• Published 18th Mar 2014
  • 993 Views, 3 Comments

The Forgotten Invasion - zoruatrainer66

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Hiding from the World

Cadance fell, the image of Chrysalis' smile as she flew out the window burned in her mind. The feeling of every impact on the shield overwhelming her senses. She felt a sense of victory from Shining Armor as she cringed from feeling slight resistance against the spell, that resistance meaning a impact with a wall as a body was crushed then dissolved against the shield, leaving nothing behind. The victory and sheer joy she sensed from her fiancé scared her, she wanted to get away from this monster of a pony! One who took delight in death.

As soon as she touched the ground she skittered away from him, to the far corner of the room by her aunt. She huddled away from everything under her aunts soft white wing, she felt safe here, under Auntie Celestia's wide white wing. Away from the madness around her she just wept, she cried her eyes out and sobbed her heart dry.

Nothing moved except for the rising and falling of unconscious chests as they lay there, and all the while she cried and shivered. Huddled into a safe place...

Cadance woke up feeling drained, she opened her eyes when she heard concerned voices mumbling about something. What she saw made her feel safe, it was the back of Aunties head. She closed her eyes and snuggled closer to her aunt, not wanting to move away in fear of being alone. She shuddered as she remembered the feelings of helplessness and terror as she watched Chrysalis getting flung out the window, forelegs gripping four cowering changelings as she smiled in her direction, she remembered Chrysalis giving her a nod before she went out of view. And worst of all, she remembered sensing Shining Armor's joy as lives were snuffed out and erased, not even a trace of magic left behind.

Cadance whimpered in fear of the one she loved, the one who took pleasure in killing others. Covering her head with her hooves she cried out her sorrow, she shuddered and wept as she lay under the wing. A male voice came closer, she pulled away. It asked a question, she whimpered and cringed. She felt a hoof touch her, she cried out and hid deeper in the safety of her Aunties wing. Other voices... females; started yelling, she shivered in fear.

The voices started fighting, she couldn't make them out trying to yell over each other. Then a immensely loud voice yelled, she recognized this voice, it made her feel peaceful and calm. She remembered indigo fur and turquoise eyes, a kind smile and stern voice."A-a-auntie L-luna?" She whimpered, the voices died immediately.

"Yes dear?" Luna said quietly, she trotted closer and put her head down to her niece."What is it?"

"C-can you lay by m-me... please?" Cadance whispered with a shaky voice.

"Of course Cadance, anything..." Luna shifted her head,"Leave, she needs space and quiet." Luna said firmly, brokering no argument. The sound of many hooves leaving signaled they were alone.

Cadance finally uncovered her head, opening her eyes to see a worried and concerned luna looking down at her. She looked around and saw they were still in the throne room, it was night time and there was no sign of any other ponies except her aunts. She looked to her right and noticed Celestia's calm slow breaths, she was still unconscious but her wounds were healed."Auntie Celestia? Wake up Auntie." Cadance softly nudged her aunt.

"That won't work my niece, I have been trying all day to wake her a-" Luna was cut of as Celestia yawned and looked around slowly.

"Mmm, what happened? Why am I in the throne room?" Celestia continued to look around until she spotted a wide-eyed Luna to her left, suddenly she felt a movement under her wing. Looking down she gasped at the sight she saw. A disheveled and scrawny Cadance, tears puddled around her and shivering uncontrollably.

"BY MY MOTHER FAUST!!? What happened Cadence!?" Celestia tightened her wings hold around Cadance, looking at a still wide-eyed Luna she asked."Luna what happened too her!? Do you know?" Luna shook her head while trying to get her mouth to work.

"H-how did that work?" Luna asked in a higher tone then normal."I tried everything to wake you up and all it takes is a nudge!?" Luna exclaimed."Of all the stupid things I've seen, that's the stupidest of them... Next to Blueblood in a tutu after loosing a bet." The last part was mumbled quietly."Cadance, how did you do that?" Luna questioned.

Cadance poked Luna's side."Like that." She said quietly, calming down with the antics of her auntie. She was no longer having a fear attack.

"Cadance what happened to you?" Celestia asked after quirking an eyebrow at luna."You weren't like this yesterday, and you only have a week till the wedding. What happened to you!?"

Cadance once more remembered the events of the past week, she cringed and froze in place. Celestia noticed this as did luna, they shared a concerned glance. "I-- you-- there--..." Cadance croaked out. She was silent for a good while, the only sound the clock above the throne room door. She shuffled nervously as she tried to find her words."What's the last thing you remember Auntie?" She said with difficulty.

"I was walking to the archives to practice the ceremonies lines, why?" Celestia asked nervously, something was wrong. What could have happened to Cadance overnight to make this happen? And why were they in the throne room?"Is something wrong dear?"she asked nuzzling Cadance.

"And you Auntie Luna?" Cadance asked quietly.

"I was just about to go too sleep after setting the moon and reading a bit of the latest Daring Do novel. Why, what's wrong?" Luna asked feeling Cadance' shaking worsen as she talked."Cadance dear, what is it?" She asked getting fearful, concern for her niece growing worse. And she was afraid of the answer she would get, why was Cadance like this? What happened?

"T-t-that was a W-WEEK ago." Cadance said quickly."A week ago right now!" She'd said looking to the clock."I remember talking to you about that book, you were reading 'Daring Do and the Impossible Ship',and you left off at chapter twenty-one. Right where Ahiuzhotl stole the ship and escaped from Dr. Where's cave laboratory with Daring stowed away in the cargo hold!" Cadance said with a sense of growing dread.

"WHAT!!?" Luna yelled out in surprise."How do you know this Cadance? I haven't told anypony anything from that book!" Luna was dumbfounded, how could her(wonderful) niece know about a book that wasn't out yet while she had the only copy?(signed by A.K. Yearling herself!)

"As I just said, it was a week ago. You just can't remember the last week." Cadance said with a nervous voice."Auntie Celestia? Are you okay?" She asked. Looking at her aunt as she felt a slight shiver from her.

'What could make us forget an entire WEEK!?' Celestia asked herself.'And what could have happened to Cadance to make her so weak?' Celestia wrapped Cadance in a tight hug with her wing, nuzzling her repeatedly."Cadance what happened to you!? You look like your about to-to..." Celestia started sniffling as she fawned over her niece.

"I-I know Auntie, I look horrible, but starving myself for a week is my own fault. I was stubborn and wouldn't accept the food they gave me." Cadance mumbled the last part, but due to their closeness the sisters heard her.

"Cadance, dear? Who's they?" Luna asked concerned.

Cadance was quiet for a while as she contemplated telling her aunts. Finally after a minute she asked...

"Aunties, are or were there other ponies besides the Three Tribes, Alicorns, Seaponies and Zebras?" Cadance asked carefully.

Author's Note:

Yo, got a bit weird for a second there.