• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 4,592 Views, 67 Comments

Taking a chance on love - Starlitomega

Twilight's feelings toward Pinkie go beyond friendship, but can Pinkie face her ultimate fear?

  • ...

The big night.

Twilight and Applejack stood outside the homely tree cottage gathering up the courage to announce her arrival. Twilight rapped her hoof on the heavy wooden door a few times before stepping back a few paces as Light hoofsteps echoed from within the home.

“Um, hello? Who is it?” Answered the soft voice muffled through the door.

“It’s just us Sugarcube.” Applejack replied.

The heavy wooden door cracked open a tiny bit revealing a pair of cerulean eyes which moved slowly from one visitor to the other. “Oh… Hello girls. Do come in, I’d love the company.” Fluttershy smiled opening the door wide to allow her visitors inside. “I was just starting some tea, would you two like some?”

The orange pony shook her head, “None fer me Sugarcube, Twi here needs some help with something.” She gestured to the blushing unicorn.

“Oh? Well I’m not sure how much help I can be, but I’ll do my best. What’s wrong?”

Twilight took in a deep breath and clenched her eyelids, “I want to ask Pinkie out.”

“Oh…oh! OH!” Fluttershy shouted excitedly. “Is it really true? You really mean it? Oh my, this is amazing!”

Applejack and Twilight stared as Fluttershy lifted off and flitted in circles around the room in glee.

“I can’t wait to hear about your first date with her, this is so wonderful!”

“Why are you so excited all of a sudden? Ya act like ya just got yer cutie mark or something?” The blonde pony asked in confusion.

The pegasus alighted on the ground in front of her friends with a huge smile on her face. “Pinkie is such a wonderful friend. She helps me a lot when I’m scared or need advice, even if it doesn’t make much sense. It’ll be great seeing her with somepony, especially you. In fact, Applejack and i have been wondering when you might ask somepony out.”

Twilight fired a glare at the very nervous looking farmer, “Is that right..."

“Heh, heh, umm… enough about that Fluttershy, it’s just a date, and she hasn’t even asked her out yet. T’aint nothing to get crazy over right now. ” The earth pony pointed out.

“Oh, yes, of course, when are you asking her out?”

The unicorn smiled sheepishly at her friend, “Tomorrow. I told her I needed some help with baking for a party the next morning.”

“So soon? Who else knows?” asked the pegasus.

“Yer the first Sugarcube, apart from me of course.”

“You haven’t told Rarity? What are you going to wear?”

The blonde pony stepped in, “Now hold on a minute, she’s just asking her out, she’s not actually going out on tha date tomorrow.”

“I might if she agrees.....” Chimed in Twilight.

Fluttershy pushed them both to the door, “But everything has to be perfect for Pinkie! We have to tell Rarity, she’ll know the perfect thing for you to wear!”


“Go on girl, tell her!”

The cool color tones of the boutique did nothing to calm the purple unicorn’s nerves.Twilight blushed deeply as Applejack and Fluttershy pushed her towards Rarity with huge grins painted on their faces.

“Well they seem awfully excited, don’t they?” Rarity intoned. “Perhaps you should just say whatever is on your mind to calm them down.”

Twilight swallowed hard, “I… I’m going to ask Pinkie out on a date.”

Rarity’s eyes lit up, “Why darling, I had no idea you felt that way about her! This is magnificent! I think you two would do wonderful together.”

“Isn’t it wonderful?” Fluttershy beamed.

“It sure is. Now, i don’t suppose you have an outfit for the occasion, do you?”

Twilight shook her head.

“Well, don’t you fret dear, I have your measurements and I’ll piece something up she’ll absolutely love. Do you have a plan for asking her out yet?”

Applejack shook her head. “She ain’t got that far. I don’t know about you two, but I think she should just tell her and be done with it.”

Rarity put her hoof to her chin, “It certainly isn’t a very elaborate plan, but for Pinkie that sounds perfectly reasonable.”

“Do you want us to be there when you ask her?” Offered Fluttershy.

“No offense Fluttershy, but I think she might wanna handle this own her own.” Applejack chimed in.

