• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 1,190 Views, 37 Comments

Orpheus, Thestral Guard - Majin Syeekoh

The life and times of a thestral Guard.

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Dinner and a Dance

Orpheus stood outside of Princess Luna’s private chambers, not knowing what to expect of this date. He hadn’t been on a date in a long time. The door then opened, revealing a green unicorn mare with a blue mane wearing a simple white dress. The mare looked at Orpheus and shook her head. “That simply won’t do, Orpheus!”

Orpheus looked down upon himself, seeing the ceremonial armor he had put on earlier this evening. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? This is how I always dress, my liege.”

Princess Luna shook her head again. “You can’t accompany me wearing that! That’ll sell me out instantly,” Luna said as she charged up her horn, “and the name is Verdant Night.” She then fired a bolt of magic at Orpheus. He looked down to see that he was wearing a tuxedo jacket with a button-down shirt.

“Where are my weapons?”

Princess Luna giggled, “Silly colt, you’re not going to need weapons where we’re going. And besides, I put your flashbang in your left inner breast pocket.” Orpheus quickly felt his left breast, noticing the lump. Well, at least we can make a quick getaway.

“Well, where are we going...Verdant Night?” Orpheus looked down. “Permission to speak freely, my liege?”


“That has to be the most ridiculous Luna-damned name I’ve ever heard.”

Luna, or rather, Verdant Night giggled. “That’s why it’s perfect.”

Orpheus shook his head. “So, where are we going, anyway?”

“The Hive.” Orpheus grunted at that. Verdant Night raised an eyebrow. “You have no right to complain. I’m paying, after all. Now come on. Escort me out.” Verdant Night then walked down the hallway. Orpheus sighed, then followed.


The Hive was not what Orpheus was expecting. He had heard rumors of it being a wretched hive of scum and villainy, but there was no way that the Art Deco decorations in the front could house anything so sinister. Orpheus and Verdant Night trotted in, welcomed by the smooth silkiness of jazz music. Verdant Night trotted up to the Maitre’D. “Two for Verdant Night?”

The Maitre’D looked in his reservation book, then nodded, grabbing two menus with his magic. “Right this way,” he said as he led the two into the dining hall, which had a dance floor in the middle. “Would you like a booth or a table?”

“A booth, please.” Verdant Night said.

“Preferably one where I can have my back to a wall.” Orpheus added. The Maitre’D looked around, spotting the perfect table for them, sitting them down and presenting them with their menus. Orpheus nodded to him as he nodded back and trotted away. Orpheus grabbed the menu in his bat wings and looked it over. Well, let’s see here...seventy bits for a salad? Surely there’s something less expensive...wait, what’s this!? Five hundred bits for eggplant!? Orpheus made to stand up, when Verdant Night kicked him in his shins, causing him to wince in pain as he sat back down.

“What were you trying to do?” Verdant Night asked.

“I was trying to leave. This place is highway robbery!” Orpheus hissed harshly. Verdant Night chuckled. “I don’t see what’s so funny about these prices, your—” he started before Verdant Night gave him a glare that could scare Death himself, ”—Verdant Night.” A waiter then came up to them, a changeling.

“Welcome to the Hive, we are delighted that you chose our location to dine this fine evening. My designation in the Hive is 1987, and I’ll be your server for the remainder of your stay. What will the Sir and Lady have to drink?”

Verdant Night chuckled. “I’ll have a Tequilla Sunrise, and my coltfriend here will have a Screwdriver.” Orpheus’s eyes grew wide at that. The changeling seemed frozen in time, then shook its head. “Your drink orders have been processed. They should arrive—”

“—momentarily.” Another changeling cut in as he brought the ordered drinks. “My designation in the Hive is 1960, and you can also ask for me if you need anything.” Nineteen-sixty bowed its head and briskly trotted out. Nineteen-eighty-seven gave a dirty glare in its direction, then turned its head to the couple. “Have you decided on your main course yet?”

Orpheus opened his mouth but was quickly cut off by Verdant Night. “Yes, we’ll both have the eggplant parmesan.” The changeling froze for a second, then shook its head again.

“Your order has been processed. Have a pleasant evening. You can ask for me if you need anything.” It then briskly trotted away. Orpheus glared at Verdant Night.

“Really? Having me drink on the job?”

Verdant Night giggled as she took a sip of her drink. “I don’t see what the problem is. As far as you should be concerned, you’re just out on a date with a lovely mare.” Orpheus shrugged, then picked up his screwdriver and took a sip, scrunching his face afterwards. Hm, not bad. A bit heavy on the vodka, though. Nineteen-eighty-seven then came out with their eggplant.

“Do you need anything else while I’m here?”

“No, that’ll be all, thank you.” Verdant Night said, picking up a fork and knife with her magic and delicately cutting the eggplant.

“Well, if you need anything, just flag me down.” Nineteen-eighty-seven nodded and trotted away. Orpheus stared at the eggplant in front of him, then shrugged and picked up a fork and knife in his bat wings, cutting the eggplant roughly and taking a bite. Huh, not bad. He cut another piece off and ate it. I wouldn’t say five hundreds bits good, but not bad all the same. A waltz started up, the jazz band from before apparently having been replaced with a string quartet. Verdant Night raised her head.

“Ooh, I love this song! Come on, let’s dance!” Verdant Night hopped out of her seat and grabbed Orpheus’s arm, dragging him out of the booth.

“I don’t...really dance…” Orpheus tried to explain, but Verdant Night wasn’t having any of that.

“It’s easy. Just put your hooves here—” she said as she placed a hoof on her left hip and the other on her shoulder, “—and let the music do the talking.” Orpheus shrugged and started dancing with Verdant Night, stumbling a bit until he got the footwork down. Doesn’t seem to be that hard—as he bumped into another dancing couple.

“Hey, watch it, mister!”

“Sorry!” he offered as he put his hooves in their proper positions and continued dancing with Verdant Night. As the song played on, they were able to do different moves, including a Whisk, a Chasse, and a Natural spin turn, although Orpheus noticed that they were heading closer to the door. When Verdant Night finally reached the door, she pulled Orpheus through it into an alleyway, where they ended up on all fours again.

Orpheus glared at Verdant Night. “Really? Dine and Ditch?”

Verdant Night giggled as she trotted down the alleyway. “Weren’t you the one saying the prices were highway robbery?”

“Verdant Night, this is highly inappropriate!”

Verdant Night looked over her shoulder at Orpheus. “What are you going to do, arrest me?”

Orpheus sighed, shook his head and started to trot down the alley himself when he felt something heavy land on him, knocking him off of his hooves and pinning him to the ground. He then felt a breath on his ear and a stiletto knife pointed in his face, wrapped in a green glow. “Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” the breath finally said.

Orpheus furrowed his brow. I’ve read that before...I think it was in one of the police reports that the local precincts keeps handing over to the Night Guard. It then hit him like a sack of bricks.

“Cutup.” Orpheus growled.