• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 2,336 Views, 86 Comments

The Pony King - Darth Redbeard

A new prince has been born, but troubles are about to fall on Equestria. Will Spike save his home?

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Meet Snips and Snails/Hakuna Matata

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. College keeping me busy.

All Sweetie Belle could do was watch as the Diamond Dogs marched through Ponyville on their way to Canterlot to help begin Blueblood’s reign. Two weeks have passed since Blueblood had taken over the Equestrian throne. The news had shocked the country severely. News about the Crystal Empire seceding from Equestria brought an economic shock to many ponies, as most luxury goods came from there.

Ponyville was not much better. Everypony was upset about the loss of both Flash and Spike. Sweetie Belle took the news just as bad as Twilight. While Twilight lost her husband, son, and kingdom, Sweetie lost her best friend in the world. At first, she didn’t know why she was so upset, but after thinking about it for a while, she realized that she had a crush on Spike.

I wish you were here, Spike.” Sweetie thought to herself. Rarity walked in as Sweetie was about to head for bed.

“Sweetie Belle,” she said. “Celestia, Luna, and Twilight will be staying here with us since they have nowhere else to go at the moment. As soon as they can though, they plan on moving to the castle in the Everfree to stay away from Blueblood.” All Sweetie could do was nod, her usual energetic self gone. Rarity sighed, knowing what was bothering her, and left the room, knowing that trying to talk would just upset her more.

Miles away, a young Alicorn was laying on the ground, eyes closed, giving him the appearance of death as buzzards flew over him. As soon as they landed, two colts rushed out and began to attack them.

“Get out of here!” the short one yelled.

“Bowling for buzzards is a fun game,” the tall one mentioned. “I just wonder what they were going after this time?” They looked around and found their answer.

“Hey, Snails, look!” the blue one exclaimed. They walked over to the Alicorn, checking to see if he was dead or not.

“It looks like he’s alive, but I’m not sure,” Snails said. “What do you think, Snips?”

“I’m not sure,” Snips replied. When he took a closer look, he saw the Alicorn breathing slowly. “He’s awake!”

“Well, what are we going to do?” Snails asked.

“Let’s get this Alicorn to some shade and see what happens,” Snips suggested. They picked up the Alicorn and went back to the nearby water hole. Upon arriving, they gently set him down in the shade, hoping to cool him off. Snails began spraying water on him, just as the Alicorn began to wake up.

“You ok kid?” Snails asked. The Alicorn nodded as he got up.

“I think so,” he replied before getting up. “Who are you?”

“I’m Snips, and this is Snails,” Snips answered. “You?”

“Spike,” the Alicorn answered. Spike looked around, trying to figure out where he was. “Where am I?” he asked.

“We’re a few miles outside the Badlands,” Snails answered. “Well, our hide away from the changelings and everything that’s been coming through the area lately.”

“Where you from, Spike?” Snips asked. All Spike could do was look towards the ground, tears beginning to form in his eyes. “Sorry.”

“It’s alright,” Spike said. “Let’s just say, I can’t return.”

“So, you’re an outcast?” Snails wondered. Spike nodded his head. “What did you do?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Spike replied. He began walking away, Snips and Snails ran in front of him.

“Why don’t you stay with us?” Snips asked him. “You don’t seem to have anywhere to go and it wouldn’t make much sense to go out there on your own.” Spike complimented on this. On the one hoof, he had nowhere to go, and if he returned back towards Ponyville, he was sure to pay for what he did. However, he barely knew these two and it was hard to tell what they could do. After debating in his mind, he made his decision.

“I guess I could stay with you two,” Spike answered, still hearing Blueblood’s voice in his head from days ago. Since he couldn’t return home, he made a choice to go on the run, away from Ponyville. Away from his family, friends, and Sweetie Belle. “Wait, why did I think of Sweetie Belle separate from my friends?” Spike mentally shook his head and followed Snips and Snails to their home. “Well, at least these two don’t know what happened.”

The sun was just beginning to set when they arrived at a forest area a mile north of The Badlands. Spike stood there, confused, not knowing what was going on.

“Welcome to our pad!” Snips exclaimed, pulling some branches aside to reveal a beautiful waterfall with lush green grass and leaves.

The only thing missing is a rainbow,” Spike laughed to himself. He was too busy looking, he didn’t see that he was about to run into Snails until it was too late.

“Whoa!” Snails exclaimed as he fell onto the ground.

“Sorry about that,” Spike apologized.

“Eh, Hakuna Matata,” Snails replied. Spike looked at him, confused by what he meant.

“What?” Spike asked.

“Hakuna Matata,” Snips answered. “It means no worries. It’s a really cool motto we made up for whenever you get down in the dumps. Well, Snails heard it from someplace, so we just used it when we had troubles.”

“No worries for the rest of your days,” Snails continued. “It worked for me whenever I…”

“Snails, not in front of the kids!” Snips exclaimed.

“Sorry,” Snails said, looking forward. All Spike could do was look at them like they grew a second head.

Over the years, Spike, Snips, and Snails all grew up in that little forest, never having to worry about anything. Spike still never gained his cutie mark, but he did find a good hobby while he was writing down a story about a young lion prince that had lost his father and ran into a meerkat and warthog who had the same phrase as they did. The young cub had grown, and was later reunited with a long lost friend before returning home to face his uncle to reclaim his kingdom. When Snips and Snails read it, they exclaimed that it was the greatest piece of writing they had ever seen. What Spike didn’t tell them, was it was based on his life, with a happier ending than what he had.

All Spike could do was lay awake at night, thinking of the friends and family he had lost, wondering if they were missing him or happy that a murderer was gone.