Twilight smiled back at the orange pony, “Actually I think I’d feel better if you girls were with me. Now all we need is Rainbow.”

Applejack glanced at Fluttershy, “Uhhh, maybe it’d be better if she didn’t come. Ya know how she is when it comes to feelings and mushy stuff.”

Fluttershy nodded, “She’s not very comfortable with these sorts of things.”

Twilight sighed, “Maybe you’re right. I can count on you gals to be there, can’t I?” she asked hopefully.

“I’d love to!”

“Yer darned right Sugarcube.”

“Of course, darling.”

The unicorn smiled broadly at her friends, “Great! Well, I’ll see you all tomorrow then!” Twilight said headed for the Boutique’s front door.



Bed clothes wrapped and tangled themselves around Twilight’s legs and neck as she fidgeted in bed. Uncertainty and insomnia remained constant companions anytime she contemplated something new, her latest plan proving to be the most disruptive thus far.

“What if she thinks I’m clingy? I wonder where we should go for our first date. There’s nothing better than spending the night with somepony, stargazing on… Wait a minute… How am I gonna get Pinkie of all ponies to sit still?”

She shifted to the other side of the bed, futilely trying to find some sort of sweet spot with which to drift off again.

“Maybe she’s already dating somepony! What if she knows I like her and she’s dating somepony else but hasn’t told us to avoid hurting my feelings!”

She shifted again, tangling her hooves even more in her bed clothes.

“I wish I had somepony else to talk about this with.”

Her half-lidded eyes shot open in stunned realization. Using her magic she pulled a quill and paper to her and set about staining the paper with the words that tortured her addled mind.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

Despite my reservations about being so new to friendship and the possible consequences of rejection, I have decided to explore a new level of friendship by asking my good friend, Pinkie Pie, out on a date. I know you remember her because you arranged for us to have my birthday in the ballroom, which was wonderful by the way. She took the time to decorate almost every square inch of the room even though it wasn’t really necessary considering it was just the six of us, not that anypony could tell from the cleanup she pulled off. I was so happy to see her go through so much trouble for my birthday and”

Twilight glanced down at the ramblings scrawled out on the parchment.

“I’m sorry princess, I went off topic for a moment there. It looks like my writing has taken a slight hit ever since the prospect of her being more than a friend became a real possibility. I know I won’t get a reply back until at least tomorrow since Spike is helping you with messaging in Canterlot and by then I’ll have already asked her out, but I simply had to tell you. I know this isn’t the safest thing to do, but I have to know if we might have a future as more than friends. Thank you for entertaining the thoughts of a young and foolish filly as you always have.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.”

The unicorn rolled up the precious scroll and placed a seal on the parchment. Reaching under her bed she pulled out one of the jars of dancing green fire she kept for emergencies. Carefully, she held the scroll above the jar as she popped the cork allowing the green fire to escape. She watched the fire engulf the scroll turning into smoke which swirled above her head. Her eyes fixated on the spectacle as it headed out the open window to her mentor. Despite the new questions in her head such as whether or not the princess would approve of her taking Pinkie’s friendship to the next level, she found herself drowsy. Closing her eyes she laid her head down, thoughts of her newest infatuation still dancing in her head.


“Whattya mean you’re busy?”

“Exactly what I said Rainbow.” Applejack replied, carrying a cart full of apples to the barn.

“I give you the honor of having Equestria’s most awesome pony over for a slumber party and you’re busy? What gives?”

“Fer starters, I won’t be here tonight. I don’t know if you’re aware or not, but ya can’t have a slumber party if yer not there to have it.”

Rainbow laughed in her face, “Yeah, like YOU have plans. You gonna spend the night with your apple trees?”

The earth pony snorted at the pegasus, “Ah can’t say where I’ll be, but I won’t be here.”

Annoyed at Applejack’s insistence Rainbow winged to the sky. “Fine, don’t come crying to me when you realize how boring apples are at a slumber party.”


“Ohhhhh, hurry up Rarity! You know how perfectly punctual Pinkie Pie prefers to be!” Twilight complained, prancing in place.

Rarity rolled her eyes at the unicorn's fidgeting dance. “Darling, alliteration does not become you, please just hold still. I only have a few more pieces to hem up and you’ll be ready.”

