• Published 14th Mar 2014
  • 3,760 Views, 126 Comments

Wonderful - Closer-To-The-Sun

Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash have a night of drinking, which leads to a string of events involving the two ponies.

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Chapter 7: I'm Sticking With You

Chapter 7: I’m Sticking With You


Some time has passed since Big Mac and Rainbow Dash had their rendezvous that night in the barn. Since than, the two ponies hae grown closer together. While Big Mac still had the question of what they exactly were unanswered, he still enjoyed being able to hang around with the blue pegasus. As for Rainbow, she also seemed to enjoy having the stallion around her as well. In fact, she started to become extremely casual around him, particularly with her joking. Big Mac was still getting used to her different habits, but he still enjoyed the time they spent together.

One autumn day, rain was falling down onto Ponyville. The entire day was chilly and causing all of the citizens to take cover from the weather. As for Big Mac and Rainbow Dash, they were safe from the storm in Sugarcube Corner.

“Whoa, it’s really coming down hard out there, huh?” Dash commented, looking out the window, “Didn’t expect this today.”

“But aren’t ya part of the weather force fer Ponyville?” Big Mac asked as he took the final bite of his apple muffin.

Rainbow turned to look at the stallion, “Obviously, but it’s not like I’ve been to work or anything. Remember, they won’t let me do anything because of this thing.” The blue mare pointed at her stomach. The bulge on her body had grew significantly in the past month. It was about the size of both of Dash’s front hooves together, “Thanks to this, I can’t even do some of my morning exercises. It’s really throwing me off.”

Big Mac gently smiled, “They just care ‘bout ya.”

“I know, I know,” Rainbow shrugged it off before standing up from the table.

“Where ya goin’?” the red pony also stood up.

Dash started to trot to the door, “I gotta stop by the library and see if a book came in for me. Twilight said it should be in today.”

“Yer gonna go ta the library in this weather?” Big Mac was concerned, “Ya might catch a cold.”

Rainbow scoffed and rolled her eyes, “Thanks for telling me that, Big Mac, I never would have figured that out on my own.” The sarcasm of her words caused a few other patrons look at the two ponies.

“Ah’m jus’ worried, Miss Rainbow,” Big Mac added as he followed behind her.

With a sigh and a laugh, Rainbow turned back to look at him, “I know you are, Big Mac, I’m just giving ya a hard time. Now, come on.” She pushed open the door leading outside. The sound of the rain was now louder.

Rainbow Dash and Big Mac galloped quickly through the rain towards the library, aiming to get back inside as soon as possible. Despite her condition, Rainbow Dash seemed to want to make a race out of it. Pushing herself, she not only caught up with the stallion, but also started to pass him. Big Mac looked at Rainbow as she was running against the rain and saw something interesting. She seemed to have not only a determined demeanor about her, but also legitimately seemed happy as she ran. She was in her element as she ran through the rain, competitive as ever. The rain continued to pour down on her as she galloped, but refused to let it slow her down, picking up her pace. As the library came into view, the race came to a close with Rainbow Dash reaching the front door first. She stopped at the stoop, protected from the rain by a small awning.

“Ha! I win!” Rainbow was panting, pushing her wet mane out of the way of her eyes.

Big Mac was also panting as he arrived. “Wh-When did it become a race?” he asked brushing some of the rain off of his face.

Dash smirked, “When I said it was, duh!” She proudly smiled before turning to the door. As she tried to open it, she noticed a note on the door. Taking it, she read it aloud, “Stepped out to pick up some items. Be back in ten minutes. Signed, Twilight.”

“Guess we jus’ missed her,” Big Mac commented to himself.

“Ugh, that egghead! Why’d she have to leave when it’s raining?” Rainbow tried to wring out the water that got into her tail.

Taking a seat on the stoop, Big Mac also began to rid the water from his coat, “No need ta get upset, ah’m sure Miss Twilight will be back soon.”

