spike put on a pensive expression as he broke the embrace and quickly backed up closer to Twilight.

“I know what will blow that frown right off your face!” Impossibear declared. “I got you a present~!” He said to Spike as he held aloft a wrapped item with red wires that stuck out from the gift and a digital display that counted down.

“Impossibear! No! Give that to me!” Wallow cried as he reached for the wrapped item.

Impossibear pulled the gift out of reach of the large man. “Nu-uh-uh, this is for my new buddy, Spike.”

Catbug began to growl once more.

“Impossibear, please!” Wallow pleaded. “You’ll kill us all!”

Danny sighed. “Man, why does every taco party have to end in potential death by explosion?”

“I hear ya man,” Chris replied.

“Guys! This is serious,” Beth cried, “we might all die.”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re better off without that present?” Twilight said.

“Uh, because most everyone here is convinced it’s going to kill us?” Spike suggested.

“I was being rhetorical,” Twilight explained.

“Oh… right…” Spike replied.

“MINE!” Catbug cried as he leapt onto the gift.

“Catbug! NO!” Wallow cried.

“Uh… Catbug?” Chris said. “You might want to let go of that,” he suggested as he pointed to the gift.

Catbug’s lower lip began to quiver. “But…”

“Yeah, man!” Impossibear said. “You know I love ya, baby, but this is seriously uncool.”

Catbug sighed as his shell parted exposing his gossamer wings. He flittered off the package.

Impossibear smiled and placed his gift in front of Spike.

“Uh, Twilight… the numbers are getting lower…” Spike said as his voice began to turn panicky.

Twilight’s eyes shot open wide as the counter hit single digits.

“Twilight!” Beth called as she stood by an open window. “Over here!”

Twilight’s horn glowed purple and the package lifted up into the air as the same colored glow surrounded it. Twilight sprinted with the package following close behind and quickly used her magic to toss it outside where it exploded in a loud and violent fireball.

The group breathed a collective sigh of relief.

“Nice going, Twilight,” Spike said as he gave his friend an earnest smile.

“Yeah, you really saved our bacon there,” Wallow said.

“Let’s hear it for Twilight Sparkle!” Chris said.

A touch of red entered Twilight’s cheeks and she grinned sheepishly as the group began to clap and cheer for her.

“Now why’d you go a do a thing like that?” Impossibear asked in an irritated tone of voice. “I got you one, too!” Impossibear said as he held aloft yet another package complete with red wires and a counter on the front.

“AHHH!” Spike and Twilight yelped in alarm.

“Impossibear! NO!” Wallow cried.

Danny sighed and shook his head. “We really need to catch the space chicken that keeps giving those to him…”


“Voilà!” Danny said as he pulled a sheet over a large, chromed device. “The double, dimensional transporter.”

The device sported a couple of uncomfortable looking chairs complete with heavy duty looking restraints that went over the wrists and ankles of whoever sat in them. Suspended above the chairs where a couple of oval shaped devices that ended in apertures which pointed downward, and below the chairs where a pair of funnels that tapered off into small holes.

Twilight and Spike eyed the large, sinister looking device, then exchanged pensive glances.

“Uh… how does it work?” Twilight asked.

“Well, it only creates a small dimensional hole,” Danny began, “so first it has to rip apart your molecules and basically melt you so you can fit.”

Spike winced. “Does that hurt?”

“Oh man, it hurts like you would not believe!” Danny replied.

Twilight’s and Spike’s pensive expressions zoomed right past worried and crash landed in terrified territory.

“Now, if my lovely assistant would present me with my demonstration tools…” Danny said.

Wallow chuckled as he walked forward with a couple of soft tacos and a blender.

Danny took the items and sat them on a table. He plugged the blender into a nearby wall outlet. “Imagine these two soft tacos are you two,” Danny said as he put the tacos into the blender and put it on its highest setting.

Twilight and Spike’s eyes widened as the blender turned the tacos into a brown sludge of chopped up food particles.

Catbug fluttered onto the table as he examined the demonstration with keen interest.

Danny held up a straw. “This straw is the pathway between our dimensions,” he said as he handed the straw to Catbug, “and Catbug is your dimension.”

“Yay! Soft Taco soup!” Catbug cried as he put the straw into the mixture and began sucking up the sludge with a moist, sickly sound that left Twilight and Spike cringing.

“Uh,” Twilight began, “is there a part of this explanation where the tacos that have had their molecules ripped apart get reassembled back into tacos?”

Danny paused and raised a hand to his chin as he thought about this. “Uh… you know what? I think the dimensional travel machine needs a few bugs worked out of it before we give it a go.”

Twilight and Spike chomped at their lower lips as they exchanged glances once more.

“Don’t worry guys, we’ll get you home somehow,” Beth assured. She lowered her eyelids slightly and shot Danny a quick look, “Alive and well,” she added.

Danny responded in a small nervous chuckle as he looked over the device.

Chris nodded. “We’ll make it our number one priority,” he announced dramatically. He kneeled down and placed his large glove on Twilight’s shoulder as he smiled warmly, “we’ll get you two home safely, I promise.”

Twilight smiled up at the blond human. “Thanks, Chris.”

“Until then you two can bunk with me!” Wallow announced. “And pretty much all our other friends,” he added.

Twilight and Spike gave each other an unsure look as Catbug began to emit another low growl.

“Uh, thanks Wallow,” Twilight said, “but I think Spike and I could use some alone time to collect our thoughts.”

“Aww, dis…” Wallow replied with a disappointed look.

Beth smiled and nodded. “It’s okay Twilight, we understand. I’ll get a guest room ready for you two.”


Twilight sighed heavily as she stared up as the ceiling of metal panels above her in the dim glow of the readouts of the room. She laid in bed with the covers pulled over her chest and looked off into space with a pensive expression.

Spike stirred as he laid next to her in the bed. “Can’t sleep?”

Twilight shook her head. “This place is just so different and weird. I’m used to Ponyville getting a bit crazy but this place has it beat by miles and miles in terms of how strange it is. Not to mention how dangerous it can get at a moment’s notice.”

“It’s alright, Twilight,” Spike assured, “I mean… everyone seems really nice… uh… for the most part. And they said they’d help us… even if they do look like dorks.”

“I guess so,” Twilight said meekly. “I just feel like a fish out of water here. I mean, at least I still have my magic here and it seems a talking alicorn and a baby dragon is nothing to go nuts over, but I have no clue how to get us back!” she cried.

“You worry too much,” Spike said dismissively. “We’ll be back before you know it.”

“Well, what if we’re not?” Twilight said as she sat up and bed and motioned out with her forehooves, “What if we’re stuck here for a long time or forever, even! It’ll be all my fault just because I got impatient!” Twilight sighed, “I’m a horrible princess…”

Spike shook his head. “You’re not horrible! You saved us all at the taco party,” he reminded, “like… a half dozen times!”

“That was just simple levitation,” Twilight said. “It’s not like I remember enough about what I was doing to send us home.”

“It’ll be okay!” Spike said. “You’re the smartest pony I know! We’ll work it all out, you’ll see.”

“I wish I had your confidence,” Twilight murmured.

Spike shimmied closer to the purple alicorn, and pressed himself against her warm body, “Don’t worry Twilight… yawn… you’ll feel better in the morning.”

Twilight gave the baby dragon a small smile, and nuzzled him lightly, “Maybe you’re right Spike… Maybe a little sleep is all I need.” Twilight rested her head against the baby dragon and closed her eyes. Despite the fact that her mind was swimming with doubt and worry, exhaustion eventually dragged the alicorn into sleep.