“I hope so, she should be here any minute!”


Soft hoof-falls echoed through the quiet Ponyville night. Though most ponies thought of her as more of a daytime mare Pinkie truly enjoyed the night, especially when it involved parties. The brilliant flash of lightning bugs sparked through the dark briefly illuminating the night around her.

“Hey there little guys. Sorry, but I can’t stop to play, I’ve gotta help a good friend out tonight!”

Pink curls bounced to and fro as she came across a home with the curtains open and light pouring out. She fired a quizzical glance into the open window spying Lyra and Bon-Bon staring into each others eyes. Giving a friendly wave to the couple, Pinkie caught their attention causing Bon-Bon to blush and Lyra to pale. Pinkie giggled at the spectacle as Curtains closed frantically in a mad rush for privacy from the mare peeking in. Moving away from the small house she finally made it to the library and knocked on the door. While impatiently bouncing in place in anticipation for the crazy night of baking ahead of her she spied a scroll with an Equestrian mail service stamp on the front step, she grabbed the parchment to bring with her inside.

“Come in!” .

Pinkie threw open the door tossing the scroll haphazardly into the room, “Mail call! Hey Twilight! This is gonna be so- woah…”

Pinkie found herself speechless. Twilight stood in the center of the room wearing a dark purple dress with frills and glitter. On her hooves she wore a nice contrasting set of pink slippers that looked like cotton candy she’d somehow put on her hooves. Her tail sparkled with copious amounts of glitter in the bright light of the library almost forcing Pinkie to look away.

“Oh…. Wow! You look amazing! I can’t believe you want to dress up so nice just to bake, in fact I could never even dream of you wearing anything like this!”

Twilight’s eyes widened, “Really? It is too much isn’t it? ohhhh! I knew it was! Now I just look like some sort of floozy! I knew this would be too much….“

Pinkie snorted, “Oh Twilight, you’re so adorable! You only need an apron for baking!

“Oh….. right. Anyway uhhh, I have something important to tell you.”

The pink pony beamed a smile back at her, "OK!”

“I lied about why I wanted you to come over. ‘I’m sorry.” Twilight admitted, hanging her head with her ears pulled back in shame.

“Lied? What do you mean?”

Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy came out of the kitchen together. Pinkie’s smile widened even more, “Oh! Hey girls! What are you doing here? Is this a surprise slumber party?”

Applejack put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, “Go ahead Twi, ask her.”

“Huh? Ask me what?”

“Pinkie…I’ve been fighting something for awhile and keeping it hidden, but it’s time to put it out there. I really like you….. A lot. Will you go out with me?”

The words echoed in her head. Pinkie felt a stabbing pain in her heart, a harsh reminder from the past.

“I dunno, this is getting way out of hand”

She felt it once again, an endless continent of pain making its presence known to her.

“Pinkie, I don’t think we can do this. I don’t think it’s going to work out.”

She stared at her friends looking back at her expectantly, emotions bubbled up in her chest.

“NO! Y…you’re always buried in some book or cleaning up, or something else like that.” Pinkie spat at her in anger. Twilight cowered before the earth pony taking the verbal assault head on.

“You think you’re so much better than everypony else, “Look at me! I’m Twilight; I’ll just read a book to solve all my problems! Uh oh, I turned the town into a free for all, better call the princess and have her make everything better. Maybe I’ll have Pinkie over for a quick night in bed; I hear she’s pretty easy….” Well you’re wrong!” Pinkie yelled, stamping her hoof.

“B.b.b.but….” Twilight stammered through tears.

“No buts! I can’t believe you would just lie to me like that. I… I can’t stand being around you, all you do is….is…. ignore me! Well I’ll make it easy to ignore me, I’ll just disappear!” The pink pony ran back out the library slamming the door behind her. Standing outside in the cool weather her chest heaved with the anger she just spent the better part of a minute spewing out unrelentingly. The horrible angry feelings rapidly melted in her heart leaving her feeling like she’d swallowed a bowling ball and now it weighed her down dragging her closer to the ground..

“Hey Pinkie Pie, what are you doing here?”