Sighing and sitting down next to the stallion, Rainbow agreed, “Yeah, you’re right. I also need to stop getting easily annoyed at small things like this.” The pegasus opened up her wings and quickly flapped them to rid the water from the feathers. However, this seemed to just get Big Mac wet. The stallion laughed a bit as he now had more water to get off of him. Rainbow shared in the laughter. “Sorry about that, big red. I swear that wasn’t what I meant to do, but it’s just too funny.”

“It’s quite alright, Miss Rainbow Dash,” he replied, continuing to brush the water off his coat.

Rainbow continued to laugh until she experienced some pain. She grabbed on to her belly as she moaned. Big Mac was startled and quickly responded, “Miss Rainbow, are you okay?”

Gritting her teeth, she spoke up in a tone that seemed to be fighting back against the pain, “Yeah….I’m fine, just a cramp….or something….”

“Should ah take ya to Nurse Redheart?” he asked, ready to move at any word.

Rainbow shook her head, “Nah, these are normal….just gotta fight back.” Her voice wasn’t convincing, but she went back to the posture she had before the sudden pain, “It happens from time to time. I just gotta deal with it. Ugh, maybe I shouldn’t have ran over here.”

The stallion was still insistent, “Are ya sure? We can still take ya over fer a check up.”

“Big Mac, I’m fine,” Rainbow said as she waved her hoof in the air, brushing the incident off, “She told me it’s a normal part of being pregnant. A painful part, but normal.” She looked down at her stomach and gave a smirk, “I kinda wonder what will be more painful, giving birth to this or getting rid of it.” Dash’s statement made Big Mac give a horrified look on his face. She laughed, “I’m joking, Big Mac, I’m joking.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, Big Mac commented, “Ah’ll never get used ta that kind of joking….”

Laughing to herself, Rainbow spoke, “Ya know, despite all of the junk I put you through, you still seem stubborn when it comes to my safety.”

“Well, ah really care ‘bout ya, Miss Rainbow Dash,” Big Mac replied.

“Heh, I never would have guessed,” Rainbow added.

The rain continued to fall and the sound grew louder. The two sat closer together for both warmth and to keep dry under the small awning. The two sat in silence together, with their coats touching one another. However, a surprising movement from the mare startled the stallion: Rainbow Dash leaned her head onto Big Mac’s body and rested it there.

Big Mac spoke up, “Miss Rainbow Dash?”

“Shut up. I’m enjoying this,” her eyes were closed and her voice was soft.

Rainbow’s coat was cool against Big Mac’s but it seemed to warm up the longer she rested against him. Her breathing was soft and calm, almost as if she was asleep against him. Her ear would twitch every so often due to the rain hitting the puddles and the awning above them, but other than that, she was in the most peaceful state Big Mac had ever seen her in.

As much as it pained him to do so, he spoke, “Miss Rainbow Dash?”

In a slightly annoyed tone, she replied, “What is it, big red?” Her eyes were still shut.

“Ah know this is a bit odd fer me ta ask ya bu-“

“Just spit it out.”

Big Mac continued, “Jus’ what are we exactly?”

Rainbow seemed to not move a muscle as she exhaled loudly. Other than that, however, she was silent.

The silence between the two returned. Big Mac’s face was burning red after asking the question. While he wanted to know the answer to the question that she had avoided for quite some time, he felt like a mule for asking. The splashing of the rain was the only audible sound for what seemed like an eternity.

The mare’s voice broken the cacophony of solely falling rain, “I don’t know what I’d call what we got,” she admitted. Opening her eyes, she looked at the falling rain as she continued, “but who cares about labels? Let’s just be us, whatever that is.”

“Um, alright….” Big Mac replied, not exactly sure how to respond to Rainbow’s remark.

Closing her eyes again to the sound of the rain, the pegasus spoke in a hushed tone with a smirk on her face, “But in case you’re wondering, big red, I’m sticking with you.”

Big Mac’s face became more flushed at Rainbow’s words. He was about to respond to her, however, a soft voice stopped him from doing so. Rainbow began to quietly yet playfully sing as the rain continued to fall, “I’m sticking with you, cause I’m made out of glue. Anything that you might do, I’m gonna do too.”