• Published 29th Apr 2014
  • 17,469 Views, 695 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Equestria Girls - Golden Flare

Sora and Donald arrive at Canterlot High to search for a magical disturbance by the order of King Mickey, But when they get there, they get more than they bargained for.

  • ...

Chapter 3: What Is This World?


Sora was spooked out of a sound sleep and jumped out of bed, unfortunately Sora had the top bunk that morning. He fell out of bed after he slammed his head on the ceiling.

"Oww, Donald, what did you do that for?" Sora moaned.

"Look at me!" Donald said.

Sora saw that Donald didn't look like himself. He was a little smaller, his hands looked more so like wings, and he wasn't wearing his wizard's outfit.

"I guess being in this new world must've changed your appearance, like the others."

"I was the one doin' the changing, you big palooka!" Donald yelled.

"Eh, heh-heh, right, I forgot." Sora said while scratching his cheek and grinning sheepishly.

"Well, how come YOU haven't changed?!" Donald yelled.

"I don't know!" Sora said. "Let's do some walking around, we'll figure it out."

"Oh, all right." Donald said.

They opened the loading platform and exited the ship. When they did, Sora looked down at the front of the school, he saw a girl laying on the ground, he started to panic until he saw her move, she was waking up. "Who would fall asleep on the ground? Did the Heartless get here already?" Sora thought to himself. If the Heartless were here, he can't waste any time. Besides, she doesn't look like she had her heart taken. She should be fine. For now. Sora continued over to the staircase that was on the roof. They climbed down the steps and came into a hallway. To Sora, it seemed abandoned because there was no one around, but he knew better than that. Someone had to be here, an entire building can't just be empty (especially one so big and new-looking). Sora and Donald kept walking around, but still found nobody. Was it possible that no one was here? It doesn't make-


It was obvious that this place wasn't abandoned. People began to pour out of the doorways, flooding the hall with teenagers. Sora and Donald were struggling to make their way around the others, but to little avail. They stuck it out until the hallway finally calmed down a bit, enough to walk through. He tried talking to the people around the building, asking them if they had seen anything strange lately; they all answered the same thing, "No". Sora and Donald were being to think that the Heartless hadn't shown up yet. At least they could relax for a while, knowing that trouble wasn't around the corner, they could continue their search for the magical disturbance. "Hopefully, we won't have any problems until we find the disturbance." Sora thought to himself.

Then Sora and Donald turned a corner in the hallway and-

"Thought this was over, didn't you?"

There was a girl with pink hair, white tank top, and a green skirt being harassed by a girl with red and yellow hair, black jacket, and an orange skirt, Sora and Donald quickly dove back into the corner, preparing to take action if things got too hairy.

"I... I didn't-"

"You are so pathetic! Don't you see that I rule this place? You'll never hide from me!"

"I... I..."

The pink-haired girl was on the verge to tears until Sora finally stepped in.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Sora shouted running in between the two, blocking them from each other.

"And just who are YOU?!" the red-yellow haired girl asked, annoyed. "Get outta my way!"

She tried to walk around him, but Sora kept cutting her off, making her frustrated.

"Rgggh! You're really getting on my nerves!" the red-yellow haired girl growled. "You know what? I don't have time for this!"

She started to walk away but stopped to turn to Sora and raise a finger to him, "This isn't over." she continued walking until she was out of sight behind the corner that Sora and Donald came from.

The pink-haired girl was astonished by the spiky-haired boy did, he stood up to her bully. He walked up to her with his hand held out, "Are you ok?" he asked.

She hid herself in her hair for a moment until she looked up at him, a blush was slowly coming onto her cheeks as she reached her hand out to grab his.

When Sora had a grasp of her hand, he pulled her up on her feet. She finally had the courage to speak to him, "I can't believe you did that."

Sora was confused for a moment, "Uh, did what?" he asked.

"What you did before, nobody ever stands up to Sunset Shimmer." the pink-haired girl answered.

"'Sunset Shimmer', so that's who that was." Sora said.

"I can't believe I was saved from her twice in a row." the girl said.

"Twice? Someone else helped you?" Sora asked.

"Yes, she was a new student. Um, did you come here from another school?" the girl asked.

"Ummm..." Sora was trying to think.

Donald elbowed his leg to get his attention, when he looked down, Donald nodded, telling him to play along.

"Yeah, I, uh, I did. I'm Sora." he answered.

"I'm... Fluttershy.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't get that." Sora said.

"It's Fluttershy." she answered again.

"'Fluttershy'? Well it's nice to meet you." Sora said.

Fluttershy's gaze drifted down to the white duck next to Sora.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" Fluttershy said, rushing past Sora. "Who this sweet little guy?"

"That's Donald, my, uh, duck." Sora answered.

"He's almost as cute as Twilight's dog, Spike." Fluttershy said, holding Donald in her arms.

"Twilight?" Sora asked.

"Oh, she's the new student I was talking about." Fluttershy answered.

"Ohh." Sora said.

Fluttershy began to scratch the back of Donald head, causing Donald to close his eyes and shake a flipper he had raised in the air. Sora couldn't help but chuckle at Donald, he was acting more like a dog than a duck.

"How do you do that?" Sora asked.

"Oh, this? It's a little trick I learned, ducks have a certain spot on the backs of their heads that if you scratch, they become very friendly towards you." Fluttershy explained.

Sora wasn't sure how that was possible, but it's a different world, so things tend to be a little, if not a lot, different.

"Attention students, due to a new student at Canterlot High, any and all other new students must report to Principal Celestia's office for orientation. That is all."

Sora, Donald, and Fluttershy heard the announcement, so Fluttershy let go of Donald and stood up.

"You should probably get going." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah. So I'll see you around?" Sora asked.

"Maybe... if that's ok with you, I mean." Fluttershy whispered her answer.

"Ok, bye!" Sora said, running off.

"Oh, wait!" Fluttershy called.

Sora and Donald snapped their heads back to Fluttershy, who had a backpack in her hand.

"You're not really supposed to have pets on school grounds, I have a spare backpack that you can tuck Donald into, I mean, if you want to." Fluttershy explained.

"Thanks Fluttershy." Sora said with a smile as he put on the backpack.

Donald quickly hopped into it and the two ran off into the distance. As Fluttershy watched them leave, she couldn't help but blush at the thought of her savior.

"Oh... M-My..."

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Just in case anyone was wondering, I changed Donald's appearance so nobody at Canterlot High would become suspicious of him and Sora.

EDIT: I changed the name of this chapter because this name makes a lot more sense involving this chapter.