The distraught pony looked up at the multi-colored pegasus peering down at her in curiosity.

“Wow, you don’t look too good. You eat some bad cupcakes?”

Pinkie’s head hung low coming to grips with the reality of what she just did. “Just leave me alone Dash.” Pinkie sighed walking away dejectedly, desperate to sleep the awful feelings away.


“I’m sorry sugar, I never woulda guessed that'd happened.”

Twilight sobbed into Applejack’s mane, soaking her blonde friend in sorrow and tears.

“I…I never should’ve done it. She hates me you guys. I’ve ruined everything because of some stupid crush!” the unicorn sobbed harder gripping her blonde friend with all her strength, which at this point seemed pitiful.

“This is our fault dear. We shouldn’t have pushed you into this, though I must admit I never saw this coming.” Rarity added.

The door of the library swung open, “Hey guys, what… what’s going on here?” asked Rainbow.

Fluttershy wiped a few tears out of her own eyes, “Oh Rainbow, it was absolutely horrible. Twilight asked Pinkie out on a date and she refused and..and then started saying all sorts of mean things!”

Rainbow’s jaw fell. “Our Pinkie Pie did this? No way. This must be some sort of prank!”

The multicolored mare ducked just in time to avoid a teacup launched at her head.

“Does this look like a prank?! Can it Rainbow!” Applejack scolded, holding the sobbing mare tight to her chest. “What are you even doing here anyway?”

“When you said you had plans tonight I thought I might see where you go. I saw you come in here with Fluttershy and I thought you planned a slumber party behind my back. So I waited for a few minutes and then Pinkie went inside too. I was going to crash the party, but I saw Pinkie leaving and she didn’t look too good so I thought I would see what happened.” Rainbow explained.

“Pinkie didn’t look good? I bet she’s doing pretty good compared to Twi here , that no good –“

“AJ, please….. No more fighting.” Interrupted Twilight between sobs.

“Sorry sugar. Listen, I’ve got work in the morning, is there anyway I can leave Fluttershy with you tonight so I can get a little rest?” the orange pony asked.

“No. you girls need your sleep and I think I need to be alone right now.” The unicorn replied, wiping the tears away. Pulling herself away from Applejack, she picked up the scroll thrown on the ground earlier with her magic. “I’ll just go lay down. I’ll be ok for the night, I’ll see you girls tomorrow.”

Four apologetic faces looked back at her.

“G’nite sugarcube, I hope ya feel better tomorrow.” Applejack responded.

“I’m terribly sorry things turned out the way they did darling.” Rarity added

“Ummm, do get some rest tonight, if you can’t sleep, feel free to come to my cottage.” Fluttershy said with a small wave.

Rainbow remained silent, seemingly devoid of clever things to say.

Twilight closed the door to her room softly, trying to preserve the quiet of the library. Ten minutes ago she felt boundless energy rushing through her body in anticipation of what would surely be one of the happiest moments in her life. Now, her hooves felt like they were made of lead. Hopping onto her star patterned bed, she unwrapped the scroll, removing Celestia’s royal seal.

"My most faithful student,

Love is a much more potent feeling than friendship. While it delights me to hear that your heart is joyous in song for the love of another, I do have reservations about this plan. The heart in many ways can be like a wounded animal causing one to lash out at those who might threaten it even if they have the best of intentions. The greatest worry I have is rejection. You are the linchpin of the elements of harmony, if something causes a divide between you and your friends, I fear for the safety of your group and even Equestria. For your’s and Equestria’s sake, I hope she agrees.

Your mindful mentor,

Princess Celestia"

Twilight numbly rolled the scroll up and used her magic to place the parchment in her processing bin. Pulling another piece of paper and quill to the bed, she didn’t have to think hard about what to write.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

Love is stupid, overrated, and it sucks.

Your faithful student,

Twilight sparkle.”

she uncorked another bottle of green fire allowing it to engulf the letter. She stared as the smoke made its way out the window. Her head hung low on her bed as she drowned herself in self pity. The tears came again slowly wetting her bedspread. Closing her eyes, she cried loudly through the night until her exhausted mind forced her to sleep.